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Flesherton Advance, 10 Oct 1895, p. 7

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BURIED ALIVE 40 DAYS. AN EXTRAORDINARY CASB OF SUS- PENDED ANIMATION. Thr /enl ( an Ks*l laelsn Fahlr-HI* rmrperUen vli'< fey rrr4ll>le ff opie Thw> I r I for K. 'li aii HluJ*. Thr.rr ! Ural I tl Perhap* th* most extraor imary eas* of *nrx.dd animation orairnulatod death en record i* that reiatod by Sir Claud* U . Wade, who wa* th* political r^n lent at Lndranah, and agent ol th* British Gv. arnment at in* court of Ranju-Hingh, which occurred at Labor* in 1*37. A fakir wu buried alive tor forty dayi.then disentotnb- sd and r**uacitated. Sir Claud* tolls as that b* was present at tbs court when this fakir was burid alive for six wees* ; and, though h* arrited ft few hour* alter be was interred, yet Sir Claud* had th* teatmroay of Rnnjit-Smgh himself, aad othon, ths most credible witasiess at bis rourt, to ths truin of the fakir having been ao buried be lore them ; aad from having been prevent hiirsrii when the fakir wa* di*m trr*d and restored to a stato of perfect vitaaty, in a position so cio** to him a* to r*ndsr deception impossibl*. it WM his irm b*li*f that tu*r* was no eoilusion in producing th* extraordinary fact that he related. When the forty day* (or which Hi* fakir was ta be buried were ended, by invitation f Runjil-Singh, Sir Claud* accompanied th* Rajah and hi* suite to tb* spot where th* fakir was interred. It wa* A SXICAJU rtLDixo, ttyled a barra dnrri, in th* midst of on* .1 th* gardens adjoining tb* palace at La n ore An op*n verandah encircled th* structure, f which aa inclosed room occupied th* ceater. OB arriving ftt th* barra durn. Rnnjit-Siogh, who wa* attondod by a ret- inue of court official*, dismounted from hi* eiepnaal ftad raquMtod Sir Claude to. join bun in th* eiamiaauoo of th* buu.iing, to antiafy himaelf tnai it wa* exactly ft* h* bad left it forty day* before. *ir Claud* ftooodod to tnis. Of to* four door*, looking to tn* four point* of th* compass, thro* had been hermetically Maled with bnck and mortar, wh 1* to* fourth wa* furnianed with a strong door, pla*t*r*d with mad ap to the padlock, w&icc wa* sea.ed wtth tb* Kajah's pnvato seal, in his own presence, ftt th* dftto when th* fakir wa* soismbed. Thus, me ex'erior of th* building preeenled ao aperture whatever by wnich oa* could Tb* servant aext removed trom th* nostrils and *ars of h'i ma*t*r th* wax and cotton piuga with winch they had been *al*d,lh*a opened tne ni 1 jw i,y interi- mg the point of bis knife between tr>* teeth, and prying them apart. Then holding th* jaws open wi'h bis left hand, h drew the tongue forward with th* forefinger of hi* right, that O*UA| flexible metuiie*. lying back to it* curved position, so tnat it* tipe cloaad th* gullet r*p*a edly during the proc***. H* now ruhuKt tb* fakir'* e> witn clarified butter (gbi) for sows seconds until h* succeeded m opening one of tneni. The ayssball was still LA/XD A.ID onosuna. Tbs next process WM to renew th* hot wheaton cak* oa the top *f tn* head. At thi* instant th* body heaved oonvulsivsly, th* nostrils became violently inflated, res- piration was resumed, and tn* limbs be. an to assume their natural fa. ness. The serv- ant at this *ta.'e placed som< clarified bu-.- tar oa tb* tonga* of th* fakir, and made him swallow it. A few m.nutee sft*r the eyeballs began to dilate siowly, recovered tn*ir natural color by inaeneibl* grudation* and gleamed with intolligenoe, and recog- nizing Riajit-Singh, who sal facing him, th* fftkir aommaacod to articuat* in scarcely audibl* ion**, inquiring wnether he was now navmcexi. Rnnjit-Singh answered in th* aftrmativs, and then began th* ceremony of investing tbe danng xporimentalist with a pearl necklas*. a pair of snperb gold bracelets, shawls and p ceo* of silk and moslia, forming a full khilot or rattftiia. Th* period thftt slsp*ed betweea th* opeaiag of tba box and th* recovery of in* voice was ftboat naif an hour ; and in half an hoar mor* th* fftkir was abi* to talk freely, though f**biy, with tho** ftbcut him. Sir Ciaud* Wad* nmark* in concluding hi* aarrativ* that h* BOW lock some pains to iavostigata tb* manner in which tnia rwsolt WM *ff*ct*d, and wa* informed thftt the rauoaale of the procee* rested ea tb* view of th* Hindoo phyiiologist*. tnat haat eonstitutss ihs s*lf-*xieteat principle -if life, and that if tb* funciion* *v*n b* not I so far interrupted M to leave thi* on* in I perfect parity, life eaa b* oaatiaaod far long period* withoat air, food or other ef autonanc*. OFFICIAL WHIPPI KG. ew Boy irlssiiaU ar* ruaUht ! HOUSEHOLD. Sunday Cooking' A* a ml* tn* housekeeper early Sun. lay morning to cook, and con'.in- ue* n*r hard work nn'. i late in th* after- noon ; then wnfu sne rina..y has a chaacs 'o nt down it i* a question whicn requires no arguing with her that Sunday I* th* BMawat work day of la* week. It u a custom with peupl* to bav* big dinner* on Sunday, espeeiallv ia wbsrs the men of tn* family hav* but thai day IB which to rajoy a midday dinner, consequently th* day of rust has to b* sacrificed By tb* women of :ne household to lues* ".ord* ol creation," wno,| y tne way, nuaiiy have evtrylMbg "mod up"lo nut tbsm. It i* nol tne. t laolt, A. most *v*ryon* enjoy* a good dinner ; but half the pleaaur* is gone for tb* nous* xtapor wnen sh* stop* to reflect an tb* cieaxmgup of t..* Isstt. Somsoa* ha* said, "T.-er* is a great deal a> ssntinssnt about ft good dinner ; ftad it it coma* onio in* >abl*ia parted or ler and isremhed by too** wno *u at the board, there i* ft par- danabi* IB tb* acnt*v*mnl ; bat tr.*re i*oeitn*r romance, paalry,**num*nl aor pnd* in clearing op the remain*, in putting away in* food aad IB washing tb* dish**. It should not be considered nmissary u make ihe Sunday dunar aa *laborato meal. Th* *oup, wsaserts, caka* and similar thing* could b* prspsred th* day before, leaving only tn meat to b* broiled aad the vegelADte* cooked oa Sunday. Hav a good pot of cooked nn, soms tooth MBM loavo* of ry* or Indian bread aad a roftatof beef to bo eat cold, ail cooked oa >*turday. Tnia will ftave boar* of na,- i work, and when one hae become accustom- ed to it, it goes Joel a* w*ii. Tb* women of th* houaenold may tn*a hav* a long pleasant aitornooa in wnich ts read ar vitit or wbatover suits th*m bast, and be better abi* to take ap tr. old wosk dsy routine of dull** oa Monday. Th* Sunday evening ncaal is usually a cold on*, wtth a hot bsvvrag* of tome kind to r*nd*r it palatabi*. It in a food plan never to leave tn* diihe* *t*n<iin< until next morning or Wave the tidying *p of the kitchen for Monday, because that day generally brings with it th* al lotted amount and fold ov*r or sriap* IBM ball*. S*a to*** clonaly iflyethcr in toe baking-pan ; 1*1 them n** one boor. and just befor* pat- uaf th*m into th* oven cut *ialy surm each bait with a J>*rp kif*. Thi* will mmk . tb . C JH !!_, familiar in lfroeb restaurants, bak* half an boar. A FAVORITE PBLSCEIPnON. How It Cared MM. Somervllle, of Br&ntford. rr I'*.* *)a Um Mat Tk Tr* r4 Tea Tear* f Treaa. *e Br.thi *** rever-a** I* Aal> silk, From the Brautror! Kaional'St. That Dr. Williams' fink Pills are ft lavorite medicine in Brantlord ftad vicinity .1 be readily bore oat by ut .fgi*u, and that much inSert: _ ftllcviated by tn* as* o< thu wonderful heftier, is amply mown by the anmber of s'.rccK statement* in favor of Pink Pill* from this section. And vet tbe number of ca*e* published is rauul in .umpariaen with the totai number that bat e found benefit from tb* BM of tni* great Mood bonder and nerve reMoier. It is true that Fink Pi. la are uesd in many cft*e* to loo* *p th* sys- tem, enrich toe binod and sumulfti* tb* nerve* wnere no serious i In*** exist* ; but it u equally tra* that in many oasis in which they have bean und.otber medicine* hav* failed And the result achieved by Pink Boys who are found guilty of minor offence* in England ar* entsaced by th* jndg** to a kound thrashing ftt tb* bands of th* policeman. Her* is a description of it, tsken from aa English paper : Tn* birch is a vsry d tferent initrumeut f torture from tb* cau The former u mad* up of a number of long birch twig*. of labor with no time for unusaal work. will not be possibly D* admitled, any oommaniealion held, or any rood conveyed to th* torpid Tne Wfti.s and door* bore whil* th* Utter I* really a wnip with nine eld, or any food jioaveyed to th* torpid knotted small cord Isshee, \\ften tne cat Ml sill 11 mial VaTI "! wBsV BCawMwB OOCtOC affsHMt wM no marks of having boon disturbed. Kunjit-Singh identified the improasioa pr*snl, ' wn n lh * Kt - P" 1 f bis ssal a* tit* oa* b* bad affixed and a* oaty nirsessry for th* supennton <*nl of he was personally somewhat skeptical a* to ' polM* M witness it, although th* parents, eeuit of in* fi Pilis may y v*ry tr a*. Tbe -After the Grip I wu ia dnejdM Mr. e*naaBBSsa a ceireel asaa ; n*ver '-It better Joanrcj Market Street, BrawHurd. Ontario Urf SMITH. J01 Hood's^Cures Hood'* U-nly b* cnaract*ris*d aa editor of th* Canadian Nationalist earn* ftcroe* ]u*t such a ea** 1 nosntly. It i* mat of Mrs. S. SemerviU*. ft well-known ftnd hignly rwpected r**i- daal of this city. Mrs. Somervii!* do** not seek notoriety, but ts wii.iog that a stats- meat of what Pink Pill* Cav* don* fr aer ball b* mHt public ia tbe hop* tnat soms other Mlbrer may b* benefited thereby. " My illeeai at Drt," sai 1 Mrs. Somer- vil.e, " was a serious ftttftck af typooid tever. Although I recovered from th* fever it left it* etfecu that have eauaad m* many yean of misery. Th* doctor said that my blood bad hiamw.1 imprgt>*ied wtin pouoo and tnat it would tak* a long tim* to radioau it. TB* trouble seemed to hav* it* cnief saat m my limb*, wnich caused me a great deal of pain. For about too year* I watiniMd doetonn*;, not conliaoaiiy, bat at limes. *nd 1 triad GOLD WITHOUT END UI AFRICA. Ba.eixfe In 'b * aBs>lv ia World for law Vest Tw*BI7-rive tears. The following u th* principal part ef ft Utter from the haart of t** gold Mid* ia South Atrrioft : " Thu to the Kraadsst climat* I ever truck. The aiutide (5,700 feet) i* bad f*r heart trouble*, but aside from that fact it i* truly a Garden of Eden.' and tbe a*. grow go naked mmmir and wutor ex sept a strip of eioth artnad tne loiaa. They oal 1 this a tombly cold winter (July south ef tbe equator torresponds to January north f it) becaoie on two nights we bad fiv* degree* of frost and to* tormed half aa men thick, though it disappeared long before noon. The v.n*. tn* geranium, tn* and other hardy piftnl* thrive tk Household Notes. In frying eggs, if tb* v**a*l containing tb* eggs b* oav*f*d, th* egg* hard and dry. A muk *hak* is more anally digested than muk drunk without th* aerating pro- caas. In* *hak*r is notnmg more nor la** than a tali tumbler mad* ol Ua instead of glam. wfcica Su *vr ta* top of * glaas tumb *r so that th* ccntaau of in* glass can b* ahakaa vigorously without If youarew uufortunato a*to ipill greaa* on th* floor, pour some cold water oa it at ' ,,~,,j,.,i tnat to many remedies witnont Tnis went on until th* end *f *93, wnen 1 beoam* so much crippled up tnat I despair- ed ef getting relief. I bad read maeb el the rematkaole euro* through t he use of |)r. Williams' Pink PUli and becam* interast*! ia th*ou On* day I asked my pnrtK-ian if I might try taem. H* gav* ni* permission aad I began using them. By b* urns tb* third box was finished!! found my**if very much improved ia fact, th* pain* hftd ratireiy eft m* aad I was growing hoaltawr and more flosny. 1 continued using th* pill* until t bad taken six box** more, when 1 t*U that I was entirely eurwl, and was enjoying better health tbaa I had done for year*. I am lr. \V .ame 1 Pink ths rMull of tns fakir's experiment, h* bad, >r aear relative!, 61 a boy ssnten .-ed to b* 0,0,^, ibi* will cool it quickly and prevent ew* my recovery, aad hav* implicit during the forty day*, kept two companies dogged may b* pre**nt at th* .alligation. j u <rom i6ABlaf lml . la . oo^rdi. If wa*h*d confidence in th*ir enrauve power, aad gr*a*s, I reck Pat on with a bandied mop, oa ao ant touching it with th* band*, a* it will tae oti trie skin quickly. Cold boiled rice loasto-i till th* surface u charred is just a* goo i a* powdered anarooal for sour itomacb*. and maab mere palatable. Kic*. by th* way. is sull snail continue to recommend them to other sufferer*.' I> William*' P:nk Pill* for Pal* People are not a patent medicine, but ftre s long tried proscription acni( upon the bloc nirvM. They are of great vain* ft* tonic dur ng reory from acut* dusase*. such as fevers, *tc., building up tb* t>lo.-d aad syetem, preveatintt tue often duastrous after *5eot of sjcb trouble*. Sold by sli bauly cook*>i in most no-i.o* of in* dealer* or seni post paid at 50 onto a oi. Orient an i ths Southern Mates. It is ,. p sit box** for 12. W. by ad i reusing the aiu' Medicit* Co., Br-kMl.*. A DARK BOOB. Runjit-Singh and Sir Claud* sntersd, ths " servant of th* buried fakir accompanying * them. A light was brought, and th*y de- ' aosodsd into a c*li about .1 f**t below th* oi his personal **c*rt .tatiouad near th* \\uaoaooseo. ta* cat I. dealt out no.. h .trouiftoiaen water.after scraping building, from which four sentinels wsr* but tno* connectsd with in* prison ar* I .k-orb th, furnished and relieved .very two boars, ftliw*d to b* th*c*. nignt and day, to protect th* fakir from Lik* th* eat, tb* biren may b* mad* a iaupsioa. On* of hi* principal officer* v*ry **vsr* puaianment or a compart' iv> \ was aisodetaileu to vi*it the spot regularly, trivial affair, not merely ftcoording to in* nnd report th* leeuil ol his inspection, number of strokes, but trom tu* isttrnciions \Vhil* h* him**lf kept the seal tnat Closed given tn* coostabis who is told off to do in* tb* hoi* of th* pftdlock, th* Minuter ef flogging. I hav* seen ft boy after e.x Slat* received the report* ot th* "tfcjers el stroke* reeembi* nothing so much as a ths guard, morning aad evening, and duly pioo* of raw i**f and bleeding :earfnliy, communicated tnsm to his master. while I nave alao seen boy alter nx OB th* door of th* apartment or tomb, ' sirocee merely a trifl* red. sit may b* termed, being thrown open, Some police-Tea draad tn* duty et flog. ' hard, tn* nee n*ed* to bo washed several nothing was vis.ols except gmg, and altor tn r*t two siroks* get a , m s, and tne beet wy w to pat it :n a A DARK BOOH. snarp ordsr to "nit tb* boy aud not play fine strainer ftad let tae water run tbrougn with mm. ' Other ooitstftbie* delight in tn* i f rolB vh* cold wnier faucot till IM no* u , ftnd boast of their ability to draw perfectly clean. Laen put it into water] ; th* first stroke. . inal i. boiling bard, with nt any salt (BO | Th* following ar* familiar specimens ous modes of administering the pun- rice-eating natioa salts rieoK and k*p the i o f Chine** proverb*, th* English version U ishnieat obtain ra different part* of the water boiliag luriouily. A cup of rio* I ^^ Ut> m ^^ laiiaoce: was ft wood*, box 4'lw.l la l.ngth b, 3 .a >untr>. In aoato ptaoa, boy. ar. P laci will cook la ftboat thuty minutas. bat ,"in. withasquar*. .lopiog rSof. li.tood ' downward o. .form On. constooi. .w, W *~ wt-ea It .cooked by lakuig bold* hi* arm* ftnd head firmly, wan* ap ft grain or two. Now and thfta to another doee mm ihe same service with prevent any rice (ticking to th* bottom of hi* leg*, snd tb* third administer* ta* ' 1 the oaly kind oi food mat ehomd be boiieu ' ,. r l> r . Oat .Rifu**all mtmi tumisod abetitutoe. e> SOME CHINESE PROVERBS. year roan i in the garden*. Vegetation i* rapid, and turners get two crop* of graia and tor** of (odder annually. Thi* M tn* beat plac* I biv* y*t **rn for pusaiag busin*aa-man. Front* ar* large and trad* moetly don* on th* each or thirty-day Mat*. We hav* not got a board of trad*, bat we have ft stock * xchang* and although it may ***m uoredibl* I am told tn* ! / busiuea* exceed* that of th* New York Stock Kicban**. JoaauaMOeyg i* th* OUT WONDnmtTL C1TT for growth and sxpaasion which th.s eaa' tury na* produced. Elgtt yean ago tho ill* wa* a wildernea*. WUBOUt a billduuj of aay kind. Tu-day i: ha* a poaeOauan of liO.OUii, cover* ovsr ton mil** of territory, naa mines in operation representing aa if gregato of hundred* ot million* of pounds, and the gold output ef last >aoath (June), th* larvaat on record, wa* -JUO.M1 ounce*. Ac :re*h stamp* are being pat *p and n*w territory opened a.m it >iai4> 'hi* output miut of necessity go ua incr*a*ia(, nd it now i* an assared fact mat this country will load th* world ia tb* production of tne y*l.o metal from thu year onward. "Tae trutn is tn* wno e Afrieaa contin- ent i* largely a terra incognita, aad to*r* i* no *aym( wnat iray or may net b* found tn it. But if tney did not And aa oanee el new ^naru oeariag *;roued tb*r* i* eufficteat now in signt u supply the world for tb* wenty dv* year* at in* pr***nt rat* of output. ' >D* great a.1 vanla<* this ,-oun- ** over ntaen the tow rat* for *xpeu***of producucn which exist. Th* from $3 toUw scendsd into floor of th* square apartment. upright. It* door wa* locked and sealed tn tne earn* manner a* th* door of th* b*rra darn. Th* box wa* th* coffin of th* fakir, though it could not literally be said to con- tain hi* remains. lief or* opening the box the body wa* brought to view, inclosed la a whit* linen bag, drawn together at tb* top, ftad se- curely fastened with ft string. Th* grand aaluto now shook th* garden air, and the hovering multitude oanre crowding to the door to witnoa* the spectacle. The aervknt tint removed the body of hi* masi*r from th* box, aad placed it against tb* olosed door of tb* rooeptaele, in a squatting poetur*. Ruajit-*4*ghsnd Sir (laud* Idea d**cended into th* cell, which was eo small that, when they tried to sit down oc the ground in front ef the box, the r hand* and knee* cam* ia contact with th* person sf th* seeming corps*. Th* servant BOW com. | meooed to pour warm water over th* body punish msnt. In otner prisons th* culpr.t i* placed on ft constable's back, and, as he sit* tbere with his srvu around tho officer's neck, awaiting "tho sveni," hi* altitude strikes a spectator more ftt oae of ejection man ths disn, stir it up nghtiy trom in* bottom witn ft wooden spoon. Tbe) rapid bul inrf ke*p* tb* (rain* scpara e, aa 1 i: as *oou aa t*n<i*r the rice i* drained laloecolan ier and set over the stov* to let (team dry off, every grain wul b* f>nnd wnol* aad delicious. Tne pasty maas served in moet Virtu* M tk*ur**t road M loa^ev-.y, but vie* meet* with aa early doom." \Virtu* is it* owa r*wri. Tim* flies Ilk* an arrow, dayi and month* Ilk* a w*vr's ahuttla." lime aad lid* wait foi no man.) Let every man weep th* snow from discomfort. Anotner way i* to compel ft I home* tor ric* is an insult tu tms delicious boy to Iran ovsr a chair a* if he wer* praying, men run a strap right around his legs and the leejs of a chair, ft oonetftble holding hi* head and ftrme from tns other No Cause for Alarm. He (gently ! Are you not afraid someone may marry your money ' She (sweetly) O, dear, no ! S*oh an idea nsvsr enteted my head. H* (tenderly) Ah ' in your iw**t inno- of hi* master, but. as it wa* th* purpoee of M|loc do DOl (DOT oow coUily morcen- S.r Claude to deleot any fraudulent prao- ^y ,,, m o ^^ tie*, b* abj*otod to thte, and propoMd to ' sh . ( q ultt ly ) Perhaps not. Runjlt-Singh to hav* th* bag torn open, so, He (with suppiessed emotion I -would * to inspect the person of ths fakir befor* ' not | or ln , wor ^j hav* sucn a terribl* fat* thsprooessof resuseitftli>a was initiated. ha pp, n yoa. Th* man who win* you This was ftocordingly don*, the bag being , noo i,i I OTI ron for yourself alone, so considerably miidswed a> to r*nd*r It , She He'll hav* to. It's my cousin bat th* work of a moment. ' Jennie who ha* the voosy. not I. You've The U4 and arms of tbe fakir w*r* 1HRIVI1 LID A!ID STINT, bat th* fftoe wa* fall ft* in life, th* h*ed reclining oa th* ihoul ler like that of a oorpee. Sir Claud* called to th* m*dioal g*utl*man who was in attendance to de- scend into the cell and laepeet the body, which he did. but could disoover no pulse ly delicate food. Sv* the water drained from the rice: it i* rub la etarch, ftad make* ft good foundation ucb as cream o: rice. boiling rice, to boil it hard and to keep it supplied with water, and when itirrtag merely to looaoa th* bottom grain*. Recipes- Apple Cuntard. Par*, core, and stow six appi* until tin* and ftdd half a cup augar. Beat three sgg very light, add half cup oi sugar aad oa* aad a half pint* of milk. Stir w*li and add th* appl**. >lir before hi* own door* and not trouble him. elf about th* froat oa his neighbor'! tiles." (Mind your own buunees. ) Attend to your farm* and mulberry for a light soup' tree*, that you may hav* umci*nl food and Remember, in clothing." iTak* *ar* ol your busmeeo, and your business will UK* car* of you. ) Let us |(*t drunk to-day whil* he hav* win*, tb* sor-ow* of to-morrow may b* borne to-morrow." (Sufficient unto tbe day i* th* evil thereof.) "Abetain from faiae accusing, that ths pay for native per week. Tb* per week. Ihe nativ* toiler <a f*d oa "meali**,"* grain *om*thing like American corn, mad* into porridge. Thi* i* eaten tnree times per day .with meat twice a w**k ftnd lh* aa'.iv* requifwa hardly any o nir,. Waea a negro eaa got a gunny aack h* caw a no.* in th* bottom of II f*r hi* need to go tnrougb and on* on each lid* for hi* arm*, Tb*a be has si 1 tho matonal r*qiur*d for full draa* parad*. aad i* SWELL. good and nooe*t msy b* in safety." B*ar not fale* witness against tny neighbor.' "The court M like a ship at sea overr- uling depends oc tne wind." (r*ut not tny trust in prince*. ) For him who doe* *vwything in it* mau* some mistake. He Kr-very p! having. The Infant Terrible. 1 haven't a i enny. t weather we're aleae. t to attain, pour into a baking pan and bake a I proper Umo, oa* day i* wortk three, few minutes until custard is **t. If liked, I titcfern time save* nine.) a little nutmeg oiay be fated ov*r IU I "To cut off a hen'* head with a battle- Thi* i* a nice d***eit, and M quickly Br*- j axa," (Much ado ftbout notnmg. i an i may be oU*a*d among th* "Tne truth* which we least wish to hear ar* those which ar* moot to our advantage to know." ,The truth i* di* agreeable.) lion ia th* heart, temples or wrist. U ere was, how*v*r, a beat about the coronal re*! OB of the brain, which no other part of , the person exhibited. This is on* of the ' fact* which **tabli*h a r***mblanoe between the imitation death of th* Hindoo fakirs ; and ofttal*p*y. In thi* dia**s* flushing of the face haj often been noticed, wm'e th* j trunk and itremitie* remain cold. In per- | hsps the majority of case*, however, th* face i* pl*. ftnd at Uast a* cold as th* r**t of lh* body. The servant now commenced batninf hie mastsr in hot watsr, th arms and logs gradual./ relaxing trom the rigid stat* In which they were contracted. Run- jit Singh aatitted th* **rvanl* by ru' bin( th* l* and artni of th* to all app*aranc*s dtftd man. whil* th* Inter put hot wh*at*n oaks on top of the fakir's head Kitty, yon must 1st papa's watch 1 won't hurt it, papa. I just w* Put it down, I toll yon I 1 ain't hurtin' it. 1 only want to a** what makas it If you don't 1st that watch alone I shall certain. v hav* lo punnh you. 1 ain't Will you put it down ? All I want to do with it i* to Kilty, do you hoar what I say ? Yes, and you'd bear what 1 aay if you didn't talk so much. Unkind. MuJfre Sometim** 1 think that I am losing my mind. Yab*l*y How loag hav* you been that pre-i ni may imerfrency deeeert*. Chill Sauco. Remove the skins from ft peck of ripe tomato**, and p**i *ight onioaa, Jhop the wnole tine, aad put over tne fir* in lh*ir juice in a porcelain kettle, to cook for halt an hoar. Then (train througn a sieve and add a pint of Tio*gar, a tabl* ipooolui aaoh of ground cinnan on, allspio* Caal mm** adjoin the Old m ae* b*r*> and good bitum.uou* coal eaa bo had la abundance at 4.5o to (Ti pr ton. So with cn*ap .abor.chaap fn*i,wid an ftbuadano* tt water, ftlao an almo*>. ia*xhaa*tibi* supp.y o!or*insigbtth*eB*i<t* 1.1 fair to astonish ths world with tneir production for tn* next quarter of a century at l*a*t. 9*) much for th* 'gold' q notion. "Altnouch we are in the uaart of Africa w* ar* a* thoroughly civiund a* they are n Locdoa. In proof of tir.s I mi^ht say hat w* hav* 4vi bar* and saloon* in which malt and spirituuu* liquor* ar* sold, three lh*atre* running all in* year round so 1 well patronize.!, a large circa* open or four of th* summer mootb*. beeidee muMc halls, picnic grounds, and otb*r MX* ot amiuement. Th* *hop* compare favorably with tho** of London, and the inou Sftturdfty night ar* packed with people. Properiiee which tnre* years ago were soiling for *!'' ar* soling to lay for I.IHK.'. and so U goo*. A fellow doe* nol know th* day b* may wa>*n op to find bim*elf rich if b* only take* oar* *f hi* ban can.'* About a month. __ _ You nesda't worry. H you had began ft process which WAS^WICO' ~th'r'ie.'l^t. lo*in* your mind that long ago it would all *a b*fore any rwult wa* appftreat. b* gone by thu time. leaspoonfal of cook about tour "H you don't enter tb* tiger's dea von cannot ootain her young." (Xothiag vea- lure, nothing win.) 'On* (tranii of silk doesn't make a thread." (On* swallow doesn't make a summer. I 'A thousand chiefs, a thousand plana., and black p*pp*r, and m clove*. L*t th* nux'.ar* cook about four (Too many cooks will spoil th* b bours, until quite 'hick, surring it "Iher* * Urn* to fish ftnd ft tim* lo dry frequently. A* it is taken from th* fir* D i*." (Thr*' time for all things, add a tabl*poonfut of ground mallard, ft "The teacher should not Uav* hi* books, teaspoon (si of cayenne popper, two or th* poor man hi> pig*." (L*r th* aa*> teaspoon fuls of ground giag*r and two bier stick to hi* last. I tobeerpooafub or more of *alt, aecordiag to the taste. U** perfectly clean, sound b*ttl*s, cork tightly, and Mai. Trench roll*. Tak* OB* quart of new Bis Record. Many a mean man ha* been di*oov*r*d, put m Soogg*. a* h* at* his quick lunch, but w* nave one of them out in Stoektoa tnat e entitled to con*id*ratioa. U nal'e hi* record ' inquirsd Boggm, ft* b* cftlculfttcd that tt* bad tim* for another piece ol pi*. U* make* hi* wifo live on soup, so sh* will not wear out her fftln* te*th, r*p.i*d a well bseUn *gg ftn.l two ta * ol BMited butter, with oa* two tabi*- tea- milk, OBS teacup of yea*t, oae quart aad on* pint of flour. \Vh thi* *ooog* ie work in apooaful* pooufnl of salt, half a toaapoonful of sou* dissolved IB bot water, on* tabiesBjoutui of whito sugar, and enough while Hour to make a toft dough. Ut thi* dough staad four hour* i th*n rail *ut into round cake* It thunder* loudly, but littlo (M,ich cry aad lull* wool.) An Autumn Tragedy. Hsr sy* wore downcast a* she spoke. No Mr. Kimptoo. ah* said, th* -iream i* O v*r. I can never b* y*ur wife. Spar* mo this craol Mow, h* said IB a choking voica. 1 thought you h>vd mr. I did love you. *h* went oa, withoat raising b*r *yM. Perhaps 1 lov* yoa yet. But I oaa a"v*r, a*v*r wed a trie* to biaek ats rwant snow. For twenty-five yean DUNN'S BAKING POWDER l> . 0401.

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