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Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1896, p. 8

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THE FLBSHBRTOK ABVANOK «â-  T he Marke ts. Carcfdlly Corrected Eaeli Week '•'ioiii- t3 80 to $4 -to Oats 91 u> 2a I'eas 48 to 58 Butter 12 t.< 13 E,'UB, freali 8 to 8 Potiitcroo bao 30 CO 30 Pork 4 60 to 4 50 Hiiy per ton 15 00 to 16 00 IVidea 4 00 to 5 00 Shoepiikiua 25 to 60 Oeese .... 5 to 6 Turkeys 7 f:- 7 Chickens per pair 20 to 2S Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Wool 20 to 24 D. ricTavish FLESHEl^TON KEEPS ON HAND airs For Masscy-Harriri, and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm implements. Floury and Verity plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Crlters, Sleighs, etc. Hoirteslioeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow ChaioQ constantly on hand ••^fc'%^^%^ V%^%^^%^V%^%^'%^%%^%^^^'%^%'%%.%i :^!^ SUMHFR SALES -^/A^^ NOW RUSHING ! '^^^ This is the season of year when you want to buy a nice buggy or cart. I Imvo thornâ€" buiiuties â€" and will sell on your own tonus â€" if thoy are not nil ouo-sidud. Painting iind re-trinwaing dono to order. Don't buy without looking in u(M>n my Kaniples and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN ft^/%^«^«^%/%^%^%/%^'%%«^'%%''%/%/%^%^%^%«/%%^%%'%riA GO TO J. H. HEARD i f^ Slii>ei'ia iind all kiniU of iJiacUsniitliing. Wood, Lumber, Cedar Pos's f'^l <!â-  \ tShin^log. â- ^â- y j\ It4^ ^ >. ^>fc ^tfc j^^ ^ ^ -^ ^ _J^ -^^ _««W -^^ .^^ .^h. .^^ ^^ ^~_ ^TL â- ^- ^»- -^^ -^- -J^ J^ â- ^^ -^ ^ , ^ "J THE I3EST' jUOGIES, Wajjcns, Carls, Spring Tooth and Iron Harrows. Frojta and WoikIh' liindurs. Mowers, Uorso Rnkt's and Ploughs. Kleury Ploujilm, .Scuftlurs and Turnip .S«i<l Drills. Dick's l'lou;;Iis and Lund JtolbtrN. Shnros for all kintjs of Plou'.dig. Hir^a trtnfuinniwnnnji ruiuyv p g Be Happy | I With Others I aitiiinnjiniuuirjxiiiiiuuiniuu'ti fiverythinj friwh in the way of Wmon*. •oraiiuiix, nuti all kintln, c<itif»ctionery of tlie rlioicest variety, li;{.<i, dnti's, prunoa, uraniMM rii'S, liiitcuiia of all kinds, canned | fruits and vi'ijutabloi, tens, BU.'ars and all other '.'roceiiua ; atock all fruah for thu holid.iy trade. Oysters '"""' "" B'-'nt flour and feed constnntly on hand. APPl.liS In Small Quantltlea or by the Barrel Will. I icirnliouse Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. OArnnjjes mafio ar.d. Repaired, alec Placing and Matching, Baud Saw- ing, Wood Turning of every des- oripMon. Planing and Grrun'Choij â- oiug (lone while you wait, for th'^ i3eaver turns the wheel, T. V/. WILHOK NaiiiiiErr _ OAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DKSION PATKNTS, OOPVRIQHTB, eto. For hiformntlon unit fr<'i» >ijinilli<,4ik wrlto to Hl'NN A CO, ."/.I nii'itiiWAY, Nl'.w YoliK. OIil'' .t litirt'iiu fur iMMitrliij? I'nicnu In Amrrlcifc Kv( rv tiAtciit takrti f.iit hy ui« In l>ri)iit,'Iit b'-foro the jMiftllc It/ u n<'tu:« nlvtic trvo uictinrgu In Uio I.«rf*>ilclrr'iilnnnnnf nn7 K<fpntinoTmprrIn fha wc/i:.l. hhlfiiillillv llliiHtniU'il, Nil liiti'llli-<-nt jnnri ihmiM li.i >\lth.,ut It. WecWlv, (jl.1.tM>i> jcar: JI.MslT iii.iiitln. Aililrfng, JIIIS'N /» (JO., Vvauaiiuu, aUi Utuodwu;, ^uw Vuik Cltr. Charlet U. riulchtngt. Sick Headache CURED PERMANENTLY BY TAKINa Ayer's Pills • I was trnulilprt a lonir tlma with ah-k nprtdaplie. It was iisii:illy iicronipanicj Willi HoviTi! palm In tlio tumplei, n «uiso or fiillMcfn and tPiidcriipsi In one ejc. a bail tiialo In my nioutli, lonieiif rnalort, liai:d» and feet C(dd, Hiid sli^kncss at llio suimncli. 1 iil<d a (jood iimny rt'inodlcn |-eor,iniiiciiilpd (or lUla ciiuiplalul ; but It wag not until I Beg^an Taking Ayer's Pills that I rpi-Plvpd aiiMhi'ir lliic pprma- npiit lii-iicnt. A sinul.: liox n( tliP'ic pllli did IhR work f'lr inc. and I iim now Iito from lici.liii-lii<, anil a wi'll man." â€" C. II. Ilririii.Nos, i; Aiiliiiru, Ma AYER'S PILLS Awarrtof! Modnl BtWorld'o Fair â€" â€" MWiâ€" *Miâ€" M^iâ€" »iM mimtmmm»vm»mmmmmii^f^^m» Aver*:t Aur:iui>ariUa is the licat* Good Farm for sale or Rent Iirit'.'7, Gon.n, Artiiiiioohi, aiiitalnliiK 1411 acron nf^r*! or l».n.10 acniM oloanxV nbotit UJ| mile* fr»ni I'MoHliurtoa, Thftro aru a f/nod \im I urn and iital>Ui oa Iho pronilnoii. (ii.o.l runniiiK walur. Korfiitliar partlnuUni apply to W. A, AnMKTiuiNU Klualicrtou' L0Q3 WANTED HpiiKK. lni{K, any Kl/.o over ton lnctaaa,13 (aot IjiiK. IIIi liiml |ii|co«. BBBCnOPT & TAMIOT A.XTKNTJO>sI To those Contemplatint: UuUding lliivlnRjiiHt rolurnoil fii.m Now York, whore, to |ia*t dxiwiluncii, I Imvuadiliidn yuar'g itouran i>f ihHtrtKitinna tiiiitur th« poritoiml Kiipoi viHloti of Mr. CliilMlopliur Myiirn. aruliltiint In rliiiif to file HcloMlflo Ampriiiiiii, J ajii Imttir tliiiii over iuMparod to aHHtst, tliiiNo roniariiplatlnu Inilld- MS, and having toruiad n <u>n>nli|riu partner- •ililp w'*)! ^^^. â- ?;..iB, my oIliinlH can aoonre iih vuiuaV'iu AiirviJui: witliont extra cliai'ife. PIuUB, stc. prompt] V (iiriiliiliiil. ' W. U. CliAHK, risaharlon J. ^rtley, Proprietor. Four years aito I published a batch of testiinoninls and otrered SIOOO, if any one would prove that any one of them was not genuine, aw far us I was concern- ed. I will make the aanio ofiVr with those I publish below. Please read wlmt a few of my cuatomera have ti> «ay who are using my puin]>.'4. I have been n^ak iiii! improveineiit« in their construction every year aince commencing the busi- nesa six years ago. I think I have lencbod the climax in my new I. X. L., double lever, with roller bearings. I be- lieve this ia the first aud only pump made with roller bearing's, It ia destin- ed to become the most durable and easy workini; pump on the market. It will pay any <jno needing a pump to see me bifore purclmsiui!. No advance in prices of old style. I have tried to make the price to suit the hard times. All I aak is an examination of my new I. X. L I am satisftied if you need a pump you cannot help but by. Ilcmember the old saying, the best is the cheapest. I use the best material I can find, and aparc no timber or expi-nae to turn out tlio best pump that tan be produced. Testiimoziials : WE ARE 1 Htill in the land of the liviiii7, aellin' liiule Kloiir, nude Ti'a and Bu'.'ar and other ( jrocerlfs. Wo have some rale (juilv H\v(?cLics for antd aud you.i({, and if you want a lalu }{udu Trunk tau' k«op your claes in, or a ijudu SateJiel braw and now fr;ii' tlio nianufacliircr, just ^au;{ tao' Willie llonderKon in Sproulu'a block, and hu will supply yuu at lowest prieoR. WM. HENDHRSON FUSHEHTOli urn LMIIDBr, 1 havo npunod np It conipluta Rtoani lanndry In KItmliurtoM, nuil ttm pi-t;.pii<'od to talui in any fiuaotity of la^imlry work nt lowor nrlcna thnii are clmr(i"d i<lHi'wliiirr. I Imvo put In lliBliiinni and most iioproviMl muGlilnnry to that I'tid. Kindly ijlva ma a call. Uutiro aatiufactlon goairaiit«o(l,)tud tiiloex low. Mau. Qxo. MooaaaocM Eppinu Feb. 25th'96. Mr. AllTLEY, Dkab Sih :â€" The pump I got from you for 80 ft. well wmks tiret class. It never L'avc me one bit of trouble. Also the wind li.ill ihat you erected last Sept. is the most ciunplotf liibor Having i»achi>ic on my farm. It is ihe beat piverned wind null I ever saw hs I run it in all kinds of wind and it makes no dilFerencc. Yours Turly, J. F. Eaton. . Uurkeley March 3rd IS-W. Mr .\utley, Dkau Sjk :â€" I will aay that the pump and wiiidniill you put up for ine are uivin^ i;o<Kl aatisfaoticni. I would not be without the windmill new uu any cuii- aidoratiou. Yours Turly, .Joseph Miudlrton Harkaway Feb. 21 ''M. Mr. Arti-by, Dkak .Sill :â€" I will tat that I am well pleased with the nindmill you put up for lie aycar ago last Aui.'!!-!, and a'if> (he pump you put me In l.-utt fall, nearly 70ft. deep. Tiiey are both Ki Ting (Wifect sat- isfaction. JOH.N THOHI'SON. Pricevillo, Mar. 2, 189C. To .1. Artley, IJkau Sir :â€" Tha two pumps I bought from you last year h;vi j;ivun the best ^atinfaction possible. The iron oiie 63 fret in length, with brass cylindor is what fVeiy man should have fur deep wells. It worka cHHv and notbini! logo wrong, Yours thankfully, Jilts. Ann McKei hnie. M.ixTell, Mar. 5, IPJMJ. Dkau Sm : â€" Tlio j)Uini) von sold mo xives Kood satixfaciion. It lias never been out of working order. My well is lifry feet deip, ai.d my little boy can pump it, Yours Truly, JORN Kf.RTON. Priceville, Feb. 17, IStHi. To Mr Autlev, Ueau Sill : â€" The pumji I bou'-ht from you two years ago is <^ivini; good satis- f.<ciion. The well is 50 feet deep aud my litllu boy 5 )eatK of age can pump it, and it never needs any repairs, I would recomuiend any |)eiKoii that wants a lirst c'as.i puiop to go to you, as I know you niidel-Ktalid yonr bnsiiiea-i. Yours Truly, Ai.iix. White. Markdale, Feb. 18, 18!Hi. Dkar Sik : â€" May here say have my |ium|i a little over a year, it tvorks satis- factory, ia atill in good repair, mid on the whole fjivea entire aatisfaclion (tiO ft.) Y'ouis, •loIlN GlRSON. Picaaant Valley. Mil. Ar.Ti.KY, l)F,*it Sir : â€" T must say the pump (58 fu) I (.'ot from yon works easy und has Kiven good satiarailli n. Yours Truly, Jons Hannah. Markdale, Feb. 18, 18t>fl. Dkah Put : -The lunip I imrehased fioiii yon l.Aat snmiiier it ijiviinj entire falisfrtciion, and I eonsidnr it a lirai class puiiiy, it is in a very deep well loo, Yoiiis Truly, W. O. I'lCKHM.. (lilhraltnr, Feb. 2r>, 1890. .iKFruRV AR'n.BV, Dkau Sih : - -The jiump wo got for our school is a xood diiniblo pump, ai.d is ("iv- inj; yood satisfaction, easy to ptim|i, Dl'NlAN Kl.KlfUKr,, Thomas l'oi,i.Aiti>. Ciasotitt, Mar. 5, 18i)0 Mil. ,T. AuTLr.Y, Dr.Aii Siu :-'riio pump you put in my well fiO fl. (loop givoi lud the best of saMsfaclion My child seven yenra old can pump with it, Jambs Hkohik. noslierton, Fob, 21. tTV.. AUTIEY, Dkar Kir :- I take Rreat pleasuro in sondiii({ you a tCRtimoniiil for yonr pump, it is the third pump 1 have had in a 00 foot well. I have had it in use for over two years and it givoa entire satiafaotion. A child of 6 year old can pump it, Your* Truly, James Fishkh. Wodehouao, Feb. 17, 1896. Dbar Sir jâ€" In rppljr %q voura of the 11th, would say the pniup you put in on Lot No. 10, Con. 6, 02 ft. in rock, works satiafactorily, the one you put in on S. ^ lot 8 on the 8tli, four years ago, gives K rat class satisfaction, the one you put in for Cooper 2 years a;;o also gives satisfac- tion. Youra Truly, R. J. Mc.^FBB. Vandeleur Fob (lOth 'luO. RB.<n Bin;â€" The pump I gi>t from yoo a year ago last June has wnikod perfectly ever slLCo and although the w«ll is M faet I can work it with ou« tiaad nicely. X am well aatibfied. Youra, K. CULII8. Wodehoase Feb. Ijth "DO Deab Sib :â€" I received yonr cirJ aud can ear the pump you piitiu my well la'Jt fall. 91 foot deep, works well in ovoi y wa-y, i would recom uieud the bra^a cv Under both for ease of work aud durability. * Yours trnly, .(UHX DU8KIN. Fli!!lio>dpii Feb. 2a'l)« Dbar Sir • â€" Your, which Is ill a well 63 feet deep hasfiiven entire Rati -faction ia every way. It has liut given the lOKSt trouble. Yours, JAilliS 8TAFF0ED. Eut'eria Feb. SI'M DjitAIiSm : â€" TIeplyina to youra. as to howl like*.b6 puuji) yo i aoM tui, 1 liavoro s:t.' I am very laucli pl^ast-d with it, after a yeai a con- stant use it is aa ^oo 1 to-day ca ev,-r. Toe wi II i* ft, feet neei>. w hpu olhtr Wills are dry, many of tile uei;^l.b,.>iB,of tiie vi.lA(;e nae niy I^uiuji for wnter uir household ti u, uUo lor wateiiiii; coiniideri;t>lo f-tockfcoy^-u tei" it g.,ta plenty of exercise, beidt-w Buppivini; our own needs. Itisthe btt^t i>uiiip I kuow of. Youia ^«^puativolv, F. T. CAr.n. .. Duncai. F. b. Sm 1890 Dkah Sir:â€" lam very well pleased tvith my jiuiiip, it ia overtijrrv years i*iuce we^ot Lt .t IS Kiviu(( good eatis/uc: iou ( iiU ft. ) 1 ruLoain Yours UlCIIAltU CAUDNO n (To Be ContinufA). The Grand Val'ey Tribune sajs that town ia full oi dot;i«. Vou see tliem : t every street corner and in every b:ek yaid. Mam street is crowded witli tlitni and they hhiek the hidewalka. Tl.iy Walk into every h1io|i and even (.o to church and attend wcliool. Su;;';esti' lis are requested a< to Iho way to ab:.te the iinii'aiice. There are people in ertoii who conid fix this thing if they would only come forward and explain their plan. se anil lot For Sale. For ftalo cheap ami ott uasy teroi'i iti Flef^lxtr- toil. Bploiulid Ui'Ko, 8olM btiek dwelling, with f{ood »tJDo collar, summer kitt-hon and wood- houtte, alfio tiootX framo ctable, brick Uiiud. P e'liiBOK containa two largo lotRandcood yotiug orchard, boarint;. House and ou*liu!ldinj;R are oxcoptionally well flnigUed and very conveni- tiilly laid out. Apply to K.J. SpRouLB.Fle^herton. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is -tlae "urery Best Pt.ACE IN CANAUA TO GET A Tlioioiigli Business ElQcation. Take a Round Trip Xrli^urme.! â-  ' Colleges anil Uomnierclal Departments in Canada, then visit tile Nnrtliorn Uusiuess College ; exainlno every- tiiinit thorouuhly. If we tall to proituoo the most thorough, eoiuplete, practical and exten- sive course of .-itudy ; the best college premises aud the best aud moat complete and most suit, ahlefuriiituru aud aiiliances, we will give you a full course FUKi.. Kor Annual Aiinouuce uiont .giving lull particulars .free, addres C. A. FLEMING, Principal. TIHELY HINTS^ A wis« man knows How to take a hiut. This is the Bcason of year when yon nro requiring ROBRS, BLANKETS, UELliS, WHIPS, II HEAT SETT OF niBHESS Ciinyconihs and everything ccmuectcd Willi tlie llanu'ss Hue for wiutcr use. Do = You = Know VVlioie to buy Ihera To tlio best advantage ? This is wbre tha hint comes )n Atul it is a good and broad one : (Jo to . , . , . WILL inooitE. liurncssiunkrr. • Flfslicrtoii, N, H, â€" Cow!>ide luilts, bair iuside from GOo to 7uo a pair. OH TO RENT In the Township of Osprey, PAUCF;!. I - Iiot number !I0 in tbo ;ird Cou' o.-isiiMi north of tho l>nvhain Head, cou* tainin^ 50 aeieh, all of wbioh is cleared apd Id a (("od state of ouHivation. The soil is clay losm. I'AKCPTiS â€" Lots nun)l)ors Hand 1,1 In tha â- Itli t^)iieoSBiou north of tbo I'urhnin Uoad, eon., t.*!!))!!!!,; i200aores.of which lOOnores are cluared, aud there is said to ho oreotod thorooii a log hnn^'o. a Koo'i frauut barri, 40x .v.), with stabl- luR underneath ; also a KOod loK barn and sttible. The soil is clay loam, watered by a •prloe creek, and well adapted for Ki'uiiug, dalryniK. etc. The iiooloared laud, about 100 acres, la tnnhiu'od with cedar, harilwond, ot.:, Hotli )>ropertiea aro altnated In a well settled nelKhborlmod couToulent to cburehes, schools and markets, and will bo sold sopavato~ ly or toKetliorou very easy terms of payment, or will bo rented for the present year or for a Time Table. GOING SOUTH. Marl; daleâ€" 6.40 a. ra. l-'ltsherloii â€" 0.53 a. ni. COIJJollOBTH. Flesherton â€" 11. -18 a. in. .Maikdale- VI O^i p. ui. 4 40 p. m. 4.511 p. Di. 0.17 p. ni. 0.30 p. iij. Vr. U. VTar*. Almost a Hopeless Case. •â-  I A Terrlbie Coucrh. TSo Rfst Night cor ij2.-^, Giveu np by Doctors. A L!FE SAVED JiT TAKINO "Spvcra! years ago, I caticht a severe colJ, »ltc:!i'.e,i v.i'.li a ti;rr!hIo coun'.i that allowed no rcjt, clthor tiay or aight. Tho tloo- tiirs, Rfsor woiUlns over me to tho best o( tiiL'lr aldiity, pro:ioi:iiccd loj- case hoiieless, n-id .'lid Ci'y ooulJ do no more for me. A frlMid, Knrnl;:g of my trouble, sent mo a bo:t;j ol Ayer's Clierry Pectoral, which I ln'S.ii; lo, aiHl very soon I was greatly r.;;Uved. Ty thi tln^e I Imd used the vholo bottle, I wnscor-,)d:!t-lyfured. Ihavoneyer liid I'.'iich of n couph since that time, and I Crniiy lii>llevo that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral t.ived Biy I fo."â€" Vr. H. ^VAliD, 8 Qulmlir Av;., l.owcll, Mass, Acer's C'nerrf PBCtoral H'SHFtT A'MRDS AiyiC P. lDS FAiR. d.ucr'* I'ills tha Beat ZantUi/ I'hyttot Flesherton 5aw & Planing _ Mills Tlio uiiclcrsigued are plaeing in po- sition a fust clas3 sawmill for custom sawing, wliicb will be loady for opera- tion in Jniuiavy. We have uIko added A CHOPPINQ MILL For the convcnii'uco of farnicrs. Cliopping done at any time at 6 cents per 100 lbs. Tlio Eftsli and door factory, 1 aud and scroll sawing business coiitinncd ;is nsiial. Pile in your .orders. CEECROM & TALBOT Photos short term with tlie prlvlletts of purohaalng. Fpr futher partloulara am>ly to }l. J. l)rRo<.'i.ii, £s<j.. VUshartcn, Out. % â€"TAKEN ^ -AT THE ,vl I Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery ^ are dono in tlrst-claas slylo and at ^ lowest rates, Spuclal attention ^ nivpii to copyinc. BahicA' photos. jj a specialty. Pictures fininod. I MRS. BULMER

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