TIE NEWS ffl A NUTSHELL VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLIX ;lirau *h<n e)ar*>wa remtrr Crr.i Brllala. iae l.ii-d aaates, aa4 All Peru er the sUea*. Coaaeass* aa4 AMortee] for Boar B>aalaa. CANADA. A true bill hM boon found at Montreal gaum Napoleon Dem en for wife mur- der. Th* mooting to fix western grain stand- ard* will be held in Winnipeg on Sept. 24. Mr. Peter Thompaon, Superintendent of th* Algonquin Park, is dsad. There ar* about thirty CM** of scarlet fever in the oily of Winnipeg at pr<- BBBa Thero i* a movement afoot in Montreal to *r*ct a monument to the memory of Honore Mercier. Mr. Alton F. Clerk'* Mat on the Mont- real Stock Exchange WM sold for $3,300 to Mr. A. T. Pattenon. Mr. George E. Tuckett hM announced hijuelf as a mayoralty candidate ia Hamil- ton for next year. Arthur Duheme, a lad of twelve years, WM sentenced the other day in Montreal to five year* in th* reformatory for till tap- ping. Mr. Wm. Ward, who WM for fifteen yaai* an in*p*ctor on ths Toronto polio* force, ha* been appointed Chief of Police of Vancouver, B.C. Th* Hamilton Board of Education hM agreed to the condition* for th* removal of the School ef Pedagogy from Toronto to Hamilton. Prof. E. Stoae Wiggins, ef Ottawa, pre- dicts that tcere will he very heavy itortn* o both th* Atlantic and Pacific between th* 17 and 21st init. Jolin Garvsy, aa old C.P.R. employ* at Rat Portage, WM *tann*d by lightning on Thursday morning. H* fell on tb* track, and wa* cut in two by a freight train. The laboratory branch of tho Inland Revenue Department analysed over 1,000 ample* of food, dru^e, etc., during the last year, of which 159 were found adul- terated. It baa been definitely decided that the (hop* of th* Richelieu and Ontario Navi- gation Company, which were burned dowa, and are to b* rebuilt, are again to b* located at SoreL Ma JOT -General Giecoigne, th* new Com- mander-in-Cbisf of ths Canadian militia, has taken passage by the Allan line steam- ship Parisian, which tails for Montreal an September 11 The deficit in Montreal'* municipal treasury will compel the city to impose a special tax rate, or els* to out down expense* to a point which will jeopardize efficient administration. Suit ha* been entered by John Pinder ft Co., of Montreal, against the Dominion Government for the recovery for fourteen hundred dollars, the amount of alleged overcharge on sugar imported last May. Pte. Haybunt, G.M., of tb* 13th Ban., Hamilton, winner of the Queea'l prize, hM received from Lord Du term a beau- tifully engraved silver medal, in recogni- tion of hi* (kill M a markiraaa. A letter of congratulation accompanied the medal. Mr. James Fletcher, entomologist and botanist of ths Experimental farm, who has returned to Ottawa from a trip to Manitoba and the Nortn-Wsst, believei that the Government'* Mtimatod whsat yisld of twenty Mven and a half bushels to tho acre will be exceeded. China, on account of the iti-feoling created by hi* energetic action at the tine ef the outrage* on the missionin**. Instruction we* (riven the Parliamentary Committee of [.lie BrilUh 1'rado* Union CongreM to prepare a bill limiting the hour* of labor to eight per day in all trade* and occupation! in the United Kingdom, with a view of getting it paeeed through Parliament. The Trade*' Union CongreM, in Motion at Cardiff on Thuriday passed a resolution condemniniEmperor William'* interference with the liberty of the preai.and expreuing ympathy with the workingmec. of Germany in their itrnggl* for liberty . Mr. Jamee Lowther, M. P. for the Ida of Thanet, division of Kent, presided at a meeting in London on Thuriday, at wnich t wa* rrsolved to address a manifesto to the English people in favour of the ad op ton of a protective policy, with preferential treatment of the British colon iss. The London Time* recently published a etter from Mr. Andrew Carnegie, who nrgM that paper to exert ite influence to >ring about a pacific eolation of the Iruh queition, which, he eayi, I* unfortunately an American nuasuon slso, oacting IL* >aneful influence over American politic*. The British Government, upon the retirement of the Duke of Cambridge from the poet of Commander-in-Chief, will establish a council for naval defence, to act conjunction with the Army Board, con- lilting of the new Commander in- Chief acd the four ether headi of the military depart- ment. CMtir ITATia. The Aurania, *aid to be the largest lake (team veeeel afloat, wa* launched at Chicago. After a very thorough teat the expert! declare that the United Statoa battleship Iowa wiil keep out the projectile* of the be*t 12-mcb gun afloat. H. H. Holme*, the alleged murderer of Pitezel and hi* three children, of Minnie William*, and many other*, mce be ha* beam IB prison in Philsdelpnia ha* written a book, by the aal* of which b* hope* to realise enough hi* defence. money to pay ooaussl for All the girl itodent* of Mount L'nion College, Alliance, Ohio, (truck against obeying the order which required them to viait tn* gymnaiium, their objection being exerciiing before male instructor. The faculty yielded and appointed a female inal rue tor. Since the recent ipeed performance* on the English W**t Coast and Ka*t Coaat railway, between London and Aberdeen, which ihowed the remarkable feat of covering 540 miles in S38 minutes, the officials of the New York Central have been tndyiog the figure*, and it is reported that a movement i* on foot to ihow that American locomotive* oan make better time than the Engluh flyer*. George Fraker, of Topoka, Kanaa*, the man wno wa* (uppoeed to bavo been drown- ed in the MiMouri river two year* ago, wa* capture^ in the wood* near Tower, Mian., on Sunday. Frakar'i life we* iniured for $68,000, and the heir* brought tuit to recover. The ewe went to the Supreme Court, and wa* on* of ;ba moet famone in- surance caaee of the conn try. The in*urance oompaniM were defeated in the final decuion, it being recorded last month. A reward of $20, 000 had been offered for his capture. Commercial advioM from the United State* report trade being well maintain- ed, dMpite the slackening off in general demand which the hol:davi and the snm- The Soils! of Paris dacnbe the hospitals in Mtdagasoar, IB which 2,200 French soldier* ar* oonflned, M mere (belli, crowded to excess, and manned by ineffic- ient and incompetent dooton and nurses. There is likely to be trouble between EDI,' and and Belgium over the death of the Ro,.'li*li trader Stoke*, who WM banged by the Belgian* in the Congo Diitrict, on a charge of ulling arm* to Chief Kibonge, with whom the Belgian* are at war. Lord Salisbury ha* informed Rastnm Paaha, the Tnrknh Ambaaaador to Eng- land, that if the Porte pemiu in it* refuMl the power* will undertake the luggeited reform* in Armenia, and if the Porte con- tinue* to resist, it would be the signal for the diimemberment of Turkey. HOW WE 00 TO SLEEP. IB* Beaie* ir..p late the Arau ef the Blamber o*I wa* By wa* WBjy a ToaeB Aroaso* I Now phynciana and phymologists com* to the front with the Mtounding statement that a man goee to sleep piece-meal inatead of altogether aad simultaneously, a* it wsre. Thst is, the senses do not lull them- Mlvee unitedly and at once into a Mat* o lumber, but oease to receive impressions gradually, ons after the other. At fint the sight ceases and n*xt the sense of last* lose* it* insceptibihty to outward impres- sion. Even then, tbe individual being almost in a state of unconsciousness, three senses still remain in a condition of activity smelling, hearing and thought. Gradually the tense of (nulling goee, tnen bearing and finally, with th* lapee of thought, tne entire body t ecomes completely Mleep. Tbe physiologists have gone further than this, and they say that ths senses sleep MISSIONARY MURDERS, BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE FALLEN VICTIMS. TIB>I rrlvaitoaa. CaBerta*. T*nare, ' aaavlsh BraUllir- AtVlra. In. lit. faiaa. d Java. IB* Soaia Be**. *,** Taken mmmr *ebls aa4 rroaslslac live*. iliasionary hutory literally teems with terrible tale* of suffering and death by avage hands. It is only nsceesary to pn t your hand in tho bag, M it wsre.'and draw out any one. Take the last hours, for example, of Biabop James Hannington, Bishop of Equatorial Africa, who aims to his doath on Oct. 29, 1885. In company with a large party he was traversing Masai-land, when they were ae* upon by a band of ferocious Maaai. The BUhop WM fint enticed away from his party by a fsw harmled-looking savage' led by a swarthy and cunning Arab. A* soon a* tuey had lured him a f*w f**t off, b* wa* Mixed and dragged with almost incredible iwiftn*** aad brutality over the ground. At the *ama moment the ahriek* aad yell* of hi* fricndi and Mrvanta who were being (wept out of listen ce in a concerted attack came to hi* terriri*d ean. Only four out of that party of fifty managed to eventually escape. Such msrciiul. snddsn dsath WM not for the brave old man, however. He WM kspt for eight daysin afilthy hut with littlefood and no comforts at all, svsry momsnt sx- with different degrees of profoundness; i P*">g death.and at the end of that time hs The sense of touch i* th* mo*t *a*y to ' was led out to bo killed. Hi* man had been arouse, next that of bearing, then sight, and i put out of the world with rpeara. and h* *ts$sffsSh+ .-an.,,,. o.,.i-r r d r n "iitJ 08 wiu hii owu tain part, of muscU* beginning to sleep | " fl t ' *>"> prodded in the presence of before other*. Slumber oommencM at tne ; a bowling circle of savage* with fiendish extremities, beginning with the feet and That 11 why it i* alw logs. to keep tne feet warm. ys necessary JAPAN PLAYING AT WAR. m*r alway* entail. There is at present an increase ovsr ths general busmeM of this > time iMt summer. The noticeable featar* { lately ha* been the general check to what appeared like a remarkably rapid advance The Lord'* Day Alliance of Hamilton | IB prica*. Of course the must satisfactory intend prosecuting ths iteamboat and j point in the situation i* th* certainty that railway oompaniM which have been running crope are large and well secured, the in or near Hamilton oa Sunday, with the object of securing a decision from tbeoonru ai to tho power of the present law to (top Sunday traffic, Prof. N. F. Dupui*. of Queen'* Univer- Bvea BUr Gsases aa TOM Xew Hrr Bxaliatlea wver the Bateau r.r Jab a fhlaasaaa. Th* vsry plsythingi of Japan have now a warlike character, says a recent news- paper from that country. Chese i* a fav- orite amuiement of the Mikado'* subject*, and the shape* of th* pieces have all beet ehanged of late to meet tbe popular taste the pawn* being made to represent Japan a* aad Chinese soldiers, and the bishops knight! sad rooks ths officen of higher rank. Th* market is also being flooded with a groat variety of mechanical toy*, of tin or wood, which, by turning a crank or by impl* clockwork, ar* mad* to show Chin- eee *oldi*rs in various unenviable positions. Some of them represent the Csiestiali pur- sued by Japanese troopen, who make terrific sweeps with (word or lane* ia a lately see s*w ; other* ihow prisoners caught by thsirqueuM and trying to avoid th* ruing and falling blade*. A favorite paper-weight or <iek ornament i* a eiay figure of a Chinaman pleading for mercy. The moat ambition* bit of mechanum repreeenta a Japanese war vssssl gradually closing with a Chinese ship. The latter is truck, it* flag comes down with a rush, aad ths doomed vessel sinks beneath 'he turbulent tin waves. ibilitiM of damage from frost being now reduced to a minimum. Cotton is inert la yield and comparatively firm in pries. for OSMRAL. ,- \.IIVIE n* mad* it* itv, Kingston, ha* written a latter pro- . . nrst 11 ns in me testing againit street watering M being fool, so and dangerous. Hs says tbs con- i Or * <*"><? ha been don* by a hurri- equoocee ars th* deterioration of tbe om " Mld flood ln tn Tlol l *7 * Lisbon. Svon Loven, th* distinguished Swedish naturalist, is dead, at th* ago of eighty. (ix years. ueetiand ths tendency to aahealthiness, M dnit u better than bacteria. The Jeeuit Fathers of Montreal ar* con- sidering a proposal to Mtablub aa observa- tory in connection with St. Mary's College. They intend to make it second to none on the continent. It ie nnderc.ood that the Federal and Provincial Governments will be Mked to make grants for the work. Wm, Doyle, aged Mventeeo, an employe fthe MoCorinick biscuit worki in London, Ont. , was caught in the elevator shaft on Wednesday by the hoist. It was ueces- sary to saw out the framework in order to release him. Two doctor* were present during the ordeal, and by ths use of drugi alleviated hi* luffenng*. Although his back i* broken at the hip bones, the chancos are that tbo boy will livo. OHBAT BRITAIN. Dublin's water supply ii msnaosd by a landslide, which threaten to deitroy the supply main. i.eueral Qascoigne, ths new commander The Benefits Outweigh the Losses. The Electrical Rsvisw make* an MtimaU that trolley oars have done away with the Mrvioe of 275,000 horsM in the United States. Commenting on this statement, Topeka paper iaye that that many would consume about 12.1,000 busbsls of corn or oats a diy, besides hundreds of tons of hay, and that ths discontinuance of a demand tor this fodder is enough to affect apprwci. ably the prices of these articles of food. A man WM arrested in th* attempt to boeidM considerably reducing the tonnage for the railroads. But in these calculations no account ii takan of th* oomp*n*atiag increaM of induetry in other field*. Th* generating of electrical power call* for prodigious supplies of coal, which must be carted at the minae and in the cities, Tbe shipment* of this fuel, in addition to tbe quantities formerly carried, must make up to the railroads for any loas of freight on fodder which they may have suffered. Manufacturer* ef *l*ctrical apparatus dynamos, motors, heaters, and the like are baey day and night, and are giving employment to thousands of men and groat number* of horsos. If statistic* could b* obtained showing tb* effect which th* introduction of electric power on street railway* hM had on varioui Industrie*, it t* hardly to b* doubted that the beneriu would b* found largely to outweigh the sxplods a bomb in Rotnsehild's Bank at Paris. Cnolsra is reported on board the British, Frenah, Ruaiian and Italian naval vessel* at Japan. Spain will make a aaval demonstration at Tangier to enforce the terms of the treaty with Morocco. Eighty-iix thousand men and 15,000 horses will tans part in the German army's autumn man-tuvree. Ths Grand Vizisr of Turkey has tendered his rssignstion on account of ths critical condition of political affairs. The amount of gold exported from Cape Colony during Auguit WM 330,623, and on Thursday 96,000 in gold was shipped to London. It u announced that the French Cham- bers, upon reassembling, will be Mksd for U*rr*>i UUWU i ^aianiTm mmn| vwtii u^ *aa*vj(i iur ot th* Canadian force*, (ails from England , Additional credit of fifty million franc* ons.pt. 19. Tbo Indian budget WM approved in the Imperial Parliament. A (mailer deficit than aaual i* announced. Tho Duke of Devonshirs and Lord Wolaeloy are (aid to iavor the introduction of oonecription into th* British army. on account of the Madagascar expedition. Archduke LadMlM died on Thursday from the injuries be received by the accidental discharge of his gun while ho WM hunting in the forsst of Agra, Hun- gary, on Monday. Ths mn who attempted to explode a A fatal case of cholera WM reported at i bomb in the vestibule of the Rothschilds' Gnmsby, England, but Dr. Klein, after banking-houM ia Paris on Thursday still ' refuMS to reveal his identity. He admit* that hs is a deserter from the army. Th* Turknh Grand Vixier hM di*mi**ed a number of officials at Moosh who nave been found guilty of extorting tax** and of treating tbe Armenian* with ruthlesi severity. When tho steamer Em ore** of China, which arrived at Victoria, B. C., on Tues- day, lef i 1'ekin on Aaguit 23, ohoUra WM icc.-sasiag, ths death rate exceeding fifteen hundred daily. The disease is also ravag ing Japan. Herr. Pfund, editor ef the Berlin vor- waarta, DM been arrested, and two edition* of his paper have been confiscated by ths Govsrnmsnt, upon the ground that the paper contained articles multn>g to Emperor Willi elimination, declared there wa* no trace of bacteria. H. N. Pillsbury of Boston, won fint prize in the chess masters' tournament at Hutioirs, ring. ; M. Tschigorin (econd an 1. E. Lasker third. It ia stated that the Japanese Govern- ment has contracted with a ship-building firm in Glasgow for th* construction ef five wannipa, the coit of which will be nearly five million pound*. The British Committee for th* Relief of the Armenian! complaioi that the Turki ar* putting every poMibls obstacle in tbs way of ths distribution oi mach-needsd relief. Tho Chines* Minuter at London has Wen instructed to proours tb* recall of M. V. R. O'Connor, British Ambassador t_ precision. Strange, pathetic, suffering old man sitting tnsre in tbo low and filthy hat eight, day* and eignt Bights, uncomplain- ing, waiting only for ths gate* to com* sjar. HI DID SO? rALTBB M tho urns went on, but wrote ia th* littl* pocket diary he earned up to th* vsry day ao which he died. Thi* diary later cam* into th* hand* of a nativ* at Uganda, from whom u wa* bought by one of th* Bishop ( dearest friend*. A few of tho entries m it hav* aa almost heartbresimg touch: hiMren back with devilish dMiga, Th*y pushed tho boate hurriedly off and the* opened a murdarou* ftrs on thorn iron both bank*, not (topping until practically every survivor wa* killed, driving msanwnila moat of the women and children back into the town. Some of the** they killed offhand, some they (pared for a little while for purpose* unholy and dreadful. Within a few dayo all tbe women met their deatix, for then the Sepoy* heard Geu. Hsanag's bugle call. at tb* head of hu troop* come uc relievo Cawvpera. He cam* toa late to save, hut in time far v*ngeanc*. Nana Sahib aad bis msn war* almost wiped off the face of the earth, and their crime WM dearly paid for. V*t Cawnpor* will never be forgotten. Brave in defending M tne soldisn tbam- Mlves were tha missionaries tnat war* ia th* fort with their wive* aad children. A roll of honor should be mad* of tnss* heroic men. Taken f ragmen tartly, they were David Elliott Campbell, Albert Osborns Johnson aad Robert MoMnllm, who WM oa his way to Allahabad. A PBINCBTOB MA-' * En. On a sunny summer *ea in China** wa- ter* an aid barkentine wa* ploughing her way on* Auguit aftsrnoon. when a drea'.ad band of fsrocioas Chinsee pirate* appeared. Swinging themselves up deftly to the decu, '.hey took th* crew end the officers one by oae and, slittiag their throat*, tossed them overboard IB to the ealm blue wstsrs. Ik wa* their pnrpoaa to leave the snip'* isck clear so they coo-id go oa with thsir looting undisturbed. In the stem was sitting in* solitary passenger, Walter Macon Lowria, a Princeton man, who had goa* to th* Flowery Kingdom M one of hi* ehurona mission pioneer*. For thi* WM IB 1847, wnen China, from th* m ssion point of view. WM altogether MI experiment. Lowrie, the student, had a Bible ia ai* hand, and so intent WM hs upon .t* pages that he did not notice the pirates approach until the sarnase began. Than h* stood petrified, paralysed. Th* grinning pirate* came toward* him. Hi* Testament fsll at hi* feet. Tbr** of th* biqgMt and strong*** of th* free-: oo tars threw tbemMlvee jpoa him and bound him firmly with a long cord. Then, aa if ne had been a wait* kitten, they loosed him overboard, "playing him" on the ead of that ling rope anu., nnabls to struggle, he sank for th* laat time. KILLED IT JA vtiJ va> In 1834 H*nry Lyman aad 9ama*l Mnnson jonrnsTod into the interior of Java to ealaoiiih a new midionary field for their board oi missions. At ;nt time Java waa even more of a eevage waake tnan it i* t*> day, and it* people nad hardly a*en such a th.ng M a wnite man. Vat Lvmtn and M union plnekily went among them and fought tne good tight. It WM the Battue, tnat savage Javanese ery limb; great pain and consumed witn mint. Floor covered with rotting banana peel and nee. Guard* drink pom be; scarce power to hold up mall Bibls. Shall I live tnrongh it my God ? I am Thine. I feel that I am in a caged lion frame of mind, yet I ought to bo praising Hi* holy asms, and I do. 'Oct. 30. My n*rv** hav* received uch a shock. Heard some loud y*ll* and war criM and expected to be murdered. I limply turned over and Mid, 'Let th* Lcrd do M H* sees fit; I shall not make th* slightest r*ai*tano*. "Th* chief and about a hundred of hi* wivee cams M foaat their eye* on me in cruel curiosity. " The IMI entry readl: "Fsver last de- veloping. A hyena howled near me last night, smelling a sick man, but I hope he is not to have me yet." BBAIMBD BT A BIXDC'l CLCB, No less a martyr for religious truth wa* mtn , , n R*v. John Col*r:dg* PattorscnT th* Prmcstooian Levi Janvier.who, ml!*S4 o f a fine old tamily and highly educated. WM *truck down at Anadopore, la In.iia, When Bi*hop ?*iwyn bad bis mission ooms to light, for no ons survivsd to tell th* true talo, but it WM afterward* aacertsined that ths** evang*li*ts, after being received in the very heart ot the village, were a little later on held M prisoners, both mseting tneir dsath withia a few hours. Death came mercifully to Lyman, for a ballet was allowed to do it* work ; bus Munson WM speared, bound with his back against a tree. Unerringly did the Battn tribe, lined up in good order, hurl javelin after javelin at bun, cunningly poising and aiming so M to just HUM th* vital part*. It wa* long before unconscieas- nese, death ' forerunner, came to Muasoa'i relief. A *OCTH *(A TBAGBDV, Extraordinarily dramatic i* a certain tale of tne Southern Seas. Wnen BishopSelwyn went down to tne Me aoesian '(iandi soms Russian Proverbs. Many familiar proverbs of the Russian people have a cynical flavor. Hero i* a little group of them t Words ar* not arrows, but they fly farther. After the fight, there are lots of brave men. Everything is bitter to those that have gall in thsir months. The bread of othsrs is swMt, Seat a lout at your table, and he will put bis feet on it, Ths rare visitor is a jolly companion. He who robs, (ini one* ; he who i* rob- bed, tins tan times. Pur* gold make* itself known, even in ho dirt Pulling: Htm Up. He WM saying all sorts of soft things to her. Sir, he exclaimed with indden Indigna- Hon. Oh, I teg your pardon, he replied hastily, I meant nothing by That'* jut what I don't like, dr. What I want to hoar U lometbing yon moan. by a fanatic'! club, while be WM prsacning aad distributing tracts. On ibs roadway, gasping for breath, wniie barely conscious, lay th* brav* young student, wh'l* over him, with that ineangumsd club baniihed high, stood the wild-eyed Hindu. Fora moment it asemed as if ths East had con- quered the West, but M breath by breath the brilliant evangelist s life ebbed away, it oould be sesn that it WM tbs Orisnt that bad been weighed and found wanting bsside Occidental heroism. THBCAWXPORB MtMACBB. Chief among tne horron of India's sava- gery, tbougn, sianiis out the Cawnpor* massacre of 1357, in wnich women and children, soUiery and missionaries were caught like drowning rat* in a trkp,expo*ett for day* to the mercile**, rsking fire of th* barbarous Sepoys with Nana Sahib, that Maro of Modern days, at their head. Of Europeans in Cawnpon, there were but 300 fighting men, including the Englieh officer* of the Sepoy regiment*. Th* native force*, on th* other hand, were 3,(NX) itrong tor** infantry regimente and a detachment of Bengal cavalry. On the evening of .Tun* 4, Nana Sahib lasued hi* order*. Th* camp treasury WM at once sacked, all the ammunition possible taken and tb* srtiliery secured.. A regi- ment of native foot and the Bengal cavairy men began the attack. Thsv wers a little after aided by tbe remaining regiments,and by high noon the next day the siege WM in full operation . Within the camp there were 1,000 touls in all, 465 of them being men (soldiers, citizens and missionaries*. As day after day ths nege went on the agony in tbe camp increased. Ths gnni of tb* rebel natives iwept all over tbe fortified inclo*- ure, and *oon ths list of ths wounded and ths number of the dead crept up around 50 per centum. There was hunger, too, in the nay camp. Starvation WM imminent, and it see in el a* if it must com* very soon. What rema.n*d of th* garrison when th* week of (lege drew toward* an end wa* hardly lufEciaot to bury each day's dead. SCRBKXDEB, THIX DEATH. iiwyn firmly established h* cam* back, leaving young Patterson in hi* place. Hi* indden and trtgic death WM not tho iaianden' fault. It wa* an accident and a misconception. The young Hisnop had aa official boat, shaped and painted n a peculiar way. The enemiei of the Melano- ian* wer* pirate* and siavs denUrs ef a deeperate type, who would steal upon the Melanesians unawares and carry off a lot of them into captivity. They craftily built and colored a boat I exactly like the Buhop'i own, and for a long while continued to steal marches oa the simple minded MeianMians wbo could not appreciate tbe fact that tbs biahopri* craft nad a wick*d doubl*. Finally they got to associate ths peculiar fora and style of I'r Patterson's boat with their arch enemies. The Biihop came sailing into a little port one day, and while he WM yet quite * distance off nil rig WM seen and remarked upon by toe natives. " Tbe ilave dealers' boat," they murmured among ihemMivea, and thsy put their heads together. Then . they went out to meet it. Somehow they did net recognize the Bishop M they drew Dear, taking him.wr.h- out especial examination, for one of too slave dealers. As they approachad tne Bishop started out to meet them and got into their boat, according to the custom, and THXT r-fLLID HIM ASBOBL That WM the last that WM ever >een of this brilliant South N>a Bishop. Hi( tody was found ths nsxt day with a duasn spear w unds in hie breMt, rolled up on a piece of matting and covered over with a palm leaf. Cannibalism WM another lacger that tho ol. : .'.:me m;-* >rarie* were obliged to (ace It is not a danger that is altogether done away with now. In 1S39, when John \Villi nn itarted oat as musiooary to th* Society Iiandi and carried hie wife along with mm the man eating tril e* were many, and the danger wic not to i* laughed at, The danger never hM deterred a miMiooary from going ahead and never wnl. With Mr*. \\ il.iami and ten other mis* sionaries this pioneer toured the South Seas pretty thoroughly, taking in ta* New Hebrides on hi* route. In tnat gn'up < f islets the party fell in wnn % urangeiy cruel and barbaric race. On the laland of Erromarga what WM destined to be ths last stage of tbeir journey WM reached. They got no further tnan this pietnrttqae littl* island sot sxquisitely in i Finally, tbe suffering WM so dir* that tho leaders of the garrison capitulated to the Sepoy wolf, aad it WM arranged that under the flag of truce they should march out of the garrison ths nsxt day, gel into the boats and go down ths river. 1 herein lay tho crime of Cawnpore. When, the i next day, the Englieh started ia to do their part, tb* Sepoy* let them go down to tb* , ( r ,me of blu* seal Tor the man eatri took boa**. Then they crowded the men into them all prisoners and one by one devout, the** frail crafts, keeping the women und ,4 them.