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Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1895, p. 8

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TEB FLESHBRTON ADTANCI D. McTavish FLKSHBI^TON KEEPS ON HAND For laBsej-Harcis, and Nozon, Floury and Wilkinson farm implements. Fleury and Verity plows on band all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. About Gutters *.tjd Sleighs <;KVI I. KM I- N As the season of sleighing is s|{n approaching I would call your earnest attention to my winter abx:k in which I am pre- pared to give you entire satisfaction both in quality and price. In cutters I have a lartte stock to select from, made of beat of material and latest designs in finish. 1 am second to none. In sleighs I can accommodate you, either light or heavy. Prompt attention given to repairing, paint- ing and retrimming. Call, whether you want to purchase or not, and lie your own judge. R.T. Wh i tten Go to -KOK THE MEST- Colters, : Sleighs, : Wagons, : Baps aod ' [arts Plow and Log Chains Shores and Repairs for every kind of plow. Wood, I., SliiiikjU's, Straw (.'utters, horsepower, for sale. Come and see them. John H. Heard - Flesherton \\V K c -| > . . ON HAND Hour and Feed, Confectionery, Potatoes, Bologna Sausages, Ham snd Side Meat, Canned Meats, Fruits and Vegetables, etc. Give us a Trial Wm. Barnhouse FLE5HERTON O. o Fleshrtoa Car Load of Stoves Arrived at F. Kirstedt's. Steel lU>ig<>8, Cast Ranges, 8<)uare and Kxtended Cook Btoves, liox io.l Parlor Stnvos, which we are going to offer cheap for cash, or we arr prepared tn give one to two years' time if required. Come and get our prices before buying. Head quarters for Building Hunl- ware and Binder Twine. F, G, Karsleilt Prop, A Common Affliction PerniMDtli Cured bj Taking AYERS S A CAB- DRIVER'S ROBT. ! was affllrted lor eight yani with [Bait Jthrum. |)iir1iin th.n lira*. I Uieil a treat many mrdlclnea which were highly rre- >mmi piled. Imt none gave me relief I was al lut advised to try Avers parllla. by a friend who told me that I mu*t purchase six houies. and use ihum awri.rdlng to dlrwtions. I yielded to Ms persuasion, tiought tin* six txittlrn. and look the rnntiMiti o( tlirF of thrsw Nit- ties without nntlrlng any dlrrrt Iwnrflt. Before I had Bnlibsd the fourtli botUe. my bauds were as Free from Eruptions as CT.T they were. My bmln>ss, which Is thst of a cab-drlvrr, requires nm to I"- nut la cold and wet weathrr, often without iiloves, and th trouble ha* s\t tllf* WnrM'a O Eugenia Mills -AND- WE ARE Still in the land of the living, sellin' gude Flour, gude Tea and 8u tt ar and other Groceries. We have some rale gude Sweeties for auld and young, and if you want a rale gude Xrunk tae' keep your elae* in, or a gude Camage WOrK8. \ br w and new frae the manufacturer, just C.vmiMfeB made and Repaired also! ft 1 "? U " Wi ! lie II-nderilol > '" Nprouh.'* block, and he will aupnly you at loweit WM. HENDERSON - n - Matching, baud Suw. Ing. Wood Turning or every dea- onptlon. Planing and Grain Chop- p ntf done while you wait, fop th* Beavor turns tho wheel. T. W. WII.NON . P rl "- > AND IMUIIAM KTAUK. Durlisin t<i Icavri !!!. 7 l.'t a.m., rotiinm s leave* I Msnrl.>n HUUIon at I ID Floi : IS a.m.. relur.i. 4 VI i. .1,1 frloavlll. staffs qoaotti UatM t i name ,.|.r ,| \tM, returning nt 4 4A ' are ehi Xar. lol'rlc.vllls sn>l return, Jo cunl.. l)ui IIMII >u ,l in FIESIEJTI1 STEM LUIHT. t have oponml nu a complete sm laundry ! PlMbenon, sod an pr.paimr t\M for rrtiirn. T >lnnl. f A. to toko in nnv tlly of laundry work al low.r nru'on than am i elsewhere. I hi,vn put In the Ui.m iost Improved inaohlnwv i<> lhl ond. |'rop ais. Uo aloomoit*ii, DOTS CORNER. For Red-haired Girl*. I have a little friend, who, became ihe happen* to pome** a bead of burnished copper-coloured hair the kind that Tit inn loved to paint think* that (he cm not wear any color but golden brown. And when eipo*tulated with by some one more reckleau than wary, aha answers learnedly from heavy article* and ponder OILS tomei on dreae, and squelches us by such names a* Helen Gilbeit, Ecob and MM. Jennets Miller, and really teems to have the butt of it, adding, by way of the la*t atraw, that "we do not require of the robin a frequent change of color, nor of the oak that it produce alternately a greun leaf mid a browu." 11 jt we are (till un- convinced. For memory briny* a vition of a young girl whote tawny brown eye*, 'copper colored hair and creamy skin (with an occasional freckle we must ad- mit) were admirably set off by a rich green gown, or at ollwr times tee" to ad- vantage in contraat with the wonderful blue of the peacock. Why, for the last five yean my friend ha looked like a study in ttepia, where" a* she might have looked like an oil paint- ing. To be sure the sepia ia artistic, liarmonious, and certainly "safe," but after all monotonous Every artist knows the value of con- traat. ''When you have learned what light and shade can do for you," says one, "you have tcored a great victory." And to ray friend, by inciting upon bring "a study ii, brown," has lust in brilliancy what she has gained in harmony. Having had my aay and insisted upon my own iiliun, that the "girl of the auburn lock*" it not neceHKarily restricted to one gamut of color-.,! thought I would turn up an article 1 had read some time ag> entitled "Beautiful red hair," feeling turu I should be upheld in my pontiun, when lo ! I was abashed to read thualy : "Another advantage lie* in the fact that the possession of red hair restricts the owner to a narrow but select range of color. And you call that an advantage! cry the phalani uf tlm red haired sisters. I'luliiubted'y I do, and to prove it, 1 aik if, in your inmost soult, you do not adore pi ok and cherish thu belief that it suits you 7 Uf course you do. I never knew any one of your coloring who did not. U.'Htriction as to color, if universal, and regulated on a ban* of good taate, would make K upland more celebrated than ever for hanilHomt* women or pretty girU, many of whom DOW ruiu their looks by wearing wrong tint*. And what may the red-haired wear t I will tell you. If you wish to be iiiHipid and 'common place wear pale Mue. That his been the heri- tage of tho red haired for centurins. If you would lik* to jump out of that deep- t<ii I'll groove and wish to look a very poin, buy warm golden brown*, orange tinted yellow*, ruddy cream colon, with a flash as from russet leaves upon them, terra cottas and the whule range of such tint* as are exemplified in primroses, butter- cup*), marigold*, tea rose*, Maresrhal Neils and iiloire de Dijon, chestnut browns, chocolate, dull wallflower rods and dull gold colors." Not one word, you see, of my favorite greens and |>encock blue* ; but I cannot let that allusion to the treo* always wear- ing green pass unotjced, as I consider it most unfortunate one for the argument of my friend. For if we turn to nature we shall find that no two teasoni present the same aspect, as to coloring. From the tender greens* and yellows and subtle greys of spring Damo Nature impercept- ibly merges into the deep, strong tones of the natural sumin r, only to doff these for tlie multi-coin '1 brilliancy of autumn and the hazy bin -. and orange sunsets of Indian ' finally shroud her- self for the rave uf winter. Dgr. The Comfv.iii,.ii Calendar for 1896. The Publasii- f the Youth's Com- panion are seiu 10 lirii-subscribe fr an art ctlentii.r ivliioh will be highly rp-eoiated. ,ut water-coln'r pamtingsare rwprnduted in all the beauty of color and design of i| IH originals, and of HII :h HI/.. (74 N lUinchss) that they may de framed will I'lnettfoct. Tho first two pictures offer a "triking contrast, a bluster- ing March Uy in the HUgnr orchard, and a peaceful scene in midsummer. Tlu-n follows the noonday rest in the harvest- field, a charming lut af color with a fore- ground of KI Idriiiod and brilliant autumn foliage. The winter walk to church over the snow covered field* is tho last of the aeries. To all I he new suloribm to the paper who tend tlieir nam* and address and f 1.76 at once, the publisher otf. r . , send free this haiuUnuie calendar, litho- graphed i.i nine coKin, the letail price of which is uOceniN, th* Companion free every week to January 1, 189, i no |,,,| im . Hit., Christina, and Nw Year's double number, and the^Y oath's Companion fifty-two week*, a full year to January 1, 1897. Address, The Youth's Companion, 193 Columbus Avenue, Boston. Honor Rolls Following ii the honor roll of 8 8. No. 6, Artemesui, based on examination in Sept. tod Oct.- Class 6- Flossie Stone, Liziie lie- Arthur, Meda Whit taker. Class 4 J<*ie Butler, Furrel Sullivan, Class 3 Annie Harrow, Richie Stone, Francis Butltrr. Cla*2-.l -ph Snell, Frank Cairna, Robbie Spc Class 1 - -Kntio Fletcher, Koatina ItobiiiKou, M i' ul McArthur. Class 1 - K Mel Harrow, Sadie Fletcher, Martin Mel Kim- Ina Monthly i i irt uf 8 8. No. 3, berley. NH". .-s in order of meril. Class 3 Ella liurd, Ben Kuott, McGee. Class 2. *r. Hattie Ik-11, Ltbbit Faw- eett, Geo. Currie. Class 2, jr. Hugh Hammond, Jerald Wallace, Edna Bradbury. Pt. 2, r EllaKnott, Bert Wickens, Fred Wickens. Pt. 2, jr. Hartly Lawrence, Robt. Abercrouibie, Jo*. Simpson Class 1, ST. Alma Stafford, Sadie Ab- bot, Leslie Lawrence. Class 1, jr. Violet Gilbert, Geo. and Gertie McConnell, Hannah Latter. Proton < oiiucil Dun- Proton municipal council met at dalk on Oct. 29, 1895. Mackenzie -McArdle The commis- sioner of Div. 2 be allowed to build a cul- vert at lot 9, con. 10 ; Geo. Sageruan be paid |7 for irrsvel and Thos. McLaren $2 for road j. ., div. 2. Watson Wilson Bylaw No. 63, for school loan . tj. S. No. 14, for f 700 to erect t school houne, read first and sec- ond time, I- |>:itoed, aigned, etc. The collector to rfeeive the taxes of Thoe. Hcx'.jjins, IAS $8 overcharge of statute labor, 1895. The following pe paid for road jobs in Uiv. 4 : Peter McUrath, $3.20; Arch. Muuro, $12; John Doyle, 75 cent* ; 1'h.,*. \Velshere, 7 ; P. Me Qnth, 92.80 ; <ieo. Sagenian (uravel), 80*. The iiector accept the taxes of Richard Heard, leea $60, overcharge in naves* incur uf 1896. To be paid for w .irk div. 3 : Harvey Anderson, 911 75; \Vui. Kichardaon, $5 ; John Aldoorn (re- pairing scraper), 75 cents ; Jas. Put ton Uravsl) 76 cents ; Thos. \\ elshere, 96.04 McArdle MacKemie The following paymenta for work, div. 1 : Joe. Mr- Itltnger, JW.50 ; Wm. Irwin, 93.10; W H. Elli*. 92 25 ; John Challenger, f 1 5; John I'u-k.-t. 1.60 ; O. Shields, 93 ; H. Code, II; Richard Rathwell, 9150; John Lowry, 75 cents ; Wm. Tebby, 98.50. \VaUon Mackenzie The treasurer b* paid f5.85, expenses to Toronto, to sell ilrainage debenture. The council receive their pay for two days' sitting of c iuucil, 4 each Watson WiUoo the following be paid for work underdrainage bylaw* No 1 and 43: .1 no. K.-lly, 80c; D. Bruce. 93.50, Jno. \Volfo, 94; D. Mackenzie, for letting and inspecting same, 94 to be charged to by- law No 1; Fred lioyd, 92.50, for leveling clay on drain, con. 2, charged to bylaw No. 4:i. McAtdle Mackenzie Tho (elector* of juror* for 1HUU be paid. Jas. Corbet! . Reeve, 94. Tho* McAuley, assessor, 94, Jas. Cavanagh, clerk, 95. and for lalance third and second aalary,f^2.50. McArdle Wilson Dan McEachuie to take the old cedar log* off 12th side road con. 10, free of coar . McArdle Mackensie Thelnoal Board of Health be paid for services up to date: Jas. Coi'.KStr f2, G.o. Watson 92, D. Maclienxio #>, Jas. Cavanagh!3, JOB. Mc- Ardle .!, Dr. Miwholl 914 75, Dr. Clen- dennan 98 Wat.on Wdsnn The following be paid for work, div. 5 : John Abbot, jr., 91 ; Jo*. iJniwn, 92.15 (grant); treasurer of DuDdalk (grsvel), tU.60; John Allen (gravel), 911.90. McArdle Wilson The motion made at council meeting, Aug. 20, authorizing the cleik to itriko otf the iwrceutage of arrears of taxes against John Cusgriff for lots 28 and 29, eon. 1, on collectors roll, 1H9JV, be rescinded, an we believe such is to the best of the township, and the clerk make the iieceMaary changes. Watson Wilson This council adjourn to meat at Scarlett's, Hopeville, an Mon- day, L*eo. lo, si 10 A. ni. J*a. CAVANAXIB, Tp. Clerk. A g >od it try is told of a French Tory at Montreal the other day, while lamenting the condition of the Conntrvative party. "When," said he, "we lost Sir Johu Macdi/nald we lost ze bick bone of ze par:e, when we lost Sir Johu 'Humming we lust t head of ze parte, and now we have nothing left but xe Bowella." The Gravenhunt Itanner declare* that Gravenburat has about as much use for a market as a pig with two toils.- Stayner Sun. Now here is n question for derate. Has a pig with two tails got any more use for a market that one with one tail ' Potatoes are said to have t .Id on the Barrie market fur 18o. per Lag. Mr*. Ayer's Pills "I would like to add my testimony / that of others who havn nvd Avers I'm*, and to say that I have taken t'hcrn for many years, and always derived Uw best results from UK Ir use. For Stomach and liver troubles, and for the mrt of nesilaea* nosed by these deranienviii< Ayers Till* cannot be rqualect Whsa my friends ssk n what Is the but remedy fur disorder* of the stomach, Liver, or Bowels, rny Invariable answer Is, Ay*i-a Pill*. Taken in season they will brrak up a cold, prrrr nt la grippe, chwk frrcr. and re*nlat thr digestive organs. They are easy to take, and Are the best all-rmin I f-mlly rncillr'nr I hav rv*r known.' '-Mrs. MAT J, icxsoji.Sd* Kids* Ave., New York Cuy. AYER'S PILLS Highest Awards at World's Fair. OFF I b.ive uetided to clear off my entire stock of Boot* and Shoes at Sacrifice Prices. Money I want and money I must have. Therefore the wo wanting Boots or Shoes will consult their own interests by buying while my present stock lasts, as I do not intend to replace it. Great Bargains may be had now. The same induce- ments may never again be given. Call and test my statements. JOS. Smith. Ficsherton Custom work and repairing attended to as usual. CSHKWTOIV ROLLER MILLS Are now complet and are running regular. CHOPH1TG as usnal. P. LOUCKS. Flesherton Planing Is now in active operatinn and prepar- ed to turn out any quantity of Krst class work, such a* doors, mouldiugs, floorings, sliertinga, etc. 13a r d sn- w i ng, Done to order. We also manufacture Herhives. Give us your order for any- thing in our line. Beecroft & Sloan.

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