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Flesherton Advance, 11 Jun 1896, p. 5

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THI FLISHIITOI iOfllfl BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL â€"^^ FLESUEKI'Oi\ Agimirftl bauklag buaiiiesH timiiiaete.l Drafts tiinuu'i auil ::btiiiuab cu»Iil-'.1 at u«iml rates, ijouey always available for laiiimata bUBiuess BUturpriiie. Oflioe two douva uortU of JltioUard- 80U A Co'a. Vicinity Chips. CharatUeristics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the Curious. B^ine»» noiices among locah will be nhargfd at the rate of 10c per Ihie for each iiuertUm. -1 reduction will be incih: on contracts for 100 lines or over. All tlie political candidates ai-o witli us this week. You hear their ploas and take your choice. Ciuiity Council meet« in Owen Suund on June 16. We were lad astray last week .Oil to the date by an Oivuii Sound paper. Fresh lime for sale â€" Kiln just burned 10c per bushel. Also good building s;ind free with lime. S. Koy, lot 30, 10th oun., Artemesia. At the district L. O. L. meeting at Orange Valley school house last week it was decidod that tlie various lodges in the district would cxcurt to Shelbume on the approaching Twelfth. Th-j Grey Review has changed to an eight page six column paper. When Hro. R.i!na(,;e gets liis " make up" hito a little better shape it will be an immense improvement over the ancient blanket sheet. Friday eveniusj last Mr. Geo. Gi>rdou and Jfr. Wallace Armstrong, thin tnwn- dliip, had valuable killed by li.iht- T. ^ji, ....^ „...â- . v> »,.c». ^^f,-"-.- .-.;••â- '. Mr. Will. Wright of Oaproy also lost a horse. A garden party will bo given by tlie liudies' Aid of the Eugenia Presbytei-iun co;igicg'iti(jii on the picnic grounds at Eugenia on Doniiniim Day. Ago<Kl'tinie 18 expcctwl. All are conliaUy invited. The i)roceeds will go ti>ward8 finishing the new church. Mr. Huffh Wilson's saw and shingle mill, l>)t 12, con. 18, Proton, near Swin- ton Park, was burned to the ({round on Friday night of last waek. The tire is suppored 10 have been caused by lightn- ing. Tlie loss will be heavy, as there wiM ouly a (inall insurance. Henry Howard, a mechanical genius who was in town lately attending to sew- ing machines and scissors, fell on a stair- way in M'trkdale and injured himself no teriously that he bad to be taken to the hoipital in Otven Sound. Mr. .John Wright, Bailiif, met with a Tery painful accident one day last week. Wtiile lubricalint; hig bicycle chain he got hii thumb caught in the gear, breaking the bone about half an inch from the end and tearini{ utf the nad. Mr. Wright has not beau doing any wheeling for a few dayi, but is tenderly nursing his digit. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hoard returned from their wedding trip on Saturday evening's train. They were met at the station by a number of fi lends, including the band, and escorted to the village in i-oyal style. The newly wedded couple have taken up their residence on CoUing- wood street. Mr. P. Loucks of the Little Mill had a calf killed by a bear one night limt week. The job was done a few feet from the house. A couple of our nimrods went down next morning to make mince meat of Bruin. They did not discover him but are certain that they frightened him bad- ly. Those who are ac<piaLuted with the feel iiositivo that his bearship must be somewhere up in Muskoka by this time and is no doubt still travelling. ___â€" _^_ â-  The following resolution was un- animously piHsed at the recent Methodist district meeting held in Ouiidulk : "'The subject of remedial let^lslation having be- come a vital (|uesti(in to the citizens of our cciuutry, we, the minsters and laj men â- â- )i the Owen Sound district of the Methodist church assembled, wish to place on rec( id our unalterable opposition to any Government whatsoever which may attempt to force a system of separate •chcols ob Manitoba." The [lastor of the Methodist church. Rev. J. Mshan, appears to have aroused quite a wave of generosity in his church. Ho asked for a special collection on Sab- bath of at least ?150, and hojKsd it could be nu-ulo come up to ^200. This money was to bo applied to renovating the inside of the church and making it more attractive. When the coUectioas were footed up after evening service it Was founid that they amounted to $301, or ^101 more than the pastor's n\o8t sauguino hopes had builded upcm. Mr. Mahau announces his hitention of mak- ii.g the church "the most chaste and l>eautiful tempio of worship north of Tor- onto." A large area of new she*! accom- inoilation has been erected this spring, the roof re-shingled, and now the pastor's hands have been cheerfully upheld in Koing ahead with inside impri.>vements, all of which speak volumes for Rev. Mr. Mahan'a persuasive powers and p)pularity. The above sum has since bean extended to ajbout f?40,^' Tuesday of next week will be nomina- tion day. Fresh lime for lale at 10 oenis per bushels, on lot 29, N. D. R., Artemesia. W. J. Mbads, A meeting of electric railway sub sci'ibvrs is ciilKd for Thursday eveninc, 8 p. m. in the Town Hall. Every sub- scriber should make it a point to be present. Dr. Jamieson spoke in Flesherton on Wednesday evening. Mr. Allan,Patron, speaks at Vaiideleur to-day, Thompson's school house on Friday and at Proton Station on Saturday, 8 p.m. The Farmers' Institute meeting held on Tuesday was fairly well attended. Hon. A. S. Hanly was present duiing the afternoon and favored those assembled with a short address. A full report is crowded out this week. The Hanover Post was burned out on Sumlay evening. Liglitning struck the building, which was owned by John Mitchell, editor of the paper, and every- thing went up in smoke. Loss on build- ing and plant, ?4500 ; insured for $2100. With the blood full of humors, the heated term is all the more oppressiva. Give the system a thorough olea'iing with Ayer's Sarsaparilla and a doaeor two of Ayer's Pills, and you will enjoy Summer SB never before in your life. Just try this for once, and yeu'll nut repent it. The Duadalk band, which attended Orange Gland Lodge at Collingwood, re- ceives very high praise at the hands of CoUinawoud papers. Joe and his boys dcservi' it and should now experience a very pleasant seusation in their left breasts. The public are respectfully requested to take notice that^ the merchants of Fle.shcrton have agreed to close their places of busincM on ana atter monuay, 15th hist., at 7 p m., except Saturuays, during the mouths of June, July and AiiiriiHt, nan in Toronto, and will ba on axhibi- tioo at the Industrial next fall. It is tha largtst ever captuied in thesa nunheru waters â€"Ed. Advance.] Reform Executive Meet A healthy appetite, with porf.ict di.xgestioii and ikssiimlation, may be secur- ed by the use of Ayer's Pills. They cle.inse and strengthen the whole aiinientiry canal and remove all obstruc- tion to the natural function of either sex, without any unpleasant etfucts. Whereas a rumour haa been spread through the country that I had charged .Wm. Kenny with stealing peas from my barn and that he had since paid me for them, I hereby state that such report is entirely false, and that I never accused nor even suspected Wm. Kenny ni steal- ing peas fnmi me. Geo Johnston. The Town Hall was ci-owded with a very attentive audience on Tuesday ev- ening, when Hon. A. S. Hardy and Dr. Lanuerkin arraigned the policy of the Conservative administration. The meet- ing was presided over by Reeve Uolaiid and was opened with a short address by P. McOullough of Markdale, after which Mr. Hardy gave a lengthy and vigorous speech, which was listened to with deep interest, and Dr. Ijinderkin delivered one of hw characteristiodly humorous ap- peals to the electorate. The nieeting waa very orderly, not enthusiastic, but quite warm towards the speakers. There waa a large sprinkling of Conservatives present, and a number of ladies. Misr Lizzie Strain, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strain of this place, Was married on Wednesday of li'st week to a AJr, Skinner, teller in the F.rst Na- tional bank, Great Falls, Mont. The ceremony t^iok place at the residence of the bride's brothjer, Mr. Herbert Strain, Great Falls, and was a very pretty aliiair. About a score of guests wa.s present and there was a very large list <jf valuable wedding gifts. The newly wedded couple are expected -to arrive in Flesherton tliis week Oil their wedding tour, when they will be the guests of the bride's |>arentH, Both are spoken very highly of l)y the Great Falls pre.s«, and have the congrat- ulations of hosts of friends, both cast and west, to which we beg to add ours, A sS Pound Turtle A correspondent writing to The Advance fiom Collins' Inlet, iioith shore, tolls the fiillowiug turtle story : "As Moses Beaudiy was working in the lumber yard to day, he s;iw a lai'tiO mud turtle swiniiniiig in tha slip. Moses slipped down to the water and caught the turtle by the leg. Mr. Turtle caught hold of the dock with his claws. It waa now a tug-of-war â€" turtle versus Beaudiy. With all the lustry tugs Moses could give h» could not make his prize give up its hold till he got help from Mr. Pitt, to whom he called so detperately that that gentleman feared he had a man by the leg, and hastened to his assistance. When landed the reptile proved to be a homely lociking fellow, measuring trom tip to tip, 48 inches ; ginh round the middle, 37 inches ; head and neck, 10 inches; body and tail, 38 inches; tail, 17 inches; liead as larsje as a tjrnund hoi-'s head ; aruis 7 inches hniu;, with a paw 4 inohis wide, and the claws 1\ ins. long. The hind legs is 12 ins. huig, with similiar feet and claws. He weighs 58 lbs.. Many of the ladies called to see him this afternoon, but his turtleship did not seem to appreciate their visi:s. Thoy did not say "you inu'st call and see us," and he did not say "call again." The ladies left laughing at his looks, and probably thought ho was from the country. Any turtle that can beat our turtle ha&a right tu » hearing. LARRY. [Tha reptile was since sent to a gentle^ A meeting of the Executive of the East and Centre Grey Liberal Associa- tion WHS held in this village on Friday last, u>arly every part of the riding being represented. Amon>,' those present were : Mr. C, Graham, of Dundalk, President ; Mr. Wm. Gitison, of Osprey, Vice- President ; Mr. P. McCulloUiih, of Markdale ; Mr. J. J. Bell, of Toronto. And from Moaford and St. Vincent â€" Thos. Harris, .fas. Stewart, Wm. Buch- art, John Clark, Jas. Robertson, .Tas. Batty, Alex. Thompson. Euphrasia â€" A. C. Paterson, Jas Patterson. Colling- woi'd â€" Win. Wheeler, C. W. Hartnian, Chas. Pye. Osprey â€" Wm. Norman, C. Clayiou. Artemesia â€" Win. Pickle, E. Vanzant, A. Vandusen, Wm. Wright. Protonâ€" And. Riddle, A. Rurritt, P Shaw, G. Smith. Dundalk--J. D. Mor- gan, John Anderson. Shelbume â€" F. H. Silk, H. Fauikner, Chas. Mason, Jno. Hamilton. The president explained that the obje::t of the meeting was to get an expression of opinion from the dilferent part's of the riding as to the advisability of placing a candidate in the field to con- test the riding in the Liberal interests in the coming election, and after hearing the views of nearly all of the above nanied gentlemen, it was nioved by Mr. F. H. Silk, of Shelbiii'ne, and seconded by Mr. J. D. Morgan, of Dundalk, and carried unanimously, That the Liberal Association of East Grey do not put a candidate in the tield this coniing election. Moved by Mr. McCulluugh, seconded by Mr. C. Miison, That we, the members of the Executive of the Libaral Associa- tion of East Grey assembled, do hereby declare their hearty endorsation of the manly and honest coi »w pursued by the Liberal party, led by the Hon. Wilfred Laurier. during the past session of the w...r. '''on Pailiain-^nt- and that we 'further express out hearty appieciation of the statesmanlike manner in which the Hou. Wilfred Laurier haa led the Lib- eral p»rty. Carried. Moved by Mr. U. Faulkner, seconded by Mr. J. D Moruaii, That the Execu- tire of the East Grey Liberal Associa tion, hereby endorse the action of Sir Oliver Mowat in his manly sacrifice of position and ease for the good of the Liberal cause, and more especially the gixxl of the glorious dominion, in joining with the Hon. Wilfrid Laurier in fighting for pure and honest government and the defeat of the Tupper administration. Carried. Moved by C. W. Hartman, seconded by P. McCuUough, That we have learned with deep sorrow of the sudden death of W. B. Simps<m, which occurred at Chuts- worth tin Sunday last. Mr. Simpson has been one of the ablest and most enthusi- astic workers in the Liberal interest in the western part of Centre Grey, whose Itjss we deeply regret, and also feel that not only a good Liberal but a gooil citi- zen has been removed from our midst Carried. The meeting was also .addressed by J. J. Bell of Toronto on the general ques- tions of the day. PeR50NAL5 Mrs. J. M, Thurston, Kimlierley, is the guest of her son, ye editor. Rev. J. Mahan left on Monday to at- tend Toronto conference, which opened this week. Mr. D. Wright, teacher in Sinshanip- ton public school, visited friends in town on Saturday. Mrs. Bulmer returned Inst week from an extended visit with friends in Siiig- hainpton. Mr. and Mrs. Middaiigh, of Durham, and their neico. Miss Oiler, of Worcester* Uliiu, are the guests of Mr. A. Munsbaw. Mr. C. McKaydeii, of Durh.iin, waa a caller on Tuesday. Colin is a disciple of Rofnnn and is followinii the suries of Gnt nieetinv's in order to got a full share of political crumbs. Born. I>uoAiinâ€" In Mark'iale, ou Mar 29tb, to Mr. and Mrs. Ijoguni, a son. Harried. Bkinsbbâ€" Strain- At tha rniiiiierio* of tho l)riilo'6 brotCur, Gloat KallB, Mont, ou Wed iiuHday, Juiia 3rd, Mr. Mark Skimwr, of Great FallB, to Klizabbtli K.. seciii'l dauKblor of Ur.andMrs. Win Btrain, Kluitlierloo. A tetriblo fatal accident occurred here a little after eight o'clock this morning. James McNib, of the Garafrw.xa Road, Hamilton's hill, came into the village with a load of hogs iuid after dispusiiig of them went to Taylor's mill and loaded his wiigon wiih saw-dust. Uo then went into the mill and was .standing couversinj; with Mr. Taylor when a twelve foot edging about inch by inch and three- quarters was thrown Iroin the saw a distance of about forty feet, one end striking McMab on the neck, on the jui^lar vein, and passing through his neck, coming out at the other side, a little hij/har up. He fell and nev^r moved afterward â€" Chatsworth News. ^CARDING I bavo put tho Prioovillo carding mill into first class repair and am omployiug a f^oud carder. Uood work done promptly. It, McGowBN. f riccvilla. Juu e 2, 00 . House and Lot For Sale For sale oheap, on easy terms that oomfort> nblo residonoe ou Mary Bt. Flestiorton, oontaiti- it.g H roouiB Aud wood shod, with bard aud f^oft nater pumps, both under covor, beautiful gardon aud orchard also well flnisbed stable and drive bousu 28.r34 ft. Apply to J. B.MOUBB, b'urnUuie dealer,.. Mi!''' IF YOU ARE THINKING OF GETTING A PAER OF Boots or Shoes for Summer Jiz-CLAYTON'S We have in LADIES' OXFORDSâ€" BEAUTIESâ€" as fiue an assortment as you can get at from %l per pair and upwards â€" Black or Tan. Also MEN'S BALS, OXFORDS and PLOUGH BOOTS from fl per pair. Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended to ^ ^ jCook J^ere C7 O ^ SPECIAL LINE OF BOYS' AND MEN'S LIGHT CAPSâ€" 10c to 25o. SPECLAL LINE OF MEN'S UNDERWEARâ€" 25o to 50o. . . . SPECIAL LINE OF LADLES' BELTS CLEARING OUT AT 6o EACH ANY QUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS AND WOOL WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. . . . SPECIAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO CASH PURCHASERS. . . . m t^jU^f' ^"â- ' '^'^ â- >'''' ^f" •^&^' â- ^f' -^'-^ â- ^t' •i^k^Hik. •'t' â- iit' MIS' J^V- •M<- -i'^ •^l&.^t' ^l' -Ht- .^'t- JM- ^fFW^i^?^?WW^?'^^F^?^?W^'5l?->i?^i?'>l?^i?WWW'>i«^^iF''i<^ S Flesherton TTlarcrooms I f Furniture â€" # tBIG DISCOUNTS DURING MAY ON m 9^a/r»ss»s, !Bed Spriny and bedroom Suitoa "^ m I â-  â€" I f^ I OCR WHOLE STOCK is very complete in every line with f $^ K goods of ([uite new design, combiud with excellsiit workmanship ^ w â-  and finish. Goods sold by ns are delivered and set up all d If p O""' '"'" °^ WINDOW SHADES and CURTAIN POLES ^ %^ ^ ara attracting attention, and custiuncrs are pleased when a ^ ^ ara attracting attention, and custiuncrs are pleased when a ^, practical hand is sent to adjust and fix up each parcel sold. ^ PICTURE FRAHINQ IN GREAT VARIETY Bdst personal atlontion given to every c;ise of liNDER- TAKING entrusted to our care. RESIDENCE over shop. J. E. nOORE, Proprietor ^ FLESHERTON ^ WOOLLEN MILLS Openagain and are laying more than the highest price for WOOL. Will give tc extra for- black sheep wool . And are in a better position to nieot the wants of tho public than over before. Notice our oxtremoly low prices for custuni work : Oiling & Ug Boils, Sc II) [ariiiDg i Spinning, IQc II) All Kinds of Wbavino w Peoportion Cash For Wool TTnuhn VadaMay Spriiiffsteen, a 13 year old dauj^hter of John Springsteen, Shelbume, died last Thursday morning from the effects of a fright received the Saturdoy before. A crazy, living in the iieightjorhood, hud been waiideriii<» abniit terrorising children and lind instilled such a foar of herself in |their young minds, that, when she poerud into a window of Mr. Sprin:;9teeirs house, Vada bocanie so frightened as to all con- sciousness. Brain fever developed and on Thursday morning her spirit took its llight. She was a bright, amiablo little q[irl and very popular with her school mates, who brought many beautiful floral .ifferings on the occasion of the funeral which was held last Satuiday afternoon. â€" Shelbume Free Press. -r=» FR£:£] ! FREE ! 1 TESTIMGv Preserve eyesight by having them properly tested by W. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAN Farm and Mill Site for Sate F'ur Halo vory choap aiul on very caey term^ Timber farm, lf»0 acres, two miloKfrom Floah ortou, known t%A the Win. Ho^g sawmill pro- perty, aiiiluii wliicl) iRan uxcuUeiit wftter powv. foundHtioii of gftw inill, ilaiii and pond an(l wator wheel In placo ami all ready for putting mill on. About If' a«;res cleiirod, :jOacreB timber, most ojT, balance woli timbered, mixt d timber. TliiH farm will be sold at a bargain tf sold at once. Small payment dowu, balance on very u^ity terms. ApiUy to B.J. BrnouLB, FleBlierton.Co Carpet Weaving" Tlio unclevHinnod has placed in position ». HrHt cla^s loom for carpot. and flannel woaviog - and is prepared to Klve satiBtaobion. Bring in . your KA08 or YABN to A.. T. HBBOM. FlosliertoH, April 7, '96. Goocl Farm, for sale or Rent Lot 37. con. G, Artemesia, containing 146 acres more or loss, 40 acres oleared. about 2i miles from PlealiertoD, There are a sood log barn and stable on the promlnee. Good ruootog .! water. For tuttaar partioalam apply to Vs. JL, ABHBTHONa

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