ftrtjftfWiinnt" Mf'"iirir irtr -imrâ€"'A â€" t- n' â- i'>l*f iyn .-'i» ^W i :' i|< ninf THI 9LIBHI1V0I IBTiVei m. D. ricTavish FLKSHEI^TON KEEPS ON HAND â- '^o'paiTS For liassey-Harrii), and Noxon, Flenry and Wilkinson farm implements. Flenry and Verity plows on hand all the time, also aH kinds of repairs for tbo sam;). We manufacturo Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleiglis, etc. Horseshociug promptly attended to. bpccial atloutiou to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. I ^^%^%%^^%^%^/%^%^%/V%%^%^%/%^%%^%^/%%^%^»/%^%^'%j Mc '^i^ 5UMnER SALES NOW RUSHING I This 18 the season of year when you want to buy a nice buggy or cart. I liavo them â€" beauties â€" and will boII on your own termsâ€" if they are not all one-sided. Painting and re-trimniing done to order. Don't buy witliout looking in uiK>n my samples and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN %^^^%^«^%^^^^^^%%^%<-%%%^/%^%^%%%«^%i»^%^4 I* ii^';^^2^^ag^a5^^^„S;r;;^.^.'^,M^ GO TO J.H.HEARD FOK THE BEST^ â€" ^^ Hfl^UOGIES, Waata.'inii, Carts, Spring T.xith and Iron Harrows. r~\ Frosts and Woods' Binders, Mowers, Home RHkes and Plougha. JS^ Fioury PInufths, Sculflcrs and Turnip Seed Drijls. Dick'a Plougiia niid Land UollHrs. Shares for all kinds of Ploui;lis. .Horta Shoei'it; and all kindi of. Blacksmithing. Wood, Lumber, Cedar Posts Shiimles. f Oi&iTVrO uiivxriniiriiisxiirttii OJVVyi rinru;uvwt «r» <i'ffiwuMuiuv ! '*» 51 With Others tt€riii!n:ri:rCiQQutn!njfiQwu1lrmir& 'b -^ â€" , EiTerythin; frosh in the way of Ivmons orsiittua, nuts all kindi, confectionery u the choicest variety, tigs, Hiit.'s, prunes, eraiibeirfiis, lii'.cuits of all kinds, canned fruits and Tr^btablev, teas, suirurs and all other i(r>>c*rict ; stock all fresh for the Lolulay trade. Oysters ^"^^^,^1^ '''•' F>c»l flour and feed constantly on hand. APPLES In 5fflall Quantities or by the Barrel Will. Eugenia 'Mills -AND- Carriage Works. Oarri.'Vijea in afle and Repalrcrl, also Planing and Matching, Baud Saw- tng. Wood Turning of every dea- oriptlon. Planing and Grain Chop Tjici^'ddne while you wait, for th'i IJonver turns the wheel. T. W. WILSON Blauaser _^OAV«AT8, _ TRAD! MARK*. DBSIQN PATKNTS, OOPVRIOHTa, ato. Fur Inforiiifltlon an«1 fre« H&uilhook writ« to ML.SN (L CO, uil Boo^uiTAT, Niw Yoai. />ldMt liunvui r<ir wcuring patents la Amerlfia >.ver> pr,'>-fit tsken out by ut Is brought befor* 4h« puiillu by * iiutiue gUar. froe ototiarge In xtut liHMt rlmilatlnn of any sotsntifla paper In ths wofld. 5iil«nUldlr llluitrated. Ma latelllgsnl naa sbo'.,1.| b« wlUiuut It. Weekly, SS.OO* ^esr; ti.riijiiirannths. AddrMs, MONiT dt CO., VvButuuui, SOI BcMtdway, Mew York Olty. 9 • OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is time \rei?y Beat PLAOB IN OANAUA TO (IRT A Tkeiigli Bosiness EducaUon. Take a RouDd Trip \ A Common Affliction hniiMifly Cired by Taking AYERSS A OAB-BBITZS'I ROBT. "T was afflicted (or eight years wlthBaN Bheum. During that time, I tried a great •nany medicinal wbleli were higlil; ree- ommeiidcd, but none gsre me rellel. I was Bl last advised to try Aror's Bars*, parllla, by a friend who lolJ mo tliat t must iiiircliase bU bottles, and use Ihein acdbrding to directions. I yielded to his iiarsuaslon, tiouglit the six bottles, six] took the contenu or tliree of these boV ties without noticing any direct benfUt Before I had finished tue fourtli botUa iny hauds wore as Free from Eruptions as ever thny were. My buslnnss, which Is ih:it of a esb^drlver, requires me to be out lu cold and wet weaUior, often ivlthout gloves and the trouble liss never returned."â€" TBOMAa A. JoBKS. Stratford, Ont Ayer'siS^Sarsapariila « Admitted at the Wortd'a JVjr^ AVer's J'UU Olaanni^iha Jtot^^ui Hard Times Further niTIGATED A t Hendersons Store O'ltno alwrig with your empty bags and (flit tlicm filled with pmie Kiill'«r Flimr al $3.60 per bhl. Gu.l,! Ten and Sugar at InwoHi prices Daiinnni, Louiuns and I'inu Apples on haiuipl' iiQ tIow all otbnv Husinees C'olloifos .and Cointneroial Daparliuents In Canada, tlion visit tU.> Nnrllisrn KiiaiuonH Ooitega ; ui'tniitio ovary- th ng thoroughly. If w» full In produce the laoit thorough, aoni|ileta, practical and exton. •tveeoiirsaof study ; the best ooIIrrh promises and tlia beat and mos' voinplote and most salt* al>lefuriilturaaada|llianoes, wu will ijlya you a. full oonrs* KHKa,. Vor Annual \nuo>moe' â- |(at,i|ivia8(ullp»rtloulars free, adilres • **.0. A. FLEMING, Prinelpali Trunks & Valises AWAY DOWN IN PRICE. Wo are Aguiit for McOowan'a No. 1 Hard Manitoba J'lour. An early call solicited WM. HENDERSON CARWNU . . . . rdlna raill first olaas repair ami am eniiilnylui a goiid carder. Good work doua promptly. U, HcaoWBM. nUevnicJnbel.'M, Qras'shoppen " A Friend of Fannera" writes from L'Asaoniption, Que., stating that graas- hoppera have appeared in larce iiuinbem. and that there i* much aiiiiety lest they should increase and do aa much barro as they did last year. He suggesta that the eame uaeful remedy, Paris yreen, which ia employed u> auuh ^ood affect against potato beatlea and all other biting insects, niitiht be used against these beaata also, by puttiiiK the poisons oil the leaves of trees and distributing the branches throuuh the fields. I am rather doubtful whether this remedy could bo adopted to any large extent, but experiments might be tried by spraying or dusting grass or other vegetation with a strong mixture of Paris green and Rcatiering it with a pitch fork ia such places as the iuaeeks are found to infest must, as is done for cutworms. The insects which are generally know|i as graaahopoers, belong to three distinct species, and would be more accurately duaiguatcd by the word "lucuars. Probably the only practical treatment which can be applied to large areas is to make use ef the implements which are now well known through the West aa "hopper-dojsera." The following is from the Kep'irt of the Dominion Expennental Farmn, 1895 : "Kxcellaut result* have folhtwed the use of the implements called "hopper- dozers." Whnn yuunj; locusts are ob- served te occur abuiulantly jn June, it certainly will repay all time, trouble and ex|jeiise to use them, from the increased crop which will be saved. They must be used early in the seaseii, because the locusts become full grown by thu end of June and are theu able to fly lung distances from place to place. I give herewith a simple plan from which on* uf these implements can be easily made. The following extracts are from Prof. Herbert Orborn's writings and set forth plainly the advantages and the manner of making and using a h<>pper-dozer. "In meadows and pasture* w* believe the use uf the ho pptr dozer the most practical plan that can be recommended. In many caees it can be used to espture these and the leaf -hoppers at the same time, especially if used when grasshoppers are still quite small and can b« he)d by a tliin laytr of coal tar used on the simple flat aheot of iron. When lar^tertheyneed a deepper layer of coal tar, or a pan of water with a covering of, coal oil on it. A cheap and simple plan for this purpose, costing but from ^1.60 to92, was describ- ed inaiiy years ago by Prof. Riley. It consists of a strip <if sheet iron 8 or lU ft, long, turned up 1 inch in front and 1 ft. behind, with pieces soldereJ in at the ends (or made of wood) and hooks placed in front at the ends fur the 'attachment of ropes. If to run on (rough ground, it will be better to put runners 1} or 2 ins. high ur.derneath. Into this put a layer of coal tar half an inch deep, or water and kerosene. It can be drawn by a boy at each end, or )iy horse power if preferred. "To treat pastures and me.idows for t>raK>liop|)er8 and leaf hopprira, it would Sriem ftiini prusent cx|>urienco the best plan to rjn over a'l g-ass lands early in M:iy with the siinple dwer described for loaf hoppori {a piece of sheet iron 8| f»-et long and 2 foet wide, was coat.d on tha U]ipur side with coal tar, and lying flat <m the sod was draygrd along by nieiiiis of three cotds, one fnatcned at each and and one m the middle ) Fasturea ahould be troKtod a second time about the middle of June, For meadows, the second irotitmeiit may follow hay cutting, if insects are abundant, and then, if grssa hoppers appear in Joly in numbei* r sort to the deep hoppsr-diizer describ- a 1 above (Bu'l. 14, Iowa Ag. Bxp. Station, p. 17(t.) Summarizing the result of hia experi- ments with loaf-hoppers, the same writer anys : "Expeiiineiits with hopper-dozers for Kiaas baf-hopperi show that tlis nu'thod can be used ynty succossfully in cajjluring the iusectn, that the simplest form, a Hat sli-iet ol sheet iron, was moat satisfactory, that one application resulted in addiiiij 34 per cent, to the crop of hay on a plot experimented on, and in one experiment leaf-hoppers were captured at the rate <if 376,000 per acre. These tesults aie most airlking, and one cannot but feel convinced that it would pay well to adopt systematiMJly such a simple and cheap method of frea- ing pastures of th* myriad inseota which reduce the yield every year." Hon. John Beverley RoUnion, ax* Lieut. Governor of Ontario, dropped dead while attending a Tupper politlral meeiiiig in Masaey Hall, Toronto, on Ft iday night last, aged 76 years. Caaaty and 1»l«triet The editor of the Hanover Post haa had a basket of green peaa presented hiir. Thia is early. Ci'iuosiTiKa. â€" A Tavisto<;k man has. a chicken with four leits and four wings. Barrie claims to have the tallest boy in America. Hia name is Arthur 13. Thomp- son. Ha is 17 years of age and stands 7 feet and 3 inches. The late ,Tohn Livingstone,of Listowrl, was at his death, the richest man in the County i^f Perth, his cstnte being valued at $500,000. In addition to 'thia' his life was insuiw: .'.>•• #500,000. 'lliirty-five years ago he landed in Canada, a poor Scotch lad without a second suit of clothea. Mr. John Hamilton's residence, at Hamiltoa's Rill, near Chatswi.rth, was burned Sunday week. The main build- ing was a anbatantiitl brick, and there was $650 insurancer on building and contents, which will not nearly cover the 1'>IS. John Wilson, of West Luther,, had Michael Manion of the same township up before Mayor C<-lcleiigh the past week charged with killing his dog. The two men are nviKhbora. T}\e defendant pleaded not guilty. The evidence was, however, against him, and his .worship tined Sfanion $2 and (13.35 coats and to pav besiiles $10 for the dog. In all. a $ I hot.â€" Hep. It has been ask«<d how many votes a candidate must secure to save his deposit of $200. The statute provides that the ^200 deposit shall be returned to the can- didate making it, "in the event of his being elected or of his obtainiu;; a num- ber of votea at least equal to o'le half the nuiuberof votes polled iu favor of the candidate elected, otherwise it shall belong to her Blajeaty for. the public uses of Canada ; and the aame shall b« ap- plied by tbe Returning Officer toward the payment of election expenses." John Marr, an old man who resides at Southwold station, nearly chocked to death at the Penwarden House, St. Thomaa, Thursday. John is tootblcKs, and he endeavored to swallow a piece of meat about 4 inches long, 2 inches wide and half an inch thick. Naturally the' meat got stuck' in his throat, and for a few minutes John waa nearly dead. Dr. Oustin waa hastUysummonedandsucceed- ed in pulling the meat from the man's throat. The Markets, House and Lot For Sale For sale cheap, on easy terms tbat eomfort* able residence on Mary St. FI^Bherton, contain- it.g B rooD>B and wood shed, with hard and soft, water pumps, both under eover, beautiful garden and oroliard also well Dnlsbed stable and rivr house WxJM ft. Apply to J. b. MOOKE Furniture dealer. 1 ) TO TIN IT.-lir ClICEBI KOTIOK is hereby R^^that I will not be reapocslble for any debts contracted for uie or In my name, without oxprtss authority lu writing. 'JOBIAB OAMKY, Township of Osprey, Farmer- Dated at Flesherlon this 18th day of June, a. u. isoe. FIESIE8TIII STEil LtDIDIY. I have opened up a complete steam lanndry in FluHherton, aiia am prepaied to take in any quantity of lauuary work at lowor priceK than are cbarRed elsewhere. I have put In the la' e«t and most Improved luaohinory to that end. Kindly give me a eall. Mutire eatisfaetion guaranteed, and prices low. Mas. Oxo. MoeBaaoVBB ZPo XJhe iPubiie THE BEST OF-- Roller Flour ALWAYS (Hi HAND. ALSO Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Choice stock of Qroceries, Jjenons and Oranges. 2 bottles Pickles for 26câ€" boat brand. Don't buy anything but the LSADBR CHURN, it is the best. I sell it. A choice line of HARDWARE and GLASSWARE. R. PEDLAR Carefully Corrected Eaoli Week Klour $3 80 to $4 40 Oata 18 so 18 Peas 45 to 4» Butter 11 to 12 E;{1!8, fresh 9 to tl Potatoes bag 20 to 26 Pork . . . . . . 4 50 to 4 50 Hay per ton 10 00 to 11 00 Hides : 4 00 to 5 00 Sh(it;p.skiiis . . 25 to 60 fleese .... 6 to 6 Turkeys 7 t^ 7 Chickens per pair iO to 25 Ducks per pair 40 to 00 Wool 17 to 30 Time Table. QOIIte 80VTH. Markdaleâ€" 6.40 a. ro. Flesherton â€" 6.53 a. m. 4 40 p. m 4.53 p. a GOING NOETH. Fleshertouâ€" 11 48 a. m. Markdaleâ€" 12.04 p. m. 9.17 p. »i 9.30 p. us, .a.X<iKatv Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Vhkh Ooeten VaiM ta Bdpi CURED BY TAKING /V I CrfV a J Pectoral. ** I eontraeted a eeTers raid, which settled on my lungs, and I did what is >.ft«n dona In suc-h cases, neglected It, thinking ItwonM ^9 away as It cam? ; but I f ouuj. after » ctle while, that the slightest exartie* patoed me. I then Consulted a Doctor who found, on ex,tinln)nR my lungs, that the upperpart of thf left ouc «a» b.-idiy aSeeted. lie gave me !>ome medlirlne which 1 toeku directed, hut It did not setm to do any goo*. Fortunately 1 happened to read lu Ayer'S Almanac, of tbe fffcol tb,it Ayer'S Cherry rcctorul hn'J on others, and I determined te f;lve itatri^il. After takings few doses aiy rouble was relieved, and before I had ta- Ishfd the bottle 1 was rurcd.'"â€" A.LxFI,aa, watohmsker, OrangevUle, Oat. Ayer's Gheriif Pectond Htyheet Award s at World's Vmti. â- Aver'a JPUlm Curo ZtMM«MMosa. Photos ^m â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesherton Photograph Gallery X are ditne in first- I'lass style and at % Kiwoat rates. Speoial attention S eivoo to copyine. llaUiea' ))lii>tos. k ^ a apccialty. PictuicK framed. ^ I MRS. BULMER | Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills Tlie undersigned arc placing in po- aition a fust class sawmill for custom sawing, which will be rfady for opera- tion in January. We liavo also added A CHOPPING MILL For the convenieuco of farmers. Chopping done at any time at 6 cents per 100 lbs. The sash and door factoi'y, band and soroU sawing business continoe<) as nsual, file in your orders. BEECROIjT & TALBO^, •' J ^1