THI FLlSHItfOH 7ADANCI BBTaBUBHBD 1881 &l vance r"BUnri' WEEKLY 4T THE OFFICE. SYD- tSHAM BTKEET, FLBHHEttTuK, OKI., T W. H. THl'RSTON. 1 per r l< i h In advance Advertising Bates: 9ne Caluuia. 1 year. S50 ; half col.. 1 yen. SU7 quarter col., on* year, 15 Transient adTertlseoieut charged al the rt f t eeottper liuefor first lurtion tad I cauls oh aubivqueat luMition. EAST GREY FALL FAIR. EMI Orey fall exbibhion will be held in Flesherton on Thursday and Friday cf next week, and promises to be a moat successful affair. Last vear'i wag the best ever held, and Excelsior ii the motto. The secre- tary informs 01 that be is already busy taking entries. Large bills are being posted all ovr the riding tbia week announcing (be prominent fea- tures. The bills bave been delayed pending negotiations for specialties, and at last bad to be Blrnck off before all arrangements were made. The secretary informs us tbat be baa en- gaged Mr. Orenvillo P. Kleiaer, the well known entertainer of Toronto, for tbe concert on tbe evening of tbe tecond day of tbe fair. Tbe public ma; look forward confidently to a iplendid exhibition this year. Tbe receipts from tbe Toronto ex- hibition as given oat by the treasurer how an increase of f 2,044. bO over last year. In this statement, Low- ever, lat year's receipts from several source* are not given. What we would like to see is a comparative table of tbe attendance as well as oi the receipts. tilts of Toronto should pronounce it an Indian utensil shocks one's pride TBS artMt*) is labelled, " Supposed to have been made with European toolf ." They hit it there, at all events. This reminds one strongly of Mark Twain aud Tom Sawyer's escapade with the peculiar crow whose tail they had replaced with the tail feathers of a chicken bawk aud submitted to the learned scientists as a hybrid crow. The Institute should make a donation oi their old butter ladle to the York Pioneers, in whose charge it would be much more in place. Toronto's archfeologioal museum, tike Canadian Institute, is an honor to tbe province and to tbe man who has been so largely instrumental in bring- ing together this magnificent collec tion of curiosities and mementos of the aboriginal races of our country, Mr. David Boyle. This gentleman has labored iudefatigably for years to make tbe collection worthy of tbe country it represents, and he Las suc- ceeded admirably. Tbe value of this display cannot, however, be rated very highly by our public men, other wise we would see it placed in more secure quarters. A conflagration of one hour might forever destroy Mr- Doyle's work of many years, and it would probably be utterly impossible to replace it again. The government should place the collection in safe quarters. The Americans bave bad a hollow victory over the British yacht Valky- rie. Lord Dunraven lias returned home a saddur aud a wiser man. He came to America expecting to find honorable opponents in the New York Yacht club, but he found them to be ordinary jockeys who did not grant him what the Britisher so dearly loves, a fair field and no favor. The Amer- ican press is not heaping much adul ation upon the jockeys or praise of their gentlemanly behavior; aud when this in the case the condition ofaffairs must be sad indeed. A painful accident happened to a young son of Mr. Oeo. Badger'* of Red Wing a few days ago. A cow belonging to Mr. Badger got a bone in her throat and the young lad had hi* hand in the co'* mouth taking out the bone while the father held her by the head. H* succeeded in getting out the hone, but unfortunately the cow closed her giind- er* on one of hi* fingers, taking off the end at the first joint. Thorn bury Herald o o The Toronto fair is over, and our fai niui H and bimiiieHg lutm can once more settle down to busmen*. It was two wc ks of unrest. Every perron who had any business in the oily, or could make any, took advantage of tho cheap rates at fair season. It was a great thing for the railways, a great thing lor Toronto metclmnts, and ditto for the salaried officials con- nected with the big phow. Tiio only people who appear to be out of pocket are the public at large, and of course they believe they got the worth of their money. Taken all in all, we believe the big exhibition is worthy of being perpetuated. It does us all 40<>d to visit our city cousins at re- duced rates, even if they do erect big tnrustilei and charge high rates for anything they show or sell us We 11 benevolent. They no doubt need the money more than we do, there- fore we " blow " ourselves and enjoy their affability a*- full compensation^ It is strange bow eipert soiectittU oan ii humbugged at times. While inspecting tho Indian relios and curi- osities in the Canadian Institute the other day we observed, among other things, a dilapidated, specimen of an old butter ladle, such as our mothers used to work thsyr butter with twenty- five or thirty yaa<n ago To b sure it IB a relie that, has bad hard usage ami present* an anciunt appearance, bat to ihmk that tjje eminent soien , Fall Assizes. vs. TOKBIB This was an ac tion fr aeduction of the plaintifTa daugh ter. The parties live in the township of Keppel, the defendant having formerly lived in the township of Holland. Verdict fr Use plsjiildf fr MOO and coeU. Mac Kay A lUtton for the plaintiff ; Masaun & Kvans fur the defendant. CHKIHTII vs. Tfi-BER - Tins was the Mcuud civil suit tried and wa an actiun brought by Robert (Jhnstie, barrister of this luwn, against H. O. Tucker, also a barrister of tins town, for dnmauea fur nl>*l. The libel complained consisted of the writing of a letter by Mr. Tucker to Mr. William Murray, a client of Mr. Christie's, in which Mr. Tucker staled that Mr. Cliristie was misleading him (Mr. Murray) both as to the law and the facts with reference to a suit which Mr. Chmtie waa then conducting for Mr. Murray ag-itinnt Mr. Lymburner for whom Mr, Tuckt-r was acting. After the hear- ing of evidence all day yesterday, the case waa settled, Mr. Tucker giving Mr. Chris- U* a written apology which was read in open court, and paying coat*. A. B. A v!-w'irth '"' Bishop & Middlebro for the defendant. The grand jury found the following true bills: K.-u vs. Chas. lU>y, rape . Itt-L' >H. Win. Hoy. rape; Ron vs. Pern- luoke White, rape ; Reg vs. White and the two Koys, liurglary ; Rg. v*. Wlnii- and the two Roys, wounding ; Keg vs. Thow. Hrown, rape ; Reg. vs. Stanley Couuell, rape. The lirsl criminal cane tried was thst tiS SU*ly O'Coiuiell. Veidict not guilty, (i. '.V Field for i l,o Crown, II. O. Tucker for tin- deft The charge against Brown was then iln>|i|ircl as it would depend upon ;lm same evidence upon which O'Connell . armiitted. Thin Thursday morning the caso of (juxen vs. IViii. Whitu and Chas and Win. Roy (co'ored), rap, housubruaking ami wounding, cominouced. Mrs. Freestone was the niat witness callud. She swore thai the prisoner* came to her IIOUKH r n day niglit, March .".'u., at 12 o'clock and broke in thu iliHir, after which two of them dragged her tlauulitor,. \lmeda Bent- luy, out in the yard when the three in turn assaulted h*r. One of them, sho said, struck her on the head with a piece of the door, inflicting a gash. The lioutley girl sworu that the three colored prisoners were the men who committed the amault on her. Henry Courtney (colored) gavo evidence and worn that a pair of mil a produced, which had boen found outside the house the following morning hail hem seen by him on Charles Roy's li&tuln sotiietmie liri. ri' thst Frulsy night. Tli.- three prisoner* swore emphatically tliat they did not know Mm. Freuntone nr Mis* Bentley, and thai they had never at any time imen at the former's house. Charles Roy swi^r* that the ruitt* produced were ml in . In tin- croM e.xaiuiu*tion 't Mrj. b'uiritt.ini' i.nd Miwt Bentley, the farmer said she had hoen at the police court several tinii;, beside* being in a reformatory, aud the latter said she had lately buen living with a man on Hay Is land. O. W. Field for the crown, H. E. .Smith for defence Henry Courtney, a witness mentioned in this case, was brought h*re Wednesday night from the Minuco industrial school, where h* is now serving a term tor general misbehavior, being sent*aoed by P. U. Spencer. -Ad- vertiser In the cas* of Bull v. Hnw*y and Low- ry, charged with eonapiracy and assault and wounding, the jury disagreed. This wan tlie cas* from Holland Centre men- tioned in last week's papar. I Tu bt euntinntii ) Flesterl.ii Hardware louse 1 Car Load of Stoves Arrived at F. Karstodt's. Steel Ranges, Cast Ranges, Square and Extended Cook Storm, Box and Parlor Stoves, which we are going to offer cheap for rash, or we are prepared to give on* to two years' time if required. Come and get our prices before buying. Head quarters for Huildiug Hard- ware and Binder Twin*. F, (, Karstedt Prop, Almost Passes Belief Mr. Ja*. K. Nicholson, sTlorenoerlUe, BT. B., Btnavle* tor Bven Lone Teen with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND IS CURXJJ BY AVERSE Mr. Nicholson sari. " I consulted doe- tors who prescribed for me, but to BO purpose ; the cancer began to Hat into the Flesh. spread to my chin, and I suffered In agony (or arvrn lung yraiv Finally I 1 Iwgan taking AyiT T j BarsaparUla. IB a week or two I noticed a Decided Improvement Encouraged bjr this result, I perse- vered. until in a mouth or so the sore under my chin l< '" heal In thrre ;i my Up in*K:in to hral, and, after tbe Harsanarllla for six months, l Irace of we cancer disappeared.' 1 Sarsaparilla FOR FRESH Bananas. Oranges, Lemons, Flour, Feed and. Potatoes, GIVE W.BARNHOUSE A TRIAL. To Smokers T* SBMC I h. wtShs* ol their CTMt**f The Oo. B. Tuckelt * Sen Co., Ltd.. H.millo. om . kav ysarsit epsa taw saariut i Combination Plug of "T& B" SMOKING TOBACCO This supplies a long felt want, giv ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a U-n cent piece or a 6 cent piece of tbe famous "TAB" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T 4 B" is on e?ery piece. PLRSONSTO^TRAVEL WANTED Several faithful gentlemen and ladie* to travel for eslabliahed house. SALARY 1780.06 AND EXPENSES. I 'million permanent if *uited ; also in- crease. State reference aud endow self- addressed stamped envelope. THE NATIONAL Ji6-Ji7-J, OsMha BUff .. CHICAGO. BICYCLE REPAIRS When your bicycle i* out of order send it to the BICYCLE INFIRMARY, OWEN SOUND. Where yon can have it put in good shape. All kinds of repair work attended to at reasonable rates. JAS. fl. WILSON. Onl Admlttext at the World'* AIMf'f flJLL JUfuUt* th. FARM FJR SALE. inn *rrr In III* l<iwnhl|> of ArtiUMI. li niilM fi'.m Ihr village of Klnliirton. Good bulldinui. w mr In mi} Add. Small orchard. Trni H'T. M'l'l ^ n. Jul, 14. M6. r. D. LaxuaD. Came Astray. Cams t the |v><niii<.i nf the imdrii(ned, lota S ami 4. t- MI . i)Kr. ' about Auiiuii 1*1, out voarllnii noilor Owner 1 4 rMSMSSM to |uov i>iu|irii v, |<ay <S|nn.- an I las* sauie away. WM ro.'rrs. UaiwaUPO Cattlo Came Astray. Tallin In th prinlM< of the nri'lti <(<<<, lot ft. Mill I-IMI . \it.Mii-Kia. abutll K. |it Ut, Tell liea.l of fearUofl eaMI*, Thownr i* requested t,> p 4>T |ii|>uity, pay auJ lake th* aaranaoay, Ju JB H Hni LKI, Van lalaurP. O. Steer Camo Astray. ("nun' to Ilia pi mulwMi of Ilir un.lni snuoil. lot 5,oon. 1.1, O|>ry, on or about July l">,on * vr- olil skAer. 'I li<* owner IN rqoiu,td to prove ur.iueiij, pay expunMS atiil tako the*uiawajr. &irn*KO I. IHIIITS, ' O Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, also Planing and Matching, Band Saw. Ing, Wood Turning of e>vry daa- onptlon. Planing and Grain Chop BUIIK done while you wait, for th* Beaver turns the wheel. la wV.WH.wftS . Flesherton Planing Is now in active operation and prepar- ed in turn out any (juantity of first class work, such aa duorti, iiinulUiu({s,fluorings, shetitmga, etc. n. R. & co. We have received and opened op our imported Mantles for the fall and winter and ask our lady customers to look through our stock. We bare tome ele- gant styles for this teaaon and at price* to insure quick sate*. HHTJ Tweed Lined Mantles ' Fir Trimmed laotlss Embroidered lantles Mantle* from I- to 920 each. Mantle* in blacks, bines, brow us, fawns and greys. Full range of size* ; also a good range of Winter Cloth Capes. Our new fail stock of Overcoat* is jas; opened and we sdvise early purchase* of these goods as any repeat orders we may have to place will be at a marked ad ranee on present price*. We bought these goods well and have maiked them at popular pricos. 36 caaea of Overshoei aud Rubbers liar* been passed iuto stock this week. And another consignment of 50 pack- ages of Choice Fresh Teas direct import. If you appreciate a fine flavored tea try a sample package. We warrant all our ttas. M. Richardson & Co. DIRECT IMPORTERS. iivwin^; n.nci Done to ordrr. We also manufacture Bewhivea. (live ua your order for any thing in our line. Beecroft 5: Sloan. Farm for 8al Rptendidly improved farm for ml in the not- 1 fruit orowliiR district of Ku|>hr*t*. bt*li><! lot IT In the Mh con.. oonialniiiK ion acre*, all but aight evree under cultivation. Itru-k veu- .nii.,1 riolilrui:,*. L-H| baron aud outlnul.lnit - A great b*rMin. For terun, etc., atliirees or can ua the owner. H. OUJUY, Kppiug 1' (\ FLESIEiTOI STEJI LIDlDlf . I have opaoed nu a ouiuplelo itenDi laundry ID PlvU<tft<ni, aim am prepared to l(Uo to any qi utr .if Uunjry work l I er priutw thaa are uharRttit 0l9ewU*i*e. I have put lu the leu 4! and moat iiupruied luaohiuorjr to that . n.l Kimlly Hive iu* a call. Kutire aatlifaotloa tuarsntsaii, and prices low. Mas. QBO. alooanauru. pmCBVIUUI AND DDBBAIi 8TAOB. Duvham stage leaves Fleshertoa atatioo at T 15 a_m , return! 4 e p.m. Prlcevllle stage leave* tbe aaoie place at 1UO, resuming at 4.4A. Far* to Prieville and relui D . JO eenta . Durham, 1JS for r.torn, He. lngl> (are. Ur.ry la con Hard \vare J Dep't. Something Special $52 In A low priced good Cooking Sto\<>. ln -!i will take 26 inch wood and has a. good sirod uven. It i* very properly named, THE HUSTLER ami we intend to riuatle it, along with an- other lioe of Cooking and Box. stove* which we have just got in DIAMOND FIRE BACKS At n cents each, they will fit nearly any cookm ; atove ami are verv handy lo put in Try one and se. NEW GOODS A new line of Maple Leaf stuve board*. A 40 inch Tin Baby 1 * Bath. A new lot of Granite Waah Baain*. A line of Favorite Stove* for heat i UK . Curling Tung* at 90 cent* each, see them IQ. Richardson ^ 60