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Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1895, p. 3

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PRACTILAL FARMING. What Is a Day's Flowing- While catting a furrow 9 inch** wide th* plowman walkt jnttsboatelevtn miles while be is turning over an acrs that is with- out reckoning tht journey from the stable to tbe field and back /in. It it one of th. advantage! of long rie.di that the time occupied in turning at the endt it to much lett than on tnorter itretchet and fields. In plowing ao acre 352 yardt long, cutting* a y-ioch furrow, th* man goet twenty-seven and a half times round, and turns on the headland fifty-rive limes. If we allow one minute tor turning, the time thus occupied is equal to fifty-Ufa minutes, or tsy an hour's work ths hardest of ths day, too. This would be in a paddock of tie. t of average length, being 16 chains lonrf. When s fitld is * chains 179 yards long, the numbtr of turning! it doubled, and Ibe amounl of hard work and time absorbed is one hour and fifty minutes. In a field 5j chaini long (117 ytrdsj a not ucutual length the plowman turns 165 times in order to out through an acre with t 9-inch furrow, and allowing a minute For each turning, two and three-quarter hours are occupied in that operatiou, Tht p.ow spice to tin good, Heady work vanet from ont and a half to two milee par hour. Applying these figures to the eleven miles wslkad in plowing aa acre, at the rat. of one and a oaif iriie* u hour, lakes seven and ont-eighta hoars. With a 10- inch furrow then is one mile less of walk ing, which may be computed a* half an hour to thres-quariert, according tothee.t mat- of travelling pace. With a I "-men farrow on light land, when ins furrows ars 3o- yards long, from six to s*-*n hour* ar< occupied per acre, at th* ordinary pace ol two miles per hour. Tnus, in inert fialusa great amount of txtra work become* n tary and lime it loet in turning. So an acre may require eight or nine hour* Plowt catting a double furrow or three or four or more furruwafat the tame lime may be estimated on the tame line*. Symmetry In Live Stock. A correspondent asks whs! is meant by ths sxpression, "symmetry in live stock.' The meaning is -inch th* same a* when the word it appntd to other thingi ; tnat is, th* animals to which it is sppliad have aa orderly, well proportioned arrangement ol their parts. A cow with on* horn much largtr than tht other i* not symmetrical lhat point. An animal may hav* a goo<i point ao largsly developed at to mar ihs symmetry. Wt remember a cow of a beet breed, shown at s leading fair, with such a remarkable development of the loin at to stem almost deformed. Shs received ihe fint prise. Some criticism was mads. An excellent judge of cattle de- fended the sward on ihs ground thai ths loin was ons of trie must important points in a beef animal and that even excessive development here was to be pre- ferred to greater symmetry. Manyanimalt ar* every way useful, but wt speak c: .hem fourth of an acrs. It it best to use plenty ol teed rather than too little. Sow the seed before the middle of September, and the rams will carry it down, as wall as allow sufficient time for the young grass to make bsadway bsfors winter. The Weed Crop. Weeds require closer watching now than at any other time, as they ar. producing teed. If one is seen any where pull it out ever let th* seed mature. Tht mower can 10 pood servios in 6eldt,but tht hoe should M used to clean out tht fence corners. Notes. Nons bat a careful and level-headed per- son should break in a heifer to milk. A roung cow is often spoiled by impaiisnt or ioint*llig*nt handling. Warmth, moistur* and similar condition! alwayt favor th. activity of bott the ripen- ing and decaying forces in fruit ; frait Isft on the tree begins to decay immediately. The art of preserving la la ssparaling from th* tree and placing it under condition when these forces cease to act. Uet th* butter away from th* sir ss soon as possible after packing, and keep it as c-ol as can bs until going to mrkt. The small pails snd parchment paper are so cheap that it can be packed solidly, snd the consumer nas a chance to get ths butter THE HOnE System In Housekeeping. One must confeas U) s fsllow feeling for the little girl who did not like to vitit where they slways had timee for things, and yet that it U very dssirabU to have tytteoz in th* household, goet without aying. But no wist housekeeper w... make system s Maloch to which the com- fort and convenience of tne whole family must be sacrificed. Aa experienced housekeeper knows that it is impossible to rsgulate houeehold affairs by a set ef fixed rul*t wttnout ttriously interfering with th* freedom and pltssur* of home Lfs. Th* cn*ipec;ed is always ture to htppen, and a wise housewifs will make h*r tyitem ao fleiiole aa to b* able to conform without Mriont met. on to th* unlooked-for emergencies of social ufe, and be prepared for frequent interruptions; else ail the pleasure an i sweetness of ths liltie surprises ef Qomt and social lift an polled by ear inability to adapt ouratlvee to tn* exigencies of dally life. The sbillty of tns housekeeper to conform easily and cneerfaily to any hills change in her household plans goes far to make or mar tne comfort ef tne household. It it a hard l*asun for a systematic housekeeper to learn, mis setting atidt of our own p. ins. and entering heartily sad cheerfully into others tbst rise up and the line, tae eofvag* will, when dry, be straight ea<i ustwrinkled'. II taoU CSOUM are folded and hang with 'woeodt puiocd to the line, they will be tirsight and ready to iron without first tnuning them. TOMBSTONE RHYMES. lailaares ef s*vaBkae*t Whleh Seees ao a*t Pe.aee.ee1 lae Tillage Poeli It u common to tay that maker* of the gravestone* have UtUe regard for the truth : " monumental liart," they are sometime* calUd. But tnougn the good tide of the departed Is generally and properly emphasized, shore are many instance! in wnich a spirit of frankness seems to have possessed the village poets, whose services are so mueh in demand am Every Bone In my body acted ua the dreeJfal which fi.l!o4 a seven cold. Mr suffer- ing* were awful. I coeJtl not drest myself or oesnst my tiajr. My butbaae 1 had to carry ms P * down suin. I * ar eiy ant* to oorse my Unto one. Witht two weekt after I Hood't 1 fell Shortly I wu able walk up and down i without help and finally I w.. cr4. My friend* thought I WM Mr*. J. Blackburn gutnc fob* a cripple but thanks to Cod for his bleuing o Bood't Sana. aarUla. 1 now enioy nod BLAil-BCJUf. Lower Flv MRS. J. Nova scot Hood's Plli should b* in *ry uouaUoU. fresh for ths table as long ss it lasts. Cement and board floort are excellent, but tney may serve a. harboring places fsr oaearioiiy into otn.rt mat rise up snu ,,,.. ptuM rat.. An txc.ll.nt plan ,. to firtt .xcavat, j f r " * -- -c--f | " ofa J^w. th* place when the Lor is to b. ana l ~ d ' ti -- "' Bom - *>' ' half-inch win netting uuderneelh.fastooi- ! , tb * ' Bom f h 1 '* -- tbs also, and then relorn ths earth. I ll ' P'"-" *><! oomlortatle. which will keep rats out. Nervousness and vicioutnett an eagsn' dsred la the ill-treated cow, and are transmitted to the offspring. Tbe mon docile the cow, the more art nor energies likely te be devoted to ihs dairyman's interests. Ws can not be too watchful over irresponsible help, who hesitate* not to beat, hurry er frighten the cows. Ths bulky foods which can be grown successfully upon in*tarin have no superior a* feed for ihe dairy -corn, oats, clovsr hay and plenty of silage. Results from ihs thought concentrated fowls can not equal the results wbieh do these mon easily digeeted foods. "Forcing" a cow does injury to her digestive organt, and it decidedly not profitaoU in the long ran. Recipes. HackUberry Pudding. Take one pint o molastst, one teatpoouful each of ginger mortuary occasions. Win n rf * _ rat"**' Ins Vermont cemetery, according to a> 11111111 Sis**'''' 1 ex soge, an* may read the following 1 1 W Va oJ 1 epitaph, wnion certainly does not err on ths Ads of flattery : Her* lie* In silBt clay Mia* Arabella Young, Who. on tbe -l-t of M*j. Began to hold her tongue. And h*r* is a, nsvsr before in print, ef s curiously timiltr import : Here He* the bod- at Hannah Tbarber. n. * she talked .tnd none could curb her ; Three husbands had she. ail are dead. They died ot earache, to 'Us said. In the same rural cemetery when this last onttpokon spitspo is :ond. visitors to tmiis at th* iagenuo-u er whose enaoge ot mood in the concluding couplet was perhape quite unintentional : In msmoT-v of Susaa Glovsr. My wife mot trie and kind ; TboOKii I thould marry ten times over. Her like I shall not Una. A WONDERFUL REMEDY. A Young Lady In Elgin County Telia How It Saved Her Life. The Case Ra*le4 the Fa-allj * a a* e slave II tp Belter Cesse When es stasl aisseel e Health icala Grammatical corrections is perhape toe Prom the TUsonbnrg Ooerv*r. Mr. J. W. Kennedy, who reside* en th* to conosssion of ths township of Baynam, it ons of ihs most mpected tarm.r* in tn* townsnip. K*c*ntly an observer repreeea- tauv* visited bit bom* for to. purpose ef learning the particular! ef the recovery ef cloves, and .inoamoo . on* teaspoonful o ! Mstrs and rnym* an hard taskmsstors, much to as. of ths unprofessional mus*. '' <J*Ue<^-. Miss. Alice Kennedy, from m "' ud tB( , me , I0 4 a dissolved in on* and wnil. a r "i *>** uisnrvtvw* tu uuw i . . _-. cupful of water. Add on. 4 uart of buckle- i tn ' n T h ;l ilno l ^ Phoned berrie., and flour to tn.contitt.ncy a littls too muok, el that vsry a , nan is intent upon minding ' L>r - * "-lams fin* Fiila, a.'ter moaioal most to be pardoned for using *iance nad failed. Miss Kennedy now wall- PERSONAL POINTERS et soft gingerbread. T*rn into a buttered pudding, and bake boar. Sauce On* half cupful of batter, OBO eupf ul of sugar and one egg beaten together to a frjth. Just before serving add a cupful of boiling milk, autm.g to taste. Hucklsberry Cake. (ream together half a cupful of batter ead OB cupful o, sugar, add ons large cupful of tweet milk t.'.re* cupful* of flour, salt and two tea- u*ing coo'tnient article known aa poetic license. In a (ull like the following, therefore, we may praise the smoothness of the verse rather than laugh at tbe rdggedness ot ths grammaiioal contu action : Pant*, good friend, and drop a tear, The boar of John Prat: it her*. Think of the dr when you will be Under the sod . dep as m*. presents in* appearance of a nea.:by and activ* young woman of twenly, and bean no'-.en of having pasted through an ill-is* Welch baffled tn* doctors k:... I"* th* reporter Miss Kennedy said that in ths autumn of l*y.'i to* was taken ill ana a phynciaa was ca..*d in. Despite a i the doctor did for her tne continued te grow worse. She *uf*r*d from **v*n headaches, became very pal., rapid. y lost flesh, and her limbs wen cold and swol- len. Sue tuffend great pain and ""*"* p,.,i, .r ii,- *-.,!. >pr<(Ml m t ina r low - ^ Md ^ kt m . Cnarles M. Foulke, a resident of V\ atn- moderate oven. Serve not with butter for ington, is believed to nave the finest ( luacuecn, or with a liquid sauce for det- oollection of tapestry in the world. : sort. James Deal, DOW the landlord of the' Huckleberry Tea Case It is sasily Frino* lieorr.* holei, Stoneaous*. England. mjk<v ^j %dord . , p.^^t varisty for ;hs summer t*a-iabi*. Take a piece of butter the nze of an egg, en* cupful of lugar, two gg*. two-thirds of s cupful W milk, and . two scant copfals of dour, siftsd witn a heaping tsaspoonful ot baking powi.r. Add a cupful of berrie*. floured, and bak* in a rainer uuick oven. Serve warm. It at plain looking, or rough, or coarse, doien t'eoil, a daughter of the Marqnn of Again, w* may fault an animal because, ; Salisbury, is ths author of "Tns Curs* of while each part may be good, w instate lively feel that some are not proportion to other*. in proper We may say of a horse lhat it has s wll formed head, oul thst this is too large for the body ; that wno is 92 yean eld, is said to be the oldest sitor in the world. Sir William Veraon Harcourtis said to have been converted to ttrictty tecnperanc* v.-wt through tne influence of hi* wif., a daughter of John Lathrop Motley, tn* American historian. U it currently reported that Lady Gwen- 14 t>*.t baked IB mums pans. Hucklsbtrry Fritters. Sift ,. ~ | ^^ lateilect," a story thai has siciteu than ordinary interest. Princess Pauline Mttrnich, neice The amateur poet is troubled not only by tbe trammsis of metre and rhyme, bul by the narrow tpace in which he is oohged to n wat w tn much dirhcuiiy ins oould work. Il is imposiibls to say svsrytning < movs about, and would sometime* ii* for in four lines, and at a oonte^uence muon noun in a half stupor. At isst tns doctor must be left to ihe understanding of ihe , oouni ao notning mure for n*r, and the reader. So it wai. n* doubt, with th* ' family ask-d hit adv.cs as te her using Dr. Wiaiams' Pink Pills. He said he was el ths opinion tnat tnsy would not heip ner. In spile of tnit adverse opinion, however, she determined to give tnem s trial, and 1 before tn. first box wss finished tbe wisdom of ths decisiui wss made manifest. Aa improvement was noticed and with joy Miss Ksnucdy continued taking the Pink Pillt until tne had used lourtem boxes, wb.n snefeit :nai she was comp.eisly cared. Sae nss not tsksn any since tne eariy turn m-r. and has not nsl any recurnuci oi nor old trouble, and sever fell better in ner life. Indeed Mis* Kennedy says tnat a* a author of tn* following Beneith this SUBS lies William Bert. In the river he wit* drowned: A quail came up. hit boat His body was never found, i A CAREFUL HOUSEWIFE. A leaden Wessaa Elaaeraie * efface of r Hesse Ifmia.i Plllace. A eorretpon lent writet to the New York Sun at follows . Vly wifs's motnsr lives ef . in th. outskirts of London, and itebeolutely result of tn* Pink Pill treatment she has together certain that ail th. unemployed ol tnat . 4 ^ ^ ^ ( _ A . norl llm three cupful* ot flour, one teaspoonful of grt ^, city ,.. ^ b ni m whenever they I after .he Degan the use of tn. Pink Pilis salt, on. taoleepoenfi fa c nanc*,and pillage her comfortable ths doctor wno had aitenaw nr h*apmg teaspoons, of baking powd.r. Add , , ^ M ^j WM mac ^ . urpriied 4t ln . lm . two weli.o.-t* .ggs. on* pint of *w-t | horn*. . . ln . * ^ .. the famous Ambaesador to Pan*, and th* mllc .,] half a pint of berries. In baking each window ef the ground floor and base. . ', p.-f p. ' . h . ; ..-* .-., LIB Pr>in...iu V'svillinis Aim tsVl f*_ VltaA i. IJ._ ...LT a. II __J 1 **-^s *U mVJU . I II thst this is too large for the body ; lhat it | mor , famout Princess t'aulm., hit wifs, has bavs tht griddi* very hot, turn quickly, hat excellent legs, but they ar* too short j utt nsads n*r fint apptaranc* at a violimtt ^aj , rT , , t OBe- wlta |i qttl d aauce. in comparison with the body. Such an 4t charity concert at Manenbad. She is animal may b* nteful in a high dsgre. but only 1 o yean old. it it not tym metrical. tn transformation bv an meant to continue Mist NenneJy'i t'.stemen'i w- re Mgnor Niculmi, th* hutband of Mm*. Adtliua Paui, has purchased ths celebrat- Look to the Seeds. *} "^i" 6 " ^" r ' r '- Tloiui ' or . t ^ tu " of $7.7^>. The instrument, which he nas Prof. Galloway says of tht influence of ' rechritisnsd "The Petit," accompanies him Ills and weight of seed on Ihs growth of on all nit journ.).. ths plaut : Ths large ssed germinates, Mrs. Thomas Blizzard, of McDonald's ,* , i_ll .2 -Ifcliwil VIS--B . !**> LikWtsu-fvi w w s-nt-B-B-nas-s-mi ' - btrrie* open the window the bells first ring and eonobont . , by n4r ( . th . r Md .,.;.,. both ,.;. tnen fall to tbe ground with a hideous oj w|)olll %i , ,. cre<ilt (or n . r ,.. ...A-!r A j&in't lr na^k b*a*mnt .f.w>r .. ... < t._ ._ n n_ more quickly, with mon certamly and produce* markttable plantt sooner than tht (mall, while th* more uniform growth gives a larger rrop to be brought in together, thus prac'ically clearing tbe laud at once. With large and small seed sown I'oint, N. B., has just celebraied her lU4lh birtnday. Her cnild, who wat i rc.eui at the galhering in honor ol tne ra-nt is a bell, the tpring being wedged w . I mn IV between the upper and U>w-r^i*. a . If yoo. , ,. UM Cannsd Huckleberries Put the over a slow fire, stir constantly, and , bring th* wnoie mats to tn. scalding point, clatur. Against tr. back basement door j lqu< recO y, r - ^ D r . W: iiams Pink Pill*. Then pack in (lass Jan, taking oar. that tteudt tha il*piaddar,and balanced on that ' ^ Williams' Pink Pills ar. *pevia iy ach is perfectly ful.,**l tighlly while hot, I l* 'rg tin nsh bonsr. Against th. front kluabi . to wom . n . lh,y ouild up in* blood, basement door stands tns ironing ooerd. rMtor . lh) . ^4 . riJ ic*te thos* aad mgsniously hung OB thisan tbs kitchen lrouolM wnion m ke ,. \ tnt ut to many scales Ths ladder or board weald tall at women oia ,, _ OUBg> , burden. l> z/ a touch. On th. extr.m. edge of the p.i plutloB o< d,. heart, nervous h.adach. yul i to They are al-o a and put away in a dark place. They will keep perfectly until wanted. Of courte.m using them, one adds sugar in discretion In using tnem for the huckleberry pudding, tne recipe !or wnich is given above, they should be drained of all juice. Do not be kitcnen table ttandt the kitchen looont p.j plt . Ilo . o tn . h rt . It a basket containing I M( f n . rvou . proilrm . lon and kniv.* and forna I thu wond . rfu ^ m . ai% . lB ,. vent, is SI year, old; the oxt7S, the next color will be normal again when tne pudding 77. and the youugeet o3 W. S. Scrattoo, wno own* th* Independ- ence mine ot Cripple Creek, Col., it a logeiherand maturing at diJer-nt tin,*.. car ^ Bt . r by lnd ^ T hr^ yean ago n. sither th. ua, of a portion of <h. land must J, j , rom Co i or . d o Sprio/t to Crippl. be lost mhil. waiting for a portion of ihe , irnn to h4>nm m.turo.i nr tkf ,.*.-* ~t .... v , alarmed if th^v turn th* batt*r gr**n. Tn* On th* n*w*l poet, as you nach tns ground lp . ciatf , a^,, of looomotor auna.part al floor, is a larg* pot coot* nmg plant., and T; a0> S[ Vl , a , ,, . clm ,,ea. balanced acroee it is h*r 1st* hut band '. rB . u matism. tb*aft*r *0-cts of can., a ponderou. atfair ot maiacca,wtth an u ,, np * .^ ! ,. lh . y ,(f. c( . r . , ivory crook handle ; if t fell it would .lid* j cnr . ,^ a CM ., , ri ., B(l Irom O .. rwork . mental worry, or exce-i it baked. crop to become matured or that part of the crop must b sacrificsJ. By using large, selected seed 85 to 90 per cent, of in* crop can be brought in together. Wh-n it is desirable that crope sriould mature in order, it i* better to have a succession of sowings, using selected seeds for each. It is a waste of time snd material to use other than Ihs best oi seeds. Little Helps tn the Kitchen. Tbsn are many lulls thingt practised by different hoaie-keepen that, in them- selves, seem email and .almo*t too insignificant to mention, yet in th* aggregate A'Uniral Lej.uue was 7H yean old. Sheep for Mutton. Ths mutton breeds of iheep grow so rap. idlv compared wuh scrubs ss lo almost surprise ihoss who have not used thm. Such breeds aa the Oxford Downt, Shrop- shire! ami Hampshire Downt will gain tome 12 ounces to t pound a day th* fint year, if forced by h^h feeding. It hat' - J >>Pl>n III., who hal been warned been demoo.trai-d .y ac-.usl tests that ol the numerical super.omy of the -erman lambs can be mad* to attain ll* pounds , ""** r -"* 1 ''ef'T ou lh* advantage* of livewo.fht when 100 day* old. aud mdi * <-'h^pot r. He a. an slemsnt in hit vidual r"m., f*.l for the purpose of gaming I f - o " r - Tne un , WM . lon - H." ^"^ . ..." * I t__ .UK I 1 VK r4 Bn.1 IttlAr fnp tn^ L^etOi rirte. instance o; thirty miles, in crder to save th* fan, which amounted to ?4. NOW he has an income of ll/JuO.OU) a year. 1'ne late Rear-Admiral Lejeune, of '.be French navy, began ma caner al tea at a common teaman. He w at one of the crew of the Dumont d'Urvule'* Attroiabe when 11 tailed around the world. On the return of i ne expedition he nceived niscommission, and then the Crimean w^ afforded an " U ' d ff from ' " ' the 4- " opportunity ior rspi-i promotion. At the and ths hollow tin tube thue mad* was they amount to a gnat deal, and for the and placing iwo old-fashioned watchman's benefit of ojr numerous readers w. give a few helpful hints that have come to us from the experience of many a housewife In one kitchrn the top and bottom was all down tne kitchen stairs. When theee < mn ^ w or , IC .., o f -y nature, ihing. are nxed, ana a cnair with some Th r . ^jj OB , 1B boxet, ;ht trade mark china ornamentt. once the property of her n ,i W rapper printed <n red in., a -n s husbands first wifs balanced against '"'.. bo- or six boxss for * ' .VI and my n* front door, she put, on her night cap of the | hfcd of druggl . u or d.nct by mail Imm L)r. vmtagof 1 .3.1, a most formidab,* aflair, ; \ V ,|i 14m .' M,.l, cin , Company, Brock ville. rattlrl, a l>raas candle stick tnuffert and extiugu shers, to throw down stairs al ins first alarm, beside her bed, she says her i ray*r* tnd turnt in to tleep peacefully, at lat so my wite says. There it an Old World thoroughness aboot all this carried out in all her method;, and the only thing left foi me to do wat to emigrate, which I On;., or Scneuictady, N. V. GRAINS Of GOLD. time of hit death, which occurred recently, slipped over the cburn dasher, resting upon did six months after I wss made the hap- the churn lid, tnut most effectually pie M. Chattepot. ihe inventor of tne fam- ntin( . tn . cr , %ln IrO m splashing out when - out rifle used by tho French in ihoir war the went to town a with Germany, nat recently been discover- ^'"K *"* ni1 lnt > ion B0 looking like a count e.1 at Nice, where he it keeping a hotel, muss whaievtr to be cleaned up wneu the way to St. Paul't C. at much a* possible, havt readied S70 ! for tn i; rt - wul '"* r lor , 1 }"' pounds when 1 year oM. hitut. t at the CVntenuii weighed 423 pound*. A ram was t\- oial Kxpotition that Hi* name was foimeriy on every tongue, c nuraing wan dons. Wn.n smoothing dour mio milk er watsr to :* used in thickening, if it i* briskly beattn with a fork, then smoothed niih tb* back of a spoon to rub out any lump* that may rmin. it can b* got nady in lee* than one-half the time necewsry whon M. Bartnelemy Saint Huaire was 90 a t ouly u <t To rub rt , )Ur lnto years old on August -<>, and is still v.gorous batt , r> Mt in* b ter near th* fir- until in innd and boly. H* r*mem^n-r^ N*!< <leon I. tliree lini** nrst m March, lt|4, juit before the arrival nf th* ail *i arm ei ; th* second time m Marcfl. 1M.\ at a review, when a cavalry officer, per- ceiving th* effort* of th* boy of ten yar* old to get a glimpse of the Emperor, lean- ed down and lifted him on to hit horse't and th* thirl tun* on tn* terrace of but not melted. th*n with f?rk No Two Farms Alike It is not always advisable to adopt the ystemt pursued by a neighbor, a* thcie is s wide in eoiln, and farm* at. ot alike. Tht independent farmer, whoi nec < aims to branch out iuto soin. thing better < the Tuileries. cannot wail. Us must lead, and thusi The French-Canadians an a, hardy race learn by prctical skperienc* lh. melhods ' and one u not surprised to learn that Mrs. bett for hi. farm Small ploit for expert- J NJ ry Ann Busli.wJM) has just died lu N .vi menial purposes shouM be used every ysar j Mien., is ot that nationality. Shs wat 112, as a portion of tht routine work on svery ' >ran old, according to the 6. urea, which farm, and they will tout save time and are said to be ac.-urate. She wss the labor. oldest person in Michigan. Mrt. Bum was born at Montreal on June .'.';, l~v.. After going to the United Statce she mar- ried Francis Bush st Albany, N. Y., Her iat* hejshsM Improving the Lawn. Ths lawu may receive tome attention for Its renewal now. Mow it and scratch it over with a sharp rake. Then tow a mil- tare of I pound blue grass, 3 pounds whiu it can be tttily and quickly smoothed. In usiug, osl) a little oi the fuller should be put In a: a time, and all carefully stirred to tnat the dour doe* not bccoai* lumpy. V any a housekeeper doe* not ate tn egg beai.r very often on account of th* trouble it is to c eau :t. out it, jutt a* soor at it has been use i, it to tot into s deep vessel con- laiuing p.eiuy of water the egg on it will not iiani.ii, ami when one i ready to clean all iht is rcce*iy is lo whirl t' a few | time, in th water, "dab"at it a littl. with a w pin.: cloth, -nd lay it on in. back of tl.e siove to dry anl it is easily and quickly done. A knife or secticn from a wurn-out mowing maciuiie tickle makes a mosl ex- j > .MII toraper to us* in tr.e kr.chen, its | dilTerent points and tnijicn titling in .iui easily sctaiing whsre nothing elss will reach. A clam shell is nioe to use for Talent it * cittern : geama, a fountain W nipple, Strikmj mtnner* an bad manuert. Robert Hall. P Ts. '-Horgottc mention ihst last Urn. H JP~- d th *'"'. a-ud*.,,.- genilemanly stranger. M - th ' w "" r y- .-ountry panon.afk*d her the 1 love prudence very li atnedral and abstracted moral. -Jouberi. her purse from her handbag during the Neceeeiiy reforms th* poor, and satiety conversation. the rich. Tacitua. \\ i-dom and goodness lo I he vile seem vile. Shsketprtn. No peact wa. ever won from fate by ub erlu^v. Ki.sK n. Reckon any matter of trill to thee among v ^aiii-. T. Adam. On- Dome^tic Economy. Brown.! understand your wife is i saver, ttpecialiy on little thing* * i You bet sh. it. Wnv if -i * dan ltat n-' r a' icle that will last her a 1 f >'im, at 11 lee for a quarter, tbe alwayt Ity a . { u .1 ir; *> worth in uroer 10 .>e in* Ready and Willing. He Will you marry me* She Certainly. Me Tnankt. I wat afraid you wen go- inn to tay it wat too tudden. She It couldn't be. great tix-aki th* of the poeu whicii i* i: of ssi everlaaiiug now. Soi, Mutic wan* away from ..<? tcui dun ol everyday ir* Auercacn. The unarl- >( : .- :-y nearly re**n bie etch oin*r. ' . .l.lsui.'h. As th* A -we u t. so II faun <* "if K -uod works. W: a'ely. clover and 1 pound timothy s*d on ou- j beJaida whtie be died. at the age of IS. Her iat* Kad become a Freemason at New Amtier dam a century ago. She wat th* ol.lett i,-rainnn tne round*.! boitom* of pots and Matont w.dow in the world. Fivegvnera- k'-i'Ks. lion* were pr.-iit al ah* old woman's, When meets an put vo dry. if th-y are ifolasd and bwtb selvttte edges p.uued to twenty-five DUNNS BAKING POWDER i \" -i MI i IN rt\Ait. \Vi ai iletMny teudt, bear ' \Ynoevt 1 p-rseveret will be crowre i H' rder. U'e can do more gocd by being good than in any other way. Ko-iitnd Hill. Au hoiiet man it able to i;<eait fur himreif, wtien a ki.ave is DO:. Suskee- ar*. i-ivr me health and a day, and 1 will n. a. e riuicuioui tn* pomp ol Emperor*. Kuierton. Tn* be*t way to mike our poverty re t*ctab <> ' lo eem never to t t --l it as an .VI,. Kovee. Be no: fatirlisr with the .'** ol wrong, 'or sin >n faccy mothers niauv *n ugly act. Theoiore Parker.

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