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Flesherton Advance, 28 Nov 1895, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTUN ADVANCE D. McTavish I.I^TON i KEEPS ON HAND airs For M.issrv Hal-tin, ami Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm implements. Fli-iiry and Verity plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs f u the game. \Ve manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Critters, Sleighs, etc. Uui< shoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender, con- ii...-!iit feet. Logging and 1'low C'haios constantly on hand. About Cutters and 51eighs ilKNTl.KMKN A* Hiu'ae.iiMin of t lei^^ gun H\I\ rui iU V'iiir omo*t utirnlioii to my winti i kl< ck in hich 1 am | i. |initd Li t;ive you entire Halim'aclion both in quality and price. In cutter* I have a I. true slock t.* clt'rt from, made of ben' of rnatuiial ;i..d latect designs in tiniih. 1 am nit.-, ml lo imnu. In tleigh-i 1 can ac oflUDodat* v-u, eiihcr liiiht or he.ivy. Prompt htteriioii niveii to repair n ^ f , pi:nt- IMO atul r.'ii ininiin/. Call, whelhur you want to purchase or nor, and be \ 01 .i* R.T.V^Kittcn FlesHerton Oo to Tin: M:ST Colters, : SUjks, : lagans, * lips * and ' [arts Plow and Log Chain* Sheres and Repair* for every kind of plow. \V. .d, I.uinber.Shin.'le*, Straw Cutter*, honi'power, for ailu. Couiu and aee them. John H. Heard - Flesherton K' op . . ON HAND Flour mid Feed, Confeclioi,. ij . PotatiM-*!. H 1 '^na Saunai/ov Hani and 8-de Me;it, Canned Meat*, Fruit* and 1 , CtC <"iiv<- us a l^rial Wm. Barnhouse FLESH ERTON Fhs' erloii Uardvare House ! CarLoad of Stoves Arrived at F. Rarstedt's. S Oiil tta-'g M, C*t S,j . iru .I'i'l Lvieli'li (<' .-ilovei, II* ix And I'.irloi Si \<--, which r am *4 ii 1 ' '" .ffer tlie,i|i for ensh,or I t.i ijivi* one t.i iwo year*' iini.- if r"*|ii'rrd. Coniii H u! .in buying. 1 1 end Marten for ll'iil'linp Hard- ware a'nl hinder Twine. F, E, KarM < > Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED 7 LUNGS Which Doctor* ?aUd to Etlp, CURED BY TAKING Cherry AVER'S Pectoral. "I contracted a MVO n.M, whl.'h it-ttl.vl on my luucs, anil I i). I v ,v. ;-. ,f liisurllraiu-s. neglri'tr. I I'm BO away us it rani' : unl 1 f.r i..Y. ;.rn>i a lltlln while, tint tlie slightest c ' me. I tlii'u Consulted a Doctor who found, nn rxamlnii up|Kr|>-irt of Hi. li-:i ,.i; Ko itivo me some n (llrrote.l, I, in Hi.. Fortunately. I 1 AUnanae, or itio i tif.'i I 1 -- t". I h- : .I, i I'airi.i. > Irounta .-as r -li. watchmaker, 'V t,y Itv'W. Hint tho . mo will* li I t'iiK u - nt.. ,|<> an] ' i *. ' it II .t VlV.T'1 I nn l l ivviiM : i 'C a fi'iv ill set Ii y i<il I'l'fiirK I Imii f.n- ntl "-A.1 :, Out. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Hl*-hot Awrrd* i World'* Fair. Aver'* l'iU Cure. Eugenia Mills WE ARE Still in the l.iinl oi tlo < 11' i Wide Minn, (-ude Tua ir and other (Iroconei. Wuhnv. le nude Biveeti* for auld and young, ai.ii n y-u want a rale xudv Trunk ta' keep your clai** in, i M/W-c V OrKS. brnw and in' lit,' (lie ninui, m. i. juat /itni* l.u Willie HenilerKon n, Spronle's Wouil Turning of every des- ''l.miag and Orain Chop v/lnle you w >.it,for tht turns the wheel. Ntinagrr T. w. wiuon WM. HENDERSON FLESIEITH STEtl L1III1Y. ! AND DL'RH\M HTAiJE. f I llT nptiii*!,! nn * OOMpleta 'f:n Ittun-lry Iii !! i vn Flnlirtr>n Hltl m at in Klshrtn. anil sin |ii|i' ml toUkainany */ 15 a. lit . i.'lnrni 4 43 |>.m r*rlrv(llM t,t*i* ,|>nii'IUyof lann'lrv work *t l,,wnr nricnH than ItMti'M ' ': in |tli-.i i i: m in: I.II>K at l IS am clmruiKl iMwrinr*). I hvo put In Ida la K*r IM* I' .!!, "u<l urn.. VI i n>*. Ourliaro. I anil molt liiiproTort in-mhnu-. t to that -Mid. I.V> for n turn TTu. uln*.'!* far* I<lry In eon I Klmily (lv n) * oall. k'ntir* s*ll*>fartloa auction. _mK'i in> b lefi *>iirior hol. euaraatoiMl, aad prlen low. AMc< AL'I.KY.I rop I MM. O* Mooaiireou. ttiliil \ and liil rlrl . Mt. Poreat ha* Hvvoral cM* of lyphou firver. Ther i* a large amount of bogua coin in circulation around Owen Souiid. A new pout olHce called Eraaiuu* haa been oponnd about fi. in miles from Oraix Valley. Mr. <!.-. \Yord ia po*liuaatr Two boyit were tin- '.i 20 cenU and coot* in Meiiford 1,-u.t we. U for ox;k tiiihlin The rooatur hiiiue'f waadiachar^ud went off at full cock, a* it w-n*. Ur. A. M HiephuiiB, 75 year* of age one of the old.;t roaident* of th town, died at bin h. me, St. Vincuiit Hill, lt evening, after a sickn.'M Luting two week*. O. S. Ad i>ur. I'uludj?.', of 1..- irang of bnralnr who opented ..i ' ,'lark*burg bank, has jut be nenti M : l.i nix year>' 1111 'iinent in a '/: r,vki penitentiary f .1 alealilig three i Mr. E. Uurnei'.. -elides on the town line l.etwi , .-wood and Not tauoaiiga. tuaVred a !: r y loaa by fire Saturday afternoon The barn and con- teniM, in ludmg all th: year ', iiopluineiits and harne** were totally da troyed. The IOM waa kboul .f-2,200. In vured for f9UO in Ihe London Mut -!. The cause uf the lire ia unknown. Bui- latin. A stA^e drirer haa recovered damage* from L-iujhlioro town-thip for failing mow from their road*. Tlie *lat>e driver, aft. r complaining fn-i|uently lo ilie township council without ruiu't, wo* oblrged to turn out liimm-lf, reniovu the mow and inako (he rond pHxtabV' H<- brought action to recover darnagt a for linn li-at and for the amount he paJd, with the above result. Inspector Harris vi.itcd the NeusUdt hoteU on a recent Saturday and in the weiiiiiit ili-parieil for home, at lean that WM the impreasion oonvoyi-d, but re- turning suddenly f.iund at KntlingerH hotel Hiitlirient rvuli -iiv. i to warrant linn laying a charge for i>, ii'in.-nt'.f license law. The caae wa* ; d before Polic-e Mai>i*lrate Uv.i.i au.i ^nged ujmn tho amount of intoxicai.t e>>t,tained in the wine aol.l under the . if 'Col.leu Diana." The Magut: . decided that Diana came under t!i i . so Mr. It* It iuger was asMrwed th" . u- .nn<ry twenty dollars and Coat*. C'M icle. An exchange -st |io|inlur c untry odi.o :.s eil .,-, il.o moot popu- lar country pn-ochur i>- tlr newhoan.nU leppinij upi ii anyljod-. - - '-s, but he ia neceanarily n I'Vpoi-ntc Every man must have idna, >; ii.ions and cuntriction* of hid own, and the editor who never icn luri'8 an nutriHe o|,iiiii>n orciiiiciKin is a coward and a liekpitlle, unworthy of the position whii'h heprofeuestofill. Whn lie f.uls to condemn wroiii* he is sornelhing wnrne than a hy;>ocritii. On |M, ai.d tl.i r public i|in'M:oiis liu can never to I iinnl hm koeu t-ar* detect thu rua tie of bank not>H, or hi* itchiii|; (kilni elutc'ira the clandttaiino pelf Self and i.dll.i aro IIIK iiiui and otiji ot. The I'hilac'i'lphia Itecor J tell* of a | Id Methodist Inly who became very happy on" Sum: ;y uu.lor the proaehn>K f llio V\ ord, and ejaculated, "lilory"' She was ndnioiii.iln d to Ui'fp (pjiet by too f tho Ini ihrin, Hti'l nodded aasent, but toon I..T. mil,' f ir'-tful rearxm "llnllelujnli!" The brethren a-iam calle.l her attention t tho annoyance and lolil her that il l,e did li'.t kei-p ipu ct they wnutd bo con pel led ! lenmve In r The M,T 111 n p i ..-. !e.l, and the old lady boconi iiiK very happy mid forgi-lful of her aur- r 'iindings, nhoiiie I out, "(Jlory lo (J..d!" Thii wax ti> niii'-h for the t,r, thren, a'ld they It ,i"llool. iiillier our, hill sin- refused, to walk, HI they carried her. On her way she aiid 'lain honored ! ,>v my Mniti r, for. i- li'iehe wa* carried by nnr aa.1, I am can.ed hy two.' 1 Wiihi'i a lii'lf more than n year Mr. KtmtaceHrnnott of the town In.r, (.' ,lhny oil and Si. \ oiri'i t. hni Milfered two I i' \ hum-R by lire. A ytar ago l.iat huiiiiiier hi* hcute nnd nil it contained was burned. Tho ecun.i visit of the tin- f i'i,.l caniu Sntn.-' ;y afternoon, wlieii hit large barn RIK! stables, witli all the r contont*, wore oiminned. Thn fire xi.iried at 3 o'clock, and no CHUKB for it* origin can be imagined, aa no one had been ill tllU li.llli tillOU II, I. .11. Ni.tlllll- but a Hinall cn'f waa *;ot out All the lemon's {rain about 000 Vni .hels of wheat, n Lirge rpiantity of oat* and $ !."(> of elover aeed, all the atraw and hay, and all Mi. llannett'* farm iinpleruenta were consumed. The IOMI * eatimatcd at l^nOO, ith $IKX> insurance. Tho loaa ia all the greater lo Mr. Bennolt onaoronnt of Ihe inesmit tcarcity of (KM), and ihn fact that ho haa a lot of stock on hand. SUliiUrd, She Would, Wouldn't. Would LOUOHI.IN Ijudl - At Hcarliuro Junction, on Nov. I.!, iuil, by tba l(v ttr t It/iwlilck, I|M ItelU LaaghUa of .i.tum. -i u Mr. Matthew ltth or Proton III connection with the above nurri*-/* the Mail recently, eil trie 1. llowinp anjuaiiiif story. Uur Jnutio-e con.-*- pondent t.-lh ili' 1*111*1 : 'Mima*<t) i* a failure," w.ia t'it> con* cluHion arrived at l.y a |'->rtjr of fur young Udie<-, one clergyman, ai.d aynunu ii an, who were in conference lat even- int! in the parlor of on* uf the leulin^ downtown hotel*. Ilii a cae uf 'Don't lore him ounu^h", and "Mother did it." SIMM time av a yiin.r lady, Mms Lau*>hlii* by name, who tended with her mother ntar FKnl.urton, Out.. and well to do young fanner of ilie Hiiuie pUre., fell deeply in love, at leant tht) y.'inc' fanner did. lit propoa- ml, and il is said the youtij lady inui her d<d the rest. The happy younif follow naturally be- 'aine tiieil wuh ambition to wed Miw L*iugh)iii an ' r.iUu her at once to a home .f Ini o*n. Hhe, in the ineaniirnc, has eone to stay .lli some fi lends in ur near Sear born Theru the youn/ farmer follonri d her, .11. 'I > Wednesd.iy last tin: iri|>lul knot wru t u I liy l!cv. Mr K Ipitrick. Tlie ceremony *u* fittingly celeb ;it*d. and the happy young couple dance, I to '.hrir hearta'dtjight at the "h> e- ilown." Immediate y after ih (unlit ine. however, youni; Mrs. Leach >ndden it dis covered fiat their twi, heart* dui not e in harmony, and Hhe killed hiint-w born happiiiem liy telliui; linn ihe 'Mi.ln't lovj him a litlla Lit." He wept copious- ly, aid taking hia good and chattels, he t i.aiil.vl the lirst tntm for bin home. Yerteid.iy the lirirle and throe *s*it ant* armed in the city and telegraphi J lor hu->hai.d lo c irio liack to lu first love, arid to he iure 10 l.r.i,^ hack her .-|..thi* with him. He d.d come Lack Sut there m i.o record available for publi- cation of iheairii'd of the goud*. The young ladle* on hi* arrival here ai>ked i nuv-ui.u to use '.he |rlor of A h"tel in tin* cvn're "f the city, and, accompan- ied by i tin Ui*v. Mr. Kerr, Ii. 1.1 .t fonftr- i i with the ni.o object in new of un- tying tlit< mairiinonixl fattening. Tbj niia man then appealed on t!ie (Ceno, eping freely, rh.H bvin** infecliouit, liniurill.-ilfly >et III. four young l.ltln., in nlitg the bride, at the aame '.utreminv 'Upntion. It wa* in \am that the r<->. gentleman entreated the corupany tor.e*si.' their itm*, but he finally innn i,-.d t > xplam, between the mil, that the knot ouul not be undone. The I rule would tear of nntlnni* but a severance, a* she laid she never did !o\e him, never could and neier Would. On the orhtr hand "he" was) K: lent and Kueinrd willing to l anyihini:, 'cuing lie had todvil I'll four women mi-lend ol In iii- i^il the minister ;i K < d Ihe cou|ile to kix and make n;-, but tint he- impoMib'e told tliitn lo separate for lime at . Thia iho ul 1 1 male idiine of the conference. '1 he ynn^ .idle* lift the h.-tel !ll, ill. K-ly followeil hy tin- y.'img fanner.* ho nffer HAuntering about in the cold for a 'ew hour*. relieve<t bia feeh-ii;* to a fl- ow nyui|Mihizer, and then feeling better, II. "e to IIIH hotel. He expect* to i .r In* home to-day about IUKMI, anad.Ier yet .MT man. The Parmer's Paper S ne- i< tirst i-iiii-Tli.- Tur..nt.i Week- y dloU- haa jeen in te<l lo, its dvi p en- liinn.r Hit ret in th.< welfare f th I' farrnor. SVliat H'llii'ii of the ci MiiiuiMiy liitft b'-en kep 1 teadiiy in UK- forefn.iit. aid the ai;i,< ulnirit of Ihe i 'in.tiy have not low to n'WK'i!* it* nunly inde- )einleiici > and forceful n't.'Mn -o on iheir i-liulf in I In- i;tv.i' it ru .'.'!> of t'ie past, ""o day it ti n* truly ihe farmer's friend * ill liny tune in idcarcer, and ai'W- piT it i- bitter tlan i-ver. Kery |W(J brimful of ^o .d rending. 'I lie | eeil partnii-iit for i he pr\ ti;vl farmer and (in hump c rtle arealwiM delightfully ertuiniog and iniii'i-ine In enter ither it haji no aucceaiful iral. M H< tin II iv of |5nj Hay, chargi'd with au'iinr Ihe din h of a Itiirnardo waif by ,l'H"t. hkH U.-n rent up fr tr al ly tho nng'Mtratia at Oen . n :i ihvg- ni. A nn 10 darkle*, a child NX yea-s old, wa no severely I'lirnixl near Moiin Mill* hat h died from hor injnri. H. Her lot hinu caught liro in I Invoreher tn ithrr ,'ul,l oxtlngiiuh it the WMlktally b-iruvd. Time Table. ..MM; Mnrkda'c ' 40 . ni "Iralierton I'.-'.'! *. in. N,)|:TH. "Imhorton 11.48 a. in. Maikdale -1 .04 p. in. 4.40 p. in. 4 53 p. in. 0.17 p. m. O.:k) p. in. The Markets. Can-rully (orrrrtrd t< li Wrrk Hour 9.140(0 $.'i 4i) )iit* 24 to 'J4 Heaa W to 60 r.nil.T 16 to 16 , freih 16 to 1 , l bag ..... 30 to .1(1 Pork 400 to 43A Hay pert. .n 16 00 lo IfiOO Hide* 400 ti 500 SheepAint M rn M) ( irn-ne 5 to 5 Turkey* 7 Ic 7 Chickens prr pair JO o 2^ Ducka brr pair 40 lo M SO to ? BIr* Ma ion l!u lie. -if Sprin.' erei-k farm, n -ar !5.,winan\ il.'e, d^cnleJ to f,. How the in. th 1 f ,r gutter making l-.-i\ down by the trait-limy i^my, kuil lait yuar won nii.f'e. u f,r.t | f/x* and liie (Hr.-iwn exhibition g<>ld meditl, her bi:'ter scoring 98 point* nut of a p>*iblo 100 She reoeivfn 25c. a pound for her out p'lt the year round from Toronto dialer*. Jonathan 8cctt of Shrigtey hof fw,. (leer inxide <if ten niinu't s on \\Vdn aday of laat wiek in the nuirah bick of hi* farm. Thin i* a better record t'in annu- of ihe l.u'.ten made in Muik>ik.-<. Dr. n. F. IffrrKt. Results Astonish MEN Or SCIENCE. Sarsa- A MCD1CIN2 WITflOUT AN E^UAL f'U!cr:irut of a Will Doctor '.'.i:t an equal , r :.- rn ilicli,knd cinaotbaTepralMcnoiicls. I have watcbeit l:i cdecti In iironla rases, where otner nt was i f D avail, r.:i J have bee ajtocliited at the result*. No other tlMrl - : I have errrcjed,an<l I bava > UMtrough In Us action. T |Tm.ire-ir cures M ; a.-.;i.a."_Dr. U. F. MEJUII.L, AcguJta, Me. JSyer's^Sarsoparilla at tho Wor!l'i r"'ilr. SELLING OFF I Ii . de^i.K'il ' I my enliie *tck of Boots and Shovs at Sacrifice Prices. Money I unnt and money I n.ust hare. Therefore t!i"tt waiitmit; Uoot* "r - will consult their own inrprvMi by buyinu while n \ .**ts. at I d.. not intri.d to lep'.a.-e it. Great Bargains may he h:d n"W. The same induce- menlR may never ajjam Ins givvn. C' and ttst inv *t.i Jos. to as usu it. Flcshcrton work iintl ri-p--..iii'v; atteml.'l ROLLER MILLS Arc now complet and arc mm regular. CHOPOTG F. LOUCKS. Flesherton Planing I* now in .vtivo oppratifin ard pr. . ed to tnrn nut *ny quantity nf firtt i-bisi work.kiieh aa doia, niouldiMg,flooriiii;. shootinga, ttc. Bo nclan w i ii^, and Turning Done to .ir.ler. We al*o mrufctnre Iterhrvpa. <!ivi* us your order for any thin* m our line. Beecroft & Sloan.

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