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Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1895, p. 8

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THE FLI8H1RTOM ADVANCI D. McTavish FLESH Kl^TON KEEPS ON HAND airs For Massey Hanin, and Noxon, Floury and Wilkinson farm implements. I-'!, nry and Verity plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons. Buggies, Guitars, Sleighs, etc. Hurst shooing promptly attended to. bpecial attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. -*| -iif -if vr tt iktimm nt utifn ir -v 11 vtsMj 1 A Soft Thing f o * * * When you art* driving ii always enjoyable. Our buzgiea are f.-isy iin<l pleaiuiiit to ride in, neatly tiiiUlied. strong and durable. 0*11 and examine our Htoclc. CarU and democrats on eaty teruiR. i'aintiiig, trimming ami riirsliing done to order. I claim to sell as durable and good a vehicle aa there i.s on the market. R. T. WHITTEN. When tbe Nerve Centres Need Nutrition. A Wonderful Recovery, Illustrating: the Quick Response of a Depleted Nerve System to a Treatment "Which Replenishes Exhausted Nerve Forces. Mil. FRANK I'.vrKll, BERUV, (INT. Perhnpgyou know !.im ? Jn Water loo hi in known as one of tlie most ilar and successful business men of tlifit enterprising town. As innnag- itiprxxncutorGf tl:! Kunt/ iM-tle, hoia nt tin; hoid of a vast hiniiiiiwi.-., i. h.-Mi mj{ an inveatmcntof inuuy tlioim- Hii'U of dollars, and known Co many I>1 throughout the Province. Solid financially, Mr. Frank Uiuior nUo ha* thn good fortune of enjoying I good hpitltli, and if ypMHWMH indicate anything, it ittsnft* ili.-it tin-re's a full half century of vtive life still uh.-.i.l for him. Hut it'i only a few month? sincn, while nuraod as an invalid at thn Mi. 1 inns sanitary resort, when his !< i. i>iU in Waterloo wero dismayed wi i h R report that he was at the point >f .'fiith. " There's no tolling whero I would have been had I kept on tho old treat- mnnt," laid Mr. lUunr, with a n laugh, tho other day, while recounting hi* experience* at a very sick man. '' Mt. Clemens, " lie C'jntiuuod, "was the List rouort in my case. For month* previous I had bwm autlerini; indescribable tortures. 1 b"jj:in wi:h r. loss of Hppotite and ulrwplods nights. Then, as the trouble kept growinc, 1 was getting weaker, and be^ati losing <lenh and strength rapidly. My Htoinach refusod to retain food of any 1. inil. During all (his time I wua under medical trmttiii^nt, and took everything prtwcribcd, but without relief. Just about when my condition geemod most hopeless, I heard of a wonderful cure effected in a case somewhat similar to mine, by the Croat Sooth American Nervine Tonic, and 1 finally tried licit. On the first day of its use I be^-in to that it waa doing whit no other mmlioine li id done. The first doo relieved tin distrrts completely, lief no niulit I actually felt htni'-ry and ate with an n|>pelit.i sueli aa 1 had not known for in i.itlis. 1 !>(;. in to pick up in strength with surprising rujmlity, slept well nights, and ix-t'oro I knnw it 1 was eating threo RIJII ire meals regularly every day, with us much relish aa over. I have no hesitation whatever in saying that tho S uith American Nervine Tonic cured nm wlin all olhor remedies failed. I Irivij recovered my old weight over 200 p'linul* and never felt bettor in my life." Mr. Frank Ilnunr'a experinnrc is that of all others who have used t v ie S uith American Nervine Tonic. Its instantaneous action in relieving dia- i i and 1'iin is due to thn direct etl'.-ot of this f>r:it rojni'dy upon tho >e centres, whose f^c;od vitality is energized ii>8t intly by the vory lirat doRO. It is a great, a woitdroun cure for nil nervous diseasea, as well as indigestion and dyspepsia. It goes to the real source of trouble direct, and the sick always feel its marvel- lous sustaining and restorative power at once, on the very first day of it i use. t"or \Viii. li \vill l)t* jjfiviMi fro iri no\v until \ Jan., 18Q7, fOr Only The Old Recruting Sergeant. BEMINISCENCE8 OF MILITARY LIFE. Written /"or Tht Advance by " Old St/l-lier." PART IV The remainder of my military life being in no way connected with this narrative I shall pass over the next eight years by briefly slating that on the return of our regiment to England I wai promoted to sergeant a:id scut to fill a vacancy in the Depot com- panies stationed at Preston. As the majority of soldiers prefer being with the colors of their reginieut, I of course felt rather chagrined at the change but there was no alternative but to obey, which I very reluctantly did, but at the name tit in- I would rather have remained as corporal with the regiment than return to the depot as sergeant I was the more dibuonsolite ou finding that my old comrade had been transferred to the siatfofa militia legimeut to com- plete the remainder of his service. I was soon after granted an application fni transfer to the hOili Staffurdslnre regiment, stationed at Langor, India, to serve witli au elder brother. In August, l8til, I accoidiugly proceeded to BulUivaut, Ireland, to join the de-> pot of tho regiment. Here again I met with disappointment as it was not likely 1 nhould have au oppor- tunity of joining my brother far at least two years. I felt tbe more annoyed at this as 1 resigned my rank for the sake of the transfer. At tbe time of the Treut affair, Lroi'ble being anticipated between England and America, troops were tastily embarked fur Canada, voluu- nis being called for from various i Diluents to complete the war strength if ihoye rcgimentM <>r<l. ml out I'M ng anxious foi active service. I volun- teered to one of the regiments under orders for service, but owing to some unaccountable delay of the order for the transfer and the hurried embark- ation of the troops e were left behind about three hundred of UP fr .in iittririit liniments wile oldeied to .Moci-ed lo Tfinpleniore to join the upot until furtluTordt rs. This wa in 11 , mill jnined my n^nuvut in I.', i-i hilier 1861. However, in: were nettled between the two nat WUH no war, and 1 was a^.un 1-i-iineil to (liMq>|>i'iiilineiit, but to inuko amends iny promotion wa- mpid und 1 BOOH found myself in H htiil' berth, and in tin glacis of my Kiipeiioi i mcersi, and all cot)8idcred, 1 had no room I 11 In Septembi-r, inhaiked at tjm i nxiuwii, Cut k, on boiinl II. M. Trno|> ship .nl\i ntnie. hid furewell to ouid lit- I i'i,i , 1. 1 i in h in ilie following; luouih. ru.iuoliKii ai,'aiii fell to I'.Y lot uixl lie next u.iul last tli., vus ,.f ins -ri M,-e WUH tin lii"!-t i 'iijoyuhlc my I n inei service, and 1 could i. -H ce di-cover what ever in.lnc >l m HI (|iiit a |'i'ile-.-i'iii I l..\. nut I M \- r l-.iuw how well I lovi d it in. til 1 left I'. 'Twas ll.eil 1 It .1 -i nit ilini^ 1 nevi i kin- A Lt fdir.uaini IN . , init 1 wab the bi^tJit fool in i llo fattier new lo gulJo t'.ieui on, No mother urar to to it lie thai i bruw, No iiter'n TO!O fain oil their oar, No brotljur'n suille lo glre tbew choffr. How many of those Iravj lads will lie in a liritish sol.her'M grave, far away from home and friend i, with no loving mother's tears to drop on the sod which covers them, no gcutle siller's hand lo keep green their grave, no stone to mark the spot where they lie As fliese thoughts were pjssuij,' within me the ship be- gran to m iv, , und as if by prearrange-, and almoa* simultaneously with tlie lirst stroke of the engines, U.e voice of evti* mi- of those on biaid broke fortli wild, "Wait till the clojdi roll by, Jennie." I ctnnot describe my feelings ac that inoin.-nt. 'Twas thtu tiiat the aninnr uf my yoiuti swulled wi'.hiu m.-. How I I for youth and health, how I wish, d I could only be one of tli.-ir nmuber. Thus I .-'.i'.l )!ilo<)iiisiiig as the vessel steamed majestically down the MPisey, bearing ilioae brave follows from their native land, and from the homes tu winch mtu; of tliem would never return ( To be continued ) (' KuMiorclal nprtinents iu t'anft'la. then visit . very- thiug tharaoKhly. K wo fail mot tboronxh. coiujil* t. i i a. . , >, aud exten- Mlvu count of tudy : the bct collvce premlce* ill tho bant an t ii.o complete au,] m<t luit- ablo furniture aii>t i| liiancol. we will itire o fall ooane Flu... r'or Annual Aiuiuauce meat giving full particular* .free, FOR FRESH I {.ui; mas, I ,i -II It )I1S, I-'lon r. 1 and I ' W.BARNHGUSE A IK'lAI, ,ix years have pasted aw\ 1 |> ,i :.! I... in my old h i. i i!i.' |'i. T lii -i I nl St. llfht-r hiiih.'i. ! \Vlml clum^i-i liiVf tiikt n place in I tint tiini- ! How many d my old f.'iin ,i'|. liuvr lit in Cilllrd II|>.MI In l,i\ down tli. ir :n in*, in H.nrc' it. llnit filiii \ i, 'li ; mill . fill, li !l. It i , IHI or I will In- nimpi'ili-d to iuii'1' i , too. "MfiUftito moii ! ' I. ft us t\ iimine our knapsacks ami unr kil be niH delirifiit. May our itrcitK nts hi- f.iiiinl rlt^;i ami (.111 .11 miiiir In I'^ht I. I ii try In Imvt ull uKi !, i uti 'I I- mil i d I llhl.'l sin < I, tllttt WU lll'l\ I L;ir,it inn tfi i'i!l i 1 ill, mill itc- i\,- 11 in, i i;l. >i i. ni.-, i fwutl fioin the ('omiiiander of c. Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrible Ooufrh. No Roit Night nor Day. Given up by Doctors. A LIFEfSAVED BY TAKING In tlic iimnlli of August. |,.iil'.y for the I'.-neiit of my l.e:ilt'u. and pailly fiom a de.-.iiv to s e ti". only survivin ; l.roilier, whom I hud not HI rii for t'lirty }i.n-. I i .Ivr.l n, luy^iititive Innd. Siiilin^ friini Qiieluc mi Ilie 24ili Ani;iii*t, 1 uiiivid at hiveiptiol mi ilie L'ud Hc|>ieinn t r. On l-unlilii; I RAW A si.;'nl \v!,ioli it vived all my vonllifiil HI dour. Tlion- f>and of |'i'o|'le wi re i\s.seiublnl on tho Inn Inu', wavui',' handkeic' and enMfing a reglmcui i>f suldins' who had junt rmhaikt .1 for the S.inilan. As I stootl on the landing I on tho.-e bruvo fellown in the ' itiutoimn, with 'ioynl blue' faoiugs and while hohneutp, I thought j to myself, how many of tho. i- en^ thusiattio ftllowt will fall dii the scorchiu^ nandj of Airica, w ith Avrn'O AYERo PECTORAL Serer*! years ago. 1 caught t sever* cold, attended with K terrlMo couch that allowed me no ir^t. ei'.lior d.iy or nlt,ht. Tl:e doc- t"r^. MttT w.nklni! < lV1 'f n1 < 1 to tho best of their uUUty, pnn>iincrtl my case hnplti, and said they could tlo no more for me. A friend, learning of my trouble, lent mo a bottle of Ayer'i ( li<>n>, which I to tnke. Bud \"ry '> ' w; " Cr'aHy i I I'.y tli l;me Iliad used Ilio whole 1'i'lllp, 1 was roinj>lel.'lyriirr<l. Ihi>veneTr Imd much of a mugh sliu-o that time, and I firmly believe thnt Ayer's .Cherry IVotorat Ted my llfe."-W. U. WARD, t QiUmby AM'., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT WORLD S FAIR. Aytr't IHllf the Ihit family 1' pUlCKVII l.L AND DURHAM KT* Dnrliaui tg leave* t'le-ihertnn Station at T.lj am. lutnuii 4 I'". i Wo loavvii tliu nk'iie plare at iv!..i", returnluc i . Kaic to ('[,.-, i ill,, aud vturn..V) 0*111 ' for return. 7\u ilnjilu fir>- I.IY.M* i tleu. Oi ilort iua> IMI Irft at Ithtr howl. A. OWBN SOUND, ONTAHIO, I The Very PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A TlioiOQjk losiosss Education, Take a Round Trip ColloR and C. A. FLKMINC..' Frinrl|il. ROLLER MILLS Are now cotoplet and arc run i: ing regular. CHOPHG l3 i: LOXJCKS A BIG RUN -ON- ' Fim and Slipi >*rs AIM) Hen's Plow Boots I "U FALL WKAll Sel'.iug away down in price for a time. If you want Uirx*ms in these line* nciw i> iliu turn- 'iiem. Tliis IN h gvnuine vain nt low prices. Repairing Promptly Dons as Usual Jos. Smith - F/esherton PHOTOS! PHOTOS! Tf yuu :> .p the FLESH LRTOH PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, |.ii' nrk U t r I't.r ity urU. ."Onii; t.l'. .'TV. ui- in all uiptly and neatly ili>U. Mis, Buta SyleahiD St. 5o,ooo Ibs. WOOL WANTED AT Tli: Woollen Mills ('IT which the h will T "t in ! in !| kil ... ' illrii ! IIMI. . ">, full vl ..tli, I.U.,ki- aud all kiiitli of y:irns, i-to. Will In- promptly uttuiiiii'd (> in *''chiM. S|. ii, :iinii, nil CM Ji nt;, wea- in,-, fullin :, ilyt-n-x, . :. I A CUU John Nuhn, Prop. FORjSALE r>ux*i&a>m Stock. Tli.>rnnj(lil>roil l);ii!i-ui sale. hull c(\lvf from ten to i\te*n uinnlli . "i-.l. Sit yearling lirifera, l\-rms,-l'J Months U

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