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Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1895, p. 5

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THI FLISHIRTON ADT1JICI Office oi GEO. MITCHELL FLEMHERfON Agomral banking b jir<ut transacted Draft* l"lli >n.: t at K. Ill rale*. alwayiarailttiUfor l> K una|t InlMiwM ntfi'i . :-c O3jce to tlCKirJ uui th of Kic,,ir:- aou A; Co'. Vicinity Chips. Characteristic-, of tin- Past W U ('artfully < ulird for the runout untie** among /<K-U/J // 6e :</ nf rt r.if' '.f' 7'V jtfr lint fir m>:A iiurtiOH. .1 rahtfitMt Kill be on eoHtntett fr 1'ri lit** or oter. Any quantity of fresh burned lime for ale. H. Beat, Fi. -.!..-iton. ExcuUinr Life Inturance Co., ]>resi- i.-ht and managing director, ex-mayor Clark, Toronto. Mr. li-o. Ltnm-r of Eugenia hot a I i-ur the other day. The animal at viry fat C all is^elburne barber shop* ware dmcd for a week owi.iK t<> an outbreak of whit i* known as b.irber's itch. The'Ese -Isiur L'f 11 the popular I i!' . 1:1 tirev county. It i* not excelled hy any other comp-iny doing business in Canada. I'. M !> .i.iM ha< opened his new J.i'v, \Vrijjht old stand. for businem, a-n! will ''- |.li-iff.l to t-n't-rtaiii .ill visit- at the fair. ai>l tlie jul/u- in general. ..rl lir.i *l i chared i , i . - i will, inu counter _feit coins. Seventeen weie found OM lua person h-n arr Th<* oM Traynor irr: luiil at Dundalk was I. iru-'-l Lit civ. nupiiosed tt> baTebeen incendiary. A Ur.-u pile of telegraph - and a freight car were also coos urn- ed. Mr - wart !.as had thi* year the tint".' tielil "f corn we havertvvn, compris- ing atniut nine aer<-. It ha< been cut Iff re reaching the nbued state for use luring the wmt. r. Avi-r s tUraaparilla i not a aecrot pro- vnniti.>ii. Am > have the formula on application Tlic secret if iu sucec.oa a a niedicuu- lie in its extra- . .pi ntry power t-. c ea:ix? the bK"nl of iini>nriii- and cu -ei lie moat de< p-aeated catur of U-x-d d The Royal Scarlet Chapter of the dis- trict of ArtfintJM will o|K-K in the Orange Hall, Markdale, ..n Monday, Oct. 14'h at 8 p ni. Candidate* for exv ;.VM-C annul. .losi-jiti (iiis-m, E. C. in C., .1. A. Uodds, scr.lw. "Fur Ttr." sayn C.ipt. C Mueller. "1 have relied mor u[- Pills than any; 1 ing ela in tin- iiii'.!u-ine c):< e my bowol>, and thoxe of the hip't crtw. Theie pilU are not nevrre in their acliou. but do tlu-'.r work thor- oughly." _ The editor "ami bike" have n reived from i he ipMiial secn-tAry of iilenelj; agricultural society a complimentary ticket for the fir ;\' V -.ii-l -J TinnU-. .<ii |.ol a^f of \\ vill try to jji-t there, wu.<l (in the tire) wiMlli Romenilwr the hrrf h .me festival in connrc'iuu with the Preabyterun cn- ^rciration at Eufonia, t r-e he'd in the . II ill .'ii the e>enin^ of Thursday. tin- HrdCo oUT. !>*!': Tea will U-tetT d from ! to eight o'c'ock, to be followed l'_v addreueefioiu rari'<uK]iker, music. v-i al ami instrumental ; readings, recita- tions, club swinging, etc. The public may rely upon this beinL', as in form, r years, a first cl.v entertainment. A'l "ore cordially invited. Adinissiou adult* JJnv each, children 15c. each. A change hat) taken i'! <> this week in lie Railroad hotel at Fliuhert. n Station Mr. Beitx goea to Durham where he takes clian.'e of the Central hotel, which Mr t'uirm has vacated. We believe both men to K- amoinc the best caterers to the public to be found in tlrs county, and trust their change* in l-uineK will mutu ally add to tbeir pr^peri'v. Mr. Cainis kept the Cmwn hotel in Pric*ville. a few years ago and waa known to the public it gMiiiaf. careful host who made the wel- fare of hu eueats his solo aim in life, and *iul we feel surv I.e has not changed f. r the worse in this reapect. Mrs Jim. Stafford, 4th met with a svrre accident on S iturl ;y event IT bv lioinit upset in a bu.-cy on the hoise^li. e hill just ea> of this village. Mr*. Staf- ford r.i dririni; and the horse became nninanagea' 1 . Mi-s Hnnnah St^ft T.l and a lilfle *>n of Mr. Jo. Ottewell were with herat the time, but white Mrs. Staf- ford was severely stunned the others came tf unscathed, although the top and back <-f the buscy wore ti>rn off. Mrs Staf- ford was driven home and all dsy Sunday *t>d Mondsv she remained in in uru-' -ti- ns comiit :>.u. bur Dr. Carter, who in .I'endini; her, thu>N she wil) come .ir-'iind all rij-ht in a few <Jys. Tenders (or ShingHnjt. 'IVnJers wanted f' r the work of rn- shingling thv Flesherton Methodnt diurch. Tenders t be in not later than Oct 1, 18P3. For particular* anpy to CLAYTON . Hot Dinner. The lidirs of tl.e Mcth<iUt church lie mkin<< irple proviaimi to aceotnmx- dale a large crt>w<l in the Town Hall *n the laot day of the fair. A i;ood hot din- ner will be gien for '25 cents and supper for 15 cents. Cash forOld Stamps. Will pay from one cent to one lUrs ear h for old cancelled Canadian atan-pa iiwued previous to 1970. Some I . > Stamps *!*> hae hiiih va'ue*. Luok over j-'.ur old lf:'i.T and bnna or send them (with envelp*K> if pnasiWe) to this ^n-J gel cash for them. They ruuit l.u 111 !/ i condition. K.^ht and aixcent stamp of the present issue ilsu purchae<l by the 100. Church Notes. Rer. Mr. Ball'our of Eugenia <<- upied the Mftlnxlist pulpit on Suuday ev L -niiiK, Uev. Mr. Mahan takioj his Eiigunia appointment. Rev. Mr. Ba!f'>ur will ;>rrached in the M< thodist church on Sunday morning next and I'c. Mr. Humphries of the New England circuit in the evening. Bit Fruit Mr. W. C. Tatker brought in on Fri- day two t. mat.** weighing two pound* and one aud a half pounds respectively. At the same time he brought along four potatuoa of the White Elephant variety, the combined weight of which was six pounds fourteen ounce*. Mr. Parker said theM potatoes were not picked, but fair samples of ' yield. They are <mor- mou tuhern and w.-uld make an Irwh- ~ eye twinkle. If there i anything better in the country let m hear of it. A Painful Accident. Mr. .Us. H. I., v or .,f the east back line with a painful accident ..n Sit urday while threshing at Mr. Th. m-u Whitteii'i. Mr. Lever's machine is a steamer, aiul in the win, I of S.-tturday much difficulty was exfwnenced in keep i: the large belt on the pulle>s. On one occasion when it came off Mr. Lever w. -truck on the and * stoouich with the lx-lr, and the ir.-n oliich splicts lh rehiiri. 'i hts side and br-'ktt one rib. Dr. Carter was called ..lit at first that the liver was touched, but this proved, happily, m.t to be the cise. The |.tient was ren t'i his own hou.e .n Jl, ii'Uy, where, under Dr Caiter'- care, i: is expected that he will s< n U) aruund again. Harvest Home at The M.-t!io.list harvest home festival held at Eugenia on Monday evenini; wan a tpost unqualified success in every way. Tea waa seiTed in the Oranire Hall and the pr-anun given in the church. Tl.ere wat l-ir-* audience, the church heiaii til!' ' >''li'i* *'' rt pl'titiful in. I of rim- '|uality. including chicken it il r. at tarkey. The p..ikers of the evening were R--r. Mr. Wvts, wh.i was 'In- highly esteemed |,astiT at Euzenia lew y.v- . I: Vr M:khin and "ir. Mr. M. Richardson. i'f Flesher t ni, prenide.l over the meeting in his usual gracefLl mannrr, and Flealierton Imnd added largely to the pleasure i-f the iitf by rendvring several pieces in cxi-elie! t !>!-. T;.e pi'ienU .imounled t i the handaoine um i A Big Entertainment. 'Ihere will U amusement Klor.< at the East Grey fall fair to ' e ' and to morrow, Thund.iy and Friday, _t;;h and L'Ttii Among the brilliant A'- tnctioi-s secureil for ihe aftenv-on o c Friday are the Cirahaiu Brv.s., cele'.mr ,i wire p t formers : and MM< Maria \\ . '.n. a noted variety dsncer. Tt e e will aNo r-e \n in'eresiin.' bi.-yi-U- :aee f r which there an> a nun U-i For the c- -no-eft in the eioiunK very I class tJil-nt has bocn engagiHl, vi/.., Vr (irenvii'.e I*. reader and iinper- -r. and J M l!\.m. 1011-1 <inger . it is fully expected, i 1 make up one of the Tcry be*l days "f siH<rt ant pleasure ever k Id in FlesherU>n. Tin- securin;- of tins talent entnl^s enorm u expense, but tin- Directorate are bound to give tl e people full value for tl.e r money, aud the public miy rely on havirg disappointuienra. The weather ha* .very apjieara-ice of continuing tine, an I ahou'ld this be the case a very large and happv crowd may be expected in towp, for o'hich there is ampl-) sec. lumodation. ('.me early ami sj it all. Mi -e starred a fire in the Dun llk st i- ti-in a week ai;o Sunday while -\errbi-dy was at church. The Hern!.' says ?hureh. were nev. r emptied more quickly. The tire was exttn-uis'ied without much dam- age having been done. Lift your hat reverently when y > the tea"i-h>r of the primaiy achtxils, saja an exchange. She is the c-.d angel .f the Col. nr. She takes the 1 ttle bant linif. frv-h from the home nesf, and firl of h.s p<iuts ami passion* - an ungovern able little wretch, whwe own mother ad mi's she sends him to scl oul to get ri.l pi hi-.-. T. : young My takes a wl.cle car- load of these anarchists, half of whom single-handed and alone *r* more than a match for both their par. nt, and at one* puts them in the way uf becoming useful and upnijht cituwns. At what ejtpooav i.. patience, toil and soul weatines* ? Hers it the moat responsible posiiion in the whole sch.K)!. and if her salary werw ,1, .ubleU -she would ytt wrie she PERSONALS. Dr. 8proule, M. P., waa in town on Saturday. Mr. Tlj').nis l/mg of CoiliBgwood and T..r. .ntoisa director of the Kxcelan r Life. Mr. A. J. Chisholm, diatrict a^ent of the Excelsior Life, was in town last week. Mr. and MM. J. W. Armstrong return- ed on Saturday evening from viairiag friends in London and Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Reid of Homing's Mill* vuited rvlalivee in Flmhertou on Sun- day. Mr. W. Irwiu, principal of our public school, and Miss Fitcheil of Detroit spent Saturday and Sunday with the former's parents al lleathcote. Mrs. Snodden and daughter, who have been vMitiiii the formers sister, Mrs. P. Holniau, ha^e returned to their home in Mara. Mrs. D. Taylor of Owen Sound i visit- ing her mother, Mrs. George McKnzie. who has been very ill. Miss White of Mai.illa is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Heard. MIHS LitUe of Teeswater was the guest of Mrs. R. Pedlar last week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Blackburn, Cree- more. visiteJ the former's brother, Mr. Jos Blackburn, here, and other relatives iu this vicinity this week.. Mis* Welwood of Meaford is the puest of Mr. Thorp Wright. Miss Polly of Horning 1 * Mills is a guest at tb* Me'hodiSt parsonage. Fall Pairs. Eaat iJrey, FleshtrMi . S-pt. 26 27 Proton, Dundalk Oot 10-11 AnemeMa, Pricetulc <>ct. 8-9 (Jleiu-lg. Markdale ..Oct. 1-2 N . Simcoe, at Staynt r. .. Oct 3 and 4 Uaprvy, Feversham Oct. 3 Arthur Shannon of Cullingwooi raark- year 1300 baskets of plums at (We. per basket. Yuur horse* I ret from flie by gettuig the ma net of leath- er. By so V..'j will aav* mner. Yrur homes are not so apt to run away wbeu tbej an not irritatr.l by the flies, COMBS AND BRUSHES Of th* best kinds, that will sssist TOU Kivatly in krpuig your horses luuk- iafsuek. ...... H '. O,iitin*nt. Hr irness 8->p, -'i. an I rveiyibing that will pre- serve y.iut hainess. Binder Whips Bin I^i Whips, an.l Whir* of- - l. i prlO'S the name All - :'. an-i heavy barnew. KILL Prupriftor Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AVERS A MEDICINE V.7THOIT AN EQUAL. Statement of a Wo't Knowa Doctor '<n;xiri'.:.i 1; nlthort nn n .1 i-io."l-;-urii>r .i;nl Sjwing mtUciiie, aaJ . muot have praise enough. 1 hare wa Itt c3.*t3 In chroulo cases, where kssla.rnt iros or no avail, ami lu beeir astoaMhcd at the results. No other blood r : I !. i-viTU*el, and Ihave i nil. U 90 thorough la Its action, -i I eltorts !>o ma- j permanent cures as Sur-vapartUo." Dr. il. F. Ai.-f.uta, lie. * ^ IP ) t\ >ii ?K?, Ayers^Sarsapanlla II t lOn in ' * .at - . i _ . _*. _ k i _ ^a_ A(Snlttd at tho World's Fair. Oot . . . The Best . . . For Your Money We are now offering a well selected assortment of Ladies' and firnt*' j Kine Foot wear in i xf. rds, Balmoral and Button B*t-t and Slij also the heavier grades winch we are offering at bottom Prices notwith- standing the recent rise in price of boots and leather. Call and give us a trial. Custom Work anil Repairing attended to promptly at C'l.A VTOX'S T. Hill Wishes to Announce TLat he has uow in stock for the fall trade a laige si ek of Plain and Fancy Dress Goods Suitable for all classes of people. A nice assortment of Mantles, Ger- man make, beautiful fitting garments. Don't fail to get one. For Gentlemen's sailings, snperior in quality and pattern. Also fiue Worsted Coating and Trousering*. OVERCOATS : M-.-u's. Youths' and Boys' at close prices. CAPS : We can gire you caps for 10 cents and upwards. One car load of Salt on hand. One ease of Lacon sweekand nice. Call and see na. Your custom solicited. T. Hill Flesherton Have you seen 04. R If in". see one We gui crats. Buggies, etc., turned i at iu be-t style aad finish D. Blair Eclipse" Cart? | iraa^sw yom will he tilsjasul with ir. \\ .urons.Dvuio- B lerton. jl Flesherton Jflantles tfnjvxn: $ Now that the f.iil season is a^rain here we wi-h to ca!l yonr atteutior.s to manjr lines that one and all must buj to hive health and comfort. \Yehaveimpottoil a large number of lines in Ladif s M ur.le. These gouds consist of the latest designs on the market. Having bought them riijht w.i ari' nrepared to sell tLem right. The puces are far below the prices of las: year. W cannot be under- sold in thtse goo-is. Do not buy until you have provtn winch is the cheaper place, Flesherton or Dundalk. I \it r Store Calhoun's \ruxnAruTJiAru\ruuvriru- 3 JVLTLTt furniture I>AV o. B ttr 3 aj ' n Every dar a busy one. aud yet we ar* offering some very special inducements iu Plush I'avlor Suit.'*, and an exceptionally tiue assort- ment of parlor sitting rjoiu o,ld piee in pliwli. ra^. silk ramie and other coverings. Centre Tables at vert low puces iu soad oak as also iu walnut and antique finish. Our line of Dtniujj liooin Fnrnitare WAS never more complete w- iog a large variety ot d -si^ns iu Extension wel. as Fall Leaf and Side Table. 'Otw new pattern Dining clmirs ar at once cheap, comfortable and pressing to the eye. A special Hue of pictures and picture frames at slar^hter piic Also some vety pretiy \N nidow Shades and Curtain Poles to b cleared oat at cost. <H.r uuaerUking department is as uusual fiist class, aud prices well ask those w have served^ J . Furn ture Dealer

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