ALO'uE IN LIFE. rhe World of Tu-»ay In Hut Callke â- tirent FjtlablUhmeBl. A visitor to a woolen mill in a uanu- {acturin? town waa iinpreased by the order with which the great Ixxiiea of men and women were drilled to perform their separate tasks. There was no jarring or confiiaion. Each class filled its special duty. The owner of the mill named each diviaion of workers to his erueet and the wages paid to them. Presently the stranger saw a woman standing apart, idle but watchful. A boy at tbe bobbina held up his hand. She hurried to him and took his place while he went out. When he came back she stood again watching. A weaker at a b>ind loom tangled his thread. She patiently unraveled the knot. She "kept tally for & clerk who «*s counting pack- ages of finished work. She tied a broken thread here or picked out a "What is that woman?" aaked the vis- itor. "Oh, only a supply," w-as the careless answer. "She is general helper. Tim looms must not liptop. She is ready to help any worker who needs help." "But she has nothing to show as her work on Saturday night?" "So; but ehe is paid her wages. She sarna theui." said the owner of the mill, significantly. The stranger, when he had left tn* great mill, thought that the world in these later days was not unlike such an eatabliahment. A great deal of good work is done in it, and done usually by drilled workers, who move together. Every profeation and trade had its or- ganization; there are countless buay â- guilds and clubs, artistic, charitable, and religious. But here and there is a lonely woman who has not even family ties. She is an invalid, or poor and single. Possibly the is the grandmother, whose compan- ions have died and left her stranded in a young, gay world. She is the maiden aunt, who is asked to make long visits in the booae of her kinsfolk, and who nurses or oooks or sews for them with- out wages and sometimes without thanks. ^ .„ Or she la the elder SLster. who still feels herself ;roung, but who is left at borne when picnics or parties are given. These women will never, perhaps, be- long to any large clas-s of w orkers. They always will be "suppliwa." They are ordered to give a heplful touch here, a word there, that the looms may not atop. They will have nothing;, perhaps, to show as their own work in the end. But they will have earned their wages and will be paid them by Uim who "came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom tor many. I Where ♦ ^ is the woman who ^ docs not like to Jiavc J her baby fat ^ and chubby X and cunning? [cffgct cannot be had by using any substitute for it Scott's Emulsioo of Cod-liver Oil is for both, bfjt its noerit is ^peculiar to itself" and its Where t is the woman who ^ docs not like to have i* rosy checks 2 and plump- •$» ncss herself? $ ^Z aoc. and (1 00 i ^ at aUdruggtota. | HOPE WAS ABANDONED. The Peculiar Case of Mrs. Hill, of Winchester. Ryclaiian'8 Kootenay Cutb. Poaitlre Care for BheumaCisn aud Paralysis. rhe DKiorTeidHerTkatHerTroabie was I A Boman CathoUo Prlest at Ottawa t'aDiuiuplion wrike Buwel»-'nierc Was ^o Uape or Keruvrr.v-Bat Health Wa» ! AlHiost .Mlraruluuiilv KenlereU. 1 From the Morrisburg Herald. | iVlra. Hill, wUe of Eitr. Robt. Hill, of \Vinch<«cer, not many mouths ago was looked upon as one whuae days were numtiered. Today she is a hand- some healthy woman showing no traces of her former desperate condition, and it is therefore little wonder that her case has created a profound sensation in the KieighL>arbood. To a reporter, who cailed upon her Mrs. Hill express- ed a willingueas to give the story of her illness and recovery for publication, and she told it with an earneatueus t hat convejred to the listener better than mere words could do, her deep grati- tude to the medicine which had brought about her restoration tu health and strength. "X feel," she said "almost like one raised from the dead, and my case se«iuB to me little short of miracu- lous. Aljout a year ago 1 was confined and shortly after 1 was taken with can- ker in the mouth, and suffered terrilv Makes an Important Investigation. Aichbisbop'a Palace, Ottawa, 8lh November. 1895. Sir. S. S. B^akmuui, M.P., Hamilton. My Dear Sir.â€" In order to comply with your ret^uest, 1 visited no leas than twenty^ix persons of different» and conditions residing in our city wno had used your medioina called Kootenay Cure." Upon my enquiry, some inform- ed me that after suffering atro<;ioualy for many years from rheumatiam un- der one form or another, they had ob- tained oonaiderabla relief from the above-aame<l medicine, and were usln^ it yoC with the firm bopa and almost certainty chat in the near future all the painful effects would diaappeox. Others told me that they had iieen cur- ed completWy, felt no more paiuai, could digest perfectly, sleep soundly, had re- amed their lost weight, so much so that they could be said to have resuscit- ated and to llave been transformed in- to new; men. 1 met with five casea of skiu diseases, where the meilicine has produced wonderful reauita, ea(>ecLally Rheumatism Cured in a Day. â€" South Amerioan Rheumatic Cure, for Rheum- atiam and Neuralgia, radically ouiea in I to S days. Its aotion upon Uie syar tem. ia remarkable ajid myatesiou^ It removes at once the rmine and the disf- eaae immediately disappears. The firsts dose greatly lienefita. 73 aent3. Sold by all dm^giara- A young lady, of Buffalo, who ia em- ployed aa window-dreaser in a local dry-gooda store, geta a salary of $2,000 a year. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS.â€" Dlatress- ing Kidaey and BUulder diseases reliev- ed in six hours by the "South Ameri- can Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight i>n ao- oouat of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain in the oladder. kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas- sages in male ur female. It relieves re- tention of wojter and. pain in passing it alraoBt immediately. If you want quick relief aud cure this is your rem- edy. Sold by all druggists. W.P.C.813. HAVB VOW TASTBO "SALAD&' IT IS â- fUClOUSi CEYLON TIA. Only la Laad Paokrtk ONE MINUTE HEADACHE CURE|0<; Sunlight SOAP Iron Fencinsr, e i t l ss a Oommunlon Bailing, and all kinds of IRON AND WIRE WORK. TOaONTO PINOa AND OaHtAMKNTAL WOMK* TOBONTO, OAN. II II ly. Although I had good medical at- i fn one case of at least nine years' staod- lendance I did not aet^m to get bet- i ^og. In several caaea of Rheumatism ber. In fact other coiuplicationa set in *n<l Paralysis eminent phy^irianf. af- which aeeiued fast hurrying me to the | t'^r careful study, has pronounoed the grave. I grew weaker and weaker un- i c**® incurable. As rheumatjaui is such til at laat I was confined to bed. wliare , & common ailment, awl aa doctors have I lay for three months. My bowels I always much difficulty in overcoming were in a terrible condition, and at ' 't, I think it is quite proper io make laat the doctor said h« could do no , known such a remarkable medicine to more for me as with the other com- ! P"^'" aufferiu,^ humanity. 1 am pleas- plioatiooa I had consumption of the 1 ^ ^ have the occasion of recommend- bowels. My limbs and face became ter- j !>** '•- to 'â- ^ public of the capital. Wish- ribly awollen, my heju-t became weak ' ">f you further sucoess in your under- aud my blood seemed to have turned taking, believe me air» rr MAKES HOME BRIGHTER to water. I became aimply an emacia- ted livinjT skeleton. At Ual the diw- tor told me that I waa beyond the aid of human skill, and that further atten- dance ou hia part would do no good. (Signed) Yours respectfully, Eugene Groulx. Sardou's first play was a failure, hut all the subsequent ones have been sue moment to aee me breathe my last. but 1 rallied, and at the urgent aolici- An Old Rhyme Reset. tation of a friend it was decided at this "Affliction sore long time she bore ^V'^\Z'^^}7 ^'«flt^„.^,'^i"f», ^, »'"• I'hysiciana were if. vain." Pj- W Uliams' f»mk PilUatrial. In leas At last one day, a triend did say, l*","^ '^^ "T*"* * * "^V*" "°Pf"^e'"t"f •You-d soon U well a«ain" ha-l taken place and from that out I ,. ij . 1. I 1-1 rk. d:...~>-. slowly but surely progresesil toward U you would take, as 1 did. Dr. Perce a , .^.^/^^y u„til, ai you can see for your- Pavorite Preacriplion, for that is t:â„¢ ' sel«, I am once more a healthy woman. cure for all the peculiar ailmenis of : j ^ impossible for me to express how It U4 a safe, simple aud sure' ""..»'... . _ «-. It One day, aome time later my friends ! <»«*•• He has earned over 91,000,000 stood around my bedside thinking every | hy his plays. HOME IS VERY And it is the aim of a good wife to keep tt cletn and at- tractive. Nothing will help her mora thaa the use of Sunlight Soap LLke a rajr of sonlight It brightens and cbeers. ea- oouraees and comforts. It makes homes bright and hearts light BOOKS FOR WRAPPCR8 For every la "Sunlight" wrappers sent to Lktbk Bros.. Ld., Toronto, a useful papcr-bgund book will he sent, or a cloth-bound for 30 wrappers FOR TWENTY-SIX TEABa DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICS BEST FRIEND LARaCST SAkK IN CANADA. tbset WEST .SHORE THROCGH SLEEPING CAR TO NEW YORK. One of the han'lsomest sleeping cars that had ever been turned out of the factory is now running from Cor^into to New York without change via the pop- ular West shore route. It is a buffet car, and refreshments can be obtained OUOtJkS •ROS, Slats.Uriival and luata rooferx. meuiilic ceilinga. rtkyllKht met»l wor kor«. 1:;4 Adiimia«W..ToroDt |«T>BjnA datins before 1870 o( Canadii. 9 I AMrO Provinoeii. L'nlted States ; aUo Bill sad Law Stamps bought. Good prictH. WM. R. ADAMS, 7 Ann St.. Toronto, Ont. I wub to purchM* all kinds o( uMd Pa>t>«a Stanp*. l^iok ui, oKl IrttvrA aud u>ad ma the Bt«inpa on tha aiifalu[H-». bUtiiis Mhat fou wftut for Uiam- Etpacially oil Cwiadiun. JJaw Bruiia- .wick. Nawfoundland. Brtiah ''nlumoifc, UniUd 'St>t««,.ui JAJIKS HUKliEIT. WalUofion k iumI Jordjka SU., TorouW, Can. rMB BAKERS-; ftAortl to do without them G.T.P«n(lrlth,ll'fr., 0«t my dMcriptin oalalocM '^"'« Dough Sixers TStoSl AanluMaat.W TUAU.NTO. OHT. A Pleasant Sense Of Haalth, atrsnctb and Comfort, follow ttt* tree oMot St Leon Mineral Water One of khs bast knonn madlcioM for dyspcpsU. St Lion nnsral Wttar Ook (^,H<tra^' Head offloe, King St Wall \ A. Striotv BICYCLES" Uigb Griula Wbe^ U m Uodarat* Prioa. Saod for 1 atalogua. a. T. PHWDRITH. M«nuf»otaror, TS to U Adeialda St. W.. TaroBio. N. W. PETRirS "wcATuooyiii en route, if desired. This car leaves ' women. ," is a sale, simple ana sure ^^j^^j ^ j,.^, ^^.^^.^^ jj^ ^yjjjj^^^^, , ^.^^^ Station, Toronto, every day i remedy. It banishe.s th.»e ' i?'^"''^^"'* pink Pills, which under God's blessing except Sumlay, at 4.55 p. m., reaching 1 maUhett that make woman s life » bur- ! ,^ restore<l iim- m h.-.lth and family 1 New York next morning at 10.10 a. m. ' den. curing all ijainful irreguUnties, , ^^^ friend*. I feel tha* the world , On Sundays the sleeper runs from Ham- ' uterine disorders, mfUmmations and ul-;j^^j^ ^^^^^. ,j, ^ „^, _ ^,, , „.^^ some illon onlv. connecting with the through ' ceration, prolapsus and kliidred weak- jjj^j. ,^ff^j.^j^^^^^ ...... nesses. Ab » nervme it cures nervous 1 j^^,, ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ medioint which I be- exhaustion, prostration, debility, re- , ,: :,, _bv„- t^^i â- • Ue»e.s meBtivl anexle'.y and hypochon- "*** "^'^ °"'"" ^^â- MNEW AND SECOND-HAND ACHINERY Offiaa and WorkBuMnm: Ml Front St. The ext)erienca of years hiis proved vuiu, ttuu 1^"."-"' .„..,.,-.j^ ".''â- i.f'„^Zttl i that there is absolutely 110 disease due took the advice and t* well. ^^v > • ' »» * vitiated condition of the blood or Pre.«r>ptian ' is the only remedy for gfj^ttered nerves, that Dr. Williams' the ''«'''^*t« ''"^°«;;'n''";^ "^„."^'>\- 1 Pink Pills will not promptly cure, and oesses of fe^les, »o .1 by druKgists A ^^ ^j^ suffering from such trou- yamphlct free. Ad«lrft-ss worlds Uts- ' ,.1..., .1 ;.i 7^ ...i. i „„„„ train from Toronto. Call at any Grand Trunk office in Toronto for information or space in sleeping csir. Reservations can be made in advance if desired. OffiOT aod Woiki â- d<lra» : 141 Front St. Adjoinux New tJaioB SUtio* Toronto. C snad* Mnsiiry Medical Association, Buffalo, bles would avoid much misery and save money by promptly resorting to W. H. Kelley. of Phillips, Me., is th« tallest man in I be State. Uis height ia 6 feet 10 inches, and he weighs 200 pounds. He rides a bicycle express- DON'T COUGH YOUR LUNGS AWAY cerman'b^ea^^balsam A.ND BB CUKCD Or THK COfOII. 1 treatment. Oelihe genuine Pink PilU "^ ""^ '^*^- Asthma cured, by newly discovered every tioie and do not be persuaded to treatment. For pamphlet. tesiimmiLiLs , take an imitation or some other remedy addreas Worlds Di.s- from a dealer, who, for the sak ^jj ly made for him, Iwcause of t'io length g„y by DruggisU At M sod 30 oents. and references. Medical Y. Association. I It ia estimated that 43.OUO.0UU tons of Anthracite coal are annually mined in Ibe United Sutes. $100 Reward $100. . I . .-. . u- i» • V. â- ' k ; Tlie raaders of thl« paper Will be pIo»f>ad to Buffalo, extra profit to himself, may say is just ' ,„^„ i^.^ i^ere i* »t least one dr«»d«d diwaae las good." Dr. \\ lUianis' Pmk Puis i^^. sciemo has bean able to <uro ia nil its make rich, red blood, and cure when itaxos. and that ia Catarrh. Hallt Catarrb ' olhT medicines fail. Uureisttio only po-<ltiro euro known to tito ' medical fratarnlty. Catarrh bcingaconatttu- â- I i tioaal diiieaso, requires »oon«tilulion»l treat- ' nicnt. Hall's Catarrh v.urolstaken internally, | CARE OF CRE\M. ! Mtlng directly upon the blood and niuoous , yji: v..x....-». Jur/aces of Lbe sjrsi em. thereby dextroTing the After the milk has been carefully foundation of the lisnae-. and 8l\loi{ the skimmed, the cream should be kept in patient strength by building up the constliu- a covered can with., the temperature fc -^;-|i»„';^"\re%'o mifct" L't*: Tl^- curative power*, that they oltor One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Sand Cor li't of testimonials. Addre,-*, _ . , _ F. J.CHKNKY»Cn.. Tol>lo. O. "5c. Rough on Ralna rhifl now pr«para^oo when appliad loordiimrltoloUlinl will uiaka il PEllFKl.TLT THE Wall Paper King OF CANADA. IP YOU THINK OF PAPERINQ a Residence. Churofa. Offloe. Lodga Room. Public Hall. Hotel or 3tor« WHITG A POSTAL TO C. B. 5cantlebury, Box 740, 3ell««ille, Ont. Mention the Rooms yon think of papering, abou' the price ton wanb topaj, aodwliem juusaw this "ad." Yon will get by roturn maUlarvo aaoipla books of choice Wail Paper at the lowest prioea known to the Canadian tmdo, and our booklet â- â- How to Paper." Wa pay express charges on all ordera and gnaraateo sallstaoUoa or voar aaancj' back. Roferonoes. Can . andDoin. KxpraeaCoa. R.MNPROOii. mill will not altfr thtf feal ur appfnraaoa 1 uftht; ^u.xla. Invaluablato I cycliata. iptTtaflirii. ffcriners ' ry J aud f>thi-i-a. A foituna for /'Juilora aul KlluiT CliLSS Aiia>T?l, Prepared for B. W UAMNAll,Turoutu. Catarrh in the Head b a dangerous disease because it ia liable to result in loss of hearing oc smell, or develop into consumption. Bead the toUowing: "My wit* has b««« • aaftem trom eatarrh for the past tour yean and tht Ataease had gone so far that her eyMlghl was affected so that (or nearly a yeai she was unable to read (or more than flT« nalnutee at a time. She auSered sevara palni in the head and at times was almost distracted. About Christmas, she com- menced taking Hood's Barsaparllla, and alnce that time has steadily Improved. She has taken six bottles of Hood's Sar- saparllla and Is on the road to a oompleta eare. I oaunot speak too highly o( Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I cheerfully recommend It." W. B. PuRSlu, Newmarket, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently la the pablto eye today. ^-^^t^tMtfa oure habitual eoiuCtpa. nOOa 8 rllla tion. PrlaeSSo.Detbus Bomewha.t below fifty degrees, and stirred well each time fresh cream is added. It the temi>erature of the milk room or cellar is not down to fifty degrees, the cream should be set in ice water, it it is separator or shallow-pancream; but, if it is from deep setting »»ns Sold by DrucKists, < A large cavern, compri.sing several raised with ice, there should be nodif- chamlwrs, has Iven <li.^vered perfectly sweet near Allegash Lake. Mo. The air in the ficulty in keeping it in an ordinary cellar, because the tern pcralure is low when the cream is ta- ken from the milk. If the cream is cared for in this way, there will he no complaints about sour cream liefore it is wanted , and, if the farmer is a patron of a creamery, he will have done his duty in supplying the butler- maker with the raw material in prime condition for making gilt-edge butter. Cream should never tw set in o^)eu crocks or paiU in cellars, pantries, or any other place where the air ia not pure, nor where the temperature is above, sixty degrees, as it i.s sure to sour ^nd will olten l>e in churning condition liefore it is wanted. When the cream c:\ lie emptied, it should Iv Ihorourfhly washed and scalded aud placed where "it will get plenty ot, pui'e air before it is again needed. OUU USE OK I'URTLES. There is a queer industry in London. It is the renting ot live turtles by the day to restaurants. In a realauranl window will l» seen a live turtle, in- dicating, apparently, that the turtle soup served within ia genuine. The fact is that the turtle works by the tlav, and passes its contented life by Ix-Ing sent trom one restaurant to an- other, earning money in this peripatetic way for its owner. A turtle in the window of a Loniion restaurant does not indicate that genuine turtle soup is served to patrons. It simply means that the turtle is doing an easy day's work, which consists, in its ultimate an- alysis, of furnishlug the public with a false impressiom. The bicycle ie knocking out the horse, I'ven in the Indians' estiuiation. Little Bl!K-k Bear, a Nez Pervv chief, a few days asfo, in Marion County, Ore., trad- ,d" thirty horses tor a bicycle- cavern is several degrees warmer than the external atmOBpliere. Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes Dr. AgneWs Cure for the Heart give* perfect relief in all ca-ses of Organia or SyinpLitbetic Heart Di-sease in 30 minutes, ami speedily eftet^ts a oure. It is a peerleeej remedy for Palpitation, Shorlnetet ot Bnvuh, Smoiherinx Sp<-lls. Pain in Left Side and all sym[>tomB of a DL'*ea*vl He*rt. One convinces. Cocoanut>-bu)ttef, for domestic use, is to be made on a large scale, by a Par- Lsian comi>any. They exjiect to Iw able to proiluie 8.000 pounds a day, from Af- rican cocoa nut«. Recipe -For Making a Delicious Health Drink at SmaU Cost. Adainx' K"iJt Boor Kxtract one bottia FlaliohniPuV.) Yeas! .haltacaka 8uBiir two pounds Liiite warm Water two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yaaaS lathe water, add the extract, und bottle ; pinco la a wnrm placo (or twenty-four hours un'll It fermsuta. then place on loe, whan it will open sparkling and delicious. Thi'root bear can ba obtalnsd 'n all ^f"! and iirocery s'.ores 1b 10 and U Sent bottlas \» make two and &vo gaUona A uoodstoan In Carilx)u. Me., cut down a cedar tree, aud in the trunk found 125 pounds of honey. Catarrh and Colda Relieved in 10 to 60 Minutes.â€" One short xniff of the breath through the Blo%wr, suppliwli with each Iwlllti ot Dr. Agnew's Calaif- rhal Powcller, diffuses this Powder ov- eir the suii'faw of tlie nasal pa9sa(?j"fl. F^iultws and delightful to use. It i-e*- U'."vp« instantly, and iM>riiinnontly c^ircj* t'alarrh, Hay Fever, CoMb. Headache, Sow Throat, Tousilitis ami Ueafuesa. OONT BillEVI In quask matUoioss. YUU DO <<EwlKVB that Ton ar^ »«ak »od ill. OO YOU KNOW that 70U can easily ra* gain healUi. •trangtb snrtTigorT I MILiS' (Can.) VEGETABLE COMPOUN J and Miles' SanatiM Waeh for aale hv all Druggists at 7»o »nd KkJ, iâ„¢P«rt tltality aud energy, and niaks Ulo life or Ul« "MoihsrSei worth !i»ing. #Rtl>lanatory |>asiphle», " Woman s Triiimpb, »»nt treo on »p»li.iti..ii. ...,,.. â€" . ^ MTOrilrrs eilrd pninjptly from the lahoratory^a f "A. M. C." MROICINH CO.. $78 St. Paul .St., .Montreal. COMPOUND imakethsbest bicycle producible, and if best materials, super- ior workmanship, un- surpassed facilities and bonett effort count Tor anything, wchave sure- ly succeeded. Our h.indnome s«<v cata- loffaa, which wo wilt m.-iil 00 rt k^ueat, ia not m«>ro artietw than the wheel itscil. AMERICAN RA'aAN CO. TMONTO, OUT. Om«ab<an SILUNO AaCNTS. HERE ARE MANY USES FOR @ APOLIO' To clean tomlMtoaM. To i^Uah knlTss. To eleaa dltkea. To renew oU-cloth. To nrruh floors. To whiten marble. To reaovste paiat. To wash out sinks. Ts remOTO rust. To brifhten nsetal*. To scoir batta-tabta Ta scoar k«tUe«. EVERYBODY USES IT. % DfloUiM to •)•«& tklM Mtk. 8Drjt<Mn* to polUh thrir loAcrameaU. CoarMtiooera to MOtir th«ir paui. Kaohaniaa to bri|htca tfacir cools. Cooks to el««» the kitehoa ilBk. rtini«f * t* oinn off *urftue«. l^njlDMra to cleau pftrUof m«oliiDe>. UiDlsttrs to roQOTiMold ohftpeU. 8«iton« to elrtn tba tonbfltonM. Hoiilorrt on bru»ea Md whiu borM*. ArUtU to cWmi KhtiT palftltM. WtiMlnko to olpu blofciM. Bouftc'tnaldB to K~ati mktblt fl ChotniiU to r«atov« somn ntftiot. Carvt-rt to •barpen their kolvvs. Shrvwd aaoff to K^ur old ttnkw h«l Sottlien to brlghicn iboir arau» Koaavatnr* Io cleitn e«r()«|& EVERY ONE FINDS A NEW USE.