-» â- I Mirana. <s TBUTH BEFOCE FAVOR "â€"" PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. VOL. XV, m w FLSSHSRTON, ONT., THTjUSDAY, MARCH 19, 18S6 W. H.THCRSTON, EDITOR * Pi?OPRiETCR , 1 i Jjfe ^^o -^i. jiW. •>»«. jili jt*. ^5fe -i'*. vVtt. cB^ OiV-- :}?'i' •â- '•"â- • â- 'V' â- *"- -" ?• ^5; *'*• â- >'<• •*'«• >M'^ ^'* * Something ^/' Something Good , J Durable For The Adtaii 'Sf.' v.> life ^,f= ^S= â- !?â- & ^1? ijia ^«i i'!i ;% ^% ^S= •Ji'? ^•^ ^Si? Si'Sl J*!t *'& S"-t •Sis- Worship. g Soujetbjiig'that mayi^'Sometbiit^ good as 5 Q be knocked about i tinie keepers iM '.If '•'â- •' :^. %? ^TS; sji? ^1-5 ^i\- ^.? */i? 5®= 'Ji*^ ^? =91? aV'a :S.'?i d'fe i'lk ^<<i SUe. :5!% *!& :5?fe *!& Sf'."'^^ $^ l^eu.cl Soiiictniiio- About Tlioni : ^ti' Liiie's <ijeii face, C.:iii Silvt-r U.iioli, $3 00 vi? ».â- •; (Jfiii's i>x. I iintiiisr cjish. Coin >>ilvttr Watch, with lo'iI Aiuericaii •?;? •>!«• #?a ui<;v.!tji'iit. $10 00. ^'/j Ciout'H 3 oz. Iiiiiiiiiiir case, C"iii Slver Wiitcli, st -m wind, $8.50. :«' f^.'. tV ojiKii f:ictL key wind, Cmii SiUer Watt-h, with li'inj AniericHn ^i«. , iixntinoiit, 65 00. N«P <i. (nl Oi.iii Silver, Swi.'-s Lever, liuntiii<j ca^e Watch. J3.50. Till "e :iio 'it.ly It ffW aiii<iiij» tlie iiMnv liHrjain.s w« hiivi" tn offer you in :?;(? S& the Wa'cli line. Cull in.d rxam in- iIumh. You iimy have any move- ^& 2^ inent ynu «ish. Oonio caily as iliey wi 1 U'lt l.i.st long ,ii ihose pricvs. j,}^ % W. A. Armstrong, = Jeweller To Tlie«, our Ciod, wo raise I'^oui lovlug hearts eincore GlatrtoiiUN of Kra^eful praise, Auil tiiUH to Thee druvT uooj*. Help UH to worship Thoe ; * Our iiearts with zt^al iiisjure : Let «H Tuy bu&iitv »e.». Aud ^raiit our chief desire. Thou »»i)iirce of houiiJleHs ;;race. In Thcti we live and move, Soon shail wo uou Tby face Aud triuuiph iu Thy lovo. Ourselves wo uow preseut For Thee liuiiciifuith to Jive â€" To Apt^pd aa l to be hpeiit Our all tu Theo we i^ive. Now to UHiichly blcaa The rea liuj* of Thy word, Aud may we each poHsoaa The bpirti of our Lord. Our all to Tliue unite : L'b with Thy fulntttjs fill, he it our chief d(.'lit{ht To do Thy perfect will. T. Watsom. Colborne. Fob. 29th. 1SW6. NOW is -tlie tiime t^o ^G't youi:* .Ordered .*. Clothing .*. Cheap, Everything at; very close px*ices no^nr C. J. LEIICH, Merchant Tailor - ssssssS '.'^'//////jm- I. % Va«€j«'I«'ur. ^.if xi;. .Mj. ^'1. if, ^ -Vt. ^^"i•J%•^'%<5'<;:»!«i^!«^•^Ki â- ?'"<.^'i.£^-f;S'i.&V£.S!i. -^'^ •â- ''*" ^'i :»'<!• •^'«• •^'«• :^r Our iiusini ss Directory ^ii^iucc's (Earrtj. M CCiiLOUGH A YOLNO, Jfutijitiu. BauHota, Uarkdale. tlo & K«i>*ral banking buK- ItitK.*. Mouoy loaned atjk rwaouuble rate. Call on U9. J P. MAKSH.VLIi, L. D.S.,M. D. S, Di-ntist. Visits MarkiJalo tlie 1st and ^li J Wuduiwilay of each uio:ith, riti8li(irtouâ€" Llach trip on tlia dav c..,<iruiK. hyteriaii Church, was an uii<iu»lified suc- Ce"8. EviTvlicidy iippi'iiritd to miike it their buRincss to he cum|i»uionalile. Of The severe culd weather of the pant cnur-ia iheie whs some win- pulliuu over two wet-kn HeeuiA til have priiduceil akiiid inaichin;; the iiecktes, otherwise there of dihteuip.-i. fiuiiliar to the yripi). were Home wonderfully happy ooincijeiits. Quito a iiuiulier in tliii iiei<.ihborhood On the other hand i|uite a few were i.ot have had «l> uttack. &,i fm tunate and '.herefiiru deplored their Mrs J C. Buchanan is very ill at ill lucU. present. Dr. Cotter is in attend.uicc. The politician of thin hurg received a j Mr. Geo Hutchinson left for Toronto treineniJ mt dressing do*u the other liuit Week to attend the hospital. cveiiiii-; fpmi a rtsideiit in the W.st I Mrs. Tiio.-i KelU and her daughter, End. No seiinus resulls are anticipated. Clare, returned home host week afer A M\inil)er of the nieniher of Uiv. 1*48, ajjcndiiiu sune time vi3iti;.g friend.s at S. O . T., ] aid a fiatermil visit to R. T. In^ursoll aiid other points. Mr Wni. Stauihuski'j bad a stock stile AS. VANDUSHN, flink .5th Div Conrt, Co Gray linnor cf Miirriii«o l.ioensBa, Cuinmitsioaer In H. C. J.. Ci)H»ayiiu.tLirT Aiclloii or, «tc. .Vgeiit for »hu aiassey-Hairi.s Agricultuial Iiuplo- inouta. Clayton'!! Hiovk. Klaaburton, upyostte llicbardsun'» hardware store. ^fiial. TJKBTS COLLECTED. Tho uiiJi-migned is iirepared to undertake the loricticn of all kinds of debts. Notes buUL^tit. acdoitlits collected, etc* R. N. HEKDEUSON - KLEtUEKTCN pKUST A B.VTSOX Harristors, Solicitors. Conveyancers, eto. OfflCBâ€" N'cxt to post olHce. Sjiroiile's block FKHhertoii. every Tbursd ly until furtbt'r notice. C. \. H.\TSON • J. W. FIJOST U.. B. I N. U. â€"Owen Sound office. Frost's block Toulett St. East. last week. Mr. Thomas .Shami.ui of Dundalk, • visited with his hrother Ucorae.here, hi.st I week. The Forresters' concert. hcM in the hall here Mutch the 4th, was a decided success, notwitlistaiuiiiiL; the severe cold of T. at Fleshertoii Stntinn last Tliuraday evening, wliere they wcro ri>;ht royally enterta lied. Tho otlicr day Mr. .lohn Willi.inisoii delivuied at Klesherton ljt.-ilion a tulo- grapli piilu which netted $10. It was a beauty, 75 ft. lonif. WIm says a good swamp doesn't pay ? We underMtand that J. and D. have TCHtSLBTt • l^Usnorton Station I'ostioRHter. Conimi'<riloi.er in H. C. J.. Con rayaocei ; dapils. mori^agcs. lease.s ami >vili» drawn. Charges luodercto. • rlltan. Dusiuess lettuis dcia R J. SPBOULK. Postmasti-r, I'leuherton, CosimUslouer in «. B., Licensed / uitioneer, Cuuveyancer, A pralser ami Mioiey Louder, Ileal I'.state anl lueuraece Asont. Ui-eds, Slortnages. LoaBts, aud Wills ili;iwi np aui". Valuations made on •borteal, uoHoe. Auction sales attended to In any part of the County. Money to loan at low est rates of lutertst. Collections attoudoil to with piom'»tiies« and iio*iiatch Chirgee low. Agent for the lioininion btoauiship Company. cheap ti c'lii^ts from Fleshertou to Liverpool, Ulasjjow, London or any of tho British ports. PariicK lute-.iiltus to visit Eni(land. Scollaml or irolaud. will pioase ask rates before purcliasiuK tbcir ticket.'! oltiewiiere T LCAS it. WRIGHT, Barristers, Solicitors, Convoyanrorn, etc., Owen jonuil. Ont. - - Markdalo, Out. \V. H. Wmiorr. I. H. Lucas. N. H.â€" Flesbeitou office, Mitchells Bank every Wednesilav. pLClvKR & PATTKRSON. * llaniste'.s, solicitors, etc. Molson's 1-tank.Oweri Souinl. Harry G. Tucker Goo. W. I'atterson JUfiliral Mid 111? stale the roads were in An heuii bo.itin); about CO or 70 a day lately. e.\cellent program wa.s rendered consist' If such is the case it is about time they iiii; of niu.siu by the Eugenia string band, were brought before the Mayor and com recitations by Miss Sinclair, a sons; by pelled to ;.{ivo bonds for the protection of the Mis.'es. Johnsiiiis aiul al.so one by sliou makei'K. .Ml3< Annie Kells. A;i excellent sjieech Mr. Jas Tiyon arrrived home l.-i.st week by Mr. (Jartimg from H.aniilton in thj after spending a few months in Detroit. ; henefils of the order was very much Mr. Robert lleiley of Proton station I appreciated by the audience. Prtjcceds spent Sunday with his purcnis. ' S15. ' Wo are sm-iy lo learn of ihu c( iitinucd Mr. Samuel Bowles is still on t'lO .sick illness of .Mr. Ilobt. Waiters. We trust list. IIUTTON M D C M. M P P i- S Out. Piiouville- Office ne.xt dnor to Brown's store; residence one door west o' Methodist church, Kiuross St. Ullice days, Tuesdays and Saturdays, .lluiiiit Zlon. * Misses Eliza and Tena Ross have uonc t* Toronto. V\ e wish the sjiils success. CLEARING OUT THE BALANCE OF MY Holiday Goods AT COST GIRLS, This 5s Leap .Year ! Now is your opportnuity lo jrct a huudsomepresL'tJt for your " iuttadcd, " for yourself, your coiisiu, your uncle or your auut at rediiccil pricos from W. E. RIGHARDSOM Druggist aud Statiouer, FlesLertou TIHELY HINTS ^ A wise man knows Hew to lake a bint. This is tUo season of year whou yott art! requiring UOBES. BLANKETS, BELLS, Wllirs, I lEJT SETT OF ejBIESS. D H CAKTKU he will soon lake a change for the beiter. <-'"' rycouibs and evtrytliiiig cuuuei'tcJ Mr. Alex .McLean of South lino ro- j wi'i the Harness line for winter use. turned fiom Michijpin last week. Alex. ', p\,.. _ \/ f^tt \^ ttlTWXT reports very >lull limes in that part of I â- "-'*-' I tl 14 = IVnUW Uncle Sani't Domains. j Where to buy Ibcin We are sorry to learn that Mr. M. i To thu best advantage '.' A woodbee took place at .Mr. Jeremiah C""'"''"" i» »r preseot sufferinfj "-'ryXJiis ig ^Jigje the Milt COIIieS JD Taylor's la.st Wednesday, and one at Mr. se,:^p;ly^'i.l. ju,_at,ackj.f sc.aMc;^^^^ | ,^^^ .^ .^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ T'aylor's on Tuesday foil. .wing. Wdli:... yi C I* <% S Out., Pliysiciau, Surgeon, etc f lesheitoii otUcoâ€" strains b'ock. Resideaoeâ€" .Munshaw'a Hotel .^ociiifiS. AO.l'.W.â€" moots every first aud third Mon diiv ii. iiat'ii iiioi't'i. oi their lodge room C!r. isto.is i.lock. !â- lesherton, at s .p. ni. VV. H. NViUktir, .M.W.; V.'..). r.oUau.y, fliiuec'cr \V. Irwiu ii.ioorder. Visiting llretberu iuviteii. ROVM- TKMl-LAUS OF TF.MPKKANCH. - Kog'.ilar Council meets every first and t'lo 1 'i'n»8ls- evening iu each month, in Slnc.io's block »f. H p m. beleet digieo lusurani cl luect'* monthly, the Wednesday preeeuiLi; the 23ud of each montb. : JOHN A SCOTT MB Monihor College Physic, fc Kurgeons.Ontario Graduate in Mediciue of Toroe o University Kellowstip Diploma. Post Giadnate .Medical School and HoMpital, Chicago, llis.'aiiesof eve, ear. nose and throat spiieially treated. Kesl- denco, .Ma.\we 1, visits Feversbam Thurs'lavs I 2 J P trfTEWKLL ' Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veter'uary Ccllefjo. Rovidence^Next door 'loutb of Moore's planing factory. QU.M ARYM. BBANDER SONS OF T'-'MPIvHANCE.â€" This society moots in Dr. Chri.'itoe' Hall ttrst Weil iLcsday iu cucli mouth at S p.m. Visitlbg brotbereu iuvlied. lusuraucelo coiiuecUou. UP. B. A., meet in their ball, Christoe'i BIocli even second Thursdu) iu each month. '.\ in. i harp. Master. T. Claytou, Sec- retory. I-JUtSCBAKTHllB LODGE, No.'W.S, A P & ,VM,nu'.'t iu the Masotic Hall. Strain's Block, I'lo.i'.oitou, every Kri Isy on or before the tiiU uiuun. Dr Carter, W M, K J Spxoulo, secretary DUFPKHIN LOnOE, No ISIl, 1 O O F, meets in Clayton's Hall every Tues. day evoiilug at H o'clock. WHiling brethren cordially invited AS VasDiiRBN.N G W'M MOOHH. Su M D C M. M C P & S, Out.. Priccvillc. Olllee and resi leuce at Methodist parsonage Calls night or dsy proniptlv attended. Viists Floshorton St,l^tiou IU to 11 a.m. Wednesdays pRICBVILLH AND DURHAM STAGE. Durham stiig- loaves Flesherlon Station at Vl.! a.m.. retni'iiH 4.*5 p.m. I'riccville staiio loaves tho same place at l'i:.IS\, rotn: niiig nt I l">. Fare to Prioevillo and return. 30 cents ; L)urha)]i. '•!l,.-)0 for return. 7")c. sinjtlo faro. Livery in con- iiuctiou. Orders may bo loft at eitlior hot.-l. A. SlcCALLEY.I'rop u.sn«. \m 18 indescribable in lan- : , , , , . , , 'J^'"' ''^nt back, the crippled I Myrtle Koss, who has been laid up wilhj intense neuralgia pains that rheumatic fever durim; the last si.x weeks, ^ "^-^ ""js trouble almost drive Qs to despair. The tjlessiug , 18 now convalescent and with care and those who have learned of '. time we hope to see her as hearty as ever. '^'ioAn Rheumatic Cute. wfiicliJ j Mrs. James Lo\o, Sr., has al.vo been on | BooUlVlllc I llio sick lis' for son-.e time, but is now re- covering. Her daui;hter, Mrs Ciawford, <if Osprcy, has 1 cell waitiog on her. Mr. Alex. Taylor spent la.st week visit- ins; fiiends in King township and Bolton village. He reports having hii;^! a ijood time. Tom and Gcori;e Ludlow are eng'iged cultini< wood for Alex. Taylor, I Mr. and Mis. Carruthers, of Kiuiber- ! ley, sjient Saturday with the latter's sister, Mrs. W. H. McNally, of this place. Mrs. Carruthers is well and fav(nab'y known hero and we wish her and her husband a pleasant journey through life. j A post ollice will bo openfd .it Mr. George ThunipPon's about lie fiist of April ; which will bo a very convenient thing for this neighborhood, the majority ' having had to go to Flesherton, a distance of isix or seven miles, for their m.vil niat- I ter. PROPP FOR A Terrible .oase..'Vi one : Oo lo WILL MOOKK. Ini-iiessiiiaker, • Fieshcrton. N. 15, â€" Cowhide milts,, hair inside I (lom 50c to 75c a ptwr. For SALE or to RENT in the Tc wnships o Artemesia and Glenelg Fram our omi Comnpoudi'iit. Mr. Geo. Sackett is able to go around I ~' again. iBlFIDSs Miss Alice Wilson is home again. . ^ J. R. Wilson is home at present, ss . . AND . . the shintimher men intend taking a rest,' ttmi t> > • for a while. { . . Yillag-e PropcTties A sleiah l.iad of young folks paid a! very pleasant visit to Fairwell Corners | the other evening. Mr. J. Alcorn intends building a brick house this cnmiug summer. Mr. Chas. Fi-rgusou is nisi preparing for a briok house. Fairwell thinks there is a show of get ting llio po.<t ollice yet, as the election hits not come off. The nJyht school has closed. I wonder if th.ise who attended have tiiiished their education for practical fariiiors ? [ The above iicms came to hand too lato for last week. â€" Ed ] M 188 EDITH RICHARDSON Pupil of Robt Mahr, cf Berlin Germany, (violin); Mrs Bradley, of Toronto Conservatory Music, (Voice Culture) I'rof Kerrison.late of Toronto. (Piano) will rweive pupHe iu SINaWG, VIOLIN, PI« A^U and ORGAN I'rireville. I James Haslie of Egrenioiit had a ii.ir- row escape from death while driving From our oiim correspondent, home from Durham. When crossing tho [CnowDBD oi'T i.\ST wr.KK.] railway track the up train ran into the The necktie social last Wednesday eve- rig ho was driving, killing oiio horse and ning at Mr. M. Keiley'a, under tho sevcicly injuring the other. Mr. Hastie avispices of the L.tUies' Aid of the Pres- escaped unhurt, Lots 1 and a. con. 3 N.D.K.. township of Art»- uiosin, 100 acres. T"> clear, witliaow tame bsri^ ^.-ixR."! It., stone bu.seinent. Won! I rent. Li>t 47. con. ij. towntihip o( t'ilomili', '''>a acres under good cultivation well watered. Would rout reasonable. Lot No. .1, .Tamos st. north, and !ot No, .'i. Mill St. north; also «ast part of l"t 4, Kincaidiue north. Brick liouso Slid let at Klui.herlou Station, known a$th» VVaite property. All the above properties will bo sold at low flguros nd on easy ternis. Titlus ind.sputablo Apply to John JVic.Xrthur, PRICEVILLE P. 0. Logs Wanted Highest (irioos paid in cash for rock and soft elm logs, to be delivered at nur mill. LongMisâ€" Rock Iflrn Si and n feet fall ; Soft Elm, 10. 12 aud 14 feat. J. B. 6i,aa« Bn«ania D*«. It, 'M