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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1896, p. 2

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LORD KILLEEN'S REVENGE. "That might I* an ol you., the same to-day as it %vaa yean , . when you liveil !..-re, but for a few I-iltry ehangea." e paltry changes mean all the rest. TeU me of il ..- f the decline .! foJI ,,f t f I'- s f Tbe rise of the bloodless Mur- plnaf \Vculd such gossip interest > u i" "There ls more than that. People kno%%n to one gro%\; th"-e uii- utili/ed. doirulile. Tell me . f the m-w "There is Lady Varl.-y " "Ah! What of her. l*> thefact tliat he.r wings have been already pro- i r "That U what puzzles me," raid ' it. a little iinceii.iiuly. "I '" <-lieve lie can be allege! her aUive l us, AH.! yet-" "Well. go on. Dim 't mike a mystery in of nothing, my good child." "I don't think -.lie U altogether happy in her," said I'.-n-tantia. who- .- u-..-- t.i grasp the moaning ( i !.e side. lights. and who would have I it leu bar tongue out liefore making i%'owal. h'. I she known the 1 li .lights tliai lay within the breast of her nion. "What. 1 y,i with the IrnvsistiUe f Iks temper was not . "ti- M'leri-il hi* sti.- HI III.' ol.l .l.i.\i. j..u will recollect. If hbe U now m- In him Hy the lye. it is a trifle too soon to be on bad terms, ehT" "llnd terms doe* not express it. 'I i ! something vulgar aUut that I said that I thought she ws n. t . 1 aui sorry 1 .said even that," exclaimed tbe girl, HUM .,!.. "hut V-.i I can trust, IX'iim I suppose?" "Sii|>|H>-e it. riy nil n,p. : ' Mrs. Dun- da,s smiled I Jamil v. nn I threw a I i-j-uit t.. l lie forgitrn terrier with an unerr- ing aim. "Dm i hey have beeu manu-d how longf" "'I .i yar. There wan some arrangement l-t<%e,i, i IIP famili. --- one in. HIM mallei M .11 ui.tilc it al- a neceHHiiy that tl-% -houl.l lie married. Not a vital f III Something sufficient I.I ieat a marriage if there wax n<>. strong tmr*iii to |.re\ini il. Y.'lande's father ia>l Hf\ hi* heart up.'ii ln-r inariying 'arley. anil Yolande was i.i-> fngl o r< "r i i.-htened I U your Mint. then, a "If von wan' the very Intent comer, i Mr. Stnnign of Inchirone." ' ' W|,,| t II,. i,,. re tonf Tbe world. 1 an it is. is full of surprises. We | him Abroad nol Ur. Dunda* ; UncU limothy and 1. lie was quite a |-' "f I neli lims. I. nl f am b-iind to non- > did not affect im- ir.m-h." "Where i- y ui.-le I in... thy now-r" aske I l''>nstantia. rememl-i ing with a -h of friendly (bought the kind. gr*% he-id-- I old man who watt her cousin's guardian, and who. if only a %-nifue memory to her. was yet a fta- II.- one. '." said Mrs. Uuiidas. pleaa- ai.t I % "liesdl We never heard it!" I'-r- hatis (Vast ant ia was more shocked by t be callousness <f her cousin's tone than t% i In- in!- Hi,- i.'c it-lf. "Deadl" she said again. "Why. yen. Quite along lii months if a minute. I thought V u must have beard of it even in \\ hy. he died he- . iage. Indeed." with a 1 'tie smile. "I shouldn't wonder if hia detiai'tpig this life in the hot baste he 'heart disease they told me it was, i not a good deal to do wiih my pre-ent arrangements." "You mean f" questioned Constan- tia. who had shrunk rattier away from her. my uin-le. when be died, left me without a sou wln-n-%-. ith to bless If or dr<* myself, which was a inn h more iiiii-nriant matter, a.- the law us to go about unclotlied, l u' is iigm on i be matter of prayer. NI-II are evidently line who lull I - tin- i >t of the (abject, so I eiplaiu to %."ti. I was destitute, in a foreign land." She pau>ed aa though struck by this remark, and then broke into a charming laugh. "It sounds like one of : aritable appeals .i it f" HIM sail; "that uiaken one laugh. i ut m ie-iliiv it was unpleasant. To find one'l Mil utterly stranded is in- ii'i-ni. l-'erlinir ibis. I 1-- r. .an.) me. I had Uiamissed Frederic . "rd \ HI lev founts and mar- innumerahle were at my feet, bin where was the munev that would liave helped in make life sweet with ' nowhere." . little graceful gesture with I. -ih her hands that suggested to n-looker a puff from a southerly wind. 'I'jion the whol- iiiatrini'-nial horizon. I coiil.l -,--, ill -re was only 1 : % --ill v \ears ' I. in I. and hard I v n.v in "f what a hiisl and should !* ; bin he adored me, , | gave in to cinuin- Man. ( nud married him." "I .Lire Hay you might have ilone "Far worse! He ls i in im- ly rich, and I h.-riHiirhlr >i-li-vi in me" "\\ hy .-hould he "The old man was paral v I i They sniil f.noil.rr stroke would kill him He wan Imperially anxious about n \<r- cauae Yolande wan in tin- ..r|.|. uid rre.l.-if was TICI nri'lvi-. 'mil the ttsUlcs adjoined I .-an under- stand such a fear a* thai I In- .!<! man , >n the verge <>f ( lie grave, anil her ac- eptance nr refusal of hi* decree the % *>int on which his life might I. in.- . - " Mrs. Dundaa, chipping her hand/< " '! II you %-. i ii .he. 1 , 1 have l-n inmhere if you hail Un U-.-ide her!" \nit li"-.% .1 out you?" asked S"ii otanliii aii' ically ; "were you no wil Inn I he camp ?" I trim* I ran I hard." confe.-* i Alts Dundax %%i'M -uch 'icare- "\nd how aloiit yon r' a kcd Con- xtunti.i %vas assured Ix-longeii to M.iiin.-i -, that she gave way a little and smiled " Ihafs ri^rht." said her c.Mnin ; "now- thai v. ve |iimpe I that fence, ait down and tell me all aUiut it." CM VIM Kll II. .it what?" aake.d Const nnt in. "The coiini ry, of coiii.s*-. Y'ou liegan. you grew angry, then silent. 1 Mill wait to hear who else ad.irn.s t his |M>r- t i -n ... the I i. ..-raid I-le on which a cruel fate baa cast me " "li wa 1 - your home once." Miss Mac- I (ullicuddy 'had reseited herself, and was inw makti.,' frien Is with n in.-i--un.n. Sh*i was still jroung enoocb to lik- of all kmd.M. and n .is a rule, her li.Mi-.-.i.dd didn't nn "The M'l.rei still vegetate wiihin t lie old Manor, and the vicar it gixllier and IT titan he. was. There was n % . r any one like him. 1 think " "There is a j.">l deal of con-tolation toieg-'i out of l hit lit of in:., m t on." Mtid .vlr.o. Dundas meekly. "Well, go "n ." "(Jarreit li.irry has inln-n 1 uncle's pr. JK-I i y after all-f-though that u-rrilde old KnV'ILshnian alwmn declar- vl he shouldn't and is now living at Belle! "Ah! (Barrett Hirn-it. I rememlier him nl-o jufct a little. He was charm- ing, eh f A genuine Irishman a trifle farouche, iierhapa. hut amusing always. Ill cn't In all. hownver ; there must lie somi'i>l% li'-i-ies your Idanket man and (hi- sj.lendid .-|~-. imen of the early Irish." "1 he Harringtons are always at Cairn." "I know. Mrs. Harrington as Knc- lish a ever f" fie more so; it grows on her as she /ci- older. She now quite shudder* t.'.e word Ireland is mi-iii toned. and dreams out loud, m.i-.r iMe dreams of fl>ing to sonie. unknown shore" "Doe* she still keep on wondering whv she marrinl tier huslmnd f" "Vert; she wonders still. almu. aa hard on you do" "I 'or a youthful maiden, you have an admiiahlv sharp tongue. Hut you have at least proved \ourwlf human; foil have errext. my pn-i'v Const ant ia. think I told you exactly why I mar- Mr. Dundas " "Yet at first you gave me the idea that-" "Never mind the 'at first' of any- thing. Allow for t he shiN-k of renivin^ no blunt A question without a kindh fon-runnnr t.. give- one u warning, and lime in which to answer it wiih t> . . > M. .1- ii . re- % Lan.|p olM-vnl him. \V'lii.-li all mc-iiiM that -dii 1 married 'arley n.n cninn.' fm dim " "At all>. Mi marrie-l Varley, <rini( for any other man." "Thai i/< a |x>int truiin^i. n-rtainlv. \Vliai .in IIIK-KV.I IIIK huh <"ii in \ou l'..ii>liiniia ; you ti-ll one. MI many * hinK'. How ran I (oiffii-ionl ly reward i -'i..[-i i"-' '" ii|"'ii UK' I" "lay and ;'n r my doUmrn. and tcivinx inn iinupmiy at my five o'clm'k "I was glad to come and aee you," (laid (Vnxlantia. who ly nature was I "for one thin.' '< m-" vou ue mv cousin; for another. la-can known to me during all my earli- er life You hail droppi- I ...ii of it. of i>iir.s: your long re.sideniii abroad 'naile a gulf l-lwis-n u.s . but we have <asned that now. and I hope .% shall en-%% i h ol I lelati -n-." ^.i are immensely too giM.d." said .dr* Iliind.-is who %VAK evidently more imiisvd than site cared to ->lm%% . In e*d. the little ntereoty|>ed manner of he other accorded hut grotesi|iiely v it h her giilish face, her frank and her nineteen vcar* "I may rll you Dial Mr. Oiindas is chain. ed . ith vou. 'I hat flying visit of hi* to IIAII of the worl.j I wo inont lis ago e ulted in an undying %%ell let us say, ' hip f..i von Strange, by the i ni it. that his I HI- II ! situated in the same county Varley 'si" "That occurred to me." said Constan- tl. " l he severity of your inannei eon- rev., much. There was notion.' in it. however. I did not know of i. . e.s.|..n lo the , I m lined Mi Hundi- I did ml even knov% lie had gained his uncle's land- ii-lic I me to., u hen I heal. I that Mi llnndas (\\ h.,m I met in Home iiUmt a %'-ai ig..| had pro|H-iiy In l-.-l-ind. A f.oli-h possession in I hese days Hut he laughs at I'arnell -who, we all know, modern Mil. hiavclli -and INT ts in preferring his home at Itally- " an% ..f hit other houses" "I expect you will .-ham/e. all that. Ireland just now. is dull." "M, %ou call it dull f" Mrs iMmda.s grew animated. "Dull when l.ullelsare Hying and hardly knows, if they ' -ifel \ , %% hel her I hey may not ii-st- lo find the house in flames f I call II exciting. I am delighted he has ' '- pitch his lent here. just now " "ion are ejusily pleased." said t'on- htaniiu MacGUHcUfldy, with a gay lit- tle laugh It tickle I her inim. the easy vrtiy in which her con-in look the In h difficult % "\\' ( - bogie all thing-.," she said "Hut of v% i, . U I lull .Mr Clud-lone Imi -.! hi.i fool down upon IM f " "I do 1 1 nsi \.,ii il..n t t ',, in fur poli- llllli'd Ml ' I ' ..kiinf reallv MI. i i-iinl.i ,-ilwa\^ look Iv how nhe wished, nol I,, .IN -.In- felt "In Italy I (jot a glrkenimj of thai I/el Hi ret in n ..ten. -i in.- tei \s I shall livn here for in. >nl hi to come I want yon li> ' i.ut mv nrhrhliorn." \\,.|| it.. i -" "Oil in-.. -i MMII I the. wiifiien d-ll MH- the men." "Why. indeed! Sweot cousin, your woi i . r full of w i.sdom f am u came lo see me to-day. You are i xlultiraiiug ; and wh-n one I, a ' - -n in hou-c for onlv twenty- four li....' naturally feel- I Mm not with you. mv pretty . .mer. A truee to frivolity. Ix-i me In- Hi" examiner now What more of the count ry-Mde T Mr. Si i t, .-, \,,u have mentioned. What brings htm h>ref" "He. or his father, purchased property hen- some years ago" in-ill, w hi.-hei.-r il wa.i I'm incline I I., think il was tin- Mi St ronge %% know, as I greatly doiitil his ever had a fal ln-i " "He ha I. never) licles.1. He has lieen made famous thion.h Ins l.lanket s " " \ goo.1 snug fame, at nil events. Nothing cold 01 ei well perhaps then- i. something. emltrrasing alKuit it S.-v.-r mind Kven if your Mr. St i nge doe-n't admire me, I can ad- mit e hi* Idaiikets." "Me isn't my Mr St ronge." "N..f The 'more fool you. The re- t hat murks the Vere de Vere ia something. Imi in %% inter t lie repon- that iiiav U- .'lined U-'ue..|i the blankets Ls much morn. It can't l- always May, von kno%%. my dear Connie, anil if any- thing %%ere to happen to you if. for el- ample, your aunl were to neek shelter in a wanner planet, what would liecome of t he lot of you t" " I hni ii a question that need hard- ly lie entered into now," Maid Constant ia coldly. " My Aunt Ls unite well " "So I HAS' worry to hear " "And n. in Mr Slroiige." M. ml- ly, "I consider it | indelicate voiii so speaking of him Id say noth- ing of hjs i irih he is at least forty" 'Me is I bill v five " II'- i- ii"t I lie sort of |M'ison lo whom we have U-e-n acciLstomed," said Con stantia. with a faint frown and a ton- h of hauteur. "You have said only the truth wlien you spoke of his want of birth. 'I hen- i- s- met lung very brtisi|iie HiM.iit him a roughnons. a lai k of re- "A lack of rupees." put in Mrs Hiiu- da-<. gayly. "That shoiibl s>|tinre every- Innumerable la< are his. Then-, don't look al me .so indignant I v . I quiie undcrslaml. UIN~> of manner lamlv I., u- ....sued hut a fortune Although ma.le of blankets, in l-t let -Ml Take it. my .leu girl, if you can." "1 think I shall lake mv departure, at all events." said Constantia, rising In her fet . which were ex.piis.ieh formed, if rathe, roughly .shod. "ion would lean- me desert me f What brutality !" cried Mrs liundius in an iigmii/e I lone She nisile.l out of I he deep , . i, I , hall with the Activity of A niischi) VIIILS kitten, and sei/e,| hold of hei cousin. "Ynu shan't g.. 1 " she declared "Make up v.ur mind lo t hAl \nd as t., %otir dieaming that you are offended w il h me put that out of youi chaiining he id ultogel her It is a charming head. I asm.- vou. ('-iisianli i. in spite of l he murderous fiown that ii al pie-seni darkening V..IH luo%v. ^ mi I ' and face thai uoull ha%e le.lueed Mis, Manneis I lie last American imp. -n it .on. the snc.-ess m |..ik, the U>auty ofnur H. in.- seas,,, lespair I Indeed, you are rat her like he. " "I don't fancy then, that I should lie one of Miss .Maiim-rs's mini not," ivilll'ull% n.isniider- ntanding DM angry> of tl- |d% : ">oii and IM would ' buke, with *he nnst can-fill irt le.<wnesa. Constantia colored. "lilunt" yes. Bin- hjtd been hlunl. And yet :' wa- hardly her nature to be m. Her -ml den i-untai-t with thin Uivelv. red limed citinin of hers, after all the vcars of silence between them, hiwl set her teeth on edge nomehow, and taken all the Moftueas nut of her. and thrown out ..II her coolneas. The l>um:i she knew no% . could never have been the Donna (a.s far. at Uiant, as sbe was i >ni-i m-di ill whom *!>.. hid so firmly believed ill her childiih days. Wan it a touch of artificiality in I 'he lovely woman . sometime iiKn'kery in the large eyes? The quiek dnmpimr of the lonn lashes Co conceal tho tell-tale orbs, or t In- almost inipi-ri-eptihle curving of the per- fect lijis \\hfn sui h and such ihmgs were said t She lonld not tell Donna wax evilenHy kindly. UughU-r loving, ready <o . undone ; bun oamaradc d. .nt.t h s-. and %%iih a g- iw n>us air ; but was tlnie n" mihtlety. no unscrupulous will beneath the merry in lak f Kor all "that, rudenenn was an ineicus- able thing, and a<-knowle<lgmenl of it i IMI I lean lies and at da*rgcrs o. I nn itit only a . m lomp-ir ing jou to her, though I certainly t bink the compliment %\n to her. Sho was flawle-w, however, in color nnd skin. I hen- ws,s only one mistake- |H,III her. and that was her name --in- hadn't a manner in l he vvm Id." I '.1.1111. ; In think I hat that 'I|.ICI|SC " I very KINK). Unli-cd." cried . am v>rry U I said what was dis- pleasing to you," aaid Constantia. col ing highly. "I will tell you one great truth Con- stantia," said Mrs. Ihmdoa, shutting up her fan with a rebounding click ' i.-u are too pretty ever to any anything dis- i I- .sing Say what you like, they will COIldnne it." "They I" "Men I Never think of anything else. The mat don't count. Uei men on vour side, and tifletv you are I Now to pro- ceed. We have had Mr. Strongn. Gar- reit Harry, and Ix>rd Varley. Any more f " "Then- i* Mr. Keatherxton." id Con slant ia. There was a faint hesitation. a vague difference in her tone a* she pronoiim-ed his name., and Mrs. Itundas looked tixi-11% at her. "Is he the favortvl one f" i-he asked, leaning forward with a nmiling eager- nnM. and thus throwing an additional touch of li right tie-Hs into the already bright picture she pn--nti>il "No." MI. I Conslani ia. wilhout ad dilion In this h.. hi denial N. -vert he less, the denial cost Iwr a blush. "Not With that lovely color on your cheeks IF Will %on swear it has not |M>--II IN. in for him 1 !>.. you kno%v where even K<>l little girls go to when tlii-% tell a fibf There I Don't eat n.% head off; it was a simple eve-ry-day que.stion after All And you must pardon n.< if I still goon be'lieving I hat if he i- iii 't the one. he is at all events one ol them. Naughty t-'irl ! At your age U have so many t rings to your bow I" Constant ui laughed. "I don't fancy I have one real string,' she said. "Not. ne that would not nnap, were I to pull it a thought tun line." "I'oufl" She Hiiojipcd her long lovely jeweled fingers in the air "That for such a fancy." Then, with a lit- tle gay nir: "Serioiudy, I should be only too glad to U-lieve you. The county itself to me as being dull, nnd it all I hewe. young men wen your -)>., ill |,i..|..-it\ I would not be unii>usinly for worlds, but you will un- derstand that it U a ms-essily with me t,. muse mywilf." " VH how 1" ' line I not said? The tvrnnt man is the one. thing that truly di%erls me Not this man or thai -any man will do I .10% i led h.- can .s|i.--ik the. queen'- h .in. I in.-ie- m the world in which I li%" I hold that it is unite |n*>ihle. to kn.-k ,. m.'iitn's laughter out of the '.-r% dllllesl of I hem ^ nil .sfle, I noi tT, -edv. You Khali have your chime, ami I shall not interfere; bul the other-, mud l>e free game." Mi ii-ii.ldv gre%% slovilv red She liK.k-.l down I'or I IK- moment she kne%% she was looking shy, and I his in I the exlieme .m:er and disffUsI was fueling. Sm- knew t(., (hit Aim. Dundaa waa watching her with eye* openly amused, and this did not lend lo docreaae the imligna conquered herself sufficiently, after to Im at least able to speak. "\ on n *IU1 with her "n lh--iani-t. "tint you would per- mit 1 1 1 in to-io -to |y attention* to %ou f" re was righteous In nor in the tone Mrs. Muiida.s. :.;. iinz it. uid seeing the girl'.s pn-ttv. Hushed, ..n I angry face, f -II li i- k ai,, looked what she waa unutterably an,- " I., put it no broadly shown crude- slu- said. "Time, however, the all-powerful, will no doubt teach you that so that 1 shall -, n. v.,u my lec- lun-. and refrain from giving you t he lc**son on ih-> polite skipping required in .1. on l In- tip of my tongue now, if you were it a loss, j.-.i might h ive said yo.i fall iinderst.iiid me, or something of the ort." n," returned (' I. ., 1:1 by it. 1 did iin-lersl uid you. Ihoio.ighly. ^ ou ' vou would find yoir .1 :nu-<-inent in i , iking ii man love v-m. and then laughing at him. I tlioiight one never di-i i IMI aft-r one was married" Mrs Ouiutan broke Into laughter, '.ut full of mirth to overflow- not a N-uinl ehcaped her. It i liitle. way .she had. There would I. no su i 'i Oft irmg of her mirth n<i inoicm.-iii oi u.e ho!y, no click even of the iH-ver-ab-^nl fan, and then all at on<-e when you turned to her to knn%% why she had nol answered your .,u. -non. you would find her in a very agony of laughter. She did not imrpiM-iv suppress it It was only, as I have said, one of her little u i . - and she had many. St r i was, there waa something in it c.itc-hing ii. >ome- , if you wen- in t km mood for :! would take, you, and compel you to join in with her in H> silent merry- making If you were not in the mood, howevi-r, it was indescribably annoy- ing. Just now Constant Li waa not in the ood. f she said, with distinct and xornful Interrogation in the inn.-ent monosyllable She gaxed at her ci.u.-m i % , wiili sniiiber .-yes, and i' downright f.i biou \L H. lJundas aftr a bit drie<l her eyes, and pulled herself together in she meant to appear a %ei y |-i! nianm-r. Hut it was si ill abominably full of enjoyment of an enraging kimi. "ion ate pr..| in i % itwlf," she said. "A very Una. It would be impossible to say how much 1 honor and Admire rou and do not deireto imitate you. 1 |IO|H- it will last with you or perhupa I should rather h .p.- it won't. 'He vir- ' nous and you'll be haupy, but you won't i goo.1 time.' ^ oii know th new opi-lxk text f '\Vh 'ii one is mai - \\as that yuur text t IX> you k-, he glanced up here, and chinged her tone to one de<-pl) cmfidentnl. "it U Mil ap.sord HI, M!....- rlUi tKere really .in- II.OIIH-I,' s %%hen 1 forgut I ever was m.iuicd!" (To I!.- Coutinued.) WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE (1LOBE. THE PENALTY IS HEAVY. r*r nrilTrrlHC Lmr l!e % are a .,> rum- in nm> ml Joseph Ijverty was arraigned before Judge Dugaa at Montreal the other morning on the somewhat novel charge f delivering letters. Mr. I). Mulligan, l he Post Office Inspector, was tlieproae- cutor in the oaae. Tbe evidence went to show that since the government rawed the cost of delivering city mail to two oeni a letter, a numU-r of merchiiiu.s found that it paid them to engage t he aervice* of a man to deliver letters, such as invoices, etc., at one cent each. Thia also gave a chance to men out of regular employment to make two or three dollars a day by delivering them. Tbe poatoffice learned of this and as there ia an act called the Act " i-overlng this, Iliey made igai ions which resulted in the arrest of Laverty. Tbe gist of the act is that no one Imt the Fnalmastcr-to-iiei.U ,-in collect, con- vey, .-tend or deliver letters in Canada. and the pr-nalty for infringement of this law is a fine .f twenty dollars for each letter delivered. The inspector charged Laverty wiih .lehveriivg five letters and he waa fined twenty dollars for tbe first letter and five dollars for the other 'four. The in.spevtnr says that the Post Office Department is going to prose- ule all infringements on I heir privi- lege to the utmost, and he also says ih. i a large numl*r of the most pn-m- iii. -nt i.usiness hoaxes in Montreal have Iwn violating tbe law ever aince the pout age waa ra ised . SiMvaking of thus law. a prominent lo'ic.- c .nn official aaiit that every day btten tr..m the court were delivcii-d t.% iiKutsengers ami he wanted to know wlH-re the line should !. drawn. Si ill the simple fart exists that if one man asks an,.t her to kindly oblige him by delr.eiing a letter to some house on his way home, the obliging friend lays himself liable to a fine of twenty dol- lars, which in these hard times is a stern lest of friendship. SOUND TEETH FOR MAIL CLERKS d a W..MIIIII , ria.r IB ttrdrr I* Most of the postal clerks in the small- er officer in Kngland are women. Can ditlate.-* must pass an examination. One of the regulations U that no one shall be employed who baa not absolutely >und teeth, no matter how fit in other ways for the poet. The reason for this regulation is .shrouded in mystery. To comply with this rule an Knglish wo- man the other day exhibited a strange. heroism. Having passed the other tU, Hie. dentist re|iorted against the condi- tion of her ti--tli. hie affidavit stating that two of her molara were quite hol- low and that twelve others were In vari- ous stages IH decay. Without hesita- tion the fair candidate hurried to the neareet dentist's ahopa. and at a single sitting bad extracted the fourteen teeth that threatened to terminate her oti i ill career before it hail fairly I- Armed with a frmh certificate, tmtify- ing that her remaining teei h were sound ami in good condition, site again ap- plied for employment and was ap- pollili tl Old inrf New World Event! ol Interest Chr Icled Briefly lnUr<JllB Happcnlni* at kccrnt l>le. l>- i. Oxford and Cambridge now have Miy hockey tearae. Van Troini a Dnirluiian. of 2H inchea; I'erned and sang to perfection, and w;w quite a favorite at The Hague some years at'... in the British Home Office are to ! retired for age at 80. The I'nder ,, who ained tbe order, is himself 63. Simon I'a.ipe waa barely 90 inches high at ^ii years of age, and was pre- v-n'i-d to Prince (Jeorjre, the Regent of England, by one of hu foreign friends. The i !)! upon whirh Cromwell wrote w lien , signature to tbe warrant for the esecution of Charles I. was recently sold for 145. AJ'dul Aziz reigns! from 1H61 to lie was a reactionary and the puppet of court intrigues. He was de- posed May 30. 1876. and " found dead " five daya later. Ann Cleaves, of Mat loch. England. liv- ed U> tbe age of 103. She waa three feet nine inches high, and lived in a bouse l.ui't for her. and especially ad- apted to her size. .! llamed II., the present Sultan. involved Turkey in the war with Kussia, lie us llieved to pomes* considerable intelligence and determination. He ha* been called "the man of blood." is threatened with a plethora a plague, of tram cars. The city and country will in a short time l* overrun with them, and there will lie n<> place for any oilier vehicle. Mm. Keeley, the venerable actress, he nine;ieth lirtbday was recently celebrated in Ix.ndon. sang the "Mer- maid's Song" in a performance of "Ob- eron." conducted by Weber himaelf, in Abdul Medjid reigned from 1839 to IPtil. and to him was first applied the epithet "the sick man." It waa during his reign tint tbe famous treaty giving Turkey control of tbe Dardanelles wan signed. Two battleships, on their way to the Mediterranean, put into IHirts- mouth har'i.ui recently, being the first Russian vessels to whom tbe privilege had been allowed in over a quarter of a century. Af.*u>il dragon fly 27 inches long. armed with I'ig. jaws and teeth, baa Comment ry. in the Department of tbe Allier. France. It baa lieen christened i^.uii-iirn Mongi. One of the first acts of the recently I Waiters' I'linm iu london waa to declare war agaiiutt "ti| ping." It seems that the objectionable practice re- sults unsatisfactorily to the generality of tbe men. It us pro|H>sed to supply London with * i % iter for liathing l>y lumping the water from the channel near Brighton. and conveying it to a great reeervoir on l"| s..ui Ikiwns. from which it would flow down hill to London I here are three soldiers of mark liv- ing on the tale of Wight wearing tbe Victoria Cross and singularly, they are all of the same name vi.. Sir Samuel Itrow ne, of Ryde ; Col. Brown, of \Veat- inount. Sandown; and Col. Hrowne, of lirook. A cheque for f>.>5.00n U 10d.. the firet instalment of the Chinese war in- demnity to Japan, waa recently signed at the Bank of England The money will remain in tbe Ivank until the Jap- anese Government give instructions aa to its disposal. The recent strike of Paris omnibue drivers elicited the curious fact that French judges and judicial officers are fortiidden by the etiquette of the pro- fession to fide in an omnibus. They must take a cab or walk, if they do not ow n a carriage. Mahomet II., who reigned for over SO years, was one of the ablest statesmen of the early part of the present cen- tury, and haa been called " the most energetic figure modern Turkey." He waa perpetually at war with the reac- tionaries, and his death was " sudden." Sehm HI., who ruled Turkey from 17H9 to HOT, waa a reformer and a lib- eral. He waa a man of great personal courage. He waa **daasinated for hia attempts to institute reforms in the army and civil service, and Ixvause it waa aaid he had violated the Koran. London's district markets are disap- pearing. owing to the competition of ' IH- great stores of the open-air mar- kets in the streets, especially on Sat- urday nights. Ilillingsgate even ia threatened, its sains of fish being inter- fered with by tbe Shad well market. Kngliah ships will Iw attracted to Si- lurian ports now that Capt. Wiggina has shown that it U possible, by tbe ue- .-ision of the Russian Government , to allow foreign merchandise to lie import- ed into Siberia by tbe Arctic route for some years to come at least. Tbe Herman cboolmaster is very poorly paid Thirteen thousand school- masters have salaries of less than $-i a year. They lately met and resolved, thai they ought to have at least 9300 to ii-gin with, and a chance to run to SliOO by the end of twenty-five year*. All the electric oar lines of Genoa. have been stopped by a decree of the Syndic on account of the frequency of accidents. The hills of Genoa are very steep, and the people of the town were so much alarmed at the potwible con- sequence*- of a runaway that they threatened violence. The Japanese Government have giv- en orders in BwitaerUad for is.ixw watches, tbe cost of which is not to ex- ceed lus 6d each. The watchs are to be given to officers apd men of the army and navy who diatinguished tlvein- the late war with I'hin.t. ana to take ttw place of the medals always awarded at tbe cine*, of national lo-sl .li- tiea. l>r. Saundera. an eminent specialist and mem'*r of the Health Board of I ondoii is a great believer in the value of the. electric light lie claims that electri.-ily us a grwit moral power; that ii iii-oiisit humanity better than the philanthropiat, and. l-y purifying the wnrkslutpx and tin- factorJM, the sani- li%%s are carried out with muck lea* friction

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