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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jul 1896, p. 5

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TH£ FLlSESfiTON IDTiNGI BANKING OFFICE OF QEO. MITCHELL 4 st^neral bankinR buHiness branBActed Drafts l^iiudd &nfl 2be>|uett casUad at usual rates. Uouey always available (or le^imat*) UuflinvHa eutttrprbe. UOice two doon north of KicUord'- •on & Oo'9. Vicinity Chips. Olinriirtcrifitics of the Past Week Varefally Culled for the Curious. B'tsinas Hot%c'.s among locidx tcUl he charged at the rate of 10c per line fur each insertUnu A rednction Kill be maiii: oil cnntrttct4 fvr IVO lines or over. The huuntiful mins have continuetl during the past week Aud regi'tauun is UL<T. J. M>kh in pre.\:hnil a seriiiun tu til* Otraiigemeu un SutiJay eveiiin:; nt EugenJA. Mr. J. H. Heard had two kds up for treapasa on his property li«l wuck. Each was lined uue do'.Ur and costs. The ni'irriei vj. single men took a tuuite at baseball on Monday afttrriioon. Tha score was 24 to 27 iii farur of the yottaffelhiwi. The recount of ballots in North Grey reaultad in givinx Clark (R»f ) an in- creased majority. The first, figures were 17, but are now 32. A ounsiderable number of FlesliertAn utixans took in tha I'2th of July demon- slratioQ at Shulhurna an Mondiy. They raport a \>if time. Tonmto Hoop and Veneer Company, Eugenia, have advanced the suosmer price of sound elm !o^ tu five dollars I>er thnutatid feet. â€" VV. H. Marcos. Mr. S. Thompson, of tha Station, is in a very critical condition. A short time •i;o ha yua thrown from a horsa, striking his head on soma obstruction, causing sutuething like cuncusiioa of the brain. His recorery i« thought tu be duublful. If you vould have an ab"ndanc« of dark, glossy hair, if you would hare a slaan scalp, free frgm dsuidfuf iitid irtitMiDg itumors, or if your hair is faded and gray, and you would have its natural ctilur restored, use Ayer's Hair Vi-^or. It i« unquestionably the bent dressing. - Every summer some one in this riUage luu tu suffur from the depredation of cat- tle. Last Bumniar it was Mr. Burnhou»e who had his {garden destroyed. This time it is Mr. J. U. Heard who is the tuffarer. Monday ui|{ht some mi«:reant opened a gate un a vacant lot owned by lum and turned a lot of cuws iuto his cum patch. About twenty-five dollars would represent tha damage dons. Pity tha raprobatas who do such wanton acts jould not be discovered. The news frr>in the campers at Nottavasaga river was to the effect that they were having rivers of fun fishing, rowinR, picking huckle and raspberries and of course feeding on tha sai. e. Tha largest bsh caught so far was an 8 pouiid- or, which fell to Mr. T. Cl.iytou. Bass, pike and catfish, new milk, honey and lierries couatituio the daily bill of fate. Thay propose returning home ou Wednes- day of aeit week if it is possible to taar themselves away. YeAdvance mancaught four fine pike inside of Hfteua uiiiiuteg. ad;gregating about 25 pound* of tish, The above are no fish yarns, but un- adulterated truth. Cii-asahoppers were, previous to the rains of the past week, doing a groat amount of damage to some of the crops. "Tom" Lowe told a representative of the Herald one day this week the only people who are sulformsj from this jumping pest are Bup[K)rtiir8 of Mr. Bowes in the recently election. He nr.ys luitoue of Sproule's .suppoitem are being visited by tlie grasshoiiper, and mentioned sevenU fariua in tho neighbor- hiKHl of Lo'.-eo. to prove the tiuth of his .-issertiou. \V'm. Siimanion, for iiistaiiee, he 8.Hys, lias Imrdly anything left cm hi.s farm. â€" Thonibury Herald. We have not heard how it U in Mr. AllsTi's coi-- stituency, but believe tho hoppers wtie particularly bad in Egreuioxjt town.sliip. It is also rumoreil that tliey tried to eat tip Mr. Thorp Wright's Btock of staves in this town, but after getting away with a colli or two learueil that he had i'xpre»se<l l>lca.sure at the Dr's olectioii, and they i^uit than and there. This is rather an off week for our cor- respondents, but then correspondents, like everybody else, need a holiday oo- casionally. The Advaiica regrets to luarn that Rev. .T. Wc'iU, M. A., ha.% taiidersd his resignation of his cliargo here, to take effect next October. Fleaherton and Vandclour boys played baiaball at tlio latter place on Wedncs day last. The score waa40to 33 in favor of VaiiJeleur. Great Scoie 'â-  As a result of auTertiaiux in The Advance Mr. Cameron haa recovered live of tha six auiniuls which he lost. One, a spotted jcorliug ifceer, is still missing. Mr. Bertlvey, of Co'.iiugwoiKl, voted in CoUingwoiid f.->r Stewart, tl.e Refirin candidate, then wlineisd over to Diuidalk and v(,ted for Bowes, tlm Pa'ron. He loat both votes, butsiiti has his bicycla. Xew stationery just; in. Mourning not« papLT, viKiting cnrda, ponce en- velopes for churches, bill heails, atate- mects, not3 hwdfi, ordinary envelopes, etc. The Advance ofUco. It w;« decided by ihe ollloiala of the .Methodist Sabhalh SehcKil t> hold their annual picnic on the 20ih int't. A new departure will be made in thia case, when, contrary to former usage, ouly one table will be .set. Why d<>es the baud not give us the weekly riutnrday evening (ioncert.s now / We imderetood that a subscription was taken up a hhort time ago for that pur- P<jsc, but the music does not matcriulizc. Why in titi.s thus i To make your bns:ueeapay,g^;ud health is a prime fiictor^^ To aocuro good health, the b'lod should ba kopt j.ure and vig'T- ous by I he u»o «if Ayci's SatjapanlU. When tlie \icil fluid is iiiipiira and sliigg :<h, there can bo neither health, strength, nor a;iil>itii)ii. Rov. Mr. Bi'.lfour, of Eu'.;enia, preach- ed in the MetboJint c'lurch Sunday from the text : " What 1 do tlxou Lnowest not now ; but thou ulialt know hereafter." St. .Jahn 13 7. Tha seriivn waaiiiiprcj- sive and was liuloued to with Ueepiutcrcst by a large cun^^rcga'.ion. Mr. Thorp Wrigiit will attend a meet- ing of the directors of the Hunm and Ontttiio Raiiway, to ho held at the Walker Uouiie, Toronto, to-day. At this meeting no doubt some-bing Qefinite will be done and then "wo. will know wlrat wo will know" regarding the prospects of the road. While in CoUingwotxi one day last week The Advance tiad the pleasure of meeting Mr. D. CUytou, h;imeH»inakor, bvto of Fle(<hert«.«n. Dave is at prexenb very much rushed on a $1,000 contract fur gooils to bu shipped up t!ie lakes. Wo were tu learn that ho is meeting with success. A corresiwndent writiug from CoIHds Inlet lolla us «f the death by drowninj of ,1 young man named David Kaaat, of Glenn Falb, S. T. Theyaunjinau mta breaking a jam when Iiiapike pole broke, precipitating him iuto the water. De- â- â€¢essed't man's father ii a Methtjjist minister of Glenn Falls. The body w»« recovered soma time after the accident. Another bee was he'.d on Saturday on the agricultural grouinls, but still iiMre work is reiiuiiod. When these imprnte- ments are completed we will i;ive our readtrs an idea of wh;it been done. Suffice at presant tu state that the i(rounda will scarcely bo r>.cojii!zai)l» at this yeai's fair, lo yraat have theim- provemants been. The following inuuici[>aliti3* in this district have now passed the eloetrio rail- way bylaw : Slielburno, Melsuctlion, O'iprey, Artoniv'sia, Kuphrasia, St. Vin- cent, Wciford, Gloneig, and Darhain. Tlio township of Osprey put up two thou- sand dulhirs h\ cold cash without con- ditions in Older to .secure tho road through that town.-thip. We aiimiro the Osprey people for tlieir pluck and enterprise. Owins; to itidis|iy,'<it.un, t!m llev. M.M. Goldberg of Mailidulo was uiialde to proceed to Station on Friday eveiiinjr last and conduct the chnx'cli of England Sfivica i« tho orange Hall, ilo hereby ba^i to iutiuLite that {V). V.) next Friday evening ho will uut fail in attendance and lit> lnnies that all th. T.e who appreciate these services, whether of the church of England or othcis, wiil not absent thouiselres. Nottawasat;a and Sunnidala, and uoled that Oaprey is most highly favured iu tho way of bountiful grain and fruit crops. Artemvaia is very fair, while both grain and fruit in tha t«wi><«hipR >£ NoCtawasava and Snniiidala are nut searly up to ths standard of other years, i;huuld the <Js,t0yites net the proposed electtao rail- way their t>'Wnahipshnuld " bluiaom like rose, " BU that tuwusbip appeais to be ohe of the nii>8t reliable yrain and fruit sec- tions of WsBtern Ontario during lata yuan. The Toronto World has a travelling currespundent out west, and in a. letter dealing wiih Great Falls, Mont., has thia to .say of some former Fleshartou geutlc- nien : " Messrs. Strain & Strain, who are Canadians, have the largest sfore in Great Fall?, and cbtablished in business here six years aj'o. I.t is a tine depart- mental store and a cr*dit to this pro- gressive place. Mr. W. 0. Irwin, form- erly with the well-known T. Eaton Co., of Toronto, is one of the head salesmen." A horse attached t;<> a lii^ht wagon, be- longing to Jlr. J. H. Heard, ran away Saiurday evening, and for one iioiae made a record in the smash inu line. A set of scufflers wliicli the wagrni held waa tossed off and more or lees damaged. The hind wheel.i came in contact with a tree and the bind axle was hrukeu. Not Siitisfied with Una tho animal ran tha friint wheels against another tree but did not succeed in knocking it down, al- though tho front axle was dislocated. A gate which cams in its way was also knocked off its bearings and altogether. b>-fiira the auiujal got through ita tantrum a good many dollars were squandered. PERSONALS Mr. John Bannnn, of tha township of Arteuiosia, county • £ Uiey, a former resi- deiil .'f beluKUit, is renewing aci|uaint. ancas in this vicinity after a loiigabeguce. â€" Morwood R*);'»'er. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and Miss Lou Aiuietronij returned last week from a leng'hy viait to friend* iu Michigan, London and Toronto. Mra. T. Aikenhead and children are guests of the formers mother, Mrs. J. W. Arm*tru:i|;, Mr. and Mm S. A. Carson, of Lock - port. N. Y. Mid Mr. !S. Caldwell, of Barrie, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Carson hist weak. Mnstei'i) .Murray and Lesxlie Wilnon and Stanley Banks, Toronto, were callers on Monday. The lads will spend a week at Kimberley, fishing. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bant left on Saturday to visit fiiuads at Crecmore. Miss Mart Wright visited fi lends iu Owen .Sound lor a few days lately. Mrs. John Wright, Sr.. left on Tues- day to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Forsyth, Cilasgow. Miss Hilda Davis, Torento, is the guest of the Misses Uichardson. M'«a Millie Trethoway, Owan Sound, is the guest of Miss Clara Strain. Jlr. Will Stewart, back line, has jone to Duluth. Mi«» Myrtle Thurston, Kimberley, was the uueat i>f Miss Mart Wright for the past week, and left for Ti.-ronto on Tuas- d.iy to visit friends there. Mr. R. Wright, teacher at BsKersville, in home for his holidays. Mr. W. P. CroBsley lias Iiesn laid uji during tho past week with a sprained anklt", but was down town ou Monday. Rev J. Wells attended Presbytery in Oraugeville this week. Mr. Goo. Kooftjr, uf Chicago, is tho guest of rvlative.s here. His wheeled all the way from Chicago on his bicycle, and will return home by way of Midland and the lakes. During the past week wo havo crowed tba tojrushi^a uf Arteniebia, Osprey, A Hkroic RiiscfB.â€" Leslty Welwood the 3-yesroldsou of Ed. Welwood, Dun- dalk, narrowly escaped death by drown ing on Friday nmriiing last. Ho and hia luolher are visiting hia grsndp.t. Mr. Win. Patlon, of Proton Station. .VIr. Palton had just r«>turiii)U friin delivering the milk to th« fact^>ry,had Iris breakfast and w^eiit t:> ihe pump to have a drink. Losluy folhiweJ and when Mr. Puttoii had titkeii a drink he handed the cup tu liiiii and walked oil '.uward tho barn a few i-.hU diRtiint. Mr. Fatton had re- paired the puij p but a f«.-w li.iys before and ovar-loiikod iirtilnig a 10 inch boanl socuicly A screuin from tho mother caused him to lo-'U aroui^, and he »;iw Lesley disappear into the well, which is 23 feet deep, with ten feet of water. It toi'k but a iiionieiit for Aft. Pntton to juinp iiuo I be hrench and slide down the pump. He caught hold of Lesley's fi>ot about 3 feot bciow thesurfnfeand ascuiid- i;.g the I'Unip dclii't-ied tlio exhausted ul.ild into the arn:.s of its badly frighten- , ed mother, none the woiae far W cold dip.. â€" Duuiiilk Uurald. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF GETTLNQ A PAIS OF I Boots or Shoes for Suminer JJ2LCLAYT0N'S Vf» hare in LAMES' OXFORDSâ€" BEAUTIES-as fine an aawirtmeut aa you can get st from $1 per pair and upwards â€" Black ur Tao. A!i: / MEN'S BALS, OXFORDS and PLOUGH B(-X)TS from $1 per pair. Gu^m Work ani Repairing Prompfly Attended to ^ HELLO f ^haf 5 AH The Noise HELLO r '^•*®"' ^^ MILL'S ? 5!^ & Great Slaughter is taking place. Goods are cut and torn and prices ars away down. Printj', 6 and 7c., now 5c. Prints, 9 and 10c., now 7c. Prints, 10 and 12|e., now 8c. Crinkle Goods, 25c., must go at 15c. Ceylon Flannels, 13c., present price, 10c. Black Dress Goods, 25c.. to SI. 10 per yard. Lace Curtains very low. Curtain Poles, 25c. We Always Keep the Best Groceries in the Market Pure Lard, 10c. lb. 4 cans Beans, 25c. Com Starch 8c. Long Clear Bacon always un hand. Also Bbl. Salt. ^^ Any quantity of Butter, Eggs, Hides, &c. wanted in exchange for goods. Try It ! We also keep P. Loucke's No. 1 Manitoba Flour on band . . . y^i^jg^^l^T^ Ki^^ mmmt^^^^-^m^m^m^^^^^m^^-^^^^P^ vm-^. Flesherton TJ^aveTOOTTis Furniture =z â€" BIG DISCOUNTS DURING MAY ON V^air^sat*, SSed Spring and SSeclroom SuH»a OUR WHOLE STOCK is very oomplate in every line with L'oc^ds of quite new design, combiud with excellent workmanship and finish. (loods sold by US are delivered and set up all complete Our line of WINDOW SHADES and CURTAIN POLES are attracting attention, and customers are pleased whan a practical hand is sent tu adjust and fix up each parcel sold. PICTL'RE FRAHINQ IN GREAT VARIETY Best personal attention given to every case of UNDER- TAKING entrusted to our care. RESIDENCE over shop. J. E. nOORE, Proprietor //////jk KSSJ^^v ^ FLESHERTON ^ WOOLLES HILLS Open again aad are paying mora than the highest price for WOOL. Will give tc extra for- black sheep wool. And are in a better posrtion to meat tha wants of ihe pabhc than over before. Sotico our extremely low prices for custum work : gilin; Si M\\ tolls, 56 lb Csriliiij & Spinniiiji; tUc lb All Kinds of Wkavi^jo ru Phqpobtion FREIE: ! FREE ! I K^ 'lBSTIItf& Proearva your eyesight by having tlii«ar> properly tested by W. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAN Cash For Wool V. HUHH Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and »ll kinds of furs pur. ehiisod, for which highest m.-irket price will bo paid. Hoaieinade sausages ou hand, alto alt kiiieU of v;n.iits. FLSSilETvlON MK.\.T SMPOJUUM. Farm and Mill Site for Sate For sale very chaap aud ou Tory Afttiy term*. Timber r&rni, IJO acrun, two miles from Kltwb ertoD, kno'wii a* tha Wm. Hu^ftawmill pro- perty, aiiil oil which iOAD exuulluiit wator powor. I9undatinn uf mitv mill, dam and poud and water wheel ill place aud all ready for puUiiig. mill ot). About lo acres cleared, 31) acrefl titnber. most off, balfince well timbered, mixed timber. This farm will be twvld at a bargain if Hold at ouoe. Kmall pav iiiaiit down, balance oo very OAsy torus. Apply to R.J. &PR0UX.X. Flesbert-on. On Carpet Weaving The unilersigned has placoil in poaitiou a ni'Ht class luuni for otrpL't and Uannel wuuviuc and is prepared to jjlva satislactiuu. Uilii^; iU' your 11A<*8 or TfABN to A. T. Hl::UON. Flesherton, April T, IM. Gk)0(i Fkrm for sale or Rent Lot 27, ooD.(\, Artoineeia, ooatainiug 116 acres more or lex. 40 aoren cleared, about ^ miles from PlflAtiurton. Tbere are a %»:>Qy\ lun baru and stAblo on the premises. Good ruMtilJig: water. Kortvkb^f/perkioelars epplv to Wv A, AiuisritoNO yjesh urt â€" â-  ^^^ili^^&3>f^\i

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