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Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1896, p. 4

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tii^iBn^ mutitiwuiit \rtiA t \ > K i gl lW] r-trr •»»i^>^mr"i imf' T"- "i-V % rfil niBIIlTdH iDViKCI â- BHBS! :c-*: B8TABLIBHCD 1881 ^A@ Advance •VBLISUED WKEKXT AT *HB OWICB, STD- KNUAM 8TRBBT, FLEHHEBTuN, ONT., BY W. H. THUB8T0N. $1 per annaiu,8trictly in advance Advertising Bates: Oaa Colama, 1 Tear, $50 ; ball ool„ 1 yeu, •iS7 taarter ool., oae year, tU. Tranalent adTerUsement otaar^ed at the rate 1 1 oeotB per line tor first lusertiOD and 3 cents each aabsequeut iuitertiOD. From oui tvm CorreipMidmt. Oar bate ball club reorganised a conpl* of weeks ago. Mr. Jamei Boyd of Eaphraiia visited his â- OD-in-law, Mr. MariibalB«ard,a short time ago, Mr. Clark of Meaford spent a few dije with bis danghter, Mrs. Qeo. Pritebard. Mr. And Mrs. John Aloox, from Mobleton, arrived here last wenk and have taken up their abode on the Stambusky farm. Mr, Robert Thompson of Kimberley has moved to this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. George Warlhtg of Meaford visited Mrnds her* recently. Mr. W. J, F. HutohinsoD bad a very successful stoning bee on Saturday after- Doon week, Mr. Robert Warling, sr., bad a caneercnt out of bis lip some weeks ago. Drs. Sproule and Ego performed the operation. Willi this issue The Advance starts upon its sixteentn year of piiblieation. Daring these past jeara the paper was never perused by more readers or belter recognized as an advertising inediuDi than it is to-day, and our subscription Hst m open to all who wish for proof of this assertion. We have tried our best to give a looal newspaper that will meet the views of the majority of our readers, at the same lime keeping in view our motto In this we have met a fair degree of cucccEE, an fnier npon "sweet sixteen " with thfc optimism of youth still coursing through our veins. But sistcen is a coy and modest age and more must not bo said. The Orange Grand Lodge, which met in Coiling wood last week, was tl.f largest gathering of the kind ever keld in lhi» country. A resolution endorsing N. Clark Wallace's actions and strongly upholding his position regarding the Remedial Bill was pass- ed- .>»r. Wiillaoewas again elected Grand Master, and R. Birmingham, Conservative organizer, was re-elect- ed secretary. A strong attempt was made to defeat the vote of censure upon tho government for pushing its remedial legislation, but fortunate for the name of Oiangeism this was not successful. A writer in the Toronto press expresses his unbounded aHtomshmont that Arolii'isli)^) Lang- evin waa not elected secretary in lieu of Mr. Birminghani. This is prob ably undeserved sarcasm, but the atrong coercion element prebeut mak- es it not altogetht'i ihijiihI. Tandelear H*Bor Rolls. S. S. N(i. 9, Artemesia. Clars 4.â€" Louisa Akitt, Annie Kennedy, Sarah Paul. Claa«3.â€" E. Phillips, Wm. English, Ethel Carson. Class 2sr. â€" MedaRadley, John Carson, Minnie Hanley. Class 2 jr. â€" "Victor Phillips, Jennie Hauley, L. Milligan. Class pt. 2. â€" Jauie M'kgee, Bessie, Russell, Ed. Jameson. Class 1. sr.â€" Gertie Paul, Wm. Genoe, David Genoe. JOHN J. COULTER. For S. S. No. 1, Euphrasia and Artemesia, fur month of May. Class 6. â€" Eugenie Humberstone, Hat. Walton. Class 4. â€" Mary Humberston, Mary McLeod. Class 3 sr. â€" Nettie Martin, Fred Martin. Class 3 jr. â€" Myrtle Smith, Mary Braniff, John Branitf, Percy Smith. Sr. 2. â€" Carnil Humberston, Smith, John O'Brien. Pt. 2.â€" Verna Gorley. Pt. 1.â€" Charlie Martin, Willie Leod, Rob. Irwin, Stanley Smith. Effie Mc Himbrrlei Promotir awi torptapmuient. A large and tnthnsisstic audience greet- sJ Dr. Spriiule at his uieeling here on yaturday BVfuii.g. The Dr. spoke iii hiH usual iDtoresting manner for aomr lime. Then Mr. Bowes a '.dressed the mettitig. This speech was followed by a rtiply tn.ui the Dr. Before ihe meet ing closed a resolution was passed ap- yii>viiiK of Dr. Sproule's stand in tin- "Munitdba Scboid Question". The noticeable feature of this nm«tiiig was the latKe number of the fair » x present A uieeting ni the iutuicnU of the electric railway wan held here ou Mondny ovurf iiijj liiRt. Addremess were ^iveii by Mr. Caiiicroii of Meaford and Mr. >liircoii, Eug-mia The sun renuiied fiom this township was $500. F(iurt»>eu uieii were appi'iiited to canvas Euphtasia tins week. The prospects so far are vtry eiicouiiiiiiiig. Tlio council have al. iciidr Rranti d riyht of way to tbe read. lltv. J. Dodde, a f4iinior residua of Kiihlerli-y but fi.r some years past a iiiiisionary in Mexico, spent Tuesday TiMiim;j old acqvianlnucea. Rev. Mr. Wt'lln of FloHlirrtoii waa a rici'or m <ur village on Tuesday. Dr. Wriiiht of Jacksi.n, Michijran, was a .ju. St at the Travellers' Home while he vi«ii.d his sinter, Mins M. Wright, ou Friili<y last. iil^s Jolly of Sl«o, spent Sanday with Ml.-*. Boll vl I . P.-acock Hiid-Mr. Arthur of Bay view, wore gueats of Mrs. Bell lastTWura- day- A hUiiibHr of iH'ople fioni our vilfegrt attiMidel tho Sunday schocl convention lit New Kiigliiiid 01. Krida;-. Mr. 0. KuHli l.istiiuitoa vnluab)e cow latt week. There was no apparent caiiiie for her demh, 'I'lie uc»ide'..',y of lomning is now fur- riiiici(Ud by a now wiro fence. This makes a great improvement to the ap- ^jo.ii.iiico of the school yajd. MAXWELL Honor roll of Maxwull school for May. Enti-ance class. - â€" Mabel Strachan, Lizzie Little, Sara Kinnear. Sr. 4. â€" Wm. Wrig'nt, Edgar Morrison, Edith Morrison. Jr. 4.â€" Hattie Morrison, Annie Scutt, Alice McCalluni. Sr. 3. â€" Roby Kinnear, Geo. Lintey, Lizzie Moore. Jr. 3. â€" David Ferguson, Minnie Deavitt. Sr. 2.â€" A. D. Deavitt, Richard Heron, Chester Long. Jr. 2. â€" George Conron, AUce Brown- ridge, Alex. Morrison. Sr. 2 pt. â€" Cliareuce Heron, Wm. Lit- tle, Win. Hainbfiit. Jr. 2 |)t. â€" Harry Linluy, Celia Max- well, Bobby MoEachnie. St. pt. 1.â€" Daisy Ferguson, Elsie Guy, Ruasel Morrison. Jr. pt. 1. â€" Milly Buckingham, Chas. Heron, Hurb. Clark. J. L. WOOD, teacher. Elm : Logs - VaRHTETt . Wanted Itumediately good sound elm logs, clear of knots, straight grain, and cut 10 feet 4 inches long. CASH PAID At tbe rate of •*.S0 per U, 1. P. B.â€" We loan tracks to haul in ou. BULL FOR SERVICE Tbe undersijoed bas a thoroughbred reglster- »i Durham bull for servico on lot 24, con. 10, Artemesia. Terms T5c, psy&ble 1st Feb., after tbatai. SOLOMON TUBNHB. House and Lot For Sale For sale cheap, on easy terms that comfort- able resiileuceon Mary St. FlesHertou. contain- ii.g 8 roon's and wood nhed, with bard and poft water punjps, both under cover, beautiful carden and orchard also well flnlshed stable and Srive houae 2»«21 ft. Apply to J.E.MOOUE, Furniture dealer. SW? Tjouch TJhe Spot: On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS, RUBBER DASH APRONS, BINDER WHIPS, RIDING SADDLES, SWEAT PADS, AXLE GREASE. Conie in ai|d Exaniii^e IV. AIOORE Harnessmaker, Flesherton Cash : for : HidesI Two Chutswoith Imij's ware firing off an impriiviHoJ camion on tho 2i>th when the thing exploiled prematurely, budly inJMrmu both of llniui. It was thought for a time that oi.e w< uld, liiiit his eye- sight. C*anty and District A lad named Allan Freeman, Chata- worih, jun^ped off a running horse and broke a bona in his arm. The Methodist parsonage barn at Chatsworth was destroyed by 6re last week. The pastor. Rev. Dr. Ferris, lokt about 935 worth of tools, et'O. Robert Gillespie, a hole'. '»*eper, Sliel- burne, waa arrested (>n a oharxe of strali.ig a copy of a lease and an Agree- ment from a law cfUce. The case w^ a adjournvd for a week. Mr. William Dickey of tho 4th line of Flos, aiced 3o yeitrs, was drowned in the Nottawasaita river on the 24lh. Tlie de ceased, who was a man of ralimal '• character, leavei a wife and fire amall children Again IN TiiK TOIL1. â€" Our readers ari- already familiar with the arrest aad e8c:ipe of Alex. Fawcett, charged under the Charlton Aot by Mr. BlacK o' Mel- ancthon wiih an offuncs avainet h's dauiihter. It irus supposed that Alex, was residing soinewheie in Uncle Sam's Diimains. When ho walked up Main St. on Wednesduy eveiiini; in company with Coiistablu Peterson there was a surprised lot (if ciiixens Where and how he has spent the last {»w weeks is tho (luury. H.iB he beun in bis own hi me all the time } Considerable credit is due Constable Peterson for the clover captuie. The preliminary tii ) tnkts place tl a Thursday morninz before Reeve Mo- Dowrll. Oenerdl satisfaction is felt over the arrest as au opportunity will now be afforded Alei. to clear liimaslf if he is in uuceiit. â€" Duudnlk llenld. The world's greatest source of ainbor is the eliorfs of thu Baltic Sea. Amber is the fiissilized ream of sevnral species of p no-trees. In small quantities it has bt < n found in various parts of the globe, in- cluding! tbe Uiiiloi) States, but up to the prt'sont time no American deposit of amber extensive enough to bo of com mercial value hax been discovered. Quite rucpiilly, however, amber has been fiund at Cape Sable, on the Ma^nthy River in Maryland, and this arouses tho hiipe that it may yot be discovered in payii g quiintitien in this counliy. The deposil at Capo Sable lias bet<ii known niace |S21, but only lately has a oar»ful ii.- vestikfatioii of it been mado. The foiol tree-trunks in which bits of amber are eniboddod uro not, like those of tht, Balt:c region, piiie.o, but aie believed by their discovoror, Mr. Arthur Bibbuns, to h» specimens, uf tbe sctjiioia. â- Â«â€¢ (( Sheepskins and all kinds of furs pur- chiised, for which highest market price will be paid. Homemade sausages on hand, alse all kinds of meats. FLKSUKRTON ME.iT EMPORIUM THE - CItlPIOl - \WM Of The Dominion PRINCE ARTHUR lUrOKTED JULY, 1803 Winner at the Worl I'a Fklr, Chicago, New York, and Ottawa; (tiiit at Toronto Bprintj Hbow and sweeputtikea for beat btalli»n any age, Wy.\\ flrfft and Hilver medal at Toronto luduatrial, IMU Ut aud swaepxtakes at Toronto Spring Kbo«, 18U1; tlrst |iriz» au'i ailver uitirial alHu BweepHtakes fo>- be t stallion any age at Toronto uulustiial, 18U:. Piinoo Arthur regiBterid No. laiil T C 11 8 No. 1000 A G it S Uuitad btates btud Book. MOUTE-lttCO MONDAY May 4tb, will leave bis own stable, lot 18, con to, Kuplimsia, and proceed to Mr Kilbourn White's lUh line St. Viuoent, for uoou ; thence by nay of Day View to Woodford for the uiglit, TUESDAY, will proceed to Warrilow's Hotel, Owen Hound, for noon, where lie will remain until 1) o'clock, the fullowiug inornJi.g. WKDNESr).\Y, will proceed to Jackson House, Jackson, for noon; thenoo to Ouy'a Hotel, Tara, for the night. TllUnSDAY, will proceed to Mr Goo Hendor son'8 near Keady, for n oji ; tbonco to Campbell House, Cliataworth. for tho night. FRIDAY, will proceed to Mr Wm Foster's 0th oou Holland, for noon ; thence to his own stable where no will remain until Monday. This route will be contiuued tlij-oii«hout tho aeasuu, health iiud weather purniitting. UKHLIUI'TION Prince Arthur is a pur* bred Yorkshire Coach Home and regi£.tered in the Yoikj.liire Ooacli Horse Boeioty of On at llritnin and Irolun 1 No. la.W. Color, bay; bliick logs, niuiie and tai, and uerfoetly free from white, aged years, stands lOi bands high, woicha 1,'tao lbs., ha» the beat of action and is outiruly free froui blemish. TEliMS To insure a foal 815, to be paid Ist Kclmiary, 1897. For the season tu. pavabia tbe last two rounds. Hiugle leap eiU, to bo paia at time of service. Insured marcs nuirit be rutnrnod roRularly to the norso duiing tho uoasou or tbuy will be charged fulltiBsuranco, in foal or not. Persons tryiuf^ nurus to llio horso and not returning tlicni will bo charged for tho season. Parttea disposing of their mares liofore collecting time will bo rci.potiBiblo for insuroiioe. All accidents to mares at rbk of owners. J. MANAREY, nanai;»r aad Collector l!fl young Men, Wake Up! Thoro IS pro.spects of a good CR»P thL'i yetir, a;ul on tho streu^'th of this, no doubt;, tlirit a good numlier of YOUNG MEN will be doin^ tho elegant and will want a FINE SUIT of CLOTHES. Wtr aro showing good value in black wor- sted.s, tweed effects and also pantings. We have three first t^iilors working for us and want to keep all hands busy. Competition in that department is very keen, and you can have your choice as to which you prefer doing your work. Our Gent's Furnishing throughout is complete including Fine Dnderwear, White Shirts, Collars, Ties and Felt Bats. Wo can fix you up for any special oc- casion in first class t.tyle for very little money. Come and give us a call. LADIES, KEEfKOOLl A special line of Summer Corsets to h:ind selling at 50c and Ladies' Vests from 5c up to 50c. Silk Mitt«, '25c, 35c, 40c, in bl.ick, fawn, brown or creatn. Cotton Hosiery from 7c per pair up to 2.'>c. Cashmere Hosiery in good quality. Dress Good.s, Lustres, Cashmeres, Colored Goods, Tweed effects, «!tc. , all up-to-date. Every Day is Bargain Day With Us. If you are not a suU-icriber for The -Advance do not delay to become one, as you will save the subscription price in a very short time watching this space. t-m Butter & Egis Wanted BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS YOU are interested in getting the best possible value for your money. We have been particularly careful in getting good ViUue for ours, and we want to give you the advantage of our close buying and good seasonable selections for this depart- ment. Spare us live lutnutes of your time and look at the values we have to offer tills week. It Won't be Wasted ! Men's Split Bunk ins, SI. 00 per pjiir. Men's Hivetcd Sole Bellow Tongue, $1.L'5 per p.iir. Men's Pig Sole Bellows Tongue, $1.25 per pair. •wen's Wholo Stock Blucher Cut, $1.65 per pair. iieu's Bright Buff Vvholo<Foxod, §1.45 per p-nir. Men's Genuine Dongoit Boots, $1.50 per pair. Men's Aiuci'icau Calf Lace, $*.?.50 per pair. A! en's Gtnuiny Dougola Cloth Upper, §2.50 per pair. Men s Genuino Coidovan, $2.75 per pair. B. Mcdonald ^H Tendev^Wanted Sealed tenders will be received up to Wednes- day. June 17. for tbe following work aud material. Tinders for stono must be in by Saturday next, June 0' 1.â€" for IS cordB or more if required of gool building Htone. a. -for 300 bushels of sand or more if reqniretl. i.â€" for lOU bust* â-  of lime or mo.e if requfred, to be delivered at Flesherton btatiou in tbe mouth of June and to be left at a point as docid ed by the undersigued. Stonvwill be let by the cord ( of VJB ft. I and meaanred in the wall after it is built, tiaud will be let by tl.e bushel and must be good sharp buiiding sand, lime also must be good anifresli 4.â€" Job of building liU iuch waill SOX UO, 6 feet high, to be completed by 15tb of July. 5 â€" job of jiutting up frame .V) XUSaudlO feet pott*, to be ooiuplcted by tbe 15 Aug. 1.^ All work to be done accor' i <g to plans and Fpecificatioca, which may be obtained of tLe undersigned. J. ,& W. BOYD Flesherton, June 3, 1890. Our stock of L.i(lie,-.' Wear hua receiveil more attention tli'.ia ever this seiison, ami it i.1 no <:xaggeiuti(>n tu say we show the- best ii-sHortnicut ia thi's section. Women's 15. Buff Patent Tip Shoes, $1.20. Mis.<)e8' B. Buff Patent "Kp Shoes, 96 cents. Children's B. Buff Patent Tip Shoes, 86 cents. Children's B. Buff Plain Tip Shoe*, 80 cents. Women's Dongola Tie Slippers, 95 cents Women's Dongola Patent Tip Ox- fonls, 95 cents. I ff Rv Knickorbockor 200, the sirft of ten in tbo 2:iO list, and the sSre of tbe dam of Alar 2. II. (MtrunoA 2 124 ami oluvtiu otliers. Thitu shi'W? ttiat tiin stock. iB brootitug ou aud iu the very front rankH. KEiIekerbockor lubj tho king of sirop, Ham<- bletoiiinn 10 Kinjj I'in u dara Is Tomey Vv liotituckv Ihince 24^.0. Hire of duv, 2.v*9ii, Kloise, 2 15» and over thli'ty otliurs in the liKt, second dam oy Forest Kiti»; 17<>4, the Klro of I^ady V-asaet, 3 20), aud uthors, i\iid Forest Kinx is bv that ^Xf^^ sire, Mauibiiuo Patchen uH, sire of '2^ in Uielist, and Hiruof tbo dani3 of 112 fa»t pi rformers, include iim UaUth \Vilko.-i,2.0f>ii. King Tin Hdam.TuuMy, is in the great breed mare li^t. being tiie darn ofZorlanc*, 2.!^!. Kin:* Pin \.^ 5 years old, a beautiful dark bay IC) hands high, and woigba 1:<H\ Ho l^ah'^rKeof KrcatRt.\le, quality, and a Ki'iind actor, aud can now, without training. Bhuw a 2.40 gait. Ho has ^reat subbtance.stron^ build, the niaku uy of a bire, the a)>eud to trans- mit and the breediug aud blood Hues to make him i)ropotbut, aud not only a bive of race hoviHtH bn t a sire of elegant carriage and saddle horscB with Ki'a>iid kiuu and buck Bctiou. and lui>:e«nonf,;h for all kinds of farm woik. This vonng stallion was in;ported by me last winter, did A larco buninesa last season, and is a sure foal getter. Hii service lee will be within reach of every farmer. See small bilU later. The principal stands foreoason of '00 will be : Vricc'ViHe, at or near Hopevillo, Proton Station, Houth-oftKt Artumobta, Warcham, Mclntyro, Maxwell, IhiKonla Falls, Fleehertou and home stable, Markdak'. J. E. riARSH, ISMy MarkdaU, Ont NOTICE A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Children 'sLace Slippers 45 CENTS PEK PAUt. mm'i urn mm A full aasortment of sizes and patters. 26 CENTS. Hardware 2 Dcp't. Tho people of Flesherton are heiby warned to keep their horses and all other aninmla prohibited from tuiuiins; r\t larije hy bylaw enolosrd. All such ahimils found al large will bo impounded and the owners prosecuted. D. M(jTa VISIT, 1 0. J. Leitoh, > Police Trustee?. W.J. Bellamy. J May 5th '96. WE HAVE HAD THE FOR YEARS BACK Of selling BuiMing Hardware cheaper; than any one. This yeitr wo intend to maintain it by giving our customers tl e bi nc'tit of our buying before the lig advance in price. Allow us. to give you prices : SamsoD Solid M SMs ARE THK BESTâ€" PRICE 65c EACH; We always do what we ADVERTISE. If You Doubt It COBilE a,nd SEE This Time Hardware Catches It A good TIN DIPPER for 6e 2 MILK PAILS, lOqt. for25e 1 MILK PAIL, 14 qt. for 15c No. 9 COPPER BOILER only «3 GRANITE WASH BASIN for 25o Other GOODS at equally low prices M.RICHARDSON ($C(h

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