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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1896, p. 4

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fHl fLlBHltTOK iDV'AKdH V? ^1 ittssssgisaeifSf IBTABLISHKD 1881 ^Kq Advance JUBUSIIED WEEKLY AT THB OFFICB, SYD- BNUAM STItBET, KLE.SHEUTON, O.NT. , BY W. U. THUKHTON. $1 per uiiiiuin.slrictly in adruucc Advertising Kates : Be Column, 1 year, 150 ; lialtcol., 1 ycajr, $87 quarter col., one year, »16. Trantieut adTortiseioeut cBirgod at the rate >( BceiiM porliucfor first iniortion »nJ3 ceuta each Hubaequeut iuKertion. Canadian maiksmen hold a high (flac6 of honor in England. Hay- LuiBtof Hamiltou last jear wou th« Queeu'i prize. This year it wout to Scotland, but Hayhurit came in for a £15 prize in the same shoot, aiil the ieaui has pocketed £»00 iu cash piizcB. Hoorab for Canada ! TLo GloBo'a Ottawa correspouden gives the followin;,' as iho ocoupatious of the membora of the House of Commona : There are 03 lawjeri, 33 faimers, 26 morcbants, 21 pLysicians, 19 geutlemen, 1'2 mauufactuiers, 10 jouinalisti, 6 uiill wiiCis, 3 coiUiactorg, 8 real estate agents, 2 survcyera, 1 Ttlerinary surgeon, 1 towu:!l.i;> clerk, 2 distilkiJ, 1 financial agent, 1 iiiBiuauce mauai,'«r, 1 banker, 1 sLopowner, 1 Oil refiner, 1 priuler and 1 civil engineer. We give elsewhere a fairly full syi o^sis of iho new marriage law. Any young couple uot desiring io g' through this new and aggravating /^»â€" -1 -"• > '- o-' â€"â€"'•'"â- * ^" furo Satiuday. It doca seem that oiu- li'gialatoiB, instead of complicat- ing thu inarriage laws Bliould rather ejigatc, their faculties in simplifying them. There arc loo many bacheloii iu this country now, and any impedi- menta Biiohas aio here referred to, placed iu the way of young men and women, will certainly add to tlio peiccntago ol the now deplorable uiiuibtr. . The buBiucBB community of this country breathes freer siuoo Premier Laurier's aunouncoiuent at St. John's last week that caution will be used in order not to injuro establialioil interests. His wurda on this point were : "The first arlicie of our programme ie a reform of the taiiff. It is not a question to bo decided, for it has already been decided by the people on June 28, and we have rc- o<»i\ed the inissiou to change the tariir to better meet the needs and conditions of the country. I declare heio on thi'j lirat oceasiou that piesi-nts itself, that we will proceed with caution in order not to injure tatablibhed intercsta. Wo are to have a Bession on Aug. 19, but it will bo very short. We will vote the Budget and nothing more. There will-be no legiaUtiou ; wo will pro- vide for the public expensea, nothing more. The changes in tbe tariff will bo difcrred to the next session, which will be held in January or February." A remarkable and sudden change has come over the great social faliio oC our country since the advent of the bicycle. Some writers are declaring tiiatitis destrucliro of matruuony ; that the wheel forms (he young man's only love and he thiuki of nothing else. We would lake auotbor view. "Fa- miliarity Ueeds oomtompt," and the force of young men being compoUed to await iu season and out upon Sarah Jane's imperial domaudg is iu many cftBCB full brotiier to familiarity- "•Ditttftiuse lends enohautmdut.' John notices 8arah Jane flying by him on her silent steed. In a bandsome ontfit and with a jauaty air. He decides there and then that uhe is the girl for him. The statement (hat the wbeel will reduce marriage is bosh. Here we welcome the tourist every day. He comes to town unheralded, stops and refreshes himself, then hies him on. How much more knowledge young Canada gains of the country awheel than would be gained in auy other way only those who have toured a few days know. It broadens and develops the young mind, strengthens the physique and adds to longevity if proper caution is observed iu the exercise. The wheel is all-conriucr- iug in its march. There i? not sufficient attention paid to the preservation of the insec- tivorous birds in this country. Pro- teotioa to the biids should be one of the first les.sous instilled into the young mind by every parent. To- ronto ie suffering to-day partly from neglect of this duty. Its shade trees are being destroyed by a grub. The birds were largely destroyed long ago. Embryo huntsmen are allowed to range the suburbs of that city with firearms and kill off everything with feathers that they can draw ahead on. A young Toronto had with whom we remonsliatfcd not long ago replied that when the birds became totally extinct they would shoot the grubs. Whether the boys would he as suc- cessful iu exterminating the vermin as thoy have been with the birds is a matter of very gravo doubt. Tne New Marriage Law. TiiO act of Ihe Ontario Legislature passi'd last nefciiioii, •nMlled "The Mar- iia^« Act, 18t>0." which consolidates and anieuda tlie act relating to the soleUiiiiza- tiiin of iimiria}.'e, will coinc ii»t(i tiuce on Au»{ 1. Ci>pic«ijf the nek in painpliUt fiJim will liBBuppliuU by nil Clerks of lliu react at 10 tieiits per copy, iiiiJ ft« there ar« many iiltcriitioue, impdrtnnt to Uo kiiiiVTu by th» clergy, thoro eliiiuld he many in(|uiri«-M for coiiies. Tlia act de- clarcii who, only, may aoleiiini7.emarriiij{a ill Ontario, viz.; Clerny, etc., who are leaulf ill ill tUd Dominion (and it may b« addrd tlmt ]:>«m»ltioB are in)|ir)scd on thoBe who iifliciiite witlinul lawful aulhuf- ity). Uaiiiu lira to be puhlialiod (though on one Smulay only) on» we»k befora a inaniaRe, ill the parish or mmiicipulitjr in which eiich imrty livM, anil when they liTolu dilleront pajishea a cerUticate of publicatiou is to lie yiveii to the uiiiiiBl«r who soUiimizes the Biarriiiye Licemes are to be iaauud oii Bf}id,\vitH ta be made by hotb parties, and the degree of afliu- ity which bar raariiago are to he printed on the uffidavitaimd Iu he explained to aiiplicaiitit. IJaiina and liceiiaea to lapse if ihe jiriiposod marriage be not eolcin- nized within Ihroo luiaiths. MarriaijsH uiaynot he eolciiiiiiaedbotweenlO o'clock II. m. and C a.m. except uuikr special cir- cuiimtancoB. Two adult wilucsaeB are to cijjii the legistfr, and some chitngce are made in Mgister hooks. Died LiiaABnâ€" In MaiWaln, on Taeaday, BStb Innt., II. J. LeiiiitU, nuoit So yuai's. A story of a miraculous escape from drnwaiiig on Lake Sinicoe comes from Orillia. A siuiill row boat containing a jiin\)ii man, a small boy and a nui ue girl uged 13, witli a tbirlcen inonlhu' old hahy, wai driven away from Htrawberry lilnudduriny thtgala ofV,°edue>diiy even- ing last. Night came on and Iho boat drifted before the wind until 12 o'clock, wlien it crashed into the old wharf at Doavertun, 15 miles from the point where it started. The occupants all managed to crawl into the stone crib work under the wharf, where Ihpy remainnd in three feet of water until 8 o'clouk the following inorniiij;. They man aitcd to faflten a rag to a pice of stick and shoved it llirou<;h a crack in the planking above their hmid*. This attracted attention and they ware rescued in a very exhausted coLdi- tion. The parent! of the children, who b«lom» to Totoiito, were frtntie with (jrief at the supposed Inag of Iheir durl- in^i, the boat haring been found bottom side up on shore. The reaction when their V>abos were returned from the jaws oi death was pathutio to behold. The little nun* girl, aged 1,1, whose name is Ethel Smith, acted like a 'heroine and kept the iifant in;fa«r charge. 'Uuhaimed, delivering it to its mother safe, the only member of the party that had not suffervd severely frona exertion and exposure. North Grey will have another parlia- nrarttary tussle now. Osprey ysters' lists have been placed in the hands of the clerk. The Western Fair Sept. 10 to 19, Canada's Favorite Live Mock Exhibition. Oldest far In Canadaâ€" Established 1868 ttoing ever binco. Rxhibitora And it pivys to show horo. i'lntricB closa B«pt. 3r(l. S30,uOO e** pendud ou now buildingT«;b©st on tho coutiiiant. I'H'biy ^ure breod represeticed iu tlia liv* stock. Evoiy iniproTeinout to agricultural iinj>leinents oucxiiibition. The centiu of dair.TiriK. The beHt now buJUIioio to Rbow iu. i perfect Bij^lifc mid >Â¥ill wull repay a visit to tbeFair. Pawnee !^tll's Wild West ^nd ff^ejtioan JVippodrotne 80 actorx.CO Aiilmala and a village of fiO tents ; tbfl greatest fair attvactiuB iu America to-duj. Sie Biissan Een All's Moorish Acrobats TWELVE IM NUMDEK. 8*iul (or ])ri/.o list and make yom- eutrlos. CAI'T. A. W. POUTS, TllOS, A. BROWNE, rrosideafc Bocrfjlary In the Surrogate Court of the County of Qrey. In the mattfr ot the guardiaiifiliip of the infant cliiltliuii of William Cc.itts. Ute of thu Tuwnsbip of Ospruy, (.'oiinty of Gruy, Farmer, iloceaeed. Take uutico that applicatiou has been niaile to thoSurroRati! Courtot tliu founty of Giov, by Mary Ami Ilorton, of thi* Town of Ow#»n Hound, wi'e of William Honoo. to ho aiipoliitej Kuurdiau tu Mary Jaue Cotitis. who residua with the sui i apidic-ant, aud to Catlieriiia Looisa Couttti and Williiito Kdward Coutts, who reside in the saitH'owiiBbipofOspruy, the infant ctiil- druu of WillinniCuutta.abovo iiainnd. doc«a!4od, in the pUce niKl stead of K<1ward iJortoii, re-. uinved from the soid Kuiirdiuiiship hy the order of the Judj^e of the aald Burro^atu Court, dated the 'Jlht dav of April IMT), the f^aid Mary Ann llortoti bernu the luateraal aunt of the >4aid inf&uts, and the ^aid infaute having coimuuted thereto in writiuK. IJuiedalUweu tiouud the ^2ndJuly, IWA. KH08T 4 BATSOH, Solicitor! for Mary Aun Ilortun.tbe petitioner. ^am. tlf wfR- 'iff -i^i/W -»<!• •afvt? -a? w Equal Rights House iii .^ti .jl!. j!it.^ie- »«/. â- >•}(â-  â- Hfi^'itiilfi W ^ '/j?^?^i? W W ^i*" l^ W HBEtT CLEtBIlit SiLE Wo arc weeding from our stock all Suinuier Goods aud are giving great bar- gains in â€"LIGHT PRINTS â€" CREPONS â€"FANCY LAWN â€"LADIES' BLOUSES â€" SUiLMER CORSETS â€"REMNANTS â€"ODDS AND ENDS All through the Kt(u». We do not leave goodK on the shelves from year to year f<ir tlio motlia to play peek-a-t)oo througli as soino wt^jres do, but put tho knife in and cut deep and tpiiik wiles is the result. Our 2,jc COITON Ls all sohl out, but wo are sulhng MOSt^UlTO NETT as n substitute, it costs more but is double tho width. STRAYED Yvnrliii^ stocr, fipotiM, Btar in feicbua'l, iiioatly rea'i. Ihrorinat'>n as to his whero' -1 ^ *i W4-ia^ -".•iVil.l. W. CAMKUtnx, liugoniar. u. WARNING Tho public are hereby warned Ikat I have toAHod the Flotihcr ;i>ioptrrty, known aa the I'aik, in tlii)i oorpoiation. aud that trcspassura thereon will be puuliheiUo tbo full extent of the law. J. H. RKAKB House and Lot For Sale «- For Bnle clu'ttp, ou oii.iy toriUfl tlmt eoiufort* alilo rtiHiduticu un Mary St. Fleetiurtoii, coiitniu- ii.(< H roon>K Hiid wuoii Hhud, with hurti and t<oft, wiitor imiii|tH, botlj uiuler covor, bvautifiil ({nrdrn ami nix'liard also well fluihhod HttibU and ih-ivt! ItuUBO i!Hx£4 tt. Aiiply to J. K. MOOKK Furniture dealer. CATTLE STRAYED strayed froni the prcndiicfl of the underslKn- ed. About tho tlrst of Juno, Ave yearling nteers - tlireo rod sliers, one K'ey heifer and liuo- hark ntour. red and whilf. lufnniiatioii as to their wliorealioutB will be thankfully received by the undersi|;aed or at Tho Advance olllco. JOHN WINTKRS, Hatherton P. O FARM FOR SALE Lota 148, H» nud \rM, con. 8, E. of Toronto and Kydonhani lload, II acres, M) cleared ; (,'ood oruhanl and well watered. Will bo Bold on ua«y tcrnoi. l''or fnrthui partluulare apply to FloBlin ton, July m, iKDIi. HHlXUtOFT & TALBOT. 10 mi IT in [imcEBX NOTICK ia hereby «iv»n that I will not bo reRpoijbible for any dobttt contracted for ine or iu my uauia, without eipresa autUority iu writing. JOSIAH QAMIJIV, Toienthip of Ouproy, Farmer rated at Fleahertou this 18th d ay of Juue A. D. IM'JO. and lot For Sals. For sale cheap and oo easy torme In Flesher- toii. S\)lendid faVKO. PoHd I'Vi-'k 'i"*'iHnB, with t^ood Btt>nQ culUr, Buintnor kituhon And wood- huiiHO, alpo Rood fiaiuo i^tablo, brick lined, riemisos coutaluB two large lota and ^'oodvouug orcharcl, boaring. >lounoand outhuildin^a are oxcopiioiiatly well ttiiisUod and vory couveui- ftutly laid uut. Apply to II. J. Bi'nouLK,FItt3Uoi-ton. FIESIEBTOI STEm liDllir. I have oi^cnod up a complete atoam laundry In Flesberton, andain prepared to take In any quantity of laundry work at lower prices than are charged elsewhere. I have put lu the la' eat and mo8t Improved maohlnory to that end. Kindly yiva me a oall. Butira aaliefaotloa guaiaatead,aud priooa lew. Our Grocery Dep't Is still t^) the fiont in Canned Corn, Raisins, itice, Tapiocii. Wo nro giving almost as much its ;i iiian ciiu carry away for 81. ( )iir TEA.S speak for thenujelvcs and uuvor tell a falsehood. A largo stock of Haud-inade Boots anived. TRY A PAIR ! B. McDonald 7l/e Tjouch Tjhe Spot/ FOR PI^IC£:S On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. Dl'STEUS, RUBRER DASH APllON.S, BINDER WllIP.S, RIDING SADDLES, SWEAT I'ADS, AXLE GREASE. Con^e ii^ and Exaii]ii]e \ir. imeoore: Harnessmaker, Flesberton Vo Vhe iPubiio THE BEST OF^ Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO Brar), Shorts, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Clioice stock of Groceries, Lemons and Oranges. 2 bottles Pickles for 26câ€" best brand. Don't buy anything but the LEADER CHURN, it is tlio best. I soil it. A choice line of HAllDWARE and GLASSWARE. R. PEDLAR "1'^ I iliii I CO c Look Out SOMETHING FALLING Iti«in Milliiioi'y this week tumbling dowu in piicu.s 25 to 60 per cunt. AU l!i> be ckarodoiit by this month. Hats, Bon- nets, Ribljoiis, Tviuiuiiiigs, Laces, E»c. And a big Ruap in pARASm.5 Men 'a and Boys' Stmw H.its mast go alw. I'ricii no object. Wo want the room they oot.uii/. Wo offtv Dress Silks Blouse 5ilks Trimming: Silks AT CLEARING PRICES. We are selling bresB Sutueivi at 12 U> 15 cents, regiiktr price ."iO conts. All we ask is !il>niit liiiif iho eoht, but we want none varried over to another season. Our Bi^^est Drive Yvi ui now until Siptomhcr will bo in Men's and Boys' CLOTillNG. Men's Hoavy Tweed Suite, Hopsa«k Pattern, ?7.C0. Mois'g All-wool Suits, Square Gut, 87.75. Moll's Heavy Serge Suits, Square Cut, :if(i.95. Men's Heavy Serijo Suits, Sack Coat, 85.00. Men's Heavy Halifax Tweed Suits, 86.75. We have a few Liglit Colored Suite loft, wortli 9C> 50. Wo wUl sell them for i^.uO this wook. â- S ; mWM We C.1I1 supply you iu any price and ipiality from 82.50 the Suit. A few BLOUSE SUITS are ofTerod be- low tost to clear out tlie line. Come luid see tht'in before they are pick til up. Moil's Rcady-Made Tweed Pants, !?1.25 pair. Meti's Overalls, any pattern, 50o pair. Our asHortment of sizes, patterns and Hualities ie couiplute and up-to-date. Harci' 8 Dep't. i/fonei/f Uime and Uemper / Are frequently lest hy buying a poor article bcmuso it is chvap. But when you get a good article, aa iu tho case ot our HARVEST MITTS at a low price, why you are all O. K. lOin -10-in -10-in -12-in -14-in 16-in -Itj-in - IC-iu Sheep Skin Mitts, 20c pair. Saranac Tan Mitts, 25o p.iir. Arnion Horse Mitts, 26c (mir. Saranac Tan Mitis, 30c pair. Iloavy S. Skin Mitts, 36c pair. Heavy S. Skin Mitts, 40o p)air. Moose Hide Mitts, 75c pah: Gonuino Cidt Skin, 7oc pair. BINDER TWINE â€" American Standaiil nt 7Jc lb. â€"American Sheaf at 8c lb. The Above Prices Are For Cash F AniF*i f Now is your I^rVLML^O i time to buy a "â- " full Dinner So It of Dishes of the ncweet etyle and pattern cheap. Only 87.60. CaU and Bee thent. t â- 

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