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Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1896, p. 5

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^m m t THB FLiSHBtTON iD7lMGS BANKING OFFICE OP GSO . MIT CHELL """^ FLE»)U£RrON Aniueral ivinkiug buaineBs trausacted DrnUii iflHUud ami choqueb cashvil at ubttal rates. Moiioy always available (or Ivgiuiatj bUHiueiiii satar|)ri8«. oiHaa two doora north of Uiobard- •ou a Co'a. Vicinity Chips. Cburaeteristics of the Past Week Carefuily Called for the Onrious. B'i»i}iifss iiotic^j among locals tcUl be cluirrfed at the rate of 10c per line for each insertion. A reditction will be nuide on contracts for IDO lines or over. W e are fifteen ytars old jitiJ liearty. Ci'.urity Cuuncil is on in Q.i%a Suund this week. County liistiicl niei'tiiiuof the L. O.L. meets ii Maicwe!! iiexc Tuiisdavr. Two ItaLsn ear uplitteis, bagpipe, flute and coiiipltite outfit drfted through town on Muiidrfy. FroKh linio for sale at 10 ceats per busbt's, ou lut 20, N. D. R. , Artemeaia, W. J. Meads, Boyd BroH. invitu tenders in this issue for stone and masonry work for an ele- vator ut the Station. Preparatory services will bo held in the Prtshyterian church on Fiiday after- iioou, and sucraiuent ^ill be admiiiisc«:red on Sunday. Dr. Laiidrrkin and Mr. A. B. Mc- CalluDi will address the electors of South Orey ai Priceville June 4, Drumore June 5 and LatiiiiH Juno C. Over eleven hundred people were killed ill a nii><hty cru!>h ut the free ffxst given at Mi'scow in connection with the coronation ceremonies. Mr. Marcon of the vunrer mill, Eu;:«nia, advertises in this issue for elui lufs. This is a chaiice for farmers to make an extra between aeaaoni It haa been reported that I had a bad bum of linie but this is false, for I have about 400 bushels of good lime for sale. Robert Best. Fresh lime for sale â€" Kiln just burned 10c per bushel. Also good building sand free with lime. S. Roy, lot 30, lOth COD., Artutuesia. MiLUMRY bu.sines8 still keeps brisk at Mrs. Trimble's millinery ruoius. Some very pretty designs La midsummer hats going quickly. Next door to R. Trim- ble's store. The annual meetinz of Ceiitre Grey Farmer*' Institute will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on the 9th day of June 1896, commencing at one o'clock, p. m. The CoUingwood Bulletin quotes a portion of our slectric railway article and winds up by remarking: "Mr. Pew â- eems to have forgotten about our air line. It has fallen quite out of sight." Mr. B. Simpson, ezbailitf of Chat- worth, was found dead in bed by his wife on Sunday morning. He leaves a family of seven children in distitute circtiinstancea- Will "A ratepayer" of Maxwell kind y seiid his name so that his coisniunication may appear. It is against all newsf^aper rule* to publish anonymous coi respond- •nee uuieas the writer's name accoinpau- ie* it. Most coughs may be cured in a few hours or at any rate in a few days, by the use of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. With such a prompt and sure remedy us this at hand, there is no need uf proloniting the auony for weeks and mon hs. Keep bliis remedy in your hou^e. Township Council met in the Town Mall nil Monday. There were fourteen appeals disposed of and an .adjournment wa.s made until the 13th iust. Wo find it impossible to get the minutes <iii ahupe in this issiip hut thi-y will appear next wok. The electric railway bjlaw was pa.isod throu>{h two rendiiiKS. Health and happiness are relative con- ditions ; ai any rate, thore can he little happinoes without hcahh. To give the body its full measure of strength and enerfiy, the blood should be kept pure and vigorous, by the use of Ayer's Sar- saparilla. The residence of Mr. William Mc- Isfoughry uf Arteniesia was the scene of a T.-ry iiitero^tiiig and hippy event on Wednesday of last week, the dcoassion l)i;in<(the irarriage of hi,s daughter. Miss Minnie McLoughry, to our young towns- man, Mr. William Heard. Tho bride was charmingly dressed in white filk lustre and was supported by Jlis.1 Slack of Flesherton. The grxjiii looked his btst and «a3 assisted by Mr. R. Keefer of Preston. At oiie o'clock the srue.sts, numbering about eighty, aasuinbled on the lawn and the bridal party took their (Hisition on the verand h where the nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. A. J. Irwin, B. A. B. D., of Norvtl, cousin of the bride. After pavaking of the wed- diua breakfast in a beautifully decorated apartment, neat little coiis^ratuliitory a{>ceches were made l-y Rev. Mr. Irwiii and P. McCullough, Esq., of maikdale to which a suitable reply was niude by the groom. The presents were all us«- ful articles of (jreat variety, expensive and too numerous to mention. Amid show- ers of nee the happy couple left Mark- dale on the «veiiiu!{ train to visit Toronto, Niagara, Lindsay - and other points uf interest. The yountf peoplu will taku up their rtsidence in Flesherton, and have the best wishes of all for their future hap- piness. The Advance offers its sincere conarntulaliona. Mi.i. Heard is well kuowu and very hi'jlily respected, liaviiig lived here some time with Mm. Buliner, Pliotograher, and Mr Heard is one of our most exemplary youn^ men. May health, wealth uad happiness be theirs. To THE Editor op The Advance : â€" In your issue of last week you again assert that I stated at tho Flesherton meeting that your village would be the last to be appealed to for subscriptions and that I approached Cheslej', among otliors, later with the siime object in view. It is true I went to Chesley at the urgent solicita- tion of a manufacturing tiriii there, but my propoai'ii.n was to give Chesley a line from the Fleshcaton and Meaford branch, through Markd.ile, Ch-jsley, Paisley and Tiverton after the main system had been constructed and conditional upon a char- ter being obtainid for the Chesley exten- sion. Henry J. Rwlstin. Public Meeting. K medting in the interests of tlie Liberals of South Grey will b-jheld in the Town hall, Fleaheiton, lU Tuesday, June 9th '96 at 7 30 P. M. Hon. A. S. Hardy, Dr. Landeikiii aijd oiheis will be present and address the electors. All are invited to attend. Ladies aie cordially invited to bn pmseiit Dr Landerkin unu .Mr. Uaidy will a Idress a meeting at 2 30 m tho afternoon of the same day. »t £u>:eiiia. riexico. Rev. J. A. Doddn, a returned mission aiyfiiiu ikiexici', i^ccupud the Piesbj- tenau pulpit nioriiiug aiid evening on Sunday. His discoursis were very in terestin-4 and were li.<<tcned to with much altootioii liylaigH audiences. On Monday evening Mr. Dodds address- ed a very large audience in tho Presby- teri;in church on Mexico and the Mexicans. Tie church was tilled to the doors with an audience that listened with the greatest atteutiuu for two hours and twenty-five minutes while the .speaker pourtrayed in attractive language the manners and custuius uf this strange people to the south, and the features of their country. Mexico is a country of which Canadians know comparatively little, hence tho very great interest shown in the lecture, which of itself was one of the best things heard in Flesher- ton for a lung timn. It is safe to say, however, that those who listened were not fascinated with the cliarins of the country to any jiarticular extent â€" not sufficient to implant a longing in their breasts to become subjects of President Diaz, and dwellers in the Egypt of the new world. They came away with the im- pression that missionaries who live on tortillas as the speaker described their manufacture, dried goat's meat (whip lash leather,) and spend their days in and among the adobe walls of Mexico, are deserving uf a sidary siUHcient at IcaNt to insure them from the general deJirtli of water which prevails in the land of the ancient Montezuma. The speaker drew a sad picture of the marriiige customs, the degradation of the natives, want of Sabbath observation, corruption of uftiictils where criminal laws are concern- ed, etc. For instance, a man might comuiit murder for say $500, spend 33lW of tlut". in buy ng up o^ficiab and purchas- ing pardon from the priests, and while spending his other .S'itJO could be hunt- ing up auothcr victim with more than $600. Some of the grand scenery of Mexico was described in glowing teriim. Costumes worn were (>hown to the audience, and Mr. D<Klds' little adopted daughter, Sabiuita, aged (5, a pretty little full blooded Tolteo Indian girl, exhibit- ed the inamierof wearing tho robosa or head shawl among her peoplo. The speaker himself wore a handsome leather Mexican c\>stum, anil showed speciniens of men's wearing aptxirtl from the low- est orders up, including some bad looking knives, pistol, autoucho belts, etc. Tho lecture was moat fascinating throughout, and the large audience showed its apprecijitioii by giving the lecturer the lai'oest collection ho has over received while lecturing, about $12.50. Methodist District Meeting The Annunl District iVIeeting of the Owen Sound District was held in Dim- dalk on Tuesday evening tho 2Gth of May. Tho meeting opened at 7 p. m. Rev. A. Brown, Chairman of the Dis- trict, pi-esidiiig. The 132n<l hymn was sung. Dr. Campbell read a part of the last chii]jter of I'st Gen., after which the Rev. Geo. Hartley lead in pmyer. OnlNiUot theUev. Jno. H. Humphreys was elected Secixtary and R\:-v. J. W. Balfour assist'int. The life and doctiine of the ministers in tho di.strict cauio under cj^rcful review and they were .ill fuund to be blameless in ch.ix'acter and doctrine. The Rev. Geo. Magce, who has been attoudiiig Victoria Ct>llege and has com- plotcnl his probation, was recommended to the Conference to bo received into full connection and ordained, and Geo. Pea- cock who liivs travelled two years to bo continued on probation. On Wednesday uiorning after opening sorvicoa the following laymen answered to their names: J. Gray, Owen Sound ; C. W. Rutledge, Markdale; Wm. Cay ton, Flesherton ; J. Gardener, Dundalk ; Mr. Liiwrie and another, Woodford ; C. Hemstock, Chatsworth ; H. Crew, Brookholm ; E. O. Merriam, Holland Centre ; D. R. Ellis, Euphrasia ; T. Car- ruthers, Kimberley ; A. Dayman, Wal- ters Falls : A. Vance, Corbeton ; A. Os- ti-ander, Proton. On motion of Rev. J. Mahaii, seconded by Rev. W. P. Brown, Rev. John Pepper, B. A., and C. W.' Rutlf dge were appointed a committee to audit the schedules. At the afternoon session the question of what probatiunei-s are to bo recom- mended to attend college was answered in favor of Geo. Peacock. The Rev. John Peppir read the report of the Brook- holm mission, allowing the membership to be 91, with congregations good and the mission in a healthful condition. The following laymen were appointed to at- tend conference : A. W. Miller. J. \V. Rutledge, M. Richardson, F. G. Nixon, Thos. Nichol, A. Ostnmder, A. McFaul, E. O. Merriam, D. R. Ellis, T. B. Car- rutliers, W. A. Dayman, E. Hemstock, W. P. Arthurs. The following were elected on the various conference com- mittees : Stationing Committee â€" Dr. Campbell. Sabbath School Committee â€" Rev. S. H. Edwards and Mr. Gray. Ep- worth League â€" Rev. Balfour and J. VV. Rutledge. Mr. Rutledge was also elected to the Missionary Committee. A vote of appreciatitm was carried to the chair- man for his kindness and courtesy hi pre- siding, also a vote of thanks to Dr. Campdell and the Dundalk people for their kindness and hospitality to the members of the district meeting during their stay among them. PERSONALS Ye editor was iiiich pleased during the post week to renew aeipiaintance with a playniaiK of childhood's days ill the per- sun of Rev. J. A. Doddi, of whom we had Completely lost sight during the past sixteen years Within that time Mr. Dodds has worked liis way throuiih a Oiicago thouhigicnl college, married to an estimable youuv lady of Bariie, and spent twu yeais as a Presbyterian mis- sionary in Mexico. The terrible typhus fever, from which few' recover, laid both Mr. and Mrs. Dodds at death's doi.r, but vigorous constitutions pi evaik'd, and though the lattor still feels its >rad ef- fects the former has about recovereu all hisyouthfal vigor, as his Ion-;- sustained lecture effort of Monday evening ijoes to prove. We wers extremely pleased to renew old ties, and wish Mr. and Mis. Dodds health and strength to pursue their life work in Mexico, on which their hearts are set, and where they purpose returiiiii<> sosoi'n as health will permit. Mr. Payne, Inspector of the Norwich Union Insurance Co.. was a caller on Monday. Mrs. Ed. McXea of Bufialo is visiting with relatives hope. Mr. W. J. IliompBon of Thompson Bros., printers, Toronto, and Mrs. Thompson, attended the fiincnil of the latter's sister, Miss Pcarsjjn, on Tuesday. Mr. Ben Coleinnn of Markdale was the guest of T. E. Wright for a couple of da; s last week. Dr. W. Wright of Jacken Mich, is tie guest of his mother, Mrs. Wm. Wright. Miss Millie VanDuson is \isitii.g friends iiiToronto. Rev. R. Keefer of Preston was a wel- come caller on Thursday la*t. Mr. Keefer attended a weddinsj in this vicinity and spent a couple of aays at the xiarentai home. Mr. W. Bnrnhousd left on Tuesday for a trip to En'.:lnnd. It is twenty-two yoais since Mr. B. left Devonshire, and thinks it time to revisit the sci-no of Ins chiUihood. He will sail on Saturday from M(intreal per S. S Vaiionuvcr. Died PEAnsoNâ€" Noar KlehUeiton, on 8nni"Ry, list inst.. Kditb, secoutl jiounifest daut;liter cf ths late Ttos. I'osrsuu, aged 29 yodra. I Thu Creemoro ctmstable iinprm.ued 23 head of cattle "Oe nii:lii recently. \N hen you see a man dig^jiog in his yaid voiy slowly and often stoppina to r«st, he IS dijfeiou up a (lower bed for his wife. If lie dlijs fast and never stop.*, he IS ditfiting worms for his Ksh bait. So says th« Gii<dph Herald man and ha ought to know. Flour for the accommodation of the people of Flesherton and vicinity. I have placed a stock of genuine straight grade Manitoba Hour at T. Hill's. Your patronage solicited. P. LoucKS. j^arms ^or Oale In OR TO RENT the Township of Osprey. . rAltCEL 1 - Lot niiuibv-r 30 In tho 3r.l Con- OAMion uoith of tiio Durlinm Ittmd, uon« tainiiis .''lOBoiiiNall of wliicU i« cloarott anii in R good statu of o»ltivation. Ttio soil is clay loam. I'AKCITLa â€" I..ots niiiiiboisl4aint l-'iin tho 4th Concussion not tli of ttie Uiirlmio I\oft<1, ooit-. tainiuf^ '.iOOaCies. of wbichlOOaores aro uloiirnii, and thorc is said to be crttclotl tboioon a lo{{ house, a Koo 1 fraioo barn.JOx M, Willi stab - infl iindornoath ; also a Kood loQ bam and stablo. Tho soil i-^ clay loam, uatered by a rtpriu^ ci'Otik, and well adapted for grazing, (lairviiig. etc. Tho ncclearod land, about? l(X) acres, is timborud with codar, hardwood, etc. I?oth innpertios ftvo sitiiatud in a woll seltlod neiL'hb..'rhooil convenitint to chnruhof, i^chools and markets, and will bo solil separator \y or tOBotlieron vory ea.'^y tonus of payment, ov will l>e rontod for the prosGiil voar or foi a sdsrt terra with tho priviloifo o( piirohasiug. For fiithor paitiaulars apply to B. J. Sl>not;i.7.. Esq.. Cleshertou, Ont. STBs* " W$i''' IF YOU ARE THINKING OF GETTING A PAIR OF Boots or Shoes for Summer Jjj-CLAYTON'S We have in LADIES' OXFORDSâ€" BEACTIESâ€" as fine an assortment I as you can get at from 91 per pair and upwards â€" Black or Tan. Also B MEN'S BALS, OXFORDS and PLOUGH BOOTS from 91 per pair. Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended to M SPECL4L LINE OF BOYS* AND MEN'S LIGHT CAPSâ€" lOo to 25c. SPECIAL LINE OF MEN'S UNDERWEARâ€" 25c to 60c. . . . SPECLIL LINE OF LADIES' BELTS CLEARING OUT AT 5o EACH ANY QUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS AND WOOL WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. . . . SPECIAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO CASH PURCHASERS. . . . NiSSJSSS znoy//// Flesherton Tnarcrooms Furniture â€" â€" BIG DISCOUNTS DURING MAY ON 9^atressos, iSad Spring and SSedroom Suiiaa OUR WHOLE STOCK is very complete in •very line with soods of quite new design, combind with excellsnt workniaiuibip and finish. Goods sold by us are deUvered and set up all complete Our line of WINDOW SHADES and CURTAIN POLES are attracting attention, and customer* are pleased when a practical hand is sent to adjust and fix up each parcel aold. PICTURE FRAniNQ IN GREAT VARIETY Hft. Best personal attention given to every case of LENDER- TAKING entrusted to our care. J. E. nOORE, Proprietor ^ FLESHERTON ^ WOOLLEJ^ffllLlS Openagain and arc paying more thiui the highest price for WOOL. Will give tc extra for- black sheep wool , And aro in a better position to meet the w.'ints of the public than ever before. Notica our extremely low prices for custuni work : OiliDj k [arding BollS; Sg III [adiiij k SpJQDlD], Hg III .\Lt, Kinds of Weaviso is Proportion FUEE: ! FREZJB X t: Cash For Wool V. HUHH se aod Lot For Sals. For sftio choap anrl oti oawy torma in Fleshor- ton. Splounid largo, solid briuk dwelling, with Roo.l st,.»no colliu-, suuiiuur kttclioii ami wootl- nouso, ali^o good frnmu stable, briuk liiiud. !*â-  o'liinuH ooiitaiurt two larflo lota Budf-ood young orchard, benriiig. Houso and ou'btiildiiit;!* are escoiitioiinUy well f\ni(*hed aud very oouvoui- tutiy laid out. Apply to U.J. Si'HouLK. Fle^hoiton. CARDINQ Ihave pill tliu I'riiiavillo nnrcliiiB ikU", into first clasN vo)Miir aud uui uinploying a gooil c V'tler, Good wox-k tloiio promptly. R, McGowsH. erioovills, Jjliie !V'Ofl. TElSTIltfG Preserve your eyesight by having them |iropvrly tested by W. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAW: Farm and Mill Site for Sale^ For salo very cheap aud on verv easy term*. Timber farm, ISO acres, two iiiilea " from Flosh orton, known s« tlie Wui. HotigsawDiill pro I>ertv. and on wliich is an oxcollout watur power, feuiidatiou o( saw mill, dam aud pond and wator wheel ill place and all readv for putting mill on. About l.'i acres cleared, :iOaore<itiiiil>or. most oH, 'Mlanue well timbered, luixod timber. Thin fsrin will be sold at a harRain if sold »« onoe. Buiall payment down, balauoo on very o.kSy terms. Apply to R.J. Spbocle, Flesherton. Ob Carpet Weaving The nndersignod has placed ia position a nrst class loom for carpet and Hanuel wcnviog and is prepared to Rive satisfaction. Itriugiu your MAGS or YAUN to- ki T: HKKOM. Fleshertoa, April 7, flSi Good Farm for sale or Rent Lot 27, con.O, Artomosia, oontainiiiR 146 acres more or lo b,40 acres cleared, about 3} mile* from Fleflhorton. There are a pood log barn Slid htable on the promises. Good runniOK; water. For (uther particulars apply to W, A, AOMSTnONO F)eB>'.|K«9U I A.' â- ^Jtsfc^Sl*/ - ^M'^.V-T^jTSy.-n"

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