THE FLISfilftfOM ADTIHCI D. McTavish FLESH EI^TON KEEPS ON HAND airs For Massoy-Harrid, and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm implements. Floury mid Verity plows on band all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons, Duggies, Cutters, Sleigbi, etc. Horseshoeiog promptly attended to. bpecial attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. About Cutters and Sleighs (iKNTl.K.MKN--Aa the SOOKOII of sleighing in again .ippmncliiiig I would call your uarnust utiontion to my winti i ^t< ck in which I nm pro- pitied to yi e y. u entire aati>fai.'tioii both in quality and price. In cutters I have H lute sti ek tu select from, made i t I . ~' i.t tuat.-i lal nnd latest deft-gun in finish. I nm e?C"iid t.> none In aleighs 1 can no. uminodate you, either hulit or luavv IV.mpt attention mien to repairinir, paint- ing and rutritiiniiie;. Call, xvlictlier you want to purchase or not, ion! he your own judge. FlesHerton ^ Go to -KOK THK hKHT- Cutters, : Shifts, : Sajons, : I'low Hi.d Ln^ChaiiiH Shcrei nnd Repairs fi>r every kind of plow. NV.ind. Luinbrr,8liillvtles, Straw Cniiem, hnrnepowtr, for .ile. t'oiiio and see them. John H. Heard = Flesherton r4.nnnr nnrvr nnnr nnrvnp 1 Be Happy Qj-i/irvnnn/vn I With nnnmyyjnnnrm p With Others AVER'S Hair VIGOR Everything freh in ihe viay "f l.-in. n i -. oraiue*. nnta all kinrli, confectionrry >.f llie cliiiic.-ht xiiiety, H^s. dst.". prni.e-'. r.anWrie*, diicuits of nil kinds, canmd fruitH and vi-.n-tahh", te:>M. nitfnm and all ..-I: T .'i-.H-em i ; st.i-k ail fn-sh for thu holiday trade. '"" """ the licit flour and feed consl.ii'tty on hand. APPLE.' In Small Quantities or y t!ic i:crr..-l \Viii. Ham house Eugenia Mills Rstores natural color to the hair, and also prevent* it UUlnr out. Mrs. H. W. renwltk, of , N 8 , Mtya : "A little moro than two years aeo my bair lie i; an " turn K r T and fan I out. Af- 'ter the use of onn bottlo of Ayer'.s Hair Vifjor my hair w:is restored to its original color nnd ceased falling out. An occanional application has since kept the hnir In Rood condition." MH, H. F. FEMWKK, Digty, K. B. AXD- Growth Carriage Works. of Hair. C vrnsvget mail" HM! Hepnlred. Placing and Matching, Band S:iw- itiZ, Wood 'i' irniii,; of cverv dos sriptlon. Planing and Grain Cli" Dingdono while you wait, for Beaver turns the wheel. T. W. WILHO> M in:ix- r OFF | )i v.. d". ii' olf my eiit ii e 'tick nf lJ.i..ti ni d S'H.M-K ut Sacrifice Prices. Moli'-y I nnl nnd mm ey I intlsl have. thoM- * .inling H-N.IB m c S'i.. will ronMill llieu uxxii inlerentn lij ' I. living while ii. > |.ic-i"iit stock lastit, aa Ii il . not intend to itp'nce it. Great Bargains The -.inie induce (in givt-n. Call years R^O, I had tho varlo- loid. a'nd lost my hair, which previ- ously was quite abundant. I tru^t a variety of praparations, hut with- out beneficial result, till I l-r:':ui to fear I should ho permanently bald. About six months ago, my husband brought home a bottle, of Ayer's Hair Visor, and I begnn at once to ttso it. In a short time, new hair began to appear, and them is now every prospect of as thick a growth of hair as lieforo my illness." Mrs. A. WKDKU, 1'olyuiuia tit., New Orleans, La. AVER'S HAIR VIGOR I HKI A I.H . IIV M. J. C. AYtR t CO., LOWELL. IUSS., U .$. A. Silk Aa4JU inny I'o tun < mmits inny i rvcr U't my t*te Jos. Smith, (.'ustom -. 'i'. mid rf]miring ntlciuliil to as u~'i il Our Clubbing List |-',.i Il ..nvi n cine ,.f our remlpm win Wmli tn xecore. ni'iro tlutll piper wr )i .M nivln llm l"ll.' m eluhhii i; loenll : Admi'CeHiid Toronto n World, dnily ,Vlxai.e.-ni.d .Montieid Hint 1.80 Advance and K.tnuiiig, the new f.iriiierK' iii.-tiiasme 1.80 Advance "lid Y'lUlbs* Companion WE ARE Mill 10 ill.' l.niil i.l tin' lixin.., aellin undi- Kloiir, Kiidr 'l'.i nil Suvnr anil iitlmr (iriH'eiiea. \Vi- liuxv ai.inv nilo udt S\vtM -I ic -s fur Hii'.l and j .'""K. "'.d if yeu want a rale ^urtu Trunh tie' keop your rim's in, or a j:iid S;tt ; h<-l braw and new lti' in unif ntnn-r, just ;HII I . \*> il'ii. II. i .li .n in Spr..nli.'n M-'rk, and ha will supply )nu at lowest inicua. WM. Hl-NDHKSON >''".: and L anl Witik ly Mftil L60 and Karro snd h'iresid*....- 1.60 ^kl OloU 1.40 FLESHEHTOII 5TEftN opn*il up a ouniplotn N'rsin l.niutr> riiin.ii.ltn |".|i..l t ukn In any y nf Ii V win k at Inwir inlcn. llmu ' ' I hsvo opn*il In Kloshriiin. Ilistitlty nf Ii V win k at Inwir i ir. oliari;*') uUvwlicm. t >i*vni'uMii the la'vdt in. I lilokt inarlllnory " tlit .Mid (ludlv ! HL a call. Knllro sailtfaellon . nw. MM. HMO Moear>oca> DOT'S CORNER. Peace on Earth, Good will To- ward Men " [The following article should have appeared last week but was uuavoid- bly crowded oat. One week has. loxx-cver, not destroyed its literary merit or timeliness. ED ADVANCB.] Though Christmas, 1895, will be a thing of the past when Ibis meets the eyes of the readers of The Advance, scattered as they are orer this broad dominion, and finding not a few who VL'leome it in different Stales of the American Union, not to mention some n the Mother Land and oven in far Jermany though, I say, Christmas will have come and gone, I hope I iv be excused for giving expression to the earnest wish which rises within nc this Christmas eve that all may experience a merry Christmas on the morrow, and a New Year as devoid of shadow as "Peace and Good will" con make it. Pease and good will ! Ah, tlieie's the rub ! For while private animosities ard resentments may lie lead and buried under the tide of Xmas feeling, that great Braggart among nations, thro' her chief magis- .1 u'e, has uitled with the peace of two continents and set the English liking peoples (who bunded to- gether conld keep the peace of the world at dogger's point. With her isual strength and self control Great bus resti ained her hand, for while sncli language from any Euro- in power would mean the immedi- ate mobilization of armies, it is im- possible tu taUe the American people icriously - especially on the ere of an election. lint after all it is not the American jeople, bnl the shyster-tricksters an.l .1111 r-ei xvvs whom that complacent sple allow to run vuc ^ovi rnuntal machine: y. It is a sii-.u;<c coinniuu- lary on a s)sti-iu of government sup- I to be "of the people, for the ie.iplf, by the people," thiu one jilt's work of one man should have cjine so near to precipitating the whole nation into a dishonorable war, or a dishonorable back down, and ha.-* already cost thcui millions in the sin king of stock and bonds in one short \vi i k. That in case of Mich a war Canada would RiiiY-.-r terribly as she would in all probability bo the battle ground in I hit* monstrous struck- , there is no doubt,. Still it may well be ques- tioned if ultimately a baptism of blood nnd tire mi-lit not be a good thing for this embryo nation. Theiccan be no literature and : ly uny art where national senti- iiuii' an.l patriotism are allowed to !ie dm in. nit ; a too complacent in i i, i ,a IMII H apt to follow upon a too pioii'iiejed eta of p. ai'c ami pro<peiity. II >\\ e, in xv I'txe our country until we havi.' suffei-fd fur liei '.' Liko m- ilivilul character a country mint r loss and trial In fere it can be- come a n.i'ule homogenous whole. Some ofl'eot to believe Unit a xx;n I'll the Kiii;lisii s|vikiii|,' nations would he peciili-nly levoliui;:, being oi one i. e , i :c. Well, all mankind is one viint brullicrhood un-1 as for the Aiiuriean people, they ore not as nitieli o;u own blood as they wre in IS1-.J- ii.. y an- Jews, (ie.iimiiK, Se iihl:ii.ivii\ns, Motaviun*. Poles, Swiss, and Italians and the low class ! i i i u'e iho roust. \Vheiv would Its tin 1 p. I'ulior horror of touching ih 'in i:p .my in mi thai: "toaolkiu| up" tlu link in the Kant or the Chinese ill Ihe O.leilt? That Great lUiUiti liai "t.iken tlipin at their w.iu'" and shows a dis position to allow them to ai live at tliosfl "second thoughts" which cer- tainly in tins case will be "best," augurs we 1 for the progress of "!' nini (iiodxxiH" in the earth, and doubtless the Lion feels he can afford to lot tins groat clumsy puppy dis- port ilsulf in thu presence of the na- tion.i knowing well that he 0.111 scare the wits out of it, should he choose to roar. I>OT. Why Leave the Farm ? Farming i i one of ihe inn. t independent of occup.'itio is. Tlio farmer t the mnut iiidi'piMiilent man in tlie world. II. CMI go where lie wanta during n laigc portion of the yrar with IC.HI luzarl tlmn tliu men of other callingH. Thii It'.oity i^ onn of tlie greatuat privilege! over Iwstowod on man. He naturally long* for tin- freodi>m In. Ii inilepeiideiioo or lil.ei ly to do aa he pleaMM*give him, and nowhere mlae cxn h* enjoy thii freeduin more tlmn on the farm. Tlio businaM man U the Mart of hi* customers ; the farmer U tin- alare of no one. Bo fur an concerns the man- ner in which his time shall be spent, ht a almnlutely free In determine. Of course tins diii-h not imply that ho liai a license to neglect his business, but it d'xu imply that he can modify it to auit hi* conveni- ence. Generally rpnakiiii.', he can Jo to- morrow, without any serious iiuoux eni- ence, what lie nm/ uot hare btcu able tu do to-day. And farming is more ren.uiirm.tive limn any other cnllini; under heavrn. 'J' In- Former wlni ia At v! provident and simple in hi.s iinxlo of living it sure of a good livin for himself and hvi family. (Kir and above tins, lie in Hole (o provide omething for a rainy dny. Tins U not true of ihe in. MI >.f other ci)ini:s, that in to aay, it in :i .t true of the rank rile of them. In tiuhinetK Hnine make for- tune*. I. ut the manyj;.. to ' be wnll vt some [ of their Utifincia curutr. There is no calliii'.' in the world whicli ii pursued hy tin 3 in.iny wlii-io thu increment of niii'K U " jffoat if the livifg of the farmer ii considered, slid, uf course, it uuglit io be. ''Airicola" in Fariuinx for Jiiinury. nnrrird. JOSM On <'!iri"tui .lay liy the Iter J. F. K.>irr-t Of (i.t o U. K. church. Kulivini;- tou, Ui-ui Ada M. JDIH-I. dlilc-i lU-iui'i... of Mr and Mr. .Mm Jnno*, llltllc >k ir, .-I Clili:aRu, to Mr. J. W. Pie it. aft. cdllor of the tk-liouilierj! leader nu.l Krcuidai. < innt> ami Ilisirirt. Mc.ifoidis adopt ni); ttie curfrw Uw. Sinicou will vote on the iioor !i. u>. I'l'-ition on .M.. ml iv i.i-\t. J*i. nnd Fiain ii Dmaldson, fanners in \\Vaf (lurafinzn, hvo m.idi- an ar<-gnmeiit for the bciu-f t of tln-n creditor.. They g it into debt no far that tli ere win no IHIJKJ nf thrir briny aide to pay u;> in full, nnd hence an an : gninent was decided upon an tlio fairest C"Urti- to all pirtiea. They are both notier, in- duitriom men, will thought nf by llieir ac'|imintancfH. Tln-y m.ule. eiciy posai- li'u eif'Tt to avert the liiml disaster, and have the xympalliy of many fii<-iu!i in The short ciop nf liut sen -on nnd 'he griMt Kcaici'y of fndder IH Ih-in-j Koveily felt, but many formera coliaidtT that tlie l< < t. iii^bi by the ahortaite will in (Mm no of time far more thin utfet the I.JM. Tim waa the view takftt by one of our Kyi i uiont frioudt in coiivi rsviou xrith The Chronicle the other iliy. Said he : "1 wouldn't cxclringo tlio oxpeii ence I have gained this winter f r a fu'd crop, fur I have learned >. IIIIIKM! oni which will but a lifetime. For in- atance : My itock it in prune condition and 1 am keeping them up at n r-y niu.'h less average cont than ever 1 1 i .1.-. II to do it ; that'* how I learnrd."- rhioniole. Lt Sunday nii-ht, the Pnahyti i i in conj;rei;lion here, wlnh- l^ti-niuj; in- tently to a lee' ure from Mr. Hal, a 1'. u (' ilinnbui s'udent, wero tr:liil near it.i l.y th f.-ill and doitlructimi of tl . iiro light. The li.n.k, to xx hich in fa-: tlie n>pe for lowcrini; and^ the light, had xvi'iked I'.nse and fj.ixr w-ix ill a moment, nnd of C.IUIK.J iluwn dr >ppctl the li^lit. 1'r.n iilcntiJtlly no end wan auiinii.sly ii.jiireil, Min. Webber ! me n - . -A inn a small facu wound, and an injury Io In r aide. II i.l the iron lian^'ii"-. struck anyone on tlio head death xxmi'd .ilm.iMt ure!y have re.-nilteil. A mild pniiio of courjo eiiatud for aimnnent, and n few of the IIILK! sensitive had tin ir M.-i-ven cliakeii up. Uuilmin Review Tliii ia an inMancn where a bad cold cnu*cd a ^tnrtlinu c> nvemiitiun. A UH d- est y<>Ull|{ I|fW|iIi;nT II1HII Was Ilix Ili'll to a i vtx .' the resilience where the homo had recently l.evn bleH^ed with an adil>. lion to thu family. AccoiupHiiied by I. boat irul, he met the hostess ut the dm r, and after ciuUmmry lalutatluM >Jlk4 after the baby. The Udy wa luffi-rin; from a icxoie colJ, which made her >l-nhtly denf, and the inis'nkenly imp- p. B. d hit the yoniiK man wan ini|niriu^ U. nt lu-r cold. She replied that th.iiii;h slu- luiiiilly had nun every winter thii ii the wor-t he ev-r had ; it kopt her .iwnke ut ni'.'lit a pood deal it tint, and confined her to h<-rb. d. Then. noiioii>K that tlio Rciihe was Wcomii'K ple and ii'Tvi.m, she aai I tliu' ibo could lee hy his liHik.i tlitt he wai g -iug to have one junt like hei-M, andanked him if he wished tolinibiwn. Tlie piipur cnmo out aa n- the next week, but the editor linn girrn up iMii|uiiing ixb-mt InbiM. Medi Ortl It. i-. i,.l Chief McCarthy of Stratford recently in idi. effective IIHK nf an aluioar o)*olet method of traekinx rruninaU. .lam. i Corcnran had mine r.-nry fowl which he kept on Mr. D. W. Clark'* farm in North Eaalbope, and <m morning several of l.i-* best birda were missing. The police wer.5 iiotitiud, but owing to the mulciplitity of the tracks, it was imp*aihle to d anx- thing. Theu tlie Chief brought int.- ritquiailion a bloodhound he oncs owned. A strap war placed about the dcg's neck anil to thin the Chief held lightly while the dog led thf wny acroM the fields t< wliitre the track had been lost before. The dog had some d.fficulty, but rinilly scented hia iray through the yard and across fi-ncea tu the hnuse of James Phair/ mi KlizaUith There the twu turkeys were found. One nf them had n'inoit been put i;i 'he oxen only to be removed when the police were neen ajr- pr. ai-hini;. The oilier turkey had bteu plucked, but had not yet rcacl-.L-d tl.e i'V.-ii. 1'hair wu arrestorl an I br.>u..'l;- before Ma^intr/iu: o'L.i-im.- iiud conun t ted fur trial. The Markets. Corrected Each $3 4i> t.. 1:1: to 4 to / 15 to ..... . . 15 to JO to 42f. to 15 00 to 4 INI to 25 to 6 to 7 to 20 to 40 to 20 to O.its ...... 1'eM Butter ......... Et,'*s, fresli ..... . I'.ii.itne* bi< P..rk Hay pur ton Hides Slierpakina 3 4,, 15 U .".o 4L'T 1600 5 no M I I M M N GIll.M! Miirkdale C.40 a in. 4.40 p. in. Flvalirrtnn - ti.03 a. in. 4.53 p. m. OOIMI NORTH . Klesherton 11.48 a. m. 0.17 p. m. Mark<iabs 12 04 p. m. ft. 30 p w. Turkeys ..... ....... Chicken* per pair Durks per pair Time Table. Oorlf a. Sick Headache CURED PERMANENTLY BY TAKIiJO Ayer^s Fills I wa trouMod a lonp t!me with skk hi'mlaclic. It XV:IH i^iiullv Hii-ouipaiitoil llh sorcrc |i:iliiv HI t!m ieii>:>ie-. a .<rnse of fiillnfM an.l IcitflvrDes?! In one eyo. a bait taste tn my nunitli. tn'.ffu^ cu.i'i-ii. hands anil (ore eoM, and >..-ki.,-H< at tlio tlomarh. I irl>M .t ICHX! many remrdli-i rveBiniiMiitiMl for Una oumbUUnt : Lai it waauul until 1 Began Taking Ayer's Pills that 1 IW-|T<><| anvthliiR Ilk* perma- nent twiirBt. A slntV l~>x i>( tlirso iitlls did the work for nu\ and I urn now irco from hf-Klachi**, anil a xvril ui:in." C. H. 111'Tcmxi.s, East Auburu, Ma AYER'S PILLS Awarded Medal at World ' Fair Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills The undersigned me pltcing in po- sition a first MM fnwinill for custmu >Mxviu-;, which will be ready for opera- tion in Janimry. NVo have also addi J A CHOPPING MILL Fur the conveninico of farnu-is. ('hopping done at nny time at 5 ccuis per UK) Ibs. The sash and door factory, Imml and scroll sawing business cooti.mul ns tiRtial. Pile in your order*. Mr. Slinni \vill still be retained af rnnuafflr ol tlie wood working depart- ment. A TAL1JOT