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Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1895, p. 2

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CURHEIfTi NOTES. What it popularly known a* the "Meycle rait" ha* been charged with all tern of crime* and mii'lemeanor*. Toliacoo dealer! declare it ha* canted a falling *ff la th* enumpuoa ef aigart, liquor dealer* are tgainat it becauae a man dlltd with tangle foot cannot pedal a wheel, and even the elothlng dealer* aver that the britk trad* U tweaUri and knickeruockari U at th* xient* of a trade in ttyhth *uit and faahionabl* neckwear that it more profit- able. Indeed, the only dealer* that appear te have profited by the whethng craze are the dealer* in -hewtuj gum and arnica. Ike lateet and loudett grievance, how- ever, oome* in the (hep* of a wail of dii- ere** from th* piano manufacturer*. It It Utned that, Initead ef aoquirinf tbe art wf atenbly manipulating the ivoriet and pedal* of toe tuneful piano, the girl of the ried 1* olmglug with a teoaciou* grip to the handle-bar of a wbel and pedaling through th* park* and boulevard*. Th* neighborhood* where th* wa* wont te flagellate th* peaceful atnotphere with her TrilHy caroling* and thump the key- board ef the ancient inttrumenl of tortnre with her trip-hammer touch now know her o more. She it tailing over th* roa<lt Ilk* th* wind, aud :f you are quick with the eye yon may oateb a glimpti oi her a* the boot* pact yoi like a land flaeb in red bloomer* and quickly beoomet a bright oar- mine tpot eitainit the diitant horizon. We do not know jutt why the ihonld give op th* piano for th* wheel. Surety here it jutt a* mnoh long txpanaioo and muioular development in th* piano a* in t he wheel. Of oourte, the wheel hat the advantage of taking her eat door* in the Ireeh air, and yet a new air on a piane ha* been known to drive a great many people eat ef door*. Hot the pull teem determined te ride a wheel instead of a piano (tool and w* tee no bop* for the pitno maker* un!*M they will build a piano that >.> >> attach"! I* a bicycle and one that will play ittelf, fer the bicycle girl 1* too tired to play a piano, and, batidea, the * too uuty. TIE NEWS II 1 IUTSHZLL THE VIRT LATEST FROM ALL OTII THK WORLtt e ikeei *)*r*wa (irr, "' ii.i.. t*M faMt Met**, < All r.n. .1 Mi* ut.k*. <-..-.... . J AMMt<l fer BAIF gUeeUn* O4MADA. The new electric itreet railway t Leo- don hat b*o formally opened far traffic. Cept. Smith wet eentencied to on* day ID jail at Hamilton for rubbing a oorn field. Th* wallpaper factory of \Vat*on,Fo*ter t Co., of Montreal, wai damaged to th* zUnt of tlO.OOO by fir*. A London cider- ma*r It charged with Tiolaliog the liquor lawt by too much aloohol in bit older. Sir Jobn Schultx will, it it reported, b* appointed a member ol the Alaeka Boundary Commniinn. John Orelg, formerly a pretrinenl con- tractor of Uamiltou, trud to haoc bimielf in the police cell* of that oity. Ham ! torn detective* have di*o*v*r*d a p ant operated by boy* where lead pipe, tux, tupp .tod to be ttolto, wa* melted down fer (ale. Five tailon of the men-of-war in Quebec harbor were captured while attempting to deeeru Tbry were plaoed on board th* Cre:*ut, in iron*. By a vote of n t*) on* the town of Wouditook, N. B., ha* decided to reduce the Town Council from ten u> in, Mid aboluhed election* by ward*. A larg* party of Uninet* traveller*, inoluding about SO wum*o, paued through Ottawa, Mutt of them will attend the cotton tip mtiou in Georgia. Th* Hamilton Council ha* adopteil ite Finance Committee's report recommendin no action on the application of the X. ding ., H. CANCER BY INOCULATION. *>r <! ir.l H. llurn- lr Hh. I. rill. ,ll III. >pt>etr4 ! Have taatkl It Irunit rallral. Dr. K. I ward W. Burnett*, of New York, i* dan*erouiiy ill at hit home with oancer with which it i* tuppoMd be became in* ocult'ed while tretunga woman for caucer of the tongue. An operation wa* performed lait month by I>r. MoHurney, but no improvement wa* made, and tne oa** wa* later jiveti u> Dr. Roland D. Jonea, Dr. Joutt wa* a*ked about the oaae and aid : " It leernt to me to be a clear proof of the poetibility of communication of eancer by inoculation, and more than thv, a ca*e of mocuUtion through two people to Ltr. Burnette a* a tnird. Th* fint patient wai a man, whit* tongue wa* removed by n operation for cancer. Thi* man communicated it to a woi.ian, who hat twice undergone a tinillar op 'ration. Dr. Burnette, it aeem* prolmble, wa* inoculated in to* courte of til* treatment ( tin* woman. He i* now critically ill with oancer of the jaw and liver." In an*w*r to a i|U ition at to th* geueral opinion of doctort on th* much-ditcuated tul.jeut of inoculation by caucer, Dr. Jouei tai.l : " It bat alwayt been a teaching in the aohool* '.hat ci.ii.rr couM not be uommuni- caled, but uevrlhel*t there never wa* a doctor that watn't icared to deatn of it. Mr. John Lowe, Deputy Minuter of Agriculture, ha* b-eo (upenanuated and Mr. H. H. Smiiii. Land CommiHioner of Winnipeg, (acoeedi te the poeition. Prof. Seuntior*, of the Experimental farm, ha* returned to Ottawa from hn trip t* the \Veet. He *ayt the *rop of Manitoba ve, if any Hung, under-animal*. 1. The KOI. m tlood* powder mill at Uiuuipeg wa> fired by an uplotion and John MUII n * burn d t/> death. Anotb*r employee wai *eriou*ly injured. Frank Hike, a lad about aevtnteen year* of ag*,r**idingat 1 04 Monro*lr**t, Toronto, accidentally (hot him*elf en Tueeday afleruuon whiUt repairing a pitio , eup- pote.i to be empty. Ue i* not *ip*ctd to recover. Mr. Norman P. Macdonald who defended the murder* We. tor and Uenderenoll, wa* found dead in hi* bed at 4k Tnoma* on Monday night. Death la attributed to heart failure. The deceased wa* :birty-four yar* of ag*. Regarding th* protptci* *f Canadian trade in Auau-alia. Lommiattontr La>rk* write* to the Department of Trade ana uminrrce that the aaw mill machinery of tne colony i* out oi dace, and null *oon be replaced, lie aUo think* there i* a good market for Canadian buote and iboea. Oil i* co longer to be poured en troubled water. It i* to te tired like a th*ll from a gun. A* a wave approach** a nail fined with oil i* to be (.rucipileteii in 1U direction. The *h*li will be perforated With (mail h.. lee, *o that the eil will ran out ilowly and continue it* work fer a greater length of time than woul 1 be the Sir Artbur Sullivan realized 950,000 by hi* *'>ng, "lii* Lutt Cbor.i." Prufuator Huiny't widow hat received a civil lut pennon ol $I,O<J. One half the week Sir Uaao Holden it a vegetarian. The other naif h* it carnivor- ous. XV hen in the )>e*t of health Lord Koee- bery leldom ilrepi more than live hour* out fcipenmrnit were tried in l.ermany a year , / tw.oty. [!,,. or to ago of luoculatiOK animal* with can oer, aud tn* .iii|>iii.ility of that wai (.n.vr.l. It i. never been proved that a human being could not receive oanoer from inniher. I tii.nlc, in view of thi* cat*, that it can," SOME BULLS NOT IRISH. Th' I oiur rrem r.Hilaail, iireilnad mt t l.rwhrrr. "Hero i* an Knglnh bull," (aid Uncle l>ava Tmafraii you'll b* lat* at ' h* regain poiteiiion, by n.ean* of * writ of replevin, of hi* two *e*e of fait* teeth, which were Mixed by th* landlord a* a tecurity for th* debt. The return of Lord Salisbury to power i* riving new life t* the United Empire Trad* League. The league i* i**uing a manifetlo, itating thai the campaign I* to b* (taxied in favor of inter- Imperial preferential trade a* endorsed by tbe Ottawa Intrromiiu ai 3*nferenue. An attempt U being made in England to check Canadian competition in the chew* trade. Tbe North brituh Agnoultoriit allegee that a oontiderable proportion of the to-called full mi k ohee*e from Canada * really made from separated m:lk fattened with oleomargarine. Dr. Ba*d*cker, the Rnglitn priion phil" anthropiat, i* about 10 it art, at 73, on hit third million to the Siberian mine* and convict aettlimente. He ha* authority from th* Intpeotor-General of Ruuian Priinn*, nd will viiit betide* th* Central Peniien- tari** at Toraik, Kra*nojar*k, Y*kut*k, and Vujuitk. A New York mmeralogitt, William Kiven, had a rare luck recently in finding teveral thouiand oryilaii of xeootime and monazite, worth at lean 91 apiece, in the txcavai'ont fcr the Harlem tpvedway. Hundred* of thoutand* more went into tne Harlem river with the blaiting out of the rock. ime i* a pboiphat*, and on* I the chief element* in monazit* i* thorium. liotli of the mineral* are rare, and interesting to the *tud*nt. According to th* commercial lummary the week th* trade tit nation in the United State* doe* not chow much altera- tion, a* depreetien in one direction i* offiet by encouraging account* from another quarter. In the South and the South- West there haa been a pronounced improvement while in the central Waal a ilackne** in dry good* and other *ra*ouable line* i* rather premature, while tow price* are reported a* generally prevailing. In the South the autumn trade it taid to b* open- ing up very favourably, and in Jacksonville, | Auguna, and Atlanta bu*me*t it generally improving and a feeling of incieaied con- ' fideuve existi. An improvement it reported in the iron aud hardware trade*. party,' tall an ol I lady to her itylnh grtii'i lauiib'er, who replied. 'Oh, no, <l**r griii. 1m. . don't you know that in our faih- loneliie let noliody ever goet to a party till veryiiody it tiiere.' "Tli S . i. h produce lome v*ry good! built, alto. Two.Scotchmen were .litouivuK th* relative merit* of church yardt and ceineieriet, when one of them boldly ei* prette.l hit tvereion to th* latter in thli manner: 'I'd rather no .lee ava (at all) be burled in (ton a place.' To which kit companion retorted: 'W**>l, if I'm pared in lit* and health, I'll gang naewher* all*. ' "Here are tome otheri: A minuter in Arran I* taut to hav* mad* th* following announcement from hit pulpit: 'My fri*n.|| thtre will be no Lord'i day here nit Sab- bath : It'* th**aarament over at Kilmory, and I'll be then-.' A I'aiiley g> They > the crop of peach brandy in South W. it MIIIOUM will i<eai th* record in it year. New Jertey ha* more mile* ot improved road* lhan any olhei itate in ihe Union. She i* alto uoted for the it not juilio* with which her lawt are administered. Or. MoCnntock, ot th* Univenity of Michigan, ha* been making expeumeou with heu'i eirgi, and find* that n.any of them are tnfeeied with deadly bacteria. The St. Alhtn'i (Vt.) oreamrry handle* the milk product >.f 20,000 cowi, and th dally output of butter during the tummer nionlhi rum from I'J.tNm to 1W,000 poundt. An order of the court ha* been leaued ap|K>miing a receiver lor George A. Sala, i.'- we 1 known newtuaper wnwr aud antbor. Tnere are '.wo oaaet tn the Britm peerage of twin *oo* inheriting the heir- chip. In tuch oaae* th* younger twin it heir presumptive to I be title. It it repjrted that a Britiih-Uerman leamthip tynuiuale it forming, and thai rate* for all ola**etof transatlantic bu*iuett will b* increatrd. The atw Knglith battlethip Mejvttn- ilarled on her trial trip on Tuetdty morn- ing, but ran aground on in* land* at Spithead. She wa* floated off at high tile. Several of the larger MtstichuMii* oitie* hav* increased, according to th* recently published return* of th* State An ava'ancl e from th* Alteli glac!r ha* fallen apun Ike village ef Snitalmatte. About two tquare mile* of land hav* been covered, and it ii feared that *ix prton< and thre* hundred head of cattle have periihed. It ie laid that the Japauee* have no iwaar word* in their language. Their levereit epitnct I* th* word "fellow," and the term of atrougett con iemaalion it found in the wordt "There, th*re!" Twenty-on* gun* hav* bean brought from Cherbourg and placed in the Daval araenal at Havre. They are intended in oat* of war, for th* Traniatlantic Com- pany'* ileamen Bon r h 'ogn*, Champago* and Norman. lie, wnich wruld terve a* auxiliary oruner*. IB the principal itreet* of Canton B.ay be noticed many thope where foreign pro- vition* are told entirely for Chine** cou- tumplion. Foreign wine*, especially cham- pagne, are teen on the he.v**, together with " *we*u," bitcuiU, talad ail, and pratrrved milk. The 'jerman Miniitir of Finance ha* decided to immediately convert the out- landing lour per cent, loan* into three per cent. It it reprs*ent*d that th* Government wul.i not be likely to under tike luch an operation unlett diplomat* were looking forward to a period of unbroken peice. When the Cierman Contul at Odetca andertook to oelebrat* Se Ian tha olh*rday by a |iard*n party h*appiieU to the prefect of the Government for permitilon. Tbe Prefect wrote the Minuter of the Interior, who, after coniultation with th* Minuter of Foreign Affair*, aniwered that he con- lidered tbe celebration inopportune, and permiMion wa* contequentl) refuted. DIPHTHERIA TREATMENT, THE VALUE OF ANTI-TOXINE THIS OREAD DISEASE. IN Pref. Tut Banke. of Ike I Ivr.Hy ef Humrh. Prof, t Bat-taskr, f a* lalTrr.ll? ( Berlin, and r. Bleael, of Parlt. Have tireai ralik la Ik* rruiu TrealBieaL Prof. Hermann M. Bigg*, pathologitt and director of Bacteriological Laboratory f the Health Department of New York oity, hat jntt returned home from a two mouiln' tojourn abroad. Hi* principal object in visiting Europe wa* to attend th* tiny-third annua. meeting of the Briliib Medical Aatociation, which wa* held in London during July and Augu*U " Th* mo*t inlereiti.ig d;i uttion daring th* mce'iog," taid Dr. Biggt, "wa* on Ik* mi jct of the treatment of diphtheria by anti-ioxine. Several of the moil eminent phyticianr of Knglaud and Germany took part in the diicu'iion.and theretult* which they reported following the aae of th* treatment ot ihe liteai* were limply mar- velloui. "Prof. Van Rank*, of the Univenity of Municn, reported that the morta.lty from primary diphtheria IB hi* cliuic from 1887 4*A from 4'-.2 percent, to 57 per Three Dainty Collars. The centre collar it of white batitte ; It it bordered with a row of lace miertion three-quarter* of an men wide, and edged I'MTIIi JIT ATM. M. Stanley baa arrived at Mr. Henry New York. There it talk of the reiteration on the Mittouri Puifio of the wagei of two year* o. It i* now .-laimed tn t the Connecticut pool law i* thoroughly enforced, aud that there n not a pool-room doing butiuea* in tne Sue. Calvin Wiloox, of Jewett City, Conn., i* laul :o be lh*iarg**t laud -owner in Katiern Connecricut. Hlibolding* aggregate '.',500 acre*. Police Cemniiaiioner .la*. K. Curliti, of Uuilalo, vinted Toronto lait week, and brought ba- k with him one million dollar* to be inv**'ed in loan*. Lord bholto Diu^iai, who recently married Loretta Moooey, concert ball pir, ha* decided :o local* in Lo* Angel**, Cal., wrier* h* will tn^ag* in butmeee. Initead of 5,OUO,000 boxee of orange*. which i* Honda i uiual erop, only IOU,UUU with th* tarn* at th* inner edg* cent. Since the :ommeucement ef th* icrum treatment, from .Sept. 24, 1894, to July 1, 1*>5, the mortality had been reduc- ed to 17.7 per cent The mortality had been reduced to contiderably m.-retnan one- half compared with tbe be*ty*ari, and to two-third*, compared with th* worn yeara. Prof. Van Kanke aiio itated that under th* influence of the aerum treatment,dipbtherta. lotei it* progreuiv* character, and he qav* it a* bit firm opinion that th* **rum treat- ment i* and tpecific remedy againti diphtheria. "A verv intereitmg itatement wa* that mad* by Prof. A. Hagintky. of the Univer ity of Berlin, lie **id -bat during th* tail year h* had trefen 525 diphtheria patient* with aerum. I'reviout to the in- troduction of thu form of treatment th* at th* ', mortality during th* four year* averaged outer edg* i* a ruffl* of lace four inch** j 41 Pwt. ' >y the terum treatment it . ha* been reduced to 15.6 per.-ent. Tne deep, ihaped to a point it front and back. Th* other collar* are of whit* lawn trim- Mft T terum treAin-'ot waitaid by Prof. Bagintky not only to reduce th* mortality, ' ut tn* whole condition of the child wa* improved by it. " A recent paper by Dr. Richet, of i'aria, wa* quoted during th* divcuaiion, which ttate.l that in Pan* from 1S84 o 1894 the itaileet number of death* ir."n diphtheria in fourteen day* had been thirty, while the hlgheet number htd been 145 in the tarn* pericd. There it more of the antitonne nteti in Pant today than in any other city in the world, an I the remit ha* beeu mat daring 1895 the nigneet taiture of mortality for fourteen dayt wa* twenty teven and the ioveat wa* four. No better evidence of the efficacy of th* **rnm treatment is needed to eitabhtb it* value and extend it* ate." Dr. Btggi, in taking part in theditcnt- med around th* edge* with ruffle* contain- ing two yard* and a quarter of embroidery _...,._ ., boxee will bo napped. Th*t* will oome five inobet deep, headed by two band* of ' lion, dwe.t at length an the importance of chiefly irum the Macatae region on in* mch-wid* inierlion holding a lucked band ' antitoxine in preventing the tpread of tn* diphtheria, by rendering thoee who were xpoted to th* infection immune. He aid : "In one inttitution in New York there bad been a .arge number of catet of Uu I of Mexico. It U ettnnaiid that the Carnegie Com- pany haa uoutracu on nand ai preeent tggregttiiiK almo*i 1,000,000 tont of *truc> Ural material. No order* for It ivery in lea* than tnre* month* can b* accepted. AChin***iaundryinan wa* in limn* wick, VI*., looking for a land. H* received iillle tn .luraurn,. u-, and, a* he would find it rainer looetome, conolud*4 not to fettle. Hruntwiok, to tar, haa not bad a Chiueee r*ti>l*nu tCiectrioiaiii lay the taieit plaoe of refuf e during a thunderttorm i* a trolley oar, and that no intuuc* it known of ue having been itruok by ngntuing. lb* wire* and car po.e are a far better protection that any lightning rod. la California it Ua* been found that peach ttonee burn a* well a* th* be*t coal, and give out mor* heat in proportion to weight. Tn* itouti taken out oi tne iruit that I* tinned or drimi are collected and told at the rate of $3 per ton. The oity of KooheiUr, N. Y., i* contid- eriug a propoiuion to purchat* (or the mm a*v*nty-fiv* Myer* ballot maon- between them. The nck i* finfihed with a band of intertion and a lac* frilL A TRAGEDY IN REAL LIFB. rderrd a Brelher Ixlrad ef a Mraaie-r A Branmin travelling between Chittar and Nemara wai belated in th* road, and aiked for ihelter for the night at a houee, whir* he wa* received by twoNair women. He entrusted to the elder utter a thouaand rupee* for tafe-keeping. Thu routed her cupidity, and ibduced her to propot* to her younger niter to make away with their ol ineetor utem local teotion*. Tnecumpany untuipectinK gneit and pocket the money Kiiarauteet the machine*, with all the new Tb , |fctl . rj howev*r,.tontly refuted to take improvement* lor leu ytar*. ,. part in tbe crime. Later IB the night the The late Dr. Klw^rd Ueechir on one OCC...OD .a. diumg witn fri.nd*. and h.iband of th. *M*r woman arrived on the mt.iverirnt y took a mouthful of exceed- toene, when he readily fell in with the ingly hot oonee. Immedialeiy Dtdepo.iUd propotal of hii wife. In the meanwhile :he it upon hit plate, and, tuiniug around, remarked A fool would have iwallowed A ten-foot " wind-wheel" in Nebrtika raitet 1,<IOO gallont of water dally to a height of ievnty-fiv* feel, Ihete wind- wheelt are coming more and more Into ut* In tho we*t, and it I* thought that they will have a very important (tearing on the inuuatrie* of tn* fuiure. ditciiMlng the right nl women to prtrtice ! oeniui, much mor* rapidly tiaoe 18DO than Heine, ia a letter to a niwipaper of hit I eitnrr Minneapolis or Su Paul. A portion of the pier at Moreoambv, an Kngiith watering plaoe collapeed on Tuet- day, throwing a large crowd of people into the water. Two were drownid, and a number injured. IB private life Mr. Aequlth M laid to b* impartially disagreeable to everyone he meeti, while Mr. Chamberlain'i manner* are (harming, and h* i* tha moil pleacant of hot*. Two Chinamtn of Belfait. Me., hav* paid ih poll lain* a*ett*d agaiaat them at Chinaman No. 1 and Chiuaman No, 8. They refuted to give th*tr nam** to th* aa***ori, and th* taxee were a**eea*d a* above. A man who owed hit landlord in Calait, Me., for eight week'' board, it trying to plaoe a*k*d thi* point*d quMtion: 'Why ihotild not women he frtely allowed to l*com* medical men ?' A Scotch lady wa* eyeaking itrongly to a gentleman againit. imoking, Whioh the taid mult b* very bad for tho health. 'I don't know,' said htr friend. 'Th*r*'i my lalhtr, who *mok*> 'everyday, and he i* now 70 yeart old.' 'Well, the laid, 'if he had never inviked b* might hav* bean Ho.' At a benefit In JtHini>if;>rt, many year* ago, tha play bill Itated that th* evening I tntertainm. nt WOBld finuh With an Interlude ! A Pie*- byterlan minit'er, perl inning public worthfp in a uhurrh at Kllnnurgh, one* Bied the expression .n hit prayer. 'Lord, have me- ' aini idiot. i.-l Kr i ,11 !!. i n council ol Kim younger woman, determined to avert the rnur.ler, routed ner untutpecting gueit, who wa* ileepmg in a veranda, warned him of hit danger, and locked him up in a cullum attached to the houae. Th* brother of the two women returned toward* midnight, and fatigued with hi* journey, teeing the hoaee ihut, quietly lay down and tUpt on th* mat vacated by the Brahmin. Soon after, the would-be murdrrtn, utterly unconioioui of the change ma ie in the occupant of the mat. Milled th* deeper with one blow of the ricepounder. and buried the corn** in th* dark without knowing of tnir fatal mutake.and, effacing all trace* of th* blood that waa tpill, OlSEHal. The Sultan of Moroooo i* teriouily ill. Th* I'rovmo* of Podolia, Kuatia, ha* been otiioially declared infected by cholera. Foreign Coniuli in China report an in- crease in ihe use of injection* of morphine reined to their guilty repote. a* a cure of the opium nabiu , TMI M ,, K!ll j, a Dr. ltuggr**n*. profewor of medicia* in the Brahmin wa* releated by hit fair reecu- th* Univertuv of Uh*nt, I* 90, but t*eli , and word, cannot d**cribe the .urprie* pretty welt He dnakt and tmokaa. ^.j norror , OT . ro m , th* murderer* Mr. Cecil Rhode*, the Premier f th* ! when their luppoaed victim appeared before Oape Colony, although luffermg with them and demanded the money. Dumb inouenaa, u able to attend to bit official with horror, th*y restored It to tbe Bran- dull**. mm, who gav* information to th* polio* of M-ire mountain-olimb*r* hav* been hi* intended murder. While police enquiry **riou*ly or fatally Injured in th* Alp* u.ii wa in progre**, it tran*pir*d that the leatoii than ever oefor* tn an equal length ' brother of tbeic women had mytteriouily of limn. dUappear*d. The police accordingly made A oaptiv* balloon uied In th* German lgoroo* lear.h. and inearthed the army manauvr.* at 8t*ttin burn at a "O'P** * Ue , dc' 1 . <* '< " of 800 metre*. An offlo*r fell with i *? of blood.tain at th* oorttep which too balloon and wa* a*riou*ly injured. diphtheria, 107 oat*i having occurred dur- ing the 108 dayt preceding the injection of the eermon. The antitoiine wa* then injeoted 'JOO nniti of Behring'* prepara- tion being uted in each caae. During th* n*xt thirty day* only. ONI VIRT MILD CAI occurred; in the followiu thirty day* another cate wa* reported, and thortly after five more patient* were attacked. Two hundred and twenty-five unite w*r* then Injected, with the result that no mor* ca*e* occurred. The *am* retult wa* *b- tame<l in three other int tut 0111, ihowing th* extreme valu* of the immunixinc power of the ternm. The protective period 11 a hnrt one, probably not exten>iing over thirty dayt, but within thu time it i* almott obtolute. In over 8(Xl patient* which I have treated for the purpote of rending them immune, in no caae have 1 ducovered any unfavorable tvmptomt a* the reeult of th* injection of '.he -enim. "It wtith* conieniu* of opinion among the eminent phyncun* in attendance at tne meeting, who had devoted much time to the practical observation of the treat- ment by antitoxine, that the experimental itage had long tince pateed, and that the remedy had proved itt claim to be far above all other reme.lieifor th* cur* of diphtheria and that no phyaician would be j untied in neglecting to retort to thi* treatment IB any ca*e of diphtheria that b* i* cal:ed upon to attend." Wealth In Great Britain. No fewer tnaii *ixty-*ix pereon* in (treat Britain ar* ihown by the income tax report* Jutt published in London to enjoy annual inc.. met of over 9300,000. There are nearly tw.i thouiand more who** income* rang* all th* way from that figure down to 950,- 000 a year, while thoee poeieeting from f2.*i,iioO to 150,000 a y*ar *xo*ed three thouiand in number. Some five tbonaaad peoi.l* are taxd oa f 10.000 to 115.000 pe/ annum, and nearly fifteen thouiand oitizen. make return of moomee ranging from 95,000 to $10,01)0. When it it borne in mind thai th* tendency to rate one'* inoome for re- venae parpote at thelow<-*t poeiibl* figure i* almott univeraal, and that even the mott upright and patriotic ot citizeni think it lair game to "do" the tax collector, it mult be a. Invited that th* ihowing of th* report II eminently ta'.itfaotory to (treat Britain. gr fo ace for a General Armstrong, when talking about the biitin.-tt profit* connected with IMIIIIOU- ary work, taid . " Tha firat lign of in a penitent aavag* 1* a r*qu*tt thirl. A plot againit th* lit* *f Princ* Ferdin- and of Ru'garia ha* been dltcoverei at Knitchuok, aad twenty pertont have bean arreated upon th* charge >f complicity la the conspiracy. ! had net been wholly removed. The police ' hav* aooordingly arr**t*d th* culprit*, and th* matter i* under iaveatigatioB. To eon- elude >h* iaterettof the narrative, we have only t* add that the** r*v*lation* hav* imiir****d the Brahmin with a due ten** of th* extent ef the danger h* had neaped, and tbe magnitude of the atrvioe r*nd*r*d te him by hi* r**oa*r. He, therefor*, mad* her a preicntof th* thoniaad rupee* which wat th* original Incentive to crime on the part of th* murd*r*r*. A Cruel Advantage. Said an ancient tpiniter belle, Ai the with her etcort irood, Whil the rain in torrent* fell i Thi* remind! me of the flood. Ob, tai.l si* in accent* bt ave. What a memory yon have I Concerning Athletes and Other*. Slim (tuperoiHouily Som* men are all muacl* and no braint. Mi** Tiller And torn* are not ev*n vie* vena.

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