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Flesherton Advance, 28 May 1896, p. 8

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THE FLISHSRTON A^VAKCl D. ncTavish KEEPS ON HAND. TS For Masscy-Hariid, and Noxon, Floury and Wilkinson farm implements. Floury and Verity plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons, Bnggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. bpccial attention to tender, con- triii;t<d feet. l.o;^ging and Plow Chains constantly on liaud. SUMHER SALES ... 1 <yy^ ^TA ^/i^ NOW RUSHING ! ^^^^ Thin is the hoasoh of year whou you want to buy a nice buggy or cart. 1 have thuui â€" beauties â€" and will sell on your own ternia â€" if they are not all one-Hided. I'ainting iinil ro-trinniiiiig done to ortlor. Don't buy without looking in ui)on my »ampluN and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN «/«^»^^V^%^'«'«^%^%'%%%%''%W%/%^%/%%'%'%^%^^»^%^1 j:'-r^^-srfTS>^S?:!!k^^.^rS?:^^k^^ GO TO J.H.HEARD FOK THE BEiST' fJOlRS, Wni,".;oni, dirts. Spring Tuoth and Iron Harrows. Flints and Woods' Itliidi'rs, Mowfis. Horse KHkeii and Ploughs. Floury PloualiH, Sciiffli'rs and Tuinip Socd Drills. Dick's s and Land Uollurs. Shares for all kinil» of Plouulis. Hirae i; onii III! klndi of Blacksniithiiig. Wund, Lumber, Cedar FoHts ShiiiL'les. 'M j:. r ^y^ri>- T /i. '- ^'A ' jj, ' .^ ' y>v5^j^^ ^ruyijiruTrinrLnnnrinJvifl Be Happy | /uilnju innTQ u Quuu I With Others ctuiJuiiuiininjuuuiiiKjQuixkniu'6 | â- *â-  ~ Ivcrylbniu Tn hIi in the way of Ivinons. •Rn.;e«, nuts nil kind"!, corifectioncry of 1 E oral..,.,.., , - -- ..J -. the choicpMt variety, (ig.s, il.iti's, prunes. , «ranl)errie!<, lii»cui'.'i of nil kiudn, ciniitd fruii.i and vem't.ihlu'i, tens, sui'iirs and aM , other i;rocorie« ; block all frehli for thu holidny trade. "Limits tliiii- o> Best flour and feed conslnntly on hand. API'Ln5 In SmaH Qiiantltio or by the Barrel Will, JiuVnliousc Thomas A. JoKns^ Eugenia Mills â€"AND- A Common Affliction Carriage Works.\ AVER'S Ptmanentlii Cured bji Taking 5nr«a - pnrilla O irriagea made and P.opalred, aleo Planlii'; iviid Matching, band Saw. I ln.j, VVoud 'fui'rilng (if overy de3- I ciption. Planinf' and Grain Chop- | Dinfjclono while you wait, for tll<i i D'Mvor turns ttie whool. T. IV. WII.NOM NaiiinRer | 8oIentiflo American Agonoy for _ CAVEATS, TRADI MARK*, DEaiQN PATKNTS. COPVRIOHTS, «t(l. For InformAttna anil fnu' MaiuUi<H)k «rif«^ t(i HL'NN A CO. am llnrnDWAY, Now YdHlf. f >I(lnitt tiurcnu lor SfmirlnK t>ati>nu hi AnuM'lr'S, l.vvry iinlont lakcn out t>y uh In brouk'lit U'Titro tl)u pitbllc bjr a iiolln«i |{lv«n freo ofcburga lu tho lAriTPrt ciri-iitnilon of anr ("•lonuni- pnpor In ttir» worlil. Fiiliii.llillv lIluHtraWd, N.i liili'lliuiMU man nhoiil.l Ui wlUiiiut It. Wockly, >t3 (NIa Trorj »l..1.JiUmontb». AJiWm, M UN.>r' a CO.. Vvsuausaa, SSI Unisdwsjr, Maw Yurk Cttr. A CAB-DBITEB'S 8T0BY. "1 was affllctcit for eight years nlth^Halt Blipum. During tliHt Umd, I tried u g, eat insiiy medicine!! which wcie highly loo- oninicii(lu<l, but ooiio gsvo me relief. I \ras Rt lust nrtvlseil to try Aycr's Har«,- r.irllla, hy a frleiid who told mo that : mustuuieliasc six bollloi, ami inu iheni nccorcllnK to illreetlona. 1 ylelilod tol.ts porsiiiislon, houKht the six bottles, surl took tlio contcnu of tbifo of Ihosu bo»- tlos wUhont notleing any Olreet biMieCt. Before I hiut finished lUo tourtli toill*, iny hands were as Free from Eruptions as PTer they were. My business, wliloh l« UiHt of It eab-drlver, rei|nlre!i me I . Iio out III ooUl and wet wo-tlhcr, otien wHIiout Rlovps, and Ibo Iruiitde lim never letiirnod."â€" TuoMAS A. Joujfs, IHiatfoiU, Ont. Ayer'si^SarsaD8nl!a 9 Admitted at ths World 'a Fair. Ayr'* JPUU CUanae the Botv.ile. OWRN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tlio -ver-y Seat ri.ACi; IN CANVDA TO (!I:t a Tlioioagh Easiness EdiicalioD. Take a Round Trip .'.Zr VCno'.'i â-  â-  -. - . ('iilloj^HH nntl Comnrtorolal D^partmeiitK In CAnn<tii, tlioii visit t'lH NorDuirii Ilitt'lirnHf Ciillc^n ; nxiiiniDO ovory- t'ilnu Mioroiislily, If w-j fnll to tu-oiliiOft the I lost thorOMtfh, ooniploto, ))iaotloii) himI oxtoif- •ivfl oom'Kn of Htiiily ; tlio liont rnllnKo pi-onil^'ef %xx<\ tilt} b<iHt arif) niOi' oonipluto hiuI nioBt milt- »t>lofuniituru niirl a|t liiiiiceH. wn will filvo von « full onume KUKi;. Kor Annual Annoiiuoe- ia*ui,glvlng full pArtloulam.fron, adclron C. A. FLEMING. Prlacipal. At Henderson's store ' - m â-  Straixlit ItoU.T Flour, $3 75 prr bli!. Other !.'railrH equally low. Our 'JSe TKA is pronounced by onr ctistonirrs llio bcBt value for Jlio money tlii-y can get. It is a fine flavored tea, (try it.) OrniigcR, Ijcinonii and Banaima on linnd. First ehisa To- innto riaiits fcu' Bale. Wo fire aeiling od onr Trunks nnd Vnlise.s at near coal. All carl}' call Bolicited. -^^WM HflNDERSON FLtSBEBTOl STEJII IMSDliy, I have npcned iin n comiilote Htoam laiinrtrv In Klesliurton. and am prepa ed totnhelnany i|Ua>itlty of Innndi'v work at lownr nrlonii tliau arc charend alxewliore, I hnvo put In thela eat and moat litiprovart innoblnorr to that end. KlDilly glvo ni« a rail. Kutire satisfaottan >tasrauto«d,aDd prlena low. Mas.aa*. M*oiwM«M TEACHERS" CONVENTION. Cmidxuied fr m pagt 1 importance of obedience nnd sbonld obey becaaso lie lores to obey. Habit is suiJ to be aeoond uatiira, bat is renlly above nature. Rev. Mr. MoOrecor, Baptiat clcri^yinan, made a abort address ou " The Model Teacher." The great end of edacHtiou is lo awukcn Ibe powers of mind. I'owers ore coDceulcd in pupils which will be of vast serTice if rightly directed. Teacheni tliould "get down and bring out those powers." The teacher should set before bis pupils lolly ideals of right. Should get pnidli into a slato of mind which iiiipils ihcin tn drive after further knowledge. They Kfftuld not be Baliiified with whut they alreadv know. Hutisfaotion kills further proiii-^^ss Tho teacher sboUld seek to make pupiU hroad-iniuded and liberal, not oiie-siUad. Tho teacher should have u strong per- Honality and imbue tbe Ujiud of the pupi' with this personality. The ealvalion of our gcbools depends upon the priiieiplos of temperance and righteouFne.t.1 inculcated by tlie tejcbir. Mr. MoQreg, r, of course, places the teacher second only to the minister. Mies Ida Irwin, of Markdale, read an essay on Primary Work in which she point- ed out the necessity for thoiouyhly trained teachers in the lowe<it forms. Rot. Mr. Pomeroy addressed the associ- ation on "The moral InUueuoe of the Teacher." In his opinion, teachers occupy the most important position. Teaclieis have tho boys and girlx in all their innocence, freshness and biauty. Every age h:u its trade markâ€" the trade insrk of to-day \» ill tbe recognition of tbe young. Several qu stioiis were next disposed of by a committee consisting of Mes.sr8. Sharp, Glendinniiig, Campbell, Alliin and others. .Moved by Mr. Cain^Leil, seCoodid by Mr. Dixon, that tbe secretary be authoiized to send one copy of the niinutea and pio- ceei'iugs uf the Ontario I'Maca'.rmal Associ- ation to each member of the iVssooiutiou in the Inspectorate of South Grey. OlHCKIiB KtECTED.â€" President, W. .1 Sharp ; First Vice President, Miss Ford ;' Second Vice Presittent, Mien C'larK ; Becy.- Treas, vV. Irwiu. It wtiK decided by a majority rota of tho assucintiun that the next luteting be in Dundulk iu the early autumn. Ini.stiusv. From Our Oiern Vvrretpmuli^it The lii^h wiuda of the 17ih did some little (iainntfe to buiUiioi^js in this vicinity, also one of uur fttrmcrs was ubiiged to sow a 45 acre feld over ngiiiii, the wind hriving blown ihe former grain into the fence c^'riiera. The grsHHlioppera are vary iiuine-uiu at present, and the lly is |>ri>v ing a source of much annoyance tj li\e stock. Tho frost a week ago Tueadiiy niijbt nii.;lit have killed the cluver and gaideii plains on low land, buttlie recent showers h.i\e ^'^only refreshed ve^-etatnin. }i\\s» Smith is yiHiling lier sistor, Mrs. Mctjuiiy. Mr. und Mrs. Watson wore the Kueats of MrK. (i. RI. oro, last tSatinday. A!r. A. Ktuwitit of Angus, called on fiieiids here reci'Uily. Mr. J. Taylor and his eis'.er, Tilly, .Mount Xion, visitel fmnds heie last tSaldialh. Air. W.Clark, Maikd.tle, spent Sun- day wiih fiioiids hor , Miss M.iud Anns*.! on;; is spending a liiiient the home. fllrs. lto«cl)or<iui;h, Soo. is visitiii); f.)i a fow days in this vicinity. Mr. S. Acliesuii sj^ivnt l.isi Sabbath >Yitli rid.ilivos. At liiim of wiiliii;,' Mr. W. Doggin is Viii' low with inllaniatii^n of the luii>;s. Si!i:il.>.y evening tho youHg people in innnoction with tho Kpwoith Loitgue at- tci.ded thu League Juhilant SorviceH, Mh:eh wcio held in Duiulftlk. The time «il.M widl sp.-iit. Fiiiit ami Htntwljorrios promise to be a gooil crop ill this Heetioii. Kiiuberlcy. Fntin oil) own Corrfupotideut. [ 'Phil followiu'/ ileiiis were uiuiv.diUlily hi'ld over from weik't^;ct Ml). AnvA.vcB.] Mrs. Hugh Knott of SuniiyvaJo Farm was ilio guest uf Mrs. Ilaniinond oit t:un- d.,y. Air ntid Mrs. Walter of tho ti-nth lino of Ciil iimv.iod, sji.'iit .S.i.iday with fi utidrt in 1 iir village. Mr. (i'^o, Htirricr, will) has (>uou speud- ii.g a coujilo uf wooki ill Toronto, reurii- etl last Wediii'i'day. Mr. I'eiiiland of !lie ruMic sclioul staff visited Till rnl'ury on Mondny, Oitiiig 1(1 hi' nlisenorf the s-iiior drpartinenl of our hclo'id was c'.o.ted. » Mr, liailur of Aleafoid wa.i (lie guest if M". (iuiliain on Suturday las-t. We 8 iriy to bam of the death of .Mi.«s S ewart. Although she has been .""iri.uxly ill for foine tn e, yet the call si'oiin'd sudileii nt lust. She passed nway on .Suiidiiy ovoiiiin; uhout eight o'clock at tho home of hi r brother, Sipiiro Stewart. The dfOoiHi'd ^va^ also a -i.lor to Mr. Jus, .^lottnrt nod for yeur.t vvai a losulont of Kiiibir'ey. The sympathy of the neigh- hoiliooil is tviili tho aorrowinij fiiends. The village of Noustadt i.s putting in electric light. Owen .Sound bainpiote 1 ,1udi;e Maason last week and made .sninu valuable prcKeiits previous to their leaving for (Jodiriob Ah .Tidiii Maildon was driving along Ibe llieMrh line on iSatuiday evoutng, ac- einnpsined by Miises Iiiktter any May [Inles, biatoain ran nway and threw them into tho ditch. Mis.s Inkster, it i.i lboui>ht, struok her liead on a Ktoiio in- flicting a scalp wonnd and was uiieontcious for some tune. Miss Hales knee was â- mnewbat bru'iod while John escaped with a bad shakini; up. Fortunately no bones wnrn broken and all three feel thankful to bars escaped so safely. â€" 8th Lin* Osprey, Reflector Cor. Hr D. KnechtsI, the fun'tore man of Hanover, has no vote tins election, bis name having been omitted from the last revised voters' The Tottenham Sentinel aaya :â€" Mc- Cormac, the tructing stallion, which .Ta>. Mobld was trying to syndicate here two years ago, for J2,f)tK), s-dd last week, including bike and all outfit for ^'200. Wm. Reid, livin;; near SboH-urne, bad his hou.te burned Sunday, 17ib inst. Cause of fire unknown. The liuildini; wa< insured for $460, but the cuiitents were uninsured. A fatsl arcideiit occurred at the Conn Steam Saw Mill t!io pant week, when a l>"y named Hidli!ij;e.-, 14 years of iigc, eldent son of Ge". HolluiL'er, was cau'hl in a belt and whirled to death around a hbaft. â€" Mt. Forest lieiiieseiiiative. The Tlioriibury Herald in (b scribing n new yatht says "There aie eight or nii e laiae births." Thai's the kiiol of yaclit for this country. If a few more of onr people wh'> rcsido in the vicinity of our griit inland witers wou'd builil yacli's given to this poit of tbin/ •â- iir cens'n would very soon mount upward. .\ stiit- ablo name for the new yucbt wo'ilJ bu the " Fecundity" of Tonrnbury. ^#A ^^fj ^â- ' w 1 W. n. ITarA ASmcst a \ Mopeless Case. t^ l\Trfr,;3 Cjv2h. No«r.c8t Nlgrht tar .:?->•. Civ.?a up by Doctors. AIJrG~SAV EP TiM?'^V'& CHERRY M!fcll^P£GTORAL • s^vo-al ••»ri'ni:o. lcan[;htasoveiocold, c'tor. 'e.t wiiii .'. tLTribl'j cou':'.i that allowed BiO \:3 \'A. wither \\vj or night, I'lio doc- t ri, arior wi-rklnj over nm to the best of t' iibllitr. 7.rc.:oijiicc(i r..j cx-<c hcpeles«, P!:f| r,-:ii t::.-y rovM do n more for Rc. A friind, lp;in.!;iB «f by ir'if.blc, sent mo n-l.ot:iii -A Avt's Cbciry J'.-c*,oraI. \»'..leh I licsti to", ni'd verys"").! I v;'.t gronll/ r 'i vcl. r;y tho tV'.e ! !.:'.d tiDcd tliB whtlo !• >;:;', I •vss<;oi.r,i!.M •V.-eir'"!. 1 u-.vancT.~r l^.d murli of a on.cU s'-'co l'''>t li«:e. and I fiii;!y Icllcco » Ave."i (;!ierry i'ooUKal s.-.ved my Ifc."â€" \Y. 11. \v'...tii, « Qiilrc^jr Av'., I.cwcU, Mass. h Avcr'M ru:s t!.o Vat I'.»«.'V PhltaiOt Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills The undersigned are placing in po- sition a first class sawioill for custom sawing, which will be ready for opera- tion in January. We have also added A CHOPPING MILL For the convenieuco of farmers. Chopping done at any time at 6 oruts per 100 lb?. , The sash and door factory, band and scroll sawing buBincss cotitiiuud as usual. Pile iu your orders. BKECROFT A TALBOT Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE i Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first-class style and at lowest rates. Special attention eiveii to oopyinn. Dabies' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULMER The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each M'cck Floor ?3 80 to $4 40 Outs «!i to 23 Pea» 48 to fiO Butter 12 to IS Eg«s, fresh 8 ci> 8 Potatoes bag 3t) to Xi Pork ' 4 50 to 4 50 Haypert>in 8 00 to 10 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepskins "5 to 60 (Jeeae 5 to 6 Turkeys 7 tf. 7 Oh'ckens [ler pair JO 'o 2S Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Woid 17 to 30 Time Tabic. OOl.NC .10CTH. Markdale- 6 40 a. ni. 4.40 p.m. Flesherton â€" t>.5o a. ni. 4.53 p. o>. GOIXU ItOETK. Flesherton â€" 11 48 a. m. 9.17 p. ni. .Maikdale - 12 04 p. m. 9.o0 p. Di. c^odfticisi. A O.U.W.â€" meets every •irj't and tklnl ilnry. (l»y iif each tuontli. i'l ttuelr ioi);;e niov.i Chiintoo's jr.ook. KlBtheri.-.i. tit ».i>. to. W. H. Walker, II. \V.; W..I. l<oil»n y, I'mai e'er W. Irwiu r.ecorder. Visitii;;; llicthev^i luvitet'.. |>OYAi., Ti'.sirLAns OP tf;:.;i'ki;.\xck. l\ â€" Iteguhur Counel! ninets »v.iry fii'slaii.l I'j'r I T jes lay ev.'ciiic i" ti-.eb moi:.ti, in Sproi>l«°s Mock at 8 )> ui. Pi.rct il<-i^rcu ini.-jr«uce) ui"«ts ruoKtlJy, tli.- Weduet;lay ;)rcc(*tliiij: tlie S^d of catb iiioiith. SONS OF TKMPKJUXCK.â€" TI.U ficloty nicBW In Dr. ffcii.-ito«" Hnf! Sirt \Ve<i. nes'lsy io escb u.nijth at H p.iu. Vi 'itiiR bretheren tuvitsd. lusuraticu lu cuuiiaciK'O. UF. B. A., meet iu their bsll. ChiUtos's Ulook ever> laconJ Tlrjrs<ia> in each luoatb. Wiu. Kbarp, Master. T. Claytci!, Sec- retary. PBI.NCB ARTHUR LODGE. No !BS, A P 4 A M. meet in tha'NssoLle Hall, Strain's BlMk, Flejliertuu, ivery l-'iid»v on or before the (nil xuooo. Dr Caitsr, \V M,U j Spi oiUe. secretary DUFFEltlX LOnoE, No IfiO. I () O K. meets in Clayton's Hsll everv Tuos- ilayevunins at 8 o'clock. Vlsitttig brctbrea cordially iiiTited AS VANDt'-»N. N fi -Wm MooitE. See pu^if. MISS EDITH niCBAItD^V ^ rupil of Uobt Msbr.. rf JSurliri Oermsnv. (violin; Mrs Krsdlov. of Toronto Conservatory MusU*. (Voice riiltHre) Prof KerrlHon.Iate of Toronto, (Pisnol will i-ecijiTo ii-.ipiU iu SINGING, VIOLIX, Pt>< ANOandUKiiAN BULL FOR SERVICE The nndcrsicnoil bas a thorouglibrcit registsr- e<l Durham boll for auivico on lot il, con. 10, A 'tvnidiila. Terms T9e, payable 1st Feb., alter tbat«l. SOLOMON TUhNKB. i8Miilil TOPSilP OF IBTEHESli Notice is heie>'y jj;ireu that the lirst sitting of the Court of Revision, Towiuliip of .•Viti'iuesiii, will be held in' the Town Hall, Flesherton â€" ON- Montiay thi* first day of June, 1836 AT 10 o't'tOCK A. M. .\ll Parties iutorosted will gnvera them- selvts acconli.iuly. Dated at Fleshci ton this lOth day of May mW. W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk of suid Court. THfi BEST OF T' Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Choice stock of Groceries, IjomoiLs and Oranges. 2 bottlea Picklea for i-'Sc â€" best brand. Don't buy anything but the LEADER CHURN, it Ls the Best. I sell it. A choice lino of HARDWARE antl GLASSWARE. R. PEDLAR

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