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Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1896, p. 5

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THl FLESHIRTOS ADYANeE? DANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL • " â-  "* • ILESUEUEUX %^fiU3ra! batikiu;; bj^incH^ tr:fcnti(Lct^)J Diaiu fH:iuii-l and :!!iei]ueb cached at UEUttl raictj. Moiiuy cwt'/rays avutlibie far le^fimaH biisiue^B *-*tS?ri;r£-tf. U.'Uce two dours uoith of Ktchura<> Ciiaract<^ristl«"s of the Past ».*' i-ck Carefully Cuilcd for the Curinii.s. B-uineM i(orte«s among loci'.h tctfl he tlkarjeil at the rute. of 10c per liii.e fur each ijuertion. A rtuJuction icilt bt made on coutracU fitr 100 lines or occr. Qualterly setvices will b« held in tbo Methodist chureh on SunJay next. Honor rolls for AjtII and oilier nialte r fs unavoidably crowded out week. Ifr. F. Karstedt lius eroc'el a frame addition to his brick sturd and rcf-iJcncs- A nice truut wti^hing thirteen dunces was caught within the corporation limits on TuBsdav. Tlif first C. P. R. Bt«?aTuer Kft Owen Sound on Saturday for Fort Wi'.liam and Tort Arthur. Wo wi.uid draw the iitttntion of hor»o- nifn to Mr. .Manary's adrertisembUt in thi« iwuc. Hu han a 6ne animal. The b^nd g:ivo our citizens a very iiioo open air omcert SatuiJay evening Thoy played a number of [liccesaiiJ play- ed ihcui well. Paintio'.; and piper haB,''ngiti the high- <»t stjiei'f art. TwcMtyycMrs'lXperiirnct. JiihnA. \Vhit<', Fle«herto'.i . U-sidence «t VV. Darnhoujo's. Mr. and Mrs. Thoi. Leitch returned home on Monday after 8pund:ng most of the winter with their dau-hte^a in Owen Soui.d, C lUingwood aivl eUewherv, Messrs. R. Pedlar, hardware and grucerie!!, and 0. J. Leitch, merchant tailor, have now exchanged situations. Both gentlemen make their uunounce nientsthia neek through our advertising columits. All books belonging to the public library must be handed in t,' the librar- ian during the next week. This is rendered necessary once a year in order tnkcpp the libiary in condition, \\\ A. Aruibtrong, librarian. Mr. J. E. Marsh's King- Pin is one of the handsomest and best bred aniiniil.s in Ontario. He is a picture to look at and visits Fle.shocton every Mmiday for dinner, under the charge of Mr. Angus Kennedy. When fevers and other epidemics are •round, safety lies in fortifying the system with Ayor's yarsaparilla. -A person liav- ing thin and impure blood, is in the favorable condition to " catch " whatever disease may be floating in the air. Bo wise in tiina. The policu trustees insert an advt. in this issue warning people te keep tho ob- joctionaWe animals off the stieet. We Would niipeal to the people to hearken to their w.i' 11 ing and avoid n;»y UTipIousant- ness. It is proposed to enforce the law in this regard this summer. A child was cured of cfoup by adoso or two of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. A neigh- bor's child died I'f tho same dreud disease, while the father wa.s getting ready to call « doctor. This shows the necessity of having Ayer's Cherry Pectoral always on hand. Extensive iniprovomcnts will be made •n> the Methodist church and gnmuds this suiniuor. Already a large mnouiit of extra th'.d accomimrdatiou has been add- ed and the roof is being reshingled. The church will be painted in^ido with hand- s' me designs and renovated in such a way as to be much more pleasing to the eye than it has been in tlie past. Mr. Jidin Bellamy has the job of shingling. The job of painting has not yet been let. Some people possess such happy dis- positiun.sthat the cares of the woild doii't seem to worry. theiin and no matter what their circum.staiico may be thay are, so to apeak, always in clover. The genial, jfcntlemnnly Clork of the Division Court at Fle.-iheiton, Mr. A. S. VandusoD, is the happy possessor of the faculty of be- ing always in clover, but we had no idea that he was revelling in it to such a depth until wo read in last week's Flesher'.on Advance that he had presented that oiBctt with » bunch seven inches deep, a tomarkable depth for thin tiiu« &{ 7Mr. â€" New nillinery. Ju4t receive:! tlia week, sooie now de- signs in hats, S' Uiiig fa-st. Our large staff of milliners are busy as nailers coui- plei i tiB orders. Come with the crowd to Mrs. Trnilile's niil'ineiy rooms, next door to R. Trimble's. Public Library Meetiiij The annual nRetiiiu' of tt.e public library nle^l^>ers wjis held in the ro-idiiig room f>n Monday evening, wich tho presi- dent, 51r. M. Uichardsoii, in tlio chair. The secretary's re^urt fur the past ycai as read showed tho iu.-»tituti.m to be in a flouriahiag cimdiiion. Soiuo of the Kgures are as follows : The aaiount of the govenin-.ent grant hut year was $272.20. Of tiiis amoai.t $y'J.07 were expindod in books during the year, and ?50 in newjpapors and periodicals for tha reading room. Tbo librarian's report showed that 136 volumes had been purchased durnig the past year, and there a-o 7"o volunios in tho library, 'i'hero Were i-sncd to members djrinu thj year l(>4(i voluine». The reading room contains two dailies, four weekly newspapers, eight weekly periodicals, o'e> on monthly magazines and one quart- erly. The membership is 103. Officers for the eiisuiim year am as follows: Pies , W. H. Thurston ;!?ec., \V. Irwin ; Treas , Geo. Mitchell ; librarian, W. Armstrong, board of management â€" W. Clayton, W. J. Bellamy, W. Hetidersnu, M. Richaid on, W. U. Thurston. Three inagHZiiirs and two weekly papers were sold, addin'^$3.85 to the funds. Arbor Day Celebration Aibor Day was a red letter for the little people of ihe public s^boul this year. .\ftcr a day of pleasant occupation about the school yrounds, etc., tbo evening eutertuiiiiuent in ihe Town Plall wa6 a fitting climax. This was gotten up sole- ly by iLe scholars wiih no one to assist, and was very successful in the way of entcrtaiumeu'. Mr. M. Richardson, who occupied the chair, was iu his happiest mo<>d, aiid made an e.xcc'.lent presiding officer. The proceedings were opened w~hh a chorus by the schoid en- titled, ''The winter storms have passed bway," after which an opeiiinu prayer was otforrd by Rev. Mr. Muhan. The numbers on the program were all ex- cellent and were as follows : Recitation, " The Maple," Mlss Ida GjerUrum ; chorus, by the children, " My Own Can- adian Home; " Recitation, "John Maynard," Miss Josie Richards'<n ; Kin- der'.:arteii song by nine little girls ; short speeches by Rev. Mr. Mahaii and the chairman ; Chorus, " The Maple Leaf," 1 y the school ; Recitation, " The Prince from Newfoundland," Mi:>s Maud Irwin ; quartet, by Missts Ethel and Zilla Trim- ble, Miss Clara Strain and Mis* Hatiie SuUiran. Mi<s Minnie Munshaw acted as accompanist on the organ, doing splendidly. An orchestra consisting oF Messrs. J. T. Beecioft and Mervin Van- zant on hurus, Miss /CiUa Trimble and Miss Flossie Thurston on violins, audtd very grciitly to the pleasure of the even- ing. Sonic of th'j choruses were loudly encored and demanded a second time. The cxc».'lleiice of the music and the sing int; was a matter of surprise when it was remembered that the cbiliireii-hacl no one to tiain them, and as the pruicipal said in a few explanatory remaiks, were "fuilty " of the whole tliiii!; tlieinselves. The hall was crowded to tho do. is with a very appreciitive audience who all hi'pe tiklive to see an 'tlier Arbiir Day. PERSCN.\L3 Mr. Wm, Claik returned to New Jersey last week Rev. Mr. Wells exchanged pulpits on Sunday with Rev. Mr. McLeod of I'rice- TiUe. Mrs. T. Fioland, Markdale, was the guesc of friends in town one day last week. Dr. Janiieson was, we understand, in town Friday evening and mot a few of his friends. Miss Mamie Beatty loft on Wenesday for Colorado in company with her sister, Mi'3. McLean. Mr. anU Jlrs. Haskett, of Maikdale, were iu towu on Friday and gave Tho Advance a call. Messrs. Ed. and W. Thompson, of Col- lingwood, were in towu over Sunday. The latter will go to Cleveland. Messrs. D. Clayton and VV, Douglas, of CoUingwood, drove over Saturdny, re- maining till Monday. Rev. Mr. HfirtUy, Pricevillf, «ee«ipied the Methodist pulpit morning anA even- ing on Sunday last, Mr. HahaO;. .tnkuig the Pci(;«viU« wotjt. . Mr. Charley Sparlim;, of Thornbury, h.-is taken a position with Messrs. Bee- croft and Talbot. Friend R. J. Baakerville of Duluth is bloK.soming out as a lecturer for tho Humane Society in addition to attending to his dutiesaspi-inciiMilof one ofDuluth's public schools. Tha Minnesota Virginian says : "Although still a young man, Mr. Baskervillo is one of Duluth's prominent educators and he ranks high in the estimation of those who have been fortunate enough to meet liiiu. He is principal of one ofDuluth's publicschools, first president of the Congressiomil Club, a prominent worker in the Y. M. C. A. circles and only recently was appointed lecturer for the Humane Society. " Should the SJst Batt. go in'o camp this year it will not hn until fall. â€" Chats- wi ith Banner. NOTICE The people of Flesherton are heiby warned to keep their horses and all other animals prohibited from running at lariie by liylaw enchist-d. .All such auimiU found at large will be impounded and the owners prosecuted. D. McTavwh, ") C. J. Leitch, > Police Trustees. W.J. Bellamy. J May 5th 'UG. ^ FLESHERTON ^ • WOOLLEN MILLS Open again and are paying more than the highest price for WOOL. Will give Ic extra for- black sheep wool . And are in a bettor p<Mitiun to meet tho wants of the public than ever before. Notice our extremely low prices for custum work : Oilinj & [anting hh, Sg li Cariiii] & SpiniiiDg; IOg II) All Kinds ok Weavino in Proportion Cash For Wool V. HUHN CHAMPION STALLION Of The Dominion PRINCE ARTHUR IMl'OKTKU JLLY. l.sjj W'iiiuor &t llio Worl-i's Ffcir, Cliiea.40, New York, aiiit Ottawa; rtn*t at 'loronlo SiniuK Show and Rwccpslahed for best srnllinu iti^y ti^o, IHU^I; fli-iit atul silver iiiiHia] al I'oroiito liniustiiAl. IhUi; 1st aii.l iwoop-takts a.% To. onto Sjiting bhow, isyi; nrst priz* ami Bllvoi liietlal also BwecpstakuB for b«ttt> scaliiou auy age at Toronto Industrial, I8U0. Piiiico Arttiiir lef-istored No. 18.'i! Y C H S No. ll»0 A M S Luitod hiates biud Booli. KOTTEâ€" ISOO MOXD.VT May 4th. will IcuvB hin own 9t.Tb!o, let 18, cou 10, Eui'lirasia, aud iirccuod to Mr Kilbourii \Miite'a 11th line St. Mueianb, for noou ; thoncu by nay of Day View to Wootifoid for theiiiijiht. TLl'ISD.VY. will proooad to WarriJow's Hotel, Owuit .â- *omid, for uoou. wherw ho will reiaaiu until (I o'clock, the followiui; morning. WKDSESD.W, will proioo.l to Jacksoo Houho, Jackson, for uocn : thuuco to Cruy's Hcttel, Tara. for the u:gbt. THUI'.SUAY. will piocsol to .Mr GoJ Unn.ler- sou's noar Koadj', for n ou ; thoiioo to Campbell House, Chatiiwarch, foi,- tho iiiyht. rUIDAY, will procood to Mr Wm Foster's 0th cou Holland, tor noou ; thonco to his own olablu wboio be will remaiu until .Monday. This routo will bo continued throughout tho season, hoaith and weatbor penuittiiig. DESCKIPTION rriuco Arlliur is a pur« brod Vv.rksbire Coach Ilorso and roni»>tereii iu tho Voiksliiro Coach Horse Society of Great Hritain and Ireland No. 18d'2, Color, bay; black logs, uniuft and tail, and perfectly freo from white, ni^od years, stands 101 bands high, weighs 1,100 lbs , has tho bast of action and is entirefv fr^,o fx-om li1.Mi)i>4h. TKUM.3 To luauip* a foal $i'>, t > be paid 1st Cobruary, 181)7. Fortbosaasou »IJ. payablo tho last two rouuils. Siuijlo leap #10, tu be paid at tiuia of service. Insured inaros mu.-it l.>o ruturued reRu^arlv to the horso duiintt tho season or they will ba chained full assurance, in foal or not. Persons trriuu luares to the horso and not returning tliem will bo cburiwd for tha Bcasou, Parties disposiuti of their mares bofora coU««tini| time will bo resi>onsib!e for iui-urauce. All tccidenU to mares bA risk u( owuare. .J. MANARCY. . A VERY CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF- i^oots dt Shoes .mmm. FOR SPRING & SU.MMER 0>' HAND For Style, Quality and Price cannot be surpassed Call and. see ttierq at . . . CLAYTON'S Repairing & custom v^ork promptly attended to ^ W^i. SPECIAL LINE OF BOYS' AND MEN'S LIGHT CAPSâ€" 10c to 25c. SPECLA.L LINE OF MENS UNDERWEARâ€" 25c to 50c. . . SPECLVL LINE OF LADIES' BELTS CLEARING OLT AT 5c EACH ANY QUANTITY OF BITTER, EGGS AND WOOL WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR GO<3DS. . . . SPECIAL DISCOUNT'S GIVEN TO CASH PURCHASEBS. . . . 1 • III L^l_4 •rita^c;^) ^;^;^^=g^=g«gfeg=^«^a5=^g^=g=*^=^-^ « ^ " Qeneral ^ Jdoa OF WHAT YOU CAN GET .\T THE FlcMiei'toq i\ii'i]itui'e Wh,i'ei'ooii\^ and all at rock bottom prices, for ciah or dry lumber. For Tlie F*a,r'loi:» We have Suites in Plush, in Silk Brocatelle and Silk Tapestry. This month at ?27.50 per Suite. Oud Chairs of al- m^'St every descriptii in ami style and finish. Si'fas & Liunsea of vatiou'^ ar;»de9, all very Inw in price, besides a nice viiriety of Cane and perforated Seat Chaii.s. Centre Tables in Solid Oak aiid Walnut tinish of nsw and pretty desian. A Beautiful New Stock of Window Shades & Curtain Poles ALL LENGTHS TO 12 FEET. Besides Parh>r Furniture we have every reriuisite for tlie Diniiii^-rooin, Bedroom, Kitchen or Sewinif-rooni. Aiieiit fir Ihe celebrated Uxbri-.'.iie Ornan.s, Raymond's Scrtiiig Machines, as well iva needles for any other iiiiichine. Fiiher it Pulf-rds' & Wilkinson's I'loujih rcpa'Ts. Very special aiteirion uiven to UNDElvTAKINO De- partment and Piuture fniuiingof which we have a beautiful as- sortment. J. K. IKIOORK '.^g ^isy-j^gd g ^ggds^^ s ^a;^ Fi^EE ! r'REs:^: ! r Of Flesherton & surrounding coiintry : I beg to announce that I have moved to my new store and residenco lately occupied by Charles Lei'ch. I wiil carry on my busines,s nniro e.xten.sively than ever. I will be glad to liavo all iny many customeif; call aud see mo iu my new store, and will do my very best for you. Potior ^iour only S3. 80 bbl tolled Oats, SI. 90 sack If yon want a new CHURN buy the LEADER, it is t!ie on tho market, always on hand here. Crock Churn and ( Chnrn.s. .\!so a full liiie of (iR(.)CERlES fresh and gocKl. Watc . this space every T?eek % ?i^f)i^St{ Jersoy Bull for Service Tliorougbbroi^ Jersev bnlJ for porvice at .Toha H. Heard's. Flcshortou. Terms olo tloUav. Cash : for : Hides! SheepRki"3 anil all kinds of fnrs pur« ch.ised, for which highest market price will be paid. Homemade sausages oi>. hand, al<« all kinda of nieata. Preserve y.iur eyesii{Iu by having litem propi-rly tested by W. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAN Farm and Mill Site lor Sale Tor Sitlo vory cheap «nd on very onsv term.". Timber inini, I.W acres, tv.o niilos froni I'lcsh ertou, known m the Wm. Hosg sawmill pro- portv, and o:. which i.s au cXLcllent water power, fsnndation of ssw «i:;i, d«ni and pond and water wiiocl ill |ijacu andull ready for i>utt>n« mil! on, .\bi>ut 1,5 aeros ck-niud, :jO acrns tinibin , moat off, biilain'o well tiuiborcd, mixed timber. rbi« fnnu will be sola at .1 baiKttiii if soldst once. Small p.iyment down, balance on viry o.»8y terms. Apply to R.J. SPBOl'I.R. Flesherton. Cm Carpet Weaving; Tho unvlarsisnad has plaoD.l in position a first elasis loom for carpet and llannel w i. vlng aud is prepared to Rive sati.sfaotioi;. Bringin your K.V(J8 or YARN to A. T. HKIO^. Flesherton, A^ail 7, 'Sfi. Farm For Sale or Rent, also House and Lots village Tenant* wasted for lot 10, N. D. R., ArJemesla, and bou>i»aud two lot* on Collinxwoo-I strout, PrioeviDe, kuowa as the Soott prouortv. Will glTapoasvsiuoaatouco. For rarticurar>>.pplT to < MR» CATHABlNi SU01 T AfirU^lKtWt. ,. ArUrnrr. 0«.ea»ht miimmmrm0mif9(^!^ 4i ".<-. "3;«5i:?f'

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