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Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1896, p. 1

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SKSH P«M*^ 11â€" mJiiXi fim^t^ yUshtxlon Xh^ancL TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR " â€" •• PRIJ;C1PLE3 NOT MEN,' VOL. XV, NO 735 FLESfiERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1896 W.H. THURSTON, "''^,*opr,etc« Victorui ^ost J^-'is S^S^^ I ill I Attention has been ixceutly drawn to the sad coiulition of Capt. Andrews, of Toroi'to, who lost Lis sight by saving t lie lives of othei-s, haviiii; rescued from drowiiiiij» eighleeu peisons. An appeal is to be made to the government to grant him a pension, wiili which it is to bo hoped they will comply. Unfortunatnly, shall we say many lose their siijht, not as Capt. Andrews has done by saving a score of lives, but by tlie desire to save a few cents Ly wearinjr cheap or other 8i>fCtacles thai are of inferior mattTial, not properly ground, or tlat are not the proper correction. Otli?rs injm-e llicir sig'.it by not wear- in;; spectacles when they i;etd '.herj, thinking the lou-ier they can do williout tlietu the bf tier, wiiereas ii is ihc reverse. We recommend that you do not allow false pi ide or other reasons to keep you from wearing sprctac'es when you need tlieui, and when you do begin make sure thut you are wearing the right kind for you. There is no vay of knowing this but by having your eyes properly tested and glasses aiveu aci-'ordiug tj (he uecJs of each eye. I have made a siudy ot" the testing of night by iuijrov^d methods, and guaniutee a perfect fit at reasonable prices. W. A. ARHSTRONQ, Jeweller & Optician i â- r^ ^ .-^: =;r^y=:r=j,=Jr=^^,=jr=J.=.'r=Jr=Jn=.-r^i I We bftll the twenty toni th of May I IVhose soiiliiift r«T«aiI l&uda aHom : | With loyal UuATiit wo keep thd «Uy Ou which ouruoble Qnt»en wu borD. j As worthy of uuiiytu;; lauie j With grata'ul 1ot« we speak tbat name â€" Victoria. Throtiiih this &no her cbangeftil year 1 hu soil le of buaTea ud h«r has ahoa«, I Aud lua'ltt tbat rightttousnesii appnar ! Which is tne bulwark of hertDioa«: 1 lu ai«..aui. lamie her aubjecte write ihat uaiueiL wbicli ttaey all delight â€" Victoria. May long contiuaed days of peace Be giautetl tooiirgraciomi Que«in: May i^yaicv autl luve iucr^ase Aud t>ertt.'ct uuiCT boon beeu : Uay all her &tibiects true au<l torar« Oa lovi.. g hearts this name engrave â€" Victoria. luhtfrat iife'fl faireTuati>ie May faith nuu joy iu triumph meet : May tfracH diviue witb her abi<)e lo uiake her worka of lovecumplete: Wheu ^he h^irtiartbly throueuiuiit leavo Ma> ahiuiugbobU iu hoaven leocive â€" Victoria. - I When meu in coning veer* shall re«d I The rowoi'd of this prvi»eut a^e ) Ot ihos^ rcuownud iu woi d ana d«ad j Who;-e uamvft adoru ttivgiowiut; page | Ailpiools uf worth idiall thtiucuiubiuti. ' To luake thiauaiue the brigbttsc »hiud â€" 1 Victeria I Co:bo£Utf, Out., May. 18UG. T. WAr»uN. j TO BE FOUND At tlie ppeixxises lately va- cated by R. Pedlap, bu.t NOT TO BE FOUND 'Wanting ixx supplying a first class airtlcle in clotli. and iBrox* CVy 9^s and See , , . G. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor Our ^usincss Directory l^usiiufj^iGi €av(li$. H CUU.OUGH 4 YOUNO, Bau<ieri. Mr.rk'lile. do a KPiutral bunkioii bat- iueu. Moaay loauod st arcasouobla rate. CaU on u. ^(utiptut. J p. MARSHALL, L. D.S.y.P. S. Etaatiit. Vidti Markdala i,h* IdC and '^^ >VeJui9tiday of each uioiitb, Pleshertoaâ€" Kacli trip od (lie dav c.^wioy- AS. YANDISFN. J. P. riei k 5lh liiv Coart-, Co Or^y liaaor of Marriince Licewnaa. CommUsi«n«r is H. C. of JusCicv. Auc<teuuer, t^. fucsHiEKraM P.O. ffgal D iBBTS COLLGCTSO. Tbc iiiideriilgnod ia prepared to iindertaka tba> collection f all kinds of debts. Notes bought, account* collectvd, eta JLK. HKNUKKSON « FLBfBMTOll TCHISLETT < Klostterton St;ktloa l\Mtinaster, CommU«ioi:er In H. C. J.,Cou- veyaucei ; deed*, mortjtagrs. leases aud will* drawu. Charge* moderate. Busiuees letter* wrlttou. ^«1» R J.3PBOCLB, Poatniaster, Fleeherton, Coiumi»*loBer In B. B., Lii'i>n»e<l >uctiooeer, Couteyaiicor, A • pral*»c and Mcuey Loiidor, Kual Kttate aud luautauca Agout. Dseds. Mortgauee, Leases. a-Hd Wliladrawiiup aud Valuatiijin made on vbortu^t notice. Auction sale* attended to in any j ait of the County. jLl«ney to loan at low est rates of interest. a«Uoctione »ttoude.t to with i>roui"tiie»s aul despatch Ctiargee low. Agent tor the noiiiinion bteaiusliip Company, cheap ti"k,>t« from Klcshi-rtou to Livorp«o|, Ulasg'iw, London or any of the tritish ports. l"»rti«s iuteudiug to visit Eunlaiid. Scotland or Ireland, will please ask rates before parchasiug their tiuketa •Uewhare »Ki 'ST * BATSON Barristers, Solicitors, Coareyancers, etc. Offleeâ€" Neit to post alfice. S|irouU's block FKsbortou.cTory Thursday until further notice. C. A. BATSON J. W. FROST LL. K. N. B. â€"Owen Boond office. Frost's block Poulett St. East. T LCAS A WRIGHT, Barristers, So'iciton, Coaveyancers, etc.. Owes riouud, Out. • Mai'kdale. Out. \V. H. WiuoHT. I. B. Licis. N. B.â€" Fleshertoo oAc*, MitdieU's Bank OTery Weduemlay. rUCKKR « PATTKBSON. BarristeiH. solicitors, etc. Uolsou's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry O. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson grtfdiral D« HUTTOJI UDCU. MP PJtS Out, Piieetille Ofllce next door to Brown's siore ; resideuce one door west o( Uethodist church, Kiuross st. Office days, Tuesdays aud Sarturday*. T\R CARTER M C P A 8 Ont., Pbysivian, Surgeon, etc Floshertou office â€" Straius b'ock. Residence â€" I Munskasi'B Hotel J^oci?tif.^. AO I'.W.â€" meets MVBrv first and third Mon- day ii. e»oh mouth, iu thoir lodge room Ouistoos HIvKk, Flcshcrton.atS.p. ui. W. H Walker. M.W.; VV..F. Itellau.v, liaai'cer «. Irwin ReooiUcr. t is. ting Uietheru invited. RO'VAL Tr.MPL.\R8 OF TKMPEKANCE. â€" Kogiiler Council meets ovciy first and th'rd Tueslav eveuinu iu each mouth, <u Bpruule's Mock at » p m. Select itogico liisuraueel uieots tuonthly, the Wednesday t'reoediug the tiiind of uaob mouth. JOBS A SCOTT M B Member College Physic. A Snrgeons.Ontario Graduate iu Mediciua ot Toroi- o I'nirersity Kellowship Diploma. Post Gtailuato Me^ieal School and Kos|)ital, Chicago. Diseasesof eve, ear, nose and throat specially treated. Ueki- denoe, Maxwe'l, Tisils Fevaraham Thursdays 1 3 J P OTTEWELL Veterinary Surg«oa. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Residenceâ€" Next door 40utb of Moore's planing factory. 1 Maxwell j t'rum our oirw '-'urreiiiviuiiiit. The quarterly OtSoial Board met in tlw.Metht (list church <>ii tlui lltli inst. Each church uf die circuit wns well rv;jresoiited. Finauce.s were well up. Mr. Saniue; .\rui>tt «a* elected repre- seutatne lu district iiie> tin^', tu b« held at Thonil ury. Uev. Th-s Lei::ite re ^ ccivud » hearijr »nd uuaiiiui'>U8 iavitittiuii j back tur aiiudier >«ar. Wr. Th'-'s. Gamey, M. P. P., wma iu Toroiitii List wocJc. Mr. Guy fioui Thortibary spent a few days l-ist week with hu brother, Mr. Harry Guy. uf this »iciuiiy. Mis. TliKS. Pa!liMt-r and »<>H fn>m Fle«beituii ^ave us a call a week agu last Sunday. Mrs. Le.:Hte and two sons sp«at m few da>» in Duihiiui Utely. The Uev. Mr. Legate went on Mon- day ('• Thoinbury to atteud the District aieeting. Mis Hortuu fri'iii Owen S"Uiid spent a few days with trie. ids here recently. The funeral uf the lau Mis. Mills, sr. of the tuurth lire t<><>k pla.-e a week ago last Tuesday Tile b<>dy was interred lu the Presbyteriau ceiuetel-y. There will bo liothitu; *jrt'iyof ix)te goins; <>i> in town on 24'h cr 2Dth. (â- "euce buildiuK has been ihe {'riiici|«l em]iIi>ytueMi this the hi>:h winds of last Sunday did u jood deal uf fence lodsiii:;. We have had two R. R. meettnu:^ iu Maxwell lately, 1st Dr. Roisim and 2ud Messrs. Wr'gtt and Vaiiduseu ,4tve us souie Lufortuatiun. We are so<iii Co have the road tbrv.'Ui(b oar tuwu. Our school boyj have a fo>>t ball with which they hiivosw.n-j practice, although their uruuiids is nut lan;e euou>;h to have a K<><'d gauio on. They intend ar- ran)(nig tor a uiaicb with i>uiuo other schiHil shot tly. The niceiidaiicu at our school ia large uuw, and pupds aro busy pre(>ariii>( for the promotion exam, to ci lue ou J uue 18th aud Itfth. Mr. Marcon was in Toronto the past week. Ho went to be present at the rail- toitd meeting held at the Russin hoase on Wednesday last. Mrs. White, of Flewherton Station, was visiting her sister, Mrs. WiHiams, last week. MisH Welk, of Flesherton. paid a short Ttxit to friemls here, also Miss Ella Stewart, of Flesherton. The Rev. Mr. Balfour preached at Owen Sound on Sabbjith. Mr. Pent- land, from Kimberley, preached here. Don't forget the Methodist garden party on the °Jath. A good time is ex- pected. Swlnton Park. ' SONS OF TKMPKKANCK.-This society meets in Dr. ChrisSoe' Hall first We<l- no-day iu eash luoutb at S p.m. Visiting brotheren invited. IiMurauce iu couuocUou. UP. B. A., meet in «heir hall, Christoe's Block ever> second Thursda) iu each mouth. \Ym. Shan', Master. T.Cbtytoii, Sec- retary. D U. MAKT M. BltAJJDER T>R) ISCE ARTHCB LOnnE.XoSMv A F ft A M. meet iu the Alasoi ie Hall. Strain's Block, Fleshertou, every Krl.isy ou or before the full moou. Dr iWtec, %V M, U J Kpioulo, secretary ^ TVVFKKRIN LOnOE, No *' 1H6. I (> O F, meets In Clayton's Hall every Tues- day evening at S o'clock. Visiting brethreuoordlaily iUTited AS VanDiiskm, K U Wm Uoobs. S«c M D C M. M C P A S, Out.. Priceville. Otfice aud rosideuco at Methodist pars«uago Calls uight or dsy promptly attended. pKICKVlLLK AND DCRHAM STAGE. OnvhAtii stsg-4 leavea Floshertou Station st 7.1j a.m.. returns 4.4.5 p ni. Pricevillu stas'e loaves the same place at retu:niug at 4.15. Fare to Prtcovilleaud return, 50 cents; Durham, 41.50 for vetaru. 7>c. single faro. I.iverV in con- nection. Orders may bo left at either liolel. A. MoCAt'LEV, Prop ^mxt. M ISS KDITirRICH.VRtHlOK Pupil of Ri^t Mahr,. rf Berlin Oerrnanv. (violinl: Mrs Kraillev. ot Toronto Conservatory Music. (Voice Culture) Prof Kerrison.lato of Toronto. (Piano) wt'l re««ive pupil* i«i MXCrKS, VIOLU), PI- A.VO »n4 Ohaiji From our own otiriipondtnt. £ugeuia and i,un>>iuiduig country on Sunday afternoon hail a visitation of tire ; that the people ma u- t soon forget. The - coutiuucd dry weather hail the bush aud ! fences so dry that a single s()iuk would j 8t;u-t a dangerous coullagtutiou. The { wind blow iit a fcartui rato aiiil as a great i^auy of tho farmers li>vd tiro out. bunuug their fallows, when tho wind gut so high I it carritnl the tii-e all #ver, and m a short I time, what with tiro and dust and tuioke, , it was a fcinful sight. It took tho givat- ! ost cU'orts of the men lU'ound to sjive the buildings of tho \\ ilsoii Bros. "The house »as on tiro several times, but tho j luou with water jwils put it out. All in i fivut of their house w.ts one niaisof tire. J Fences wore bunud for itids. Mr. ; Duokctt got alnuit tifty cords of wootl bunieil ami his fall wiieitt unistly burued over. Mr. Feuwick got hjs •fence burn- ed out on his old placti in the valley. I p to 12 ocliK'k at night tho sky waa jlightcxl up for iiiilcs with the tires all I around. Tho peo^Je of the village I had hmxl work s;iviii>j their liomivs most I of theiu had their tcnovif biifiiod . Tho Rev. Mr. Wells when ho came at 2 p. in. I found the situation so seviiuis ho ilis- niiasod tluj cor.gtvgation uft«r a btief j prayei' and went InniseU and woiketl wiiluigly to try luul the fire from Hjneailuig. Iha wouicii n.s well a.s the men worketl like K-avevs with their watur .pails aud did g'.md work too. jProM our oir/t Corrtapoiuient. A furious wind stonu passed over our section Suod ly nfiernoou ; no serious damak^e has yet been heard of. The funeral >>f Mr. Wm. Knox tiHik place ua Sitjrd.iy, May ISth at 3 ••'clock nis remaiua were laid in the Methodist buiyiuit ground. Mr. Kno.t was TO years old and was oue of the eldest settlers. having moved here over thirty years ago His family have the sympathy of the comiuunl'.y in their sad brearement. A baptl^nlal eereaiony uf the Mennonite church was perfinned Sunday before last in tho river at Mr. Watson's mill. A lame crowd >cathered to witness the scene. Miss K. Kuox and he' sister attended the funeral of tlieir father. Miss Nettie McMillan spent Sunday at home. Mr Geo. Haw has made the purrha^e of a bike. No wore long walks intend- ed, eh Geo. f The farmers are almost through seed- ing. The hi 'Om on the fruit is abundant. Mr John Haw has presented himself with a new topbugny. The beating of the drum these evenings' reminds us that the 12th is aproaching once more. Priceville. FIELD AND' Garden 5EEDS -^ in large quantities at W.E.Richardson's honors. T. H. is now a full fledged druggist. The hurrieaae last Sunday levelled Mr. James Wilson's bam. The Uterary entertainment given last Friday evening was appreciated by the larj^ audience present. Mrs. W. J. Hlakeston is spending a few days at her patomal home in Pr\>toii. Miss Maggie MeUmaJd, of O. D. R.. risitod friends in Duudalk lately. ^lias M. McDonald, of tlie vill.tge, re- tiunud to the Queeu City la^t week. Mr. Hugh SIcLe.m spent a fuv,- day* in Dundalk last week. From onr vwn Corrtspotuitnt. The continued dry weather us becoming a source of anxiety W the farmers in this vicinity. The soil around here is some- what light and gravelly, hence cannot stiiiid a lengtheneil dmught. If tho tain keeps otf much longer a repetition of year's pro-spects may be IiK>ked for. Last Sunday s du-st storm which wa»i the worst ever seen in these jiarts, did not mend matters much. In many places the sand is heaped up iu the fence cornel's like miiiiiiture snow Ktiiks and reiK>rts are coming in that the rv>«.>ts of the grain on the hills were laid har« by the destruc- tive iivflueiicc of the wind. Still we should not complaiit as a swirling dust st>.n'ni i:^ a satall tvU'air when cMinpiiixil with the dreavlful destruction of life aud property that have occurred of lato in Texas. The ciittia fair l-ist Monday was a c)unter[«rt of the precociliug one. Ko sales of any account wei'« etfcvted. How- ever, buyei's are busily scouring the cjuutry for fat cattle whicli are quite plentiful, we are infonne*!, in the town- ship i>f l*roton. Sunday wo hnd the pleasure of listouing to a very able exiHwition of the 20th chap, of Rev. by the Rev. Mr. Mc- Leixl. Ii. .-V. His vieiys of the miUeuium does not jKirtake uf the bombastic and self--satislicd el«nietit which so (>fteu ch:tr.ict jri/.es iiit jrprctitions of tho aforv- saiti j>as.s('.go of scripture. We oemgvatulato Mr. T. H. .\tkiii9on on his SIICCCS.S at the c^^lleyo of PiiMmiaey, from which he h.ts grtwluat-.-d i»'ith Kimberley. From otu own Corrnpoiiiient. .\bout half past one o'clock m Sunday afiern <ou a lite bn>ke out ii Mr. Gm- ham's saw null. Before it was discovered th flaiii«s had made suefc headway tbsit it was impossible to cheek them. Tlie mill, togeiherwith a stable and a'}uantily of lumber and logs were tuttdly destroyed. It w%s with ijreat dilficuliy that the huase and barn weie saved. For a time It was tliouxbt that the public school would also be destroyed, but by tho un-t- cd efforts of men, woiueii and chiktre>< the tite was brouoht under control. Theie was no Insurance on either stuck or mill, and the loss isesiima'id to I>e be- tween S^tOOO and StkKX) .Mr. luahaiu and his family have the deepest sym(.<athv uf the entire community, e.specsally :u it Is only three years since llio mill was burned before. The plasterers arc st work at the I'nioR church and expect to have it ready fur use ill a short time. Your cor. would like to ki o.v when .\rbor Day is. He was under :ho iiu- presstun that it was ear y in M ly, but judKiiiK by the appearance of the school yard it ie'evident that it ba4 not yet ar- rived. Card of Thanks To the Editor of The Advance. Dear Sir, -Please grsnt mo opace ia your paper to thank ali tlto^e vhi »â- > heroicaly woiked to save uiy other build- iiiKs while my atdl waa buruiiig oii Sun- d.i/ afteruiMu. 0«o- Gr.*ua"j. Kmibetley, May IS, 1896. Cox'* sawmillat Coot' aviile, u.wtr .Msi- ford, was destroyed by lira l.tst vi-s k. t>g-therwiih uCHX) feet of lu.ubc'r a.i i 2d,0OO shiniiUs. Lks about §'000?, lu surod for $1000.

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