THI FLIBHIRTON AOVANGI EITADUSHBD 1881 ^Txo ^dvance (^JBLWllKD WKBKI.Y AT THB O/nCB. SYD- ISMUAM BTBKKT, KLEHHEKTON, ONT., BV W. H. THURSTON. »1 per aniuiiu.slrlctly In advance AdveitiBing Ratea: OM Column. I venr. »M ; liulf ool.,_l year, *27 quarter col., one yoar, »la. Translout a-lvertUemciit cbttrguil at tlie rate o! ( coots per lino tor flrnt iasortioii aiiJ S cents each subsoquuut iunertiou. AFTER THE DELUGE The Couaeivative party has not yet begun to recover from the stuuuitJb' blow wliioh it received oa Tuesday of last week, and mauy are tlie opinions advanced as to the cause and probable consequences of Mr. Lauricr'e accession to power. It is uot yet e-i-actly kno;fn what the new premier's majority will bo iu the House, but it will range somewhere between sixteen and tweutysii over all others co:nbined. This is too large a majority under the circumstancos and places too much power iu tho hands of Mr. Laurier'o Quebec followeis. They arc. in the Yornacular, "coclis of the walk" on this occassion, and Mr. Lauvier will have his hands full, if ho proposes to prove hiuisclf the hiHli-minded states- man his friends bolievo him to be, in kojpiiig the ebulitiou and grasping desires of his Fi«nch compatriots in check. Hehaahere a grand oppor- tuuity of displaying any staltaraan- ship which he posBusses. We do not think ho will ever dare to inlroduco measurcB as drastic as was proposed by the late govcrnmeut, alUiougli there are those who credit him with the intention of going even fiulher than tlioy did; but such a courbe would be utterly disastrous to his future prospects as a loader and to his party. Their term of ofEco under such cii-cumatances would ba vciy short. Mr. Launer himself expects Mauituba to deal with this school diflicully in a fair and ecinitablo manner when approached without further federal iulcifertuco. In a Hpeech delivered at Montreal last week he said : "As to tho school question, people are tired of the sis years' wobbling of the government, and 1 am coulidont that by making an appeal to till) generosity and sense of justice of the Manitoba Govcrninenl we will succeed in restorin;,' to tho minority tho rights which tlioy have been d.privud of." Of course it is just poSKiblo that Mr. (Jrton way's governinent will continuo to remain stubborn ttiid Mr. Lauricr will lind himself face to face with tho same rock which haH elovo hi and sunken for tho tinu) being the CdnKoivalive ship. In that event his majority, as wo have said, iu too ovcrwhelnimgly atrong, and this is just the point •Arlieio slatesmunahip would assort iUelf. If it oomes to that point then Mr. Fjauiier will bo tried by a crucial iLHl that will *ither gicully exalt or utteily destroy him. Prvton Conucil.. Proton cminoil mot lit I'rotoii .Sditioii, .iiiiio 25tli, IH'.u;. MiniitiiH uf prmioiia iiioetinn anil Cimilof UoviHioii wens read, n|i|)iovi«l, Higiitiil, elo. OoiiiiniinicaliouM vicro rucoivuJ from Co. 'I'ivhh. rii anvavs liixuH pt. lolH 220, It. HkikI '_';il, l{. ;i anil i;3.'l, R. ;i. AIho friiin ('link of I'oaro r« Co. C'onntnlpk^H v/v\ii iimil al.ii(< with o'^hom. Tliu following bu(ino«B «um lians- .'tctutl : Hlmw MnrK('ii/i«-Tlio loiter from t'lork of tliii I 'once 10 ('o. ConstaliluM liu laid oviirlo next iniiiiling' of co„,n.ii Tim following ho (miil foe work : |)iv. ;t •ml 5 lioiuK N. K. -M. lalini- montiy to ho I mid to coniniiHHionur for ]>iv. .'I, ^10 ; »iv. r>, llHi.oa. Tolul 8ltiOH. Tdliupaid for grubbing!, oto., on llio 11 li Hango Egreinont council to ajipuint oonmissiuD- er to meet one from Prot<jn, opposite 15 on., on Saturday, July IBth. at 5 o'clock p. ID. Tho following be paid for work. Div. 3 ; Alex. McLean, 94.90 ;(i. Loppard, 92.00 ; Jo». Coulter, $2.50 ; Goo. Coulter, J».2() ; Jno. McMurdo, $3 ; T. McAuley, 11 ; Jno. McNaulty, 92.10 ; Wni. McNaulty, $ti.50 ; Wni. Richardson, $k60 ; Goo, Stone, 89.3t> ; P. MuMurdu, gravel, $6 ; Juo. McMillan, gravel, ^10-; Jos. Goheon, grikcol, $2. That wo uupplonient grant made by Artcmesia. fl^o-to bo expended on townline west of Proton Srution. MacKonzie â€" WilHonâ€" That a gi-ant of $50 on townhue Proton and W, Luther be given to miiiplonifut grant made by W. Luthor. AIro flO grant for towulino Eust Luther and Proton. Slmwâ€" MacKonzieâ€" An order issue in favor of August Ritz for refund $2 63 be- ing error on collector's Roll of 18"J3. Watson â€" Wilson â€" Tho clerk bo r>a'd balancu 1 yoarsalarj- 189(i, $22.50 ; i year postagt)," ?2.50 ; the treasurer bo pikid i }oai salary, 1(50 ; post.ige and stiitiou- MacKonzie - Shawâ€" The followhig pay- ments bo made for work, Div. 1 : Thus. Rady, 8C.48 ; Jerome Vtit, 8!'.t.85 ; Hy. CiKle, $.3 : J. Francis, $2 ; R. Steon, 50c. ; Altx. Cameron, ?3.05 ; Wm. Irwhi, 7.5() ; T. Ryan. $1.92 ; Jas. Bol- gor, $1.26 ; R. Marry, $1.50 ; J. Mc- Fayden. $1.50 ; D. Memdes, ^1.30 ;,Wm. Hockridge, $4 ; Hewart Bros, for scraper, $7.50. Wilson â€" Watson â€" The following be I^aid for work, Div. 4 : Jno. Farrel, $5.50 ; S. Gamble, $24.75 ; Jac Mark- linger, $12.45 ; P. McGrath, $17.92 ; grant townline Melanethon and I'roton, Thos W atsou, repairing bridge, $6.05 fjrant, road job, $1H.00 ; John Hows*, $5.75 ; Jas. Mclntyre, $4 ; G. Woolsey, $3.84 ; Thos. Johnson, $;<0.74 ; Clias. Vanalsline. $7 ; Jno .Jackson, $4.70 ; llcwart Bros., for scrapper, $7.50. MacKenzioâ€" Wilson -Tile following Xto )«id for work, Div. 5 ; Jno. Goodfcl- low, $42.20 ; A. Robinson, $5 ; Jno. Allen, $28.50 ; G. Aclioson, 00c. ; Wm. Iladgins, $6 ; T. McAuley, gravel, $2 ; Ja«. Best, $17. 19 grant, Proton and Arto- niesia ; Jas. Corbutt, $4.60. do. Shawâ€" MacKonzie- -A grant of $16 bt given to improve 230 Side Road, Div. â- 'â- >, road baing in a rough state for travel. WatKou â€"Wilson â€" The connnunicatious from Co. Treas. re pt. lots 22<J, R. 2, pt. 231 (2jac.) R. 3and23;t, R. 3, for arrears taxes 1893 be left ov^r to next meeting. â- •/ ' Sliaw^MaiKonzieâ€" Tho clerk notify W. R. ThouipMin, C. P. Ry. to have road l)ed on townline, Protim Station, raised with gravel, not sand, as said crossing is in an improper state at present time. Watsonâ€"Wilson -Tho bill of W. J. Symington, $<>.75 bo l>aid for one valise for use of the clerk. .Sliaw-- Watson The sum of $6.06 bo refundeil VV. J. Genister for pt. lot 13, con. 13 (1-3 ac.) being urror in collector's Roll 189;i. Shawâ€" MacKenzio â€" Parties bo paid for work in Div. 2 : (â- . Sageman, gravel, $2.2.") ; J.-is. W'el.shero, culveit, $3.60; T. MiLann, culvert, $(i.95 ; G. Sa(,'B- nian, gravelling, *21 00 ; (J. Pryile, $1.95 ; Thos. Wat.son. $1.85; Wm. Jack, gravillint,', $23 ; Wm. D.'ans, $1.80 ; N. McAuley, $2.26 ; LuthroVirt, bridyi', $12 ; L. Vert. $3.0« ; G. Sturrock, $25 ; Clias. McLean, i'M ; G. Woolsuy, $.'( ^rant ; Hy. Code, Div. 1, rd job, $2. MaiKinzio -Wilson The council ad- jouilled to iiii'et at llolger's Hotel, lleH'n Cumem, on July 15th, at 10 o'clock a. in. JAMK8 CAYAl'AGH, Tp. Clerk. To the Electors of South Qrey The Complete Figures FoUowioK u* the complete returns for the ridinf of South Or«y ia hut week'* ileclion : NORMA NBY Jamicsun Landerkin Allan 1â€" 68 62 37 2- 83 60 5 3â€" 60 1(»7 3 4- 63 70 12 6- 58 19 51 6- 68 20 1 r- 36 28 62 426 350 171 OLENELG. JlAmieton Lindcrkin Allan 8- C8 34 52 9- 66 38 39 10- 41 10 26 11â€" 69 5.5 20 12- 88 40 24 322 177 161 EGREMONT. .Taniicioii Landerkin Allan 13-- 11 13 94 14- 24 17 6'J 16- 26 60 62 16- 18 47 »<> 17- 19 67 45 18- 19 86 68 116 290 434 DURHAM Jamieaon Landerkin Allan 19- 44 21 1 20- 41 17 6 31- 86 39 12 170 77 19 BENTIJfCK. Jamiaaun Landrrkin Allan 22- 66 24 69 23- 37 85 36 24- 56 54 64 25â€" 17 104 9 26â€" 45 67 64 27- 27 72 22 27 A. 36 39 8 28- 20 133 12 204 ' 668 274 MARKDALE Jauiieson Lmiderkin Allan 95 46 9 ARTEMKSIA Jamie.^on Landxrkin Allan 29- 59 61 10 30â€" 17 27 3 31â€" 27 16 18 32â€" 55 29 10 33â€" 61 91 16 34â€" 42 31 33 35- 39 32 22 36â€" 33 16 20 336 303 132 Total majority for Landerkin, 58. THE VOTE IN KAST GREY J{oW(S Sproulo Collinijwood .338 4(Xi Euphrasia 224 572 Moafoid 102 268 Mvlancthun 324 267 Osprey 217 327 Proton 34!) 194 Shelburno 62 100 St. Vincuiit 358 242 Tliornbury 35 106 Diiudalk 31 81 Tetal 2040 2;)6;i Majoiity for .Spioulo, 613. Gkntlkmek, â€" Accept my heartfelt thaiika fnr tho generiiui support yuu accorded in« at tliu polU on the 23rd of June. This ia the sixth lime 1 have m ceitod this sijjnal niaiU of yourcont^doiice and ealeem. Itvlioro me I am deeply Bunsible uf this renewal of your abiding trust ill 1110 and in the princi[ili's T hare always advoca'.bd. It is (ho liiylust re- ward a public mm can receive oi that th« peo| III can bestow. 1 will stiivo to do^iCTTe this coiitiuujd murk of your kiiuhieai by i^rrater attention to the public duties i: involves. I will evor bo mindful of your wialies and welfare and tlo my utiiioit to promote your advance- nii'iit ui.d happineiiH. In a word my uiotio shall always be : Canada firs', last and all the time. I wish yuu all croiy success and prospeiity, and hopo that peace, harmony and good will shall prevail among yuu and throughout tho hknd. I am, griilUmtn, very faithfully yours, Gico. Landekki.v. Hanover, ,[uno 30tli, 1896. Married. PeBTBOcsâ€" UrTTiiâ€" At tli« resiftanee of tlio bil>l«'<rBra!iti, ArtuiiiuBia, oaTl.ursJajr.Juno •2i, bi UiT. I). C. Iialfoiir, Jotiti Tertooua to L'arullus ttetts, all of Aitoiuttit. VVatiion Wilson -Tlio oloik notify llio â€"DuiiBalk Herald., Wliilo Mr. John Smiih, of Con. 8, Proton, was perforniin^; his statute labor on Wednesday morning last a very aad aceidt'iit befol his four year old son El);in Merwood. Mr. Smith diiarly loved his cliiUiren and it is custoinaiy for tlieiii tu a,.C()nipany him. The iiion wore loturn- inH wiih tlioir si-i'ond load of >;ravrl, and tr^'ro within half a mile of Mr. bmiih's hIicii Klkjin fell ofl' before his father could â- '(.|) tho lior^es, the wheel had passrd over tliu loji of his head criisliing it to pulp, liife was exliiiut iu ton minutes TO WSOH IT Kty [OHCEBH NOTICE is lisrvby Rivon that I will uot bn rcKiiot;Ht1ilti for any i^ubts coiitrairteit fnr tne or ill my UHiiio, witliQUt o.vpi'abM uulhority in writliiii. jDKHii o.\mi;y. I'uwnshlp of Oaprey, Farinor Pntcit at rieiliertOD tblt IStli day of Juno A. U. two. JW? Tjouch Tjhe Spot/ ^\ On seasonable goods, antJ have full supplies in the fol- lowinf^ lines : Fl.Y NETS Leather and Corded. DUSTK.IIS, Rl'ltllKll DASH APRONS, 1!1ni>i;r wiiip.s, K 11)1 NO SADDLES, SWK.\T PADS, AXLE OUKASE, 44 Clonic ii] ai](l Exan^ine "wv. ivioore: Htruessiu&iLer, Flesborton EQUAL RIGHTS HOUSE" ^>^ Atfe ^p S'ls.^jSi isjfe ^(? â- nt- .ite. .4K. Ml, £>/£. ^ ^iU. ^<^t(. .S>2. .J,t& .&",<. â- X'& A' i. C'% â- ><!- '?1?^*' -JiV^? W^.v %'S ^l? VJ? '/f? TOO BUSY TO WRITE AN ADV'T. i. c _3 Trying to beat the record we have added to our Dress Gomls. We h.'we K«scure<l a lot of Persian .Silk and Wik,! uiixturva which have bt. n sold in Toronto i-t 76c to $1.00. Wo oti'er them at 3iK- and 40c. Our stock of New Figured Silks at 25c., .30c and 3.5c \)er yard .'ihould bo quick sellers. They are very little above i)rice of Cotton Goo<l«. Wo expect more of those beautiful Moire Antiques which sold out so quickly last week at KX; per yard. Th :so gootlj were sold at 12ic in the Toronto Depart- mental Stores. Grocer.i€s We keep fresh and fully as.soited p.ud believe that quality should never bo sacriiicce for low price.?. We give prices cf a ftw liuea : â€" 5 Cans Beit Coin for 25c â€"6 lbs Siigo fur 26c â€" 6 lbs Rice for 25c â€"7 lbs Tajiioca for 25o â€" 6 11)8 Rai.siua for 25c â€" 2^ lbs Biking Powder for 25c â€" 3 Cans Saiiliacs for 2.TC â€"2 Hottl.s Mixe.! IMckles for iCc â€" 5 Ib.^ Prunes for £5c â€" 1 Q<ill)u Can Appke for 20c Wj mi;;ht cvmtiiiuj tho Iwt to foot of this column on tlds sc-iie ui prices. \Ve>, warnint all our ''TAS to give perfect satisfaction to purciia^era or iiiav be re- turne<l. SAMPLKS FREE. " COME! B. McDonald THE â- CiiPllH - STiLLlI Of The Dominion PRINCE ARTHUR lUl'OKTKD JULY. l«yu Wtiiner at the Worl In Fkir, Chicago, New York, and Ottawa; tU»t at Toronto Spriun Khuw and HtwupHtAkuH fur beHt stallion any R^u. IfllU; flrtit aiut Hilver iii«ital at Toronto ludustrial, IHVXl iKt and iiWtH>p»itftkuR at Toronto Spriiitj Show, 1801, llrst pn::;t* an>i ttilvtjt niudat also HWoupatakeA for he .t stalliou any ut;e at Tiironto Industrial, 1HU\ Piiiico Arthur n-KiHt'^rtd No. 18M Y C H 8 Nu. lUOU A C 11 S Unitud btatca btud Itook. KOUTC-lt*06 ^ MONDAY Mav itb^ will loAve bis own stable, lot IK, con 10, fCttphrasia, and procved to Mr Kilhourii Whitu'b llth line St Vincent, for noon , thonco by «ay uf Day Vtuw tu Woodford fur thu ni^ht. Tl'l':»l>AY. will procood to Warrilow's Hotel, Owun Souuil, for uoon. wht*rt* hu will reuialii until 'J o'oli>ck, the followiug nioinirt;. WKUNKSDAY, will prucfi.d to Jaikson HuuMO, Jackson, for noon; thtiuce to Guy n Hotel. Tara, for tho ui^ht. THIUSDAY. will proc««d to Mr Geo Hendor tiOn'H ncai- Kcady, (or neon ; thence to Campbell llousit, vlmtHWorth, for the nijiht. KKll>AV. will proceed to Mr Win F-'ontor's tith vou Hollund. (ornoou; thuncu to IiIh own KtabU) wluMu to will reniALU until Monday, This route will hu cotitinucd thrmiKhout the ticasou, houith und weatiiur pormitting. DKSCIUPTION Prince Ai Uiur in a purt brod Yorknliire Coach Hor^e tiiid rtjni''ti'red in tho Vork'-hiro Coach Horhu Sofieiv of Great Uritaia an. I Ireland No. 1862. Cidor. bay ; black lot^H, niauit and tail, auti peilectly (leo from while. a««d G yearn. Ktandtt Ki^ handrt hif{h, weiKhn 1,400 lb:' , has tho bvBt of action aud iuouLiruly fruohoui blemiiih. TKUMS To insure a foal #15, ti> bu paid 1st February, 1HU7. ri»r thii Huasun Jli, pavttbla tlio la<^t two ronndu. Sinj;!*) leap »10. to bo paid at time of tioi'vieu. I nun red niartm uiUMt bo ret ur tied rt^Ktilarly to tho horde duiii'^ tho HcnHou or thuy wiii bechaV(J!t'd full Ubsuraneo, in foal or i;i>t. I'er.^ons tryiiin niarcH to tho horse aud not rutuvnin^ theui will bo ehaiijed for tho veuson. I'artioH dit<poHiti>; o( tlieir ninre.t before coltectluf! time will be roNponsihle (or luHurunce. All :;cuidouta to inares at itsk of owueis, J. MANAREY. /.') Boots d Shoes, HATS, Clothing We are receivini; constantly atldition.* keeping stock .issoited uj size," fresh and up-to-date in styles. Black = = Q Worsted ^f Suitings Are the finest v.duos in this linj ever offered here but must he seen to be ap- preciate*!. We Have a Novelty in_ BR.ACES That nevor pull butt .ns olL Every per- son who we»rs [uuit-s -(.md who does not) - should woiir our new BRACES. Gent's Ties, Collain, Cutis, Shirts, (White and Colori-<l). White I'n- laundrietl Men's Shirts, 3Uc cachv WE WANT YOUR TRADE IN Butter, Eggs, d Wool And will aim to give you biggest and host value iu oxchanjjo. c 7, nanascr anO Collector Cattle Strayed Htray»il from tho iironilst^g of the uiiil«r8l|{ii(Hl on or abi>iit tlio •ml of .May, hIx yoiirliiiK caltlo aiut a two-y< ar oKt itricr. one tiuifttr all red. tiilit'>f«rHH|iotte(l,oiiiist»..M' all voil one «|tottail Htoor. ayoarliii).' bull, ami oiio two yoni oKt sto«r with l)cll. iimvow Htrap. Infuniiittloii an to their nlaroub.'iita will bo thaiikfiillv icoulTiil by. WM. CAMtritON", K.ii««iiiftl'. O. Or by any t>usiuosa roan iu Flcshortoii. FLESBEBT'OII STmTm. I havo Opened ui) a eomploto atoam laundry In Kleshcrton, and am pr»M>a'ed to take in any (|uantitvt>f laundry work at lowor prictm tliaii are clmr»{ed elsewhere, I havnput in thelaiest aud most iu)proved tuachinorv to that end. Kindly f-ivo uie a call. Kutiio sAtisfactiou SUuruuleuU.aud piices low. MUB. Oho. M^ouwhovm Miarciwarc 2 Dcp't. uzi'chaj'cison 's $ AT ^^'*''^^^^^%^^%^^% Jrfarciivare , » You will find a good assortment - Hay Forks and Rakis -â€" tfra.->s Scytlu's ami Suaiths (ianU'u and Turnip Uocs - .*^c_vtho and (irind Sti.nos Shovol and Eork lliiiidtes - Horso Kakes and Konce Wire Uound ami Snuaio Shovels Manilla and Si.sal Rope TKex*e Is A gooil and bad in everything. Pr«8er^ â- inj! Kettles aro no exception U) the ruh' To tho bist of our iiidymoiit wo have thj nuwt duniblo and cheapest Kettles in tho market. Rj?" AH sizos of (.Jla.« FruU Joins on blind. Uei»li|uartors for Rudd- ers' I'n.t.wa o. HINDER TVMNE A SPECIALTY. \l \