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Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1895, p. 8

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Trffc FLI8H11TON ADTAHC1 Time Table. i !>( SOI TH. MarVdaV 6 40 in. 4.40 p. m. Fleilicrion 6.63 a m. 4.53 p. m. lif'ISi; NORTH. ' 1 teslierton -1 1 48 . \a. 9. 17 p. m. Mik<Ule 9.30p.m. OWES SOUND, ONTARIO. 'I li* Very IJe Pi. \i-l-. IN r VNAIM TO GKT A Thmajk BQS'IDBSS 'lake a Kouud Trip 9L.fS.Us] CoUfs and ' v' >m noi'-ial I>.-|.rtiueiU in Canada, tbn visit X N.iril.'-ru Business CoDei* ; lauilim ovry- ih i.niiKlilv. If w fall to pro luce tht II'.MI tli i .> ..- i-<Mii|>laM, practical and eiten . Ui txMt oollosi prMuisM a 1 1 t'ii l>-t 'i i "'O* eotnpll ana uiost suit- ' ulfumiturr nu I ||llnc>. wo will (Iv* vou a t'lll cure KHi .... Kor Annual Announce uBt.(lTtog full pi tlculars .free, address C A. FLEMING,' Principal. "Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. C ur-'ift^es m t'le and Repaired, also y * nn^ -iti'i vi, itching, Band Saw- la;, ' o '-ing <>f every dea- crip ion i latiiug and Gram Ofcor../ D .i<; winle you wait, for H . . <-r mis the wucol. T. W A Common Affliction Permanently CureJ bj Tiding AVER'S tH A CAB-UBIVEfc S STOBV. I was afflicted for eight yearn with (Silt Ilheiun. Inirlng time. 1 tried s great many irnVkme* which were highly rec- r>mmen<ted, hilt none iravc me relief. I was at lat advised to try AVer's (*:ir i- parllla. tiy a trlend who loM me that I mint purchase l l>i>lils, snd use (hem iwcording to directions. I yielded to Ills IMTU:ISI.III, l.oiifiht Ui" six Ixittles, and took the contents of tlireeof these bot- tles without noticing any direct hem-fit. Itefnre I had finished the fourth bottle, my bands were a* Free from Eruptions ns ever they were. My business, which 1 f A calt-drlver. re<|ulres me to l>e out iu cold aiid wet weather, often without gloves, and the trouble ha* never return^ " I'UOMA* A. JOHNS, buatfurd, < nil Onh / ilttod at the World's Fair. Sarsaparilla i rillt I'ltanie t A Botcelf. 5o,ooo ibs. WOOi- WANTED . Ti IE- ' ' 'Ollcil Mills For ' ' In-t |wiH-ili|j price will ! p , . i i o' ii'i le in nil kimU >.f xo.lli.i | i.-. 'led . twcedv, r.noielN -.i-i -I. .tli, bldiikwU and all I. ind.i ..iv .ic. CUSTOM WORK \Villl. | ,.ilv ntli-mle.l ! in all itt'ifi > nun/, r .II carding, wuav- ln;. (ulliii ; I.,;;, etc., etc. Automatic Road Carrlaft*. Electricity has relieved the horse on the city car, and excels strain iu *ubur1>aii travel, while the steam road holds tl.e supremacy on IOI.L- MUIM. For twenty >r thirty mile* Jlociricity is in tlie lend, but for ono hundred or one thousand mile* we fall hack on the reaourcei of team. What msy be we dare not pro- phecy ; we cu only report existing facts. The attempt now in In replace the horse mi the public highway ly an automatic ve> In.le, propelled by steanv, electrrcity <* .< t iiilenni At ) in-sent tlie latter lias the irecedetice, a* shown by various cperr- menta. In thew, experiment* France takwt'ie lead, itar eonnul at Havre l.a- aent a report to the Stt Department at Washington of a prue trial between I'm in and BourdeiNix, a distance of 35S miles. No vehicle was to have place wbiih could not make the distance out and Sacfc in one hundr c 1 hoars. The in iin price (17,720) was w by a f<r seated i-arriage, while the second was won by a two satd vehicle, making the. round trip in twenty-four hours and fifty- il>r< e minutes The winning carriages were pro|>elled by gasoline, and th* rate of s[-ed attAined wa* about fifteen mile* an hour. On the level parts of the route the speed was much greater, but th* average was reduced by the delay ocasion vd in ascending heavy hills. For the ulectric carriage* theae hills proved in- u|HTnlile. They all abandoned the con- test and allowed goeoliiie to take the prise. The electric carriage* had another disadvantaKe in being obliged to stop oc ca>ionally to renew their dynamic charges, while the petroleum machines made the run without % *iii|(le stop. In comparing the merits t thedifler.Dgpr.ipelKng agent* used in these eifserinienu, the palm must be awarded to |>etroleuiii, which ix at once clean and eaily carried and uccd. The utdinary feeder, containing leas than four |ii irts of oil, generates jHiwer for twenty nnles Fr long dixiHiu-eH a receiver in provided capable of meeting all deinindn for twenty four or more hour*. Among the vehicles in tlie l'>. mnli-aui raco were many eyele*, one of which, at leant, hold il* own inn in/ the laryer machine*. The l".wer, of t-. iiirw. which would propel the road carriage could be applied to the cycles with one or four wheel*. In view of mich fact* as thcae, the hour seems really to h.ive come for the displacement of the horae, in travel along the highway, by i hv automatic machine, cauiinp an- othxr nnineiiHe drop in the price of horse flush. lioftton 1'aper. '. ISA CALl,. John Nuhn, Prop, has t '> n.Ttis of land Mid depea-li upup hi* trad* for his livelihood and t* in ; <l circumstances ; another is a mechanic who works at hi* trade when he cm. get work, farms whn he i HI hume ud spends hit rime t drinking when ho i* not engaged in either of Inn other avoca- tions ; a tfcmt h> M to have money out t intrieM. and the other two thought they could pull throu'ih the winter if they have to, but if there is an/ aawintance KU ing they would like to net a chare . All UK applicant* were willing to take loanH at a Tory |i>w rate of interest, and til wiH fe better of at tin- end of two yean if they did nt vjt ItKtin. So mii-h for ward No. 1, Sullivan. ChaUworth New?.. \V hs';u in mind, say* the Beatrice, Neb., Bxpre*H, speaking of th<B vale of mivi-rtiaing, a man wh6 *r>mo y.ixr* ago started in bunnies* in Kan***. He hadn't much money ; he laid in a iiock with part of the nuin he had, and lire rest he pent in advertising. There wax bat one newspaper in the town, and he tnrd a pagu of that ever; week, fo day that roan IMS three lars'e store* in Kanaaa, two in Nebraska, and one in Missouri. He advertise* tremendously and all the year round ; he owns every building he occupies, ami recently paid down 930,000 m cash for a slock uf uuuds he wanted. Advertising made that man. People -wh.. fancy this a fairy tils will be cheerfully (live tire tiame wli.i hu done ao"rmch with printer ' irtV. Repairs, Repairs D. McTAVISH, FLbSHERTON HOIISK8HOKR AND GENERAL KLACKSMITH, KKKI'S ON HAND Repairs for Muiwey II- m-. and .\OXOIK Floury and WilkiiiMou I- arm Implrmrat* I*low: Fleury and Verity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. We mannfacture \Vaqons, Baggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to teuJer oitnc ted feet. Logging ""<' Plow Chains eomtAutly on haud. Owen found Fair. In addition t" the attrarii .us pr. \ i oiu'y a:in.>un.;u 1, ilu lar^e bills htiow thnt there will be a gemnm; Indian War I'.o . Hi' luding i IIP iT)) -ii' daiiru, etc will, be by the I . i > i' o . i IIH'I in bund, Citizuns Owon band nd the I iinul.ilk Si|i ur linml. Ti < I l,\.-n S..iii.d pH|HT.< utito that the clem <nd f >r -,[1 !! r." in in i in- ]ia< iliMii HIM! the mini bur of i ntrii .i!ri-;Kly received is some llmitf nliujrlln r l>. y.iiul the expectation of the iliri'<-!,,rle. ('< rliiinly the pro i i .1. Hhii'li nj'pe.-irs in our lulvertminu ' Vilnius i.t Mirli as to justify the en'liim <'ie id i-ni-r^etn; ilm "..i- in e\|>i>utiiiK n la'U" ntt.-i.rl .u. iv. \\ .. luve n p doul.t ilia' K 'M K" nuirler (r no nr town siol virnii'V will avail tliuniH.iUiM of ihe el.eap M'. s I,, ntloiid wl.nt pn>inie* to he one >f ih. i I.e.-? fairs in n. .iiK. ii, (in'urio. Coiinl> nml v.rtiit, Aug.IW- Yr*tflrHy after- n .<>n K V'.IMI^ limn n:n.i>.i| John T.ivlor, i f t t .ns'i -|i .if M'-iitin I., nenr M . J Ii iru, B.-nilioilly In.t liiinnelf fr..|i|t|i.- ! which he (liul thiii in. .inn..' lie a-nl mere -.nt *hootni|{ n. .1 oliil III I'.e .i, t uf ll 'lif|'i.> Inn | i| . 'IK I'lin | i>|i.l of hih ha (1 nnd ei,t o r , the clinrn<- entered Inn cliet. who appmently H iu-.|iin'nt- I. -,l.-;.|.i'<l into tin- 1C il, ipuse .line whll-- I! ...... litur mi'l oioprielur were out >ii VV.tlii --wUy evrnini! and investiu-atid In' r .1 t.' .t< of the :ifi.. Mr. innn i-une i. !..*>) iweiilytiro ili.llnrs lii.h lie i..i -l.eiril. mi .Iniil.r thinkin.' it ..uld lit- 'i-. -fill nt the (in-iH I |i i., Hie l.nii- of /..n j; to |ireH no nrn-sts Imil l.eeu in.i.le. < '-.'Ini^u 10 ! Itu! uiin. I..MI, Mill .M.I' nklli.Ule, youiiif ni:in who lireil with Inn I'lirentn near Grinmton, o i the IJlll ron i.f Slllllllin, ( .llllllllteil (i ii i I.- liisi Sitturd.ty iiniriiiiiu- Ly hani'ini; luins.-lf in the Lam Ho h.-i I een n ,-nn lltill! (pn-.T s .me Inne hilt n..tlnnu "f It iciliiiM i !I;II.H|,.| ;i i x|i. -,!,, I r,i I.,. f II linn Anil Co :i rli i. k'.jit II|MIII liini I'll.- V..IIM ,' in in .i< of a i|ii:,>! lu-n r.n.1 highly H.-I,,-, i,-d .1, .1 I, n ir:i;;ir .|.> itli is a heavy blow to hin pnrei.t* nml fnemU, who have the yin|utthy of the coniinuiiity in tlieir Ni-vure -('hatsworth News. \Vni U'ey, s Criinil TinnU engineer. who w.-m Kiip|ioKed to \\n\r I.een drowiu-il in I'ollinif^roDil hiiil.or IIMI v.e>k,li.iN liiriii-d up. Tin- of 1,14 di-^ftp mice in Htteniied with mystery. Me p poars to ha\e I. II at IIIM liuinlnii; dour liy iiine piu-liex in u .l.-ni. ntnl inlitioi,, rnd he roineinhns nolliin<( of his c|,.-i n-in-ei ciiniiie ||ie four (layr> !. wss aliHeiit. It is iho'ight tint whi'u nit ting on ilu> diK-k hu W.IH mintaken for a ^^lllry ovnwNr MM! Mnt1ha||fed, hut f- ler the misiuku wx dis.Mveifd hi; WM n-nmtcd to his boai-iliiiK hounu in the i- n iliti'.n iiK-i.iioin-il, uiiuuN Init, coat and hoots. A inet'iing vas lii-l.l in v.nrd in Sullivnn NM Sn'milay to receivn appli cKtioim finiii those looking aid on acennni of Ihi! abort. ige in enpn. OnUneillnf .1 ,M. ph nresinixl nnd took down tint applicaii.-nii, which numbered five. Of the five applicants one in a mechanic who Your bones free from flies by getting them a net of leatli- By so doing Yon will saTs money. Your homes are not so apt hi ran away when they are not irritated by the flies. COMBS AND BRUSHES Of the best kinds, that will sssist yon pvitly iu keeping your horsss look- ing iltek. Greases Carriage Oil. NVsgon Greats, Hoof Ointment, Harness Oil. liar DIM Boap, I'ulish, and everything tbat will pre- serve your harness. Binder Wliips I<oug Din ler Whips, and Whips of everv derriiitiou and prices the same- All kiudu of ii!it and heavy barnesf . HILL MOOKE. Proprietor ROLLER MILLS Are now complct and are running regular. CHOPFI1TG SS. , 8 IlSlldl. I>. LOUCKS. A BIG RUN -ON 1 .iulit^H 1 Fine I3oot s ;n i< 1 Sli | >| >crs Hen's Plow Boots Foil FALL WEAR / i\w:\y ilowii in price for a time. If you want Uranus in these line* now in i lie time to secure UICMI. This is u ){,. inline sale, at low IIHIVS. Promplly Done as Dsoal Jos. Smith - Flesherton PHOTOS! PHOTOi! If you want photos taken go to the FLESH LRTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, liure nothing but first clns<< work in turned oui , mid im.'u.i lnwei llinclmrgd lor nty Mork. ('nitiful iitlunt'.in x'ivi'ii to copying other piuturu*. Itabi.n' phoUji a I'ioture in all its branches promptly and neatly done, His, Bulmer - Syisiham St, ajsasstsis* 3A5oft Thing T When you are driving is always enjoyable. Our baggies are easy and pleasant to ride in. neatly finished, strong and durable. CJI and examine our stock. Carts and democrat* on easy terma. Painting, triinminu and rin-nhing di>ne ' order. I claim to sell as durable and good a vehicle a* there is on the market. * * R. T. WHITTEN. I The Mother Heart Touched "I Believe SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE Savod the Lives of Two of My Children." Puny Children Grow Pat and Strong- Tired and Ailing Women Take on the BLOOM of EARLIER YEARS. A\ lut will touch the mother heart more deeply than the illness of her little oneaf She may suffer much herself, and women are sorely afflicted with many ills, but she will endure all this, however often, without a murmur , but there can bo no dis- guising her anxiety when the little ones of tho home are stricken down with sickness. And how many puny children there are I We talk of the bloom of youth, but thousands of children know not of it. Others may romp, hut they are weaklings. Mothers, would you have your loved ones strong and healthy f Would you enjoy Rood health your- self! Then use South American Nervine Tonic ; there is no doubting its efficacious properties. Investigate from a scientific or a common sense point of view and you will find that nearly all disease has its start in the nerve centres of the body. The mission of South American Nervine is to at once reach the nerve centres, which are to the whole body what the mainspring of the watch is to every other part of the timepiece, j Science has made perfectly clear that the troubles that affect the individual organs of the body, have their seat in these nerve centres, so, without any wasteful experimenting, South Amer- ican Nervine reaches out to the seat of the difficulty, and straightening out what is wrong there heals the whole body. Listen to what Mrs. H. Russell, Wingate, writes on this point: " I have used several bottles of South American Nervine Tonic, and will gay, I consider it the best medicine in the world. I believe it saved the lives of two of my children. They were down, and nothing ap- peared to dn them any good until I procured this remedy. It was very surprising how rapidly both improved on its use. I don't allow myself to be without some of it in my house. I recommend the medicine to all my neighbors." It will certainly grant new life to all who are delicate, whether young, middle-aged, or old. Do not worry along with ill health, but dispel it, and brighten your lire* by the immediate use of South Amer- ican Nervine, For Kale by "\Vm. 1 f i<-hu i il*st>n.

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