THI FLE8HKRTON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED 1881 tTBM<*IIICn WEKKI.V AT THE OTtH'K. VI>- KMH4M MTRBET, LKSIir.Ul oS, OM , BY W. H. THI KSTOX. ftl per annmn.xlrlrllv in nthaiirr Advertising Rates: Oa* Column. 1 jrsr. aso , halt col., 1 year, S27 qxtr no)., one yer, SIS TnniUnt advitrtlMment franco! at the rt* I ct p*r line for Smt inwrtion anJ 3 ctiutu Mcli subsequent lumrtioa. The Huron & Ontario Electric rail- way bill received its sicoud reading in the HOURO on Monday. Dr. Hprotile it in charge. After costing this country 175,000 and themselves over $100.000 the liyams twins are now well out of it. Laving departed fot New York on Saturday. They were allowed out on bail and skipped. This sounds had, but it appears to have been connived at by the authoiities in order to rid the country of the disagreeable pre- sence of these gents. Since air. Foster came meekly back to his nest at Ottawa he must bavs been an exceedingly busy man to gather together and arrange the mass of statistics and figured which he presented in his budget speech last wctk. Hi* promises are roseate and bis figures very convincing. May no shadow cross them and may his figures not lie. It is now announced that a new and marvellous invention has been made in photography by which a picture can b taken thtongh any opaque object. For iiibtauce, a man's brains under this process can be photo- graphed through his skull. If this be a fact the result will be very far reaching indeed. There is a suspi- cion abroad that some of oar promin- ent politicians at Ottawa are not pos- sessed of more brains than the law demands, and this suspicion may now be verified or receive its qniclns. When this process is extended to photographing a man's thoughts we will have no more political liars and there will be no such thing aa deceit. And bcliol d. even some of the pulpits may be vacated in thosi latter days. We live in a day of marvels, and let no man say to his nt-iyhbor "Thou art an optimistic fool." time and attain of the danger which lay before it, but this has all passed by unheeded, and to-day Sir GharUs tpper appears in Canada with the avowed object of choking remedial legislation down the throat* of this free and independent people whether they will have it or no. Sir Charles may be a "war-horse," but he will find (hat he cannot cantor rough-shod over the wishes of the p30ple in that manner. There is little enthusiasm in this part of Canada over Sir Cliailes' return, but rather a desire that he may speedily be sent back to attend f his dditea as Lord High Cockalorum" in London. Ihe Advance has to thank l>r. Landerk'.u for bin kindly references to ourselves last week on the floor o the House. Wo can r<c.ipr.>r:ito by acknowledging tbk'. the lh. ia ,1 veiv able man, and a jolly OI " ' ""' '" '"' opposed legislation wl.ich this paper has deemed U) be best fur the \velfu:t- of the country, "and. we think, with- on: i eat* >n." Therefore wo have in the ]>a*t di tined it bent to remain on tho other side, lint it n not all parly with i:tt. Our fealty to the par. y in I'owi'r has received a severe shaking of lule, but the canst- of that lies not in Ihu gcnfcul policy of the party bnt in thu fit ol that matins ulterior and ilecig.iing advenliiii'i .-. Irive been ul IvuuJ to gut in and WDI I; havoc. The parly has been immcn'uie 1 will tain visjioM bsjsttria and tits riiiiptiun wl.ieii is mdoitbtcdly about to take place in nut (unify tlie system. Oar only fi'ur ix lliul I In viiiis nny be n- a jorbcc* and remain to Lirak fmth again with It uf >U siveiily. Tlie good Di will ih'iihtltisa ni dnstiu.d l fn.iile. Oni |'n :< liptioii \vcinld lu her.iio tieu'.mti.t Ltt tlum b i ij furtli lli nal order with- out further cowardly il lay, ainl hi thu men who ai icn,n8ililc for i: get cwcpt into the v.'ii. iitul out of our sight, or, I'iioenix like, risu to nobler a:l wiser aims. Thers is scarcely a Conservative iiawspaper in Outaiio tliat did uot warn ths Quvsruoisnt Signs of the Times To tkf editor of The Adt>inre. DEAR Sin. In: few weeks' time tho el.ct .ra'e throughout the Dominion will be called upon to select representatives to the Houe of Commons at Ottawa. Free Trade in an almost obsolete topic, especially anion^ the faimerr The more fully free tra'le with Vi.mle.dom ia dis- cussed and understood by tho farmers of our Dominion the leu enchantment the delusion will por*e**. The Manitoba school question will form a prominent Hubjuct at tho coming elections, more especially aa the ijueition will not likely be approached with can- did, calm reflection, nor will it bo gene- rally weighed in the scales nf divine juntico, but more likely in the narrow measure uf the individual reaaoner, who count* everything right which conform* to hi* own prejudice*. Thi* subject ha* been kept dangling before the public'* gaze like a red ra^ to a viciou* bull, l>y tho demagoxuea Laurier and Oreenway, a* a ituuiblinx bh>ck in the path of the government, v, hie past record they dare not meet in honorable, statesmanlike combat, and, with unworthy malice ar.d contemptible duplicity, they are playing a dastardly ganio, which none but ihoau blinded by extreme parlizanrhip, can fail to diacetn. The unwritten law of thin Dominion maintains that tho local legis- lature* shall mil interfere in Dominion politics, yet we tind Ontario Mmmlcr of Education U..H* addrea*ing thoeleciors of Montreal Centre at the recent bye elect- ion, that Ontario waa unanimously in favor of granting separate schools to Msiiitobs, and Hhould they eh*ct Mr. Lauriei's candidate tho same would be carried ; and during the Maine, week in which the foregoing was enacted in Montreal, that moral and ihyaical cow- ard, Joe Martin of Winnipeg, was dele- gated by Mr. Laurier to taku the stump in Vancouver, against the return of C'oL I'rior, the chief argumeut adduced Iwing (he init|uitouft reuiudial order propoacd by the guvi-mui' nt. Mr. Lanrier and his cli'|uc have been playing a doublM y une throughout thu Ivn^th and brendtl of thu Dominion. Falsoho'id M n prime fic'or in Mr. Liurier's political nthic*. It is a pleasing fact that Dr Sjirul is in full accord with the intelligent seiiti m nt of (liey. He has been a con- of that mc'H'.ire of l.arifi reform, which has so tartly hrnetittcil our people both in export* and ini|xirt* an 1 us he has I eminent relel.iitj amoiijf IIM (onfrurCH at Ottawa, he will in future be aMo to conini mil measures in tlie ii.T i. nl c /iniciU productive ol huneli - ; al resu'l* to the farmii i; o inmuii Hy of the entire Dominion. ItltoDRH. Fritz Once Mare. Tn the Kiiit.n' nf Thf Ailfltlft. DRAU Siu \\iih V".n kind indn'^-nce I will agiiu ray a wonl or two to your "JiJm Hull" representative, hotter known us "l>nl," N.I D-it, 1 crila'nly do not like In.'., I. ut ii'a "ipnie Ki'L'likh " Your Iximluil loyally, ability lo li h, the amount of linniey you've .!. etc., etc tilt; stmtimcnl it "Sni"ll< to heaven." It 1.1 a Well known f.i.-i that 'rue wonu-ii nr men neiii l.o.ixt of iheir "virtue a'iy mole lli. in lliey do nf tile r loyitlty. in Y< alih, or nliiliiy to i!efeii.l ihfii.Httlvei Ihey leave that lo the "Numelem," lli luiitor, hiiM't'*. knnvusairl i'ligoo Toii.-s ' Your i i-ou lliul ) i m feel "bij/Bi-r" thai y >n look w. II not xiir/iis- iho re d r* of T'i Ao\ in e. Tney know that m m Jo'm ItulU are trml.lcd with a "Swell c hi ad." I* it I liateNoiitu "eo'il fact*" H the ind of my pem il which will IK d'.iil.t materially relicv.i tln< awollini/ , i ruvidlng thu copula is m-t too tin. k Y- ur insinuation that T lack brainfi I'l let paaa, knowing, ai I do, that it ru < I u net lira ins lo appreciate braiiiR. Whet you im ni Mined the sterling qualified, "s lijih'e.r, ' of tho yeomanry of England v i! liftflected to mention the macro it IHl'.l u| the huui/ry nurchfinicn of M... rl.ester, rtc., because they dared to cr> for bicatl for thimseUe* mid their starr- ing wivti* and children, ur of ilia 40,000 wbn, unU*r the Duke of Ouus- i ow(dl/ laid down their arm", etc., etc. You again refer to the I' 8. Congressmen a* time aervem," "Now I shall lapp your lit gets," "bor- row some one's dictionary," look up tinm gorvora. You will n'ml it means catering to, or ln'.'islatin-j fur, the |H>wera that be, or in authority. Now as the U. K. Omi- jreaimen r the grtatept power in the country but an such tfrtly the repreun- tative* of tbo people, by whom they are erted. ami to whom they ar re<|Minsi- lile, "it follows at niiilit the day ' in 1 1. at to Hay they aru "linio servers ' is only to say they aru legi*lat*M| uccoiding to tho wish of the people. You are quite within the mmk in stating that you cannot ej- j.eet auch Citings from an "effete "Id mon archy." Your extracts from the New York Kvoninif Post, a | a| r pnlilinhed by a Moid "John Bull," Mi th int. Tent of Tory Knglinlimuii res hi tig in the U.S. who, like many of the raine Rtripu in Canada, "hurrah" once when John Bull m ri'.'lit and twice, yea thrice, when be i* playinu the |*rt of a traitor or bully. \\ hen John icipiested "I'ncle Sam" to help him Htop the Armenian alroci'.ieii a few weeks ngo, "to which you refer," he. Uncle Sam, wan no doubt mruck with John Bull'* imprudence and l.yyrocriiy. He remenil en-il that in 1876 to 78 John Hare his 3cret a^tis ance and prjrented Kux la from putting a linal atop to the horrible throat cutting, etc. For this exhibition of his btiaated Christianity he received "Cyprus" from the blood stained hand* of tbe Turk. Not "Fie itOInoy," "Dot," but Via '. Fie 1 on your John. It i* true Uncle Sam does not encour- age bit *on* to go to foreign countries and raise disturbance* "Pity your John" were m.t equally honorable. When little Nicaragua insulted your flag, etc., you demanded n htavy indemnity and sent a man of war, landed aij/iiers and com pel. 1. 1 it* prompt payment, and up went a shout of joy from all rabid Tone*. Uut when bit; Uncle Sum, over and over 1.^.1111, in tlie iiehnng Sea, etc., unjustly Mixed and conf*c*Ud Biitish fhip*, tire down the "old flag" and impruMined your subjects, "your voice was hushed." Th* men of war oh where were they t Lik* the flyiue s<|U*dron to day, p!aymg with their tail feathers on their own dung hill. The liohmii; sea award ha* not yet been niadg, "Dot." You must be reading ih Mail and Empire r an English ahuanac, else you'd know better than to say it ha*. It tas doubtless out of the same antedi- luvian almamc that you learned that tli Dutch do nut como from the Oerinan Empire. I trust y ur fi lends will see that you arc supphc<l with a uiory modern "memory refresher." The (ierman Emperor certainly inaultxl Juhn Bull, and went out of las way to do RO, in that he WAI supportud hy the other nation* uf Europe, who havq long justly indignant at John'* n lntit>n of (treed and double-dealing in Atric.i. William lias taken "noddiugs back." and Uncle Hani's fiat ia still law, and John ha* given it out'tia Mr. Chamber lain, etc., that Uncle 8am is a very decent, bonnraliki fellow "a bliMid ro- lalion" and for that (and other) reason he will not fight him. Mention not the second war ith America. Head what tbo Kn^lmh hi*- to ian, lle|li (irey, wrotu at tie time. "All the an v.i it ago w.i.i wi h us at the Iw-l'inniiiL'. tlur numlier* e-'inpl.-t.-, nur reputati ni h'gli, our di"C'|iline irfect, while tlu enemy wan raw, t mid," etc., etc "With al ilirau atlvan' a long cani[iaigii ha* jimt clo.-ed with a n-nei of diaaili r KV.TV hour our nnmlicra have )<eeii diminis ing whilv ihei'l have Ivili increamiiK 'I I c -ecoi d Aineiian war ends Ilk*- ilic lir.'t, in tl.e d:.-c. infi uio and -.1 I'e'fal of ' he raj-U ami invaders. ' The F.o,'li-h si I li r, "!)," il -.. Ht'i in tlMMSSMMS thu slavery of tlmt 'old i "irel y'' for the freedom of tho sta-K ;.n I -''-,.' *. iimler vtliich since tin n over lei, mi. ion* of Itiitsm's aUived .u.d unprot^clid p ...r l.:i\e sought and ol>- t 'Hied fi" il, jn-n. e HI nl a li 'ine Y. ur b a>t ili't John Hull never coerces a col ipiei ei! people with an iron hand is en. m;h lo uiaku the 1 n ics if Dairel O'l'oiinelMiirn in the grave, aa well aa ttnit of ih us in In nf other Iriih- men, in my of tthom were "jade.. I," ba:ige<l nr cxp'rle.l without even the for.u of a trial, to my nothing of India, Afrii, Am m-.-, etc., etc. "Wo kn >w a pe .|ile by the K<>da tliey worihip." l; Iturns and Huxley, thone two ni m.ot il liuinnarie* whose heatt* knew m> heat but for !> e of man anil truth tho one dud alm.'i-t i f anil wan I ni e.l like a panp-r, the other received scant co r'osy v. lierens lioli Clive and \\elliMjtoii, the two lig''tn.g li:iiiinatio> lliat. ItetHcen I', i in C' III nl'led e\ ery crime n lie caKmdnr, nern l.y yi-iir Johl in el l:fe IcL'islatoi-M, "like Dunniveii, and nt.'iiil'id in iho aMy. To tlio com moll Holilier Jnhn given a medal, semhi him to the "Hi'Up kitrlieii,' lirally give* him p.uip I'M grave. Comp.ire ihi with (nee Sinn's treatment : "Cn hiiiidi-i il an I I, ft . mil i.m dollars a year in |O siolU I'l who fieljllt for Illllll hherty. If your John l.a .-" hii;h i Mensc i if justic , hy tin' In- allow Loid Chvi to eont nue to ait i.i the Houso of l/orda af er it hail heen proven that ho bai forbid llic kind's IIHIIHI, s'olen milliono, etc , etc? Hei auao (.'live gave to Join Hull I ' -ilia, I he "Lion's" shine of the fruits of the forgery Hto>l. My letter (in its It-lluth) R!IH illy |ircMrnes loo niuili 01 the Editor's VOud nuttiru ami i,-u uin mo from really going tor your John ex posing his lovi! for the slavu Ira-Jo and al! form* of blavery and vile laws. Over '.K percent, of tlie Hiitinh reforms within the ]ia>t hundred yean wero slowly brought about only because "Unole Sam fulkii " bad long enjoyed their blessing*. "D.'ii't blow," D<>t, that Jnhn U the gre*te*t coloniier. It em ember that only "pirate*" and taoa* livuif uu4)r unjuat 'ws leavt tbelr OUR WINTER SALE.. January and February are always considered the di(!l months of !. year, lint we arts going to reverse ,1ns order of tbingti and tint is tlie way we do it. 30 day sale l-'ioru tlie 15tli of January to 15 li of February we will offer special induce- ments in every nYpai tment. We have put in the knife and when we cut we cut deep. Space will not allow us to mention all the bargains in store for those who attend this great Bale, but we will en- deavor to give you a few iiiuta of how things will go. Boots &. Shoes This depart ment is well worthy of special attention and sales have beta exceptionally good this fall bnt we want to keep the ball rolling. Here she goes : former price now Children's shoes 50c ''>< Girls' buff shots 75c 59c Boys' do $1.00 70c Women's G O. kid 1 40 $1.19 Men's heavy boots 1 .25 90c Men's long boots $1 90 and upwards. Mom's gutn rubbers $1 bop' ;-;;bbers 90e. Men's overshoe?, $1.25, wo- men's overshoes, $1.15. Overcoats, boys', $2 60, $l.v2ii and $5. Over- coats, Men's ulsters, $4 90, $5 75, $7, clearing prices. Men's all wool shins and drawers, 75c per mil. Men's union shirts and drapers, We per suit. Men's heavy braces lOe per pair, lleo's asirachan caps, 8Sc each. I>x*y Goods 28in. Flanneletts at 6e per yard. All linen table damask 19c per yard. All linen towelling Gc per yard. 8/4 bleached sheeting lOc per yard. Double fold all wool drew serge a 21c per yard. Groceries Get our prices on these good t . We have them down. Now is your time to hit them. Good accommodation for horses in oar new shed. B. McDonald country to Meek guld or a home. I'ncle 8am IIM no with tn be a competitor in that line with your Jnlm. But what think you of "yachting 1" And where U "Chailev Mitchell 1" Fm. tn the Hyanu twin* the Globe of Tueadsy aays: "Th* formality of calling tlie HyAiiin twin* was gone through at the Police Court yenterday iii'irn.iij, where they wer inppoaed to appear on remand to answer chargwi of forgery, but nf course they did not reply, and every one knew that they were many miles away. The 1 1,500 COH|I bonds which they put up before their release on Sunday were accordingly entreated, and a wanant inaued for their arreat. No effort will be made to excute it, however, unleM, an IK mutt improbable, they te- enier Ca<uula>, and as they wero butt lifunl of in full flitiht south the authorities hnre are Mtisfied that the laat ha* been seen of them in the Dominion. A despatch from New Yotk laat night stater* that the brothers roach mi that city yesterday, and adds that it is thoiu-ht they will go west Kiid nettle. The belief, however, is that they took ship at that port, and are nuw heading f..r Mexico hy way of the gulf." On Sunday, 19th inst., Tims. West, of Lturel, an old resident of Amaranth towi.ship, preached in tlie Methodist church at ( !iand Valley in the morning and evening. W< ,4v leaving the rhurch on Sunday evrfilhtffc sVs'WM IBMsWd down and run over by' n 'team -in the mad. The ti.ngiiyr.Mhe <>, atruck the old guiitleuian i v tl. ''Lack, breaking three of hi* rl(*Mi 1 dislocating two from tlie Suck IHIIIK. He wan takvn at nice to Dr. (lavillcr'a IKHIHO where ho receiv- ed every attention but died fiom hit in juries on KiuUy last. The funeral waa held on Sunday. The deceased took an active part in tlie Sunday School ( ' .. . n tion held here two woeka g<>. i| ., well known all over tli country and waa respected by everybody. Shelbtmiu Free Preaa. A seventeen year old boy, n.imod ClaudU Hainea, of Aldborouxh, full in love with a twelve year old girl, named Sarah Jejune* The girl's miter, with whom she lived, bad objection* to tba suit and the gallant swain, ataiared by hia two sislera, surrounded the fair maul's house and atole her away. The young man Is in St. Thomas jail now oa tbe chars* of abduction. Just received a ct' of 27 incl* English fl.-ihiit'l!- He* at 6i cenis Full sized Men's Fi.iiinolletto shi n 15 cents each. Men's Ilcav\ \\Yr;i !,i,ttn 15 cents pair. Men's Heavy Wcol Socks 15 cents pair. Job lot of SO cent Tweed* for 32 cents yd. Lot of 70 cent Tweeds 55 cents yd. 24 in. Urey Flannels at 10 cents yd. UO Ib. original package tine Japan Tea 3.50, 28 Ib. Box IJaiMua $1.00. A lot of Dress lengths in Casbraery. Uergts, Mellon, Tweeds and okbt Dress Goods at auction prices what you like. Womeu'n $1.60 Winter boots at $1.00 pair. Mam's Heavy Winter Boots at $1.00 pair Winter Millinery. Felt Hals 10 cents each, Furs at half prices Overcoats & Mantles at cut prices. URU1IS in wa DEP1BTIEIT Hard \varc The H. II Smith's and Henry IHsstou's Saws arc the best, i* Jlmt they aie nmde of the btst material and have the most uniform tfinper of any saws mnde. litad our selling prices on them. Leader S;\w, 75o foot li^ston'8 Toledo lilade 70c foot Keen Edge Saw, C5c foot S> nun id's Lance Tooth 60o foot \\ e have also a line of Rixford and Whiting Axes which we will sell off cheap. Granite ware Sale till goes on. It is the best and cheapest ware ever offered. You ought to see it.