w^ tioimt^t rrJ THS FLISHSSTON ADTAMGI BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL "^ FLESHES 1 0.\ *l{«y9ral bankiug basinuss transacteil Drafts iuu^ii aud :b<s<iaea vaslicd at UBual iate». Mouoy uiwaya itir^ii.vblo lo.- Itiyiai&t'] busiuesn uutori.risa. OJii-e Ivo (iooia wjiUl of hichard- TJicinity Chips. Oharacterlstlos of the Past Week i'arefuUy t'liHed for the rurittus. B-tiinfti iiohcen atmyng ItKala will he dhtr-ied ut the rati of 10c per lint fur each iwtfrtiun. A rtd^ictum vill he n»nii« tm eontnieU for 100 lines or over. For cabbfige, cauliflower, celery and toiuato pluatK go to W. Bainhouae. Tomato plants, 5 cents per d- >2en at P. Holuian'e, Flesherton. Dr. Pol'.t, of Toronto, will preach in ibk Motii< di^it church od buuday etening next, 17th inst. ' The uiinual disliict mwctiiii! of the Owen Sound uiiilriut, Methodist church, will meet in Duiulaik on May 20 and 27. Mr. M. IlichanlsoQ informs us that his recent loss by lire at the Stiition vrill foot up ueariy one tboucand dollars. Fresh lime for sale â€" Kiln ju.st burned lOo per bash si. Also g-nxl building sand for 6:i!e. S. Koy, lot 30, 10th con., Artcmesia. Touiati), aibK-uje and cauiiflowvir â€" •pKnJid plantsâ€" for lyJn. Alio tlower ] v)t.< I'M'l u;'::;,'inj; l«i4ets. Jlrj. J. Uee- croft, FK'slicrton. Austin NiStii, a U»l, of i>iinda!ik had his leg bi\>keu in two pUccs btlow the kuee Oil Arbor day by btiaig caugiit in a buggy whoel. Painting and j>ai)erhan.:ui^ iu tho high- est stjlei'f art. Toen'yyeai*' rxperinice. Ji.hu k. Wuito, FiesUortoii. UvSiUbuco at W. liarnhouse's. We understand that Boyd Bros, pro- pose erecting ai\ elevator at the Stjition, and have , purchiisetl a very convenient plot of ground on which to place it. A very aad drowning accident occurred at Priceville on Tliursday eveniuj; htst, the particuUirs of which are given by our Priceville correspondent. . Mr. Thorp Wright attendetl a meeting of provisional directors of the proposed olectrio railway in Toronto oa Wetlnesday of this week. It is probable that upon Mr. Wright's return we will loani just al>out where this railway bu.«inc.ss stands ,Mid what the prospects are. Ayer'i Pilla are recommeuded by lead- in;,' physicians and druijaists, as th» most prompt and ettioient remedy for bilious- ness, nausea, costivenesB, indigestion, slu^'ji.'ihtiess of the liver, jaundice, and tick headache ; also, to relieve colds, fevers, ueuiali^ia, and rheumatism. The Queen's Birthday will be cele- brated at Eugenia on Monday, May '-'5, by a s;r.ind garden pirty unlcr the auspiei-.-f of the McthodisS church. Flesh- citoa band will be ni atteiulance. Tea .served from 4 lo o'clock. See bills for further particulars. Mr. H. Lamont, of Collinjwond, lost a valuable horse in this tnwn oa Wednes- day of last week. The animal took in- llauimalion on Tuesd.'iy evening at Mun- .shaw's hotel and died the following day. It was a veiy valuable horse, and after returning home to Collinuwood Mr. Lamont sold the unite for ?17i>. . A( the strength ofa building depends upon the solidity of its fousidation, so health depends u^oii tho condition of the bloi>d. To expel impurities and cause the vital fluid to becoma viijorous and life-givinsr, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the nio.st powerful and effective medioiuo in use. Meetings of Dr. Jauiiosou'a friends and »upiK>rters arc being held in this town- .ship this week for the purpose of organi- r.ation as folU>ws : At Thonijxson's .school house on Wednesday evening. Proton Station Thursilay and Eugenia Friday evening. ' The Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church, Owen Sound dis- trict, will meet in Flesherton on Tuesday of nest week, May 19. It is likely that <|uite a larije number of ladies from a distance will be present. Rev. Mr. Cas- sidy, late missionary to Japan, will also bo here. We bespeak tor them a hearty reception. The program will be au at- tiMtive vQ*. Hurrah for the garden party on Mon- day afternoon and evening, 25th inst. at Mr. Alexander Stewart's, West back line, under the auspices of Presbyterian I Ladies' Aid. Teams will be provided for those going from the village. Admisiuon 15 cents. An adjourned meeting of the public library board will be held on Friday even- ing next at 8 o'clock for the purpose of receiving auditors' report and transact- ing considerable important business. The directors would Uke to see as many members present as posKible. Try and attend. It is a year ai?o Ta>;i>day that the severe frost of l.-ut year did so much dania^'e. This year we have had nn frosts since the »now went away, and there is abundant prospect of uood crops of all kiuda. Especially is fruit most promis- ing, nil kinds of trees being well loaded with bloom. The brethren of Flesherton lodge. No. 142, A. 0. U. W., are respectfully re- quested to meet in their hall on Sunday laoruins; ne.\t at 10.30 o'clock to go in a body to the Profrbyteiian church, where a speciid sermon will be delivered by the riev. Mr. Welhi. Brethren from sister lodges are kindly invitet.1. Flesherton cemetery plotholders are rcquesteil by the trustees to be present at the grounds o.j Monday, May 25, for the purpose of improving and beautifying the conietury gnmnus and their own plots. It is hoped that every plotholder will make it his businet-s to attend. By order of the Biard. W. Clavti'X, Sec. Sevi-ral c<>iopI;iii.t4 hHv<« l>een made to IM uf nii[)erfecriy hurieit dod animals oi> the onthkirts of this town, which are an unmui^aled nuis^^.iio) kod menace to the h.f«lth of th«ise livin;; in the vicinity. Tl." I'lilie* who lult ''cm where they lire khiiuld re inter iheiu .ik once, and the Board of Hfallh representative Kuould see that it is done without dclav. TheShelbumo Free Press celebrate«l its 21st anniversay hist week by supply- ing its readers with a handsome four- jKige supplement profusely illustrated with fine pictures of Shelbunie's public buildings and bu.siness men. together with a well written history of the town's growth and entertaining reniinsceiices by some of tho old residenters. The Free Press is a newsy and well conduct- ed pafKr at any tiiue, but last week it gave its readers a very exceptionally go<.nl thing. A stabbing aflfray took plaL*e on Wed- day of last week on the 6th con. of Coll- ingwood by which a young man named Diivid Riclunond came near losing his life. The Thornbury HenUd gives the facts as follows : " It appears a hired man namoil Frank WiKidyard, who re- sides in theuoighborluKKl, had lujen keep- ing coni[.iany with a Miss Peaboddy. He found the pride of his aJfections and young Uichniond in conversation, and being a little jealous ha approi'.ched him from behind an<i stabbed hiiu four or tive times in the face and side." Young Richiuniid was taken to the Collingwood hospital, where his life was for some time despaired of, but ho is now mending. His assaihmt was capturetl at Caloilon East on Saiiirday and taken to Thornbury for prelimin.iry trial. PER50NAL3 Miss Addie Breen returned last week from L>ng Island, where she has spent the winter months with her sister, Mrs. H. V. (.laudin. Dr. Si>rt>uk', Markdale, visited friends in town on Sundiy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Barnhouse spent a couple of days during tho;past week with friends in Uobbingtoii. iliss Amy MiH<re has gone on an ex- tended visit to her uncle, Rev. F. A. Leitch, Portland, Maino, Uov. Mr. Dartagh, from McM.'i-ster Univtfisity, will take charge of the Flesh- erton and Priceville Baptist churches this week. Mc A. McDougall of Tho Advance staff sjK'nt a couple of days during tho jiast week at the parental home, Durhaui. Lady Bauk. From, our oiw Corraponimi. To the Editor of The Adiwice. Dear Sir,â€" The late William Findlay w;is born in iv.. einuir, Scotland, 5"J yrs. ago. When a young man he was in H. M. S. a» a private soldier. He came lo Ospvey about 20 years ago, and under- t(X)k with a young family to hew himself a hum* with little acquired skill in such werk.. tttt WM free spokfikVid acceMibl*, prompt, and had considerable posh join- ed to « canny shrewdness. For some time bis bealth bad been failing. Ualy eight weeiis before his death, which oc- cured on 29th April, did the serious aspect <.f his case strike either himself or family. Speech and motion soon be- came difficult, and towards the end im- possible. His remains were interred in the Presbyterian burying grounds, Fever- sham, by Revs. Hudson and Legott. Affecting and appropriate retiarks were made by them. His widow, four bons and two daughtsrs mourn their irrepar- able loss. They have the sympathy of the entL-e community. Tbas star by star declines. Till all are passed away. As morning bi^h and higiier shines To pure and perfeC. day ; Not sink those stars in empty night ; They hide themselves in heaven's own light. Proton StatioB From o'lr own Correspondent. Seeding is progressing i^pidly in this township, and a fairly go<id supply of fruit may be expected if the mercury only keeps above freezing for a few months. A broad smile of graddcation is at pre- sent visibly dispUyed by the lucky uwa- erb of the wheel as the n>adj are in fairly g<K>d shape for a spin, and after their long rest the boys display wonder- full agility. This village bids fair to be on the quiet list this i.uinmer as a g'xid many of its residents have left, some for the prairie fields and others for tke large mills in the west. Mr. McLean spent last Sunday in Priceville Will is a hustiler, or rather h:s horses are, as they cun cover the liine miles in forty minutes. Miss Ray Bannon, uf Dundalk, is holi- daying with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Neilson took in the Queen City last week. Mr. R. Hodgins spent Sunday with aci}uaintances in Dundalk. Miss Jessie Specrs, of Flesherton, is also on the list here. Our worthy friend, Mr. Stevenson, has vacated to Dundalk, where ho and family intend to spend the summer. Mr. Blair, our esteemed carri;i;;e build- er, took an apprentice to learn the ':rade a short time ago but as said apprentice is not at present accountable for his actionsDave will not trust him with sharp tMo!s for a while â€" rubber rings and rat- tles beii.g his only weapons. Messrs. White and McKinsey, who spent some weeks in Durliam this spriug, have returned. The Pre.sbylerian pulpit here has "ueen very ably filled for the pa*t few weeks by the Rev. Mr. Brown «f Toronto. Mr. Brown is here but fiT a few weeks longer. .After his departures Rev. Mr. Pat'.ersiin is expected. Mr. James Lockhart has treated him- self to a Covered biugy th;s spring'. Mr. Wni. Mitchell who spent the wia- Irr iu tho wilds of Muskoia, relumed un Saturday leoking hale a'ld hearty. Fevershain. Fromonr ou- . corrniiHntdeiit. Mrs. Wiiiieis of VaugLian has been visi'.iii;; with lier paniits here, Mr. and M.S. Julian, for tiu' past week. We are glad to s.ty t!:at Mis. Julian Sr , who has been very ill foi- the Ust luoutli, is impi-oviiig. Mrs. G. Miteli<li, Flesbertoii, was visiting iu Fe^ei»iii«n for a fc*- days last week, Mr, J. Kingslev of Toronto is visit- ing with Mr. G. 'lempest for a short time. Mr. Foster of Peteiborongli was visiting with Mr .\. Kernagliaii lalelv. Mr. and Mis. P. Bellauiyof Black- bauk spent Sunday w'th H. Heituian of ibis town. Mr. A. Mullen took atrip to Uouey- wood la.xt iruudav. Miss Brown of T'lronto, wlio Las been visiting wiUi her parouts ou the Tenth, returned to the city last week. Mrs. Mc.\leer returned to Tbessa- ion last Monday after sueudiiig the winter with friends here. A report comes from Montreal that Sir Donald Smith is to be made a peer. Mr. CLtrko Wullaoo will speak at Wiarton ou Thursibvy and at Tarn on Fri- day in behalf as Mr. ^loNoil, at Meuford on Saturvlay in behalf of Dr. Sprimle, and at Mansfield on May 20 on behidf of Col. Tyrwhitt. Mr. John Williams, Glenelg, who had his arm amputateil in the t)wen Sound generalf lo.spital as the result of it being sntashed by a stick of timber at Rivkford throe weeks ago, is improving rapidly and. expects to go houoae in about two «Qek» â€" .Advertiser.. A VERY CHOICE ASSOR'irMEN'T <)F- iSoots 6c Shoes . FOR SPRING & SUMMER ON HAITD For Style, Quality and Prio) cannot be surpassed Call and. see th.e ni at . . . CLAYTON'S Repairing: & custom work promptly attended to ^^M^^s^ss^* ^§ jCook Jfere .*^g O C SPECLLL U>'E OF BOYS' AND MENS LIGHT CAPSâ€" 10c to 25c. SPECLAX UNT: OP MENS INDERWEARâ€" 2f>c to 50c. . . . SPECLAL LINE OF LADIES' BELTS CLEARING OUT AT 5c EACH AN'Y QUANTITY OF BUTTER EGGS AND WOOL WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. . . . SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Gn*EN TO CASH PURCHASERS. . . . Mi T HILL ^^i Slietp Strayed Strayed from the premises of th« under- signed.' lot 146 U7. con. 8, S. E., Arte- Diesia. about the Sth in«t., two wbite sheep, cne with bell, the other with red paint serosa hipi^. Auy information as to their vbercabouls wilfbe tbaukiully received by the undersigned. CHAS. WICE, Flesherton P. 0. Qood Farm for sale or Rent Lot 27. con.G, .\rt8mB«ia, containing IIB acrss mora or le<s.li> acres cle&rod. kbout i^ milM 6tom Kle^Uarton. Tharu ares uooJ log barn sntt stablo oa tliii proiuiiit>8. (iood ruuuing wster. Korfuther particaliu-5 apply to W. .\. ABMSTRosa Fietih «rton ^ FLESHERTON ^ WOOLLEN MILLS Open again and are paving more than the highest price for WOOL. Will give Ic extra for- black sheep wool . .\nd are in a better poeition to meet the wants of the public than ever before. Notice our extremely low prices for custuiu work ; Of Flesherton & surrounding country : [arliiig Bolls, 5g II Camlog i Spinoiiii, lOc lb AtL Kinds ok Wkavinu u« PRoi^.iKTi'.i-v Cash For Wool V. NUHH I beg to announce that I liave nioveil to uiy new store and residence lately occupied by Charles Leitch. I will cirry on my bu-siuess more exten.<ively than ever. ' I will be gl;ul to hcive ail my many custoiu-.'rs call .^nd sie n.e in my new store, and will do my very best for you. S?o//er JT/our onij, S3. 80 bbi f FREE ! FREE I ! i^olhd Oats. SI. 90 sac* . If you want a new CIIL'RX buy tho LKVDKR, it is the best on the martet. alwiiyi on hand here. Civck Churn uid OakDa-sh Churns. .\!.so a full line oi GROCERIES fresh and good. Watcti this space every v^eel % ^tC^ m, Jersoy Bull for Service TliorooghbreJ lersev bull for jprvico at John II. Heard's, Flesherton. Terms ols dollar. Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of furs pur- chasod, for which highest market price will be paid. Hotnomade sausages on hand, nhe alt kinds of meats. FLBSUERTON ME.VT BMPt>RIUM lot For Sal8. For ft«l0 cheap and ou easy tortnii !n F1e8her> toil. SpltiiiiUd lar^e. solid brick clweUiug. with Kood stouoctjllar, summer kitchea and wood- bouae, also soo^l frauui otable, brick lined. Pienii-^os contains two largo lots and Rootl young orchard. buarin4. Houne and oufbuildiii^s are excev'tionallv welt UuiBbeit and very couveui- 6utly laid out. Applv to R.J. ' Sproulx. Flojhttrton. BULL FOR SERVICE. The uud*Tsigned has a flne DsrtMm Boll tor :^7i.J oo )s» 1W,W.T. S. U. Taruis T5 e«nts H- DATIS. TSSTIIUGr - Preserve your eye«ight by having iheiu pro()f rly tested by W. .\. .\RMSTROXG, - OPTICIAN Farm and Mill Site tor Sale Tor sale very cheap aTul ou very casv terms. Tia»bor farm, 150 acres, two ui:Io8*fn.»m Kleak ortt>ii, kuowit lis tho Wni. Ho(et;»awuiill pro* perty. and o:t which is an i^xccllent water power, feusdatiou of saw luil). Jam and pond aad water wheel iu )t!ace and all ready for puttii^ mill on. Alx^Mt 15 acres eleHred.30acr^stinit>«r. in08t oif. Valance well tuubered. mixed timber. Thisfarm will be sold at a bargain if soldal on>»«. Small payment down, balance ou Teiy eift^y terms. Apply to \ U.Ji SpRori-p. V Klesberton. On Carpet Weaving The uuJarsigned has place.! in iMsition a first class loom for carpet siul fliuia«l wuaTing and is prs pared to kIt« sstistsctloo. BiiOKla jrour R.\lill or YA«N to A. T. HEUON. FleshettcM, April r, 96. Farm For Sale or Rest, also village House and Lots TSaants wsutml toriot IU, N. D. R.. Artsnissts. and bouse and two lota on Collmt;wood strMk Prio»»llle, knowa »• tho 8oo«t proiieriT. WUt (It* possnsiou st ouce. For rsrticulara spply !•> MBI. CATAIBIN-B SCOT* AprU, U INl juibsu P. O. 0«^ mM 4.