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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1896, p. 8

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THE FLSSHlltOM IDVAKeB D. ncTavish FLESMEI^TON KEEPS ON HAND â- "^epaiTS For Massey-Harrirf, and Noxon, Fleu^y and Wilkinson farm implementa. Fioui-y and Verity plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for Uie samo. Wo manufao'ure Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. llorsesliooing promptly attended to. {Special attention to tender, con- triiotfd feet. Logging and IMow Chains constantly on hand. ,„ SUMflER SALES <fk'^ NOW RUSHING I '^^'^ This is the Reason of year when you want to buy s nice buggy or cart. I liiM'o them â€" beautiesâ€" and will sell on your own termsâ€" if they are not all one-sidud. Painting and re-triiiiniin!^ dono to onler. Don't buy witliout looking in upon uiy Bainples and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN %^%^^^%%%%^k^^^'%^V^^^%V%/%^/%^^^^%*^%^1 ^M ^^f^ â€" GO TO « .ffS^nrnrr^ J. H. HEARD KOK XHE BEt SUttGIES, Wii;rs{on», Carts, Sprinf? Tooth anc Frosts and Woods' Uindurs, Mnwers, Horse R I'loury iTiiiiiibf*, ScufllurK ntul Tuiiiiu Sued j'.^ I'l<iU(;lis and L;wul Kullwrs. Snares for h11 1 ' " IvJ iUiOuiuij and all kiiuls of UiacliHiuithini,'. NVooi ii»l'^ a. id Slilii :l<_s. Spring Tooth and Iron Uam>w8. " !ike« and Ploughi. u boed Drills. Dick's Snares for h11 kindH of Plouirhs. H-jrse id, Lumber, Cedur Posts ^^- ^h ^^ ^^ ^^ ^k ^^ 4K. .^^ -^k. ^^^ jjfc*. j^^ ^^. ^^^ .^W A_ - JM. -^^ ^^^. ^^ ^^ -^^ â- ^â- W COME Tins WAY H>U YOUR ail The Best in Town Al»'> BANANAS, Olt WiilN. l,i;. MON'S, OONb'KCTIONEIlY and cviry- tliiiiK III >he Urocrry iiiiu alwiiys on Imi.d ut ulioapesl prict>s. A liiiil aoliuited. MjABNHOUSE Eu^^enia Mills â€" .lA';;- Garria^e Works. Oirri.'ifjeB made and liopalrcd, also Planing and Matching, Band Sa-w. mg, Wood 'rurniug of every des- cription. Planing and Gram Ohojj VtUijdono wbtle you wait, for th«> Boavor turns tUe wliool, T . n . tV 1 LS O IV 91 uungcr QAVBATS, TRADB MARKS, DESION PATKNT8. OOPyRIQHTS, etc. FMrfnfiirlimtlnnAnil fn'D Hamlbutik >Trltftto MIINN & I'Oj :«1 liKij-uiWAY. NttW Y.ililt. OIiU'Ki biln'nii f<»r fiiH'UrliiK imtvnU iu Aniorloa. Kvi'ry i">i"iit taken out hy uh U tirouffht litforo tliu ]>uiihc by aiiotlctfaUwn rreeutcUarsolu tb« L«rirc«tcImilAllr»nnf nnv B'-Iontlflp pupor In the Worl.l. inu.-lniUlil. Nii liit.'lllrcnt li.un klioul.l !..â-  wlHi.jul II, Werkly, «.S.0(> a Xnnr; tUWali munUu. Aitdrcu, UUNN .» CO.. VvBuaaws, SSI BntAynif, M*w York Cit^ ^)-/ya?7m9M OWEN SOUND, OlSTAiao. PliACU IN CANADA TO QBT A Tlioreagli Mm Um(m. Take a Round Trip S[',?er Sne.'l - â€" ('ollogtis aud (NmiinorciAl Dopartiiitiiitii tu Cauada, ihna viRlt ttiH Nnrttieni HiiniiieHHlioltn'.'o ; Hxaniiiiu Hvury- thim; thiirouKlily. If wo fnil to proil.icii the III Mt t)ioroug(i,(ionii)liir(j. piautli'.Hl aiul uxteu- â-  ifo uuurNenfMtudy ; tLiH linAt collefie pruinlRefi and the ))niii find inoii-. cniniiltitn Rrid moai Hiiit- ftblArurnitiiro uiul ai | liuncea, wo will ^{ye you A full oour8« FHKfc. Kur Aiuitial AnnuuuoO' lllMfttglriDtf (ull purtloulars free, adtliQif C. A. FLEMING, PriiiclpaL AVER'S Hair - VIGOR Ilestorca natonU color to tho liair, and alto proTonts It iaJliiiff out. Urs. H. W. Fenwlok, ot Diffby, K. B., says : -^-•et-'-'i . "''^ "tt'fl more ~vW^^ tuaii two i cars ago fS^rri<.s^'il ^-«o niy hair ^.begatt '-â- > to turn gray and fan out. Af- ter the use of one bottlo of Aycr's Hair Vigor my hair Wii3 restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An occasional application lias since kept tiio hair in good condition."â€" Mrs. II. F. Fenwick, Djgby, if. a. Growth of Hair. "Right yoara ngo, I liad thovario- Joid, and lost my hair, which previ- ously was quite abundant. 1 tried ft variety of preparations, but with- out beneliciiil result, till I began to I'-ar I should bo permanently bald. About Bix uiontlia apo, my husband brought lioine a bottla of Ayer's â- Hair Visor, and I at once to nso It. Ill a short time, new hair bt-sau to iipi)P!ir, and there is now e.oiy jiro-spcctt of as thick a growth <i( li:ur as before my illness." â€" J^l^.^. A. Wi: unit, Polyniuia tit., Xew Orleuas, La. m IflGOR inrrARun ny B 1.J.G.AVEn&CO.,L0W LLL, MASS., U .S. A. A.ycr'a I'Ula cure Sick Uttadache, HIelan hropiia ns'er turned the htel. |.>elre«t U n t In our vocabulary. COME And get your bags tilled at HumlerHon's In Spioulo's Hliick wi' A I OlVnV'de family FUHJR ^»- â- -'^-^ * ^ ^J at 8.-i.45 por 1)1,1 . We havo Homo iJilu giida 'J'lilA and SLUJAR aud othor lU )CERIES, t)ur Sweeties nro lido giulu, so the folks say. Wg have noiiij gudu Drtnaims, lU'k CuriiH aud I'uaohoH nt lowest living i)rieus. Our TKUNK.S and VALISES ur« away doiin' in price. Wo me Agent for MoGownns No. 1 IIAItl) MANITOHA FLOUR. Try it. An uarly call Holicited. WK HENDERSON CARDING I havn put the I'rloorllle carding mill into fl.atiliikii reiialr ami am •in|iluytug a good caidoi. Geotl work duue prouiptly. U, UuaowaM. filo«rlUe,Jui.«s, -St. A Suicide at as William John McCauley, t2 years of ase, son of James McCauleyi who liv«s about two miles from Dundalk,oommitted suicide early on Monday morning by hang- ini; himself in the barn of Mr. Robert Oldfield of Melanothon, with whom he waa hired. He attended aervlca in the Mathodiat church here un Sauday even- ing, goiag home as usual, and want to bed iu good time. Shortly afterwards a neighbor woman called and oom plained to his matber that her gate had been car- ried away by Will and another boy and that he had baea telling storiea aboather girls, etc., and after this woman went home the mother went upitairi, waking the boy, aad gave him a souad scolding, which affected him very much, as he was strongly attached to his motherand nevur liked to hart her feelings. Uis feelintis seem to bate bean so worltad up that he could not rest, se he got up out of bis bed and left huuie at about 12 30. He went over to Mr. Olditald's, about a quarter of a mile from home, and took a lantern from their back kitchen, went to the bam and fattened all the doors on the inaida. He then sat down and wrote a letter to his mother, father, friends aud enemiea, saying that he died a broken- hearted boy, and to tell their neighbor woman (naming her) that she or anybody else could talk as much as they liked now. He then requested that bis rin;; be given to his sister Ethel and his watch to his brother Dave, the other things to be divided between the rest of them. He then named six young men whom he wished to set as pallbearers, closing by saying, "This is poor Will's last writing. " He fastened tha letter to the lid of the oat box with tin stamps takou from six plugs of tebacco which be had iu his pock- ets. He also left his watch, ring and lead pencil on the box beside the letter, then be put a long |H>le on some beams up above the floor, over which he threw a rope line, and sisi.ding on a bunch of shingles he fastened tha rope in a loop around his ueck, then atepped off the shinglws and allowed himsrlf to hang there till dead. He was found about 7.30 by Mr. Oldfiold, who quickly summonod Dr. Martin, and upon investigation it was found that his feet were touching tho floor and hi.- head about 18 inches from tha pole. Tbe bunch of shingles was standing close up to his legs, which indi- cates that ho was determined to die. A large number followetl his remains on Tuesday afternoon to Melancthon ceme- tery. The decuaied waa a volunteer iu No. 7 Co., 36th batt.-Hcrald. Tne Army Worm Marching aiiKipn, July 1 t.--Prof. Pantou, O. A. OoUego, who has been abotui for some time makiiiK iuqu:rit;>< iitlo tbe ravages of the army worm iu Haldimau'l and MTellaud, has retiirueil bomu only to tind that tbe pest be was making Imiuiry about bail vi£l«d a cer- tain aectiou of tbe follega ,farm. At first tbere was some doubt about it, but now tbere is nom;. In that neighborhood they are iu uilUuns. For the last two days, es- pecially alter sundown, tbe Duudas load leading to tbe eity is swarming with tbem. Iu the narrow belt they Lave taken for their route oue cannot take a step on the ruad witliout a dox<<n o( them eaob tliuo be puts down his foot. If the inoaots had resobed tbe bill near the oollrge instead of beiug on tie luvrl tlio street oars would have had considerablu difficulty in Roing up tbe incliuo. The od i of the worms thiit hiive been killed ia anything but pleasant. I'rof. I'ttiitdu wiltc's about the worm as fol- lows : There ia no doubt about the " army worm " being in tbe vioijiity of Guelph, and at present we are giving it our attention on the college farm. It appeared bore last Thursd.iy in numbers, but had been seea about a wec<k befuio, and since then Jias be- come very uumerous. Aa the worms are pretty fully dev.fK pod, I think they will vikuish iu a few days, having passed into tbe ground to en -i the pupa stage. Some wh^ob Ibi'dugbt from Wellaud County, with a \iow to etudyii,}; Ibiir bubils, etc., have to. lay (July 13) taruod to pnpa. This morning I diacoTerodoue, at 1 o'clock tbreo, BO that it is likely 1 be peBt will sion end. While iijvcstigating the <1 dJs in \\ lUand I found a fly bad litgnu to lay eggs upon iLe worms; these eggs develop into maggots whiob destroy tbe nimy wo,m. During my examination of tbe worms this mo nlug I found ibis piiras te waa on their trail bei*. t(0, but not iu Bnch uumbera aa I bud ob- served elsewbeie. It is likely ihey have just unived uiui will do good work tbe next few days. 1 might here give tbe life his- tory of the " army worm " (Leuoania uui- puuota) The larva (worm) is about U iiiobea long, of a dull grey color, with blaeii stripes and Hues of black along tbe back. The underside cf the body ia greenish and the bead a pide yellow, with browu Uues on (he aide. Whtn on the nova they arc very active. As soon aa fully devebjpeJ, which takes about three or fonr ireeks, they bur- row into tbe ground and enter the pupa condition; this lasts two weckk, when thu moths appear. The moth is fawn colored, witb a small white Hpot near tbe centre of tho front wings. Tho wiJtb of tho wings when spread is about 1 ^ lucUes. The uotli lays her eggs in tuits of dead gresa, but may be foand upon blades of gri-sa and even upon cornstalks. This insect a prel'tr- ence for grass on low wet soils, but often feeds upon wheat, oats, corn and timothy. It will not tnudb beans, peas or potatoea.and I notice from my feeding cages tbay are not touching turnips aa long as oats arc at hand. Although tbe moth is Keen hum time to time, ye', it ia rarely that tliey reach siicb numbers as to cause alarm. In IH'ji they appeared near Pitrolia and dcetroy.d 30i' acres of oats and 60 tons of bay. The para- site which follows tlipm up aud prej-s ujou them is a large Taeluua fly (Nemaroca len- cani&e). This wiU likely ward oil an attack iu I897. RELlEDIKS. The array worni has many enemies among birds. The little sparrow ia doing good work now slaying them Cn every side, wh: e robins and other birds are feasting on tl^e roing mass. (1( As tho iiiru-jt breeds largely in rank grass Bucti 03 Is seou bordering biraiup^, it Im wtll to bum sucb iu t)ie epi iiii: or lall. Clean cultiva- tiuu aadclMAuiug up fence corners stiould bo followed. ii) Wiloru lliu wortti has appeared plough a furrow with iti poriieiidiciilar stdo next the ficl 1 to t>u protected, a:td an ttie worint, coltect. ill it, fniliiii; to climb the steep side, vi-ii can destroy tlieiii. liiilui diii; at intervals alooj{ the turruir vtll trapmauyas they muvu aluuK the hottoo). IJi Wherevor Paris greuQ may ^M Raf.'ly used a strong mL^tiire (uMo pjuiul to 75 gaUoiia of water) sprayi^d upon the plants iikoly to bo llrst attacked wilt bu ud^ctivc. (4) Scattering dry ntra^ npon tlio wo.'ins where matsed together may bi; flrud aud m luy destro>od. I'll Honietinies onn>1itious are such that thouttaiidsiuuy bo erusi:ud uiidwr a roller. It will bi ubsorvud they toed uiaiuly at night and in damp ciuudy weather, remaining hiiiduu during annihiny days. During; vhe:a waviii days it will bu uotioud thejr begin to move about 5 p.m.. having betju hW ail day under rails, I'liips, chnia, ote, Tho). Bourreli, a prominent faviut r living near Walkertou, was killed Saturday by a tree falling upon biin. Samuel Curric, Shallow Lake, ai{ed D3, was instantly killed by bein<; run over by a wagon. His neck waa broken. Nelson Gilbert, arrested at C)wt.u Sound oil a cliari^e of stealiu;,; butter, eggs, etc., from fanners, was discharged by the magistrate, there not being sutllc- ient evidence to convict. Qeorue Roller of Allien got drunk on July 13 and drovo his team iiite a gig containing Win. Sirr and his sister. Sirr's back was broken but Miss Sirt es- caped with a sprained ankle. A warraut was issued for Roller's arrest on a chui<;o of doing bodily li.'tnu, but this will likely be changed tu mauslaii^liter, as Sirr can- not live. The t/'ampbellford Herald says : On Monday, Mauler Willie Y'ouiig, 15 years of age, son of Mr. L. O. Y'nung, started off alone on a trip to California. He took the train to DufFalo, and there be will sBciiro a bicyciu and then he^iii the trip of wheeling all tho wa i the liolden St»t»». Ho has a brother resid- ing tbere, who lately lent hiin money and iiiduonced liim to take tho journey. It is hoped tha little adventurer will li;i\e fair sailing the entire clistjincf, and land safely whither his mind has directed biin. A new insect ha« invaded the county of Bruce that is being souiiht fi>r cajjerly by farmers. It battles with potato bujjs and is effectual in driving the pests from the jMitato vines. It first niadu its ap- poarauce in gardens in Johnstown, bu. ia now being Iransplaiitcd into gardens all over the c<iuiilry. It is a diamond sliaft d insect with a long litiak. It makes a liuainess of spearing the potato bu>;a and living on them. It does not harm the vinos. It is gieen iu color. All oxcliaiigo sai's that apploa aro so plentiful a crop in Huron and other western counties that it is fe.ind tlioio will not 1)11 ononi.'h help to handle them at the opportune moHieiit. Mr. D t'aii- toloti estimates that thoi-o will bos'- least &00,C0O barrels in Hutou alone, with similar liuantilies in othtr counties. It will require a t;ond staff of men to handle those when pickiii>; CDranicnce.s, and the Kurop.-an .''teainers cannot take more than forty or fifty thousand barrels in a week. The prcUibilitios are that prices will be about 50o a barrel. An important change has been made in tha laws relating to niarringn, siiid change to take ellect 011 August 1, 18i)8 . Hero- tofore it has been neoe.s.sary fur only one of the (iivrtiea to the intended marriage to make nthdavit to necessary facts bufore an issuer of marriage licenses, but on and after tho date moiitioued above both parties to the intended marriage must personally make aOidavit to the required facts. It is of cuurse not necessary that both should appear befui-e the issuer ut the sanio time, but until each of tho par- ;:«a have made the aiUdavit the licenses cauuut be iaaued. The Markets. CareluHy Corrected Ea<rb Week Flour iS3 80 to $4 40 Oats 18 CO 18 I'wis . . 45 to 45 Ituiter 11 to 12 £gi;», fiedi . 9 CO 9 Potatoes bag 20 to 25 Pork 4 BO to 4.i0 Hayperton 10 00 to 1100 Hides 4 00 to im .sheepskins 25 ro 60 (ieese 5 to S Turlceys 7 tf- 7 Chicltens per pair M to 35 Ducks per pair 40 to 50 Wool 17 to 20 TIME TABLE Cdl>0 SOUTH. Markdalc â€" C.40 ». m, 4.40 p. in. Flesbertou â€" G.53 a. m. 4.53 p. m. GOING NOETH. Flcsheiton â€" 11.48 a. m. 9.17 p. iB. Markdaleâ€" 12.04 p. m. ihM p. m. Almost 'T; Passes Belief Mr. Jaa. E. Nicholson, Florencevllle, N. B., Strug-g^lcs tc^ Seven Lanf Tears with CANCER ON THE LIP, AMD IS CtTEED BY AYERS Mr. MIoboIson says: "I consulted doc. tors who prcscrllied for me, but U> no purpose ; the cancer began to Hat iuto the Flesh, spread to my chin, and I 8n(rer(>d in apiiiy for seveu long years. Kiimlly, I 1 1'csan taking Ayer'^s SarsaparULi. Iu a ttoclt or two 1 noticed a Decided Improvement. Encouraged by this result. I perse- vered, until In a month or so the sore under my chin ticgau to lical. in three months my lip begnn to heal, ami, after jiMng the Sarsanarlila for six months, tno last Uace of the cauoor disappeared.'' The On\y AdiDlttod at tho World's Fair. :Sarsaparilla .AXJiS'S 1- Mcuutatc the Jiowit, :<!!&^!&^S:sV&jV^ jj!?.^'>^>«. ^^t^ -w, .s»t. -iV^ >j^^ Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are dono in (irst-clasa style and at lowest raten. Sipcuial attention givoii to copyina. Babie.s' photos, a .ipecialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULA\ER wt %> Flesherton 5aw & Planing- .Mills Tho nndersigucd are placing in po- sition a iiist class sawmill for custom sawiuy, which will be ready for op«-a- tiou iu January. We bavo also added A CHOPPING A\ILL For the coDvenieuco of farmers. Chopping done' at any time at 5 oeut'j per 100 lbs. The sash aud door factory, baud and soroU "Sawing business coutiuuetl >V3 usual. Pile iu your orders. BEECBOIT & TALBQl' fs--: makmm wmk mmtmm^

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