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Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1896, p. 5

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I Ths FLBSHERTON abtangb OaO. MITCHELL â€"^ FLCSIiEUION VRvioral baiikiuc uu»iiiub« traiinactuil Drnlu iMauu-i liiul 'jiiuq.ttJb i;asUi;ii at tiHtial ratuti. Admjy ahuiyu »v4ll iblc lor Intjlumto hiiKimMs onturpri^u. Ofllco two ilours uullU o* lliuUaid> â- on Ji Uu'a. Vicinily ^^hips, VUurHcteristics of the Past Week CarefiiUy €iillea for the Tunous, tt itiueaa nititctx amtnuj Uiccds will he churifK'i at the rute. nf 10c per line fur each inatrlon. .1 rfihi-ction will U inidn OH nuntriuiU fur 100 tiiunor over. Tliu people of Kiiiibuilcy have sturtrd a public libiiiry. We cnii'^nilulaca tlieiii upou ihtiir pluuk uiiU eiiifi'iinmi. Tlie vlttrkd.ile !:>taudard widliea ti) know whnt buuoiUH .>t their band. Priib- My It liiis I'loKii Hway. Coiiiid.:iHbl>.< UMUer, iiicluUiii.; Dot's letter, ii.s( of ijiiibiuasters, etc., is held uvei uiiLil uexi. w«ek. Tho iCB liiii vcBt in now in full swiiiy. A f^ooU nuiiutiiy la lie iij; souuicd fnmi the bttlu tako In MuiiHbiiw'it littid. Marcli juiopuiJ iiiU) (liu iiii|{ like a li!{hliiig >^huiiiUiii, liiitvliiig aod aluroiluu faiiiiualy. Lui us> bope lie will fiet lilH [iluiaua pluck nd. 'f lie Cliutawortii NewA baa piisaud itn cleveuth iiiiluHloiie,iiii.i beciiuii'ii ui'ire iii- torestuig Hi a uroivu older. JMiiy ii cuii- tiuud (o pros|<er. LuiU[) jaw t-xiDt.H ilia herd of cattiu imtUi FiiaOody, ibirtuuii aiiiiiialBbuiiitfuitlx- led Mi'U II. Tlie governiueiit utiiuem iriU deal Willi I be cuHe. The Liberal Aasoaiallun cudnrtied Dr. LandtMkm as tlicir represmtativo, imd pissed rosiilutioiia ii> favor nf trtiill' re- form and ex|>res8ivo of cuutidfiice in Mr. Laurier iiiid Sir OliviT Mowat. A num- ber of Fleslitti ton R-efiiriuors drovH over and report it aa niio of iho bust political niielingb ilu-y nver attendi-d. Mr. Donald McPliernon, a well known young man of this to«n- aliip, who liab been out in Mon- tana ininmg for somo yiurs, died al hia hmno on tho jjravel wi-st of the 8'atiou, Tui'sday afU'inooii. Mr. Mc- Plit-rsoii ci'iitracled consiiiiiptinii and arrived h<'iiie a week iign only tu die. The reiiiaiiis of Mirs M-iruaret Ellen Cainpl^ell iif Colluiiiwond were iiueried in Fleslitrtoii cemetery on Tui'sdiiy fi ire- noon Minn Canipbfll taught school for several years in Rection 3 near ibis village and had very many friendn iu tliia Vicin- ity. Sliu removed t<i CollingwooJ with lier biothi'rs a!)out tiftefn vinr.s a^". She was a (laughter (if tlie latj Richard Caiii|)- hill and s.ster of Cupt. 11. G. Campbell, Divi.-iun Court Clerk, Cullinawood, and M^iji-r A. J. Campbell I'f ibe same place. The cause of Mi»« Camp ell's death was cancer. ForS.\i.b. â€" A few tc»n8 of pure tiiiiotliy hay, also three tons of oats and poas, uiithieshed. Outs »ud poas $14 per ton. Apply to Tboiuaa Ijiraiigur, IM, .3rd range wtwt, Arteiueni*. for Bale â€" \ili»}{« lots 11 and 12, t^tralu's HUivey, brick clad dwelling there- ou, cjiHup and on easy terms. Apply to W. J., fleihcrton, or W. J. '.'aBWoll, ITlushorloii P 0. The oouDuil uf Sullivan has reduced their councillors' fees and nthcers' salar- JuH to tbu extent of $r)5, and a total re- duction in conindlabiu expenditure for this year of $522 aa ciinipar,id with the fjreviiiua year, bait been iimdu. "A crick lo the back," a pain under the ahouldur- blade, water brash, bilioua- iiesa, and couatipuiion.are Byuiptouis of diS' r.lered ototnaoh, kidneys, bvcr, and buwuls Kor all ailioeiiis <irigin.itiii<! in u deraii{4euiunt of theoo organs, take Ayrr'a Pilla. A nioetintt of those interei^ted in the priipciued electric lailivay was hold in the town hall Monday eveiiiiii! to pr"teat aijaiiiat the de'ay in gi anting a charier fur the line, and a strung res'dut.ou was udiipted urgini; the Diuiiinioii Guvern- iiieiit to do its duly liy those who have snliHcrihed m iiiey lo pay iho expenaos. Tho Minster of Uailwayn, it apprara, is atleinplin.;; to shove the matter over by I takini^ time to Knd uUt whutliur or tint hu has ihu i>ower to uPin' acbarti'r for a a lino lunnini; whully through Ontario There in a lively dissatisfactiun among iiitureated thuC h» did not express this di'siro when the pioviaional directors were before the coinmitieo a couple of weeks ago. Wo believe the solicitoit* fur tliia piopiised line would Hctcpt the chances of such a (.-Iiartor being vnliil and pay for it. What more «lii>uld the UovemmeKt aak ? An auction sale of fauu atock antl iiiipleiueiils will be held en loi .'14, eon. 4, Artoineaia, <m Friday, March 13. A larxo quantity of stuff will ho- offered, .Sale at 2 p. m sharp. L. Badyerow, 4>rop., Jiihii Spwra, auciioneer. file blue bird Ih hailed aa a Imihinger of spring It 19 aldo a reoiindor that a bloiul-puiilier in medvd to pivjiaiu the aystoiii for ihe debllliatiiii; wcatluc m oonio. Lision and yoU will hear ihehirda «ingiin;. "Take Aycr's Sarsapaiilla in Msrch, Apiil, May." Money at 57^ iut'-rest, payable yearly, ^ieopio (iutbetford, Shelburni>, \<* louiin^ nioni'V in b(»h large and .hiiihII siiiiih, in- tt>ref<t at 5% per annum (iint half yearly M»i not in advance). Expeiiaef> very low. Write far partiiiilars or call at his otHco on Mondays, VVeduosdays or Saturdays. • )fiJoeâ€" Main st , Slielburne, Out. The Orange concert held at Protein Station on Friday was one of the most successful aifuiis "f the kind over held in tliia section, noiwitliatai:d.Hii<r the fact that the mads were Well iilgli inipas.sahle owing to the thaw. The new hall was criiwded t-> the doors and tho pmeeeds amounted tn sixty dullara. Mr. \V. J.Mc- Loughrey occupied the chair. Tlio speak- ers were Ruv. J. Mahaii, Mr. John Lyons and Mr. Jus. Corbett of I'roUm. Miss Kord of Matkdale rendered two 80ii)!S which wore muuh appreciated. There were also inturesiiii^ dialogues and string band niu.sie. The inciiiberH nf L. O. L. No. U44 are h gliiy elated over the success of their lirHt entertainment, and fiud theiiiKeives in an excellent fiuaiioial condition iu conseijueiico of it_ May all their cntertuiiimunts bo as successful. Mr. Jas. Baakerville visited Colling wood hint wei'k and reports soiiiethiii^ •sirnordioarv in tho way of 8i;.iw drifts down between Sitiyhainplou and Dun- trooii. Fie declares that tbu road climbs drifts near Duiiivooii fiom 40 lo 50 feet high, and ihe tops of tall poplar trees are juat distinguishable above the snow. The funeral of (hu late iluhn Martin, whoso buddeii demise wo noted in laat week's paper, tmik place on Saturday, the funeral being largely attetidtd. A memorial sermon was preached in the Metboili.-(t church on Siiinlay evotiing by the pastor, Rev. J. Mahan, from l.he tMt : , 'Prepare to meet thy God." Amos 4 12. The I O.C). F. society, of which deceased was a inember, was preseat in a body. Or Laiiderkin, Messrs. Duncan Fras- •r, Wm. Muluck and Wm. Qibsun. M. i^. s, addressed n large meeting of eleo- tut« of South Grey at Durham Saturday. Carnival Mr. Howard will givo another carnival on tho rink VVeiliiewl.-iy uvoiiing next, I2th iiist., wheu a splendid lot of prizes will be git'on, including live dollars cash for a race oiieii to oul.sidors. There will also be a good prize for a homo race. UUIh will be issue^l this week giving fu'l particnlai'H. As this will be the huit cai- nival of the Huation and the adnli^Hiuu being low, there should bo a crowded rink. Tho H|iortH will include a banol iitcc, and there will be plenty of fun. PERS0NAI.3. Mrs. I. B. Lucas of Markdalu spent a oouple of days last week at tho parental home hero. M'ss M.-»y Phillips left on Friday for Winnipeg, where she expects to remain for some liino. Mr. Victor Kestsr, who has been foro- mnnuf this ollice fur the past year and a half, left last week for Bridgeliufj.', Out., where ho will eiiier into partnership wiili another genlleuian in tho publication of a paper, W'u wore sorry to lose his ner- vicuN, but wish liiiii uiiliinited kucochk in hia business. He repiesuiilod thcEpwuith League of this place at l*arUdjile eii route. Mis.1 .\. Armstrong is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Edith liidiardson has rotuiiied homo after spending a fortnight with friends in Turonlu. Miss Annie Richardson, whom we ii a proud to claim as a native of I'"lo8hi ! - toll, is reaping laurels aa iiit elocutioiiii^t in Torniito. The Mail of Friday lastsnid : "A largo audieuoo greeted Miss Annie Richardson at her elocution recital in the College of Music hall last evening. The suliclioiis load were "Tlif Second Trial," Jidiiison; "Tho llevuiiye," Timiiyaoii; "Prior to Miss Bell's Appearance," Whitooiniie Uiley; "The Soiiii of the Camp,'' Bayaid Taylor: "At a Wedding." Aiisieyj "Tlie Raven," E. Poo Miss RichanlrtOii has a uraoeful ataiio presence muuh chirm of iiianner and in her selec- tions showed excellont tpialitiea In voice and style. In (he character sketch, ''At a Weildin;;," Mini R. evinced much ability in her repieserWulinii and was received liy a hearty recall in tlie more serioua iiuinbeia she was eipiaily .succ-'ss- ful, "The llaveii," by Pue. Iieiiiii e-pecially well done The Saturday Xignt saya uf the Name affair : "Miss Hieliardsoii aijaiii pi-'ived beiHilf niie of the most gifted of Toriinto elueutii.nista and great- ly pleased an aiidijiice comiiosod very hirsjely of people po.sHessud of keen discnininatioii " The Glohu nf Monday adds a iilouti'g eulogiuni in u'bicb it sayK: "Miss R cbardson's powei nf wnid pic'iur- ing was deliiihtfully di-inonaiiated by a clover rendering of ' .\t,n WVddiiii.',' a society .-ketch, while her drama' ic ability showed it'olf in ' The Revenge ' and 'The Raven.' Miss Richardfon's mice is c'ear iiiid fl-xili'e, wlile lier coiicopiion and reiideriii-i of her piiiLoain showed c.ireful and cninpiehenaivo study." Mr. \V. A. Dayman of tho Ryilenliam Mutual fnsurtnce Co. spent Sunday in town. Master W. (jleiidiiiiiiiiu of DuiidalU collided with a post at the skating rink and brnke his arm. Mr. W. P. and .Miss E;bel Crisa ey took III a caiuivid at Duiidalk rink Fri- day evening last. I*}iiiel brought home two prizes. A man named William Leeson, who lives ill tbu township of Beniinek, has fallen upon hard tiims lately. Being diurt of feed as well as money he drove his Cattle intii a nei^hbnrs swamp, to browse and make out (he beat they could. One of his cnws became exhausted and was next door to dying nf ataivaiion. She lay dov.ii in thu siio.v and was un- able tu get up. Billy was conipassionate and covered her with some old blaiiki ti, giviiii! it feed when he could <{et any, but the poor btu'e was unable to rise. On Friday ninrniiiu la«i when liu wont to see how the {joor bruto was, bewasaniuz- od and indignant bi sou that Its sufferings had coinu to an end. Soiiieb »jy had visited the swamp dnriiiu the iiiulil, kill- ed thu cnw, skinned it, and carried away (be hide. Luesmi ia now a mad man. â€" Cheslcy Free Press. The seventh parliament of Canada has been an extraordinary one. Durin.; its existence four I'teinicis have been at the hcati of the goviiiiiinent. and before it closes there may be the lifth. It is now iu iis sixth soeaion, and it was stat d the other day in the House "f Cniiinions thai it is tho only Parliaiiicnl under the British Coiiatitutmii has ever held that many sessions. Hound Lost. DciK hound, iioarly all wlilto, with snmn black « n side ti>)ar shouldor, r.iuutl ttpnts through the wliiti; lowaruK hiutl ii.iiu-UTH, bniall black spi't on liark near tail. Mtxliiiiii lai^o dofj, answcr.H to uaino Jack, litfoi'ination as to his wlioi-c<* abutity may !io left at this odicu. Hay and Grain for Sale. Tho iindoihiunutl iB'iiellhiK Irav, r.pwl uii.l leed oat" anil six-rowed Imvluy at iiiai kut prieo. • A, lir;.\T I V, OraiiRe Valley. FARMERS, ATTENTION IMI'UOVK TueasTOl'K. I hnvo bal KraiiilKiicutiHs wlih my huU. land Ilaiuo, &B a stock Kettei'. I'li aiH-nunt .of iuinl times I havo (letidoil to niii tiitu at 5l l;(J iu*r cow tor IHtlO payablu.lan, tKt lfc07. if not puiud oil or ha:oru that date Hi ct«. CAli'a wi.l bo charged. Fon fAi.K, â€" I have aUo for snlo a voiniK thiM'onMbhruvl hall, which took fust prize at l''li:i>hurloiiand Maikialo fiiirs sir.d hy Ivoid lialcu, dain ijaiifly Cloniiioie. one of tloj boat uiilkiiig cows thai, ovur caiiiu into this nonntiy. .Mi'iiii'U loHNsruN. Vauilolour 1'. O. ATTENTION To those Contem plating Building Havinnjiist lotnriiod (lom Now York, wliovc. to past uxpniiuncu, 1 nave added a viar's course o:' iithtviiciionB iiinliir thu pio-t^oiiai siipu; vision of Mr. (.'hiistui>h»r Myors, ari-'hitnut in chief to tho soit'iit.illu .Xmoi'icari, I am botier than ever pioparud to assist those conteinplaiiiiu biiild- iiii|, anil havin!{fniiiiiid a con: uMiik pailiii'i-- ship with Mr. Myeis, iiiv ulieiits <:an si oiiru his vahiah.e suivicoa witlroiit exlrii. ohar);e. rians, ulc, pi ouiptly fU'iiishel. W. IVl. ClvABK, FIoBhorton V^^;t::^;:!^k:Zr:ZiduK^i!-i^S^^ Boot and Shoe Dealer IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT WE ARE CELLING THEM »)FF AT A VERY BICSt REDUCTIOItf Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended to Agent for the Dominion Money Order Express^- â-  ^â- â€¢^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ -^^fc -^»- -**- -^^ -^^ -^^ ^^^ .^W^ .^^ -*^fc -^^ ^Vk «^^ ^^. ^^^ ^^ .^^ ^^ ^1 'â- ^^J^^fSP^ .^&r-g^i^S.^1 » M8, ' )^ p*&'i9>i . â€" __ »»vyri"»i»73 l^.&^i Big Bargains These Days At T. Hill's !t1' t 'f» IB' T ift;'^^'aiV1feci»a^ii)V'tt^"':iiiSpiiV^ui Looking Ahead ^ III ^^^ "iV»iJILi__:. ''!::â-  ' iillilillWâ€" lllllil!;' . Ji h •iMnill lliiiajfli 3 RESOLUTIONS FOR 1896 1st. We intend tu sell more FuniiLiire duriiif; 1890 tliauasiy one ,-^ year of our business career. tfi '2iid To place beforo our ciistoimrs tho lur({tist anil mnst coiii>. *). plete lino of Furniiiire and House Furnisliiiiiji to \ij found iiiulor »t oue roof ill tho county of Grey. 3rd. To redoublf our efforts to satisfy onr cnstointii-s. gi we have ever tiied to do, Iho very beet value for every d pi-Midiul at our store. ?iviiii;, ns « jollar I'X ?i •2 jr. E IVIoor©, - Furniture Dealer and Undertaker "Ji] U^te^, Picture Framing and Repairing in a!! Branches ----- -.-^ OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tlla© ^5rei:»y 13est pi..\cn; IN c.\N.\D.\ TO (ii;T .v TboioQQli Business Ediicatioo. Tiilte <t Roimd Trip Slh^r Hurina'I - CoUumm iinil Coniiiicrciftl DojtartnioMt-' in t'lHimiR, thtiii vibH the Norihorn Hutinoss CoUi.rfe ; Mxainino overy- thiiig thorouHlily. If w« fail to pnnluco the must thoiutmli, coniplutu, pynrliiftl ati<l oxton- aive coursoof ntiidy ; tliH b»'SL coMofte pioniiboB and tho buKt and ilios ooiuplnt'i and nioot Riiit* aUlnfiiriiitui'u and u| 1 IttiiitiUH. wo will t{ivo yon H full uoui'HH KlllOi... Kor Aniiim) Aunaimue- uient.};ivtug fuU pai'tioularB .fieu. addross C, A. FLEMING.' Priucipal. I8!is8 anil lot For Sale. For Palo clioap and on oany tniiiiB In Plo*<h<n-- ton. Splomlid IfirRtt, Rolid brii It dwolling, with Uond Ht iMi) cellar, Bniiinior kitclioii and wood- houBQ, alt^o uoiid f»Hm« ^-tK.bU*. brick lined, r fliiii^uK i:untniiiH twolav^o IntRaiid^oiid younK onihard, btiarini,' Honso ui.d (.ii'lniildinuR aru oxnopt-ioiinlly wnH flnihhml and very conveni- cutlv laid out. Apply to K.J. Sprovm:, FJoihovton. Jersey Bull for Service ThorouKlibrod Jinsey bull fnr Horvico at John H. Hoard's. FloHhcrton TerniH (Ute dollar. NOTICE Tho annual inootinR of tho pat ons of Fhish^ ftiton cheoso factory \Â¥ill bti lioM in tho Tnwn Hall, Kiotfhorton. SatuKUy. i\Iavcli '2Hth, at 1 o'chick, loi the jiurpot-e of Ictfclnji niiik rDUtoe and otht.T l)nsinotts, and rb Mio priuu for uniun- fnuturin^ chnor>o will bo rHiInutid to one uont ppr lb. thiHHuafion, thoittfoiu all who winh to sondtnilkthiH sonsoii will piuHHo give thoir nauHJrt to lh« dijiictovi* on uaoh route bufora milk vouto.4 nro let. Wunld liku to nee a full luotiting of palroou, OSOROa.tiTKWAUT. Cash : for : Hides! Shenpskins uml nU kiiidH of fiim pur- cliiisiul, for which niitrket price will be paid. HoiiiniiiBdu aauingcii on hand, %!(« all kitidn nf inuvts. FLESUSRTON M^l?!' EMPORI.UM PruBorvo y..ur cyi'siulit by h;iv n;. them. |iri)|i. rl.v tusieil by \V. A, ARMSTRONG, . OPTICIAN., SKATING RINK Onoof the voiv best riiiiig nortli of Tr.ronle Ol-eii Moiidiiy, WoclnoeJay mi,) S.itu.vlav oyen- iiiK«. Hand in iituuidoiico Wtailmist , >», w.iouS. will ho cliaijH.l foi- Kiiectntors. I o.-,, „,.,» „,« havo iiau of link T)iiirHiay ufu 31H1 free, jirovidiiintliuy are tic lat hill. loi B. W..;. UOWAi.D.iiro. Farm aul MW Sito^ tor Sale . Kov Mtli, voiy cbciip and on. vorv cm. irriiis, I iiinmr i(iri,i, luyn.i.,1. two in>l«:rir",,i l«»u titoii, known ."A t)ui Win. II,, -..,!„, iii'i „ro. puity 11)1,1 i.i,whi,;i,iMUi uxcolloiii wm â- , |.nw»r. f«uiii!fttioii of „all, diiin iui.1 |...i. 1 aud WBUii-whooln i>!iio,. ami all lendv f< uii,> null on Alioiit l.Tiii'ms nl<.i.reil,:miicv,.s timbi.., niost off. biiliih.^o will tiiiiher.,!, i„i.^,,,l t.jn,b«r. Tins (anil will ho s,.M al. ii Iihihuui ii aolii^t oiico. Siniilliiayiiioiitdowu, buluuoo on vtir e«»jturuis. .Hnjlyiia ' B,J. SpJiotT.r, â-  Kluulii-i-ton.Onl Logs iWanted flott olni III, 12 ftud U ft. long, 41 to %KM. Majila, ISU, liiafi., 9!:p,i'»<ibiixh. id ft. ^ int. M, Uhscuokt t TAi,a(>^.' ''^i^w.iBn.- -<»B««»f *ifwi <« i" W' »W ** *' *" "•^

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