AGRICULTURAL WHEN. HOW AND WHY TO SPRAY. We give telow teief but complete di- rections, baaed on llie best scientific re- aull£ and largest pmctical experience, tor spraying the varioua crops, to pro- te<'.t them against in.sects. blights, rot, OT other fungi. Observe that for beat results in some cases,^ spraying should be done before leaves start. Under- stand just whai you are spraying for, do the work thoroughly and at the right times, and success is almost certain. All this is no longer an experiment, but at beat much is to be learned only by act- ual experience. When bordeaux mix- ture ij advised before or Just as leaves start, some prefer to spray with cop- per sulphate solufion. Apple.â€" For the round-headed and flat- headed borers, paint trunks and lower branches with a strong solution of soap containing a little carbolic acid, or paint base of trees in fall with linseed oil and white lead. Old oyster-shell bark lice may be turushed off with same solution, but for young lice hatched in May or June, spray with kerosene emulsion. For codlin moth, tent caterpillar, cank- erworm, bud moth, apple maggot, cur- colio scab, or leaf blight, spray Ist with bordeaux A just before leaves un- fold ; 2d, with btn'deaux B, adding lib paris green to 100 gals, just before blos- Bom» open ; 3d, with same as soon as petals have all fallen ; 4tb, bordeaux B in 10 to 14 doors. Unless weather is moist and warm, favoring; scab and blight, above will lie sufficient, and if wornu and caterpillars are not nomerous. No. 2 nuy be omitted ; but if scab or blight is feared, spray with bordeaux B 2 to 4 weeks after No. 4, and £ with ammuniaval carbynate as fruit apprcucbes maturity. Pear.â€" For codlin moth. scab, leaf and fire blight, 1, i and 3 spraying same as for apple ; 4. borxleaux B in one or two weeks ; 3, auuuoniacal carbonate when fruit is nearly grown. For i>ear-lree psylla (the lice or nympblike little in- sects that feeds .in axil of leaf, secret- ing a "hone>-dew" that soou becomes blackened). 1 kerosene emulsion A when leaves open, or ub auon us psylla is de- tected ; 'i. repeat in one ta two weeks if the yountc intiects begin to appear: j «,! m 8rd, keruTK-ne B a week or so later. Quince. â€" For bliick leaf, fire blight and leaf spot :1, Spray when blossom buds, with IwrJeaux • 2, when fruit sota, Iwrd^aux with arsenitea. Re- peat bordeaux at intervals of two or three weeks if blight appears; use am- moniaoal carlionatn if fruit is ripening. Nursery .'^tock.â€" For fungous dist- eases. leaf blight, etc: When the first leaves appear, spray with bordeaux, and repeat at intervals of about two weeks from thr«e to six times. This mixture is a specific, especially against the trou- ble.some cherry-leaf blight. Cabbage. â€" When worma or lice (ap- hides) are first seen, spray thoroiighly with kerosene emulsion, and again in a week or ten days if they are not heading. After another week, if head- ing, sprinkle with water, heating it to 130 clegrees, repi'ating the kerosene emulsion in a forto'ght if necessary. If the plants are small when the worms first appear, some spray with arseniles, but this should not lie rep>eated a second time, for fear of some poison being left in the bead. Potato. â€" To prevent scabby tul)ers. soak the cut seed 1 1-2 to 6 hiurs iu a solution of 2 to 2 1-2 ozs of corrosive sublimate (a deadly poison) in Ifi gals of water • avoiil stable manure, use fer- tilizers ; on some soils, aahes, lime, etc, seem to ;>romote this scab fungus. Spray with arsenties when beetles first appear, repeat every two or three weeks, and when vines are two-thirds grown com- bine 100 gals Iwrdeaux B with 1 lb paris green, to protect against blight aa well as potato bugs and beetles ; make the solution strongerâ€" 150 galaâ€" if the pests do not readily quit. Tomato.â€" For rot or blight, whether under glass or out of doors, spray with bordeaux A at the first appearance, re- peating in a few days if diseases are not checked. When set out in the field, a spraying with bordeaux is always ad- visable. If the disease persist, use ain- moniacal copper carbonate after fruit is well formed. Bean.â€" For pod spot, anthracnase. or rust, spray with Ixwdeaux A when third leaf expands, and repeat every 10 days or two weeks about three times. A WONDERFUL INVENTION. THE LONDON DOLL TRACK. The triule is a curious one, subject to I> WhUh Bailwar Trainii faa b« Knn «t the variations of public taste, like any a High «p««l. Qjijgj. ^yjj j^g Pj^^j jj^jj Qaaette. Take GERMANY'S WAR TREASURE. A Pwui cf 4»«,tMM(,iKH> la «i«ld iitttred iwiU' for EmrncrarlrH, The Julius Tower of Siwindau. says a recent letter from Berlin, is one of the most interesting structures in Germany, for the reason that it contains the great war fund of the German Empire, i-on- sisting of 120.000.0UU marks (|30.000.0UU) iu gold ctiin. The immediate surround- ings of the tower are rather lonesome and uninteresting. Nobody is allow- the neighliorhiiod except those Peach. Nectarine. 'Tpricot.-I^Fo'r "cur- ] mortals who twii-e a year have to in- culio that attacks fruit, for leaf blight \ spect the treasure. At all other times and fruit rot ; 1, l)efore buds swell^ i only the uniform step of the sentries spray with copper sulphate solution of lurdeaux A : 2. when fruit has set. bordeaux B with 1 lb piiNs green to 150 gals ; 3, boT<l«aux II in two to four weeks ; 4. when fruit is nearly grown. amnioni:Lcal carbonate of copi)er ; re- peat No. 3 in a few days if it seems n«^cej>8ary. The arsenate of lead form- ula is recouuiiendeil in place of 1 lb paris green to 150 gal. water ; even .lie latter may burn the tender foliage, while the great advantage of arsenate of lead is that it will not injure even the most delicate foliage. Plum.â€" If attacked by .scale, spray in fall, after leaves ore off. with kero- sene emulsion, and again in midwin- ter. Cut oft much Ijelow every vestige of black knot, ajid spray with bor- deaux in the first warm days of spring. before the fungous growth starts up; 2. rewat just liefore flower buds open; 9, when fruit i-* set, bordeaux A with enlivens the dreadful monotony of the place. K\<«ry six months a member of the Keichstag, delegated for the purpose, and accompanied by several officials of the Imperial Treasury, ap- proaches the grey old tower to inspect the fup.d. in order that he may assure To a, Frezich-Canadian belongs the cre- dit for having sacuredfrom the United States and Cam .da a patent for some new improvenents in railway construc- tion designed responsible authorities de- clare, to ere long revolutionize the pre- sent system of railway travel. Mr. V. A. £mond, of Quebec city, and his son, Mr. 0. v. A. Emond, are the joint in- ventors, and the improvements cxmsiat of a new rail, and new trucks, without wheels, for the cars, and have Ijeen de- clared eminently practicable and design- ed to be universally adopted. Roughly speaking, th<' invention consists of in- vertedrV-shaped runners for the car, which slide upon ruilers arranged in grooved rails. It is very simple â€" the track is attached to the car, while the •vheels are nuidu to serve as a track. Among other advantages claimed are that trains can >>e run at a great- ly increased rate of siieed â€" several hun- dred miles per hour, if required with- out danger of derailment; that all risk from ol:struction on the track is obvi- ated; that as the rail is entirely cover- ed and provided with holes at the liase the case of dolls, for instance. The Dutch doll is aa dead as Queen Anne. Her square, wooden lx)dy, rudely carved legs and arms, enormous head with a patch of tow on the skull and three strokes of red paint for eyes and lips, is now quite prehistoric. Only in the back streets of the town is she to be seen, adorning the shop windows in naked lunoren>«, and then she is no fresh importation, but a job lot fiom an ancient and unsaleable stock. Though she is practically given away with a packet of sweets, no well-regulated child takes delight in clothing her. She belongs to a past age aixd in the nurs- eries of the well-to-do is only to be found â€" minus legs and arms â€" in the mu- seum where the dolls of great-grand- mothers are preserved. She has been driven fr<»n the market by the over- whelming invasion of French and G«s- man dolls. The majority of the doUs one sees in the shops are " made in Gernoany." The German gives a larger doll for for the escape of water, etc., it offers ad- j the money than any other maker. His vantJiges, hitherto unaiuined. in con- j doll is leas elegant than that of the tending against frost, snow, rain and ' t-~. i ..u u .i t a dust; that the trucks have no wheels I ^''^^'â- ^^"^- "^^ ^^ ^^ moon-faced nor shafts, nor bearings, liable to break at any moment, do not require oil nor pai'king, and will not involve any daily ex[)ense in service, while they will al- so be mui'h cheaper in construction, and the combination will permit of the use of much lighter cars, thus lessening the cost of rolling stock and motive ptiwer. Trains may be run by steam or electric engines, trolley or cable. After careful examination of the drawings and motlels of this invention. loveliness of the German peasant-girl a plumpness of figure and a thickness of calf distinctly Teutonic. Her hair, as a rule, is flaxen ; her eyes are blue, her lips full, and her cheeks puffed and pendulous. Whether she stands 6 inches or 3 feet in height, she is the same doll. Her bead may be as large as an apple or as small as a cherry, but the features and expresaiou are the The Only competent railway authorities have ad- I c, • -^ . , ^ u , milted and dechired that there are mil- j *"ne- Ste is uniformly overfed, what, lions in it for any company which will ever be her proprotions, and she is have the monoiwly or this improved ' simply a reproductum, in various sizes, track, and that its many advantages „j „^ ^^^^, ^^^ xnonotonous type. To over the present system in s{)eed. saf ety. lightness and economy will speed- ily render it indispensal.'le to future railway progress. HEART DI.'^EASE STRIKKS ALL CLA.SSKS. DOWN The Essential Matter is to b* Prepar ert for any Wmorsency. It is painful to piek up the daily papers and observe how people of all classes are being stricken down with heart disease and apoplexy. One day it is the farmer in the field, again the labourer carrying his hod or. as this week a prominent architect in Ottawa. Perhaps it is not too strong a state- ment, that 80 per cent, of the people of Canada are afflicted with heart dis- ease to some degree. What a blessing it is then, that there exists a medicine like Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart which is so quick in priMlucing relief. Instantly the patient obtains that ease that is so longed for when the heart is , ... afflicted. There is absolutely no case dera imd composition feet Great and thoroughly re- liable building-up medicio^ nerve tonic, vit?,lizer and Blood Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preemin«ntlj above ail other mediciaes, is HOOD'S Sarsaparilla It has won its hold upon tht hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the itoryjâ€" Hood's Cures Even when all other preps» ations and prescriptions fau. " Ths (aca of my little gh-l from tba tlow â- tie was three oiontJu old, laolce o«t u)^ was aoverad with soabl. Wk gave b«r tMD bottles of Hood's SueapiiiUa and 11 ocM^ pleteijr ooied her. We sre gl»d to raooat- mand Hood*! aMaaparlUo." Tho*. M. Casumq, Cllatoo, Ontario. Be sun tf* Cet Hood's Hood's Pills z{mi^"2:r» sec her by the hundred, with her hair tied up in light blue ribbons ujid her well-stuffed tigure draped in the chem- ise in which she is put on the market, is to wonder why some one does not break through convention and make a fortune by turning out dolls with aqui- line nones and a Greek profile. The F'rencb dolls come next in point of uum.bers in the liuglish mar- ket. They are less obese than their Uenuan competitors. They are smart- er in look and bearing. They exprejis something of the vivacity of the French teunjerament. and their hair is of glor- ious Parisian gold and occu.-<ionally of bronze. They run in all sizes of cooise; end in the making of them there aic many "uotious " and mysteries. There are doUs that open and shut their eyes; dolls that cry and dolls that remain ^^,, ^j^, ^^ natural than that thesa dumb under any pi-e^ure ; dolls with victims of disease thus reloas*^ legs of China ; dolts encased m kid and f^^^ suffering should deeirr^ to aidiR sewn up by mani' seams; and •io'ls the extension of the knowledge of thfl which are mere bundles of cotton cloth „^^^ whereby they have been bene- and stuffing, with wax heads andshoul-1 fj,,^^j Su<'h a one Ui .VI ins Uru.'i»-illa j>hingler. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEAR& PUNN'S BAKING POWDER fHrnftOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. the (.ierman people throui^h their re- ^ ^ preseuUtives that the b*g pile of I of "heart' disease that It "wUl"' not' help. I In make and in attriimtes- suih aa ^f g^Tn" Ont.. who teils a tale of pai_ money is still there. , ^atl with few exceptions, will produce eye-shutting, walkmg. ability to stand, ^,|„j„j Hjrouoh wearv years, and ot After long preliminaries the heavy | iron door a<lmitting into the tower is ! at last reached, where a soldier withal loaded gun stands sentry. Only the I -p- i -n i, -- â€".« ........ .,...., .^.^ . possessor of the magic puss-word, the | .Yes. doctor ; it still fcurta me to | eut in a certain elegance and piquancy , fi'i^.^ with' rheumatism.' fnnn whidi"*! â- ){)en sesame" which is altered twice breatheâ€" in fa^;! the only trouble now on the part of the trench doll. Mie [,ave suflered greatly Two vears .fay. can hope to proceed; otherwise swms to be with my breath ' suggestjj the Iwulevard. whUe the Ger- |,^t^ t^ inmble was" aggravat«il hy â- .9.»>- *••"â- I " f^'ve Jou somel hing that , ^^^ product tells of the farm .yard and ^ gn«vlh wliich .ntart-.l m the throsf the dairy. ;\s for the English doll, she and which each y.-aj- tjewi me larger radical cure. EASILY ATTENDED TO. Yes. doctor ; it still jburts upright, and to emit sounds between (y,,,! j^u^f iuidcure through the uea a squeal and a gruntâ€" the German doll- „£ jj^ Williams' Pink Pilhj. the greatest maker seems to Ije on a level with , „„.^ij,.i„p „f nj^ ,,„p ji;^., shingleti the French. The difference is appar- : 8,^.^ . Xwi'lve ve;ix?i .ago I l>ecame af- eut '-- -- â- â- â- > - -â- â- " •> â- ... - . - . . . - an energetic 'Halt,' oacked by a men- acing movement with the gun, must b«! expected. This is the last living obstacle, but three more iron gales i lb paris green to 10(1 gal ; 4. in about must be passed, one of them leading a week or less, Ix^nleaux B with 1 lb through toe walls of the tower, which pariM green to 160 gals; 5. as fruit rip- are nine feet thick. The nwrn where •lis, ammoni:ical carbonate. If the the gold is kept is fully thirty feet plum scale or .San .lose scale hatch out. above ground. Nor is the yellow met- â- pray with kerosfne emulsion. In atl- al kept so one may wallow in the j^i.; .-- ... ..II .1.:.. : *• * - ... will soon Stop that. QUEBEt.' UtARD FROM. Banary O. Carroll. M P. for Kamour- rska. Que.. Sounds the Praises of Dr. .Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. It will be noticed by those who have studied the testimonials for this won- ' still finds a market, but she is "not larger, until it" finally became"!** l>ad in it" with her German cousin. Her m;,, l <.„uld hnrdJv oUai- ^.>- ait»o. chief glory is in her apparel. She is a.s when 1 would lie down it would filT not offei^t for sale in an undergarment ^v throat, causing a feeling of suffc but comed on the scene booted, hatted, cation. What I suffered is aLmost !»- and cloaked, the Ijetter to hide her rag- yr,n,i description, and all the medi- stuffed form and to tone down the j oai ^id 1 had diil me no good, and I wa» roughness of her t-ouiposilion fa^-eâ€" told that 1 could only hepe for relief lined ditiou to all this, many jiir the trees treasure, as describ«!d in the tales of i derful catarrh remedy, that they arei^^m^.j, „, ^ mere mask stuck on a hat- thmugh the medium of an operation every few d.iys for curculios. catching the Thousand and One Nights. The i thoroughl.v unsectioiial in character. , p^^yg^ed baU of rags. .She has no tri.ks. i dreaded .such a course and declined them on sheets or with i hickens. money is all in corned gold pieces, put : t-veiy pro. inre in the Domin on thiough g^^ ^^^ „„t use her eyes like the un.leriroinB the operation All thii "â- •" "-' - â- ' â- â- â- - •"â- "â- "Wl'-^^"'' »°^.H'"»'' French doll, or give a remonstratuig n'^'r the , nas toKi oi iiie p«- , gru^a like the German, and it she is firmer hold upon i s of Dr Agnew s Ca- » ^ ^^^ feet she will fail down flat. k . itiving im in It IS of a character I ^„^ -^ ^^^ ^i^ f^^ next to nothing. Uer i„W of nify fimb. t'hcrry.â€" For curculio, blai-k knot, up in Ixigs. of lO.OUU marks each leaf blight and brown rot. spray as for such bags bein^ closed up in a strong the Wiich. For bl:u-k lii-e or aphides, oaken case. Ibere are 1.200 of these U.SC kiTdoene A after the third uppli- catiou of iKirdejiux. spraying with ut- most force into and under the curled leaves, where this insect is sheltered. For liirds. tie in tree bright riblwns, shining tins, a windmill, etc. Currants.â€" As soou as worms appear, â- pray with arsenites. It they reap- Sear. repeat in a few days, adding bor- caux for mildew. When berries ap- e<l is never u.ned again. The case proach ripening, dust on hellebore or which is opened is thoroughly exam- pyrethrum. For borer, cut out and ined. all other cases being weighed burn infested canes in fall. If yellow- only, lined currant bug attacks tips of new shouts, spray promptly with kerosene emulsion I to 5. For leaf 8|)Ot. re- pt'at the lx)rde*ux at intervals of two w<'eks till fruit colors, and again after h.'irveat ; five applications applied in proper time, with ordinary rainfall, will surely protect against this disease; if necej<8:iry in l^i iivses to spray as fruit is about ripe, use amiuoniacal cop- per carbonate, as it does not discolor fruit. Goo.seberry. â€" For worms and mildew, treat like currants ; but for the third or fourth sprayings use- 3 ozs of liver of sulphur in U) gal. of water, as this does not discolor the fruit and is per- fectly Strawberry.â€" For black iMiria and leaf blight or riDst : 1. Spray with bordeaux B and 1 lb pari.s gn-en iu IIH) gals, water as soon as growth liegins ; 2. bordeaux It with 1 lb of parts green t,''1^f ilf fi^^^Slowers; S^'^borS^ r^f f -inps. and ,nerry:-.r>;round, B as soon as the fruit is gathered if , wi" f>e provided for the childi-en he the bed is to bt- fruited thc^-ond sea. .""^T"'*k"'*k" r"^ Kremlin wil ..i. illum- sou. although some recommende.l am- iMj'''' by half-a-iuil lou electxic lanips. moniacal carlx>naU, as the first fruits »n'\°n. \''," ^^^ ^ f^^^^^ »".'' ^"^^ ionl' iir,. rineninc- It riLst remains re- ""-'^ "guts will bhize all night long, arc ripening. ^\2^}^J^,'^^^'^Zl_ The ^Aa lower of Ivan the Great wiTl be girdled with 14.01)0 electric hghl-s. "I'he rich citizens are vying with one another in prep.iring for a magnificent- ly tiarbaric display of colored cloth car- ppts and hunting, to decorate the fac- ades of their bousea. Nor is it in Mos- cow alooe tba: r.r-iiaralions for a great aking • my system, aotl I felt dem>iiir. I kist th»« my rimlis and my bands got culiar effectiveness dUi^Z'ar^slTtKr^CarVr/'^t''"^ '^ ""' «*â- " '" ''^^^ «• l«ul that" 1 couM scajrejy hold .my- ditions, and as with Mr. Carroll, 't » whether they make her or not ; and ,|,injr At thU stage a friend, who a most effective remedy for catarrhal ^^^ put a good price on her. the "om personal experienc-e ha<l 8tron» trouldes m whatever^shape. m.j, omj^^ her 'fi;?.'^ Tn l^. Wifliams' Pink Pill* le Ut im- petted until their hair proveun-nt after I hiui used a littte c^Uf oTutt i'ie^f sfii,;':'"-"""'- °" "" I -- "^-*" tr^ay^m^d^'^n '^ > f^ a few w...ks t h^e w.. no lon^r ctipi oi two a-cent siiuuiiB. | j^^^j ^^.^ export it to the German room to doubt that they were helping dtdl-makers, and yet we can not or do me. I wa.s taking i he l*ink Pills in the coses placed in slacks of ten each There is an even million of marks in eui-h slack. The nails and screws fustening each case are sealed with wax bearing the seal of the Treasury. Examination is made only of one ] ting hay fever, where it works like a case eac" random are stored below' asa case once open- | ^Samp_le botUe and blower^^sent^ by^S^ ; Eril^'"ofr "and"t.hSr''''"fa^"mc'rt. -rh.t UjWe a box. an<l ..fler using, them iiuation IS made only of one ting hay fever, where it works like a i^gg,^ u, i^e market-place, while they boughi me a supply and urg.-d uie •h time, and that ^ selected at \ charm, and in every case is speedy m ef- '"^88^^ -^^^^ ^^^ ^.^^li „£ children to trv ihem, 1 t'foi.ght I f.h .w i from any pile. ..R'"«'f''e cases _ feet. | », clothed and petted until their hair prov.-uient after I hiui used a lit THE CZARS CORONATION. rronlM-K to Be OH a Seair or Rarbaric ^plenilnr. If the reijorts of the pi-eparations for the Czar's coronation are true, this great function promises to tie on a s«'ale of liarliaric splendor never before approached even iu Russia. The Mos- cow municipali'y is devoting enormous I nietely sums for the decoration and illuuiina- tiou of the town, and for the enttvr- taininent of the i)eople. On a great open space outjdde the city one hund,red fret! buffets are in course of erection wrhere food and drink v^iH '»' dispensed to all comers, 'ion circuses and hund- Iiitrniip Pnlu from M;la.icn, The llyn- tic Ueiurdy. HaulM .kairrlriin KtieoBi- ttile - ore, C'oa^urr* Iu Two Dej*. The following comes from the wealthy lumberman, oi Merrickville, Ont.. Mr. E. Errett : For a numbt^r of years I hive suffered Inien-e pain Iroiii rheuma- tism and sciatica in luy left hip. It is rneedless to say 1 have doctored con- stantly, but without receiving anything bui temporary relief. South American Rheumatic cure was at last tried and its effect was truly magical. In two days the pain was all gone, and two bottles of the remedy cured me coni- 1 was IU) bad that for t wo years holiday are tie.L'i, pu'f.bed forward. Ev •oeaux ery town in the empire will feed it^ , . ..,,,,... -.u r% . - . reneat Poor ou that dav, and illuminate its disguising the tact, that with Ontario s ao-ain streets and devote large sums for the Premier, as thousands of jthors, kid- wecka purchase of vodka, in which tli^- health njy disease has 3.nzed the system. II; peat bordeaux as frequently as neces- sary, and newly set fields for next year's fruiting should be sprayed with It at intervals of from three to four weeks alter they l>egiti to set runners. Raspberry and lllacktierry.-b'or .spring and fall orange, rust, anlhrac- nose. and leaf blight, cut tmt liadly dis- eased canes; 1. spray with liordeau.. .\ just before growth Ix'gins ; 2, liordeaux B just as t he bli.issoins open ; 3, as soon as fruit is gathered, and at intervals of from two to three weeks P"- . , _ „^i r- ... if rust api>ears. "' 'â- b« newly-crowned Czai Grai«>.s.-Kor the rose bug. .inthrac- 'lâ„¢"^ *" ''"'*''^I'""-m ,i.i, ,w. v„.n nose, bhujk rot and downy mildew: 1 will happen after May bat the keeiv Spray with Ixirdeuux A before l.uds un- est attention will l« ,. '^.''-«''a J^ '« fold; 2, bordeaux A with 1 lb of paris well known that the Russian Govcrn- green to 100 gal lietore blossoms ni-nl are nnxious to secure peace aiid "lien; 3, reiieat as "soon as grapes have quietness vintll the oort)n»tion is over set-in from 5 days to two weeks; 4,' but t he opmion grows both i" Russia bordeaux U in 2 or 4 wwks. according and in Germany, that the cwmony to the weather ; 5, ammoniai-al carbon once over grave attention will Iv turu- ate w hen fruit is neariiig first stages of ed in llussui to the anarchy m the lurlt- coloring, and earlier li downy mildew ish empire, and espeeipUy to the ooa- â- j>peiirs dition of th« Armenuuia. I could nit lie on my loft siiU if 1 got the universe for so doing. At present I have not a symptom of sciatica or rheu- matism, and hence it ' pleasure that I recommend this great remedy. 1 know it will cure Sold by W. K. Richardson. not make the dolls ourselves. THE MISTERY OF PAIN. What Are Its Causes And Why It Is Pei'initted ? The tircHt Hurk ThH( is Reins Done by Brixiil NlntlH iu Alle>inlliiu lliiniaa iSHU'erlna-.V «ii>r AITurfllux K Mriklng lllHsiradou. Fi-oin the Erin Advoi-ate hope of finding relief from the rheuma- tism, but to my great joy 1 found that the medicine ".us not oiilv driving I his painful malad^v from my systejn. but was also drivmg away the growth in my ihrool. The result was that after I hiwl used abcHil a dozen lioxes of Pink Pills I was comfdetely iure<l. anil, al- though a consiilcratde time has now elapsed, I have not had a recurrence ot either 'roulilp. and am enjoying the liest of health. Kor the help my staleinent may Ix- to oth<'rs. I am only too glad to add m.v leslinMUi.v lo the long list { of wonderful cure.s. sueh as mine, thai i h.vve been wrought liy l.iie of Dr. HER ONE MOOD. Woman, began the corn-f6<l philoso- pher, in his generalizing way, is a crea- ture of raanj moods. My wife ain't, ventured Mr. N. Peck. She is always in the imjieralive. FriMii I lie titue when man first l>eo- ^villiunis' Pink Pills I P'*'''- 'b'' e«rlh down to the present ji^i^ greatcsl of nineteenth century ifh niiicii t''^> • 'be uiystery of pain has fille<i all medicines posilivelv cures all Irouliles this an'At ' hearts with wonder and terror. What arising from a di»«)rdered or weak state ,are its causes, why is it permitted, and of the blood, or shattered nerves. If what its uses are in the great economy you are feeling «e:ik or depressed. Or. of nature,' .\ll i hesc questions men "wiiiiaias' .Pink Pills act asa prompt have asked of themselves and of one tonic, and if .si'riou.sly ill no <iln*'r re- juiother. but the que.stioai has found no medy can so promptly restore you lo soltiliou. -Vll that cati lie done is to health and strength. The genuine Pink devise ways of rolieviiig physical : uf- Pjjls are put up in round wooden boxes, Sir Oliver Won.ii iiailcieii Willi KMiiey Trouhlr. The news has been flashed across the wires from the old country that Sir Oliver Mowat, who is there .seeking medical advice, is a victim ot kidney dis- ease. His friends say that, the cuso is not as alarming as the pre-ss reports have stated. But there seems to be no will lie But it is to what is laying waste the lives of our best peo- ple in all Biirj.3 of the Dominion. And yet tliose who have learned to use South American Kidney Cure are finding in it a remedv far »urp.assiiig a sea voyage, or even the skill ot England's greatest physicians. It is a kid- ney specilic, not a cure-all. but as a specialist in this pirticular it f;ivcs relief within six hours after the fir.i! dosr>, and renewed health to all wh'i use it. Sold by W. E. Richardson, fering.and minds have assist*<l tender hearts in bringing aid to the afflicted. All the viist ii'SLurccs ot nature's lali- oralory have lie«'n pressed into ser- vice to the end that torture<l Ixjdiei? might surc«' from aivgiiiHh,and kmnv the pe«u-e that onlj health can tiring. the wrapper round which bears the full triule mark, "Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Do not be persuaded lo take some sut>stitute. INSULTED THE KAISER. A girl of Metz. It years old. bos r*« cently lieen condemned to eight tlays' miprisonnieni for having insult*<l the Gertnan emperor. The insult, consist- ed in writmg a private letter to one of her little friends in whic-h there was sometJiiug disresixecttul to bis majes- ty. It is said that such sentences ore common in .Msocc-i/irraine. Iferr Liel)k\iecht. the- veteran socialist ot Ih" neichstag, will have to serve four mont lis' iniiirisonment also for in»u1t>- ing the emiH'nir after the reiiTistag ivtl- .journs. She says she <mn't afford a cabâ€" Expeiist's .s'je must curb Yet when she walks ups-, the 8i4«et Hex carriage is su^wib.