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Flesherton Advance, 26 Dec 1895, p. 7

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THE ygRY LATE5T PROM ALX THE WORLD OVER. Abmrt 0r Own 6 <!> *M Lsltxl Si ' CANADA. 8t. Catharine* ministers object dunday foneraaa, nowiand objecU to the immigration into the town of any more Chinese The penitentiary commission U in vesicating the recent) eaeapM at King Miner* near Rat Portage recently ntobbed a surveyer sent out to survey land. Thomas Hall, a Hamilton moulder attempted to commit suicide by taking laudanum Capt. Sinclair. Lord Aberdeen's sec retary. leave for England toente' political life. Mr. A. Person, of the C.P.R. bridge department waa drowned in a writ Vlrden. Man. Francis Robinson is under arrest St. Catharine* charged with Me of tbe mail*. Mary Matuaka.. aged three, was bum ed to death in Brandon on Monday, dur iag the absence of her parents. William Curran, sentenced one year ago at Regina to five years for arson has been released by (executive clem ency Tbe building permit* inued in Ham lit n during the year ajnounted to $414 155. an increase of $117.385 over the previous year. It is rumored that the C.P.R. are closing a deal for all the steamers o tbe Columbia A Kootenay Navigation Company. This year nearly 91.000.000 bushels of rain passed through the Suo canal, an increase of 36.000.000 compared wit last year's movement. Mr. Richard Bryan uf Merritton frt from a Grand Trunk train, lire iking bis leg. lie lay out in the cold all nigo and was badly frost-bitten. Tbe Rowland Record published a Its of 90 mining properties in tbe imm<> diate vicinity of Rosmland. The sit mate foots up to nearly $13.000.000 Tbe Department of Trade and Com. merce is confident that next neanon vessels will undertake, the voyage from Montreal to Australia for the carriage at Canadian good*. Tbe Dominion Government i beiag asked to adopt a new ballot for tbe Do- minion elections, as it in said tbe Do* rocber ballot not such a sucuew as waa anticipated. Tbe MinsBler of Agriculture and Prof. Robertson will attend Ontario dairymen's conventions in Ilro-kvi.l<< St. Mary's, and Brantford during Jan- uary, and will deliver a seriea of lec- tures. Mr. L. H. Davtea, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, expects to have the Hud- son Bay expedition, for which Parlia- ment voted twenty-five thuunand dol- lars last session, ready to start out early next spring. 'Ite Grand Trunk Railway Company ban offered to convert the Vn-iona hndge at Montreal mtoa double-track structure, wito a track for a trolley service, if the Dominion Government acaiats it. By the recent arrangement made !,> Hon. Mr. Fishr-r in Washington tbe 90 days'> on cattle and <honei will b*> abol lulled by both and the I'mlrd Si. iii- Hilda rigid inspec- tion at tb* border nulmtituted. Hon Sidney Kishe.r. interviewed on leaving Washington exr > * t d bisat- sifaction at the. arrangements made, with Secretary Morton lor a nodiflca- tioo of the cattle quarantine regula- tions with the tailed States. If the Dominion Government decide upon the- enlaigrmerit of i he SI. I-aw- renoe canals at the coming session ol Parlisment, It will mean the addition of two steamers to the fleet of the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Com- pany. Mr \V \V (yilvie. of Montreal, who has madr an extensive tour tbrmiifh the. North-Went, sayn that he has never see-n business better than it is to-day in Winnipeg, and throughout tbe en- lire North-WeM tbe farmers are con- tented. Another attempt on the part of the I'nited States to further rent rid. the operations of the Canadian seal-rs in t ft" Dehring Sea is anticipated, and according to information in Ottawa derived from a Ministerial source, i his will he resisted on the part of Can- ada. Dr. Gnkie, treasurer for the Aruien- ittii fund in I'nnaila, has reo,ueste<l the i-o-oiie-ratiun of the teachers and scholars uf tbe Public schools and col- \rfrn in bis efforts to aid the suffering Annmlans. The aptKNtl has u-i-n cor- -ii illy mceivedand approved by some of Ontario's leading educationists. The Toronto. Hamilton ft Buffalo Railway (Ympany is applying to Par- liament for an a< t to authorize tbe issue* of debentures and preferred stock, to rhangf t hi- headquarters from To- ronto to Hamilton, and to sanction tbe agreement with the C. P. R. Tbi- Hamilton Police Magistrate fined JHUII Shaw $50 or a month in jail for lire I'HikT u (rainl'ling bouse at IS Mac- na>> stn-.-i north. II - i-< unsel intimat- ed that he would take the, cane to To- ronto and have, a test mnl of it. The cases against ti-n ytiung men found in Sluw's n>om '\v the polire were dis- missed. GRKAT BRITAIN. loin Maun ban tried to .start another dock strike in KiiitUnd. l. Keuv I. tin. the new Am-i baacadoi- to Kunl -unl, - rer) popular in London. The Him. lieoi'^i 1 Klin KiiiK has l>eei tTH/i-iteil llriti^h Coiiii.ii^sii'ii'-r for the <f Sea arl it rut ion. Til.- St. James Gazette ways the n will |Mi'oii,tlly dictate ami re- '.i -flier Majesty which will appear in The London Chronical on Monday con- I a Unix interview with Cap). Mihan. of the I niii-il .-i,-i'.-s mi, l-llloL'i-^t H- ill" Hie 111 II ls|| navy and its loug servuv M-I--IH - ! Ku^<-ll iden- on the wast gutted by fine on Monday morning, and there strong suspicion that some one eonBsct ed with his libel suit against Lady Brotu in gmliy of incendiarism. V Three emmets wtoo were returning <*> Wednesday at Uartmoor prison fcoiu labor made a drsprrsihi at - to en-ape One was ahot dead. second was wounded and captured, and the third got off. 1 Nl 1 Kit STATES. The National Bank of Illinois in Chi- cago has failed. It cost New York $60,000 to clear away the snow tali last week. A bill to protect areial navigation baa been introduced into Congress. Tbe Masonic hall at New Brunswick. N. J., has been burned at * loss of $400,- 000. Tbe port of Boston baa been opened for the export of Canadian and other cattle. At Gutbrie, O. T.. Fred Hornela. 16 yearn old, killed another boy to get tun money. TubexculoB'H m reported to have in- herd > ' rttory in dispute between Great Britain and Wuezuela belonga to br. that she can establish her elalm evidence by At .^aniiao. Cuba. smveWl [argil eat- ibre Krapp foam have jus*, arrived^od are -bems; p4aoe<i at stsalegio paiats-ta> defend tEat port against a possible at- tack from a foreign enemy. Gen. Gallieni. the French comman- der-in-chief in Madagascar, says that tbe insurrection is virtually mastered, and that only a few remaining bands are hiding in tbe fonwts. Hucci. the Italian faster, who has been giving exhibition* of hi-- endur- ance, became insane on Wednesday evening, after a performance, and waa taken to a oospita]. ab- eten- It is .inserted in Rome that dication by Don Carlos of bit Uie pre sions lo the throne of Spain in favour of his son. Don Jaime, is only pot~ poned until tbe terms can be arranged. Tbe State Department at Washing- ton haa received information whub leaitM Secretary Olney to believe that < n Gomez and other ion urgent cbfefc of Maine. The late Henry L. Pierce, ex-mayor of Boston donated $533,000 in charitaMd bequeeta. Frances Willard. President the W. C. T. U.. Castile, N. Y. is serioualy ill a Jamea Serif t, 08 years old, a Crimean veteran, died laat week at Grand Ra pid. Michigan. Twenty-five cavalrymen at \V, Point have been seriously poisoned b eating head cheese. A serious race war is in progress a MayfieJd. Kentucky, aiLsing oui of rec- ent lynchings of colored men. At Buffalo tLe, body of Jerome Kelt was held for debt, but finally release and sent to Michigan for burial. Thirty men emlHoyed on Governmen work at onull tke. Marie, Michigan have left to figuc for Culian rebels A bill to protect aerial navigation bridge lei 10 persons down into a cn-ek when two were killexl and a. nunn . injured. Speaker Reed is of the opinion t the House of Representativei! will no paas tbe Cameron resolution* in favo of Cuba. The K76 anniversary of the land ing uf the Pilgrims at Plymouth U baa just been celebrated at various places. It is said that Hermann, the magic tan. made OV.OOO in Lhe laat twelv years, yet be died without leaving dollar About half of tbe four thousand min era employed in thw coal mines of St Clair and Madison cuuntiea, Illinois have struck for higher wigm Mr. E II Macka?. professor of Greek in the Sioui Falls, N. D., Baptist Col lege, committed suicide by hangini Aiuicwlf un Weduewday. Th* mayor of Chicago vetoed * reso- lution of the City Council for four-cen car fares, and bin veto was) sustained by 27 majority, Tbe Bank of Minnesota baa (ailed and a number of Chicago monetary in stitutions are suffering from a kiss o public confidence^ Trouble exists between uhe presiden and employes of tbe Buslun St reel Kail way Company, w Inch is likely to resul ui a serious strike New Zealand has pained a contribu lion of $300 for Harris," of Mrs. Stowe's "Uncle Tu/s rabin," wtoo u at I^xington. Ky., destitute Toe big Dupunt powder mills at Car ilexes Point anil Gibbstown, N. J., are working night and day to fill large orders Tor tbe Government. Mr. Dingley on Mon.Liy, speaking o hia Tariff bill, mid that protection ti the great purpose of the btll, ami i ha all th.- protection which is needed wil be given. Fire un Kast 33rd slreet. New York .Jlroyed pnt|H-riy valued at nearly million dollars a>nd ren.leiv.l 100 peo- ple homeless. Four liuildingn, in. -In. I ing Sohmer's piano warehouse and th. New York Pol> clinic lloHpital. were destroyed. Tbe commercial outlook in the I'nitei Stales has lieen for .vim. lime pjust IKUI. too Kood, and at this season of the >eii we do not look for activity, liut lht average bueinetu* has been consid- erably .rolled by several serious failures among winch the- Itank uf 1 1 lino:. In-, i prominent, no! only for its aclua commercial position (which was a gooil lie), but for i h-.- finin.ial inot ituliouu which are wrecked with it. GiKNKRAL. Signor Crispi> daughter tasus eloped with one of her servants. Si lin tiixen Kiglisii and South ii visitors tu the Canaries. The Silt in Ifcts granted amnesty to J,OOU Armenian* ruavn-ied of crime It M said thru marly all educated symj-itbi/t- -with the in-nii IJerlin police nided ;i nuinlier uf An- an-hLsis' !.lin- houses anil UMtdesev- ral amsi s. It is stated 1 1ml Spain L<* malting ac ive preparations for a possible war with i h.- I'ni'nl BU Matters are trsjnquil in Hayti at irenent, but it is stated that a revo- utioii is bound to conn- I Admiral Herinifi'i. S|ini-!i Minister if M IIHII-. ilenn-.s 'I Ivit the dive- ruin. ill. a irurch/isinR wan<hi| The condii.oii of the jtuirnr cn>| in he West. linlieH will lie ein|iiiri"l in 1 .1 iy th.- Kimliwh Government. FUsid.s :trc reported in Greecv. which an- destroyed a" large amuunl of pro- perty and i-auwd onx- lows of life. V in.'; ion "ill IM- iii! roilm-i'd into tbv "iniiil -t-r <-f ll>-( lit u-s ill Kim: athizing with the l\ilan insurKent.s \i \pliisioM .H-curn-d in a confec- -,; iniilii. ,.ny .1' C:i.Mini>. in the " . uf Caserta, Italy, killing sev- persons. Many lives h.-ivp IHH-II Icsl by t be cap- izing of a ferry limit in I h. River )nierer, in the Province of Kka-terimv- aff, Russia. It Ls reported that Juan l-'ernanrlei. mini:-, -i- the f:il>Vil home of Kul' 'ru-ioe. h'i^ liecn completely d> si royed by volcanic action. Ih. Kpoca. of Madrid, declaren that tier with the r'-.-erves. t h<- Sjn- ish army in fu v rapa'ile. of maintain- ing an international \\ u Bra/n m.ik.-K LL ' the tcr- Cuba. 1 1 is reported that tbe body of Hu- bert Crackenthorpe. tbe Bnglish au- thor, who mysteriously disappeared in Paris during tbe montbof October, giv- ing rise to the suspicion of foul play, has been found in the River Seine. Fresh propoaala of re-form have been presented to the Sultan of Turkey, and the Ambassadors at Constantinople li.ive been inrusted to act in uniaon If the Sultan refuses to comply, force may t employed. A special from Paris aays it is sug- ure.sted loa< Great Britain. France, and Italy offer their services in tbe Culian question, in -order to prevent a conflict between Spain and thr United States and to terminate the revolt. A regiment of Turkish tr(jop lieing conveyed from Yemen to Constantino- ple mutinied on shipboard for arrears of pay. The men were determined enough to force the Vali of Brousa lo provide them with funds and new clothing A letter from Havana to the Time dwells upon the fact that tbe white element now* largely in the insurgent ranks. Tbe worst ele- ujent.M nave disappeared, and an inde- pendent Government, if weak, would at leasl be in tbe bands of .-duelled and responsible men. PERSONAL POINTERS. A rew \mtr, akeel Mm* ..i Ike ire a i ree-ple *r tke Wvrla. Messrs. Moo<ly and Sankev are to he- gin a series of revival services in Cin- cinnati un Man-h 5. Tbe Euiprvas of Hu-isia was very popu- lar with the Parisians during her visit to the French capital Miss Nellie Patterson. Mt. Carmel. Ct.. has completed a four-years' appren- ticeship to the machinist's trade. Verdi is at work on an oratorio to keep himself btnay. He denies that be SLAVE TEWS HORRORS *!!. HELkOUTKLAIN HAKES SONS STARTLING STATEMENTS. i. . Meted Africa* i.ipi.rrr- ..d sv- srlkes Wkal Be M. eeca- M . Be- ' Mill MIH and aI sad sited ...i r.nur^ IB Afrtea Beaer Ike Vlaa* r Hxur < 1 1 Illird >>iiu... The great continent .rf Africa, 6,000 mile* Ion* by 4,800 wide, baa been wis- ed and portioned off Hu- ropean powers, and therefore these pow- ers are now responsible for all that occurs in the territories which they claim M their own. Among the 200,- 000,000 Africans who nave, by no choice of their own, become the subjects and ! J^"- In the heart of tbs Bodan, around Lake Tsbad, no attempt has yet L*en muds to check nlav-raidijig Of the road to Euka. Utr i-apital of Bnrnu, the German (piti explorer tfahlfs mid I us bones of tie, slaves abandoned on either d of the road are so tfeirk that a Jlisafur wb. doa >8f*now the way htui only to ksp the ui.ddir lietween tie two rows uf hoora; he will not his goal." When an An* ala-ve-traaer one of bin human chattels, if unable to keep up the march with the othen, t he thought of luting bin money enrages, him sosaid LivugstosM In hie 'iirt journals* Uhai he "reoU bit spleen ' by murdering the poor wretch. SLAVES SLAIN BY THOUSANDS. In 1HJM UM> actifi Governor of Siar- r Leone told Rev. C. 11 Hjuitinsjun a few days/ journey inlanu "be ha4 passed for ssvea days at a tune through burnt villages and country ward* of the Christian Governments of England, France, GertWny and Portu- gal. 60,000,000 at least are atill slave*. A few years ago the explorer Cam- eron estimated the number of victims- killed every year by the African slave trade at 2,000,000. The U*rt eitimate of the Brituih and Foreign Ami-Slav- ery Society (till speaks of 500,000 dy- ing year after yeair in thin inhuman traffic. In Morocco naked women of white an well as negro blood are aold at auc- tion in public market*. Moroccan mer- chanU, who aa infidels am not allow- ed to bold slaves, place tbeuuteivea un- der the protect -vii of the American flag in order to trade in human flesh. The attention of the United States Govern- ment waa called to tbm fact oy the British Anti-Slavery Society last July. In Tripoli and Kgypt a trade in slave women ami eunuch* for the supply of harems is still carried on with more or lea secrecy. Along the Hed Sea, says the explur- er Theo Bent, Arabs and Mahduila car- ry on A BRISK SLAVE I UAIM-1 with impunity, and they will continue their contraband tra<U- until that <- lion of the Soudan ui reconquered fruin the KhaliLa and placed under a settl- ed government. In his "Kire and Sword in the Sou- dan" Slatin Pasha gives vivid pictures of the man-hunt as practised I.y the Khulifa and of the horrors which ac- company the transport uf the many of whom are Christum Abyssin- ia no* from the places uf capture lu int. capital and thence to their destination la British Nyaasa-Und the principal slave raider, Mloii, lum Ijeen caplurei: and bunged, but as Mr. Crawshuy, beea savages. In one a heap of bodies by the Sotm t place, ibr same across of slaves who bad Just been killed, their owners having hoard of bis approach." BIT far the largest portion of sla-re dealing is done without violence by the natives in thr regular working of their socw I institutions. Slavery is a constit- uent element of native African society It was not introduced by African or American slave hunters. The native* everywhere think that it that pillar m their social fabric be removed the whole edifice will fall to the ground. In many sections slaves are tile reg- ular currency, in other* they are tbe only U>or to be found for certain kioda of work. They are very large- ly the. tjeaate of burden in a country deprived of horse* and carriages. WheM a person gets mck or dies, ur if any public calamity happens, somebody w accused of being the cause through, witchcraft, and someiiody is killed or sold into alavery. If a man suspects one uf his wives of adultery be frequently ly Hells her Car away. Any one convict- ed of a crime or any insolvent debt- or may be Hold by legu.1 action. Slav- ery takes tbe place of jails and peni- tentiaries. Children are valued not only as reproductions of one's self but as marketable property. Of all the slaves I have questioned not one of those who were enslaved by one uf these leinl methods ever conV plained aa having been wronged. Those who complained were tbuae who ha4 been k dnapped -or who were detain* ed by civilized people. Of the fainout* Arab n lave- raiders Mlozi waa hanged in December. 1H4 Tippn Tilt enjoys tihe fruits of his cap-> lives at laBauwr, and so does Rumal- iza. whose, name signifies "be who ut- terly destroys." Ra.ihid. Tippo Tib'a nephew and successor at Stanley Falls), is a prisoner of the Congo State some- where in the Southern Congo Basin. any intention of Mr. Gladstone is dusupitoiuted at t.he small sale of his edition of Uiabop But- ler, only 2.0110 copies having been sold The Aovravun (English) town coun- cil unanimously elected an mayor Mi Henry Richards, who is totally blind. Lady Jan,- Harriet Sw in' urne. mother of Algernon Charles Mwinl>urn>, the poet, has jusl. died m Rutland at the age of 87. Ihe lliuiKaiian caricaturist. Jarko. wibvt died a levy weeks ago. made uiort? than 80.000 draw inns m the ti3 yean of bis life. Dickeus daughter, before nhc died, bsul completed a liook calleil " My Kath- r as I Knew Him." which will he pul- llfUled 1'hiw Knglisb ..u.-bewM-H th. He of Cleveland, >ut])'rlau<l and [(.-dford .it oiie iiuje 01 ai,.ii b.-i contril.iiie.l articles tu magazines. M. Nicolini and Mine. Patli-Nicolini rt-turpfd to Craig-.v-non castle. ' I'h.-y will leave Christinas for the lUvi.-ra. The late Mrs. . shortly aJft-r idoim. tbe cele- brated actress and elocut ionutt. bad liv- ed 111 n i::i-u. .lit for filteen years pre- vious to her death in Paris. November 19 A AVuitiuil pariah priest, hav- collected 9.IMJO puii-iids of |iair' .n y.ars, li.-is sold t lie .-I fur (.t.OOO ajjd xiven tin- nionev to 'harily. I- i, -id Marshal Lord Kolierts. whom has immortalized as "l.r I. liolti," has written an ini|H>rlant twit- volume work called " Forty -one Years in India." Mis* Kthel Lt-ll,- \ppel IB one of Ibe 'test known deoiKtiern of Utok I-OM-IS in Nexv ^ ork. Site says the i;realet. need iii li.-i pr,.r.-sion IR originality nai is practical. A Scotch member of Parliament has just lieen oniutrbt to Ixtok hy his ron- (folf. or cnnduct- of Northern Nyaatta-laud, sj> tbe traffic is still carried ou liy toe na- tive tnltea tbemselveit, uf whom the Anguni are the worst offenders. "These Angoni," says a missionary, "possess from 100.000 to 150,000 slaves, whom; sole. posdesaion is a goat ur cal-xkin arnund their loius, frequently only a little liar* fibre. lh-y are kept in subjection by tbe npea.r and tbe poinou ordeal, which la administered lo lb frieo.... iid relatives of fugitive slaves. In one village the other day eleven persons lay dead irum this cause." In Madagascar slaves were sold in the public market uf the uapu-al up to the lint day t-fort- its capture liy the Flench. Ihe frte.luui-lovmg Bt.ei.-ni Ihe. sui.j,-. L the nal:..s in Iheir lerntory lu Mich a degia.i.i ..-n that all wbo can flee Crum the couulry. Although alavery is legally o ulished in all I'ort iiKuoHe. colonies nearly all the plantation lalMirers and many ,>f the uoineM r se.rv.iu!s are i/ougbl and soil like cattle CANN.IUA1.1SH 1-HK\ Al.l- N I On the Moluiighi ttiver. which fmiua the iMjundary between the Con^.i Si He and h re uc u Congo, caunilliauu and slavery gu band in Hand. Annual flesh is despised as cuuiing from uuin--. ir- rational creallire*., hlli.iail llesh IS Sllid lo lie uolile, refined uieal. Only slaves are eaten. They ure lar more uuin- fi'oua Ihun the tree men. They are SO i-UciiJ' III it free m. -n -i .met Tines kill sutne >tl tli.-ir bum in cbaiivl jusl tu show oil lln-ir w.-ilth, in tbe same man- ner as a young lord nuiy throw u handful of penu,.-.s to Luudon itlieet Arsjhs. Vuung are the regular cur- rency. Some children who were red. -i in ' ed by lh- had l--u Ihe on Suniiay, li;l- stituents for ({(.If cxe away frctm hoioe. is I ul one monarch of l-.'ur Hi- w bo can sshow the .scar of a wound received in war. It is Killtf Ilumlierl. >li> received a seven sal*r nit al t In- ml tie uf Cii-i.i/ia. Israel Zanicwill. the no\ and .-.- sayist. has ju.s. citnclud.-.l a sm-.-i ssful ei-iuriiin tour in hJiurlaml. H il I.,- conicinpliti me a visit lo tbe I nit- .1 Si Hen next year. t'ai i 'i i ready, voungptti sn of th- rii(fedian, after winning t h- 'I'.-lel-Ke- i.- clasp for gallantrv in t h.- ampaiKii. is acquirintf fame ris an ama- eur actor in Aberdeen Mis* Aiines G. Scull of the Alexan- m college, Ihililin. has N-en ,n\ irded he itold iiieilitl for first place in math in Ihe aeniur tern. I". I'y Ihe .card uf intiTiiiediate .-.hi--atu.ii. MurniiiKliiii mails < h<- list ol MIIM:III.' Mntr-i-Ji .|.s-k.-vv -I^HI n I hi-- wiiiK i.. I' loaie.s' 1-nd ln,-k ill fall- UK with his hors" and l.c-akiux his eg in the Liverpool autumn cup race. l)r Ivlward S. Hidden, director of DM- >ick oliservatory of the ujiiversi California, nas n-.viM-il ( h-- 1 Kiiiht of Ihe Royal Order of t h<- "amii'hnur of Lienmark Olio Sholiert. a German machinist. ho lives in Brooklyn, in a claiinunt n I'.-ihulf of his wife ,'f a I'm Inne left i hiuM linli.-in na!"i!'. named I'an lofltian. w hi. died without I.-HMIIH .1 :iey weir us.- I in I he Hast as fi(rht ill. Mrs. Sholiert is lii.s i Ih trl lUie is said to he t.'iO.OOO.IMIO ..s-i..n u 'ie al Li- pio|<erly ol uiorc thjti twenty IIIT.-I.-IS. \\ben .1 rich ni. -n fix'a hum tig d lillli; slave l<e- l\M--n ten and twelve is sacrificed to the river Bpiri. ; i ud.-i in insure luck lor t IK- chuov A in sMioiuiry writing I rom l.irauga said wben lit.- arrived bis n. IK'!I i-ors at Nyiinge. linto.n--, Bununde and li.-l-n nidiiltf-d in two or three Itu- IU.III tuicl'.fn-e-t CM-IV \M-ek. These cutions were regul ir holidays. I IIT- \H-II IILS kul 10 be patient s of all the lUi-irimiiil When the tim>- of a victim waa com.- In- \viiuld I.e untied. M-ited on a low lil'ick. hlfr h.ill.l.' t.-l.slell.-.l to Ihe nl". .1,1 l-y means of forks, Ins legs Mreichcd ,,in ,ind il-,- fixed i.i i In- soil, and -us luick tied tu .-i.ik.-s. His head a- i hy!u|K- In an ia-t;,- pole .stuck in tbe ((round aum :-<-i .\\ ,\ and l-iii over wi ,LS to , A QUESTION OF LUCK. r.r. sad Mm. n.,. .1,1,1. II.,,, UL <l " -n-'ii "I hate tu bear people say there's no thing an luck," remarked tbe o>el- ancholy Mr. Doolittle. "I don't see why," his wife responded. " Because it isn't true," he returned with asperity. "A man can gu on try- ing and trying and never gel slung. And some other j-erson will go ahead and tumble into good things without making any effurl whatever " 'I Li.1111. m> (treat man has succeeded without hard work." "That's tb? kind uf talk you always lu-ir. But mm- timect out uf ten it is Jill owing to the ctpportunity that pre- - nt<-. I itself. Fortune, just neeuis to lie in wail to kidiuj; uooi men. Look I -NIC N.-wtiiii. His nain is band- ed down troin generation lu generation. And wliyf Smii I y tiecaiiae he was sit- ting under a tree and un apple hap- pened i,, dr.i|t on h m \oti raii'l pr*- letid that a HUIJI IB in a p>-nion to claim Mi|ierior merit -imply liecaue, Ihi'-Utfh no net on m |/i ef.-reiice of bis own. lie g.-t> til in Ibe bead with an .1) .pie. l-'lll '.N.i. || i.-im ( ' I lien don't tell me uhoui there not UK' .my .inch ihniij i> luck." "Il seeuiH to UK- 'luit you've chosen i pour example n auppurl of your ar- glllllellt. Ihe c:ue irf Isaa.- Newlm goes tu show i hut Ibe diiien-nce is in tin- |M-,Hile. If il bid been .some men i hit I know nf ,ii.-ieid of Ni-wtoii, 'be first thing they would hve done after t In- ipple fell would have nceil Ut go into i lu- and iimun for the arni- ca lurtlle. then I hey would have syeAt tu,> LI thn- buiirs of jire.-i.ius lime talk ng about their bad luck." s-i Hi-.rcii mi-: M-:CK of Hie prisoner. All executioner, afl.-r in i.-li ready, t he > -jsMi-ul.ition, I, in. og and .sinking, draws with while h.ilk around Ii > . i,m . m.-kin- I n>- win.' It- he llltell<lB to tnke. Twice he brandishes his knife mid brings il HUM- Lo Ihe iij.uked line. Then lie red Silence reign.s. Suddenly lie ICUIM again to the victim, twice lie swings the sword .inn. the third time th.- se\ , red iie.i.l flie ufar off, and Ibe sang- uinary crowd im the 1 A moment after 'ill relnrii null huppy f-i.-e.s <n their hnj; Since the arrival uf the. while men ind (if K'li-opedii inn li.-rili. -a. th.-s,. hoi ril-le piilili -.n.s hive -uiit Killed in 111- im >in-. Ii u>- n.-,^l lotxln cl tin- "I 'I ion- I'. : .til! killed rllld ...tell Nn'v I hey ,11. '"'' silenllj - JliNNY LIM) AND THK QUXBM. There U a pretty story to.d of Queen Victoria and Jenny Lind. It belongs to the year If 48, and shows how the mod- esty of two woaicn, the Queen of Kng- und and the queen of sung, made a momentary awkwardn-'xe which the ji'iit e tact of ihe singer overcame. U was on a nighl n hen Jenny Lind was tu sing al Her Majesty's Theatre bat the queen made her first public il I'l'.irance after the memorable Char- is! day. For tbv great artist, too, ibis a; |-.-.ii in..-, for 1 1 was the K'niiiiiif of her easuu ai a place where, the yoar lief ure, she bad won ;ii|i,ua li-led fame. li h:ip|M-ned that the nu.--ii entered he r.iya. IKIX al in- vim.- iin.incni ibat hi- pi mi i d.'ima - ; '-|,|i.-.i upon the stage, a tumuli ui acclamation burs* 'loin Hveiy coiner ..i : hi- i in .lire. Jen- ny Lind modi's. i 10 I he back of i h- >':i(f.-. waning ii.. t b>- demonstra- tion of uyalty to I ho stiver.-, gn should Tin- queen, refusing to appropriate to berse.l that which she imaginod to be I,-, I for tin- art. si, made no acJt- nt, en lici limn i IIT- stage or the i'" At v ngth. when the sit 11:11 on liocam* embarr&ssimg Jinny L.n.l. n ii h ready t IM.' fiN.i ights anil siuig "God Save the gu"cn," which was ii|i at tin' end .if the solo by ih on h s' i&, rh .ius a-a.l uu i nc -. Tbe nuivn tli.-n came t.o the front of her nl i-.. .,-.!, ami ib- operu was le- Ijiwtirtti, do yo., D'ink yi-ur .-I ,-ni i.s iniioci-ntf (If .-...use not. All I oare fur is to mm.

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