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Flesherton Advance, 28 May 1896, p. 5

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THI FLSSHilTOM ADTiiei BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL ^Ifen^ral banking bu^inoHB trannactoil Urafta iiiiueii unvi -r^huti.isb canhud at uoual rutcH. ftlotiey aUvayn availabla for lyt-'imato bunineHii cutorvrUs^. Oilico &wo aours uurch of iCijinLrd.- yicslaity Chips. CJiHractcristlcs of the Past Week Carefully €ul]cd for the Curious. liuitiens uniic^i among loada will he lUvirijed at the rate of 10c per line for each iinertioa. .1 reihiction tcill be nviiie oil eontracU forlOOliliea or over. AllkinVjof vagjwibla jioncs at Barn- Uouso'ti. Mr. Jolm Eiell.'uny bsi-' C('m{>leted his oirntra^t of raahingling tho Methodist diurch. Ab tho te.'icliors' c-mvBn'ioii in Durh.iui lisl TTetk it wan deciclLd to h"ld thu next meeting' in DuiiJalk. Very m.-vi.y files 1110 rvpi rted thi-oui^li iiur (>.\e!ia'ii;eH as the i(mu t of iho heavy wind stonu of Suu'iay wtek. A larjj'j niuount of con-ospiiii'lcnca "ia cmwddd out this issu j owing to want of M]>ace and tiuio to got it into typo. lime for iiala â€" Kiln just burned 10c per bushtl. Also good building tyiud frao with liiiifa. S. Roy, lot 30, 10th ton., ArtenuKia. Tkc re«iU'uca of Win. Hartmiw, near Thoiubnvv, was Btruck by lighfuLiig on M<mdiiy, and twt' daughters wuro bsdly btunnt'd, but vL'' recover. . Hon. A. S. fiiudy, MinLstar of Crown Lands, will a.Mres.'; a puVtlic nxaeting in Fleshertoii on Tuemiay, June 9, on tho pulitical questions of the day. Look out for biUs. Dr Caiipbell. L D S., D. D. S , ha< opened a Ui-ntal office in MarkJaI<t aiid will visit Fhsherton e»ery iscoiid Thurs- day. He places his cord in thiH issuu, y-Tini; dates. Flour for the accommudatiou u£ the people of Flesherton and vicinity. I " have pl.icwl a stock of genuine straight grado Jlimitoba tjour at T. Hill's. Your latroimgc solicited. P. LoucKB. A huge crowd of Flesherton people viHitu<l Eugenia on Monday. A football match bctwoeii Eugenia and Clarksburg resulted in a victory for the former. The Methotlifit church i>eople gave a tea which was well i>atronized. Artemesia L. O. District Lodge meets in the hall of 50!), Orange Valley, on Tuesilay JunuU'ud at 2 p. m. The iiu[)ort- ance of thu meeting re<\uire8 a full at- tendance. J. A. Dodds, District Hue Sec. Tn a magistrate's case reporteil in last week's pnpera wraig figure accidentally crept in. Th« younq nmn from E Ji{hi asia were reported ss being fineil ?2 and costs for as.s.-\ult, whereas it should havo been 41 and cnstA, with the exception of Proctor, who was fined if5 and co3t». A Flesherton gentleman had an excit- ing e.xp.Hionce out at Eugmiia tho other day. While fisbiug among tho rocks be- low the falls a small tree on which he itooil broke and precipitated hi;ii into thb boilini; stream below. Ho wns carried down stream tlireo or four nnls before rccoverii'g his feet, and lost his hut and tisliing rod ia the excitement. These have not yet been recovered. Mr. Edward Bums of Thorn bury died from the eifccts of a kick from a colt. The C. K R. employes will picnic in Owun Sound auain this year, the date be- ing Fridiiy, June 12. Johnston, the horse thief, was tried beforo the Judge at Owen Sound on Mon- day and received a sentence of tlirce mouths. Artemesia Council will meet on Mon- day next iva a Court of Revision. O.iprey meets at Max"cll on the same day fur a similar purpose. All members of tho U. P. B. A. are requeBtwl to meet in their lodge room on June 4^th, by spcciid request. W. J. Mo- Conuac, W. M. ; R. T. Whitten, See. Pulmonary consumption, in its early bti-.ges, may be checked by the use of Ayer's Clitrry Fectoral. Ir stops the distiess'n;; cou<:h, soothes irritation ofihe throBtiindlunsjs, aiid induces much- needed repo.^e. Hundreds have testified to the rumaikablu viitutsof this prepara- tion. Mr. Martin Phillips, Collingwood gravel, liiul iin experience with lightning on Monday oveniug that ho and his family will not uoon forget. His two sons had just aniveil home from Eugenia and ono of them h;«l driven the horae and buggy under the barn for .shelter, when a ter- itHc crash iif thunder came. At tho tune Mr. and Mrs. Phillips were sitting at the hunso door a few rods away. Mi-s. Phillips thn w up her hands, droppiiig a luUy which i he hold in her lap, and tell to tho floor unconscious. Looking out, Mr. Phillips saw tlames i.sKuing from tho barn. The young lad who had driven under the barn was knocked down with tho bolt &a was the horis*, but both recovered almost innnediately. A voliiablo pig which was near them was killed. The hoys went to work with piiiLj to save tho the building-s, neighlxirs gathered and by dint of hard work tho flames were ex- tinguished. Mrs. Philliiw, who had been pro.strate<I, remained uncom^i tho following morning, bat V 6. r|Kng. It is a foitunale dhy for a man when he tirst discovers the value of Ayer's Sarsa- p:t'ilU as a bloi>d puiitier. With this medicit.e, be knows be has found a remeiiy iip^n which he may rely, and t'nat his life long malady '.is at laiit con- •piered. Has cuied o'.lur.*, will cure you. Tlio Rev. Mr. Dixlds, a missionary lately returned from Mexico, will preach on, 31st May, in the Presbyter- ian church, Flesherton, forenoon and evenuig, iivA at Eugenia at 2.30 P. M. fL) wi!! also lecture on Mexico in the Pi-otibytoriiui church, Flesherton, Mon- day evening, 1st Juno, and in the Orange H:«.ll, Eugenia, on Tuesi'.ay evening 2nd June, conuuencing each evening at 8 o'clock. Admission free. Collection tikun up at the close of lecture. The public are cofilialij invited both to the Sabbatit iier\'icc8 an 1 the lectures. The editor of .i country paper is expect- ed to roiiiembcr every little incident hap- pening for miles around and mention it in his paper, so some people tell us. So us no »r« coucorned, we make no inlenrional omission whether the affair be of denuniinatioual, social or any other character. If w« forget to mention sny legitimate event it is purely an uninteu overnight ou our pait. We fully realize that it is to our interest to record all the doings but we aak you to kindly itivb us a hi tie help iu tliii line, by tend- ing particulars. PER50NAL5 Mrs. M. ^ichanlson vjsitud in the city last week. Mrs. Mitchell spent tlie 2'Uh with friends at Palgrave. Mrs. Jos. Smith is spending a couple of weeks with irieuds at Kleiuburg. Mrs. Fuller, who spent tho winter with her daughtur, Mrs. Thos. Hill, re- turned to the city lust week. Mr. R. J. MeKee, late of the 4th hue, has removed tn Owen Sound, where he hus secured a situation. Miss Mii.a Graham, Murkdale, and Mionio Graham, Vauue'- lir, were the guests of Mis. W. HiehardsiD. Miss Aiuiio Richardson, Toronto Cidluge of Music, spent a few days of â- â€¢the pa-^t week at the [/lU'ental home here. Mr. A. Munshaw attended the races in Toitmto last week. He has only miss- ed this event twice during tho past twenty years. Mr. and Mis. Biowu, Owen Sound, were'.tlie guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thuiston fora few days during the past week. Mr. Harry Davy, who has teen attending Hamilton business college for some months, and at one time of The Advance staff, visited friends hero last week. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and Miss Lou Armstrong left on Friday last to visit rel itives iiuToronto, London and Dear- botn, Mich. 'rj,iey expect to bo absunt about one mouth. Mr. Bowes, Patron caudidato for East Grey, was a caller on Saturday. Mr. Uowes is theerful over the prospect. He lays that Melnncthon is the strongest Patron towiuship in his ridiug, and he vfas also surpiL^ed at the strength which he fiiub in Osprey. The Mount Forest waterworks bylaw for #4,500 «as. ydWS. duwu. rs. Ridd. 11 o/ Pdsboro waa stciiken |i paralysis. Har mind wanders, but. WijftotM. topics ah« u. qiiit« Mn«, . Born. Br.^KTiT.BTâ€" On Sunday 21 inst to Mr. and Mrs TI108. Biakeler, twin daugbtara. George Beiuiett, of Eden, assisting a neighbor in the operation of splitting large stumps wiih a jack screw, and bad one nearly split when he stepped into the I'peniin;, when suddenly the jack- screw sprung out and the stump closed like a shot, catching Mr. Bennett in its grip. A companion at once chopped awny the stump and released the victim, but not before it was too late, as Bennetc was dead. His left arm was broken and his whole frame about the cheat and libs cruehed. Mr. Jos. Feighen has gone into tho bicycle business, and on the arrival of bis wheel he lent it to an enterprising young bank clerk of our village who is noted for being ablu to break anything ha touches â€" lettjr pre.sses, etc. are specialties. ~The young man mounted the wheel, and after running into all the tiravel piu, electric and telephone poles handy, made a dash at Mr. Dyre's new, 18125 wheel, leaving it a complete wreck. On taking the wheel back to Mr. Fiejj- hen, the youui; man said it vt^ made of pretty good atufl'. â€" Redector. Tho Chesley Enterprise says;â€" The army worm still continues its depreda- tions. Last week Duncan Anderson 2iid con. Eideislie plun<>hrd up a sod tield that he had sown several weeks ago and which bad been entirely destroyed by this pest. The entire lieid will be re- sown Geo. Morley says the army worm like the burijlar works only by night he- cause Its deeds are evil, and so as to be even with the depredators he hitched his team at three in the luoruim; and rolled a sod tield by day-hglit. When mornini; dawned he noticed his roller had been p.iinted a very tine grei â- !, the result of the crushing ef tuillious <-'' a.- ny worms. Birtlts, Marriages and Deaths To tJie Editor of The Admnce. Db.\r Sib,â€" At the lust session of the Ontario Leghdatjre, the act re legistra- tioii jf bi;''ln., uiarriaues and Jeaihs, as I have no doubt you uio aware wae re- pealed and a new act passea. Aniouust the pi'jvisioiis of the new act I tind the fuDowin^, these lelng the provisions which .I'l act the public more particularly : Sec. Ij provides f'lr registration of births by parents or other person respoiiMble therefor within 30 days of birth. Sec. 16 provides for registration of births forthwith by medical practitiouei-s at- tending at such births, on forms supplied to ihem thruuth Division Registrar. Sec. 17 provides that no birth can be registered, without consent of Registrar Geiieir.l .ifler one year if neijleet so to do. Sec. 20 provides that all inarriaues shall be registered within 30 days instead of UO days as heretofore. Tlie uiinistur cele- brating the marriage is responsible for the registration, and will be tup; iitd with blanks on application to the Div >,. a Registrar. Sec. 21 p:ovido3 for regit ra- tion of every death l»y the person r-s|'.ai- sible therefor Ihj'ure tl)e iiiUrnunt uj the botly. This should be borne in miod, as 110 ininiHter or pet son can bury the body until a certiticnte is furnishetl i>f the registration thereof. Sec. 23 provides that no tor burial or n» 'inter- ment can legally take plaoj until the certiScate has be^n signed by the Divinioii Registrar (except in cases of diailis from contagious disea.'^es In townships when the nearest Division Reuistr'ir may is^ue a bu'ial ceriilicate to be endorsed by the medical health othcerof the inunieipubty). This provision is to facilitate speeily burial to piuvtiit exposure to conlagious diaeases. Si c. 2t provides that no per- son ill charge of a ceineter/ aUM pcrinit buiials thurciii until he lias rcci-ived tho ceititieato of the Division KoL'istrar. Such caretakers shall like.visu supo'y the Division Rejiistrar witli lints of the buiials and the names of all persons buried Ihereiu during iho previous half year. Sec. 20 provides penalties fur neglect on part of Division R^gistiais to make returns. Sec. 28 provides pinalties for 111 gleet to make returns to Divi.xioii Jtetjistrars and for pro. ecutions therefor by Inspector for the ptoviuce. A3 the registration of births, marriages and death.! is coi.sidereO a voiy impoit- aiit n. alter, and «s it costs nothini; to loxister, even p( staiie bciug free on re- turns mailed, 1 trust tho <ro<d people of Artemesia will take uot'co of the pro- visions of the new act and promptly make returns as provided hv the snid act. W. J. BELLAMY, Div. Ro^r. Ti>. .\itoiiieaia, Flesherton P. O. Lot For Sals. For salo chenp and on oahv tornis in Fle^bor- ton. Spleniliti l«r«o, soliil bri. k (Iwollln^, with i<oo<1 atjiie L-ollai-, sttui:ner kttcbun and wouJ- houso, hUo yood (vamo Ht^^blo, biiok lined. P cuiHOs contains IwoldiBo lots Aud}ji>oil younn orohai'd, boarin;:;. Honso and outbuilditiKs aro ux^coiHioiiftllv wtd) tlnitibod and vory conveni- cuUy laid ou^. Apply to 11* J. SrnouLR. Flodhoi-ton. To whom it may concern. Application is made to the License Board for Centre Grey tor transfer of license from Mrs. Jane Cochrane to Arch. Butter of the Tillage of Pricevilla. ARCHIE BUTTER PiioeTiU*, May H, 18i»J. . IF YOU ARE THINKING OF GETTING A PAIR OF | Boots or Shoes for Summer i2LCLAYTON'5 We have in LADIES' OXFORDSâ€" BEAUTIE.Sâ€" as fine an assortment as you can get at fnjin $1 per pair and upwardsâ€" Black or Tan. Also MENS BALS, OXFORDS and PLOUGH BOOTS from $1 per pair. j^ Custom Work and Repairmg Promptly Attended to SPECLAL UNE OF BOYS' AND MENS LIGHT CAPSâ€" 10c to 25c. SPECIAL LINE OF MENS UNDER WEAR-25C to 50c. . . . SPECLAL LINE OF LADIES- BELTS CLEARING OUT AT 00 EACH. ANY QUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS AND W(X>L WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. . . . SPECIAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO CASH PURCHASERS. . . . '^Ss*<eJ ji'«. -it*. .5i<. .i'«. .^^^. .»{«. .»!«• j'«. .^'«. .5'^ .ttt, ^<•^ jiiij, mk. ojf.. v"*. .^'/^ i".. .^".. »â- ". .^".. .}•?. oJ'.. ..m', ^it, ^1 x^;i5S88 W///////,' "'i;:''ii'& â- iV. Flesherton TTjarerooms Furniture â€" â€" -^ BIG DISCOUNTS DURING MAY ON % 9?fair9ases, SSett Spriny and iSadroom Sui'tea ^ ^ OUR WHOLE Srt>OK is very complete in every line with ^ ^ » ifoods of quite new design, combind with excellent workmanship ^ ^^ and finish. '" Goods sold bj us are delivered and set up ail ci « Our line of WINDOW SHADES and CURTAIN POLES % are altraciiit:; attention, and customers are pleased when a A prui'tical hand is sent to adjust and dx up each parcel .sold. PICTURE FRAHINQ IN GREAT VARIETY Best personal attention given to every case of UNDER- TAKING entrusted to our care. J. E. nOORE, Proprietor /////////A asssisss^ '/is-* Wvi'?'/i? W^iv" ^1|WlrWW%'''9i«'''j«- --if '/i?'?i<-^jF'?|PwwwW'?ii«='/ii?^' ^ FLESHERTON ^ WOOLIENJIILLS Opunagain and ai"e paying more than tho highest price for W(X>L. FRSE! FI^EE!! Will give Ic extra for- black sheep wool . And are in a better position to meet the wants of the public than ever before. Notice our extreinoly h)w prices for ciistuin work : OiliDj & l\\h\ Bolls, Jg II Cariliii] & SpioDlQ]; IOg III Au- Kinds of Wbavino is Propobtioi* Cash For Woo! V. Hum Court of Revision MUNICIPALITY OF 05PREY The Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of Osprey for the year 18i)l5, will bo held iu the Orange Maxwell n\v T^iMclay, fitno A/, 1896 at 10 A. M. All partiei interested will govern themselves accordingly. THOMAS SCOTT, CliKkt. .Mi)i)ioip»lity vf 0>prv. Preserve your eyesiijlit by having them^ properly tested by W. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAK Farm and Mill Site for Sate For Palo vei-y chenj) nml on vorv oasiv terms. Timber fann, 130 aonis, two rnilesfroni I'lcah erUMi, kDowii aa tlio Win. Hokk xawuiiU pro- oortv, Biiil oil wliicli is an Bxcolleiit water power, founilation of saw mill, .lam ami poii.t and wator wbeol in plaou and all ready for putting mill oil. .\lioiit 1:1 acrus oluarod. ;I0 lieiou liiiibar, most oti, balance well tiniborcil, mi.teil tiinlwr ThiH form will bo sold at a baifjain if Kolct at 01100. bmall pft.viaoiit down, bnlauca on vary o..8y toruis. Apply to E.J. SpBori,!', Kioslicriup.rn Carpet Weaving Tlio uiidorfiiBnod lias idaooil in position a flrRt clasa loom for cai v>dt ai.d ^aiiu«l wuaviiiii and is pMparod to Kivo satisfaction. Bring in your iMOB or Y.iRN to A. T. HEKON. Flodliorton, April 7, 'US. Good Farm for sale or Rent Lot's?, onn.O, Artemoiiia, containing 146 aorea uioro or 1e-8,40 acros tdoarod. about '2) miles from KIsalicrtoii. Tlmrn are a pood log barn and stable on the pruuiiaea. Good ruDDlDg water. IforfaMior pa.tioular* apply to W. A, Armstroso I'leabartotftA

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