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Flesherton Advance, 7 Nov 1895, p. 4

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THI> ADVAHCI 1881 WBBKLY AT THE OFFICE. BTD- ENIIAM XTREET, XLKMIEHTuN, OST., BY W. H. TIU'KMTON. il per annuni.Mlrlftl) in advance Advertising Rates: Oae Columo, 1 year. M ; half col.. 1 year, 37 quarter col., one year, tlS. Tranilent advertisement charged at the rate f cent* per line for firat Insertion and t each subsequent lnertiun. MUKDERS BKOIGHT HOME Three most sensational murder cases b&ve been tritd during the past week, and in each cage tli3 accused Lai been found guilty, In this coun- try the Shortis case at Valleyfield.Quc. Las ended in a verdict of guilty. Short is was charged with shooting a book keeper named Loy . In summing up the case the judge remarked that fcjhonii was a spoilt boy from boy- Lood aud gradually developed into a self-willed monster. What a state- ment wai this for the aged father and mother, who sat near, to listen to. They had "spoilt" thtir boy in early youth aud he had developed into a murderer. In human judgment it is impossible to state just what amount of guilt for this murder lies at the door of the parents, but that guilt there is admits of no doubt. Holmes, the murderer of four of the Pietzcl family, has been found guilty IK Philadelphia. This mounter's story is one of peculiar horror. Possessed of everything that could make life a euccee*. a brilliant mind, a powerful iutelloot and a medical diploma, be chose the path of crime ud to hide Lit crime added quadruple murder, if that includes all hi) victims. Such criminals as Homes are rare but their fato ii sure. Society will breathe freer when it knows that the rope has done its work. The Durant case was far away in Bun Francisco but has created much iutoreil here. Theodore Durant was a youux medical student, who was charged with having strangled a young girl named Blanche Lamont in a church He was also thought to have murdered another girl named Williams who was found dead in the same church. (The evidence was whol'y cir cumstantial, but he was found guilty. The second trial of the Hyams twins for the murder of Willie Wells is in process at Toronto this week. It is expected that this case will last about two weeks. Toronto Saturday Night calls tho proposed ship canal from lake Simcoc to Toronto a "icroamiug farce." Township Council of ward 2 be paid fl.OO for lettinx and inipecting two jobs. Carried. Thompson McMillan T!it the com- ruiuioner of wrd No. 3, having finished lin communion work up to date, expend- lug the sum of $156.95, be paid bin com- miuiou, 912.56. Carried. Kella McMillan That commiaaioner of ward 4 be paid $15. 12, cuniuiissiun on $189.16. Carriod Beat - ThinpK>ii Thnt tho turn of $5 be granted to Tlxn. and Alex. Taylor to dig a ditch and clone the Mine on the south went aide of the mad and to con. tinuo 02 rcxls on lot 186, this amount I* ing tho corjxirit in's portion of said ditch, aaid amount to be paid when said ditch ii completed. Carried. Rolls- Bt That Win. Taylor l*e paid fO for cedar supplied fur the coiittruction of a certain ditch at lot 1H6, con. 2, east, this amount being the corporation'a part. Carried. Thompson Kells - Thnt the reeve, clerk and assessor be paid $3 each for ael- ictinj> jurors, and the clerk $1 for copying and tran.srnittiug liata. Carried. Boat Kells That 8. R lUwkins be paid $1 .40 for 28 Inada of gravel aupplied Claud C. Aikini, patlnniuttr. Carried. Kelt* McMillen-ThM John Purfii bo paid $1.60 for repairing approach to bridge, lot 100, con. 3, E. T. & S. II. Carried. Beat Millan That the following 1. Is be paiil : \Vm.Davia, for gravel, 106 loada, $525; Jan. Patton, 15 loadi, 76 centa; the name being certified by \> li- maaters ; total $6. Carried. Kella McMillan That W. H. Th n Con'a bill for printing be paid as follows: Cnntiug 400 road noticea,$2; tax receipt*, 1100, $5 ; total $7. Likewuo tlmt Jw'in Teeter be paid $3.50 for 70 loada of gnv- el aupplied for J. W. Darii, pathnja^ jr. Carried. Kella Beat That R. J. Bpronlt le refunded $6 of arreara of Uiea clini ,-ed on lota 3 and 4, block D, laid arreais of taxea being over 100 percent, in M rss of the regular charge. Carried. Kella- Beat-That Jo*. Blackburn be refunded $8 of hia Uxea of 1894 and 1M5, he being for the laat six years unable to do any work or earn anything ton arris in support. Carried. Thompaon McMilUn That the reert ssue orders in favor of the various achool trustee hoard* of Ibia township upon aaid ruateea' warrauta being fjrlod with the clerk. Carried. KelU Boat That on account of the washout of a ditch on tho north aide of Unix' deviation, near the river, which 'la* encroached upon Mr. Wabcr'a land and undermined his fence, Mr. Hells n authori/i-d to go and hnve tho whole thing done in a proper manner with diacro(in- ary power to run the wafer where it will be nioat in the interoata of :he township, and thin in consideration tliat Mr. Wubor open ditch on south aide and put the dirt where ordered by commission.^. Like- wise plan of ditch to be left to cummin- sionvr. The turn to be expended not to exceed $15. Carried. Thompson -McMillan That whereas A petition signed by 122 ratepayers of ward No. 4 is now before this council, praying that p .WIT bo granted tho Ik-rn coinmmaioiurt of tbii riding to grant tar urn liHeime to Peter Munshaw in the town of Ku^enia. therefore bo it renolved that tho petition be entertained and bylaw No. 4'.'.", be repealed, and tint a bylaw be in tiolncod forthwith for that -purpose. Carried. council met in the Town Hall, if Icsliei 'ton, on Monday, Nov. 4, 1896. Present, the rove aud all the council- lors. The minuu-s of laat srasion were res 1 and coiiiiriiitil. !( |Hirt fr.Mii C'. Tli.mpv.n of i>oeial w.ili in his ward wa, presented. I: ;>irt from Jas. Bwit uf special work in his ward was pm-cnted. IVliimn fnrtii A S. Madil and askinc council l<> repeal bylaw limiting ii'inilier of tavern lijcutes, w:\s |.re ml read. HyUw No. M7. to rrjx-al bjlaw 4%, liimMiii; iniiiilx-r of tMrorn licences, was il and PUSH.- I J,e! .' W. Davis, re ataiute In- ! in hi* division was presented and road. I '...iii|iion--Bo*t That tho reeve be I i, I j:l for on* iluy an<< a half on eaat back line in comiei'iou witli ditch op- ].oiite Thoi. Taylor's, Carried. i! m KelU Thnt the reevo and roniiuiMiouer of wsrd 4 be paid fel each vamiiiing Codrinifton street, Eugenia, with a f iew of leasing the samo, and the re't be paid $1 for one-half day on bridge on 30th side load. Carried. McMillan -Best That commiaaioner Honor Rolls. PRICEVILLt P. H. Class 5- Lea. Giiur.Donild Frank Uuiley, Peter McArthur, Annie Class 4 Alice Williams, Jennie Mc- Arthur, James Sullivnii. CliiHi 3, sr -- Nathalie Griur, Alex Cam- eron, Willie Ueiley, Lottie Tryun, >lcLe<tn. ClaMi 3rd b Maggie McDonald, Tcna McKinnon and Jwwie McLean (r.pi;ili. CoiiHtance Con key, Myrtle McArthur. Claaa 3rd a Mauue Mel.ern, John Cameron, Maud Keilj, (Irctta Nichol. Rtiport of 8. S. No. 1, Euphrnsia and Artemosin. ' - ; ||| nia May lluiubentniio, Hattie Walton, 867. Class 4 Mary K. IIiiiiiberMtoiic,C94; May A. McL.o.1, Ml Class 3, sr Nettie Martin, 190. ClasaS, jr-Mu'l,. s,,iith,1127: \ l A. Branitf, '.'!:'. John M. Braniff, 80H/ i 1. i>ii 2, sr Can I J. Hmnborttone, Mil, Lizzie J Braniil, .'..<; Tc.iu Kawcett, 08 Clans pt 2*r Adam A. Ilimil.erMone, 1336; Mabel Smith, 1326. Claw 2 jr John J. O'Brien, 816. Claaa 1 -Charlie Martin, 171; Willie McLeod,67. MAOOIE C. McNxa, Teacher. FLEHBKHT05 P. S. Class 5 Frank Irwin, Florence Richard- son, Jno. T. Iti>vcroft. Claa* 4 - Unttio Sullivan, Clara Strain, Ethel Croaaley. Claaa 3 sr Janet Gibson, Carrie Rut ledge, Joie Richardson. Claaa 3-jr Mina Beattic, Stella Loucka, Minnie Bellamy. Class 2-ar Wilda Croaaley, Linda Flvcriier, Rita Vunzant. Claas 2 jr Fred Lever, Garnet Blair, Herbert Staples. Pt. 2 sr Maggie Moorliouse, Nellie Id. ;.)<*, Willie Funwick. Pt 2 jr Kmerson WickonH, Charlie Jttcwell, Minnie .Sullivan. Cash forOld Stamps. Will pay from one cent to one hundred dollars each for old cancelled Canadian itan-.pH iaHued previous to 1870. Some D. 8. Sumps aliio hare high values. Look over your old letter* and bring or aend them (with envelope* if poiutible) to this office and get cash for them. They muit in good condition. Eight and nix cent stain pa of the present iasue aUo purchased >j the 100. Notice to Creditors In the Surrogate Court of the County of Qrey In the matter ol th cautc ol John Hazird.laU .l the Iown.hlpi>( ArtrBiemU.ln thrCount> of iirrt . termer, dccajd. Notice is beroby given, pursuant to ttio B. 8. . 1SK7, chapter 110. nee 36. and auieoding acU, that all ponono liavlui; claium aiiainit the taW of the above nati.eil Jolin HaJLard,deceaaed, who died on or atx.ut the Mlb dav of Auj;ut. A. D. 1M5, are. on or befor* the twelfth day of December, A. O. Imtt. requlrwl Ito send by pout, urepaid, to the underlined solicitor* fur John UoAribur, Ksa., aud W. J. Bellamy, Buj., tlio executor* of the laat wili and testament of the laid deceased, a tatu^:it in writiiiK. eontaln- inff their name*, a'ldrexei. deKriutioo*. and Full particular* of thnlr flalnis, ana nature of the securities, If any. bkld by them. And notice la hereby further given that after Uie said lam mentioned date the vald executor* w.ll proceed to distribute the a*MU of said e- Lato anionM the |.artie* eutltlwl thereto, tiavluc rcKar.1 only to the claim* uf which they nhall then bave notice, an.l they will not be liable for the *ald ettate ao distributed or anv portion thereof to any person or penot.* of whose claim* >hey Khali not nave h*>d notice a* aforeeaid. Dated tbi* lat day of November, A. D. 1. l,e< * A W HI. HIT. Owen Hound and Kleeherton, Holicitor* for tliu Kxecutor* OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. [M The Very Uet PI.ACi: IN CANADA TO UET A Thorough Mm Education, Take a Ruund Trip :;-,:., asi! ;; ( r* and Ootomorti*' Di'i>artinitli: ' " viflt to* Northern Huloe* C H..U uvery- ihlDgthoiauchly. If we lail to |>u,.liic the moat f "' ' **" lveco'n . r t . i-. . 'J n I ti." ' t mi I ii o*' complete -m I i..t ul- ablpfu < K||liKUoe*. we will K'- , full for Annual Aunou***- meat giving full paiticular* .fi-c. tMrmt C. A. FLKM1NC.. Prinripal. r 1 ! Photos TAKEN AT THE I Flesherton Photograph Gallery aro done in f. r *t du** o'yle nn<l ftt 1 'i't liiti'B. Sin-.-inl M'clltii.ll t:\\ P ' t<> ci>(;yilia. litl.if.' phot in ;i trinity. I'irtiirp* f.'iin (I. * MRS. BULMER . . AND . . , . Village Properties For f ia and Glerelg Ix>t 1 and a. cnn e X !: . town.Uip of Art- > r< .H.75cl*r. with new f anio barn \ In nt. I , ' ncres .all. .n wcli WKli'M.I. \\tillld ,| .Ml I I rt ! .'' l,..t S" f.. .laiiien St. north, and lot No. S. Mil! *t. n.irth; alo eat part of lt 4, Kincardine Iirlck hone and lot at Flosherton Station kuown at tin Wait* property. All tli- ahovo properties will beold at low ngurei) ud ou easy term*. Tltlea Ind iputal lo Apply to John McArthur, I'RICEVILLE P. O. Weather Probabilities For this winter say cold weather. Bnt never mind, we're prepared for it. Come along and we will fix you up and make you tuug no matter how cold the weather. Overcoats Suitings Hantles Shawls Ladies' d Gentlemen's Underwear Flannels % Elaiweletts Dress Goods . . and . . Hosiery & Gloves Don't fail to see our NOBBY SUITINGS Boots & Shoes Our stock of these goods is Tery com- plete, comprising all lines ot Men's, Women's, Boys' Girls' and Children's Boots and Shoos. We can fit and suit anybody aud everybody. Prices cut Very Fine B. HcDONALD WRIGHT'S OLD STAND Logs Wanted Wanted, Immediately or nuicklv as po*ibl*. 100.UOU feet of rock elm saw lo*-*. }, 12 and 17 feet long. Mutt be clear of knot* M poulble, onnil timber, from IS Inches In diamoler up- wardu the latfier the better. Tbii stock cau le shipped fnroen aooa as cat, quick return* Oood price* i i,l for K ood,*uitable tiuiber. Call aud see nie ifuickly. Bugenla saw mill. Oct. SI, 1)5. T. T. Cina. Teacher Wanted Toachrr wmte.1 for S. 8. Mo. B, Aitemeala.tnd class, duties to commence 1 Jan., 1800. Applt ttatlng lalary to Ji*. A. KKNMF.HY. Flethertou Station P.O. ThoroughbredBerkshireBoar Tli*>utiilertUiid baia i'len<1id thoroughbred Ilerkhire boar for lervlcv on 1 t 1 it. K T & S K, Arteiuesla. Turun gl. Jos. \V. Cl_n. H&use and Lot For Sale, For *a!e cheap and on eay term* in Flolicr ton. Bplendld largo, nolld britk dwelling, with uood it >nu cellar, luuimtr kitchen and Wood- house. alfo good frame (table, brick lined. l'.e'iii>e* contain* two large lot* and pood young orchard. boariiiE Houw and ou'btnldluc* are exceptionally woll oniihed and very convent* tutly laid out. Apply to K. J. BraoVLR. Fl*lioi toa. Farm for Rnleudldly Improved farm for fain in the not- t? I fruit growirg diatritt of F.uphraiiia, being it.t 17 In ill* 5tb *OQ., containing 100 aor**, aD l.utiiuht seres under iiltivatit-n. Hrlok von- fffed re*idencc, KOO.* barn* and outbuilding*. A great bargain. For term*, etc., addreea or call on the owner. H. UIUHAT, Epplng P. (>. Farm For Sale, Ix>t 1.1. con. 4, Otprey, containing 1ft) acr.-. 90 scrt'> rlt-ttrt ' pru]>.>rty balongit to the estate f the late Tlioit Hrownri'!^,' tor j.iiceand toruis ap)j| y to any of tli* 11 n le ralgned executors. l> h I'UKSTON J\. Hi . K1NUUAM MaxwllP.O. \v n. lii-Y STRAYED. 1) year old itecr, red and whit<>. Hind r>f one eye, tootlii.r with an early upring or IfOi caH n.ostl> rud, l.oen afttray KS.M- t\\t> intMitht. Any Infonnathn a to t!, wh*r*aboat* will b* thankfully rccelvud by the owner, K. T. C,. mi. Kuyonla P.O. Came Astray Came to tbe premiie* of tho utnlci > lot 13. con. W, Oiprey. about July 1-t. on* yrai - liiiKlull. The owner I* requeat<l to prove property, pay eipente* and take tbe unie a*y J J KKATINO Came Astray Came to the premUe* of the underlined, lot 198. we>t hack line, ArWtnoila about Oct. 1M, two yearling cattle, heifer and iteer. T tie own- er 1* requ**ted to prove property, par expenx* and take tbe lame away. B. UOI.LST Fleahorton P. 0. M.. RICHARDSON &Co.' There is a good deal of talk about Hard Times and scarcity of lunncy and some truth in it, too, but in fu-<; of it we tnni over a lar^c amount of good* every week. \Vlicn money is scarce a dol- lar tiavela further to find bos', values, and that's how we catch them. New Goods Every Week New Bargains Every Day \Ve liave another lot of cheap cot- tons, 3Jc. Good uieful cloth, nearly a yard wide. A job line of Tweed Suitings, 35.45 aud 65 cents. Some lower that orig- inal mill cost. Splendid values. Qoods Fancy Tweed. 42 inch, 18c.; Ama- zon Tweeds, 42 iuch, 22c.; Fancy Plaids, 42 inch, 24c.; Snow Flake and Mottled Effects, SOc. New assorted colort. New Black Crepons. 60c. to $1.25, choicest goods. Clydesdale Wool Shawls, $3.20, heavy winter wraps. BOOTS Extra heavy grained, felthned Men's Boots, $2.75, are just the thing to keep the blood from cooling at the toes. Fine Long Boots in kip, f 2.50 Men's long, whole stock, $1.75 to 12.75. Womeu's, Misses' and Chil- dren's Boots, all prices, good rahus. Our Overcoats are right and selling fast. But stock replenished this week with balance of an unfinished contract gives us fnll range of sizes. Heavy Frieze, full collars, at $5.75, 80 25 and $7 60. Full lines of Tweed, Mel- ton, Worsted and Beaver Overcoats. TLe scarcity in domestic . makes more welcome the imported fruits at low prices- 28 Ibs. Uaisins for$l. Choice new Figs at 60. and 6c. per Ib. Praties, Plums, Apples aud Jams assorted. Thn week we give a genuine Jap- anese Teapot with 5 Ibs. of our fam- ous 20c. tea for $1. Tho teapots are beauties and good size. Original 20 Ib. packages of fine Japan Tea our owu importation for $1.GO. Exua choice ditto for f 5. These teas are guaranteed and cannot be beat for value. Hardware J Dep't. Now we Have it Cold Do you want a good heating or cooking stove. We can give you the best at prices away down. We liavo a line of Maple Loaf.Lead- er aud Disstoii's cross-cut sa"vs, also some very fine axes and axe handles. Use only tne Nicholson file. They are the best. Wapacut and Firefly Butcher krives arc the best. They are sold at 25c. aud 80s. each. Every bl ide warranted. Cow chains, rope ties, game traps, stove pipes aud elbows at the lowest prices. Have you seen Our Duplex watlmig mac'.iine. It is a f?rcat saving on clothes and very easy to work. Trice $1.50 each. Richardson ^ go's. HiRDWAIK 6 CROOUKY DIP.

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