TH1 FLESHERTON ADVANCE BANKING OFFICE OF GcQ. MITCHELL **"'- . himiue*- DrafU ("""I " :i I Ht usual rai<M. MOUe.. tilitblt) for IVKIU. .1 enUfri>ri- uiHce two dugri uuilU of I ou it Vicinity ClxipsT rk:ir;-tcrNlirs of the Past Week i' n rr fully Culled for the Curious. rrf's amon</ lifnlt frill be i' ' if tin- ritf nf /<>< fifrlu'- fur >/r'i<>ii. A rniiK-ti'iu u'dt be mil /. . riMt(r-i'-(.i t>r !'< linetor ovrr. Divis;-.i c m-t will bj h ! t 'UTJ on Friday, 2<Vh mt. Township council will meet oil Monday next to up the year's basinets. A ti.wilii|> meeting nf the Patron* nf Industry will be held in the T..WII Hall on SHtur.l:iy. S -e advt. Ten.l-T< f.>r cordwood and the annual miMtiii^ :'..r Fli'.-ln-itoii public twin ml are advertised m this i.- IVr-.i 1 .iiii') inilufifiy. You can 1,'i-t slrnij.t undo Maiii>U. dour at llie null for .-lily $:!.i') [> T barn-1. P. L-uclcn. Some . :.' tole about thiity bushels of turni|>s ti.'i.'i Mr. Ji.lin Mcliruthrr's Dot house mi \\ , .Ineailay ii'jjht of last weuk. All kin.!- f riil'lK-rs. ovi-1-^lnH-i. nun'* >>t>>. l.nh. .' <>.foiiU. Childrcn'x ithnuH, >-U-.. goin^ very cheap at Clayton's. Cull iklld He th. h: Hone bUnlce t loot, at K'eslieitnn sla- lii>n, OH IVe. 4, utituipoil W Minds on rij-ht si,.. ;!iler. Finder will kiirlly leave at Cairns' hotel or this ctti -.v The directors of the public liln-nry nunt -.*> ii :"if in. inl.t-rs in i.nler t" IH) c tin- government grant next >vr. Hiive you handed in your 11.11110 ' Uev. Mr Maban exchanged pulpits with IU-v Mr Ittilt'uiil of Ueathrole on Sabbath. The Litter gentleman preached two eX'Vl.-nt sornioim in il.- Methodist pulpit h. iv. Tin- City hotel. Markdale, wrj sold at mortgage Jik' en Tuesday. It wa pur- i-liaxi-d liy Mr. \Vin. Murphy nf Olenflg f..r the sum .' ^l.'iLI). The |>m|-r longed lur. '..forv to u Mi^. M. Sullivan. Farmei*, have you Me a ctuiy of Karm- i 1 _', the nvw magazine? If not call in and claim. le it. The rheapout thills' out t'.ir the money. Only $1 80 IT tin* beautiful magazine and The Advance one year. The anirj*' tea uni-ting in connection with the Eugenia Union Sundny School will be h. 11 in ths Orange Hall at Eu- genia mi Kri.biy, Deo 20. l/Mial admis- sion. See bills. Have y.'ti joined the public library ? Don't put it olF any lonzer if you havo nt. Ov.'i riyht hundred volumes of the lent authorH, daily and weekly |ui n-- and magazines are at your disposal, and II fur only 50 cents per annum. Ayer's Pilli, being e"inpo*e>l "f tin- enei;tial virtue** of the best vegetable apperienu, without any of the wnndy or l;l>rous material whatever, U the reason why they are so much more effective and valuable than any other cathartics. The best family physic. A. A A. NViNou's sawmill at Proton Station, wa Je-ttroyed by fire on Thurs- day night last. There was an insurance of ?1"00 '.ii the building, but this will not nearly cover the loss. This is the third time the Neilson Bros, have suffered the low of their mill by fiie Cause of 6re in this instance unknown. The Fleslierton lUptist Sabbath school will hold their .iiiiiinil serviivM .HI Sun. lay next at 11 and 7 oM.n-k P. M. On the Wednesday followiiii.', ISth inst , the usual tenmeetin^nml eiitfrtainmcut will be held for which an excellent program is being prep-ired. Sec bills. It U often a mystery hw a cold has been "caught." The fact is, however, that when the blood is |>. or and the xystem c'.eiiresscd, one becomes peculiarly liable to diae.ises. When the nppctile or t'l atrei gt'i (ails. Ayei's Sarsaparilla should be taken wi'hout li.'V-iv. placed in nntitinn. Si e their advertise- ment for particulars. Flesherton Surj-m Union Sabbath achi'iil wil 1 holii it annual anniver- sary service un Sabliatli next, when the il. . J. Mahan will preach at 3 p. in Subject "A talk to boys and uirla." Ou (he Friday following. Dec. '20, the an tea aiid entertainment will IMS uiven An excellent program is bttiii;; urejard Sue bills fur full particulars. Rev. Mr. Me Nab, representing the I". ('. Bible Society, spoke for a short while before a very small audience in th McthodiHt church on. Tuesday evening. Tiki collection only amounted to $1.35. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Pres., Rev. J. Mahan K. Trimble ; Treax., \V. Henderson; Committee, M. lucliaidson, J.T.Moore, A. I'iirns. The Shelburne Fr.-e Press says that I)r l{ ils'in of Shelburnr, intends r ad dress the electors of Klesliertoo, Piioe- ville and H.inover in t'n.- interest of the electrk' r.ulw.ty. Meeting at an early date will be called in the above place*. The pi.'iiioiers of the road are mewling wMi succusi ill! .ilon^ tile p rou'c. Tha Mint red Witness ha-tjutt closet] iia 50th year of existence, and during all t hat Mine has bet> well in the front rank of Canadian journalism, if not actually in the lead. It it a pap. i lr -h hai always rei. uncd aiirvrvcloua purity of tone, and h.-w steadily icrown in sice as well as in excellence. \Ve like i's ty!e. Tho:cof our readem who would like to <^tl the \V(,-Uy Witness may hare it in conjunction with The Advance for 65 cents, or both papers for SI 65. On Friday afternoon last a sneak thief enter..! the h iuse of Mr. T. R. McKon- zie, :ir<l line. Arremenia, while the family were attending preparatory service in the Presbytorian church. FleMherton" and st"le a small sum of iiiuney and some tnrtin^ articles, entrance bein^ effected by unlockiug a door. Mr. M. has suffered from a succession of uetty thefta, and u hard .-n the culprit's trail, who may yet be " royally " entertained at the Miller ion at the county ..->| i .1 Mr A I'.i'. -croft has b. u^lit out Mr. Sloan's share in the s ish and d< r factory business, and hits taken into ; a tnen>hip Mr. D. T-ilb..t. These sentlenifii will make extensive improvements to ilieniill nd errect a servicenbl-' sawmill in (o ... junctiou. A ohuppiug mill baa aUo been Inspector >'. \V. Campbell has pub- lished a ^eoKripliii-Kl handbook of tbe County of tirey. for use in the public schiMj!s. In his preface Inspector Camr bell says : ''Heretofore the neceastry information COIH-.-IIIII.,' the (.' .niify ..f Grey was not available to tcncliers, hence some difficulty was expi-riem e.l in pre- paring second class pupils for the wider cmirau in gi-i.yrapliy as wull a for lot-al \'eo^ra|ihy required al promotion examin- ations." Tbe j.anijihlrt in interestingly written and will adinir iMy till this waul. It is intended as an adjunct to the county in ip recently published by Mr. Mitchell of Hanover and i furnished free to schools with this map, or soil in tliu ordinary way for 2j cent*. We w>uld k indly ask our xulnicribers to renew their subscriptions for next year at as early a date as possible. Times are stringent and they hit the publisher just a.s I t-m ily sutlioy dotli.'fai niei , inerchnnt or mechanic. \V have a few old friei. .^ who appear willing to take the paper yi-ar in and year out without paying a cent for it. To thes ! we will bid a long and sad fareweM on Jan. 1. We cannot afford to keep up that kind of thina, anc! ill be obliged to drop their ac<|uaintance w ill) the first of uewyear if t Iieirci>ii8cieuces do not. jjoad them iuto paying us what they owe use in Ihe mean t me. \Vc have t ied hard M Collect aoineof these accounts by dnect appeals, and fear we will now have to let the division court clerk try his Ii .ii.l at it. We are loth to do anything of the kind, but some people can only be reached by adding extra costs in this way, A New Barrister \Ve understand that to enable him to give more constant attention to his iu- CIVHUMIK Flefdierton buitinesa, Mr. Frost has artauged a partnership with Mr. C. \. Kafson, a young lawyer of Toronto who recently passed his final examinn- lionn at Osi-otKlH Hall in a very cieili- table manner. Mr. Itatsnn is expected here iu about a week and will reside in Floslier'on. The new firm's [lace of | business will be na heretofore at Mr. R.J. S;>i .ule'- 1 office, ndjoinins the post office. A New Potato Given Away Four years ag" Wu di.s:ovre 1 a bun-It of 'en or a d ./. MI small needlelike .iprontk w ith Hue ro 4s in a lull of dirt wlu-r- p.itat.KM had been atored. Through curi >sily these w T.: planted out to M u wha: ou'.d c.-nio uf them. Th -y were Cirefully cared for and developed int. [Mitatoes. The tiist ynr them were like peas, the aecoml year they pniduued rx>ta- totnfroiu the sie..f marblen tothat of hen eg^s, and the third year tieclarge potato- es, whi le this yenr those whe have seen them pronounce them extra fine. As lliese tuliera undoubtly grew from a seed bnll the product is a new pout .. We puqxute uiving away our entire stock of thesx tulwra for trial purposes. Every subscriber t.) this paper who pays in advance is entitled to a share nf these sufficient to properly test their qualities. C ome ami net some. PERSONALS. MI.-K Mable Matthews of Blarkdale hss gone to HpMiklyn, N. Y. to enter* train- ing school for nurses. Mr. J. Elliott of Feversham, one of <>Hprey's efficient aniesKors, ris in town on Friday last and paid The Advance a friendly call. Miiw Chrixtana Gjerdrum ret ur mil on Friday from \..rwood, where she han been for some time. Miiui I.i/iie Fields has returned from Schotnberg, u here she has I een house for her brother for KHIUM lime. Mrs. Dr. Reid of Homing's MilLt wan tin: i{Uot of her suitor. Mrs. W. W. Tumble, for a few days during the pant weuk. Rev. Thus. Cullen Dead Rev. Tlios. Culllen, of the Aakin stn ct Methodist church, London died .11 Friday nijjht last The deceased gentle man wasana'ive of this township, and was a brother of Mr. .1 hnstoii Cullen of the East Back Line. The t {lobe of Saturday last, given the following facts regarding Mr. Cullen's life: Mr. Cullen was first taken ill it h typhoid fever alniut two months ag, slid thoutfh skilled medical lutsistanctj WAS secured, a complintiou of diwuscs set in. which gradually weakened his Hope of recovery was not abandoned un- til a few h. ins before the end came, nnd then Mr. Cullen was fiist u. nti-d of 'be death uf his daughter Lily, which occui ted from typhoid fever several weuks ai'o. Deceased wan burn ! Etlurnvy, County ..f hVniiunagh, Ireland In l.^Hi, and whon 10 }ears if a^r, he cnme t'> Canada with his parent!*, settling at Fli-shci t.m, Onf. After reoeiviiuj m><xl tdlicatioo, Mr. Cullen w.-is stationed at Kincnidine, Koiini from tliei-: to Victoria Cullvgn, M .u i real. He was ordaint'd in Grent St. J lines Street Mtrtho.liit Church, Mon- treal, in 1 -">C, :tnd ..n Sept. '-'Oth of the same year l,e MIH.S Mary Greene, dan ;hter ..I tliu lute Kov. Tl.ii (Jreen, a Bildj Chriiitiau niinisler at Lamlwth, Ont. His lirtt clninie after ,,r.liiiii; DII w;.s; water, and since> lhaii he had Ivn stationed at Demotes vi le, Sydney, Meville, ColN.ri c, H: : dit..;., Old Rich mond (Jinn.:! . T'.r.nt.., Wi-r-lny Clmrch, Dmnlm >t:ee', T i^iit . >..r .vand Ayl- nit-r. From A \ Imvr he cuinn t tl.e Sticit I'l.nicli. London, nlierc hi* three' jwitt .atu hnd lii-eu MTV ^uc viful. Mr. * '. e l.-nveH a ul.>w and six children. l>r Th . Cull. n. i -on, in Connected with the J..||i.s H..J.I.II.. M.m j.ital, r.altnn.i e. Md Misses Minnie, Itlanehe, I; -s,- ,i:..i l-I.r.;, and M.i.ster reside at borne. The pi\'iiiK'r *jiysthe election for West tluroii will 1 10 In-Ill ..n Jan. !'. (ijorge Aiig'U>rtis Sula. the journalist, s duad. Hortgage Sale Valuable Farm Property L'tnlui .in- 1 l>v virtu*, of tli.i i*owor ronta*nodl natTiHiii in. ifKiii;.. niH'lr by .lohii Mt-Nally a.'lrt \V-.h.ui llu.i \ M.-Nnl'y. which will I.,- .1 ii.|iii-...l in, ihe i i'n. i uf naif", thctra will l><* trriH.I fur Haiti at public auction liy H. J. Spn ulu. KM) , at \l iuislii\\v's HoUM IN THE VII LAOB I'K CN Tuesday the 17th day of December, 1895 at io'oluck In tba nfturuoon. tile follciwiuu f >-..,. lultl l>ri>|.<- " - All Hud hin^iilur that cm tain i tract of turi.l Aii.l |.rtMiii..i niitiate. IU mi'l '> -IIIK in t;iu towusbip of Artainania, lH-'CI..!'!!^ f (.l.-t-'V, Ih-HIl^ OOflUJIOMd Uf tll*l iorh emit |irt of lots IIUIII'.IUI-K \W au.l 1N.I in s,.|... i ..... ^-r..ii i. iiitli east nfthu Toronto ll.l S\ . . IrllBIM I K't ill tll.t Klli.l iQWIMlP Of iiaininjjultoKJtJiur v\ acre* in M .- . Tin- |irop..rty i situate oonT*nal to nark**, i:li.n.l uu'l. Inn i-li anil Iu- farm liuililiiiK* au.l an ori-hur.1 I Twt-iit . -iiv" I'LT cant, of tbo puruhow money will bo i.<|iiiro.l in uah.Mi th.. .tat .)( nitle, ait.l l.i>.-i:i. n-riu- for tue|m>muiit of balaucu will 1> tnatle huowtl at the tnnt* of sale K..r furt hur pnrlirulaiH ami contlltious uf ale apr HKI.I.AIIT A HKsnHnox. Klcli..iU>u or .1 K. HAXUFORD. Solicitor for ilia M.irtag, J. King t. w t,T routu. 1 atoJ ttth Xovaoibar, IWi. .M/ irLrvnaru-LnrvnrLn ruvxnnn/vrin/vinruvmru-vxnriruvi'^i uxnnrLnnrir.fvrirLn >. Clayton, \ I3oot HAS ON HAND I. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Rubbers, : Overshoes, : Boots, : Slippers : and ; Seasonabte : Goods. Selling Very Cheap Custom Work to Order Repairing Promptly Attended to ' u\ruT>uui/u\Aj\ri>iAruvxrLr\juv^ r 4 4 A k -<"- C o - Sale Still Continues 3 You can save from 10 to 'Uty'*, by purchaninu your supplies fn>m me. Jf I am not offering a few odds and ends at specml prices, but my whole vSJ stock of Dry Goods, Hmits. Shoes, etc. Call and see .,, '' ^ ^^^^ ^^-^ _^^___^^__^___ * Our gray Flannel bargains Our gray Cotton bargainx Our Hlanke* bar'ains Our Dresu Goods Our Tweed banjiins '* Our L'nderi'loliiiny bargains q| A few meu s and b-jys' Overcoats, also a few ladies' Mantles left, e.iimly f aa IK| :ut those *.ld. Boys' clothing bar^nun Don't miss those g'xxbj .. A dollar saved in a dollar made. .. *' ... ^. >" ^fiRQCERIES Our st. >ck is now fresh. Wo keep the best selected Raisins, best Cur- f rents, best Canned Goods, best Teas, Japan and Black ; bust Out and U bent MealH. Come in ant! we will give you the bent hartftn.s. ^ We winli you all a merry Christina* and bappy New V<. u .T. HILL ". The Snow Season . . Now that the SMOII f snow m here we wish the public to know that we have a stuck of Cutter* and Sleight on hand that for '(Utility, style and pi ice defy competition. Great bargains tor c*sh at the first prize rarnagu works. ^ (i ii c ii c ^ 131uir Maker Don't Read This If you do not wish to read of , . Business! ^ v - . . , . . . .' We are all business. When you come to our store to do your buying and do not lind it. necessary to wait several hours before getting wliicb you wisli, owing lo the rush, \oit limy congratu- late yourself. CnstniiH i s are coming for many miles and go boine with the il. tenniimtioii tn ngaiu return. Wli\ do they come froui or about tin' Falls, Trice vi lie, Fiesherton to I'uiiJulk '.' they learn to know Unit llity uiuijt look after their own <>r be the one who pays 10 to 100 per cent, on every i worth of goods they buy. The day is past when siii-li pro fit can be hud. Would yon not rather drive a few miles further and get goods at prices that will surprise you, than to go to the store near to you and pay old time profit '.' If you would not, then you are an ex- ception. Wo have not space to give you prices and we doubt y w would bolivcvi! them did we do so, for so many times have you been Deceived through advertisements. Seeing i.s believing, couie and see. THE FI^SH t^fl W^ Arc not only loviking gay but every one who p-iti-oni/.os it and every one conin ctcd with it are gay this iiionth. Ti ineiry. merry Christ in;is month. Even tiling special. '] In- largest, best apsoi ted stock of . . FURNITURE AND FANCY NIC NACKS . We beve ever been able lo show and don't you forget it, we are cutting special prices on a very special stock. This is the month for Bedroom Furniture and we have il i;i variety. Newest di-signs in oak and walntii finish suites, come in and see them very pretty and not expensive. Our lines of Bedsteiiiis, S]iiiii!,'s, Matrcsses, Colts. Cradles. Cribs, P-i-il IiOitni|<'B, WaslitHiids, Di-essiiig Cases, Clothes yi' Chairs, in fuel everv iicccnsily, convcnifin-e ,u- luxury for the bedroom is lu-ic al KtK'K DOTTOM L'KU'l.S. ri-mn- rr:ni::i- :ui<l I lulrrlakin^us I iial. J. E. 1VIOOKE