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Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1895, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANC1 D. McTavish KEEPS ON HAND airs For Masey-Harrw, and Noxon, Flenry and Wilkinson farm implements. Floury and Verity plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for i ho name. We manufacture Wagons. Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special- attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. A Soft Thing if When you are. driving ii always enjoyable. Our 1m. aru easy and pleasant tu rid>. in, nr;illy Hniihed. itroiii; and durable, ('nil and examine our Movk. CarU and deino on eiy terin*. Paining, ti iciininn; Hud liii'Hhing dmie order. I claim to n-ll as durable and g.xid a vehicle a* there is on tbe market. R. T. WHITTEN. J When tbe 'Nerve Centres Need Nutrition. A Wonderful Recovery, Illustrating the Quick Response of a Depleted Nerve System to a Treatment Which Replenishes Exhausted Nerve Forces. \ IR. FRANK r.ATKR, BF.UI.IV, OXT. . Farhnp* you know Lira? In Water loo ho i known ai one of the most jiop'i Ur and ausceacf ul boiincas mr>n of that cntcrprwlng t-i-.Tn. . Aa manap;- iii';<!X9L-utatof the KuntzeU.te, lieu at tli bend of a vast buainets, repro- uiintii:^ an investment of many thoua- I of tlolUrg, and known to many piKiple throughout the Provinca. (i finnnci.klly, Mr. Frank lUuor alio hwi the good fortune of enjoying solid good heulth, and if appearance* indicate anything, it is aafe to predict that there'* n full half century of u'livnlife still i.he.wt for him. But iti 01. ly K few months sinca, while nurse-tl aa an invalid at the M*. .i.-i'.a anniury rotort, when his fru-ndB in Waterloo were dim;iyed with a report that ho wa at the point uf rli-Tiih. ...:rfi' no tflli'ig whcro I would liavaLf*.! I kept on th.''i!il ti.-a S" hii(l Mr. linurr, v, ith a merry Ii. tlso other day, whiln rocountini; \-.'i > ^ as a vry nick < Mt ClnTneiii," ho continued,'" ws l.Uit n.urt in my cae. K r nmntlis pm\ ions J bad been utterinc; Lndecrihablo tottun-. 1 Ite^.tn v/ith n 1-m o* "<1 h l l plen ntfjlita. i, ni thi! trouble kept growi wa getting wcalCT, and lix'n; losing Ceah (\hd Btreni{th rapidly. My sti.nmch refai!(l tu nitain food of any Kind. Durint? nil tliii time I WHI Uiul<r medical tre.ntin.itlt, anil took >very thing preBc.ribod, hut without relief. Jmtabout whim my condition scorned most hopeless, I hoard of a wonderful euro ell'.-ctd in a case somewhat similar to mine, by the Great South American Norvi no Youic, and i finally tried that. On the. first day of its uo I lx>!*nn to feel that U WRS dning whit no other medicuM h'id done. The first dose relieved thn diHtress completely, llrfore nicht I actually f'lt hungry and ate with H:I Appetite such as I hod not known for months. 1 begun to pick, up in Strength with surprisin-; rapidity, slept well nixtita, and bulnn- 1 knew it I was CAting three iqu.irc meals regularly cvury day, with as much rrlish as ever. I hnvo no liOHit.-ition whatever in onying that tlin Soutli ean Ni-rvino Tonic CUM-I! nn> ull other romedics faili-il. I eooypred mv <>1<1 v.-cilif over 200 pnnnd ana never felt better in my lifo.' 1 Mr. Frank Bauer's experience! i that of all others who have uaod tl.e S.mtli Ainericftn Mehviuo Tonic. Its : uneous action in n li<-ving dis- tri-Kg and pniu ii duo to thn dinvt ell'cct of tlii* great remedy upon tin) nerve cnfftre*, whose fi',.;vl \itility in rncr^'ir."*! insUntly by tlu> very first It in u grr.'it, a womlroiM cure for all nervous diseases, a* well nn ion iiiul ilv'-pfpi. It ROTS to thn real nourco of trouble tlirft, and thoslok alwaya feel its nm^-l lous sustain"!? and rostorutivo power t. once, on tb very lirt dy of its The Old Recruting Sergeant. UEMINISCENCE8 OF MIUTAUY LIFK. . Written for Th* Advance by " Old &>l'.i>r." PAMT III. 8 u rejoou Major F- inftn iiu-il of John's heroic deed hast cm il to examine hia wouud which he I English lieioinif, and her staff of having been nnraei, who It- ft their lioniou to attend the sick and wugnded in thu Crimea. Many * prayer was ottered up for thofce pronounced to be more scrioni than I brave nurser, many a tongue biensi J lie at first anticipated, but the brave j the name of Florence Nigiuingitlu.and old warrior is his broad Yorkshire none wore more luu<l in their dmlt-ct i xclaiUH d : Its uowl. Ah sal be all reel in a umh daas. Ah hopes tlioo weant send to HcnUii ; ah sud nk ta Sabastopol coom tumbling doon, and ah end like la 'ave a hontt i the tumbling o't " My hia\e fellow," replied the you have tliM day pel form- ed a. i.iiblo and gallant deed, a deed \\li.fii caiinut tail to be rt-wardid. Well may it corded and England 1" of such gallant soldiers, well may your regimeut be proud of such a heip." ir, dcant mention it. Ah 'as di-an nowt but my ilimty. uowt but Wot a uwt tu dae. Only keep umh here and ah sal be satistieil ; ah'l soou be all reel." His desire wai gratified ; his brave spirit, coupled with a strong consti- tution, soon enabled him to be con- valescent, and in a short litre, though nut fully recovered, he was again at his post, and iti the trenches bt-fore of these heroines than Joh.i, for by their assiduous caie and :ht; ineicy r,f Providence, John fully ri covered and lived many yeaiB iu peucclul c:ijoy- mint of a wi II merited (-fusion. At dnylu:!,l 0:1 the lifth of N'.iveu- her, lh. r >rt, il. M. truoj) ship, I'igent, wan s.,-ii lyiug al anchor la tlie roads off Elizabeth Cuttle, Jersey. A de- tachment, of draft, of OJIR .-ul>iill( rn, two sergeants un.i lit'ly rauk and file, were parading within Furl Regent for their ladt inspection in that impugnable fortress OWEX SOUND, ONTARIO, N '1 he Very iientt PLACB IN CANAL) \ TO OKT A Business EJuutiu, a Round Trip a?, r pi.i p. jvious to ein- kation to join the -service ompaii- of the regiment in the Wi>t Imiic; The inspection tnded, the comwaud- ing officer nddi t-s^cd a few words of fatherly advice to the men, who were all young soldiers, most of whom had been on foreign service. At last the command was given : "Komi fuii!.-, right, right wheel, quick niurch," and that draft of young soldiers, Lead- ed by the drum ana lifo banJMJf the For tbit dee.l of valor ' battalion, marched out of the fort to at lukerman he was awarded the annuity medal for mcritoions conduct in the field. Inkermau, like Water- too, will ever he a ltd letter day in the hearts and minds of the descend ants of tbose brave patriots who fell on that memorable fifth of November. It is ur.ncctssiry to dwell on the hardships endured by our troops, the following winter. The story has o I'll n been told by better peus than mine, neither can I in detail runnier ate the many adventures iu which the tune of "Thu girt 1 It-It behind me." The comrades they were hav- ing behind them crowded on the ram- parts, cheering and waving their Ust adieus. As that detachment crossed the drawbridge* aud were wending their way down the hill to the pier, on the left of the tirst sction of fours was seen a young lance corporal. 13y his Bide was a line, able-looking sol- dier, a giant compared with the cor- poral, who boro the rank of color ser- geant. His left breast glittered with our worthy subject took a prominent medals, aud the reader cannot fail to part. No matter where ho was. hi ther at the KetUn, the Malukoff, or in the trenches, he was i.e\v known to tlmcli, but was always found al hid post, no matter how great the danger. \Ve will then pass over that dreary winter and hasten on to the last act of that bloody drama The iHtli September, 1855, opened with teriirie cannonading from onr forces on that Huesiun stronghold, hi-batitopol. Kcinfoi cements had ar- rived from England during the nun- in, r, and every regiment was anxious to add another honor to its colors. 'iS'iili double fury did the Un-snui but- tfi u s in S< burtop'il v.nnit forth their deudly sl.owerb of hhot and shell, and with a doubled dc!ri munition did our batteries i tply. Tlie troops i mergi ,1 from the t.riiohcM, a liritish cheer iri.t ihc air, they advanced, a breach was made. Again the voice of the Yorkshire hero was heard urging on bin < lit IIUI'M rs : 'Think ul Alma, huls ; think of Alma." They respond- i ,1 with a clii er. Hut what thru hup 1 , in ,1 ; whit ciin.-, d that sudden but ii'inp, iniry P.IUK- to seize thoso udvuiie- mg tii, naiiit is ? 1 1 was a murderous sliril that had iiillen a few paces in it tin in. Il biirM. .-.i-n'.ti i ing its lecogni/u the form of thii ttubjuct of in y narrative. The two appeared to be very clone and intimate hie nil*, lor they appeared to see nothing, tu nothing uii'.Mile of their conversation until they arrived at tin.' pier, where, they stood with cla.spid hands, the corporal was icinmjcj to get aboard the tender wmcli at once steamed out of the harbor of .->.. ll i- iers aud conveyed those men to the troop ship. The color sergeant could be seen on the pier-head waving his shako as long us ho was disc-equable. The corporal was on Uie deck of the tender waving a while handkerc'm f in response, aud although tinted at iht piohpecU of being wuh the colors of hid rvgiiiu nt, yet his cunnlou:'.!!!:,' expressed regret at parting from his high!,)' esU'i mud .11. >1 worthy ootnrtdc. The hist pit cu of IL '.i nuri'ly aboard, when the anchor \v, i ;lu .1, unl the good ship, Urgent, started on her voyage lo the tropical west, to the land of sugar cane un.i;ina. While the men were ii .veum ; tli,-ir sea kits this young corporal was stau I ing on the leek oblivious to what was going on around linn, anxiously watch- lug '.lit- fa .-I 1,'ceding shon.-d of the beautiful httlc isiitnd of Jersey, aud ( To It di'uliny con;, iiu in , \, ry du-ec> thinking i t the plevaUt hours hu had luin. A i-phutri stnu-k John in the | "I' 1 '" 1 ' ; h his buive uld c.iinraiio and l.i,.i t. nnluiig a glmmly wotint 1 . U,. ' wondering whether he would ever was cum. eofmfety. Hisl 1 "" 1 \\itbhimagain. 15nt we sUll tri'uin \\.is lust lUiwing limn l.i-. . iniingleil b.o,iy. He was h ft im- cnnsclous in i'liaii;e of the inrihcal iMi'iidants. Hild he fought his hist buiile ? The botbhardiutot still eon- tiimcd bin the tutmy's guns lni-.itn, ri'gulur. fvniie of then butteries luiilii-en Mlenccd, many of th'ir i. inilcd. they I'.utish cheer of pr r f n'- l.v NVni. II f'hn Aclvii|i:c \vtll !><' yiviMi from now until 1 Jan., m!>7. for Only .^1. imnt, Onr in fin try u.Uanctil, " wdo. wakmit lli<> .. u|i.iiii ;in,l tlit' r ni.-n.i ,, I'.'ii.'.'it .it Uarkdale (h,-l,l t.y <'it./m.s' Huiul) i.ii 'ij_u i-vi'iiui::. Oil I li return tup <MioT ni-ii' Ml lie null nil, i the ditch, iir nf 11, Drum, in '. I'lir I..H-M-, lui.'Ui!\, 'itoi>k pfi-l\-cil> Mill, ociipants ,,( ilio nilinr rig l.i-ii'i t r cr4li 1111,1 liuir.i.l lii^k I.. In Ip .. nii.v.! \ tii'iivy tliuinliTst.,1 in, win, h :l r.l-'ll.' .1( (lit) MIIII-,'.l to tll III.- |iK- iftiiii i.i'M <>( tlie \<i: ..u>n. 1'. v ilnrU llit it ws imp. . _. t -t 'In! ng (. l>if t.'ii'l ifl.'iu ill.' al. I ..f i .am, so a , ,.,i;.l. ..t l!u . - ltd utl !i fi.r fr. .'iTl III I'.illlH'.'ti.ill, nllJ lliti'l It lt'lli;ll, .siicccciipd. Tin* only [lurai'ii vr!i I'.iiii .1 t.. I,.- IT. \ti'ii .. - Knu r ui, \nit Ilio I'XI.-i e.uild ma b 1 ancvrt iti ui>d until ^ 1 |^J.^!l^'rt^lM V.':. I (tin, iti'rldi'lit I'd iklmir. luilf i ii.iY i)i..\,. the breach, nothrr was Inniil nbcve the caution and the roll of The I'm, in Jack wus on the walls of ilm' once ,1, - hut now Innnli'.id, fortrcRS. r u l(>ng and duterinin- .ul 1'illri'. The cheers wliii-h now refit t'i>' ;iir Meiiieil t.i l.-ive i, \i\i-d our I'eni. win) \\.i-; h. :if.l t'.iiiitly ID i X'-l inn. Ahj.oa'l it. .1.1 nu.l it. ah noinl ixli'i 1 live to ^r, 1 Si lust.ipoi riiuiii Inuibling doon. Ah can dee Inippy noo." lint did h, ,1 kind iiadei, not yet. lie was tonJi-rly fo -., b > ""'i-'-H"'"'"'').^ , wllt . n VM a,,,,,,,,,. , hill ,, MtnewillowUhi I j, . in ihe j w , M , lo Jtib. brokw. wfc,|. tkj l.'omi.ior'UI U*v' - tbin'j' f It w - fa.. iaoi (bo-nu^li, oouipU-tti, fir^cticat RII.I .-xtai. fcivt couf >f *t i-l\ : th b.--i Ablef uruiiui 11 i \on full mnt,givla((ull prtieuln frar. a I'.iitish iii'iny : ur.i'whoM un'm- \> , never forgotten, but alvvnys ho. in song. Win n on the (unroll . -.,-i\ nun, who couUl king, ai.d t usy IIIHII I"" who rould not .-ing, tlid Ins lic~l to , ' lioii'ir tlnit inline by joining in the n'lirr ,'L'ru|ui>its , f th;. 11 wriv tl>u \>vt sosaoiBufii ilioK-' collection of bruifc, in- ui'i-i- pi,K-i:ivd litTuaiiil tii pi., i'. ili'il ,>n tl.rir limiit :ii',l jmiriuv, Kiiiorsnii thw and iwii ,-r ihreei.f tin, i III..IMIU:; :.: Kll'illlTti'll . N.'llo ,.|, Hnxtnns t.i K,I iliixiii{|i tin ,'M,'i'ii'4iin Slii'lliuili,' Kiou. ninst. Wr I! .. ... h.vl t\>" );!.< rr i 'U-d anO anot hi-r Kfiirlfinait * cut ulKHit th head. Itntli rtinni-<l t,. tlion h.uin-1 the full, iiK' iluy m.ii All. Ki.n'i'4,,11 in (til in bed at hi* home under the d'ictor'i AH bouyr to tbat greatest of all oar*. C. A. I'- Principal. , my, let voui botiti never full, For wu'r ol,ord by tl, pnueiio* of IUMnhtiuglu, ' ROLLER MILLS Aii- c'jinplot and are i regular. CHOPPING - US ' I>. LOUCK3. A BIG RUN ua H' Fine Boot ^ Slippers Hen's Plow Boots I <>U FALL WKAR Sl',iuK iiwuy down in price fur a tiara. If yuu want bargaiua in ihete line* n, iw ii thi lime :<iKvcuru tUcm. Thiit is k genuine *al< Mt low prici>$. Repairing Pnnptly Dons as Usual Jos. Smith - Flsslierton PHOTOS! PHOTOS! If you ph. it ox taki-n <> to Uie FLLSHiRTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, wlii-ri- iiotliin^ lint t -' ! > rk H tin ni'.'i "Ut. mi, I ;!! lnwi'i limn charged for city ,>rk. Citrvfni attention yivou i,> c,i|,yni(< iithiT pietim-. !. i pliot.n ,\ I*ic-tn*o in all ii br.inchvs prumjitly nd ueatly d.ilie. His, Urn Sytotaa St, 5o,ooo Ibs. WOOL WANTED \T THE Mills FIT whW-h the hi^lif- 1 i!t un in nr trail- in 'l kn. woiilloa or union tiood* iuch u n>- .Uniu-ll*. full rlt-tli, H.uiUU und U- Uiu.l . .if yarn*, i Ic. CUSTOM WORK Will ! pii.inptly ntlei.dod t'i in all in lnii ,!,,*. Spinning, r.ill cuiiling, woft\- _;. d\ . IIIVL' l\s A CALL. John Nuhn, Prop.

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