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Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1896, p. 5

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W*"ilV*«>i ^Stl^' .-^'T' "?(iSSw THS rLSSHISTON iDTAlfCK BANKING OFFICE OF QBO. MITCHELL ""^ FLESUCUIOM Agstitir&l bauking buAiuunb ttaiisacteii Dr&fU UitUd'i aa<l cheti'vittb cttHhttd at usual raten. Uotioy alw^iya Afaii'ible fur legimate businesu •atori>ri«<». UlUco two doors uorth of Hicbajrcl'* ^OU Jt OO'B. Vicinity Ohips. <;hnract<>!ristlcs of the Past Week <-;irerulIy Called for the furious. I! iiiifia iiidirf.s among lucah trill lie rJinrij^l ut the ruU nf 10c per Hue fur iti.^itlrm. .1 rudtirtion tfi7/ be m.ii(.: on cuutracU for 100 tines or over. Oipri-y C lUrt ipf RuvUina ia iidviTtised ill tliis iasuj. D.'h't foryil to a tei-d tliB g^irdrti jxirty (>ii MiiiicUy nrxt :it Mr. Smdy .Sto«ar:'<i West B.ick Lin«. Thrae nieiiil>«-n<if t'.ie ilihiairnlub, w!i<> liiivu It (irea^-rvo Diirui n. wrtit? fi:i<-<l It auiii t''ta'iti;; i^ f .rtishiii!» mi Jlay 1. • Fresh liuie for ralrf â€" Ki!»-jast burned U)c [itT bi!shel. 'ALso gucnl building Kand f.'i- salu. S. R'jy, lot oO, 10th con.. Ai-temesia. \Va u:ii;i:s;iml tliki- \V. K^-m'j slu^alf mill, 9tli line Eiii'liiasi.i, wivs liun^eJ on SuiiJiy, uAtchiiig fniu a busli lire. Nn inoUiMiice. Pai<iti.i'4 and p'i|ior ban jiiigii> llic 'ngb- • »t si^li.i.f Hft. Twcu'yyi'His'r.xpeiic'iico. J. lin \ Wbitr, Fk^hert.iii. Ri.s.iluiice hi \V. Flurl-b<)l!^e'K. The Exeourire.of t!i.! Pir>.is of .• liidiLs'-ry will mf.-t in Fltsli-iton on Jii'ur.i.iy iiex: fcr Urn purp sn of oiii- Vlvlini; iTy:>u><utii)ii f ir lliu prest'Li- emu IMIJJIl. The ()\»«»u SiiUiid Aariciiltunl 8iici>-ty aru uut k'''.;iiig griw urr>w under tlieir feet The prize list nf (heir full fair, wliich will be lield <iu S'jpi. 15, Iti and 17 lias been received. Msrkdiile did ii'it start tho b:\teb.Vl * ftsoii very favurably on Munduy. The •core utii.d 8 to 2i) in favor nf Meaford. A sciire ur so of Fle^burtouiaiis went over to witiiesA the sjame. The teachers' roiivention assembles in L)di'haiu <iu Thursdiy and Friday of this wtek. U is expecCt'd that two cr three 'buH loadi will depart from this place fur the intellectual rundezvKUs. Ou» of (lie best evidences that Ayer's lluir vigor ia an article nf exceptional merit is the tact tliat the deni ind fur it is constantly increaaiiig No one who uie^t tlii3 incomparable drossiiij;; thinks of tryiiiH any other prepaia'.U'ii fortliehair. Mr. (!eo. Graham's » iwuilll at Kitubcr- luy was burned ti> the ground on Saiiduy afleruodii, t-'gethtr *i'b a lartte quantity i.f lumUr, sliiiiglt's, timber, etc. Mr. *!riihaiii'« b>ss «ill be very heavy, aa there was ou insurance. Fleeherton cemetery pl..thii!djr« ;;ro reipiertteil by the tru.stoes to bo prcKcnt at tho grounds o.i Monday, May 25, for the pift'poso of improving and bt-autifyiiig the cemetery grounds and their own plots. It is hopt'd that every pKiUioldor will make it his busijiuM to attend. I!y oixlor of the Iniftixl. W. Clayton, Sec. IMMcipal Irwiu ha3 drawn (lur atten tien to the fact tliata clerical eirtir &p p«ated in the copy supplied ui last week <.f tho regulations governing V. S. Ljav iiig E.xaniinatioiis. Tho sta^oineut that ulic lialf marks vtill be required on each aubject and one h:iif on the whole should be amended by makini; it uiio third on e«ch subject. Mr. R. H. Henderson, L. L. P., D. D, S., in a private Jfettor from Nepiytin, ••n the north ibote of LuKe Superior, civea us a 6sh story which no one in this p^rt of the Country can equal, lie says : " Speckled tront are cauyht here in great ab'jiulunce. 1 S".iv one latt night which weiifhtd over (>i lb». canvbt rinht under the Canadian Facitic railway iron bridge which is 81 feet above lb« Taler." The Advance is excoodini{ly pleased to lioticf that ninong the list of year •tudenttwho liave successfully parsed the session exandnationsat'Tt.o'untu Medical Collrge, the name of William Wells, son of Rev. J. Wells. M. A., of this village, ap|)earii 6rsi iu the bat of honor men. ^f r. Wtills also secures tho firat scholar- dtip a* the best scholiw uf his year, *alu« 150. Mr. Wells it quite a yeung Hian »nJ cou^ratulations are ptiurinc iu upon hiinoa all siilM.. Allow uc. to i^^d The Markdale band has been re- ort;aniZed Art muslins, fast colours, nice designs, 0, 7, 8, and IDc per yard at M Richard- ion it Co.'d ' R.-membt.r ih..> girden party at Eugenia uu the afternoiiii of Monday, May 25 Flesherton band wdl bo in atteuduiice. A joyful time is anticipated. Romantic Burrouadiiiga, guuda ta'ablea, line music and no mosquitus. Could anything be u'.cer 1 Big snap in grey cottoiis. M. Richard- son & Co. have just received two bales grey cotton.s in lengtiL's of two yard.s and upwards. Ckuriug out at half usual prices. " X«n people uut tif a dozen are in- valids," Says A recent liiedical authority. At least ei^itt rnir of these ten, it is safe tft allow, uie »u:r>rini^ froiu sniue form of b!ood-(tijf,'u>e vthiuh a per:sis;eiit use of -Ayer's Sar'-«[iaril!a «>.u!d le sure to cure. Tueu, doii't bean invaliJ. \VeIc3mins: a Pastor A. J. Darroch, B. A., graduate of Mc- MiWitor Hall, has t-»keri charge of the Flcuhertou «& I'ricevillj Biipiat churches. lie preached his introductory Kermon morning, his thLUie, "The office 'â- 'f the Holy fSniiit an Leader of Gixl's Pcopla end the impirtance of ever fol- lowii;g tire Spirit 'a Icjuling." Ha is a piearaiit and [Hiwcrful xpuaker and was li-stcuod to with ]irofit. Ou Monday evening a number of friends met at the home of Mr. .1. K. Siooro to welcome firother Dunoch into our midst, among thtin being M:-. .and Mm. McQuay, of Proton, and Father Stowair, of Durham, who haa.lcd tuch a remarkably useful life, evvjn now, ill hu iUlh year, still visits the iiiiiisiiia churches encouraging Uod'.s pjoplc and entreating the unsaved. A very agncable time was sjient in social converse, wuaic and games. Refrenh-^ nier.ts were served by the hulies. The singing of "Blest be tho tie that binds," prayer by Brother Darroch and a few words of loviJig couftsel from Father Stewart, brought to a close a very plea- Siuit evening. The Public Library ^ PERSONALS Mr. J. Palmer, mcrchani;, Feveraham, gave us a pleasant call on Saturday. Mr. Ed. Wright, of St. Louis, is visit- ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thorp Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy spent a couple of days during the past week with < relatives in Nottawa^aga. Mrs. T. Aikeiihead and littln daughter returned to Toronto last week afterspeud- iiig a few days with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Araistronsf. Mrs. E. Vaudusen, who has been visitint! relatives in Detroit duriii!! the pa^t winter, returned home last week She was accompanied l>y Mis. Dr. Will Wri'.'ht, of Lansing, Mich. Mr. R U. Flendtrsiiii has now attach- ed to his name the in>«lic letters of L. D. S , D. D. S., winch have recendy been coiiforted upon him by Trinity and Toronto universities. Mr. Uemlenum also got a ccrtiticnte of honor, which mraa* that l;e took over 75 per cent, of the whole number of marks. He is now on a tripe to Port Arthur and Wini.ipeg, hut expects to return to Ontario in a few days. Mr Uenderson's many friends in thid vicinity will be glad to hear of his success. Mrit. Baskerviile, who has spent the vTin er with Mrs. Reid, Homing's Mills, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Trimble. An adjourned m''etin;i of the Public Libriry Board was held on Fridiy even- ing lust when tho auditors pre.scnted their sta'eniuMt. Receipts during tho past yeai amounted altiueiher to $273.f3, and diil.urseinent 925'J. 18, leavin,; a balance on hand ef |'1C.C6. Considerable expenditure haa l>eeii required in fitting up tho readitig ropni and lihr.iry. Of the atiove amount ^lOl 25 was expended in books, and IB54.55 in periodica's and newspapers for reading room, and tho balance, $103.37, wenc towards fittings, rent, fuel, e^c. h was decided that the readitig room and binary should be open until U.30 p. m. on and Satur day Oct. Ist, after which date it will be kept open dmin:; those liouis on Moi'dav, Ti!esdiiy atidSiituiday. The roo.n is I'peii every evo-.iing until 8 p. lu. In this connection we mi^^ht av;aiti re mind the general public that according t-> to rcgulatioui the reading room ia free to to all, bur, niKiu'wrsliip to tha library will cost Sti^oiuts peraiinam. .\ll the popular ni^igaisiics ara nii fyU-, also Loioh ii Punch, S-jientific .Vtneric.-tti, Ram's Horn, Christian Herald, die daily and local pupcs. Retribution Pursues Tliem Johnston, tho iiian who stole a liorse and ri.; from thj F'loshoiton St.iiion livery lu£t sumiir ., and who w.issenteiic od to the Ceutral Prison at the Owen Sound full Ansizt's on another case of theft coiiiiuitbed at Owen Sound, was discharged frotn the provincial instilu tion last week, but li,»ilitl' C<X)k of this place wa.s on hand with a warrant issued Ust August by Magistrate Richardson fur case of horse s'eahng, and Mr. Johnson discovered Jiimself out oi the frying pan into the lire. He was brought before Mr. lUchaiddoii on Thursday last and committed to stand his trial at Owen Sound. Mr. John Simons of Euphrasia had several young men before A._ S. Van dusen and M. Richardson, J. Ps. , on Wednosdiiy of last week, charged w ith assault. Their names were Goo. Proctor, Jonas Proctor, Allan Emery, Thomas Smith and Jas. U.irUittle, The case lasted frim 10 »â-  m. to p. m. W. Wright appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. McRae of Euphrasia pleaded the cause of the defendants. Themagistrates imposed a Sue of $6 and $5.60 costs on G«i>irg« Proctor, and each of the o!iher« wtr« tvtifljl ^ and $5.6Q costs, or thirij^^ dajrv Churcit Notes ^ The Workmen hidge of Flesherton turned out iu full force on Sunday, and headed by the Fl.'sherton band luarched to the Presbyterian church where the Rev. J. Wells, M. A., preached from the text : "Now when Jesus heard these :b:iig, hu said unto him, yet lackest thou one thing, sell a'.l that thou hast and distribute uuio the poor, ;iud thou shalt have treasures in heaven ; and come follow me." Luke 18â€"22. At theeveniu'.; service in the Methodist church there was a full house, the occa- sion being one of special interest. Dr. Potts of Toronto, supeiintendent of preached one of his power- full sermons from the text : "Where is he that ia twm King of the Jews ?for we have seen his star in the, and are come to worship Him." Mathev; 2 â€" 2. Dr. Potis is one of the nu'St powerful preachers in the Methodist church. His sermim on Sunday niitht was a strong appeal, and was listened to with the deepest attention by the large audience present. i IF YOU ARE THINKING OF GETTING A PAIR OF Boots or Shoes for Summer j:2lclayton'S We have in LADIES' OXFORDS -BEAUTIESâ€" as fine an assortment as you can get at from fl per pair and upwards â€" Black or Tan. AIsj MEN'S BALS, OXFORDS and PLOUGH Bix/TS from fl per pair. Gnstoffl Work and Repuring Promptly Attended to 1^ jCook Jrfere C 3 Women flissionary Workers The Woman's Missionary Society of the Owen Sound district met in conven- tion iu tho Methodist church on Tuesday. Betwten 75 and 100 deloL'ates and ris- itors from outside points were present. The convention opened with devotional exercises, conducted by Mrs. B iland of Markdale and Mrs. Wilkiuson of Owen Sound. Mrs. Boland )f Markdale, dis trict or-'anizer, occupied the clmir. Mrs Bertrand of Mjrkdalo was ajS^nnted re cording secretary, .\fcer the 'address of welcome had been read by Miss Christoe and replied to by Mrs Eiinis ot Mark, dale, reports were leiid from Oaen Souf.d, Markdale, Holland Centre and Flesherton .Vuxiharies, Wo<Hlforil Circle and Markdale and Retta Gilford (Owen SouiuP, and Flesherton Bands. The re- ports were inteix'sting ami very encour- ag ng. Hie organizer gave her reiM)rt. Wins .McFarland of M.arkdalo smig very sweetly, "1 alone the croH.s must bear." Miss Henry of Markdale leml an excel- lent |«a|>er written by Dr. Retta OiU'orii Kilborn of tho Cliina miHsion. Her wonls, coining dircc:ly from the scene of licr labor;, seometl to carry mlditional weight. Hiss Christ.)e sanu a beautiful selection, "Only a gleam of sunshine." .Mis.s Leona Matthews of Markdale gave a recitation. Pepper, I'rookholm, read a pa[ier on "How to awaken and iiuiintnin inifsioti.'H'y interest in home churches." MLss Kiehardson gave a solo and tho question box wa.s o[)eaed and prolitibly answered by Mrs. Carrot of Toronto and Mrs. Pickell, Markdale. A (vipor written by Mrs. Thurston and read by Mis.s Lou Armstrong was full <f good suggestions for those who woik with the children. Mrs. l>i-land was reappointed district oi-ganizer for the current year. Mrs. Garret, fonnerly district organi/.er, but now of Torj)nto, in a few words ex- pressetl her plojiauru at Ix-'iiig present and continued interest in tho work. During tho course of tho afternoon session an excellent paper was rca«l by Mra. Garret on "Systematic and propor- tionate giving," and the conventii.>n by a standing vote indicated its appreciation and approval of the principles embotlied in the paper. The evening meeting wa.s devoted to a lecture on Japan by Rev. Mr. Cnssidy, of London, lately returnetl fi-om work in tho far off Lsland Kingilom. The lecture was intensely interesting, and the lai-ge audience present listened for an hour and a half with the very greatest of plea- sure and attention to Mr. Oassidy's narrative of Ja^>anese manners and habits and missionary work among them. SPECIAL LINE OF BOYS' AND MEN'S LIGHT CAPSâ€" 10c to 25c. SPECIAL LLNE OF MEN'S UNDERWEAR -25c to 50c. . . . SPECIAL LINE OF L-4DIES' BELTS CLE.1RING OUT AT 5c EACH ANY QUANTITY OF BUTTER. EGGS AND WOOL WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. . . . SPECIAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO CASH PURCHASERS. . . . SJraf mi mk T. HILL fe Flesherton Furniture jjfe Jjt; .ilfa -Stt. .^ti. ^1^ JW. ^Ig. Jjt. Jtt. .^ .Afc -jit- -tit; >'â- '{• 4tt- •!}'â- ' J'^ -'"- ..'".. .>t^ ^\>,J,\I, c"!..'". ^(/^ 1 Flesherton "^arerooms f BIG DISCOUNTS DURING MAY ON w/atr»ta«s, SStJ Spring anj SS»Jroom Suitaa OUR WHOLE STOCK is ve^ complete in .very line with goods of quite new design, coiubiiid with eicellsnt workmanship and finish. Goods sold by us are delivered and set up all complete Our line of WINDOW SU.\DES and CURTAIN POLES ar-? attracting attention, and customers are pleased when a practical hand is sent to adjust and fix up each parcel sold. PICTURE FRAHINQ IN GREAT VARIETY '/.\< Best persona! attention given to every case of UNDER- TAKING entrusted to our care J. E. nOORE, Proprietor ///M!A S!SSfe^\ ^ FLESHERTON ^ FREE ! FREE ! t WOOLIEN MILLS Openagaiii and are paying more than tho highest price for WOOL. Will give Ic extra for- black sheep wool . A shurtsK* >n the Alhstun town treasurer's account is said to amount to over 15000. Robert Thompson, a half witted man of Egremon:, rather elderly, committed suicide by (.n>wi\ng himself a week ago Sunday. A firm of Toronto capitali.sts will start a bicyle rim factory in Clsrksbtini. The I building for this purp«4e has been sngag- ed. It is estimated that twenty-five men ikill be engageil ii\ the fa;;tcii7 tu atark ' ^Uh. .\nd are in a better position to meet the wants of the public thiui ever before. Notice our extremely low prices for custum work : i|t^: Carliiig BollS; Sc It M\\\ i Spinoin;, lOc It All KisDS of Wbavino in Pkopobtios Cash For Wool V. HUHH Shetp Strayed Straved from the premises of the under- <iigued.'lot U« 147, con. 3, N. 3., Arte- luesia, about the 8th iuet., two white sheep, CDS with bell, the other with red puiut across hips. Auy information as to thrir whoicabnuls will be thankfully received by tiie uuiiersijsned. CHA8. WICE, Flesherton P. 0. Qood Farm for sale or Rent LottT.oon.B, ArismMis, containing 148 aorss Dior* or l9.ti,40 acns oleared. siMat '!\ mllet Itoin h'lei>l>..>rtou, Tbsre area goud lug barn and stable on Ui« pr«miRO«. Good runaio^ walsx, {vttftst partioalam apply to W, A, AaMSTBOMa TESTIWQ Preserve your eyesight by having then» prop, rly •ested by W. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAN: Farm and Mill Site for Sale For Balo very cliea)) anj on vorv <-'bsv tvruia. Timber farm, loOacren, two miles trniii Kleab artou. known so the Wui. Hoio(3«wtii,ll pio- rerty.aniloiiwhicltinaD excellent waur \n i»er. faundatiou of saw uiill. dam aud fou i aad water wheel in place and all ready fyi i>ui iii«g mill on. AlMuC L'taores cleared. itOacrt-s tiinber, iiio«t otr. balance well tiuithircd. inixoi timber rtiia farm will bo nolii at a bargain if suldat ouoe. Suittll pa, iiiont down, balauoe on very â- Â«8y terms. Apply to R,J. Bpnon.K. Flesherton. Ob Carpet Weaving The nndoraignad has placed ia po.itian a^ ar«t class loom for carpet and danuul weaving and is prepared to give satisfaction. Biiuuiu jour RA08 or YARN to, A. T. HEU05. riesbsrton, Ap^U 7, '96>. Farm Far Sale or Rent, ako village Boose and Lok \ TM)a,Kta wantrd for lol,iq,.N.D.R., Artem«U«, and iHraae and two lots «n Ct^Jingwood ntresfc, PriowtiUa, knows a* ttie 8ooU pruportv. Wtu Oif • poaMiaaiOQ at once. For parttcu'arii •pplttk . MB«. CATHABlNa %COfi Afi(K H> IM(.. AttVir Z, Q.^ A*^

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