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Flesherton Advance, 28 May 1896, p. 4

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THI rilSHIRTON AOViNCI i ^ HaTABLIBHED 1881 I"/3LIS1IKD WE15KLY AT THB OrFKIE. SYD- KNUAM .STllEKT, FLKHHKKTOS, OST. , BY W. H. THUKSTON. %\ per aiiniiiii.slrirtly in advance Advertising Bates: Oao Column. 1 voar. 950 ; halt col, 1 year, •27 quarter ool.,oi)e year, #13. TransicMit ailvcrtlsimiBiit cliarKO'l at the rato of S ceati iior Hiio for flrst iiisortiou aad '<i cents uauU Hub^eguuut iuKertiou. ELECTRIC EAIL.VAY AGAIK We give place this week to a lengthy letter fiOBi Dr. Rolsdn in reply to our idiiorial in last issue re oUctric railway mattovB. We are very glad to get this reply of the Dr's., but must confess that to our niiiids it does uot quite fill the bill. In the first place we desire emphatically to deny that there was anything,' in our article wriiteu "with a view to decep- tion." Neither did we speak from a personal standpoiul.but in behalf of all those who subscribed and particular- ly from the point of view held by the "several reliable gentlemen of Flesh^ crtou who know the f.ict,3" them- selves, and to wjjou Dr. Eoistin gkopcsls. The facts as wo publish- ed theni' are endorsed by these gentle^ men, who look upon tlic scheme now proposed as a distinct evasion of the contract aH entered into by the subscribeiH at this point. Thny do aot believe that the railway aot will allow a deflection of such magnitude as is proposed, and that consequcully Osprey towujhip is being approuched under lalao pretences. These are, candidly, the nasous why faith in . Dr. Uolstin's good iuttnlioiis has re- ceived a cold bath at this point. We have not space, howaver, to discuss all the points raised in the Dr's letter, noi are we desirous of injiuing the prospects of the road in any way, and will leave the Dr's lettot with the people as it stands. We wisii to slate, however, that wo adhere to cvory-> thing we Haid last week, and to re- peal the stutcmcnl that Dr. Uolbtni did 6i.y here that Floshetton was the last place I'J be approached, and that ^J0 di I afterwards approacii oilier towns ( Chcsloy was one, and that is uot near Godeiicli) with a view to Hocuiing further suhsciiplions from tjieni. Wo also wish to intimate that so far as Eugenia ia concerned tin Dr's. reiuarl'.s are quite irrelevant, as Fltsherton has no desire to cut Eugeiii* off. Oil the ooiitrarv wo want Eugenia to got the road, biit ut lUi: same time wo want a throuf>h line.i.ota line civcling in and nut anionic t!ie Conoessidtis all over half a dozi'ii counties, as we nio obliged to belie /e Dr. Itolstiii would like to have it mn if there were suffioient eiihscriptiona furthcoiiiing. It is tliia which tcndn t^ give the scheme a tingo of nhsui - ai«y. A Letter From Dr. Roistin. To Ihr. Edilitr of The Adi'itnce. Dkar Sill, â-  Niniioroiis luimtftteinentH, III- at loiixt pn.ssagoB wonled willl ii view In <lccu!)iti(>ii, lipiieiir in llio iivtic;Ki in yt>ui' InHt i:iHun liuiiiled "Kleelrio niilwny umt- tu!':i." It status tliat " wliiin Klowhurton w:iM lUtit iip))rci!n;lioil we v.-uro tolil Hint f hiH w.'iH tlm l;iHt i)lii<;(i 1,0 lie iisUud for BulkHciiptioiiK . . . Tlio fylldwiiii^ week D."- H'ilntiii and Mr. Puw wiip; liiiuid from over (iodi^iich way, wliuni tliey Wdji! drniMiiiiiig iip Hisvornl iiinro Kiimll towii.i." Ill 11 fi'V(Mi<H< to tlio f.irig<iiuj; it in Kiiiiijly not tnic. The eii'^iiUMT mid I Ktirti'd from Kli'MJiorton thi) next day uftdr the inui:ting to go over the weMturn Rccti<iii of the main line and the Houtli l>i?lt lino, inHpocUiig tlio route aiki ewti- iniiting tliu water powerH, the trip ooii- Mimiiig oiuvoii days, and no towii-i, hi'.^ ii;' Hiiiall, wui'o dniiiiiiiud uporapproauhcd with that eiul in viin^ " tlio following week" About two weokmifturtlie Flesh- orton nioeting Mr. Pew asked mo to go to (}otlonch And coiiipluto thu work h^ had hogun nearly • iiuiiith provioualy. I ^ynt, and virtually took (iwluriah inVft the Rchenio and another village caiiio in voluntarily the same time on account uf the extension of the hue through it to Goderich. My work in Goderich was not now, but came under the heading of "uiitinished businesa." ^ I now appeal to several reliable gentle- men of Flesheiton, who know the facts, to pronounce upon tlie candor or tlio value of your next stjitement, that "when Fle.sherton was approached we subHoribeil and jiaid over nlKiut one half our inouey." As for myself I will draw thu inantlo of charity over you in connection with that as-seition and proceed. You next gravely announce that "the provisional directors went to Ottawa and fought for the charter which was secured." Couched in that sentence is an open iiiis- 8t4iteiiient or a clumsy attempt ».t decep- tion. The hi.story of thu obtviintngof thu charter and the efforts of Drs. Sproule and Laiiderkin and others, iucludiiii{ my own, are too well known to your inttlli- goiit re;idoi's, to the lato muinhers of the Jtailway (Joiiimitteo and the MiniHter of It.iilways, who pronounced the hill live different times, on the ground that the goveraiiient had no jui i.sdiction, in as many diti'ereiit weeks after tlio pro- visional (liiect»r8 had fought for the cliiirtor but did not stcuru it. Tlio liis- t;)iy of the charter is too well known t" make further comment upon that portion of your criticism tU'Cussjuy. At thusamu time, in cidling attc^ntion to the above well-known fact, 1 wish to give all due credit to the provisional directors, more espucially to Mr. Thorp Wright, who per- formed their part ludily and well. It is chdmed that the Flesheiton people subscribed ujsin the undoretanding that the line should run up thu Toronto and iSydonhani road as shown upon the map exhibited at thu iiieeliiig. It is true that tlio line was so traced upon the map, hut 1 call your attentiim to the fact that you signed a subscription list instead of the map. The heading to which you suh- sciibod virtually reails as follows : "Wo agree to j>ay the respective sums set op- posite U) our respective names to assist ill promoting n line of railway from Port Perry to Kincardine, running through Klf»hert(m," without any reference to the route it would tiiko fnmi Shclhurno to Fle.«liertt)n. Xor did 1 guaninteo your Kubscriboi-s that the line would run from Shelbunic to Flushertim as shown on the map, but stated distinctly that the iiia]r was subject to changes in the interests of the enterpriKO and t hat while we iKiund ourselves to the places closu<l with, yet that would not debar us from locating the lino through others which might show us that their inclusion would be in the liest interests of the project. 1 referred lo the fact that pniiiinent gentlemen in Dui'hani urged us to t^ako a near cut from Shutbunio to Durham via Hopeville or neighborhoi»l, striking the Durlmni road at Durlmiu, thus ni.ikiiif^ that town thu junction. Now, had it not been for thu fact that in selecting tho latter route we woiilil side tnu'k Kugoiiia, one of our principal wator powein, it would liavu l>ecn tho preferable one, maturially short- ening thu main lino, avoiding bridging and hills, while the territory to bo servod wouhl gladly [lay as much or more than has heen olfered liy both Flosherton and Ospiey. Thu power at thu saiiio time would bu as easily trausmilt-ed from Ku- goiiia to a power house ut Durham as to onu at Flesheitou. When at the meet- ing I had, moioiivur, in my mind the fact that parties at Kugonia, present that cv- enmg, had written me stating that on no account would tliuy allow their power to ho transiiiitteil to a power liouso at any other |>oint. When it was suggest .d hy somu Flo:shert(m citizens that Kuyonia might join witli Floshoiion in the siih- .soiiptions, thereby ndmitliu^ that tho fiirmor would liavo tho road, I stated from the platform that I reserved tho rij^ht to <leal with Kugonia later. Jlr. Thorp Wii[.;ht, tho chainiiaii, n clear- huadiMl and niiin, said thiit Kugonia should have a share in tlio road :'.nd tho moetiim in gunural assonteil to that view of the uas._'. The on<;ineor went over to Kugonia that night and tliu next day openly roiioi'ted in favor of the iiraetiea- hilily of eonstruotiii;,' tho roail tliiou_t;h that Ideality, and this was a fact generally kniiwii before thu bulk of the suhnciip- tioiis were j^iven. Ospny was also lopvo- sontod at the i.ieeting and parties were there urging its chums to rccoji^nition, and it was, p think, diMtinctly •iimb rstood or at least expressed that the merits of tho two routes, tho Toronto and Syileiiham or Osprey routo, should ho n matter for fu- ture investigation and dctorniinathin. I think many impartial and credible people of Flesliorton, Eugenia .iiid Osprey will, if uuco+sary, suh.itmitiatj what I ohiim in tlieso respects to bo tiiio and thoioby dis- poHO of your chargo that 1 decuivod Flesherton in regard to the routo. Now what are tho facts as to my pro- motiiui of the scheiiio ill Osprey of late? When I was stiuggliug in an earnest and determined manner willi thutiovurnment for tho charter luie iiionlli after the pro- visional had fiiii^ht their fight, a letter reachoil mo signed hy Mr. Preston, the ri^'Vu, Dr. Hcott, Mr. l!iawfoiil and por- iiaps ot-lieis, mt;ing thu ex])odiency and thy iirotitahlu uatnru of tlio Osprey over tho Toivmto and Sydenham roiitu, re- (|iiestiiig thu pi'omotuis to come U]) and invostij'ato, and sug^jusring that in all ])rolmbility the people would f;ivo from ^'20(X) U) SfitKIO in the way of a ^uhscrip- tion or bonus or both. I also recoivod individual luttors from Dr. .Scott, Mr. N, I). McKinnon and other gentlomun, cidl- ing my attention to thu same pointn. Ahout the first of May I had a letter from Mr. Pew, stating that it was tho wish of Kuver!\l t»f tho provisional direct- ors that I aiiould go upta.Oaproy and estimate thi4..huneKtM that migh| accrue to tho ro«(Vby running through that, towu- slvp apid wt tlio sanio ti^iQ U^d oult what waa in the proiniaoR of aid. T acted upon the suggestion, and as a result of my work in the townshij), Mr. McKinnon stated at tho late meeting in Torfjnto that ?1200 had been subscribed by O.iprey. Now, sir, iu the face of this true and unvarnished story of my connection with Osprey, what becouics of your unfair chai-ges that as soon as tho charter was secured "Dr. Iltdstin busied himself hy going into Osprey and promising to locate the lino there for §2O(J0 ;" that 1 thought I owned tho whole concurn, and others to like eti'ect ? Instead of passing as tho sole arbiter of the road I distinctly told the audience at each meeting that their subscriptions would ho made jtayablo conditional upon the engineer endorsing the route and the board of directore lo- cating tho line thrcmgh the township. The lino was locjited through Osprey, not by Mr. Pe# or myself, hut hy the provis- ional directors', conditional up<jn a certain sum being [laid into the treasurer's hands, and under any circumstances my remun- eration will be tho Raiiie. I have always made it a jioint to bo frank and honorable â- â€¢Old my aim has been to harmonize the best interests of the towns and villages with the best interests of the propo.-iud road. iLiid I have not departed fioiu tills j)riiici|)!u in tho cases of Flesherton, Ospi'ey and Eugenia. In conclusion per- mit mo to express the conviciion that tho live and iirogressivo element among your citi/.cns do not and need not share the ajiprohuiision that seems to have inspired your article that their fair and jjrosporous village will sutler electrocution in tlie fry- ing pan of this beautiful electric circuit at the h.uids of Eugenia, Feversham or any other of the sni.-iller rivals. HENRY J. ROLSTIN. 2W? Jjouch Uhe fSpoti FOR I^RICES On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS, Rl'BBER DASH APRONS, BINDER WHIPS, RIDING S.XDDLES, SWE.\T PADS, AXLE GREASE, Rome in and Exainine Harnessmaker, Flesherton Cash : for : Hides! Shoppskinu and all kinds of futs pur- cha.sed, for which hij;liu,t market price will bo paid. Homemade sausugrs un h^nd, alfo all kinds of muata. IVI. IflZ^HJSON, FLESIIEUTON MEAT EMPORIUM CHAMPION STALLION Of The Dominion PRINCE ARTHUR IMl'UUTl-n) JULY, WM Wiimoi- Rt llio Well I'a K|>||-, Oliionifo, Now Voile, niiil UttHWii ; tli'Bt at Toronto Hpi iiiK Show iiihl fweepHtiiktiri for host Btallinii uiiy nun, ISltl; first niiil hllvor mnilal at Torunto Industrial, 1SU:I Int iiu>l avriip'.takv^ at Toioiito Spring Sill. w, IHD-l; Mrst priza aii'l silvor iiiudal Hlbu Hw<;u|iatakt'H.„fur bu it atullioii auy agu at Toronto linlustrial, ISX. No I'linco Arthur roKlHttrtfl Ko. ia"9 Y C H B iV C n H Uniteil btatca Stud Hook. lUOO HOUTH-lSyO MONDAY May 4tli, will leava bin own ntnblo, lot IR. Clin 10, F.upliraaia, and prooi^l to Ur Killi.uun W'liittt'H nth line SI. Vinvtiit, (or noon ; tbonru by viay of liay View to WooJtord for tltu ui){ht. TUIISUAY. will prooead to Warrilow'a Hctol, Owon Sonnd. for noon, whera ho will vuiimiu until U o't'loi'k. the folloning iiioitiiii<;. WKDNKSDAY, will pronocd to -larkson HouHO, Jacktioii, fur noon; thence to Uiiy'a Hotul, Tara, for tho night. TIIUUSDAY, will pvoflood t, Mr Goo Hendor- Bon'H noor Kcftdy.for n -/n 'â- '..oiico to'Oauiphoil MouHO, Chutuworth, for tho nij,'ht. FUtDAY, wiil i>rocoo;l to Mr Win Kostor'a Oth con Holland, for noon ; thtinro to hin own ttabtu wliiu-u liu will rmiuiiii until Xtoiiday, This route will bo oontliinijil thrniiRhuut tho Hcaboii, lioalth iiiul weathor porinUtii.g, nKSritU'TlDN Trinoo Artliur ia a pura hrud Yorkiihlio Coach llorNU and ruglatoreit in tho Yorknliiro (kuidi ICoiBa Hociuij of Orcat llritaln ami Ireland .No. lavj. Color, bay ; hlack loca, laaiio and tail, and noifiiotly froo from whito, atjod (I yf;u9, Htiiiiihi ir>l liaiida liUjh. wuiolm 1,41)0 Iha , Una lliu bent of action and tauiitiraly (rue (loiii bluiuiah. TMRMS To Inauru a foal $1,1, 1 1 bo ptjil lat Polmiary, 1HU7. Fortho aaaaoii «U imyuhlo thu lait two rounda. UinKlo leap if 10, to bo paid at time of aervleo. Insured inarus must lie rutunied reK"larly to tfio liorso dm lug tlio aoahou or they will be ctiavgod full aafutunoe, in foal or not. Puraona tiyinx inarei to tbn horso and not returning them will l>« uhainod for the aoaaoii. Fartloa dlapoKhig of tliuir inaree before colIactiiiR tinio wiil bo reationsible (or iuauraiico. All tcoidonta to luarta at rlak of owueis. J. MANAREY, ntnastr •nd Collector Young Men, Wake Up! stods, twocd ofl'octs There ia pvospectH of u go'jd CHOP thi.s year, .-Hid on t:ie »,troiis;th of thin, uo <loii!/t, that a giHiil nuinlior of YOUNG MION will ho doinjj tho elegant and will wantaFTNESlIT of CLOTHES. Wt are Rhowiiig ^ikkI value in black v.-or- and paiitu!ga. We liiivo three lirNt class tiiloi's working for im and want to keep all hands busy. Competition in that dopartiueiit is very keen, and you can havo your choice ii.s to which you prefer doing your work. Our Gent's Furnishing thriighout is complete including Fine Dnderwear, WliitG Shirts,, Collars, Tics and Felt Hats. We can fix you up for auy special oc- ca.sion in first class stylo for very little money. Come and give un a call. LADIES, KEEP KOOL ! A Rjiecial line of Summer Corsets to baud selling at 60c anil C5c. Ladies' Vests friun 6c up to 50c. Silk Viitt% iuo, 35c, 40c, iu black, fawn, brown or cream. Cotton Hosiery from 7c jitr p."\ir np to 25c. Citshmero Hosiery i:i goinl ipi.^hty. Dress GikkIs, Lustres, Casliim res. Colore<l Goods, Tweed efTccts, &e., nil up-to-datu. E/ery Day is Bargain Day With Us. If you are not a .snlisoriber for The Advance do not dehsy to bocoiiie one, as you will save the subscription price in a very short time watching thia spacti. Butter d Egis Wanted B. McDonald House and Lot For Sale For Halo cheRp, oneRsvterniH that comfort- able renifWuce uii Mary St. KU'Hherton, cuntain- Itag H rooii<H ami wood'tibod. with lianl and foft wator innui>!4, both uiidor rovrr, bi uiitirul f;arili>n and orchaid alRO null Iliiisliuit stabl* and drive houso 2Hx24 ft. Al>l»ly to J.K.UOUUK, Furiiltuvo dealur. MS! (f IBOOo Ttv Knickerbocker son. the sire of ton in the 230 list. aud tbu Hire of tho dain of Alar 2.11. OiroDus a 12^ and cloven otlit-in. This sbuw? that hi^ stt'Ck is brooding ou and iu the very fri»iit rnnks. Kniiktntmcker in by the king of sirer, Ham*- blotoidan 10 Klnj* I'iii H dam is Topscv b v Kentucky Prince '240. Hire of (iuv. 'i-i-Oi. Kloise. ii 15, and ovor thlity othovH in iho list, ftccoiifl dam oy Korust KitiK I75t, th't Hiro of Lady HaflHt-t, 3'JO^. and DtliorH.aiid Koro«t Kitin is by that t^ronfc niro, Mniiibrinb Patcheu 5K,tiirii of it.') in ihu list, ui i hiroof tho damn of UiJ fust p rformer«,1ncMid- inn Kalv'h Wilko .aof-j. Kinp Tin's dttin.Toiii., , in ill tho Mreut brood niaro li^t. bcin^ the dam tifZorlrtUt'.'). Kin;,' Tin is 5 yoara old, a boautiful dark l)ay IH^ bands blKb. and weiHba i;(()0. Ho if. ah iKtM)f Ki'oat at\lo, quality, and a f*ranil actor, anil can now, without trainiii|{, pbt>w a 'J 40 s'ait. Ho liati ^roat subritaiicu,Htron(j litiild, tho niakn up of a mip, tho spued to tranH- luit and the brooding and blood liur» to make lilin prepotent, and not only n siro of race harnoM htit a hire of clczant carriage and saddle horees with grand ktau and itock Hction. and lar^foonongh for all kinds of farm work. 'I'liisvoiiit^ Ktnllion wax imported by mo last winter, did a large buninoBs last season, and ia a Kino foal guttor, Hi«i aervicH ico will bo within reach of every farmer. 8eo aniall bills later. 'I'ho principal ntandn for f^oaHon of 'OC wlU bo : rricoviHe. at or near Hopeville, Proton Station, Sonth-east ArtemeHia, Warubain, Mclntyre, Maxwtll, Kugenia KulU, Flesherton and homo titablo, Murkdaii^. J. E. HARSH, ISMy Miirkiialo, Out •%«^%^/»'%% «^%^«^V« SOW LOST Strayed fronilolol, con. 12, .\rtomos!a, on Arril 18, one largo b^ack sow, riijht eyo hlind. Anyone giviiii; fiifuriiiHtion Imdiiia to her recovery will be miitaSly rewarded. TJI08. BUADBUUY Euseiiia, May j5, 1890. NOTICE 1 We begin this week to CLEAR OUT Hues cf PRINTS At cut prices. We do not ijurj.rso to carry stoc-k vrlieii the stabori is ad- vanced, ivur i.locL ia I.-.rgM jxt but n' be rcdiicijil one h.ilf tlii.s month. Wo ar2 clearing o:it clioice pattcina Our lady friends should see our dis- play of SILKS thi(>wet-k. All ticketed with prices in plain Cyures. While Blouses aro in fji.sliion antl Silks so cheap why not have a SILK BLOUSE. See our table of double widt-h DRESS GOODS, 40 to 42 inch. Regular 30e, 35c and 40o all at One Price, 25c Per Yd Why do we do it â€" don't ^'.sk bi;t come and get a share of bargains i,'oiag â€" tiiuu will be short. ^eu/ ilfillinerj/ Uhcs 2l/ee/c BLACK & WHITE SAILORS, LEGHORNS & FANCY STRAWS, NEW FLOWERS, RIBBONS AND LACES. Some CJiok-e and Gkcaj ooods ia novf Wo havo received aiiitherconsigmncut of Ladies' Boots <& Oxfoi'd Siipe?^ â- â- â- :r And a lot of Mui'.i ri.v.;;;M BoTV*, Be.l- !;;\Ta Tnguo. price 51.:i6 p -r It^- I'riiue stock. IN OBNT'S"^^ spring . . , We have extraordinary values, made up' to onlor at $10,00 $1160 $12.50 Nobby *i*ico light p,tntings made to order 9^.7 o. Boys' Wool Tweeds â€" a fine range at 32c per yd. Early ordera solicited â€" but dou'i al^ cume at once. Whito Shirts, .35c. Black S;itoon Shirts, 50c. Flannolh'tto Shirts. 20c. Linen Collai-s, 2 for 25e. Uont'sTics, Knots A. Dorbys, 2 for 25c. And tho tinest stock of Gent's Hats in Felts & Strawsâ€" kte«t styles and lowest prices. . iiiri M) HarclA^varc J IDcp't. ANY ONE CAN SAY There's NO FLIES ^"^ On Us IF THEY GET SOuME OF OLTl- (Scree/? Wire Cloth For Their DOORS & WINDOWS The people of Kleshoiton are hoi by warned to keep their horsos and all other animals prohibited from running at large by bylaw oncbisfd. AH suob auimiU found at large will bo impounded and the ownora prosecuted, D.;MoTavisii, 1 0, J. Lritch, } Polwo Tru8te»i. W.J. BBbUAMY.J, May 6th '9(5. Do You Know We can save you money by buying your NAILS and other HARDWARE from , us. Also in all kinds of Fencing Wire wo guarantee ths lowest pricee. JEST urn II sum SBEiBS Heiuhiuartors for all kinds of Granite and Tinware. M,RICHARDSOM dQa,

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