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Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1895, p. 5

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TH1 FLISHItTO-'f 1DTAKC1 Office >J QEO. MITCHELL "^ FLESIIERl-OX A Knoral banking business transacted Draft* Usuod nud sh*t*)e> 1-Kxin-il at wual ru s Money always avail* ble for luKUuati liURiuoitii enterprise. Ufficv two doors auith uX Klclmnt- MU ft Co'l. Vicinity Chips. h .1 rarii-riM i, , of the Past HVek 4 jin-fullv < nil.-il for the Carious. Ituinttt nonc*i among luttds will I* at the rate f lOe per /I'M* fur rtum. A nu/iuifiwn wilt lie i on etmlractt for 100 line* or over. flour $3 90 per bbl. at W. Alexander Soutt, wi-aver of mjf and woollen carpets, quilts, tweeds, flannels, etc., woollen mill, Fle^liotton. Mr. Herd. Lvgsrd, barber, of Murk- dale, w* recently niarrieil to Mies Ann ID ('rowtiiar of Holland Centre, t.'ufu;ntu, Herb. Cet your flour wlinre yici can gut it tli clicapt'st. I am Hrllint! first cliun, utrait mllerat f3. HO per Uriel. Wm. Barn- huuie. The cliptK) <>f the inoii on Tm-xUy uvviuug was a beautiful and intorestin sight to those who witnessed it about uiiJuight. E. WiJiueyT ban been elected to the reereship of Nurmanby.the po*uinn made vacaut by the death of the late reve,Mr. Blythe. erry lacrametit will be held in th Presbyterian church on Sabbath next, with preparatory service* at 2.30 <<n Fri- day afternoon. Momlay was Labor Day but it was not observed an a public holiday here. Cven the school wa not closed, though the at- tendance WM small. Artemeaia prizu lint has jutit been ieud from this office. A copy may be secured by addre*iiiy the secretary, Mr. Jaiuta Bnxlie. Vandoleur. Markd.ile lout another game uf bamtfutl) to Owen Siiund by. a .taorv. of 17 to 14. Mjukdale is ui/oriunate, not having won alearua game this season. Markdale has now four barber*. Ouu f them K ot married last week and it is now prophesied that there will never be any dmiiuuti m of the number of ' shav- ers" in that town. The Standard says tbat "lightning truck and killed a horse belonging to Mr. Joe Itcatty of Orange Valley Uat week in the pasture Held." It wasn't the lightning expix-s* this time, wan it, Joe? Mr. Ja. Brodi*:,. of V.-uiueleur, got a ; M mud of Wallace oats from the experi- tuenial farm last year. Thin year from the second sowing he has increased his quantity to ten bushels. This he believed to be a pherouieuul yield. The statement < f the ('. P. R. picnic is ..ut and shoWH a balance of 91,900 which . in the Molson bank, Owen Sound. 'I he picnic, which was held at Owen Sound this year, was a splendid SIICCI-H an he l:irxe balance will thow. While other oljeesv fsrt< irii-s have closed d<>wn the Klishrrt.Mi factory continues in upuration and will do so tho full term, fhere WM a meeting on Friday last of the directors, and th'ti^s wero going aliing. so satisfactorily that tho above decision was arrived at. Which m worse, imprisonment for life or a life-long disease, like scrofula, for example ? The former, certainly, would be preferable were it not that Ayer's Sar- laparilla can always come to v>he rescue and give the poor luti'orer liuultli, strength and happiness. For sate on time or for oash. The undersigned has for Kile a good service able horse, one good new democrat wag gon. complete with polo (made by I) Me Tavish) two sec-md hand butfxie*. one double sleigh and two- cows. John W. Armstrong, F1eshortn. A hacking cough keeps th bronchial tubes in a state of constant irrilatior, which, if not speedily removed , may lead to chronic bronchitis. No prompter remedy can ho found than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Its effect ia immodiaH and the result permanent. Mr. John Buchanan, Mt-sford Road, rooeivexl a severe kick from a horse uu >'daj It it wl.ioli broke three or To r nbs, on penetrating UM kin| Ugbt'j. Notwi'hsUnding thi seventy of the ac- cident Mr. Buchanan it recovering nicely under the care of Dr. Carter. He was tiling a crupper whnn the blow was del- ivered. Mr. Jos. Lang has launched a new paper ia Ow> n Sound, which h lias christened the Saturday Star. Joe is a shining lijit in journahbin and will make -nl matters interesting around Owen Sound. Here's our hand, dear boy, that your venture may prove the success your pluck and perseverance sre deserving of. John Ueuson Spurr, editor of the To- ronto Junction Leader and Recorder, formerly proprietor of the Duiulalk Her- ald, was married on the 4th of August to Miss Eniiua A Manning, daughter at James Manning, Esq., "Rone Hill," T.-niiiiH.tli, Stmcoe county. The core- 'iy iv *i performed at the church of tho Kpi|>hany, Purkdalo, by the Rev. Bernard Bryun. Mr. J. K. Moore lius purchased the frame bluck which ha now occupies from Sir. Win Strain, and which has always beeu known M Strain'* block. He will renovate it considerably and make ox cellent premises of it, Mr. Moore is a sterling business man and an enterprising citizen. We trust his lattwt enterprise wi'.l be the beginning of an era of genuine l>roBuerity for bun. He has faith in tbe town und that ia tbe kind of men we want. Mis. Page of Owen Sound delivered an address to " Mothers, Wive* and Daugh- ters," in the R. T. Hall on Wednesday afternoon of liutt week. Her audience 'as rather small, but very interested in the speaker and her work. Those who were present speak very highly indeed of the lecture. Our reporter was unable to gain admission, owing to the native mod- esty of the young lady lecturer, and we can therefore only advance the opinions- uf others as to its merits. Mr. Herb. Dyson carrfie his hand in a sling, and the reason thereof is that he took a tumble to liimseln^e other day. \\bile fixinn a hayfork in t bj bawi, the "dog" accidentally trippad and allowed Mr. Dyson to take i diagonal flying swoop from the peak-.of the barn to the floor, a distance of nearly 25 feet. In the dasv cunt ho struck sideways on a post, injur- ing his hand and wrist, and lauded Mr. Dyson, sr. , a serious blow on the lieiuJ with the heel of his boot as he nnared th Hour. Herb's hand and wrist are done up in a sling, but he ia very happy to think thit it was no worse, as it easily might havu been. A Toronto thea're manager sends 'Jt% a half column solid advertisinentof his show which he desires inserted, in return for which he will be happy oo give us a 25 cent ticket of admission to his. wonderful comedy.. If the manager himself were to place his person in a ^laas case and exhib- it it ftm tho st)(o of tho theatre we would be sorely toinpted to insert the ad- vertisement and go all the way to Toron- to, if we could mortgage our paper cuttvr for sufticieiit to take us, just to feast our eyes on so collotwal a statue of brass. We have seen Irving, Langtry, Keene, Joe Murphy, Mark Twain and many other shining lights, but they all pale into utter insignificance before an exhibition such as this shining managerial artist would sffoid. Mr. T Me Arthur,, w-ho lives near the stiitinn, lias one of the limtst bams in western Ontario, or at lest it will be when completed. It was erected lust summer and ia not yet completely fitted up. Some of the dimensions sre : The building is in form of an L, 70x00x45x45 with iii;igniliceiit basement of stone walls all around from ') to 12 feet high. There is une wall 90 ft. long, two 7') and two 45. When completed there will be stab lniU for from 30 to 50 uf cattle, winch ftpacu can be doubled if uucetvsaiy, also a horse stable. Every convenience for feeding has been provided for, and. water will be supplied from a oistcru to the stabler.- All straw and manure will be kept under cover. The st-ibloa re woll lighted and aired-. The stonework id a particularly fine piece of masonry. Altogether the barn is one of tho very fiiic.-t we have every seen and Mr. Me Ar ( hur has every reason to be proud it. Tb gftrJoi* pai oy on Tuwday evening on tho school grounds at Vundeleur was a very enjovnblo and successful affair. An excellent tea was stwvod in the old school house, and after the eatables I ad been cleared away a program of much in tareot was forthcoming. There ws* s njingby four young ladiesof the church and sweet solo ny Miss Kails. But the features of the evening war* two short but moat earnest and interesting ad- dresses by two young ministers, Mr. Balfour of Eugenia and Mr. Humphries of Markdale, the rirst an -Some Little Things" and the lattev on "The five best things in- life." Mr. M. Richardson also gave a short, humorous, impromptu aeV dress. Rev. Mr. Mahan occupied the chair. The proceeds amounted to a little over 920. A large number of our citizens went out to enjoy the beautiful evening wi'h their friends of Vandeleur. Mr. Macdoaasd, who a tew year* ago kept a puBeral store in Flesherton in partners* rj with Mr. B. G. Evans, and late of Ripley, has leased Wright's store, the same in which he did business before, and is titling it wp in good style in order start kv I to general ( rx>re business here once again. He will repaint the front, put in a new floor, build a driving shed, etc. Mr. Macdonald said to The Ad- vance that he had travelled around con- siderably since leaving here a few years ago, and he knew of no town in which he had more faith than in Flesherton. He 1.1 warmly eulogistic in his praises of our people in this district as a cuts*, compared with other places. Mr. M. expects to open up his prnmisea before the fall ex- hibition, or as sonn as the repairs now under way will permit. Thy Advance a* glad to welcome Mr. McDonald back. His sterling integrity is- well kax.wn, and as a citizen he stands high in the estima- tion of all who knew him while in busi- ness here. He will let the public know through these columns when he is pre- pared to receive callers. Fall Fair*. East (iroy . Fleaherton ...... Sept. 2H-27 Proton, Dundalk ............ Oct. 10-11 Arteinesia, Pi iceville ............. Oct. 8-9 North Giey, Owen Sound ...Sept. 1A-19 Collingwjod, Clarksburg. . . Sept. 19 2&> Party. The Methodist people of Fleaherton Station and their friends will hold a gar- den party on the school grounds Friday evening the !^h mat. Eefreshmen U served from to' to rt. Excellent musical and reciting talent have been secured for the occasion, also several speakers ol no- toriety will deliver addresses. No pains will be bparea to make thiatha entertain- ment f the season. Admission 15 cents. CUDW all. Ood save tbe queen. PERSONALS. Mrs. W. Haskott and Mm. Dr. Sproulo, Markdale, visited friends in town on Fri- day last. Miss M. Wright and Mr. Bert Ann- strong left on Monday morning to Attend mode! school in West Toronto Junction. Mioa,Ch listens Ujerdrum left on. Men lay en route fur Norwood where she has tecurod situation. Miss Nellie Brown of Parkdale, wlui has been the ituest of Miss Wriyht for some wqejts, relumed home on Monday. Miss Flora Smith of Belleville is the guest of Misa Eiuuin Wnglit. Mrs. W. I'.iovn, Markdale; Miss Uoardman, Toronto ; and Mrs. Ed. Lny- oock of 'tVooduiock were calling on friends in town one day last week. Mrs. Boland of Mfcrkdale visited with Mrs. A. S. V.iiiJiMwn on Friday hist. Miss Maud Rvchardsou.lttft on Moadsy to attend the millinery, opening in- Tor- onto. Mrs. W Trimble is in the city this week attwwHng the mill'xury opening and .purchasing her fall stock. Sha will open branch millinery in Priceiile on the dsy of the fall fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stevens of Colling- wood were the guests of relatives in town over Sunday. Mr. D. Clayton of CoHmgwood spent a c-iuple of diys in town during the pas week. Came Astray. ('nine to tbe premises of toe unilorsiKnori, lot 49. oou 0, VI'.IIIIIIMH on or about .Inly rtrnt, ono ona-y(Mtr old Htenr. Theuwuar In requustad i prove property. |tft> okpenftt And tHkn same away. KICHAIIII I'OUIWHIH. KluslMirt .n " O HORSE_8TRAYED. From til-Hi- Cape Htch about 27tb June, a bright hay horse four yean old, (our white feut. wbitu spot on face, wearing a wootlmi imkn. Any mr.-i ini.ii.iii loadlnii tu his rocovnry will he rewardtxi by applyiBK to (leorRo Dyoe, Cape kii h P.O.. or at the Advance office. Cam Astray, Caino to the premises of tbe uudersiffncdt lot ;i. 2n. I con. of Knphraaia, on or nlxmi III. if.tli of .luly, ouo year old huifor. Th owner in r- uuuhtod to pruv* vrupertv, pay oxponnes iii'l Utk the sy away. WM. HtHBn-o, Au K . U. '96. Kiniberley. Oo v and lit For Sale. For Mtlo chimp Mid on easy terms In Plosher- ton. Uplwudtd Iarne, solid brick dwelling, with good stone i.ollar. summer kitclion and wood- li.Mih.i. also good franie -tablr. brick lined. Pio>niee ftontaios two large lots and Rood young oruhar.t, bearinK. House and <>u< bulldlni^ iu nmptinrtally wll finished and very oonwui- intly laid out. Apply to It. J. SMOUU*. Flcjberton. Sheep Came Astray. ame to tbe premise* of tbe ondeiiuo', lot :1 cur. 10. Ai f-miwlK. on July it, one sheep and lamb Tbe owner Is requested to prove i rop- ert*. pat eipense* and uke the same sway EnceoUPO DaTiD ~ Get . . . The Best . . . For Your Money We are now offering a well selected assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Foot wear in Oxfords, Balmoral and Button Hoots and Slippers, also the heavier grades which we sre offering at bottom Prices notwith- standing the recent rise in price of boots and leather. Call and give us a trial. Custom Work and Repairing attended to promptly at CLAYTON'S OUR SALE One ton of Dry (foods just received, such as Dress Goods. Flannels, Cottonadea, Blankets, Shirt* and Drawers. In fact, to make it short, we have a full lawige of Fall &Winter Goods Our prices aro always low so low w doa't aiake much money. Largo sales are more satisfactory, and small profits aro necessary these days. Boots and Shoes arriving. Teas coming in imported for our special 'rade. Please call and see us. Butter, Eggs, Skins, etc., Taken T. HILL, / HELLO THERE! Do you want a finrt class carriage ? Then go to D. Blair : he can supply you. Have you. seen our " Eclipse " Cart ? If you have not then see one before purchasing and you will buy no other. If you are at the fair do not fail to call and see us ; we will be pleased to moot you. hVmeinlier we manufacture evurythmg in the carriage line and satisfaction guaranteed Shop in conneotion with, MuTavish'g blacksmith shop. D-. Every day a busy one, and yet we are offering some very special inducements iu Plush Parlor Suites, and an exceptionally tine assort- roent of parlor sitting room odd pieces in plnsh, rn^, silk, ramie and other ooverings. Centre Tablee at very low prices in solid oak as also in walnut and antique finish. Our line of Dining Hoom Furniture was never more complete, sh inu a large variety of designs in Extension well as Fall Leaf and Side Table. Our new pattern Dining chair* aro at once cheap, comfortable and pleasing to the ye. A special hue of pictures ant picture frames at slaughter prices AJso some very pretty Window Shades and Curtain Poles to be cleared out at cost. Onr undertaking department is as uusual first claw,, and yiices-well ask those we have served. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. J. E. flOORE, and Undertaker. K igaasy^HK^yy^Sgg'gg^^^l- I Hear the Cry Hard times, hard times: But BO such word is heard from the OUNDALK: : PATRON : STORK, And why not from them as- well as from, other places of business, because they aro selling at prices that bring i!x custom for many miles around. The $ and cts. are $ and eta. with those tbt have buying to do thisueason. It would b quiU easv for us to quote t> pr. ladies' how for 25 cts , 80 yds. G. cotton for $1.00. -0 large siftu handkerchiefs $1, etc., but our aim is not to give yoq ft lot of cheap gooda for ftl, but to give you good goed which you cannot buy in otb,er storea for the same amount i f, Although Boots and Shoos havo advanced wholesale 29o/o we still sell them at the old patron prioe- w are enabled to do this owing to a large stack being bought before thu advance. Yon would do well to get your supply be- fore the assortment i broken. Wonderful low prices foe roadymade and. ordered clothing. Mien's all wool suits for $5.22, etc., eto. The highest cash prices for all kinds of produce. 8av your dollars by buying at CALHOUN'S .

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