THS PLISHIKTOM ADVANCI K>^. BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL Afidnerat b&nking btisinei<ti transaottiii Drafts bi.iuthl aa 1 jliu^iJcti ctvbiitii at UFua! lacba. Mouey al'Tayq a^aiiikble fur legimut^ busiuesu wQttirprisij. OUicti two Uooi« autth of liiuLard- eoa it Cu'a. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the <'urious. U naivc'^ among UxaU tcill be ckiirjed at the raU of I')c per line fur eacA insertion. .1 reductiun tcill be male o.i cnntrads for 100 lines or over. Pftiia green tor salr at P. tl. Karatedi^. Mr. A. 51. LiriJstiy nf Siielb'irau has < pel (. J »ut a I itke&licp in town i.i the ( hite!y nccupieJ by Mr. Fen. nick Our Siriiiton Paik cor. r>b» parti u Urt uf a fatal aciiWent whic'i cauaotl tha d»tt\i uf aa iiitaiit cbiU of Mr. .\dam Scarlet, tt*.ir H«[.eviile. A biu=ball m;itch hctween a KimbcrWy picked nine and a Fleaherton club drummed up fur tLe occisiou without pract'ce, resu ted ia a victory fur Kiiuber- ley by 31 t«) 19. Will i!ie Fle»ljirton stution aiji-nt of the Piirhani Chriinicla kind'y ciime out and idit thii paper for us t Ha acpaars to kuow uU about it and wnuM lo doubt be immaculate. Mcafurd and Markuale played ba.seWil im the !;rouud» of the latter un Monday. Sci>re : l^ to 8 in favor of Meaford. Ten or twelro of th? boys went over from hei'e Mid came hmue d s^usttd. Bloo(!-purifiera, though gradual, are radical in their effn:!. Ayrr'n K>arsa I>arilla ia iutendad aa a medicine only, not a f!tiaia!aiit, rxcitaiit, or beretage. Immediate rfsulta n-ay not always follow its use ; lut after a reasonable time, permanent benefit is certain t» be real- ised. Coming ! Dr. Sinclair, specialist, well known in this country, will be at White's Hotel, FIcsbetton Station, on, July 6tb. Lun j disenstm, hca; t di.seases, kidney diseases, brain and nervous diseases, with di.«Bn»es of women and private Jise.ises treated with success. GonsuU;itlou free. A very succe(sful pirdeii part» was held by the ladies of the Methodist church ii!i the evening of Domini u Day on the ipacious lawn uf Mr. U. N. Hen- derson. The usuxl proi;ram ot iunoceiit Aports was indulged in, and Flesherton band, which i* in ^od form, enlivened the Eceue with music. Proceeds $St>. "One of my sick heada chea," you wil hear people fret|ueiitly s»^, as if the complaint was hopUssly incurable, as a mailer uf fact, .\yer's Pills not only re- lievo sick headaches but etrectually re- nioTo the caaie of tiiis distressing^ com- plaint, and so brin){ about a permanent cure. On Fiiday eveninn at 7.30 a setvice, Kccoidinj; to the riles of the church of England, will bo conducted in theOranjio ll.dl, Fleshertou Station, by the Uer. M. M. Giddbeig, of Markdale. all church of England people in or near FUsherlon tnko note. HarlicuiarH will Ih* announced from Ihu pulpit Mr. J. II. Heard, who owus a lease of the Fl».«lior proteriy, known as the park, warns the public elsewhere in this issuei that this property is private and that frospassxrs n ill ceitai*ly be prosecuted in futnif . .\s f>r years past this property lr\i been in a way semi-pub.'io, villagers had almost coino to believe in their inhvront lixht to its use, but a lease from Mr. Flesher to Mr. Heani has tiiiiiiti'd Iho fa.-e ot mattei's. The pro- s. -lit owner bus tha land in iiuestioii M fenced and iI.auhs that trespassers dam- age the fences and in simo cuaes have caused coiisiderdble damaije to cru[^ as woU as fences. Mr. Heard fecl.i, and jusMfiably, that thij ba stopped ri-jht away, and the public may as well undcidtand, once for all, that tiiey aro lialilo and will certainly be fined if the trospas-sinj; i.s contii.ncd. Air. Heard lia<l dccidid to puiiisli some trespassers which he caught on Sunday, but foils that a inore public warnipg wil have the desired eftect without reaortiiiij ti4 svKh extrcuieimeasurea just now. The beautiful rains of the past weak have put an altogether different face ua vegetation and crops uf all kinds. Anniversar> The anniversarir services of the Pre.sbylwrian churchwill la held on Sun- day and Monday, July 5 aud 6. Ou Sabbath, aarrices will be cnnducted by Rev. A. WiUon of Rtsemont, *ba will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. n>. On Mtin- d.iy followiij^ a feHtival will be held under the roj>nageiueiit of the ladies of the church. Vocal and iiistramental muaic will ba given, also speeches by several Rev. pentlemeB fr in a d'staiicc. Promoti3n Examinations T^ Fourth Classâ€" Cn-ssley, Amy Kerr, Carrie Rutleilg'-, Josie Richaru- iwni, Ru-S' II Smith, Teciiio Sm:th. R'commeuded â€" Janet 4itin».;n, Carrie Sullivan. ToTl.ird Class. Sr-Emers.n Bellamy, Mina Cei.ttie, Geo. McConiiiu;k, Willie Swan'.on. To ThinI Classâ€" Rt)y Hamilton, Mabel Moore, Maud Irwin, Edgiir Elder, Linda Flcsber, Rita Vanzaut, WiUla Crosaley. Mamie Thurston. Herbert Stajiles, Percy Bellamy, Alexander Gib-oon, John Teeter. To Senior Secondâ€" Eva Goodall. .Albert Lcgiird, Willie Hidoe, To Second Clas.sâ€" Walter Loucks. Ida Sullivan, George McGnither, Fred Stew- art. Charles Otttwell, Einerson Wicken^-. Clara Spenca, To Sr, Part Twoâ€" Levina Croft. T. m Davis Ella Bam house, Lottie Moore, Millie Crossley, Mamie Sullivan, Kate Taylor. Battle of Boyne Valley his jaunty cavalry cap, was tha cynosure of all eyes, and he yelled himself hoarse in bringing his tujuad to time. Dr. Sproule, M. P., witnessed the battle, and believes the vict<jry to have been ahiio^t as signal as his own of la^t Week. The thanks of the citizens is due Mr. â- J. H. Huard for the use of his property on this occasion. Regulars and Irregulars co te War on the Banks »i the Bu>ne-.\ Camera and Twe 5tovcplpe Cannon do Great Execution The luyal volunteers of No. t) Co. and the citizcnu of thia town celebntted the afternoon of Dominion Day by a huge eipendituru of gunpowder aud wind, atfonling a great deal of amusement to a host of spectators. At a few minutes jiaat 3 o'clock a company of citizens dresseil in uniform, ctivalry, infantry a:ul a battery, hcadetl by the band, also in uniform, marched through town and took up a position in Flesjicr's field on the banks of the chtssic Boyne (kindly loaueil fortiie iH-casion by Mr, J. H. Heard, the tenant) and facing Xo. 6 Co. of volim- teers, who were dret^sed in their brilliant red. cotttf. The scene was unite imiKw- ing. Lieut. Dr. E, K. Richanlsiui ciiu- inairdevl the volunteers, Mr. K. N. Hen- derson the rebel aivaliy, Mr. F. Hickling the rebel infantry aud Mr. T. Clayton the rel>el battery. The hills on either side of the valley were lined with interestetl spectators. The battery was composed of two stovopijHj cannon mounted on wagons and e,nch maimed by two gunners, who tired muskets throtigh them to make the deception complete. The cavalry on the side of the regular troops ei.>usiKttd of only three horsemen, but Corporal Hale.s was one of the number and they were, therefore, qnito sutHcieut to capture the .sipiad of irregulars. However, during tho meleo Corptiral Hales was himself Ciipturtd but slipped his bridle and es- caped. The contest began by some de- sultory tiring fl^â- m Ix'th sides and skir- mishing, followed by attacks and repul- ses, cavalry on either side supporting. Finally, by a well executed outflanking movement by a dut^tchment of volunteers simulUmeous with a d;»»hing by their main bod^', supporterl by their three cavalrymou, the tvK'l position was stormed and taken, .'Uid the swortls of the rebel le.itlers forthwith surrendered. With luditary promptness the forces were next arranged on the hillside and Mr. Bulmer, with his camera, lire«l thive noiseless and smokeless shots at the crowil, ihv. result.s of which will be m.tde known.inaday or two, .\fter this tho forces again marclKHl through town aud then dispersed. Tho wounded were looketl after by Dr. Mahan. Only four wouiidetl were lin>ught in by tho ambulanctf corjis, however, and his duties were iKit ai->Uiuus, No Flor- ence Nighting.ile wtis neovled. The hoi-ses were a little green at the busiuffss but took well to the smell of jH>wder. The matter was too hurriedly gotten up to admit of tho success which other- wise might have been, but still it made the day very interesting, more esi.)e-ciaHy to tho younger generation, Tho day was terribly luit aud tho b.iys doservo for their efforts to piwido ainusoinent for the people in .luc'i a sullocfttiug atmosphere. They worke<l i hanl, I R, N. H., on his dashing bay aud in j PERSON A L5 Miss Cassi.; Blakoly, of Tiruuto, in visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner left on Tliurs day hut for their heme iu Groat Falls, Mont. Mr. Oscar ^Vri^ht, of Detroit, is visit- ing his boyhood scenes in atid snuad Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Henderson, Mrs. Haiu<ford and Mis* Bella HenJerson aro spending their usual samnier vacation in town. Mrs. E Vandusen left on Tuesday for Detroit, wh»re she w U make a lengthy nail With friends. Mr. C. Grant, furniture dealer of Sinj;haiDpti>n, was a welcome caller on Thursday last. Mr. Grant wheeled down from Owen Sound and attended a Foresters' picaic a> Eu.;enia while on his way home. Mr. Geo. Holaiaa of ConperviUe, Mich., ii spending a few weeks with his father, Mr. P. Hxlmau. Geo. has been somewhat under the weather aud knows where to coaia lo jet pure air and plenty of uezone. Mr. P. Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Heard, Mr. R;ch»rd Smith, Mr. Wm. Smith, Mr. Jos. Smith. Mr .\. Wiekens, Mr. J. Hales and Mr. A. Shacktef >rd, tunk in the excursion to GuelpU on IF YOC ARE THINKLSG OF GKTTL5fG A PAIR OF Boots or Shoes for Summer JXCLAYTON'S We have in LADIES' OXFORDSâ€" BEAUTIESâ€" as fine an assortment as you cau get at from #1 per pair and upwardsâ€" Black or Tan. Also MENS BALS, OXFORDS and PLOUGH BOOTS from |1 par pair. Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended to Dr. T., dentist, Tonnto, was in town professiimally on Wednes- day. As will bo sten by bis card, which is inserted oU9«rii*re, ho will riait Flesh- ertim the first Wednesday iu each month hereafter, and Dunlalk the day follow ing. Dr. Henderson is a cold medalist, and as he has a l.irge ac<]uaiulai)Ce in this section «i!l to di<ubt lo a gni d business. HELO! HELO! What's .Ml The Noise .About .At HILL'S ? A Great Slaughter is taking place. Goods are cut and torn and prices are away down. Priut-i, C and 7c.. now 5c. Prints. "J and 10c.. now 7c. Prints, lOand l:J.\c.. now 8c. Crinkle Goods. 25c., must go at 15c. Ceylon Flannels. 13c.. present price, 10c. Black Dress Gooib*, 2.5c.. to $1.10 per yard. Liice Curtiinri very low. Curtain Poles. •Joe. i>-*roo n We Always Keep the Best Groceries in the Market Pure Lanl, lijc. lb. 4 cans Beans, 25c. Starch 8c. Long Clear Bacon always on liarul Bbl. Salt, t^ Any quantity of Butter. Hidef, «tc. wanted in excliange for ^<x-da We also keep P. Loueke's No. 1 Manitoba Flour on hand. . . . Com Also Eggs, m a '..i=-:^ MiBUcrley from oiir oicn Curre^i/nJeut. The roads are now under^iuing re- pairs. We kof e the good work will con- tinue and th.-tt the sidewalks will receive their share of attention. Promotion examiuationa wcfe held iu both sei;ior and junior departments of our school during the last week. The entrance exam, is to begin ou Thursday and the primary about the seventh. The principal, Mr. Pen<land, is to be con- IjrHtulated >'>i> the priinisin;; elau<s which he is sending: up for both the entrance aud primary exam. Kimberley should feci henored chat it h:is been so favoied as to have the primaty exam, held iu our â- cliool. A number ef our viilagcrs attended the Forester's pioi'.ic at Eugenia on Thurs- day. An excellent time was luported. About tweuty-five of our young people spent Satuiday afternoon at the Little Lake. A short pngrMnms was nnJered and then tho compary repaired to the bail ground, where a game <f baseball was playe'l between tlie ladies and Kentle- men. We did n< t learn what the innians were, but we believe tho former had no dittienliy iu gaininjj tl e victory. Boating .and other aiiius><ntents were also provided, so that altouethar the picnic was a very eiij"y\ble atfair. Dv. Sliet^'heid piiiil a visit to Oi-inge- ville last wo-k aud ou Ui« return brought with hitu a fii.e spaa of horses aud a pliaoton. Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Wrisjlit. of Si Vincent, Were the guests of Mrs. Ben Smith on Sunday. Mrs. Walter is spending n ct>uple of weeks with friends in Fleshetton. Mr. IVrt Arm.stvong, of Fleshetton, naj the guest wf Mrs. 'I'hurstou on Satur- day. K'lnberK-y is to be favored with « resident minister for this year, Mr. B.d- fuur havii g decided to make his boiue in oiir >illsg9. House aDd Lot For Sale For f^ali' cbraj*. ou easy terms that comfort- able ro(*iUt*nce on M&ry St. KleHnortiUi. coivtiun- ii.g t^ loiups niiU wouit shod, with hard nnU ^oft. xvator iiutiipM, both uinlov cover, boftutiful KArilfU .\tu1 oixhfuti h.;so well tliiishej stabU aud thive h.>HJ*e iiHxJI ft. Apply lo J. E. WOORB Vuruituio dealer. hm aid lot For Sak For sale <:li«ap anil ou easT terias in KlOBiier- ton. SplemlM laive, soliil bi-ivk uwt'lliiiB. ni»h stoDo colhir. simunoc kitclioii nn.t woott- Pi.uso. slso klhmI f^uiiK* stiiblu, bi iek iinoj. l> e'iii->e!> cout«i:n<twol«r3olots»;c>oii .voiini; orcliartl, l>eaiiiii.'- House sikI o(iH>i;iidiijj;« aro I'woptioiiallv woU rtnishod aaJ very couvoui- <. lid; laid uut. Al)pl> to K.J. SPiM>ci.s.S^eahcrti}n. M», .}'>, .ji^ .;t,, ^,„, ,.-,, J.,,, M, ..M/, .<•<â- . ,ji,, ^it, .^.^, ...iv.M/', .!i«. .^•'-^'^^'^:}"iiOt:J"; o'i:}!?. -iv- '/j<=^tv'=ii? 'u?''i^~'i<^''i«^ -'i»~'i«^^'? ''''>~''<^'''*' '«*â- ''*'â- '<»*â- â- *•*â- '•*â- **»*â- '"*â- '*'â- ^(;t 'M Flesherton "J^arcrooms. f Furniture â€" fe BIG DISCOUNTS DURING MAY ON 9^atrass93, S3ed Spriny and bedroom Suitaa tK OUR WHOLE STOCK is very complete in every line with i:nods of i{uite new design, combiiid with excellsnt workmaiuhip iiid tioiah. Goods sold by us are delivered and set up all compietfl Our line of WINDOW SHADES and CURTAIN K>LES ar* attracting attention, and customers are pleased when a practical hand is sent to adjust and dx up each parcel .si-id. PICTLRE FR.AniNQ IN GRE.AT V.ARIETY .^ti Best (lersonal attention given to every case of UNDER- T.\K1NG entrusted to our care. RESIDENCE over shop. J. E. nOORE, Proprietor .><;% sssjJ^r •?!«• J'-J. .}'l .: '. -^''- v>V- v^"- V- •• .!"- J"- -.•'• 0".. .>".. -!"- i"-i":£^'^i' â- ' -tg^ v'Jfe -A'' â- jV- ^- •>»• •*"- ~"'t- <fe- '»j?^i?'.li= '1»- ''if ''i\^ '/iV' â- <!>" 'ci?'/,\^ -.if^N" v,v- '..S^ '.i>.- 'Iff •>.«• '-li- '<»«• '/jS-^J-^ii-^SF '«.• '»*«••««• -^ FLESHERTON -^ WOOLLEN MILLS ITREE ! FRE12 ♦ f Opeuagain and are paying more tho liighest price for Vv lK)L. Will give tc extra for- black sh-«3; wool . .Vnd are in a better position to meet the wants of the public than ever before. Notice 9ur extremely low prices for custiim work : Oiling & Cariliiij Bolls, Sg I!) [arfiDj S %m\y l!c ill All Kisos ok We.wino in Pboportion Cash For Wool V. HUHH Cash : for : Hides! TESTIIMG Preserve y.iur eyesight by having thtm â- (<rop< riy tested by W. A. AR.MSTKONG, - OPlICl.\N Sheepskins and a'l kiin's of furs pur- chased, f' r which highest market price wtll be paid. Homemade sausages on h.mJ, a'fC all kinds of meats, FLESIlKUrON ME.\T EMPORIUM Farm ami Mill Site tor Sale FtT mile v*'vy cheap aiivl on very ofcs»y term)*. Timber Tarui, I-'Kt acrt»8. tiro t>nl«H from Kletii til-ton, kuawn aa the Win. HoKKsawuuU pvo* lerty. ami ou whiuh ia nil excoUeiit watrr pow«^. fwuii<!ation \yi i^an* mill, dani aud puud w»t«r wbeu) at t>!a«H» and all ready for putting uiili on. About Li a«.'res oioniud, :10 acre» titnbwr, most oiT. balancd \\v\\ tiiubtfrt-d. uh.xikI timber. This farm will bo st^ld at a bar^cain if sold at ouo«. Small vayuivut down, balauee oa â-¼oi'jr e.^y teruis. Apply to B.J. Prr.oriJi. FloHheiton.Oa Carpet Weaving; The uiKlMmifineil h ui !<1m>«) in )>a«ition a I flrBt class loom for carvct aui) tiaonul weaving *n>l is prepai-ei to j;ivo satisfaction. UiUtgin your KidS or \A11S to k. T. HEROS. FlcMbertou, April T« '90. Good Farm for sale or Rent Lot J7. con.i'. .\rtuuiei^ia, cnntniuiiiR 140 acres inortt ttr lo S.40 acred oluarut]. about. 3) milvs from Klo-norton. There ar« a Koort log I am aik) stable on the yrcuiisos. Ciuotl riinuiug water, to. 'u*.hor iiartio>iIiu's npv'W to W. .\, .'.HMsrnoNO i;'luatifttlcca.|