•â- sv'rT^^«'Tr;3i < TMS FLBSHlRTOii IDViNCl D. ricTavish FLESH.Er>^TON KEEPS ON HAND J^Qpairs For Maasry-llarri:), mid Noxon, rioiify aini Wilkinson furiii implrnx'nts. t'l<!;uy and Verily idii'.vs on liaiid all tliu lime, iilso all kinds of rc'pairs for llio aatne. Wo unuiufiU-UnT Wagons. I!ii;4«ic3, Ciiltei's, Sleighs, eic. Horscslioeing pionipily attended to. bpecial iUteniitni to tender, con- triictid feet, hoi^niutf and I'low (,'iiains coii-laiilly on luitid. About Cutters and Sleighs (lENTLEMKN â€" An tlie sonson of Bloitiliiuir is nyiiiii apiTiiiicliiiig I Wdu <1 c;ill your Uiiriiost utieniion to my winiir sii'i-ii in whicli I am jTr- pHii-il to yim you Hiitiiu Kati.sfac:li(iii hutli in (|uality and iiriic. In cutreis I \\t\f II lar.ii» sti'ck t • suk'i't fr'Mii, ii.adi- it I't-.--' of luminal and liiti.,-.t (Its gns til tiiiixh. I am sucml to notm In hleglis I ciiii m: uititii' date von. I'iduir li.'lit or hi-avv Pfoiiipi atteelioii iii'rii i" ie|iiiiriiig, ( aiiit- i' <; md ru'i imiiiin'^. Call, whciher you wmit to piircliase or not, and be V -UP 'iWll jlKf'iH. '»^/«k/«/%%.%^/%/l%/^%-^^«'^ ^^/«,Xk/«^^^^/^«^«A. '& ^ GO TO -<^S3ato^^ ^ . . John li. Heard . . ^-^ea^ss^F'OI^ TKIE BSST BiiiiSjios, Wnifuoiis, Caitx, S|.i'ii<; T"otli llarn.'vs, liiiidrn, Mower", PIowH iii.il HoraoHi I'H, altii) l{u|Hiii» for Itiiiiler", M'-wersHiid Ploivs. Hi :r-u>li< • 111'.' t'liil all kiiiilK of Jjl'ickRiiiillniii; I V tirft cUbs Wnik- null. Wood, LuiiiIk-i, Cedar Po«tii in il Sliiii<.d>-H for sale. 4^ ♦^^^/♦'V^ ^yv^-^/^/* %/^wty^^>^ ♦^^i.'^^ ••. i» ^>/^^/%/«. %, -^ .ty^ Q. rvrmmnnn innninnnp I Be Happy | tfuinAir/uiAJiAnjuuijTjirb I With Others | -^ Everytliin; frrsli in tim way "f 1,-tii'iliR. oi-rtii o'», liiilK all Itiiiils, cinfeiaionery of the ehijici-ft uiiio'j', li);*. ilHti-M, prmien. eian'iiji'rieii, lii-citiis ot nil kinil.s, cintn-d friiiis mill ve'.fetabliit, teas, miL'arH and all other :.-ri>ueilc« ; stock all frusli fur the liiiliday trade. Oysters "" ".V,,?^' "'" lUol flour and f«U'l cntihtanLly on hand. APVUli In Small Quantities or by the Barrel Win. H;iriilK)Usc Eugenia Mills A,VD I Carriage Works. 0»rria*es tna'ie and Uopalrerl.alfo ' Platiin>; anil Matobiog, Band Sh.w. ! ittst. Wood 'i'lirtiiog I'f evtsry dua oriptioa. Plan I n;^ and Gram Chop ' Ding done v>rliilo you wait, for Ih" H javer turns the wheel, T. W. WlliSOM Passes Belief Hr. Jai. E. Nicholson, rioroucovtUe, N. B., Strugrslca tor Soveu lionir Vears with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND 13 CURED BY AVER'S Mr. Nldiolsnn savs: "I coiiinllril ilon- tnis will) iirimi llifil lur inr, but lo no piir]iu3e ; tlio caiicur bugau to MniiaKcrj Hat Iiito thc Flcsh, Bproiiil to my chin, anil I siiffcreil In ii;;o;iy for heuMi limit yean. l'lh;il|y, I I iiC'.'.ni tiiUiiiK Ayi-i'.i .Sarsapailllu. la a wuek or two I uiillcud a Decided Improvement. OAVEATO, TnADE MARKS, DEGION PATEMTC, COPYRIGHTS, otc. For Infornintlon ail'l frii- itjuidlmuk m rit'* to Ml.'NN * CO., :m Ul'.riADWAV. NitW Yi UK. OIiii'Ht iHin'ftii for i!i*ciirlii(j I'atfnti* In AiiH'i-lrll. Evrri' t'"I<-nt liken 'jiit hy i!'t li Itronitlil ncfoiii ttio ii'tllillc by a notli'o t;lV(.'n rn.-uuCi.hurgu lu UlO Ijintestclri-iilnllfin nrnay fclonllllo i niwr In llio worlil. ^^lllUillhllv lilii.'.tralfil. No Imi-lli'ii'iiii man sliniU I hi^ uliliout II. Wmkly, iii:MIO it your; $1.". 'Mix iiioiitlM. A'litrPR!*, MUNN '.'t CO., VvaLuiiikiyj, :iUl Uiuttdway, Muir Vurk City. Our Clubbins: List For tlio C'liivonioncrt of inir niidein ivln wi»li to M.'e'ii'i- morn tliaii oiii) ](iiier «i llHVu niaile the foll'twiila chlhbinK ari'angij. iiiuiits : .\dvai'C.' aii.l T"ii):ito iiii'rniiii{ Wor!,l, daily 92.55 Advatii!" and .Mnitroal biar ... . l.K!) AJvHii ;i' .iiid l''iotni"t;, tin) now firm 'is' ill ija/.iiui 1,8(J Advami ' and Yoiitha' Onmpaiilon (no.v) .... .. . 1>:)6 .\dvniioii .111 1 lliidy Ne\v8 1 HO Advano. and W.'eKly Mail I.hO Advniine and i'Vitii iitld KnesiiUi 1.5(1 Advance atid Watikly Ololiy 1.40 /^yer'sil:SarsapariIla Adriittp q »'â- tho 'Woi-ld'a Fair. ^XVii'ii l'ii^jL:i JU'i/uiute tho Ztowcitt DOT'S CORNER. The Ice Carnival PUANTASMAUOlilA LET LOO.-B. WE ARfi Still in ill' land of the liviii'j, tiellin' i/iide Kloiir, null.! 'I'mi and Siii'ni- uiil oilier (Jroeei n i Wo have aomti rale H'.ide Sweeties for auld and yoiii'({, and ifyoii«uiita I all! '.;Uile Trunk lau' keep ymir eho'H in, nr a ijndo iStxtoJiel Uniw and ih'W frai- Hie tnnnnfanliifer, jimt, ^aii'4 tao' Wllliu Jl'iideison in S|nonli-ii 111' c'k, ami lij will »ii|i|dy yon at lowe-t 11 i'.OB. VVAl. HENDEi^SON Good Farm for salo or Rent rjOt"i7,con.»i, Aitomosla. ciiiital)iiji({ \V\ Bcros iiKMti or In H.tfi aurbH i)U'Ht>i|. hIhjui U^ milnf from Flt'Hlimton. 'I'hot'i nva i lwhuI lo^ i urn aud stahlfl on thv proii)lHi*i. <):ui1 vniuiiiiK fritOT. forfutfa^r pArtlRttlatt npiilv ti> W, A, AUUHTItONfft FUihtrton' Rllimi ran LAII3DBT. I havci n)ioiiiiil nil n riini)i<i<tn ntoMii Innnilry in I''Ii'kIkii Ion. Hint nni iivii|ii'it>I tr> tnko lu nav inii'itUy of laMiiilrv wmk at Inwiie iiiIo'h tliaa o. clnivfml rlM.'»|n.ii'. I havii |iiit in tliola'«»t aii'l niiiHl lininiiviiil nlar'hliiin y to lliat iilid. Kinitlv mIvii mil a call. Iiiiitiru aaliiifaotlon l|a*raiittHid,aud prloen low. Man. (I HO. MlMlltKBODM "There was a Round of revelry," â€" hut no 1 will not drop into piwlry, for the mine-eii-scene is nut laietic. In the fiist place there are .ibout live lanip.s where iheru iiii'ud he at least twenty. In the next | hue the coBiuiiiea ^lo a perrtctly lan. did and fearluis critic _liave u tiitle tiiwdiy, |o..»,'.joiiilt:d-ilui'.;i;lo uiilud- pitch - lorked • tugtther and pinned i here kindofal'iok Soinu of iheae uoistuiiies are labelled, which is a lileH'iinir, or no hody C'>uld 1,'Ui-ba what miner the campy thi-y lejuseiii ; Boiiie of tlieiii h'ok a.s if they were worn ineiely to 'jii.ihie the weuiers lo );ei in ti\o cents cheaper than other people, a few look as if some care and lliouglit had hern exp>'liiied U|ioil tliriii and Ml werii neat and uttl'actiie. .And We are lold that Fle^h^rt••ll carnivaU liLiit nil from Tlp'riiiiuiy to Dm ham and hack again. Wtll, Dnrlniiii had a carnival tiie other ii'i:lit, and there was one' iiiH»ki'r and that wan a laar, and I am told the lich enteitainiiient affnded hy this litar waa aiioiiiiniid hy unu 1 race. Pity if We couldn't he.'tt that 1 The fiietoing w...m the kind of an ui.'le ilreaiii I fell int'> an I hHkid i.o\tti up'ii II'C inoviiio iiaiiiiiHina troiii the vai'tiige |i".iii, of the baii'l g.iUiiy. When 1 a»i>kined the band was pi'iyiie.; the lai >{U"rouii, amorous â- ' Daughter of love," walt^^t'H, and I diseciiied iMephiatu all H arlet from lop to toe, iiiiciue from the ul.'oiii of a distant corner aid ciillo up In his iiio.st inninuatiiio n,iy, In the very I'leiiy nun. "Ah-! no one can say he U not a tiue r.-premniatinii, he just looka lik« Clir â€" lli.it i.-t. liko Meiihiito " iIiouKht I, " Kveii Ins liol'iiolihin.' with the nun ivoiild he r. gilded liy koiiii- peopli. as Ins ii.oat characteristic fiature. But tl.c pale, pretty nuii will have none of him (tiu pun iiileiideO) and he is lurced to lake liliohelf and his aiteiilions 1 1 Mary Queen ol iS.otlH, who lirobnbiy ferla ijinto safe as Hiie catches the glint uf the ){u d cross ai the end of her rosaiy. Ill and out thiinigh the fantastic throi,g, Hit the seasons in a moot Ijeadilering dia ordi-r never coi't^m[iialed hy nature, ex- ci|itiiig that winter clint:s lo the skirts ot .-|U'ini{, ill thetiiesoiiiu fasliiuii he has 111 iliis Canada of nuis; in and nut spoui s iiiidni(;lit with her .-^tars and niuon hand III hand wiili the auii at iio'ii day ; in and oui in a g'lr^eious undhy lloat Kpaii.sli liaiiceisai.d lambuiiiine giiU aitayiiig to the ijthmic tlnulihini; of the music ; ni .md out dart bii> and little daikie^, clown, nnin liiniillo and iluuer ({Iris, under the digii'heil IK.KU of the cilca^Hiall l.cauly, «hiiHe loll'.' wliilo hair 11. ats ti> liur long .'.VMl^ il g lllotloll. 'Ibe iiaiiip with black v)o, patched up halurea and raj^ged clothes doos her fiolsteps possibly to ask for pie, but la disdainfully nfu^ed. Hard alter the fat man stalks tlio akele- toll who has hroUeii luosn from sinne- body's chmtt iiu doubt, and now, lakes a satdoiiic plenauro.in reieaiin'.j what was hiilivrto jialously viiaided as a niiterahle aeiret. tiut back lo your cli>.iet sir! Ci-ase III ho Iho "dyallis lie«U at the fea.-t." l''roiii ,1 daik corner is heard a piercitn; scream. Little Ued P.idiiio Hooi) reach iiij lor her dii.ik turns to hud Itou.!l' IJi'iiin rega: ding her hi!ni.;ii!y, but at ioo close iiitarti IS. Of lying wolves .ihe has no fears, but a ){rc-»t biu hear is diff. rent, .so hIui liaiids hliii over without iiieicy lo . 'Ill' I'lilian chieflain and eliiuitaine.ss who. al'ier a ^ood chase and inUid. tiring ilis pilch him. To the griiif of antiaiimxa lioiiiais Miss Canrda is sren t'l he .â- i)i|iielliiig HliHiiiefully with Uncle Sam, till tun: hur little Hags at liini, niakiiii: ipi'te a display of liei rildnl maple li'iiviii and ill oilier ways " Diaiiiiiii him on." it is a mercy John itull coiiies ulont; just I hen and taking her in chart'o, diverts li.r wimderiiio fancy to hinisolf, and the swilt Rti'on;: fk ito he is able to give lur, dilalis upon the beatily of tho " Old l'''ag " nn;l how well it heroines he-. <lii»i heiu, the band innvud by the eternal Ktnesi of things, stiicka np "Tha Maple Leaf forever" and Canada is saved. And now the ioe is cleared and Iho iiniMic chaii'k'es tolhelrish Washorwom in, while the hesl coniio boy cosltnne is hting competed for, Away they go with the rnlliokiiig abandon only soon in tho small boy. The liltlv clown cnpeis and twists and jumps about with a perfect iinniiiuity frimi falling, while tho 3 ft, high Wftshur- wiinisn is " Hail fellov/ w.U met " with thH daiky dude and wench. But this isn't a pa;ch tu the fun and exciienn-nt attendant u',M>n the barrel race. Onv W'-nders how the f>ur I.tti.- ra-culs are each uoing tu go ihiotigh tnn I .-^rrels in one round, but they do ii, looking like feirets dartili.; after a rat as they each make for their I an el, llov they Mjn nil ami wiggle, the niiKorahio bairel lolhiig about on the ice all the wliile ! SouieiimeN two make for the san.e b.triul then time is hiSt in the tussle and like is not one follow yives up, duos not go llir'.uiili the larrel at nil hat gi- k Wft-vei:}. instead, i|iiite furgfttinu' in I. is escne'- ineiit that, this (ii>qiialifi -s him. The other races and competitions am interest- ing cnoii:;h, esiiccially the oiis which earned with it the So tajli prize, but the kids' pail ill the evunin.; pirforiuiiioe di tance.l ihe otiieic in tin- ti.atier oi puie fun to nv mind. Dot. The Markets. t'itrefully Corrected Ea«li Wrek '''lour 84 (0 to £4 f.9 <-»i"s ... '>! CO «;« I'-as 48 to 6«l BuUiT .... 13 to i> li','!.'.', fresh 43 to J3 Potatoi-s Im.' rn) ro 2i> I'ork . 4 no to 4 oil Hay per ton .. l.") CO to 10 0;) Hides 4 (X) to 5 (H) Shei'pskiiis 25 to £0 ''1*1 Rr 5 to r> Tiirkiys 7 tf 7 Chickens per pair JO *o 25 Click.-, per pair 40 to 60 Wool • 20 to 24 TiiKC Tabic. }ki^^\j -•'•â- •'--»• Maikd.i'e- /^/T; in. 4.40 p- in. Fli-sin-r:oii-'li*'!ia. ni. 4 53 p. ni. 00 wo soaxn. irieshertonâ€" li 4ii a. in. 9.17 p. ui. Mak.i.le - 12 &l p. m. 0.30 p. m. CoDuty and Ul.^trict. Sandy Blue, of Chealey, g'lt drunk and lay out in the fttiow. As a con ei|Meiice the d ct-r Hiniiu'aied every hug. r, and be has iiow only the tliuiu'') of his left hand left. This is a terrible piivu to pay lor nil evening carou-al with the in toxicating boul A veieiiiiary expert fr mi ihe De|iail- iiieiit of A'^riculture vi.sded Air J'is< pli Jaci-sou'sfarni Ileal Pt-alii ill , II. Sulliian, riceiitly, and superintended the killing of four of the alT.-ct.J cattle. Tho d s- easr- with which Mr. Jau'ison's e«t°le nio ahected is caii;er ol the b iiu, wlich ihe (i iveininenl expert dci hired coiild be cured if lak n in linii-, aithim.:li ho de- clined a tempting bet to the coiilrary « Inch WHS otfored by Mr Jackson. Mr. L). U. Uoiie, V. S of De^boro, is ireat iiiii tho h.ilaiice of the alf>.cted held aid hopes to ('Ifect a ciirti of uc least six o! Iheui. --Chatswoith News. Honor Koli . 1'RK'KVIU.E PI'BLIC SCHOOL. Class 5 »r. â€" Henry Hog.-xrthe, Donald McLeisI, Frank Heiley. C asi 5 jr - Ije''. Giier, Pettr Mc- Ailliur, Tims. McD"U'j;al, Edith James, William Walters. Class 4. â€" EivarJ Watson, Bert Watson, William C.nikuy, Alice Willtauia, Ma^'uie .McLean. Class ;! sr. â€" Katie McMill.in, Myrtle McArtliur, I'elcr Mclntyre and .'e-sie, (tijual) ilerman McLean, Donald Mc- Lean. Clai!a 3 jr. â€" Henry Watson, Mniii> McLean, John Can e on, BeatriceConkoy and Konald McUae (eipiai) iVlaud Kuiley. FARMERS, ATTENTION IMlllOVK V(U UH1.«( K. I liavtt lin 1 Kcutxlfiuccu^s svi;h uiy liiill. I.,un1 Hak'o. n« a sto.k K^'tter- *"» tii count «>f >i«tril tiiiM's 1 hiivtj tit-Hidoi! to lun bini ut ;?I 00 lu-r cow lor tKKV ini\iible.Jttii. 1st IK>7. ((m»» ittiir>.» on ta bitioru that date 'J3 etn. extra wi 1 bii citai >;tHl. Koit Mi.K. â€" I have aUo f^r mIa a vouok thorout:l)brrtl Inill. whicW took ni-Ht \>r\Yv at Kltmlivrtoii mill Mi\rk ttilu fairs hIioI b,- I.or>l llfilci>, <1>iiii Lftiliiy ('Idiiiiioi'u. niit) uf thd best iiiilkiug cow» that ovrr catao iiitothiH i-t>iiiitr>. AltTHUA JoUNSTox, Vaudeleur P. 0. ATTKNTION To tho5<: Contemplating Building Hnvii-;,' JuKt rotur:unl fioin Now York, wboro, to ituH* i'X)it'iii>ii(i«, I bavitadiliul a vcai's (. onttt.i of iiiH' i-mitioiiH tiniior t)i» pet'Honal HiiperM-^ion of Ml. ('lniAtun1u<r Mvorn. aivliitoet in chivif to tlio Hv Itiiftit^o Ainuri(!i\h, I am brttt'i- than fvor (iii'iit' j»"l to atHiHt thoiid L'outtMn))lKlhiK bniliU it'", Aiiil liti\iu); fornu'd a cnn-iil iiiK ijaitnor hhip with Mr. M>er-», mv f!ioiit« ouiiHivine liiH vuliiat).c tiovvicoR wicboiit ti.\tra cbai'u**- IMiuiH, uto.. piouiptly fiu-iiiHbi<-.l. W. M. CLAltK, KlfRhoitoii NOTICE Tbo nnntiii) iiirvtiitt; of thu pat mi'i of F'osb - (Mt.m I'hiHM' facloiv wtll b» \\v\ I in tile 1 qn n ilHJl. F)cKht>rton. ^atiitilav, Mat'oti 'Jiati, ai 1 n'clofk, fcv On* pnrpo.*! of U'ttiuj; uiitk ronton ai (I <itlioi b.i^inuH^. and an tlu^ luicu iov inait.i- fto!tiuii)K clituisu \\\\\ hv vudiUH'il to out' tH-iil per lb. thiHK4;aHon, tiiurttfoiu all itlio wlnh to .-Olid milk this Hoasun wili plcttt^c Kivt* tbt ir ininios to tbo ditectois on i av'b routf brio •' milk routit-^ aro li<t. Would liko tu Kfo a full muutliitf of putions.. Qhohcih Btkwaut. Administrator's Sale OF REAL ESTATE I'nder niid by virtni' of tho power* voRto ) In tho ndmiiiJKtratot'of tlio ustatu of -lanu HadK\v, dotMHso'I, tluoo will \k: s4i|.I 11, pubU'.' auctio'n liy A. H. \ .luUuaon, auctioneor, at MAii\slia\v's Hotel In tlio vi11a{;uof I< I.ICvSMBI>^TON lu tho county ot Groy, on Wednesday ,18th day of Maixh, A.D. 1896 at the hoin ol two oVlmk in tlio Hrtonionii. tho liillii\vliH! liiiilii'rt>. vl/..; Tho wosli'ily thirty four aoriis of lot inmiliin' iliiity-»i.v in tho •Hvonth ooMiK.ision of tlio towiisjiip uf Arte- hiovIh, ill tl.o oeiiiity of firt y. For ti-viiiB anil iiuVtlinilnri' nnply to Or to 1,11 A» A WHiiiur. G«o. H.'Haulkt. Voi.rtoiM Holluiiorn. Ailmialiitiatar. Onan aauml aud VlusUariun FlMhrrtou t*. O. Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED fJJr^GS Which Doctors Fiulsd to Half, CURED BY TAKIMQ Chern,' •' I contraeteil a srvpro .Tid, vhi.h ^ett!---! Pn my Iuiirs, and 1 tl'd wlL-.t l.s itU'i dii;-* liisui')! c:i.-.es.iieg'ioctc.l It, tidtil.ti'it Itwaeil f[0 away I'S .i cam'; bt.t 1 fcmd, alter s htle while, tint the sllt'liiest ext;;.^u lialucil me. I lucu Co?isulted a Dastcr who found, on exstrlrirsr my InnRS tfc.it th< iniperp irt of tl:;' leU etn- >• is l'.-iil!y.n!iei.le,'. Ilo (4 ivo me some iiiedir;. c v.'!4rli I !o<.a i.t lllreeted. I ut kil'il not "em lu iln iUlj U' •;>'. K'rlunatele I lianipiicd ti> ie.i4 la Ayer* A'nianac of t"ie i.teot !!i>6 Avrr'a Clief:.- IVcf.ril h ' ; "Ui '!iar;, a:;! I I'e'.irmlnod lo C'voitalrl !. A'tortalti! tal-.v I'rs'Si-y tro:li!'j vras !'!leve.l, and !â- . 'oie I liinl t::\- I ihvl the lH>l(i« I V.-.V1 otireit "'â€" A. Lsi'LAi:, vato:.m.ikor, Or:'ii:;cvli;o, Out. Ayoi's Ohoiiy Peotsral Hlsrbo^t Avards «it WorM'a Pnlr. Flesherton Saw & Planing: Mills Tlic nndersigned aro placing in po- sition a first class ?!twn)ili for unsfoiu sawing, wliicli will bo ifadv for opera- tion ill .l.iiiina'v. We Imvc h!mo addtd A CHOPPING MILL For ilio eonvniiruco of farmrrs. Clinppinu; done nl u,ny time at 5 oeut» per 100 liiti. The sasli and door faclory, band and 'seioll Rawiiej btisiiie.:s coutiiiacd M-i iiaual. Pile in yotir orders. BEECRO-VT & TALBOT •ii'f' ^M ^^i'^!' <M& -^fi SUf ^v. s'!' .^v> â- A<ir ^e. ^it Â¥00 Photos m â€"TAKEN -AT THE \ Flesherton i Photograph I Gallery j are done in livst-class style and at K lowest rates. Special altenlion i tivini to eiipyinc. Babies' photos. J a specially. Pictures fianied. MRS. BDLMER I Â¥