WWWH«^S'S""HWK5MPHPS-lM!WBf« THE FLE8H£RT0N ADTANGI KiTADUBBSD 1881 ri;OLl!illBD WRKKLY AT THB OFFIOB. 8YI)- â- MilAM 8TKRBT, FLKHHKKTON, ONT., BY W. a. THUB8T0R. tl per annnni,8trlcUy in advance Advertising Bates: 3'i* Columa, 1 year, tw ; half ool., 1 ;«ar, 127 quartsr ool., one year, tlS. Traotient adTerllKement ctaarReA at tlie rate •f Soent* per line tor first insortlon an J S ceuts skoh aubiequeat loMrUoD. ELECTRIC RAILWAY MATTERS Tliera appears to us (and many oUiei'B) to be Rometiiing like a colored gentleman sticking in the fence of the Huron and Ontario electric railway. Of course these stispioionsmiy not bo well founded, and we hope they are uot, but several incidents of late have tended to shutter the marvelous and and unbounded faith we once held in Dr. Rolstin of Shelburue, one of the two promoters. While this is true we do not wish it thought that we bave lost faith in the enterprise, be •ausc we belie /e the road will come, but we have arrived at the couclusiou that l>r. iiolstin aud hi& fellow pro moter deserve watching and will pro- ceed to give our reasons. When Fleshertou was first approached we were '.old that this was the last place to be asked for subscriptions ; the organization was complete when we bad thi-o<vu iu our mite. We sab- scribed and paid over about one half of the sum. The following week Dr. Rolstiu and Mr. Pew were beard from over Qoderieh way where they were drummiui; np several more small towns. We let that pais, as simply aa culaigement of the scheme. The provisional directors went to Ottawa •nd fought for the charter, which was secured. Inmediately thereafter Dr. itolLsiin busied hims<;lf by going into the township of Osproy aud asking BubscriptiouB from the people of that township to the extent of $2UUU, promising that for that sum ho would deviate the road by way of Dadgeros, Mcliilyre, Fovershain, to Eugenia, Vliero he would form a junction for Meaford aud the west. We presumo that Dr. Kolslia thought the it(m would be a nice pocket piece divided between himself and Mr. I'cw, but the proviaiunat directors negatived this tast week, demanding that tlie nionry if paid bo handed over to their treasur- er for expense purposes, it appcavH U) us that Dr. llolsiiu exceeded his duties very much indeed by conlinu- ing to elaborate his scheme iu iliis way after the charter hiic< been grant- ed. Did he consider hiiuHoIf owiicr of the whole concern, thiit he could divialc it where lie clioso to tht. extent gf fifteen or twenty miles, and place the jiincliun at any point within ten «iiles of where tliu charter calls for ? In tliis we know he lias not kept fuiih with t'losherton, aa the in.'ip wiiich he exhibited here, aud on the strength of which the money was subseribed, distinctly traced the line ^ a direct eoui'se frou^ &liolbu'iL» to this place, UndoM Um eircnnistaiices Dr. Rol- Btiu and his confrere cannot expect the balance of Flesherton's subscrip- tion but on the contrary, should their laU t«t schemes be carried through an idurt will be made by subseribois hero to recover the mpneyA already iwid over. If Dr. Rolstiu liaa any defei^ce or explanation to make our coluniQS are open to him, but the general feeling here is that his con- duct is not capable of being satisfac- torily explained away, and. faitli in his i^tcgiily has been udly ahattercd favorable to tho coercion of Manitoba. This mandement wap submitted to His Holiness at Rome and advised to be read in all the ciimches on two different Sundays before elecdou day, iu order to whip recalcitrant voters into line. What do the electors of this country think, anyway, of having their politics dictated to them from Italy ? For ourselves it appears to be slightly irregiilar and hard to reconcile with oui preconceived ideas of freedom of thought and action. A reader of The Advance sends us the following quotation from Oliver Wendell Holmes, which he believes to be very appropriate at the present time, aud we agree with him : God vXjo us me I Times lika tbia deiaaiiilH B'.roug minds, great hearts, true faith and ready handH ; Men wbom tho luBt of oflfice does not kill ; Meu whom the fpoi'.sof ofilce cannot buy; Uen who possess opinions and a will, Hea wholovo honor, men who will uot lie. T (^ fiist shot in tho East Grey election campaign was fired at jMca-. ford on Saturday with Dr. Spronle, Clarke Wallace, and Col. Tywhitt at the gnus. About 3000 people were present and were addressed by the above gentlemen on the market squaie. In the evening a banquet was given Dr. Bprouie ui P.inl's hotel, when some 200 guests sat down to a sumptu- ous repast. and saw a man in a hcirrible plitiht np- pruacliiiiK the hnuHC. He whs quit Burned to Death A Chesloy paper givtia the facts of a terrible and fatal buruhi'{ accident iit fi>llowB : Iiiforiiiatiiin of a terrible accident was funiialiud to a Frue I'less rupoitur <>n Saturdajr. It appears that a man named Samuel Sinclair, who livfd with his mother <in a farm rpar Hcpworth, went out <m hut Wednesday afternoon to do aome ploughing.* Uutiii the field where ho was working autiio Ihkh and stunipi were burning. Toward evening the man's mother looked out of the houie lit an to link cd Btid nhe was alurnied and shut the door upon him, a^ bhe Lud not the sli^htrst idea who he wna. lie faii'tly tried the door and in a weak voice oriiul, '•Mother, n.olhor, don't you know nic ?" Tho woman iiuni^-diately opcnBd the doijr and there wan her son. He HtB^gi>roJ in- to the jiouHO and fell down. He was literally cooked, hia hands were burned to a crisp, and his face, feet and loi»s were in the saiiia condition, while his body and stomach were fearfully burn d. Medical aid was auiiimoned but lie w:i> beyond human aid. He lived iu gnat agony for a few hours when death re- lieved him of hin sulToiinit-s. Ho becnin" conscious before death, but could itivu oo account of how he was burned. From a|i}>«iiraiicoj it is thought that he went to attend one of tho (ires and in a lit fell in- t<i the debria, mid there mn^t have lain for som ! hums, iis his lior«e« were foui.il siaiidiiig ill the tield. neforc he die<l he said he reineinhered (loing to work and he liiinlly found bimsulf in a water hole, and and from there he n.nna.'ed to ruiich his lji>u.<u an aVovu Htiiled. His rc- niiiioH were inioired on .''iiiiKdiiy. Tire atlitT caused a feuliog of h-nror toprevad HiiionvBt Ilia nei'jhliorn, and much fym- puthy IS expre.ssod for his inotlier whose Inisliiind died ii few weelis a'.'". Thin is tliii fifih duaili in the Sinoliir family within the jiaHt few niiuiths. ( We uiidorslaiid ihit tlie young man wuH a nujihew of Mr. Is.iac Sinclair of this place -El) ADVANCB.] Lot For Sale, For sale choap ftiul on oasy tnrntH in Flesbor- ton. Kpluiuliil lai-^e, Roliil t>i-i( k dwollin^', wilh flood itjnu cullar, Hiiiiiinur kilduMi timl wnotN noiiBe, alfo ^ood fratno Htablo, hriuk linud. V e'lilnes uontaiiiti twolarrfu lotHandf^nod younK oroliard, bimt'in^ HoiiNe and oti' bniidir^'K are exco|itinna)l.v wull fliiJHlioil and very oonvonl- fcutly laid out. Apply to • li.J.fi . SPHouLR^leibertoD. ntotige: To whom it nmycoiicurn. Application is made to the LiceiiNO ISoard for Centre Orevlof transfer of lioenso from Mra Jane Cochrane to Arch. Hutter of tho villa)(o uf I'l'icoville. AUCHIE nUTTEtt Prioe»ille, May II, 189U. Court oi Revision K tnftndeiPQnt was read in the Oatbolic churoh«B of (jtiebeo on Bun. 4lk]r IkbI iiiging npon tho elootorato Kk lot* (pr m> QOft ^o wa* uol Jei'soy Bull for Service Thorougbbreil Jersey bull for service at John H. Heard's, Flosberton. Terms one dollar. Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of fuis pur- chaaed, for which hijjhest market price will be paid. Homemade sausages on hand, aV o aF kinds of uieata. FLESIIERTON MEAT EMPORIUM TliE CHAMPION STALLION Of The. Dominion PRINCE ARTHUR UU'OUTED JULY. WM Win»er at tho Worll's J-'tir, Chicago, New York, and Ottawa; Iln.t at Toronto Spriui; Bbow and Kweopstakv s for Lest stallion any aKe, 18U3: flrst aud »itver lundal at Toronto ludustriul, ItttU iKt ami .wcup-talces at Toiunto SprirgShow, 1(KH; ftm pn/.f aii.l silvei modal also sweepstakus for ho t stallion any ago at Toronto bMustiiul, lau;. Priiioo Arthur rogisttiij No. 1SE2 Y C H 8 No. 1000 A C M 8 UuitvJ Ktotes Bind book. ltOUTi;-18tO MONDAY May 4tb, will leave bis own stable, lot 18, cuu Iu, i:npliraiiia, aud proceed to Mr Ki'ibouru White's 11th line St. Vlnceut, for noon ; thoiice bj » ay of hay ^'iow to Woodfofd for thuuight. TUESDAY, will proceed to Warrilow's Hotel, Owen Kouiid, for noon, where be will remaiu until 9 o'clock, tho followinn nioining. WKDNUKDAY', wiH proceed to Jackson House, JackHon, for noon; tliduco to Guy's Hotel, Taia. for tho night. THUUHDAV, will proceed to Mr fleo Hender- son's near Keudy, for b on ; ibeuce to Campbell House, t'liatsworth, for the nigbt. FKIDAY, will proceed to Mr Win Foster's Ctb con Ilullaiid, for noon ; tbunce to his own stable whore no will remain until Monday. This route will be continued throughout the season, health end wcatlier (wriuitting. UKHCllIl'TIOS Prince Arthur Is a pun biod Yorkshire Coach Ilorbo and registered in the Y'ork-.hiie t'oacil Horse Kocioi» of Great Uritaln and li eland No. IRVJ. Color, bay; black logs, mane and tail, and perfeoily free Irvni ft'iiito, aged years, stands Hi) hands Ii4gh, wuiglis 1.400 Ills , has the host of action aud Is ontiruly.fruo from blemish. Ti;UMS To InsHre a foal ai,">, t ) bo pal.5 Ist B'ohruary, 1KU7. KurthuiHg^n >1J payable tho lait two rounds. SingiaBfcp *IU, to be paid at time of service, lusuren iiiarcs must he luturned regularly to tlio hoiHo du.ing tho season or tlioy will lie chmged lull assurance, in foul or uot. I'ersonti trying mures to tho horse and not returning thuui will ho charged for tho season. Parties dicpoKing of iliclr marcs hefoie collecting tlini> will ho ri:spniisihle for insurance. All ieciilouta to mares at risic of owneis, ' MANAREY, nanagcr and CoUector MUNICIPALITY OF OSPREY The Court «f Revision on the Auei«a- inenl Roll of the TuwH»l>ip of Osprcj for the yoar 18IMI, will bo hul<l. in the Orange Maxwell on. Vfonday, yitn* f*t, 1896 at 10 A.M. All partiei intcrMted will g^ivorn thoniselvoa soro-'lindly. XHOMAS SCOTT, tihulc^ UnBiBiptUl^ of Oapry. OH TO KENT In the Township of Osprey. PAliCEl, 1 â- â- - I,ot number ao in tho Sid Con cKsion north of tho Durham lioad, con- taining .00 auroN, all of which is fleared and in a good stale of ctiltiv.itlon. Tho soil is c'ay lo!itn. I'AUCFIi a â€" Lots nunibors 11 and 15 Iu the 4tli ConoiiHHioii norlli dUho Durham Itoad, con- taining UOilac es. of which llHi acres are cloarod. and llinre IsHaii) to li.i nrecto<l thereon a log house, agon I iriiiM.i ljarn,4n?t 5(1, with stab - ing underneath ; also a good log ham and stalilu. Tlio soil i clay Inatii. wateroil by a spring crock, and well adapted for grazing, dairying, etc. Tli.i MI cliiarnd land, about 100 acres, is tiuihtircd with cctiar, hanlwofid etc. lloHi piopiirtios are situatod In a well Bottled ncigliborhoiid convoniont to churches, KcbnolH and niai hots, and will bt< sold separate- ly or together (tn very easy t**rins of payment, or will be rente. 1 for thn present year or for a Bliort term with tho jirlvllege of purchasing. For futbor partioulart< apply to K. J. Bruaui.K. ICeq.. Vlesheitan, Ont. SW? Tjouch Tjhe Spot/ FOR pmce:s On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS, RUBBER DASH APRONS, BINDER WHIPS, RIDINQ SADDLES, S\VE.\T PADS, AXLE ORE.VSE. "ioung Men, Wake Up! .stcd.s, tweed efTccts Tlitiro is prospecLs of ii g.od CROP this year, and on the strength of thi«, no doubt, that a good nuniher of YOUNG MEN will be doing the elegant and will want a FINE SUIT of CLOTHES. \.\t are sliowiug goixl value ill black wor- (ind alio pautiiigs. Wb have throe firxst clas.s tailot-s working for us and want to keep all hands hu.sy. Cimpetition in t!:at department in verj" keen, and you can have your choice as t.> which you prufer I'.olngyour wo:k. Our Gent's Furni-shiug thr. iighout is c:)mplete including Fine Underwear, White Shirts, Collars, Ties and Felt Eats. We can fix you up for any special oc- casion in firat c!as« stylo for very little money. Come and yive us a call. LADIES^KEEPKCfOLl A special line of Summer Coi':iet3 to hand selling at 60c and Cjc. Luliub' Vcst.i from 5c np to 50o. Silk .\iitts, 2i>o, 3Jc, 40c, in bluA, fawn, brotni or cream. Cotton Hosiery from 7o per pair up to 25o. Cashmere Ilo.siory in good niiality- Dresa GmHis, Liistrea, Ciishimjies, Oidoretl Goods, Tweed effects, &c., all m>-ttnlate- EveryDay is Bargain Day With Ds. If you are not a Ktibscriber for The Advance do r.ot delay to become one, a-, you will save lh3 KuliHcription price in a very ehort tima watching this space. Butter & Eggs Wanted B. Mcdonald House and Lot For Sale M For sale cbnap. on eoRv ternift that comfort- nMc rcBidcfUoe on Mary Kt. FlfBherton, rontaiii- [t.^• H roou)B and woml Hbed, vith bard am) noft wutor puioLifl, bott) under covor, beHutiftil |.;ai(lt*ii ami orchard also well fliiiHbetl stable and ilrive botiHe eHx24 ft. Apply to J. K. MUJHK, Furnituru dualer. Cionie ii) and Exairiiije Kiriwssmahftr^ T^^shertoa 1H005 IU- Knti'lcerbocktit' 900, tbo siro of ten in tbe '^.'lOlUt.aud thuHiru of the Haui of Alar 'J.ll. C'hronort 'J 124 and wlovon othors. Tbi8 »ltow? that htn Rtock is brooding ua and Iu tbo vtiy frout raiikri. Kttlrkorbocker Ih by the king of sirep, Haui» blt'toiiian td King Pin h dam is Toiwiiy bv Koi.tuokv Vrii co 24M).8ire of (inv, 2.1>9J. I'.loiso, 815. and over thirty otborn in thti ItHt. Hecond dam Dy Furtist Kin^ ll'*^. tlio Hlro t)f Lady Ha»Ht't. 3 20^, and ulhorH.and Koj-omt Kini" is bv that great siro, Mambiiito I'atchen r>H,Hir« uf 25 in theli^t.anfi Hiruof tbu daniti uf U*^ fa^t p rfurmorH. includ- in« IlftlpbNVllko ,aor»i Kinj/ Pin'H daiii.Tourtv, iH ill tho xre:it brood niaie Hct. boinn the data otZcrlitiK^. 'UIV Kina IMii ttt 5 yeara old, a buautiful (laikbay IC) hands liiKh, and wpif{ha i:<0(>. Ilu ir>al) iHoof K^tmtittvlo, quality, and a t^rand actor, and ran now, without training. ftliow a '2. 10 Mait. He has great dubstance.atrons build, tliH uiiiko up of a bive, thv apoed to trans- niit aud the breudinf{ au<1 blood linos tn make bin) proiMttttnt, and not only a aire of race hofHUH but a Hire of cleffsnt carriage and 5addte horcea with grand knoo and hook Hotiun. and laruH rnouKh foralt kind» of farm work. TliiH vouii^ stalUou wan iuiported by uie lant winter, did a lar^e buHiiioriH la^t bobboii. and is a auro foal getter. Ilia aurvice too will be within reach of every farmer. See aiuall bills later. Tho prinoipal standn for season of "90 will be : rricovilie, at or near Hopcvillc.rroton Htatiou, South -ea^t Arttnnosla, Wureham, Mclntyre, Maxwell, KuKtuiia Falls, Flosberton aud homo HtablOt MarkdalH. J. E. HARSH, 15Uy Markdale. Out SOW LOST Strayed from lot 34, con. 12, Arten>e«va, on April 18, one large Wack s<n», ri({ht eye blind. Anyone giving iiifi)rmtttion hadiiiu to her recovery wiij be suitably rewarded. THOS. BRADBURY EuRenia, May 6, 1896. NOTICE The people oJ Flesherton a»e hetby warned to keep their horaea and »11 oth*r animals prohibited from rutuiing at lar;;* by bylaw enclosed. A)) such aniniiU found at large will b« iwpounded and tlie owners protocnted. D. MoTavisb, \ C. J. Lkitch, \ Polio* XtusteM. W. J.Belujw.J; Majr 6th '0& We begin tl.id week to CIJIAR OUT lines of PRINTS At cut prices. We do not purpose to carry t.tock when the Beacon is ad- vanced, our Rtock is large yet but inUBt 1)0 reduced one half this month. We are clearing out choice pntterna Our lady friends should see our dis- play of SILKy this week. All ticketi4 with prices in plain figures. While Blouses ar.' iiv fii.shion and Silks so cheap why not have a SILK BLOUSE. See our tftble of double n-idfh DRESS GOODS, 40 to 42 inch. Regular aOe. 35c and Â¥)i all a.t One Price, 25c Per Yd Why do Wf do itâ€" don't ask but come and gut a share of bargains goingâ€" time will be short. Vhls Week I5LACK &â- WHITE SAILORS, lJEGH<lhNS A FASCY STRAWS, NEW FLOWEH.-i. UIBHONS AND LACKS. %sm Choice aiii (^p Gocds ir. now We have recoivotl another consigniiient i.f Ladies' Boots & Oxford Shoes Arid a lot of 31<;u's Plough Boots, Bef- lows Tongue, price $1.25 per pair. I'rime stock . IN GENT'S" Sfrins . We have extraciilinary values, made up to onlcr at $J0.00 $1150 $12.50 Nobby choice light pantings made to order Â¥3.7<). I?oys' Wool Tweeds â€" a tine range at Hiic per yd. Kjirly orders solicited â€" but don't all come nt once. White Shiit.<!. :55c. Black Satiin Shirts, 50c. Flannellettc Shirts, S.'Oc. Linen Collars, 2 for 26e. Gent's Ties, Kindts & Derhya, 2 for 25e. And the finest stock of Gent's Hats in Felts & Strawsâ€" latest styles aud ^ \ lowest prices. %^^v^'«v%%%%%.%.%%%i Hardware J Oep't. ANY ONE CAN SAY There's NO FLIES On Us IF THEY GET SOME OF OUR Screen Wire Cloth For Their DOORS & WINDOWS Do You Know We can save you money by buying your NAILS and other HARDWARE from ns. Also in all kinds ef Fencing Wit* we guarantee the loKcat prices. BEST met II siEEP S ims H»ad«)«Mrter8 for all kinds of Granite and Tinware. * At. RICH A BOSOM, d Ca