»~T T •• J'lM','^",!"^! ' ,'. "I II..' I' " ". ^^9sm ma^m THE FLBSHSR'TOM ADYANCK mtm D. ricTavish KEEPS ON HAND airs For Mass^y-Havri:), and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkiuson farm implements. Flotiry and Verily plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for l)io same. We manufacture Wagons. Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Cliaius constantly on hand >3Krn'aMBMBHnBaBaaMaaBBBi^BBBaaaB^aiaBBanH^a^B^B^BDiHBHBaBB^aBBH About Cutters and Sleighs GENTLEMEN â€" Aa the Boason of nleigliing is ngaiii n|H'ri>ncliirig I would call your cariiuat atiention to my winter stock in wliicli I am pre- piiroj ti) ijivo yiiu entire Riiliafiicliun butli in quality ftiid price. In cutters I h»vrt a liirtri- stock tu select from, inadf of lif»t of material and latest designs nt liiiiHli. I am scconil to non». In Bleigli.s I can nc-'ommodate you, oitlior lii»lit or hc.ivy. Prompt attention fiven to repairing, iiaint- iiig and retr'.niniiit;. Call, wliether yuu want to purchase or nut, and be \ 'ur own judie. R.T.mTKitten Flesl&eK*ton 0^ â€" GO TO J.H.HEARD FOR TMK BEST-â€" "'^i^ UGGIES, Waijgnn*, Carts. Spring T"otli and Iron Harrows. Frosts and Woods' TJindurs, Mowers, Il^rse Rnkes and Plonnha. KicMiry I'loualis, .ScnfH.'rs anil Turnip Siul Drills. Dick's ;lis Bi.il Land Ilolli-rs. Shares f(T all kiti.ls of Plouylis. H .rse ML' -ind al' kindi of IJlackHinitliiiij;. Wood, Liiiii'icr, Cedar Posts I Shi...|,.-. LtjijuVjnjjjjnmjnjjr Be Happy I With Othelrs | ctijuuiniijTJuiJiruuiTirQiixjuxniri | â€" ^ â€" Evorytlini'j [rcHli in the way of leinona, oraiiaes, nuts all kiitils, c )nfecti(>iiery of th« choice«l variety, ligi. dat'S, prunes, cran bellies, biicuiis of all kituls, c iinied , frnitM and vouctablos, teas, sm.'ars and aU i other eroceries J stock all flesh for the holtdny trade. O y s te rs ^'â- '" u'./, «' '"" Host flour and feed constantly on ham'. APPI'EIS in Small Quantities or by t!ie Barrel Wni. Kariiliouso Bagenia Mills â€"A.\D- An Elderslie Horror County Councils JUrf. Jl/iay JTohnton, Carriage Works. I Oirnaftes ina-le a.-itl Repalrcl. aire Plai;iiig and Ivlatching, iJand Snw. Jn;/, vVood Turning of ovury dos- CJripUon. .PlaniUK and Gr.i.in"Chory | Dinidoiie wliilG you wait, for th-^ I Uoavor lurua the wiioeJ, | T. W. WltiSttX Slanascr j CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPVRI0HT8, etc Forlnformntlonftn<1 froo IIuiniLKiok vrlt»? to MUNN A CO., Uil UllOADWAY, Krw \Vtitir. Oldfst linrt-ftii l^nr BccurliiK imtonta In Anit'rlclL Every pnu-iit Intu-n imt hy nfl t» bruitKtlt bffor« thu I'Ubtlc t>y n notlcM ({tvL-p. fruo uCdiuryo la Uio IjirKCst clmilfttlnn of nny f -Ipntinr pspor In thft wtiiicl. ^ijlincililly Illii9tr:ilucl. Nd luH'lll;!ont nmn vhoiilil lio wltliuut It. Weekly ($:i.4M>a yi>nr; Sl.MlKtxmonlln, A'tdrvu, MUMN ft UO., PUBuauEiiK, 3U1 OnDSdwa]', Mew Yurk Clt7. Good Farm for sile or Rent fjOt'-'J, con.fl, Artoiuonfti. omtniithiR 1 (ft AorcR more t»r lo «,-IO aoron cloai'cri. alK)Ufc ti* iiiilfF frrno I''l«s)u?rt,oii. Thoru aro a m*'OiI Inj? linvn a'lri stfthlfl on llie prtimlscfc. (iood viiiiniiiR wtftur. Kor ftithor partioularu apiily in W. A, Ahmhtkono KlDsIiortou' LO!33 WANTED fipnioc IrigR, any sUq over ton inches, 12 foet lonx. Highciit liricos. BEaOIVOPT * TAIiliOT T^TTENTION To those Contemplating Duildhig Hnvinsinst roturiict from Vow YoiU, wlioio, to nasi uxticMtoncQ, I havuailrloda VHar'H uri.irHd of instrnctioim untlor tlio perfl.'niai Hnpovvidlon of Mr. t'hri'itonlior Mv'-"'^. ai*c:liitiiot in nhiuf to t'-K' HcinntiAc Atntiricnu, I ani Ijottor tlian uver prisparei to a»Hi^t IIiohh (:ontani)>1atijt^ bnlIrK {nK, anil liavlngforniud a onnviitnM;^ jiartnor- ship witli Mr. Myors, my clluiita nan sniinre Ills valuable sorvloes wltlinnt extra uharco. i'Uos, otcnroiuntly fnrnintie.l. W. M. CLKUK, FlosUerton A terrible affair is now intereetin^; the people of Chesley, and the Attonioy- Geiieral'a department is iiivcuti^aling. A ahurt time ago a young woman named Katharine KocI, died at llie renidence of Dnncan McDonald, on the fourth con- cession of Elderslie. It appenra that no docter saw her immediately previous to or after her death, and she was buried without a prope ^-rtincate. These facts camu to the knowledge of Cornor Cooke, of Waikerton, and he iiiforineU the County Crown Attorney, who iiiRtructed him to Ti.';it Chesley, have the body disinterred, and an in(|uest held. On opening the coflin the sight presented was simply shocking. The corpse had been placed in the colKn in the same con dition' as when death claimed its victim, unwashed and unclothed. On the body was an undershirt and an old jacket, and BtookiiiKS were on her feet, while a bunch of diriy raifes were piled in with the remains. The sight mad* the jurymen turn a.side and ask tt.eni8elve.s the ({ues- tioii, '' la this possible in a civilized and Christian coutitry ? " A post mortem examination was made by Dr. Stewart and Dr. George Cooke, jr. The dead woman was Katharine Koch, aii'l her painnts reside in the Township of Sydenham, County of (irey. She was about 3U yeais of u;;e, and h'ld the repu tation of being silly. Altlioiigh not in- sane she had certain peculiarities that caused her to be looked upon at times a.s iiresjiftimible. She was a nitlior tall and well built Honian. ami was asisterof Mrs. August Gobert, of Sullivan Town- ship. Last •lunuaiy she ariived in dies- ley atid some young men became uc- (piiiinted with and took advantage of her. She Went a\vay and had since worked at iVIr. TlniniHS Uearinan's, in Elderslie. She lift there about the end of March, and went to Chesley, where she again fell into tlie clutches of some of the partiod who had abused her before. On Tuesday, ;Usl of March, si'o went to McDonald's place, and remained over nii/ht. Next day she visited Chesley, with the de- teiinination, she told some parties, to take thu la'V on those who had assaulted her. That eveiiiiiu she returned to Mc- Donald's, where she was taken ill, i:ave hii'lh to a dtad child, and died herself on the follow ing Friday. The authorities have all the facts of this terrible affair in their possession, and a veiy thorough and searehioj/ inveslisjii'ion will bo made. . .o. • - - Sheep US Weed Destroyers. Ayer's Pills " I would UlvP to add my te.stlmony to that o( offlcrs who have usoil AvorM I'llls, and to sny lliat I Iinvo taken theiu Jor many vi'iiis, and always Uoriveflllio bosi results from tlielr use. For Stomach nni llvnr trniibles, nn<1 for tiio onro f.f lieiKlaclii" einiscd by tlie.sn (UiranKi!Mienl.s, Ayer'a I'llH cannot "lie equaleil. Vliei my frlcnils asU me wli-it Is the be.^t remedy £or dl.iorders of the stomiiuh. Liver, or Bowels, my InvarhiMe ansv.er Is AyiT's PUN. Tal'.cii in ni'iison they will hinaK nc a mill, prevent la prlppo, choek fevi r, n'l I roaulate tliiMllti-stlvo orgaus. They u.ij easy to tjilto, uuU Are the best Rll-roiind fnnilly mrdlctno T have ever known."â€" :Mr.s. M \ v .loiiNSO.V, WIS Eider Ave., New York C.' •, AYEP'.S PILLS Highest Av.ards at World's Fair. Ayer'a Haraapurlllafor the blootU WE ARE Still ill Iho land of the living, sellin' (Tilde Flour, glide Tea and SuSar and other Orocuries. Wo have s<imc rule jjudo Hvvoeties foruuld and young, and if you want a rale ;>udu Trunk tse' keep your cliieB in, or a yude Salclicl bruw and new frae the inanufaolnrer, just ^n.U'x tno' Willie Ilenderson in Sproulu's block, and ha will supply you at lowest prices. WM. HENDERSON FlESBEBTBll STEIH IMSMY. I liavft op.-jnod "P a co-.npUitn stoain iB-nnrlvy In I'leshurlon. inirlom )irop\ et to take In any qiiftiitlty of liinnrlry work nt low«r prtcns than aro cliarR.ifl tilKi-wluiro. I bavo put In the la- ost anil most inii)rovert maoblnery to that end. Khidir i;lv« nis a call. Rutlre satisfaotion Ijuaraiitaod.auil piioin low. UUS, OaO.MoOBUBODSB It is simply marvu'.loui the extent to which Weeds will be caien by sheep at ciriain seasons of the year. Theie are few weeil.'i, indeed, that trrow which they mil not browse off if they have a chance to eat tliem when ihey are youns; and tinder. If sheep are allowefl to pasture oh sely fiom year to year a field wheie Oiinaila lhi^lle8 grow, tl.ongh they miiy II... ilvstroy the thiitlis comp'etily, Ihey » ill cnrininly do them del ious hnrin. If ihey have a chance to croji down the lea\;;a of tho stroi g arowiiig iron weed which infests Ohio Valleys, they will, in a fut^' yeai s, run it out of a p^istuse. If ki<pl\ in f-ulheieiit numbers on the Uu.s8iiUi-thi-.tle-Ktnitten plains of Dakota, li.ey will be iiioru than a match for I he .'iie..;d»« llussian thistle. liy sowing iiim^a'' infe.stid with wild mnstaidfora few-yparn, and pa turiiig the siime with .'.In ofT, the iiiustaid phmts will soon bo i,ieaily reduced in numbers. Tho .sheep i>'ill turn those that grow into ftood nuu- ton. And the process will bo much ^facilitated by aowiii.; two or three crops a y.ar on .siic'.i lands. The writer had ocoas-sioii lo watch sin ep feeding on various pastures. These pustuius weri siioeulent and choice, riiey wero sow.i tor the pitipose, and weie iiiiiidi lelished by ti.e sheep. \Vei:ds yrew among them more or less, and it i« a fact that when sheep wore turned mpon ihepe pastures from spiiitg to tnidsunimer tliiy Would lirst go fvir the weeds. They ivonlil even do so when fueding upon a held of rape, or of peas and oats. But in the latter part of tho seiisoii they would nor so eat the weeds The latter hecnme woody at nil early stage of linnvth after niiJsiinfiMier ; hmire the sheep would not eat them until tho other food bad been uleaiiffd. Sheep are unipientionably the creiilisl need destroyers in th«woild. With HU.'h an aid in tightint; wopds why should wo not have clean farms ? â€" From Faniiini.' for April. Itoni. VanZantâ€" In Flesherton, on Bundsy, 10th Inst., to Mr. ai>d Mrs. B, VauZsnl, asou. Dtcd. McKFnâ€" At lot 236, Con. 8, Township of proton, ou Tbnrsdsy, April Otli, 1890, Thomas McKor, »ged TOyenrs sail i mouths. Geo. liinnie in Grey Iteview The Ontaiio Le;^iKlat.i.e at its late session yielded to the demands of the people of tha Provinee and pasiod an Act reducing tho size of C'outity CouucIIh, and in doing so, it h.is completely chanv^- ed the basis and iiy.stcrii of rcpn suiila- tion, the method of election and the tenure of oHioe. The ch.ini.'e is a radical one, and in theory it appears to le all right, but its success depends alto^rether upon how it is worked out in practice. When the present councils cease to exist, the County Councils of tl.is Province shall thereafter consist of from 8 to 13 members according to populaiion, each coun'y t J be dividv;d by a coniinistion of jud);es into divisions, e.ich elect 2 Djeiu- bers, they to hold office for two years. Each voter will h-ive two votes, he inuy give both to one cmdidute, or to two, a.-, he sees fit. duiity Council elections to be held every secnd year only ami at the time of municipal electioni). The qualification o^ a county councillor are that he reside in the division, a.d have the property qualiticafi' us of the reeve of a town, which ib §1500 freehold or $1200 rental. A!l members of council of a local muiiicipt.hty, clerk, Irta^uier, Assessor or CoUeet'ir are inol-gib!e for electiiiii toC'"u;itv (?o,in-;d, butnio'nUiSiif present c.'uiicils .lie e'iijibio. T1|.J W,-.i- den siiall u',p'-iiit n iiMminaiiiig of!', cr for each division, who fclmll hi'd a nomination uiceting at s nio cimvcniiiil place in the divisnii, on tho ^!l.n.lâ- ^y piovions lo nuniici|al n-iiiii utioii^, .I'ld who >h:ill conduct the election ceiK-ral'y and decide a tie V')te if necessaiy. Muni- cipal polling booths, retuinin.; officers, ballot boxei. etc to bo used in taking the vote, municipal clerks lo make reluin of ih« Vote lo county clerk, when he ihall decl'ire and publish the results «.£ the election in the whole county. The County of Grey shall be divided in 8 or 9 divisions and have IG or 18 members of council ; the commi.ssioners haviii'j some discretionary powers in the n.a'.lor. Such, in brief, is an outline of the i.ew County Councils Act, which, throU'^li you Mr. Editor, I give lo the public, as there is much anxiety, naturally, by the chainrea made in our municipal govern nient and how we will be affected by them. Last week a resident of TProton well known in Dundalk was laid at rest in the Maple Grove Cemetery. Mr. I'hos. McKee moved from Peel County aViout fifteen years ngo to the farm adjoining the corporation where he has over since liv- ed. Ho was a native of Ireland, having enii'j;ratud to Canad.i when ho was about ten years old. Mr. McKee was the owner of a very fine property ol nearly two hundred acres just outside of tho corpoiation of Dundalk. He leaves a widow and ten children lo mourn ins loss. Mrs Cidbcc, Michiijan, Mrs. ilibUon, Caledon, and Mrs. Little, (^hitiijac ouay are the married dauuhlors. One uu- niarried dauKhter is still at home. The sons, iMrs. Hibdon, and a brother Mr S. McKee of Camilla where home for the funeral. A tni» brother is still living in Albion. Mr. McKeo v.' us a ri-markably wirey and active man. He assisted in log^inu five acre.! of a fallow last fall and lip to al'out a week ai,'o was able to be around. Dronchitis was the causo of denth. â€" Duutl.dk Herald. Mr. Gi.o. â- /. Hoskina of Peterboro, has just pureliaied a inonstiosity in Caiiipbill- ford and has placed it in tho haiuU of Taxidermist KIcome to be stuG'ed and m-inntt'd. It was given birth to by a cow and has tho body of a calf and the heail and tail of a dog with legs and hoofs like a pii;. The le'.{s are so short/ that the animal would never have been able to walk even if it had livjd. V OR TO RENT In the Township of Ospre3'. PAUrEIilâ€" Lofc nnmber 30 in tho '.\\\\ Con oi'Hion uort'a of the Durham KoHd, con^ tiiiniug 50 acrtih, all of which tt* oloarol ami in a Kood stalo of cultivation. Thu soil in u'av luam. rAU0KTi2â€" TiOta nuinbovfi Hand 15 in the Itti ConcoMHiou north of the nnvhain Koad, < on-, tfttuinx 'iOOac'OB. of which 100 aoros avo clcavod. and thoro IsKaid to be urociod tliorcou a log hon*<e, a i;on I frame bAru,40x 5!>, with stabi- iiiK nudornuath ; alxo a good loc; barn and RtiililH. Tim noil is cl»y Icani. watered by a Hprine orc'-ik, and wwU adapttui for grazing, dairying, etc. Tlio nncloared land, about 100 acfen, ts tiiiiburml with cedar, hardwood, oto. Udth propnrtitifi aro sitnatod in a well fiottlud ni'i;:hbi>rhood convenient to churcbo'', «ohoolH and niavketM, and will be sold separator ly or together on very easy tonus of payment, or will be rented for tho proueut \ ear or foi- The Markets. C-ireruUy Corret-tcd Karli W«'ck Flfiir J-l OO to $4 50 (M.s 91 to 23 ir'-as 48 to 60 liiitler 14 to U E.'ya, fresh <J u> i) Potatoes bag .. • 30 to 30 fork 4 50 to 4 60 Hay per ton 15 00 to 16 00 Hides 4 CO to 5 Of) Sheepskins .. 25 to 50 (ieese 5 to 6 Tin-keys 7 tc 7 Chickens per pair JO *o 25 Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Wool . . 20 to 24 Time Table. OOINO SOl'TH. Markdale â€" 0.40 a. m. 4.40 p. m. Fli'sherton â€" (j 53 a. m. 4.5.3 p. m. r.olho SoRTlI. Flesherton- 11 -(.S a. m. 0.17 p. m. Maiktlalu - IJ.Ol p. ni. 0.30 p. ui. X>». H. J-'. MtrrUU Results Astonish MEM OF SCIENCE. AVER'S A MEDICINE WnilOUT AN EQUAL SLutoBieut cf a AVell Knovrn Doctor "Ayer's Susaparill.i fiv/itliout an equal r.s .1 blooil-purll'.^r anil Spring medicine, .and (•••.nnot liaYO praise enough. I have watched Itt effects In cliroulo caso3, wliero other t;-!>:;t-.:er.t r.as of no nvall, and have been ii'ioi:i.-5!:ciI at the rosulta. No other l}!ool n-ilic'.no t:i:it I have ever used, and I have trlct'. them a;i. Is so thorough hi its action, ii!ul affceta FO mat y p.-rni-inent cures as Ayr's C;'.r<-ai;arlUa."â€" I>r. 11. F. Meerill, .Vi!;ii3la, M-i. arsepariila /n5ia!tt*a nt tho World's Fair. J.:fcr'u syctlafor liver and boiocltt, Flesherton Saw & PSaning MiSis Tlie unclovsigncd ai'e pliieiug in^po- .sition a first class sawmill for custoiu siiwit)^', wliicli will be rcudv for opera- tion ill .Jaiu;avy. We liiivc also added A CliOPPiNQ MILL For tliO eoiiVetili nco of farmers. Clioppiiif^ done at any time at 5 ccuts pur 100 lbs. Tlip Si-.sli and door factQry, bond and scroll sawing business cdutiiiucd as usual. Pile in your orders. EEECROI^'T & TALBOT short term with tho nrtvileifo of vnii-oi'.asing. • liither partioularit api'ly- lo R. J. Bpboclk. Esq., FleahertOD, Out. ^ _ ^^ SI Photos Â¥^ m â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesherton Photograph | Gallery | are done in fiv8t-cla.«s style and at i^ lowest rates. i^pocial attention Riven to copyina. Babies' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. ' 4. I MRS. BULMER &