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Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1895, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL, IV. NO. 79) FLBSHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1896. W.H THUBSTON EDITORS! ROPRlETOsl Now's Your Chance We have purchased a portion of the bankrupt stock of The Chas. Stark Co., of Toronto At a very 1"W figure, and we are enabled thereby to ictail theee goods at a very low price and small profit. y Must be Sold immediately ; in fact w. don't expect they will last long when the public know that them are such bargains right at their home jewellry Come in as soon a* you read this announcement and b 0110 of the tint to get the tiarg.iiiw offered. We hare Clocks : 30 hours, sprim, from $2 50 to $J. Ladies' nickel and silver, stem wind, open and huntinir case, from 2.60 to W. Jwl received a full line of Dueber- Hampden watches, 18 and 6 ize. With caae, >>ow and extra set ot string. from $2.50 to $3. These and other lines must go to make room for fall and winter stock. REPAIRING DONE AS USUAL Engrnia. From our ma corrapondtnt. Mr. Editor, your correspondent hsa arisen from his Rip Van Winkle ilnmber and discovered something new in bis im- mediate surroundings. Walker Sloan haa the frame work of hii uw mill up and in a abort time will , be ready for work. Jamei Linton hut nearly finished anew hoiute north of the bridge. Mr. C. Hem mint; ha* Kone M Owen Sound mi hia bide. The new hotel is progresatmr, rapidly but the latest drawback 18 M to whether a license to sell iM-snf spirit! can be ob tamed. The country around haa been well canvassed by par tie. for and against the liquor trade. It is rumored that very many signed both petitions and now tha matter han^s in suspense. Mr. and Mrs. <Jeo. Latimer and F. T. Carr are borne from the Toronto exhibi- tion. Th j renrer mill is shut down for a short period, but will resume operation after the exhibition Mason. Fall Woollens ALL IN STOCK NOW FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS CALL AND SEE BOTH AND MAKE YOCR SELECTIONS \Vorkmanship and Prices Guaranteed I C. J. LEITCH HERCMANT TAILOR W. A. ARHSTRONG Our Business Directory m in m Cards. I AKRIAUE LICENSES. lssu--<l <Uv or night at tbs Jewelery Store and at tha rnidenoe of the undersigned. Commissioner la H C ../. Conveyancer, Ac. Notary public. JOHN W. AKMSTBO.NQ. - ' FLasBMTon. AS. VANDC8P.N, Clerk Sth Div. Court, Co. Orv. Issuer of Man lage Llei ntee. Commissioner in H. O.J., Conveyancer. Auctioneer, etc. Agent for the Uaeaey-Harrls Agricultural Imple- ment* Clayton's Block, Flesherton, opposite Kiel, r'lson's hardware stor*. JNT.crLLOCUH * YOUKQ. Bau\ors, Markdale. do a general banking bus- luses. Money loaned at a reasonable rats. Call on u-> TV K UTS COLLECTED. Tbo undersigned i> prepared to undertake the collection of all Itinrte of dsbts. Notes bought, accounts collected, etc K.N HENDKHSON R. J 8PKOOUK, Pontmaster. Flo.herton, Co^imiisioner in B. ., I.ic nsed >octloner. Conveyancer. A - praiM-r and Money Lender. ReJ Ksiate and Inmuc Aitmt. Ded. MorifagM. Leases, and Wills drawn op and Valuations made on ibortmt notii-e. Auction 8ale attended to IP any pit of tl County. Money to loan at low sst rates of interest. Collection!! attended to with iirotuntuM* and despatcb Chargw low. Agent for tbe Dominion btvanishipCompany. cheay tickets from Klesbortou to Liverpool. Ulass'ow, London or any of tho British ports Part. MI intoudlng to visit England. Scotland or Ireland, will p^eaw ank rates before purchaainn tbeli tickets elsewhere. TNR. HUTTON. If. D. C. II., M.C. P * B.,Ont.. Prlcovllle. Retidenoe and offlee one door west of the Math odix Cfaarch Kinross St. Office days, Tueedayn andSalnnUys. rjK OAKTEiV M. C. P. * 8.. Got. Physician, in(eon. ete., Fleshertoa offloe Strains b'ock. Residsnoe Hunthaw's hotel. \ f IS8 EDITH RICHARDSON. Itiml of Robt. Uahr. of Berlin. Uermanr. (violin ); Mrs. Bradley, of Toronto Conservatory Music, (Voice coKurel; 1'pif. Kerriiou, late of Toronto, (Piano) will receive pupils in S1NUING. VIOLIN, PI- ANO and ilHOAH. grntistti}. J P MARSHALL, L. D. 8.. M. D. 8 , Dentist. Visits Markdale tbe 1st and 3rd Wednasday of each month, Plesherton Kach trip on tlie da v f<,..-,win. J W. FHGST, Harrister. Solicitor. ConTcyancer. Etc. Flesbertono(Mco--Nex.i the post office Hproule's building, ou Tbundays. Owen Sound office Front 1 ! building. T I CAS* WK1OHT, Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyancers, etc., Ow-n soiiud. On.t - Markdale. Ont. W. H. Wuosrr. (. B. 1. 1 <*. N. B- Plenherton offloe. Mitchell's Bank, every WediMsday. I I- -h.Tloll M.lll.Ml From oui own CorrtipondetU. Those who took in the exhibition last week from here are Mr. R Mctjill, Mr. and Mrs Wansboro. Mn. E. White, Mr. and Mrs. R Cook. Miss Johnston, Mr. W. Wilcoek snd Miss Frank Stewart. Mrs. W McNea and her brother, Willie Melia, left for Cleveland last week. The garden party which was held on Friday evening was very well attended and all seemed to enjoy themselves. Mrs. Swan of Owen Sound, also Mrs. T. Egao of Collingwood, visited Mn. Egau last week Mr. Roes and family have gone to re- side in YYeatoo, he having charge as section foreman VTe wish them every success in their new home. Mr Shields shipped a large number uf stock tr* ft in here last week. Mn. Siiuwden and daughter of Mara are visiting friends in town and in the Stone settlement. Mr. and Mrs Jas. Perry of Rocklyn were the guests of Mr. Henry Stone recently. Maxwell. in Toronto la*t week after a prolonged stay with friends here. Mis* Amiin McFadyen left for the Queen City last week where she intends to remain for a time. MMisrs. 1 1 eorire Ferris and John Ferria, jr., of Euphnuia, spent last week with frii-nds here. Mr. Joseph Ferris, jr., Rpont a few days last week with frieiidwinMelancthon. s> Prircville. JOHN A. SCOTT, M. B. Member Collet* Physic, ft Sarfeons. Ontario CraJnato lu Uedloine of Toronto Unlvenlty, Fellowship Diploma, Pew* Graduate Medical Bctool and Honpltal, Chloago. Dtieases of ere, ear, nose and throat specially treated. Resi- dence Maxwell, visits Peversbam Thursdays 1- AO.t'.W. meets everv flnt and third Won day in each month. In their lodue room ' Christoe'i Illock. Klaeheruin, at 8 .. m. A. I M. (itbaon. M.W . W.I Bellamy, nnenc'er ; W. I Irwln Recorder. Vlsitiug llrethern Invited. ROYAI- TKMPLARS OF TKMPRRANCE. ' Hegular Council meets every Brut and ' th'rl T'imlav livening In Dach uiouih. in Sproule block at H p w Select dore llnsuranee) meete monthly, the Wixlneeday preceding tbe find of each mouth. SONB OF TBMPKKANCK.-This aoilety meets In Dr. Christoe' Hall first Wed- i needKT in vaeh mouth at 8 p.m Vinltiug bretbwren invited. Insurance in conuectlun. UP. B. A., meet in their ball. Christoe's Block evert second Tbnrs<la> in each uioiitii. Wm. Sharp, Master. T. Clayton. 8c- retary. PRlNC* ARTHUR LODGB. No. SMS, A. .* A. M . meet in tbe Masonic Hall. Strain's Illock, Fleeherton, every Friday ou or tstor*. the fall uiuon. Dr. Carter, W. M.. R. J. Bproule, Secretary. from our utru Mr. C. M. Field spent a few days in Tr<>nl'> last week. Mi-s Pa-te of Duluth gave a lecture in the Uruuite Hall on Tuesday evenini;, 10th inst. , subject "The temple not built with hands." Mr. Harry (>uy and Mr. Thomas Guy BjM-nt a lew days in Toronto last week at the Tlie lariuers in this vicinity are hiwy hnrvestini;. Some of them are finmhed. The l;-. Mr H. K Currio preached in the Methodist church last Sabbath morning. He is also going to stay fora couple of weeks to hold revival meeting* here Miss Field and Miss Wheeler spent Sunday of last week in thin vicinity. Miss L. S'i'riiiisj was in Toronto buyinit her winter stock last week. Mrs. Win. Guy, r , is awsy M piesont. She int. mli to viHJt at Redwini; and Col- hn-.'wood before she returns. Dr. Scott aiid his wife snd Mr. John and Win. Madill spent a tew days in Tor- onto at the exlubiiii-n. Mrs Hamlin, sr., has returned home after visiting * few weeks in Owen Sound. The Rev. Mr. Legate, took charge of the Sabbath school last Sunday and he intends to take it next Sunday also. > in Ion I'ark. From or mm Corrttvotulrni. The musical hum of the "Champion" "Waterloo Chief" and othen announce the fact that harvetit is over and thrtsh- IUB bvitun. We are ready to report "lii-j work." Memrs. Richard Melton and Charlie Simons of Oil City, Penn., paid a visit to t'rifi.ds and ao(UamUnce in these I parts this wrek. Mr. Melton '.van one of the tir-t settlers te take up land on the | O. D R. Mr. Duncsn McAulay is now head clerk in J. D. Browns store. We wwh Duncan success in tho mercantile line. Minn Ag'jie Bull spent Saturday and Sunday in Durham. Mrs! KoWtsoii of Toronto is the ijuest of Mm. Aimseni at present. MIMKH Edith Jaiiu-H and Mary E. M.v , Arthur visitud friends in the Queen City last week. Mr John McArthur spent a day or so in Tornio last week combining business | wuh (iletsore. Messn. I'onkey and Hammond of ' Dundalk spent a day in the wtids the forepart of tlim week but w'Hine wan scarce as the returned empty handed Re EastUrey Agricultural Society J P OTTKWBUL, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. H**<denco--Nit door outh of Moore's pianlag factory. J F. 11AI.6TBAD. M. D , M C. A B.. Ont., practice* at Kin- berley. Bbeamatio diseases I ipeciality. MABT If. BBANDBB M. D. C. si., M. C. P. * S.. Ont; Priceville. Ogtee and reiiienee at Methodist parsonage. Oalls. algat or day, promptly attended. Visile Fl-b.rWuLi gtatlOO M S* 11, WtUDCKUj ". ni'KFKHIN LODGB. No. l. I O O K, meets in Clayton'* hall every Tuen- day flvoning at H o'clock. Visiting brutbrenco.rlially invitcit. A. 8. VASDDSKN.N.Q. WM MOOKB, Sec. Cash For Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of furs pur- chased, for which highest market price will be paid. Homemade sausagun on hand, also all kinds of meats. FLKSHBRTON MEAT EMPORIUM onr<mti Currrpon<lent. to the busy time and scarceness of news we failed to send in any newt for tbe past two weeks. Harvesting is aliuoHt endexl now and a number of farmers are complaining of their urain heating since brine stored away. The Rev. Mr. Hartley will commence revival services here next Sabbath mjit. which, we hope, iil be much to the spiritual wood uf all who attend. Tbe ministers have been holding camp meeting for the pat two weks at Mr. Robt. Gohvun's and we believe have added quite a number of member* to their congregation. A goodly number of the people in and around here attended the exhibition in Toronto lost week. Wo are itlad to learn that Miss Edna Kinwill, who has been ill for th past few weeks, is now able to be out again. Mr. George Watson is very ill at present. Mrs. Henderson of Cleveland, who has been spending a few weeks with friends here, returned home lately, acconi|<amed by her brother, Mr. Dugald Ferguson, who intends to secure a situation there for the future. Mr. Harry Haw returned to his home Now in Stock ATLAS SCRIBBLERS with map* of the county of <lrey. Ontario and the world, only live cents. Buy these fur your children. SCHOOL SUPPLIES uf all kinds in stock. STATIONERY IN QfANTITY- We are headquarters for station- ery of all kinds. VISITING CARDS A full stock mi hand for tin- Patent fledicines of all kinds \V. Richardson To the Editor of Tkt AJeante. DBAK SIK. Kindly make the follow- ing correction aiid explanation : Through a niisfiun'lentaiidiiig Mr. (ieorge Siuw art's name was placed on the prize list an president of the above society. In justice to Mr. Stewart wo would say, Mr Stewart lint; unwell at tlie nine of the annual inei-ting was uii.thln to attend. Krii'Wing hint tv b a K> od man for the punition he was elected without his con- st-lit. Informing him >me lime sftt r of his election he informed me that whilst in sympathy with the fair, for reasons which he considered sufficient, and alito on accouni of his preou-ion* health, he could not n-o his way to atiaiHt in the duties pertaining to the position. At a subsequent meeting < f tlio board of directors, knowing (he mutter having t'f'ii brought before their notice although rc^rettiuij that Mr. Stewart did not ap- pear to see his way to coiiRt'iit to act, yet it was thought by pla>'ini> his name on tho prize list we might induce linn to, aibtunie the aforesaid duties. He in forms me, known.g * he still adheres t" his former position, namely, that he cannot see his way to act president,' although tli.mkfui to the friends who rnw tit to nlaci- him in the honorable position. yet absolutely declm. a afuiiiiiiinit the duties pertaining to the position. H J. SFROVLB, secretary. The Belleville Ontario tells its readers how the formers in that locality arecangbt on tbe "stove scheme." It says "A couple of agents for a Toronto stove firm will go to a fanner and try and sell h.m a kitchen rsntji- for $o<l Tho fanner don't't it. But the aycnt h;u a iniichty fine thing ; he will Uke the farmeris* ! stove and allow him f 12 for it, and the agents will board at hiit place for two weeks and pay him 110 a week for them- selvesand horse , now, that's $32 off tho price of the stove. The farmer thinks he'll take it. Thun the willy agents per- ' su.ide him to sign s note for the full , amount of the range, 900. This la alii they w*nt and thsy never lake the stove way or wait to board a: $10 a week." j A horse and Imttuy was stolen from A Hanover liveryman two weeks ago. Two days later the thief abandoned the outfr. on an unfrwjuen'ed roadway near Alton. He was considerate eimuuli to unliiii ness the liorsv.and ihe aniinal browsrd nround tho buggy for three r four days before heiin: taken in by Allan Maxwell. The liveryman recovered !.i |)ro|.,-itv last week. Tlie thief is upi>'m.l t , Hobt Trimble, ahita Dixon. wlioae picture is in the rogues' italery and who IKIK n weak ness for horse-stealing. Mr Anuns McDonald of tin- vli line has t cnrimty in the stupe uf an apple true that is working over time, or rnther dollli.' two jobs :it mirv II ' .l^llt a small biancli i f tin-, irt-c in .. > imlard ollice the oihcrday, and the dtitor wa truly surprised to sue on it half a dzen well formed larve apples, anaind which nestled a score or HUTU of full blown blosaoma. No doubt it is strictly in for the winter trade, and it will not !> the fault of this Iran if the re;"i' ition <if 'he Canadian apple K'"'" below par. Mr. McDonald tells as, that .illin<i:uh well li M.,.d with |)|.ls the tree is a iniuu of blossoms. Standard. Old Bon Griffiths, who hunsclt it is n.' 1'orte.d once hit a ball into a pasNin^ ti on. UHiil to tell 'in extr.'tor'lm.iry story of a cricket match bttwovn Bitghtoii and Lewes, <>u tin! grounds of thw latter "Tim maU-h wns .ill over but the shout ing," Bon used to declaie, ''our l:ut man was in and we wanted ei.h'y four runs to win One of the batsmen, however, gave an awful crack to leg, and thai ilul it. "Did what r the listener* would natur- ally inquire "Wliy won tho match. I*. wa this way. There WJH sn old pump at the edge of the ground, snd the end of the siioiit watt innidu the boini'lary line. Well, that crack to le sent th-5 ball into the spout, and the tit-ldi'M couldn't get it H nohow. They couldn t call it 'lost hall,' for tbe ball wait in sight. So they hiwl to o to the nearest black- smith's, and fel a hammer and cold chisel todiif it out with, whilst we run off the ei(jhty-f>ur runs." The Markets. Carcftilly Orrrrtrd E.-u-li Flour $3 HI I to Wheat 65 to Barley 31 to Oats 35 to Peas to Uutter is! tn Ku's, freah 11 to Potntoes bn; 50 to Pork .. r. 00 to Hxy per ton U 00 to Hides Sheepskins Turkey* ............ Chickeim |icr pair ..... Ducks her pur ...... Wool .............. 3 00 to '.'or,. ti to 8 to ^6 to 40 to 17 t Week 3 ;:- u N 13 11 60 5 i:. 1000 300 6 I 40 !W

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