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Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1895, p. 3

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JAPANESE DETECTIVES, ADMIRABLE SYSTEM OF DETECTION OP CRIME IN JAPAN. The* Have War of II.4I.* Thl.ii .sit *! >..lM..lf know. n < llm I* I" Aware e I irrylt.lf Thai Is .!! la Ibe l.mplrr .mr n.tmlrr ul la- stance* *f Clever Selective W*rk. Th* detective service of Japan i* admir. b.e and i* inherited from th* days of th. despotism, when it wa* necessary for th* snogun to know everything that wa* going n aiTung tb* tubjeot* writes a correspond- ent. There are two distinct detective agst.cies und*r th. Government, one being connected with the ordinary police for the prevention and punishment of orim*, and th* other being political, ncd*r th* !' partmeut of th* Interior. Tb* lattor showed it* efficiency during the lato war, for th* Japan*** knew mor* bonl tb*( 'nines* army, it* fortiessss, it* rms and equipments, aud the condition of the navy thaa Li Hung Chang himself. Th* agents of the inulligiuo* department, were not only ingenious and indofatigabla, but a ma** of valuable information wa* received a*, baadquarton from volunteer spies and from persons who bad visited China reoeotly aad knew fact* of value to their Govern- ment. The intelligence department hss so com piste a *y*t*m that it claim* to b* aware of everything that ugo:ng on ia the empire, land I presume that this is true, particularly n politics. Th* criminal department of the pon.:* i* equally industrious and efficient- Inthe first pl*c**very citizen man, woman, aad child in Japan i* r*gutw.d at Polio* h*adqtiart*ra, with hi* r**idenc, hu oc- cupation, and even the wag** b* r*c*iv**> 'f n* is a workman or aa employe*. Wuen- v*r h* change* bu abode, his occupation, or hu place of employment, he u require! to notify the registrar and correction u mad* upon th* book*. Every hotel u re- quired to report tb* arrival and de| ar.ur* I it* gu.sts a* promptly a* po**ibi*. with the places they earn* from, th* train they take, and their destination. Therefore it U *a*y for th* polio, to ssoertsin tb* where- about* of any perioa at any urn* an.l they hav* a good start when they ar* inquiring into a CM*. Not long *mo*, for illustration, Mr Mil- ler, official interpreter of th. United State* Legation in Tokio, failed to rec*iv* * l*tt*r which was sent him from a neighboring city with a draft .nclo*.d,aod h. NoririiD TH puucm. Th* d*te.-:iv aMigBid to tn* cais began by a*o*rtaining th* day and boar wh*o th. Utter was post*.!, from wnirb h* cou.d easi y calculate tb* *ia t tun* of It* arri- val in lokio. By reference to the register at headquarter* h* found tha- ther* wer* two r.rsons named Miller in the city, although their initial* wer* different and tn*y lived far apart. Tne postmen wno served the district inwhicn tney lived were questioned, and one of them remembered delivering a letter to tne rouse of th. wrong Miner on tn* date named. d*v*ral members of the family recalled that such a letter tnat did not beioug to them had been received, and one of the eervant* reported that en* had handed u to a p'd.iler, who j kail agreed to put it in the nearest ooet i box aod aav* bar th* '.rouble. The pedd.*r | wa* found aad identified by th* ssrvaot. | Hu premi*** w*r* searched and the money was discovered concealed under the matt- ing of the floor. He na 1 forged an endorse- ment and got tr.edra'tcaihed by a meruiant who had ea| it to hts bank for collection in th* regular course of business. These fact* wer* all aaortained, and the thi*t was s.n'enoe.1 to four year s imprncnnieat within a week after Mr. Miller msde hi* complaint to th* polio*. Mr. Jam** R. Mor** of Yokohama hap- pened to be spending the night with hi* friend, Mr. D*ni*on, in Tokio, when a sneak thief entere.i th* houee and stol* hi* pocksibook. containing i~') and number of valuable paper*. Th* matter was report- ed to the polio* in the morning, with a description of th. purse and ita contents, and within forty-eight hour* th* paper* were recovered and the tnief had b- -m a term of si i year*' imprtsountcntat liniaawa, tne national penitentiary. Th* proc*M of his detection was very prompt and simple. The crime was report- ed at Polio* Headquarter* at 8 o clock in th* morning. By 9 the theft and descrip- tion of th* property had been telephoned to every precinct in th* city and to all th* luburban towns, and wer* known to every officer on duly. In a litll* village about ten mile* froon the centre of Tokio a man iui*ii a toe h.'use during th* afternoon and showed a card upon which Mr Morse's am* was *ngrav.d. Tea houses in Japan correspond with saloon* in thu country, and the policemen watch them. The nesans, as the w*it*r girl* are called, coquet with the policemen and OFTIN AID THRU , in the performance of their duty. Ho it was | erfectly natural for tne pulueman on that boat to 1*11 ths netaiis me *toiy uf tne robbery, aad U was squally so for this assan to report to th* poiioeman a 1 oat Mr. Morn'* card. The circumstance was sut- piciou* enough to ;us ify an arras', and before night the thief wa* in tne central * on t Ti.k o. He had t..* pockttbook and all th* paper* OR hi* p*r>on, b'it hail pent most of th* money m a spree th. night before aud had b*en robb*d of tb reniaiu Irr duririt a drunken stupor that followod. I saw a good deal of th. Japau.s* detec- tive corpe wnile Mr. Fo*t*r wa* in Japan, A* h* had b*en connected with the Chinese Government, and his (SAB and name wire so well known to th* public through th*ir frequent appearance in th* illustrated paper*, it wa* f*ar*d lest some tanatic or o*hi might attack him ; therefor* th* Government, without consulting Mr. Foster, instructed the Polio* Depaitm*ut to keep him under constant surveillance while h* wa* in Jpan. All of th* for*ii;n legation* ar* constantly walchtd by the police, and a detective with a jinnkiiha is always on duty opposite thorn la follow members of th* diplomatic oorps her*v*r thsy go. Mr. Poster wa* sometime* attcultd by ive detective*. The Superintendent of folio* at Kob* went with him a* far as Kyoto, and th. Kyoto >upnot*ndet of Police a* far a* Nag' ye a* a mark of r**p*t and although h. protest*,! against these at- tentions aad assured th* authorities re- peatedly that he bad not the *iight*st apprrneoiioc of danger, they replied that they held themselves reipontibl* for hu safety whil* m Japan, and must insist upon maintaining th* guard. Somsliines whil* he was in Tokio and Yokohama Mr. factor occeeded in eluding hi* ibadows, much to their chagrin, but they very soon discover- ed that he had outwitted th*m and ascer- tained hi* whereabout* in some mysteriou* manner, which showed their efficiency. One night w* slippe i out of tne hotel by th* back door to call on a friend, and managed to reach hi* residence without being over- taken; but at tne conclusion of the visit, a* w* were starting homeward, w* fouu 1 half doxon detective* iitting coolly around th* door. How they ducover*d j our wnereabout* u a myitory, for no one ig, and w* left QUEER THINKS IN EUEOPE ODD HAPPENINGS THAT HAVE OC- CURRED IN THE OLD LAND. THE OLD FOLKS VACATION. Tfcey Were Ike Tlsne ) c Heavy. A hearty-looking larmar and hu wif*aa in the Union station, Toronto, in* otner day awaitiag tneir train. Tn* reporter, truck by hi* general appearance, followed him h* went out to to* raf moment L.O i, and ov*r a co'ipl* of big red apples (ngaged him in convenation. "I'll tel! you wnat it is,' b* (aid, " Inert s nolQing on *arth so hard to do if yon'v* alway* worksd a* 1 hav, a* to rest Mother and m* hav* workod all our live* and now w'v* got a (in* farm, ins children ar* all **uia<i, atd John, my youngest boy and hu wifa, ju*t i.arnd last montn,bav* com* to keep u* company, aad 1 told moth- r we'd ju*t tak* a vacation thi* iumm*r. W*'ve alway* talked of lakicg on*, ana I eaw no u** in putting it off. 80 w* turned things over to in* young folks and sUrtod to a lak* up in Mu.loia. Wh*n w* firit Rot Iner* thing* sse.ii ad pretty nice. W. bad th* oeit rooms IB to. noose mighty lulls on*s, loo, 1 can te.i you ; our room I opened on m porch, which over.ooked tn. I lak*, and w. te.i mat lhar. wa* nothing ' lacking to mak* us nave a grand tim*. "W* spent the first day watching the foiks come and go and mother found an old friend among tb. women, so they talked a good d*ai. I mad* th* acquaintance of a fisherman and want out with him aad wa* ontsnt until about milking tim*. th.n I bgan to woud.r if would jt along all ngiu aad thought of lot* of thing* I had iorgot to toll him. I sat down that night and wrote him all th. things I re- membered. V\ *'l, th* MCond day dragged a nine. Moth*r took It *a*i*r than 1, for rrasB C*al Oil Lamps -**Tel iMrmpt al Irldr PsM*jesemal peaeUhrtfl Icnaranre of Ik* K.liu Peasant* C*url Herleiy la Ksusla Ueer Pawl re Xante*, etc. Lateiy, near Berlin, a young lady fell from an express train while endeavoring to doss a window. Sh. will probably die. A chapel m*auriag9xl2 f*t will shortly b* erected on Mount Blanc. 10,000 feat above tb. s*a levei. Last year thirty. thr*e persons in London lost their live* by th* explosion of coal-oil five case* the lamp* id it u therefor* propos- > to pronib'i uieir sal* and us* In Francs it is a punuhabl* offense for any on* to give infant* uud*r on* year any orm of solid food, unieu such be ordered by wr tiau prescription sigued by a legally qualified me ncai man. Tne Mahometan clergy denounce electri- city a* a damnable power. A **rvant girl at Vienna atumptod to commit suicide by a novel method, 'he undressed and then poured boiling water over neiMlf; being inte rupted in thuihe tn*d to throw herself from a window. And now in* i* in her proper sphere the lunatic asylum. The smallest clock in the world was on exhibition lately in a jeweller 1 * show- window in Gtting*n, Germany. Th* dial measures less than one-inird of an inch in diam*t*r and tn* weight which furnuh** tn* motive fore* for twenty-four hour* I* suspended from a woman'* hair. of Brandenburg, Prussia, hav* qOMr names: Old Nag, Bl ie Monkey, Flying Hnr**. Green Deer, Hungry Wolf, Cow Be.r, Pig'. WhsKlo, ota. Aad th* P**al Ouido for thi province further shows an astooi.hmg amoriment of f*reign name* : Annapoli*, Ceylon, Charleetowo, Boauregard, Corsica, Jrusalem, Jamaioa, Malta, Maryland, Nmive, Penilvnt*n, Saratoua, 7. on, etc. all the** are lying and situate in th* ultra- Prussian province and the ultra-Gorman Kingdom. The executioner of Paris, Mons. Doiblar, had an in*in. Scant law suit lately. But it lad to the rediscovery of the fact that in olden time* th* French executioner was paid according to a Died tariff. The high- oet price, 48 livres, wa* *et on boiling a criminal in oil, 20 livre* had to b* paid for beheading a person, 3fl livres for burning a witch, 10 livres for branding and 4 livres for whipping a malefactor, etc. A DESPOTS WILL. *Iap*le*B Was Ihe < a<- r Te H" nrt red Irtmrttmirm Letlnsj Tkeir Live*. It is only a few years sines many Eng- lish sailors were drowned becauae an admiral gave a wrong order, and another officer, who knew th* order te be wrong, obeyed it. Admiral Bruix, of the French avy, wa* one* in tne Koglisn officer's position, and took a contrary sour**, although hi* orders cam* from no loa* a personage than Napoleon L Both cases, it hould bo noted, occurred not in ..attl* but on parade. At men a time, iur*ly, a A MURDEROUS WEAPON, HAND TO HAND SLAUGHTER WITB CUBA'S NATIVE MACHETE. Th* Terrlbl.- lspl<-eal *f Ike lle.b4 ..ii l t.rr Cu, Rip* > a4 Tears Hie UpaaUb I mm) *uJ <<>eriliur. Overs Ml* *a4. Cub* nk a t.rribl. national weapon, la the present conflict to progress 10 Cabs tne insurgents nave done such deadly execution wun it tnat the 5pamards have decided to arm lh*ir own infantry with it IB order to be able t mre: tne insurgent* on more Dearly eu,ual term*. Tnn weapon m tne machete. The machete is the Centre,! acd Sooth American e,jr:.:ii.tural tooL It n pro- nouooed a* u *p*ild min-icnay-tay, with o accent oo toe ay of the lecoad ejrll- able. It le the b isbn Imau's imp. emeu m all lugar-growing countries. Ttiere are ome three or four hundred styles ueed IB Brazil, in* Central Ameriaau Stale*, Mexico an i 8an Domingo. Eacn country luce a d life rent blade, aad of each tner* at* about e Hundred But wherever it appear* and whatever ite eiyie, Una mur leroui weapon m in* hand* of iho*e aocutlotned to in us*. It ha* flayed no email part in the nietory of all upns.ngs in in* Spanish-speaking subordinate must b* justified m saving th* j proTmoM . But in Cub* it ha* don* sucb L'.nd*p*ndenc* lielge says that a young Hungarian military doctor named B-ia >a-*rveo na* been condemned by oourt- martiai* to three monin*' solitary connoe- ment, to tne confiscation of hu property and th* .oss of hi* doctor'* diploma, aud to * degradation to the rank of a private aaoau*. | [ ^ IB a l*lt*r to to* military authonti** i.e ventured to express hu avenion to military rvio*. Several newspapers in Li***bon. Portu- ea.. with malic* afor*' nought, accused th* Jesuits of stealing children. Sine* than, in coose .uence of tne** calumniations, many priest* hav* been *a*aulte<i on th* street* and seriously wounded by the very ignorant and very credulous popuiao*. In fact, vary vigorou* measure* were nooaeaary to pr*v*at th* assaai:nau*n of all olorioala. A son of Gebeimratn Julius Schwa bach, member of the firm ot Bleichroeder, ot Berlin, ha* shown himself, a phenomenal pcndtnnft Within eighteen month* b. qnanderad OT*r JiXOUU. He tried bl* best, or hi* worst to prove himself a fin d. liv*s of hi* m*n, even at the cost of techni- cal*. Whil. Napeieon wan at Boulogne, IB 1*14, h. went out to ride one morning, leaving word that oo hi* return bo would review th. deet. During hi**. therefore, a me**age wa* s*nt to Admiral Bruix, that h* might order th. chip to weigh anchor and put out to sea. To th* astonishment of me messenger, tho admiral h* wa* very sorry, but th* . weather would not permit th* 1 review to lak* place IB duo fm. th* emperor returned, and I inquired if everything wa* ready. Th* admiral'* response wa* communicated to him. At first b* s**med not to understand, but on it* being repeated he foot and orlereii th. admiral summoned into hu presence, The admiral came al aura, but .TOO so h. wa* not quick *nough for to* mperor, who met him half-way. Th* emperor e staff followed, and stood ranged in siienj* about him. "Sir Admire.," laid Napoleon in an angry voice, "why bar* you not obeyed my order* T" 'ir*,' answered tb* admiral, with r- execution that if the islan i mould win h*r freedom the macn*t* ought to b* included in tb* coat-of-arm* of Cuba libra. In Cuba every man posse**** a macns's, no matter wtiat els. h* do**n't owo. It a th* uwl of th* Cuban workingman. With it b. earn* his living auttwg tn* *ug*a oan*. Witn it h.uut* tb* firewood for hu wn ua*. Indeed, it is HATCH IT A.tD llecle blad*. For instance, wnil* rnidiug at Loipeic, Germany, b* *om*tim** t.l.- , , -| graphed to hu tailor at Berlin to com* to .n. had h.r but a man can't h*J Blm r , y . lfcl ,, , ^ M order . Tn . .ter.aily .itting around with hi. hand, in ,,, (ool ^ now aod . r JlM ,, hIp . h. rock et* 1 n* third day wa* war** than _. vr. 1 got a boat and rowed ail sronnd | Th * Berlin Echo b*. duoov.rod that the lak* aad found I wa*n't nr*d enough to sleep at all that night. \V*ii, it got o that w* could hardly Hand it before the week wa* over. Th* wcond w*ek mother went into th. kitchen and begg*d tn* wo- man to let h.r wipe th* di*)h*a, and aft.r ov*ry m*al in* w*nt out and wiped .tubes for an hour. I got a mat *very day and spectiui firmness "a fearful 'empoet is pre- paring. Your majeaty can see it a* w*ll a* I. Von cannot wish to expose uselessly tb* liv.* of *o many brav* men." Constant, th* first val*t d* ohambr* of th**mp*ror, and oo*of hi* firmest apoiogtcti, uoonstrained to admit, in tno story. among .he Chinas* th* "miihi ' u priced a* , tnat th* aspect to th* iky al that very th* most d* dub It consists ef moment fully iastifisd th* fear* of th* mico, (till blind. Th*y ar* ; admiral : but Napoleon waj too much combined tor him. Every Cuban except tho** who liv* >m th* big cities, lik* Havana, u familiar with th* use of th. ma. net*. Th* rank and til. of tb* L'ubaa insurgent*, wno comr i from in* plantations, ar* aot (killed IB tne I u*e of firearm*. But th*y mak* up for it by th. ferocity with which th*y engage in clo**-qnart.r encoiin'ere with Spanish s*ldi*ry with th* faithful machet*. Wnoa tnu is tn* c**ethe Spaniard fare* badly and th* macb*te man leave* a lot of oioo ;y corpaa* or wonniied bodiee behind him. One of the norriole feature* of a fieid of battle wh*r*machel*s have been u**d utho number of partly beheaded or partially rip pad open bodies that ar* found. A young Cuban explain* in* mott corn- mon manner of the ma.-nete. It I new born dipped m oil aad then coaou**nr*'*wai low them v*ry slow y At tb* marriage feast of th* present Emperor of China not bonbon* less than ">,') of tnese sl**k glistened on th* fe*tivs board. A lat* official r*port show* that contrary to common belief case* of religious mania rare in th* British isle*. It alao du- ruw*d roond and round ih. lake unul my arms felt tired. We (tayed just 16 days, and now w.'r. going horn* to roll op our i - s e-ves and prcii in. Working paop.e oan't ' closes the strange (act that mor* mental 1 "P 011 n '*, iw re*t when they get acbanca. I aevsr spent I aberration u developed among the tribe *'* h. eaid.turnmg pal*, "lak* ..** it ill. i l n f earn **n * f a\/*.l AK.*K At h**> . U irritated to lut*n to reason. "Sir*," h* said, "I hav* given orders. Once more, why have you not executed them Obey I" "Sire, 1 ina.i not obey." At that word the emperor advanced, riding-whip in hand, a* if to strike. The admiral raooiled a step and laid bis band uch a urn*. " bNAKEIN HIS STOMACH. Wa r*el of peddier* than among any other physician* and druggist* coming Me am holia prevails most in Ireland. How denivly ignorant th* Russian ant* ar* u *nowo by th* fact that 1*1*1 y a swindler was arrested IB th* Government of Saratow for s* ling among th* peasantry a large number of ticket, to tn* planet Jupiter. Many of the dupes had dispoaed of everything tney pn*M**ed in order to buy such a ticket. The*, would-be emi- na k* fitly -fcinht fet IB length, which hs, I grant* wer* promised largo estates and a Wi lie H*th*riog'on / , a *ixt*en-year-olt< )>..i-boy at the Grand Central Hotel, St_ Cloud, Minn., wa* teceuily relieved of a been causing him i(r**t pain for many rear*. Thtreplil. le snore (lender t ban the common garden tuake, which it rasemblt*, b*mg marked in precisely th* sams way and ol practically th* cam* color a light green. Oo* of tn. doctor* of th* city ha* th* snake in hi* office, and th* boy u now attending to his dutiee of the hole 1 . Tuesday th* boy was taken suddenly ill and began belching in a violent manner. Wnil. tn s waigaing on th* watchers were thunder struck tn *e protrudinc from th* mouth of th* sufferer a snake's head. Doo'ore wer* sent for, and while making an examination the inake'e head again items into view. The physician* administered mcdicin* aud a second later the snake i e^au issuing from th* boy'* roculh, dropping into a big pan mat had been prepared to receive it. A* th* la*t of it dropped into the pan u bg%n twisting, com g and tying itaslf intu kuots, all the time raieiug it* naad and dining out it* fork*d tongue. Th* snske, which ha* been preierved in alcohol, t* somewhat smaller round then a lead pencil. It* seal** ar* oft instead of nard, a* i* th. case with the ordinary snake. How u obtained a lodging place in th* boy's (tomaoh u something that even young Hether'ngton himself does not know. Drlnkums Plan. Didn't the docior tell Drmknm to take ouly a tmmbieiul of wiusksy ? Yes : but Drinkum had a thimble mad* to orJtr. A Bad Debt. You need not speak unkindly of Hen- ry s debts, papa ; h. doesn't owe yon any- thing. life of ease and luxury, of course, and had even been to.d not to take along the picture* ol aaints. sine, on Jupiter they would b* to mak* th*ir personal acquaintance. A piano in a lion cage isj th* latest *taf* | kM| ' Th* two mn faced each oiher ; then the next] m P ror dropped hi* wnip.and the admiral witndrcw hie gra*p from the haadl. o' hi* iword. " K*ar-admirai Magon," laid Napoleon, "you will execute instantiv tns order I have usucd. A* for yon, sir." turning to Ad- miral Rrun, "you will leave Boulogne wrhin twenty-four hours and retire Int. Holland. Go "' Th* r*ar admiral did as th* emperor had bidden. In* t*mp**t brok* as th. admiral bad predicted, and mor. than two huadrad Frenchmen wer* drowned oetore the emperor'* eyee. The Advance of Cholera. Report, of the advance of cholera aero** spaciai-.y. It ha* been introduced by a i hi-.herto obocur. female pi.n. t*aah.r who th Paclfia Oc ~ ""* * ^ P-"twl. first performed in a lion cage in a meoagerie at Doweburg, England. The experiment ie pronounced a "grand succeee." Tb* king- ly beast* are eid to be v.ry appreciative, and particularly partial to Chopm's airs. Custom u tyracaioal. Hsnc* it is that tb* Lngh'h servant maid, whenever *h. want* to shin* when taking an airing, con- tin j* to actually hir* a soldier from th* oarracki, glorious in scarlet coat and brass buttoni, to accompany h.r at the rat* of not Us* than noetic* per hour. By paying eight or ton pence sh* may monopolist th. soldier'* society ; otherwise the maitial gallant may let out half hi* smiles aod his left arm to another maid at tb* sixpence rat*. An "only original" circus is now giving performance* at Christian ia, Norway. Th* member* of the troupe represent various grail** of nobility. On* baron i* director , f th. educated dogs, another baron U a ; clown, tb* latter'i wife, a baroness, charm* th* public with rr tongs : a countess boat* , th* cymbal*, a marquise twang* th* zith.r, | aad a duke blow* tt.s fife. Vienese papers state that Oar Nichula* II. is a mer* puppet in ihe hands of hu mother. The reign of the Dowager Kmpre** U, however, confined to politic*. In court *ori*ty th. young Empress a H**siaa princes*, with an bl _' supieme: she ha* already succeeded making Knglish th* dominant language in court circles, and is endeavouring to >up- Y*s h* do, mis* bored bill. he owe* me a long Just Escaped. An Engliah newspaper ha* a item about a little Scotch boy, who, while playing on th* do. kn, fell into the water and was with great difficulty reacnod by a bystand- er i Y u ought to b* T*ry glad I wa* near by, said hi* r**cnr. 1 sin, the boy. An' I'm *o glad y* got in* out. Wnat a liokm' I wad got trom my mither if I'd been drponed. and th* laiait on* to th* eiisct mat th* dreed po*til*nc* had reacned Hawaii u aot nrpnsing. Tb* Philadelphia Rocord u quite right in laying: "Tb* increasing trading intercoun* between the Stato* of our I'aciiii: OOMI and Asian oouatria* where cholera is now raging na* tr>naf.rr*Hi th* imminence of danger to the other lid* of tb* ooann*nk It is no', at all surprising to hear that cholera ha* boen imported from Japan or China to th* Sandwich lilands. U wih rcijuire th* uimos; vigilance upon th* part of th* I Government* of too United States and Canada to keep the dread pestilence from establishing a lodgement at ome ol ib. Pacific port*." Th* Vancouver and other Briiish (Columbian boalth a.i thoritiee should remember that "early and provident fear u th. moth-r of aarety," and ^ ivern tbems*lv*e accordingly, Fruit Ripened Under Electric Light By lighting his hot- houses at night with electric light* 5,000 eandie power, all told, ^ w 3lem r-ph,,,,. ' ev*nty-fiv* day., grape* in two months nd "'' tc - Tne prMioo " ia Mason" , "V this oonnootion, *. with an English education rules b 7 th PP'">n of*l*ctncily fruit. , and vegetables can b. had at any time of 1 > 7^'- , Th * 6hui B"**"" *** remarkable for brilliant color and 6ns , pUntRoMian with English *tiqu*tt and i Moma.but arnot a* *w**t a* thooo ripnd habit*. And now th* av.rag* Russian would not b* snrnri**d to learn that th. court cat* ar. b*mg taught to bark. German railroad car* ar* not comfortable bnt German railroad management i* fairt For instanc*, ..cording to a lat* agreemon between th. railroad*, if a trav.ll.r now mak*s only part of tb* trip to which hi* ticket entitles him, the monev paid In *x- COM i* rwturnod to him, provid*.! th* ela- tion ma*t*r of th* nation whora th* trip wa* cnt short ha* certified to that fact on the ticket. Some of tb. poet-office* in th* province by th* SUB. Test for Insane Persons- Buiton Ward, tb* oolvbntod English physician, lays: "There i* one infaihbl* symptom indicating whether a person i* sane or aot. Let a person speak *\*r so rationally and act *v*r so sedately, if hu or bar thumb* remain inactive thero is no doubt of his or her insanity. Lnnalici seldom mak* us* of th*ir iiiurnb* when writing, draning, or saluting.'* ntirely llflerent from (word praotio* j iho torasc u not employed atalL The aim of the machete user :s to cut, rip and toar ni* opponent anddiaabi* or kill at one*). Among U* in*urg*nii th. priva-.e*. who ar* armed witn ma. netes, carry th* weapon in tn. soabbard M t*. left sid* of tn* b*.t or iangling from a en am about th* rignt wrist. In any cas* th* weapon u not h*id for us* mnul tb* im*s ar* within a f.w yard* of acb other. Wh.n the word i* pa***d th* mac net. i* pulled from th* acabuard with an upward stroke diagonally to th* right, with tko longest aod tb. sharp edge toward* the enemy. Thu constitute* on* itrok*, and i* AIMED AT TBI ABDOHIlT of th. attacked person with th. d**rign ol onttiag or Maring the body below the want With tb. weapon raised to tn* Uoglh ol th* right arm tb. wrist s simp y turn*d ov*r, and me macnet* mak** a strok* back to th* l*ft so a* to ilaah tn* attacked p*r- son'* nock and if po**ibl* partially b*nead him. With stui one more turn of tne wri*t th* *dg* of tb* machete etiike* downward, cleaviug th* body again. This i* all done with wondarful dexten'y. Th**e strokes are tn* easiest tor m of attack to loarn among e.i^e.i weapon*. Ia th* haadl of tb. insurgents wno ar* habitnatod to th* u** of the maohet* and ar* very strong th* blows ar* dmcribod a* wicked. Many timos head* sr* all but severed from th. body, and a machete wound u usually fatal. Th* machete naod by th* in*urg*at* at present u a very cheap and ordinary look- ing affair and xxto I*** than a dollar. It i* mad* in England aad in Gormany. Th. blade* ar. from twenty to thirty in. -he* long. Som* of tb*m have a blade (lightly curved backwards toward* tb* thick, dull edge, with a rounded point curved back to tne tnick edge. The favorite and tne one which ha* don* most damage to the Spanish force* ha* th* thirty-inch blade, about throe inches widr, long, itraight and clean looking.and with the end cut off diagonally to a point a* a milliner cut* the end* of a ribbon bow. The handle u of rough-looking bone, the haadl. of the blade oomtf run through tn* centre and fastened toq*th*r with what looVs like four ordinary nail* with the h*ad* out off. There u no guard at all, and th* n-.aohet. man often gets hi* tingcr* badly wounded. That is th* impieet macbeto, Oih.r* iiav* the bone handle curved to fir into the palm of the hand. When th* Cuban bnibandman eu n is machete it ten' at all sharp. H*, however wn*t* it n| until it OrW V1RY P.AiILT A Cuban who had been with the in*urg*m army described the scene after an encoun- ter, when the insurgents sat arnund, each busily pnarpeninji his macnete for the next aaaault. Not only ihe private* but the officer! a* w*ll *e th* machtta. Th. orlicers have s snorter weapon and of b*tt*r stuff. Th long blade* of th* machete of the private! will almost band double without breaking. Tb* ihorter, broader, tnickut weapons havs not the same elastu-ity. Astonishing nones are 'old of the for** of th blow that th* miurgent oan giv* with th* nativ* knife. In th* Nation*' Museum at Madrid U an American nfit winch, it i* claimed, wa* completely spill in half Ungthwu* with a blow from I maohet*. Women hav* been known to us* tb* machete, and during the Tan Tear*' War there wer* numerous instances where women who** husbands wer* away fighting defended t:i*fn*eivee aad ahildron with th* nieaheio.

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