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Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1895, p. 8

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THB FLISHItrOM ADTAMCI D. McTavish KEEPS ON HAND SI II-: For Masfley Hari ii, and Noxon, r leury and Wilkinson farm implementi. Fleiiry and Verity plows on baud all the time, also all kiriili of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons, Baggiei, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. HurHi-slioeing promptly attended to. bpccial attention to louder, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on band. About Cutters and 5leighs (iENTI.KJIKN A tl,,- .i-iiBon of sleighing in again approaching I would call your earnest Attention to my winter in hich 1 am | i p-ii . d to give you entire satiafaction both in quality and price. In cutters 1 have large stock t select from, made of best of malarial aud latent designs in finish. I am second to none. In sleighs I can aciolnnioditte you, either lixht or heavy. Prompt attention 'given l repairnn:, |;iiiit- it j; und retrimruiiig. Call, whether you want to purchase or not, and be v air own judge. FlesHerton Go to -FOR THK BEST- 8 Crttirs, : Sleighs, ; flaps, : lips ' 11. * Carts WjsfiT'^l wi _ _ iv / - _.** i_._ __.___ 1__ Plow and Log Chains Sherrs and Repair* for very kind of plow. \V. ,.l. l.iiiiiiH-r,Sl.ini:lps, Htrsw Cutters, horsepower, for aale. Come and see them. John H. Heard - Flesherton With Others Everything fn.h in the %ay f Irnmns. oranffw, nuU all kimN, c'lnfectionery of I the choicest variety, KK*. dt*, prune*. ; cran*- M ries, hiscuits of sll kinds, canmd fruits snd vegetablai, te*n. nuitars and all , th*r ^r.. ..-erics; s>t<K-k all fre*h for the ! holiday trade. Oy s t e rs Kr< '-, 1 i l m" tlie I tost flour and fed constantly on hand. In Sssell Quantltlc* or by the Barrel O. Fiestertn Hardware House 1 o! Car Load of Stoves Arrlred at F. Rarstedt's. K-oel IU .{.. C>r Rangrs, Square .mil K&tendod Cook Sio-. .-, ll.ix And I'.irlur Stoves, whieh we are X"'"- '" "ffor cheap for cash, or we arc |Hv|inied to K' ve "'"' '" '*" years' nine if re<|uired. Come aud gut our prices beforn buying. .|iirtdr* fur D'lildiiiK Huid- ware and Binder Twine. F, G, KarsUdl - Prop, o o Eugenia Mills AND AVER'S Hair VIGOR Eitora natural to the hair, and also prerenlBi it lalhii oat. Urs. H. W. Venwlek, ot PlCby.V. 8, esvr.; "A little more than twu years .v o ruy hair began to turn gray and fan out. At- tor tho vie of one bottle of Aviv's Hair Vigor my hair wai rettored to its original color and ceased ftlllnt; ont. An oecaalonal application ha* slnee kept the hair ia good conditlon."-MiBi. H. r. FKNWICK, Digby, V. & Growth of Hair. " Eight retrt ago, I had tho rario. loid. and lost my hair, which previ- ously was quite abundant. I tried n variety of preparation*, but with- out beneficial result, till I befrtn to foar I should t permanently bald. Abont six months ago, my husband brought home a bottle of Ayer'a Ilair Vigor, and I began at once to use it. In a short time, new hair bog-\n to npppir, ami there ia now every prospect of as thick a growth of hair as before fay illness." Mrs. A. WEBER, 1'olymuia St., New Orleans, La. AVER'S HAIR VIGOR mrA*ED BY A\/*r'*PHl*ture Slrk IltadatKf. Carriages made and Repaired, also Planini' an J Matching, Band Saw- lag, Wood '.Turning of every des- c'-iptinu. Planing and Qrain Chop Diugil' wliilo you wait, for th<H i var turus the wheel. r. W. WILHON Nanaccr WE ARE Still in the Isnil nf the living, lellin' gud* Flour, (tide Ten and 8uinr and otber Groceries. We have some rale gude Sweeties for aulil and young, aud if you want a rale gude Trunk t*e' keep your clM.,.1, or a gude 'Satchel braw and newfraethe mnnufacliirer, jusl ^aux lae' Willie lIunderKon in .Sproulu's bkslk, slid lia will supply you it lowest ' prices. WM. HENDERSON Tim* Tab!*. GO! HO MOUTH. M.irkilsle 15. 4O a, in. W.53 a. in. 00INO MoaTR. Flabrtrm 11.48 a. m. Markdale -1.04 p. ra. 4.40 p. in. 463p.m. 0.17 p. m. 0.30 p. SB. FLESIE8T01 STUI 11IIHT. I linn OMatd up oompleto stoatn laundry In Kluihnrtun, 4111) >IM |.r|>*' l to uk ID any quaallly of lauiiilrr work *i lnwnr iirlvi.n thai r obarfsd ilitvlim I havu put Iu Ik* la* an auil mol laprorW inaablnery to that *nd Kindly lit. a nil. Kiuir. HtlifMUoa manateM, J pi li low. klu.Uso DOT'S CORNER. "Don't live a single hour f yoi.r life vit h'Mit doing exactly what in to lie dmie in it, mid K"i>; straight thn>ii{jli il fnnu beginning tu > nd. Wcirk, play, Htudy ui. I whatever it IN. take hold at unco and Imi-li it up squarely ; then to the next thing without lotting any moment* drop between. It ia wonderful how many hour* these prompt people contrive to make of a day ; it is a* il they picked up the momenta which the dawdler* lost. And if ever you find yourself when you have so many thing! pressing upon you that you hardly know how to begin, let me tell you a secret : Take hold of the iy first mil! that cornea to hamliiiid you wlH find the rent full into til.- and follow after like a company of well-trained soldi- I-IH ; And though work may bj h.inl to meet when it rliaigrM in a M|uod, it ix easily vanquished if you can bring it into Inn-," etc. I read, and reflected how often I li.-i.l ri .-ul inyn-lf just Huch a lecture anil wall li:it indifferent results. ProcraNti- imtion in mi iv the fuult of the Idealist tlian of the Indolent. Thuru i much work left undone in the world, through fear of not coining up to the loer'n ideal of how it should be done, or through putting it off until a more favor- ,blu mood shall pomesa the mind. "The practical, plain young man," or matter-f- Fact person of either soz, will sail ahead n a methodical manner, and accomplish with a fair amount of success, the work which the more brilliant but meteoric roung penon, dilly dallys with, waiting "or "moodjs and tenses," and finally abandon in sheer diaguat with hinmulf, us work and, the world in general. The mattur -of-favt person has no tor- menting and exacting ideals before him. nit lives in the easy and commendable philosophy that a man can do his jest and let resulta take care of them- selves. And those results are often a rivalling Hurprise to himself ; not having in idciJ to prewent a discouraging con- trast, he is complacent and selfsatuined. On the other hand the idealist is liaunted by his mental picture ; he dreads to begin hifl work lest he should not do fin. best, lest his ideal will not be reached and when finally driven to make the at- tempt, no ntattur how pleasing the remit to others, he is still unsatisfied, be- cause his inward cenaor ia unappeaaed. Onc I read some interesting chapters entitled, "20 hour* it. day and now to get them." < >f course the whole secret lay in tin- prompt use of t he little dropped moraenU which always lie between the more important day's taaks. A series of days were laid out of an ordinary wo- man's life who does her own work and everything worked magically (in theory.) This imaginary woman had an easy chair in her kitchen and a bright clear window at which she sat and cultivated tier mind while the dinner was cooking. It seems the cow didn't get into this wo- man's cabbage garden and have to be driven out, nor the hens find their way into her flower beds and have to be shooed out right in the midst of her work. That is the worst of theory, it never takes much account of the unexpected in- cident*, and yet the theorists have their place, for they supply us with ideals at which to Him. and to systematize our efforts. If ever women need their work ordered for them, it is at the no-called holiday Reason. I say "so-called" advisedly, for it has li.-i-ii tho experience of moat of UK that tho time wo most noed a holiday is tho day after. The rii ri.stma* season has been made a time of strain and labor to those who en- deavor to keep up ito ancient formalities. (Vrtftin ceremonial dishes must be pre- pared which take much time and labor, the origin and significance of which must bo fconght for in the dim tradition* of our I'.ni nh forebear*, but which mean nothing to us but heavy oatiugand night- mares. Then the custom of making pres- ents, while beautiful in itself, has oome to be a burden almoat too great to be borne when the mind must be racked to think of something mutable, novel and within our means. The whole thing would be simplified if we ccasted giving to those who have too much already and took the pains to find out the noeds of tho poor about us whojte wants are like to be plain everyday ones and not fanciful. But the yearly recurring bore of Christ- mas cookery, and Christinas presents and Christinas decorations is aggravated by incomant practising and drilling of chil- dren ami adults for weeks ahead for the crowding entertainments which fill the holiday ( ?) season and there is neither rest nor peaco for those who intend to keep the holiday in proper style. Dur. Artemesia Council This Council met in ths Tuwn Hull, KluKheiti.M, on Monday, I>en. 1<I, init. Memliur" nil prnsent, the reeve in tin rhnir. Minutes of lust Heaaion were re*d and confirmed. Conmiiiiiiralmm wrr presented and read as fallows : State muni of miiliinni to IKHh Nov. on ;- nuii.tM .if Istu treasurer ; lulUr from reeve of Glenulg r O'Hrarn's deviation, iwn line Ait. mi mi and Gleneln ; certificate from T. Butler, overseer, as to statute labor lien-formed by P. Martin ; account", John Bellamy, wood and sundry rrpiir to town hall, 11.40; Treasurer Markdalr, rent fur division court roomn, Markdale, 41.00; John Wnbur, notice to repair road; W. A. Aainrttronu, certificate that \V Blair, collector N<>. 2, had returued his roll. Bylaw No. 519. te pre*id polUnR planes and appoin ing D. R. officer* for 18! 6, viz. : P. D, No. 1, D. McCurmack ; P. U 2, Qto Warlinu ; P. I>. No. 3, W. .1 IlelUniy; P. D. No. 4, Henry Cairn.: P. I). NII , : >, (I*-. Ledl.iw; P. U. No. , II It Dyson; was introduced, road I<t inil and 3rd ti'ne and pass. d. McMillan U it -That Joliu M^Jo.r- an be refunded $15.22, bomg aricurs of taxes paid by him on lot 1, McDonald's survey, Pi ie.eville, also credit year's taxes and that said amount ! returned by the collector against said lot to the treasurer, and to be by the treasurer returned to the county treasurer, said lot being stsenud in en or. Carried. KelU- Best Tliat *8U bo paid to the police trustees of the village of Flesher- tun, '.he same being balance in full as per lery for the yesr IttUd. Carried. McMillan" -Thai John White be refunded $2 HO for taxes, the saut* being au error in aisu .sim m for ltf!K>. C'ariied. KelU- McMillan -That tie collector of ward 1 be 'instructed I o accept 88 cent*, being taxes ot 1805 on the earl nl lot 0, James it. north, slid lot El V, mill St., arrears to be charged againtt i'ie west 4 of lot '., James St. north, aud this without prejudice to either. Carried. Best McMillan That caretaker's ac- count nf 94 40 for w.Mid, coal oil and otber sundries to ball a* per bill be paid. Carried. Kells Best That Hbt. Mercer and Weslry Bowler be refunded 50 c mis e nh for statute labor relumed iu e>-rur by pathuiasier. Curried. Best Thompson That tin police trus- tees of Flesherton be advanced 924 on account rate and that the same be charged to their account of 1890 Carried. KelU Best- That Priee Teeter be psid 92.60 for repair of wagon, broken in a bad place caused by taking (ravel out to put on rind. Carried. Moved in amendment by O. Thomp- son, seconded by D. McMillan, thai tlie bill of Price Teeter be laid orrr and the commissioner of ward 2 be instructed to imd out to the satisfaction of thin coun- cil bs to how the accident occurred and wh i 1 '" parties are who put the r. ad nut of repair. Lost. McMillan- Thompson That Pat Mar tin be refunded 93 statute labor of 1896, returned as unperformed, but s*nto per- formed, T. Butler, pathmssler, having certified thereto. Carried. Kulls McMillan- That the corporation of Markdale be paid 9*>, being cliarue on this munici[iality for rent for hall for di- vi-ion court purposes Carried. Beet Thompson That T. Rolls hav- ing produced receipt [or p.yuteut of 93 to T. Ijaudur. nyiHtrar for at-archea re treasurer's sureties, the reeve is hereby requested to issue his order for a refund of said 93 Carried. Thompson Best That T. KelU and D. McMillan and the clerk be paid 92 each for services rendered .in connection with '.rcasurei's suretii* and other busi nd the) clerk 91 for drawing treasurer'* nraa, as committee appiut*d by council, dra' bonds. Carried. Kelts- Best- That Win. Blair, collect or for ward 2, having returned his roll according to law, be be paid bis salary as per bylaw, 926. poetage 91- Carried. Thompson McMillan That refunds be made as follows, on account of differ- ence between notice left with partia* and the saaesamenl roll : W. J ihu Black- burn, 34c. ; Henry Richardson. 25o ; T Atkinson, 880.; J. I. Jraliam. ti3c. Car- ried. Best Rolls- That James Brodie, auditor, be paid 9&.40, aud John Mo- Arthur, auditor, 97.60, for their services as auditors to date as per bill, this audit ueiii); required throuuh the djaih of the late treasurer. Carried. Kelli McMillan That the member* of th local board of health for 1HU5, bo paid 90 each. Carried. Best Thompson That Mr. Tryon'* request that h<* taxes be refunded be left over until the chairman of the board of health furniah the council with a report. Carried. Thompson Beet- -That the clerk be instructed to notify the parlies who have taken gravel out <{ n.l opposite rear of lots 1IW and 139, 3 N. E., aud oauwd considerable damage to rig* which thia ooKiicil hold them responsible for .amount- ing to *">, and any other damage that may occur. Carried. KelU Th mipsou That W.K. Flesher b<> n t.Qed by the clrk to cut d-iwn the tree* 26 feet on each side of rud allow- ance, lots 160 and 161, con. 1, s. w. the T. aud S. II., as directed in bylaw 167 vf this municipality. Carried. Be*t-McMllan Tha re M . Jo 1 n Weber, coiniiiiwioner, rexardinu a certain ditch and fvnce, thia cousicil cannot rnt his request. Therefore the matter is dropped and this without prejudice to either, dirtied. Thorn pacm Brat That the report of the committee appointed to exssjnine the treasurer's tureiie* be accepted by this council at atif.K-torr. Carried. KelU McMillan- That the auditor*' report on tho lute J. W. Armstrong'* account* during thnt pait of year IHilo which ho wat treuiiirer fur this inunici- pa ity hu adopted, ('urn. il Kells McMillan Thst 160 copies of the ree\ e.'x and tretw>nrer'H KtuUnnents be I ii nit i, I in pMinplilet form for distribution. 1'urviod. Kells -ThompHon That an tho col- lectoiH of \ffiV> have not been enabled to collect all the rotes for ssid yeur by the time fixed by t\tin council, vis., the 14th IV.-., 18D6, lie it renolved that the said collectors he and thia day are hereby authorised to continue the levy and col- lection of the said unpaid taxes in the manner and with the power provided by law for the general levy and collection of taxes up t the 6th day of January, J8WJ; but nothing contained herein shall alUr or ajct the duty of the said colliHni to r:uni their several rolls or in kn . in D*r invalidate or affect the liacUitieH ..f roll.'i-torH ur thtir snretieM. i in itioii nffe. i word i I,:; .-md 4, , oolloct.ii of \V , i >\,. y hits retn. Tho inpHon- MeMillan Tha* wher the petition of Mr. Thorp U' right anil eighty others, praying fur liio abolition of the ward HyHtt-ni in thm municipality, and asking that tin: mm> of the town ship be expended by ntherx outaide thi* Council ; and as the nhovu citod petition has been on the table for several months, and not one ratepayer nave Mr. Wright himself ban approAchix! this I'ouncil in favor of granting thu pravvr of SAJI! peti tiwn ; Mini further, that not iii.iro thn nnu-tentli of the rate] Myers of this town- ship have asked fur lae chang*) whilo the law rti|tiire a majority of the ratejui ,of tli<; township t*i Ii.- in f.ivi-r of tin-- game before the Council can act fairly, and as this Council I: .-. RIM*!' reasnn believe that a lar^e in;.j"rity of the rntc- payers of Artemexia aro ^trt.nxly opposed Ui any change being iniule in the present system, therefore be it resolved that the above cited petition In- not ei:tirtaim (i. Carried. Kells- Thbinpson That tliin Council ileijily regrets the sad event which han made it necen-wry to nppoint a treasurer to till the place made \ .u-nnt )>v thu death of the late highly esteemed and deeply- lamented J. W. Armstrong, Esq., who for thirty yearn faithfully and t-lKciently tilled thu office of treasurur for this mu- nicipality. We hereby tender to his moot estimable wife and family our nii>t sincere and heartfelt Hyiii|mthy in tin-. their hour of sorrow, and humbly pmy God to blew, care for and safely guide them through life to their journey's end, then finally conduct them to that plaeo where there U no sorrow. Carried. McMillan - Thompson That this Council do hereby tender its sincere thankx to John Bolaiul, Keeve, for hi.* courteous and gentlemanly conduct to- wards the members of thm Council dur- ing the time he has tilled the Reevc'i chair in this townhij> Carried. The Council adjourned. While chopping in th" l> the other day. Win. O'Reilly of Arton, had th misfortune t-i lei the me Blanco and cut hm fiNit, oomplvtely sererin* the big toe slid the second one partially. Jasnrs Taoghtttr, a youth al.mi. 15yesr of aif", was accnleiitly *hot and instantly killed by hi* youngest brother while out shooting rabbits near Te^swater, on Wed- nesday afteruoon. He let his brother, a boy about 12, have bin gun to ahoot with, and the bi.y, becouiing nervuiu, Krvd when the gun was pointed directly at Janes, the whole charge entering hi* body on the rixht side of the ucck. Hssuoveri* wit bout 6re protection, and the citizens are iuiw bestirring themselves in the direction of equipping their V'llage with the means of righting the fire fieml should it visit them. The village i* not incorporate 1, and con-uderitble difficulty is experienced in cousequence. A monster pin* which has been felled upon the Mclutosh farm in North Boo- tinck i* the wonder of the country side. Its branches made ateraxe saw lops, and had the original owuer taken what he was 6rat offered he would have netted over seventy-five dollars. The hewer, kn old Frenchman who has aeon service in all parts of Canada, say* it i* the beet tree he ever drew line upon. lie iwver saw timber of better quality. More than one of the ttrongest teams iu the town- thip will be needed to deliver that slick at the Elmwood Q. T. R. nation. Chronicle. I hitve decided to clear off my entire stock .if Boots and Shoes at Sacrifice Prices. Money I want and money I must hare. Therefore those wanting Boots or Shown wiW consult their own intrrcats by buying while my present stock lasts, as I do not intend to replace it. Great Bargains may be had now. Thu same induce- ments way never again be given. Call nd teat uiy statements. JOS. Smith, Flesherton Custom work and repairing attended to M usual. Flesherton Saw & Planing V Mills The ".mid-sinned are placing iu po- sition a first class sawmill for custom lawing, which will be n inly for opera- tion in January. We have alo added A CHOPPING MILL For the convtint'uce of farmers. Chopping done at any time at 6 cents pr 100 Iba. The nash and door faetory, bind and aeroll sawing biisiticss continued as nanal. Pile in your order*. Mr. Sloan will still be retained as manager of the wood -working depejrt- ment.

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