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Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1896, p. 1

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ykslj^rl0n ^tr^ana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. VOL. XV, 1^0 793 FLBSHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 7. 1896 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR «( PROPRlETCR i i ^05^ ^IS S%^^ Attention lias been I'ccently ili-awn to the sad condilion of Capt. AuJiewH, of Toiouto, who lost liis siglit by saviiiy tii<' lives of others, liaving rescued from iliowiiiug eifj'.ilcen j.trsoBS. An aiipeal id to be niaile to the {government to fjraui hiui a pensioe, with whicli it is to hi' liopcd they wiil comply. Unf.n tniNiU-ly, shaH we t^ay many lose their si^ht, not as C.ipt. Andrews has dona by saving u. ecore of lives, but by the dcsi:o to save a kw cei.iH by weariiiL' cheap or other spectacles that are of iufeiior maierial, not properly j^round, or that are not tlie proper correction. OtUs.'s injure tlicir S';^lit by not wear- i\]'^ spectacles wlion they need thiin, thinkiuj; ih."' lonacr they can do wii.iont tlrCMi the btttci-, whereas it is the revi-ise. We recommend thill you do not allow false pi iifc or other reasons to lac p you from wearing spnct'ic'es when yon n<'( d ti rm, and wh. n yi>u do begin )nal;e sure iha4 }"ou are weann'^' the riirhl kind for you. There is no wiiv of kiioxyinj? this but by haviiit; yo-u" ey.'S piopeily t.sted and glaises (»iven according to the needs of eacli (ve. I have made a study of the testing of s-i^'hr, by improved molbo'l^, and fjuarautee a p.ii'ect fit at reasonable prices. W. A. ARnSTRONQ, Jeweller & Optician Swiiiton Park, ^ From our own Corresponde^tt. Tke Rev. Mr. Mnhaii, of Fleaherton, delivered a very effective and beiieticial sermun uii educatimial work in t'he Me- thodist church heru last Sabbath evening. Reports say that tlis Presbyteria>i churthe" here and at Proton Station are being reunittxl again. W« hope it will l)C a success. VVij are iflad Ut learn that Miss Adahne Ferguson is recovering from ^rw illiiesa. Mr. Win. Knux is very ill at present. Miss Phena McDun.-ild spent a few weeks with friends in Ilaniilton lately. Miss Bella Ferguson, uf Toruiito, is visiting frieadi in anU around here at present A number of the liulies attended the quilting bee at Mr. Juo. liichurdson's last week Mr. A. Dow l(/8t a fine horse week be- fore laiit. This is tliu second horse he hai UiHt this spring. A number of cattle ate also dying, but we uiidtttstand ':hai demh is not caused by scarceness of fe«d. TO BE FOUND At tlie x>x*e]:Yiises latiely ^ra- Gated lay R. Pedla.x*, lovLfi NOT TO BE F OUND lA^a>n.ting; in. supplyixi^ a. fir>st a.x>ticle In. clotila. axxci ^wor>kxrLa.xi.slxip. 7/s and See . . . G. </. lillCH, Merchdini Tailor Vrj/ ill \ by scarceness of fe«d. I ! â€" . ., Our Business Directory gusiufjsji €at;(li5. M C TI.LOL'GH & YOUNG, Baukur-i, Markilale. do a general banking bus- inoHD. Uuney loaned at a reawinable rate. Call on us. Ae.VANDUSEN. J. P. Clerk 5tb Uiv Coart, Co Grey IsBUnr of Mnrriago Licenses, Commissioner in H. C. of Justice, Auotioueor, eto. Flbbbbrton p. 0. T)EBTS COLLECTED. Tbe undersigned is prepared to nDdortake the collcctiuu of all kinds of debts. Notes Ihougbt, accounts collected, etc S. M. BBNDEBSON » FiasHMiToN TCHISLETT • t'leeliorton Station Voslmoster, Comnilssiouer in H. C. J., Con- veyancer : deeds, mortgages, leases and wills drawn. Charges moderate. Business letters written. dol9 gentiistiii. J P. MAKSHALL, L. D.S..M.D. S, Dentist. Vigits Markdale tb« Ist and *Ird Weduosday of uoch month, Fltisbortouâ€" Kacb trip oq tlid dav -04.«/Widk. ff^aJ. TV J. SPROULB, Postmaster, Flesherton, Commissioner in B. B.. LicBUsed Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A. - praisor and Money Lender, Real Estate and In.urauee .\geut. Dee*), Mortgages, Leases, and \Vlll8 drawn up and Valuations made on shortest uotioo. Auction sales attondod to in any part of the Counly,. Wtuwy Jto loan tX low •at rates of luteraat. Collections attended to with promntnosa and despatch Charges low. Agent for thu Dominion btoanishipCo'-ipany, cheap tickets from Flesherton to Liverpool, Olassow, Loudon or any of the British ports. Parties intending to visit England. Scotland or Ireland, will please aak rates befoire purchasing their tickets elsewhere ^onetifis. AO.U.W.â€" meets every Brst and third Mou â-  da.y in eavU uiouth, in their lodge room Oliristoe's Hlock, Flesherton, at 8 .p. m. W. H.Walker, M.W.; VV..J. Bol>auiy, fluaucror W, irwitt Kccordor. Visiting Brotbern invited. PUUST A BATSON Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, eto. Officeâ€" Next to post office. Sproule's block Flesherton, every Thursday until further notice. C. A.BATSON J. W.FROSTLL.M. N. B. â€"Owen Sonnd office, Frost's block Ponlett St. East. T UCAS & WRIGHT, Barristers, Solicitors. Conveyancers, etc., Owen Sound, Out. - â-  Markdale, Ont. W. H. WawHT. I. B. Locaa. N. B.â€" Flesherton office, Uitohell'* Bank every Wednesday. TUCKEB ft PATTEIISON. Barristet-B, solicitors, etc. Molson's Bank, Owen tjound. Harry O. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson P«iUfal \R HUTTOM MDCM, MPP4S Out, Priceville Office next door to Brown's store; residuuce one door west of Methodist church, Kinross st. Office days, Tuesdays and Saturdays, D R CARTER M C F & B Out., Physician, Surgeon, etc 8'leshertou officeâ€" Strains b!ock. Residenceâ€" Munshaw'B Hotel JOHN A SCOTT MB Member College Physic. & Sargeoos,Ontario Qraduate in Medicine of Toror o University ti'ollowship Diploma, Tost Giaduato Medical School and Hospital, Chicago. Disoanesof eye, ear, nose and throat specially treated. Kesi* dence. Maxwell, visits Feversham Thursdays 1 2 Maxwell From oiir oimi Corretpo-ndent. | Mr. Edward Linley, moved recently to , the bouse occupied by Misu Maggie Potts. Mrs. Blakely and daughter, from Dun- dalk, Hpent a few day.s of last week with friends in this vicinity. Miss Rita Small, from Flesherton, g:ivo us a call recently. There was not any service in the Pres- byterian church a week ago last Sunday evening, on account of their being ({uart- erly meeting at Feversham ia the after- noon. Miss Aggie Striwihan returned home last Fri(hiy from Xoroiito. Messrs. Burke and Beatty left last Sat- urday fur B.iy Mills. Ilr. Morgiui, from Duiidalk, gave us a call hi.:^. Friday. Mr. Fred Gamey, from Fleshei-ton, visited this vicinity lately. Mr. Frank Carr, fronj Eugenia, I occupied the pulpit in the Methodist i church last Sumhiy evening. Mount Ziou. From oii» own Corrcupon dent. Mr. Michael Fee from nvar Priceville htm Dioved onto the farm lately vacated by Mr. lloss. We extend a welcome to hitn and family. Mr. Wallace and family have moved to the faim vacated some lime since by Mr. Garrett. Mi. Wallace has taken the farm on shares from Mr. John Browu, the prc.'ient owner. Fanners are busy SGeding and news is at a disc'imiit here »t present:. Mrs. Northinore lias returned to her home in Deseronto after an extended viait with her many friends here. ROYAL TKMrLARS OP TEMPERANCE. â€" Kogular (^aiincll meets every llri-t and third Tnes.tiiv evening in each uiouth. Jin Sproule's block at 8 p. m. Select dogreo insnraiice) meets monthly, the Wednesday preeodlng the 2!2ud of each SONS OF TEMPERANCE.â€" This society meets in Dr. Christoe' Hall first Wed- nesday in each month at 8 p.m. Visiting bretberen iuvited. Insurance in uounectlon. . UP. B. A., meet In their hall, Ohristoe's Block ever> second Thur8da> in each month. Wui. Sharp, .Mastoi. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. PRINCE! ARTHUR LODGE, No 333, A F & A M, meet in the MasoLlo Hall, Strain's Block, Flesherton, every Friilsy on or before the full moun. Dr Carter, \v M, R J Spioulo, secretary J r OTTEWELL Veterinary Bnrgoon. Graduate of Ontario VetorMiavy College. Rotidencoâ€" Next door south of Moore's -jTlauiug fiVJtory. would be very much plea-sed if those desiriiit! books wimld apply to the librar- ian instead of forcing open the window to select books for themselves. Two of our yonn'.i ladies think they! should bo ele^ible as membcrr of the Pedestrian Club which your Cor. spoke of some weeks ago, as one walked to Eugenia and the other to Flesherton. Many have been thu witnesses of the pi Kir sidewalks in our valley and your , Cor. is among the number. The other eveuini; wliile walking down the street, he tripped on the end of a loose plank and was landed in the creek. He scrnmblud to the fence to collect his thoughts and while fitting there over heard the foHowing remarks : â€" " What is the Mayor of the u»wn doing tliat he does not attend to this sidewalk?" "Sdy, Bill, this here sidewalk rivals the school f- nee." "What is this? a board out? well, I reckon I'd make this township pay me a pretty sum if any accident should occur to me through these side- walks, eh, Doctor ?" " That hwkslike a wet moon, doesn't it Geerge ? " George's answer was not heard because of a groat I splash. At this juncture three young ' ladies came along humming their favorite, " sailing, sailing, sailing " but were forced to stop to "throw out the life inu" to save the struggling unfortunate, who had so suddenly disappeared. They succeeeded in rescuing their friend, and the party passed on. As the last click af their footsteps was heard your Cor. picked up the plank which had be- come displaced, replaced it and started on his homeward journny. FIELD AND' Garden SEEDS >^^^.^.^ in lar^ quantities at W. E. Richardson's visit to friends in Huttonville last week. Miss Lily McAuIay of Chicago is visit- ing her parents at present. Mr. and Mr». Robt. Watson and family are the quests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson. The regular «{uarterly meeting of the Methodist church will be held next Sun- day at the Ebenezer appointment. The quarterly board will meet next Saturday. Priceville. Kimberlcy. D K. MAKY M. BBANDEB M D C M, M P & S, Ont., Prioevllle. Ofllce and xosidence at Methodist parsonage Calls night »r .day promptly attended. DUFPERIN LODGE, No 186. f O O F, meets In ^J^tJE*^^ Clayton's Hall every Tues aW^^"\^^fc^ day evening at 8 o'clock. Tl iW' t^J Hr Visiting brethren cordially ^'^^â- ' invited ^^^^ A 8 VakDusbn, N O ^ ^^ W« Uooaa. Sao pBICEVILLB AND DURHAM 8TA0B. liuihain stage leaves Flesherton Station at 7.1.') a.m., returns l.if) p.m. IVioevillo stoflo leaves the same place at V2M, returning at 4.15. Faro to Priceville and return,. 50 cents; Durham, 91.50 Cor return, 73c. single faro. Livery in con- nection. Orders may bo left at either liotel. A. McCAULEV, Prop Puisife. JjlISS EDITH RICHAHDSQSr Pupil o« Kobt Malir,. of llerlin Germany, (violin); Mrs Ilradley. of Toronto Conservatory Music, (Voice ('ullr re) Prof Kerf son.tate of Toronto, (Piano) «411 rmlivepapila In tlXaui9,\lOI4»,Pl» From out own Corresponokut. Since fishing sea.son opened the devotees of the art of angling may bo seen wending their way to the various streams. We cannot say whether the iish are of unusual proportions this sea- son or not, but tlio Iish stories exceed those of former years. Jlr. Will. Pluwe.i has boon engaged by Mr. Bell as foreman in his Hour mill. Mrs. M. Baket of Bay View is visitia;,' Mrs. Bell. . Miss Lillie Graham nu>l master Tolbert Graham visited frieiuls in Eugenia on Friday last. I Mr. Walter, wlio has been in the ' milling business in our village for the ; I past tour years, has j;iven up the mill, i ! Wo understand Ue i-fiteniJ,>i8pending some I |iime in prospecting before locating again, i The junior division of our school was | closed on Friday last, as tlie school room | was undergoing repairs. Ths Public Library is open now on I Wednesday instead of Saturday. It will also be open on Tuesday from 6.45 to 7.49 p.. m, Tlia vaxeoutive cpnimittM From onr own C'orreniimidcnt. Old King Sol had hiU'dly shot his first ray across the eaetom sky last S.irurday morning ere a regiment of men and boys armed with poles and tin cans was seen wending its way towards the river. How- ever, the fiiniy tribes were on the alert for danger, as no great hauls were made by any one. Even the veteran D. faded to hook anything extraordinary. Arbor Day was celebrated in right royal style last Friday. Wo have one of the largest, neale.staiid pleasantest school yards in the county of Grey. The boys and girls of our public school deeervo credit for the inleiest they uianifost in maUing the grounds and buildings neat and tidy. The annual meeting of the E. L. of C. E. of the church took place last Friday evening. The following olti- cers were elected : Pres., W. .1. Blako- stou ; Ist Vice, Miss M. Mc.\iil»y ; 2nd Vice, Miss Carrie Waters ; Sec, Hugh McLean ; Treas., Hector MoLoan. Last week Dr. Brander mot. with a pe- culiar and painful accident. While fix- insr her bicycle the index finger of her left hand was caULilit between the dross g«tard and the chain while the wheel was revolv'iig. As a result the nail was torn clean oil'. The Cnmmercinl hotel changed hands last week. The former proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Butters, have again taken charge of the house. Last Sunday we had th.t privilege of listening to excHlleut sermons from the Rev. Mess.'s. Wells and Mahan of Flesh- er>"". Pr. Hutton and Master Arthur paid a Hon. T. W. Anglin died Sunday after noon. The Liberals have candidates nominated for every conslitueucy in Manitoba. Sir Charles Tapper will begin si»f!.iking in Manitoba this week. Tke first meet- ing will bo held in Winnipeg on Friday evening. On Saturday last there passed away to her heavenly home one of the oldest resi- dents of this locality. Mrs. Elizabeth Ludlow, relict of the lat<j Uichard Lud- low. She had outlived her allotted three score years and ten by eleven yesrs. Sizty-six of these were devoted to the service of her Lord and Master. Few Octogenarians have left a nobler monu- ment. Sixty six years of lailhfnl labor and aolf -sacrifice is a blessed privilege not accorded to m'lny. The dec<.'ased was only fourteen when she united with the Methodist church. From that timo un- til her dealh «ho was a consistent, active member, identified in the psiticilar church whei'o .she a nieniber, with overythinu which in her judgment would advance and further the cause of Clirist. She was born in Ire4aud aod for thirPy years was a resident of Inistioge. Her husband died about four years ago. A family of two sons and four daughters mourn the loss of a now sainted mother. One of the sons resides at Potrolia, the other in Dundalk ; the daughters are Mre. Corbett, Creeinoro ; Mrs. Thomp- son, Mrs. Rutledge, Horniiig's Mills and one daughter who has resided with her. La grippe w.'vs the immodiatc can e of detLth although sh'3 has been sutTur') g frjin heart trouble for about two yeats. Mrs. Ludlow's life is horbest monument A very large number of friends followed the retnaius to its last resting plsce.'^^*- Dundatk Hdmld. i;

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