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Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1896, p. 8

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""*â- â- *•«««• li * pili â- i wi i , ny my ,! THB I'LISHBRTON iDtiNCS D. ricTayish FLESHEI^TON KEEPS OlS HAND Jlo'pai T2 For Ma8sey-Harrin,and Noxon, Flenry and Wilkinson farm inipleinents. Floury and Verity plows ou band all tlie time, also all kinds of repairs for tliu same. Wo manufacture Wagons, Hui^jjiies, Cutters, Sleighs, cti-. Horsesliocing promptly attended to. bpecial attention to teader, con- tracted feet. Lo{,'f{inj,' and Plow Cliaiua constantly ou hand. SUMHFR SALES ^l^ NOW RUSHING ! ^^^ This Ik tlio seaiuiD of wlien you want to buy a nice buggy or cart. I Imvo them â€" beauties â€"and will sell on your own terms â€" if they are not all one-aided. Painting and re-triiniuiug done to order. Don't buy without looking in upon uiy dimples and gutting prices. R. T. WHITTEN # â-  *â-  â-  ^ '^ - * â€" •^ . â-  ao TO W^' J.H.HEARD FOR THE BEST' ^•f^UaGIES, Wag«(.nK, Ca.rtR. Spring T.ioth and Iron Harrows. r~\ Frosts and Woods' liindtTs, MoweiH, Horse Rakes and Ploughs. UW Fleury Ploughs, ScufBers and Turnip Seed Drills. Dick's Ploughs and Liuid ItollHrs. Shares for hII kinds of Plou^ihs. H jrss Shoeing and all kinds of Itlacksntithing. Wood, Lumber, Cedar Posts «•> Shingles. // ^^ "^ "^^ "^^ "" ^ ~^ -^^ -^^ -^^ *^ â- ^^ â- ^^ - ^ ^ â- ^^ "- â- *- -^- â- Â»â-  - ^ ^^ * V,. ^^ '^'tj ^ fiiwvMuvwuwm .p I Be Happy 1 ilhjuOiiruUtnjtflftrinji^-ij \s tUTJinruirinnnjvi. ^ ii/iJVMMWWa I With Others | aiIiuOi!ri!n^Q£i£n]ninji>Cri>i>tI^^ Krerythm;; frevh in the wity of Irinona. ornuKi's, nuts all kiiid'^, coiifi!ctio»Bry of Uk; choicest variity, Kgs. diiti's, praues. eraiil)Piries, hiHciiiis of all kinds, citnncd ) fruitK Hud vcuetiiblui, teas, sUL'urs and all j otliiT '.Toceries ; stock all fresh for the holiday trade. Oysters '''"""tV,,?^' "*" Beat Hour and fued constantly on hand. API'LUS In 5inall Qaantltles or by the Barrel Will. Uariiliouse Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Oarria^es made and Repaired. al»o PlaKliis; and Matching, Band Saw- ing, Wood Turnlug of evory des- oription. Planing and Grain Chop- â- Oing done while you wait, for th«i Hoaver turua the wheel. 1'. W. WiLHON Mnnaaer Jamu JS. SUSoUan^ - .CAVIATt, TRADK MARKS, DCSIQN PATENTS. 00PVRIOHT8, eto. Fit In'iirmatMn anil friMi Hand)i(x>k writn t'» MI'N.N 4 cu :kii llFi.,4i>wiY, Nhw Yiiuit. OMi't.t tiiln-AU for pmirhlK I>iiU>Titi In AnuTtca. Evdr.v pRUfiit takrn tint by UN 111 broutrht lipfuro Uif vutillu by a iiotlctt tflvnr f reo or charKO lu Uio I*r(ro»t eliviilKtlnn of snr •clpntlflo papor In tha world. BnleniUritr IllliatraUiU. Nn Inldllgoiil man ahuuld Ua vlitiuat It, Woclilr, 83,0Oa yfnr; II.NInljtmohthli. AilitnxM. MIINN * 00., FVI1I.ISUKIIJI, aoi liiuadway, Muw VwTk Ulty, Almost Passes Belief â- r. Jas. E. Nicholson, FlorenoeTlUa, Jf. B-, StruK^rlos lor Seveu LonB Years with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND IS CURED BT AYERS Mr. NlPholann says: " I consulted <loo- tors who luTsiriheil for nii-, but to no purpose J tlic cunciT bt^giiu to ):at into the Plesb, sproarl to itiy chin, .tnil I suffered In uiiony for mivoii limi; yi^ars. I'limlly. I 1 lm;!(iii tiililiiK AytT's S.irsapai ilia, in a week oi two I iiotloed a Decided Improvement. Kni-nnranml by \\\U rpsult. I ncrso- vi-icil, unLll 111 a iiiiiiitli (11- SI, (||(. s„rn iiiKliT my chhi to lioiil. In three iiiciiitiis niy ll|> 1„.^M„ to hiMl. nnil, after iislnK till. Siirsupiirllla for six moiitliH, luo last iraco of uio cancer dlsuiipuaroU.'' Ayer'si^Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World'a F»tr. AXllIt'S rjLLLH Jtet/uiatt the BowHt, OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tHe ver*y Seat I'lyACK IN CANADA TO (iKT A Tliofoogli Bosioess Edication. Take a Round Trip Xrtr.„e".'i â-  I'l'lliimtH and Comiiii>roial n«partiiiantH In Caiiiula, thon vlnlt tile NiirChorn HiiriniiHH ColltiHu ; oxninliin iivory- thiiiM If wii fail to priifliidii thn inont tliiM'oiiKli, noiiipliitii, practiiinl ami extuu- BivucoiirHiiof Htiiily ; tliu linHt imiIIukh piemlSMi and Kill linnt ami most coniplutu ami ninHt huU- ablHfurnltiiro and uliIlnncuH, wu will iglya ynu a full (loinsn KUKi;. l''or Annnal Annoiiiiuo- 4U*ul,|jivlU||full liartioulars ,fra«, aililroii C. A. FLEMINO, Priticipnl. WE APF ^ Htill in Iho land of the liviiifi, sellin' piide FloiM-, Kiiilc Toa uml Siwar ami other Grocerii'H. Wo have some rale jjude iSwectics for auld mid jouhk, ">nd if you want a rale ^ude Trunk too' keep your claes in, or a ((udo braw and now fnio the ninnufacturnr, jinit ^aiiif tiie' Willio JIiniilurRon in Sproidc's hlook, and he will siiiiply ymi at lowest prices. WM. HENDERSON FLESBEBTOll STEIB IMOBY. I liavn npiinnd np a (uiniplotn Httiain laundry In l-'liinhnrton. Hii'l iini pnipaiud totiikiiln any qiiaiiilty of liiiinili'v work at Inwnr prUuiH tlitiii aroclmrKiid ulsi'wliiiro. 1 liave put In MinlaUiBt and iiioHt liuiirovod niaolilnorv to tlmt. nnd. Kindly rIvii mo a nail. ICntlro HStisfantlou guarantaed.auil prlonn low, Jlus.QBs.Ueoiuiaovsa J. ^rtley, Proprietor. rTestimoiriials: Rocklyn, Feb. 20, '96 Mr. J. Artley, Dear Sib : â€" The pump I received fioni you has given good HutiKfaction xo far as work is concerned, as to wear I will be able to tell better 4 or 5 years from now, (51 fl.) Respectively Yours. Geo. Kelly. Harkaway, Feb. 17th, 1896. Jetfrcy Artlev, Esq. Markdalo, Ont.' Dkau Sir : â€" Yours of ihn 11th inst., re. puiii]) to hand and in reply would say 1 am well pleased with the pump ynu put in for nil). It has been in use hixtueii moiitlm ; is 05 ft. ii ins deep and my boy four yeais old can pump with it. Yours Truly, Geo. Merrifield. Waltei's Fall, Feb, 19, '90. Mr. J. Artley. Dear Sir: â€" I am pleased to say that the pump I purch:uied from you gives me good satisfaction, it works very easy c msiderinjj the depth of my well being 102 ft. Wishing you every success. I remain yours, H. M. New Lowell, 22iid Feb., 1)6. Dear Sir : â€" I wish to inform you that your pump works admirably. Giv- es tliu best satisfaction of any I have had and works with greater ease (42 ft.) Y'ours Truly, Wm. Rf.s.sELL. Goring, Feb. 10, 1896. Dear Sir : â€" I now sit down to write a few linos to you to let you know thnt I am pleiixed with the pump. It wmks very satisfactory. I never had to have any repairs yet. You put it in on the 22Md of September 1^92, depth 100 ft. to gpout. Yours Truly, Thomas Li'xlow Berkley, Fob. 14, 1896. Dear Sir â-  â€" The pump I got from you 2^ years afo has ij;iv?n me entire satis faction, the well is 47 feet deep, 33 feet in the rock, had a lot of trouble before I got the present pump but since I have no trouble and it is mostly used by Huiall children which is very hard on a pump and the smallest child can work this pump with ease. I would recommend any one t<i use this pump that have a well of this description. Yours Truly, Jno. Pickett. Wodehouse, Feb. 27, '90. Mr. Artley, Dear Sir : In reference to the pump I got friini you some time ago, I must say it has given great Halisfaction, so far, it works very cosy and throws a vooil ipiantity of water, any one that has ^ever tried It thiiikn it tirsi class. Y'uurs Truly, .loKEi'li .1. ('merry. Maxwell. Mar. 4, 1896. Mr. Artley, DkarSik ; â€" 1 am pleased to say that your puiii|i has given iiiu entire sati.sfac- tioii, nnd that I am well satistieil with the work you did for me, the well is 34 feet deep, uiid is very easy to pump. Yours Truly. Amii's Morrison. Eugenia, Feb £0, 1896. Mr. J. Artley, Dear Sir : - 1 take the pleiiHure in in- forming you that the puii.p (39 ft.) whioli I received from ymi uhoiit lliree years a^'O has given the gienteKt satis- fai'luiu, it has never beon out of -inior since your a){enl put it in, and a child of live years can pump it. Wishing you Kucceas. Stephen Koy. Kocklyii, Fob. 2", '96. Dear Sih : â€" The pump I procured fi'oiii you about IwoyeaiH ago \» in use in a well 40 it. deep, 12 ft. of which is in rock. It works easy and gives g'ood Balisfaction in every iispect. Yours Truly, J oils Giiihon. Goring, Feb. 2a, 1896. Mr. Artley, Dear Sir : â€" The pump you put in my well hut fall is woikingall right, and tiiitf .11(1 v«ry well, if yim \VHnl a stronc- er tertiinioiiial you may and I will give unythiujj in reason. Yours, .Ids. Manauv. Markdale. Feb. 24, 189U. Mr. J. Artley, Di'.AR Sir : -- The galvanized iron, brass cylinder pump I purchased from you over (itie year ago is giving full sati.s- faction, the well is lorty three feet deep aiii) so easily is the )iniiip woiked that a eliild three years old can jiuiiip wi^h it. I balievo this kind of a pump is prefer- able for a deep well. Yours Ac, ,1. A. Uoims. Swinton Park, Feb. 28, 181K5. .Tefl'roy A Artley, Dkak Sir ;â€" I am pleased to add my testimony ui regard to the satisfaction your pump has given us, we have been much lienelitted by in every way and And that we never got anything cipisl to it, and can recommend it to be satisfact- ory in every way. Yours Respectfully, J AMKs Fkrris, Priaeville, Feb. 17, 'IKi Mr. Artley. Dkar Sir :â€" We have your pump in use for over three years in a well 46 foet ileep with n«v«r uiure than 18 inchoa u water and there has never been a thing went wroii^ aith it yet I would there- fore coiniiienil any one in need of a piimi) to buy oiiy of Artley's pumps and no other as they all take tiie load in this {lart. Neil Feveislmm, Fe.b. 20., 1896. Dear .Sik : â€" Tho pump I ?ot from you 3 years ago I can recoinuiuiid to any one ss ii works with every satisfaction, (.39 ft.) M. Bowes. Glafcoil, Feb 28, 1806. Dear Sin : â€" l received your card and I ifiU!.t say your pump works well and has, since I yot it, uoil'.ing went wrony, (42 ft.) Yours Truly, Ii K.VOLISH. MarUdale, Mar. 7,'9G. Mr. .lefTrcy Arth;v, DuAK Sir :â€" Reply iuo to ymir reijuest tlie]iuni|> which we boutdil frinn ymi gives us satihfaition I hud tliive poiup* in before and none of tlieiii gave iiic such satisfaetioti as yours. I hij/|ilv re ciinimeiid it. .My littlo hoy hve years old can pump for rlie rattle, C.'iO ft.) Yours Troly, Andrew Love. Maikdale. Mar. 30, 1890. Mr. Artley, Dear Sir :â€" I am pleased with the 12 foot power windmill and chonper which I purchased from you, I find it Id bavj lots of power anil also fives g md satis- faction, it is soiiiethioi} every faiioer ought to have, alio the (',') ft. ])uiiip that I bought la.iit fad eives the bctt saiisfac- tiou and wtirss eimily. Tno.s. J. Coleman. Flesliiirton, War. i, "96. Mr. J. Artlty. You want to know how 1 liked 'he pump. It i.s a !>oud puinii and works well. It is all that could be desired, (31 fl.) Yours Truly, James U. Allex. Woodford, Feb. 28, '96 Mr. Artley, Dear Sir :â€" The pump I bought from you does good wook, I have not had to lix it. It gives perfect satisfactiou. Yours Truly, PrrrER Ballard. Meaford, Mar. 11, '96. Mr. Artley, Dear Sir :â€" The I X. L. pnmp I received from you works to my entire satisfaction and I am highly pleased with it. Respectively Y'ours. James Yelland. School Regulations The following extracts from a circular recently issued by the Educi^oual Dept. will be of interest to teachers, intenditig candidates and others at the present time : â€" 1. â€" The High School Etitrance and Public School Leaving exainiiiatiiuis will begin on July 2iid instead of Juno 24th as at liist advertised. 2. â€" Any candidate who obtains at the P. S. Leaving Exam, one half of the marks in each subject, and one-half of the aggregate shall be reported as having p.issed for a P. S. Leaving Certi6cate. Also these who fail to reach the stand- ard prescrilicd in some subjects, but who have made considerably tuoro than the aggregate marks required, may also be re- warded P. S. Leaving certilicato. 3. â€" Candidates who fail at tho P. S. Leaving exam, but who obtain twenty- live per cent, ot tho innxinium of tho marks for each subject thereat may, on the'recominendation of the Hoard of Exauiiutis, be awarded a II. S. entrance certificate. 4. â€" The decision of the Board of Examinurs shall be final regarding llie admission or rejection of any candidate, but the Inspector shall enipiiro into any complaints made him regarding undue stVBiity or laxi'y on the part of any Hoard or inspectorate. No appeals are to bo made lotliu Departnu'iit 5.â€" The Inspector tliall issue a certificate to each candidate that passoss the II. S, Entrance or P. S. Leaving Kxum. -• The name of all candidates ad- diiiittod by the Board of Examiners may bo put lished iuinUHliately after ( hut not before) the reports have been transmitted to the Education Department. In aildilion to the above, teachers are roniinded of Iho Regillntioiis respecting applications for these exaniinationa and for papers for the Proniotinn vxauiina tion which are due on May Ist and 5th respectively. Died Wriohtâ€" At Ontario, Va,, on April 1.5, 1896, J. H. Wright, in his l)7th year. Deceased was born at Uicliiiiond Hill Out., aiul lived for some years in and near Moaford. For some years past he had been living in North Dakota but removed to Virginia last fall for a warm er climate. La grippe was the im- mediate cause of death. Many resi- dent s of this county will romemberMr, Wright. Ho was a aon-in law of J. T. Purdy, one time M. P. for the CVunty of Grey, now tf North Dakota, The Marketa CarcftiHy <:orr4;<-t«'iI Ka<-!i Wrrk Flour.... «-3 80 to 14 40 l''"» •'! !;i. 2.1 I'eas . 48 :o u() Cotter 1:; t„ 13 ifgas, fivsli S '.it H Potatoes bag . k ?,i) r./» Xi fork ... 4 60 to 4 .'0 Hay pur ton 8 00 to lilt'* nidus 4 00 t-. 5 011 SheepKkiiis . . 2.') to JO f'-'ose 5 lo ii 'furkeya .... 7 t< 7 I'luckei-s |.or pair .'0 t-.o t"i Ducks per i>air <10 t-o 60 Wool 20 to a4 Time Table. *~~" GOISt; SOVTH. Markdaleâ€" 40 a. m. 4.40 p. HI. Fleftlitrtoiiâ€" (i.53 a. m. 4.55 p. hi. GOING Nor.TU. Fleshcrtonâ€" 11.48 a. m. 9. 17 p. Ill Alaikdale- 12.04 p. m. O.oOp. m. AVER'S Hair Bestorej natural color to the hair, â- f and also prevents it falluiff oat. Ura. H. W. Fenwlck, oi Dieby, M. S., »ay»: "A little more than two y»!.-ir.s aj^o my hair _. begi^n 'to turn gray and fall out. Af. ter the use of one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair w.os restored to its original color and ceasetl '.tiling out. Au occasional application has since kept the hair in good condition." â€" lilt, H. F. Fenwick, Djgly, K, S. Growth of Hair. " Eight years ago, I bad the vario- loiil, and lost my hair, which previ- ously was (juito abundant. I tried a variety or preparations, but witb- oiit beneficial result, till I began to fear I should be permanently b.ild. About six months ago, my husband brought home a bottle of Ayer's Hair N'igor, and I l)egan at once to it. In a short time, new hair b;-jrnu to apiH-ar, and there is now every jiro.spect of as thick a growth of hair as before mv illness." â€" i\irs. .\. ^VEBiiit, I'olyiLiuia bt., New Orleans, La. Mm Hair Vigor rEETAKED BY Cj5. J. C. AVER & CD., LOWELL. MASS.. U .S. A. A;/er's i'tlta cure Sick Ueadtieh*, Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills Tlie undersigned are placiiis: in po- sition a iiist elttsa sawmill for custom sawiuo, which will bo ready for opera- tion in January. \Vu have also added A CHOPPING MFLL For the eonvenieuce of faraicis. Chopping done at any time at 5 cents per 100 Ihs. The sash and d^vu lactory, baud and scroll sawiiu^ business coutiiiuecl as uBuaL Pile in your orders. BEEGKOFi' & TALBOT .^S!fe^^fe^fe^:S!fe;Mfe^&8&*'<!^^'''!>"'3»«fr•»< m< "^^^m m(^ Photos ' â€"TAKEN f â€"AT THE vV I Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery ^ are done in first-class style and at % lowest rates. Sjiocial attention S given to copying. Habies' photos. ^ » apeoialty. Pictures framed. I MRS. BULMER

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