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Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1895, p. 4

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THI FL18HIRTOH TiDlHCI ESTABLISH RU 1881 -M'NLIHIIKIl WEEKLY AT THE OJTICI. T- r MI.IM nun, ri.KnrRT.)N, OITI, sr w. B. THruro!f. H per annum.*! rirlly in ailtanrc Advertising Rates : 9a* Column, 1 year. SM ; half col.. 1 year, M7 quarter col., on* ye*s*. S45. ~*aneient .UertU.'iuent charted at the re** ( oenta per line for flrat lnrtion mn J J ceut* aeh *ube<iuent luMition. We have made srrangemenU with an "Old Soldier" to write a series of sketches in the life of a British soldier of Lie acqaaintairce, with the facts of whose life he is wr-ll acquaint- ed and well qualified to write. These sketches will run throngh four or five isetut-s, and we feel satisfied will prove rery entertaining reading. The first will probably appear next week or the week after. The government committee ap- pointed to wait on the railway com- panies regarding a. reduction of freight rates on hay lia*e had their efforts rewarded by the securing of a rate of 14 cents per 100 HIP, on all hay ship- ped, into thin district 'rom any point west of Montreal. This makes a re duction of 40 cents a ton on the regular rates. It applies to both C. B. B.andG. T. R. lion Mr. Laarier. in a privaU in A-rview, indulged the idea that a plebiscite on prohibition would not carry in Quebec, although local option and the Duncan Act were BO popular. His. reason for such a bolifcf was. that the people a' that province had pe- cxuliar ideas of hospitality, and felt mortified if they had not something spirituous to offer their guest*. Ac- oording to this the lower province i about where Ontario was thirty or forty years ago, and temperance edu- cation is not as far advanced liters as it is with m. Borne thirteen Chinamen have, it is said, been executed for participation in the late riots which destroyed so many missions and missionaries. The Montreal Witness points out that many outrages have been committed upon Chinamen in this country with- aut any action for compensation or piiuiiliineiit being taken by our au- thorities, and draws therefrom an mi- ai> viable comparison between our civi- lization and the heathendom of China This comparison is in our estimation an unjust one. It wa>th "lieathenfi" of this country who comnytted the outrages upon Chinamen, and it was the Itiliargy and indifference of China tliat prevented full reparation brmg made to the nufortnnila cjuitials who sufftiej ut thu hands of our homo, heathen. Obituary. Mr. .I'.li.i Mi-Ken, win mo remain* were commnt- <i tn tin- grave mi Monday, wiu the fmln r of ninr cluMri u who nil MH vive him Hi* w*n tlw dunth in tin family, niul hu wa 70 years of ago. Tjiu gviilluiunn WM a milil IIIMIII i.-,l man, i|uiet, %nd the friend uf all with whom lie came in oinUc*. lie win for )ear H uuiiftii'eiit and inUueni'al if the l'i-*tiyti-rmn rlmich, mid [weii*ei; lir ,- ,n!i-l. net) uf all trli'i knew him. Hi wan IK. m in County Antrim, Ireland, n 1H16, and immigrated to Canada in 1834, tettling in CinnlMirlaiiil towniliip, county .f Uu-arll. I lore hu WM icarrlud to the wife In- now |HVH behind, ni tlid timber bii(tm-Hu nn llm nvi-r In 1H4 he moved to thu uf Kurguii, wharu he tunmed to Hainiltini and also m*itod to innTe threat nt'inhrr ,if settlers O|> into the noil hum. part of llni county. Mr. McKaa haa aajd Hint at lliii lime them WM only one tmall hut on the i>rent ml* of the town uf Dur luin. In tlie year 185C Jiu mown! la the liiilii|< of IVilrnm, K|uca (JountVr * one nf Itn firm witter*, where he endured the li..i-t"l,i|- nf |IIOII>MT lifn, clu u in): up nd i, mm. VIM,- a farm i>f nne hundred acre*. Do-inn^ land for hit ill the 1 .Still hfl suM nut and nmvi-il to tli- 4th oun uf Arlerurii, whore he U*sd until 1888, at that time taking, up \i'..\ . rmidonce in this village. Deceaned was for yean a member of the Orange brotherhood, ami bin funeral wa/i attended t>y a laree number of delegate* from thu igcii in tin* diitrict. The dnctaacd gentleman leave* * large nomber nf chil- dren and grandchildren, who now rise up ami call him Uvaaed. HIM aoni acted ma pallbearers, In Remembrance OP M . JOHK MCXBI, WHO DIBD IK rLItnBTOD, 400. 31*T. INKS. Another called awtjr from earth, Another welooiaed home, To eTerlaating peace and mirth, Where iln nor sorrow- come. Hi* race wan ran, till journey o'er, Hii work Wi* finished here ; Ood oalled blm home, where, gone before. lie a wait* hi* loved ODM dear. He leares behind a widow, who HU care will sadly mlM. Till In Ood' own gooJ time, she Join* Him in eternal bits*. And children, to whom constantly He provrd a loving friend, From childhood to maturity Yea, eron to the end. No frown wan teen upon bia (ace, But he wae patient, kind. Hit life baepoke that Inward peace Which ftlln the Chrlitlan'i mind. Throutitr the ratd acenea of .rf- . Whe.-e many fall, or faint, Huatainod by Ood'i own boundlen (race, He norer made complaint. Rat quiet, tooffenil** e'er, HelUedlapMoewtth all; Watehed o'tr bit own. with tender care, Till caiuo tbe final call. And, calm and peaceful to tne toJ. Ai i- al mJy |iMeed away ; In iw*et r|ioM. hi* spirit noared, W trust, to endlees day. T* ton owing trends, (riere tot a* they To whom no hope Is x Ten, Hut live 10 that, some future day. You all shall meet In hearrn. As one unbrokei* family joined. Whr<< parting shall not be. But where ye shall sing praise to Ood Throughout eternity. kl.B. M.irri.,1 P*pL>norr afcLKAH At the parsohsM. Uart- dala. on Wednesday, AUK. 1, by the HeT. J. Humphries. Ui.fleo. Beecroft toUiu Aliuins M.-l.n all of Kimberley. K>I>I,T -ABBOTT At the nanonax*. on Wed- neday. Aug. gut, b; hT Mr YVt. Henry itadley of Osprey to MUs Msry Abbott of Thurebmy. I.i(i*nr>--<'HoWTMii--!n Hoi Ian I Outre, by lle K. .1 HiwbUKl.nn thettut Ao(; . Mr. H. J. [jedanl. barber of Mkil*lu to 111** Annir Crowther. of Hollsad Cnnlw. lui>--XlVNB-*- In Markdale. at Uw reaidence of Ih* bride'* parent*. Mr. and Mn I*. Mnu- sbsw. by the KT. J. Hurter. Mr Chai-. lluyd of Artemesla. to Ul Anule Muunhaw. SMITH --In ArtemesM. on Friday. 30th nil.. Wm Smith. a4'*d ? years Vmos. KIUII i*l took place on HumUy to ftalem knrlal grouud. Nun In Aiteiuwl*. on Tbjirsday, 9Bni ult., Jauir* Na*h. eged HO years. McKnii- -At hi* ruekteno*. rleslierton. after an lllm-iie of tbrM days, John Mchee. aged re - .** - Owoo Soui.d, A*ig. 29 The stvamhoat eipreia, runmiiK at the rut* of about fifty inilm MI hour, went emitting inte tin' iitiixe al Sl Vini-i-nt crnnxing which run* IH.-IWOI-II here nnd Mt-afnrd, com- plotely ilfin-, lii'niiL' the vehicle. Thu thrru pameiim n Mr. Scarron, Wru HerrnKo and a littk- irl nitii.iid Vunwyke all frrii the TJoinity of Meafrd, were Uilly Rhakfli up. Thu little nl rtrt-ivvd Keiioui iiijurif* hnd a broken hip. Tin- driver and liorirH -were not injun il. The thru* [>tiienyers were conveyed to the QMSSM Hoa|iit*l It in miriu'uloua how they nil e*cx]H;d iimUnt death. The Markets. Carefully Corrected I'.nrh Klonr R Hry RKH, fruiih ....... Pot all** lif ....... P,,rk .......... 6 00 to ill to 35 to to 13 to 10 to 60 to 500 to Hay pur ton ....... 9 IX) to ll.-i'i (he.-|i:.kiu Turkey* Chirkei'M ptr |> bar pair ,, I Jtixi to "6 to 6 to 8tc 1'5 o 40 to 17 i,, 500 31 36 13 10 60 li 16 1000 300 26 (> H 40 60 _'<> Frfislerton larto loose I Car Load of Stoves Arrived at F. Karstedt's. Si, 1 Ult' grR, Casl Square and Kiriulvi( Omli S:.,\ i-, Box and Purlor Hti-vei, wliiuh wi> are guing lo .(for cheap fur rush, ur we are pn-|iarad t" )(ivo DIM.' to two yoar*' nun! if ri|inr.-il. Come and jj^t (iur pncei t>u:rn huyiitg. UVAI) <|U*rt*)r* for H-.iiiilniR Haul w*rc and Hinder Twin*. F, E* Karstsdt - Prop, NORTH GREY Fall Exhibition -AT- OWEN SOUND -OH- Ion,, TUBS,, Veil,, aod Iks,, Sept. 1G. 17, ia& 1O $2,500 Cash in Prize* The foil owl nil ipeeial artist* ban twra se- Wd: Cjrraoe, LaHell Hroe. and Urabam Broe. "Gyrene l rlegsat. litbe, ll**ame. She has no equal." Ixindon iKuxlaodi 1'lmee. "8h la unique, jnuug aud gisceful. Hbe has DO rlTal." New York Herald. l.*Hi'll Bro*. eaaiiut b sarpaesed as trapese performers 'Tbe Tribune. (irahuii llrui cannot be sarpasaed a* high wire artiits " The fello-JUn, proffrani lill be fullowcd. as as pueslUe puesl MONDAY, lth. OPENING DAY. Receiving and placing Inside, TUKSD\Y. 17th, < It 1I.HKKN S DAT. Forenoon--Kec*ivin|{ snd placing exhibits. A'turuo -n: I Judu ng Inside exhibit*. I eluding poultrr. t Hue mile bicycle race. 3 heats. S Cyreue, t' e celebrated srtit 4 Pony trot. &- Lsheile Hroe, tra|>eae perfoiia anoe. 5 Colt trot or pace. 7 Urabam Brue.. nigh wire ertUU A Day flre works. O slenic by competing banda. Krenlng: l- Judging continued, i Mosl* by bsnds. .1!lli- Urn* trapcie perfornjance -Twilight i|un..U i Orshtui Bros . wire and tra|ese performance, ft- Cornet Holo T Cyrene. lack wire act it- full *veniiu costume H- Lalllle lln , reTulTlnii Mexican Ixidvr.etc --Kin- works. N. Children under 19. only 10 ct*. Admission. Tuusd y. WKDNr 8DAY. 1Mb. KAHS4EH8 DAY. Forenoon: Placing llTe stocr. Afternoon: 1 Judgln-j HT* o :k. 8 F-trni- ers' trot ur |,< .-. 3 drabaiu Hnie., double hlgb wire and Irspexti act i (irenrun 5 Cyrene, London and Nw York a favorite. A -Open trot or |P, T i mile blevcle ra-w 8 ij*Iielle Hroe., dou ble tra|Mse. eia. Bom. liltcli and trot 10-Day an works ll-Muic by eimpet nlo: S T r Hand Mloetlon t Orhm Bros. S-Twilliiht quartette 4 telW-lU Bros . hlKh rope s*en>iuu :. Cnrnrt solu 6 t'yrene. character autl ai-r. >btlc r1*nr.r 7 hihelle Hrne.. duufele *l*nli wire with acrobatic elowst II Cyreni'. wire sot In full evening continue ' Fir* ork THfltsDAY. lUia. CIT1/RN8 1 DAY Afternoon: 1 Double and *lD*ile tuiswuti s Katlle hnr*e .1 -., nun ttutorptee 4 Bei lady driver 9 Cvroti* 6 O]wn ru,i 7 Graham lire*. M Teamtr,,t i>r |re l^ltxllo Hro*. 10 t HMle la.ii.-. hiirdin rare II Beet per- forniaiia* nver huriden It 3 mile bicycle han- dloap. 13 Day flr^ w >rk. II M i- l>v bandi. N. At 4 p in ifraii'l |Htradtt of all pri** aui- Dials. N. HinRlc fari hy train and boat. N. All eirnbitu ,- pt lire *tock uiuit be on Kroiinil Tin-i'lsv K!-t l?lli. II a ui. N. Metnneri' lirkftii not transferable and hot K<*>d t<i aitin it to rvt-iiliiK i.nt*-t tainiuvnt Tlrkeji* transferred will I... ilostroyol. N. All rntrlM|H>sltlTely cloe He|it. lull at lip in. for Inriln-r |,rtionlan sen priae list*, bllla, dod^-irii. lithiMi. or apply to J. H. McCullough. I l.m..n. W. A Drier 1're*. Manager Trea* i,r A. O. HcKay, Hee. -o Almost a Hopeless Cage. A Terrible Cough. No Rst Might nor Uay. Qlven up by Doctor*. A LIFE~SAVED BY TAKI NQ s verve CHERRY A lER PECTORAL "Beveral yean ago, I caught a aevere eoM. attended with a terrible cough that allowed me no rest, either day or night. The doo- lon, after working orer me to the bett of tln-ir ability, prouounc*d mj oase bopelcas, and laid they could do no more for me. A frteml, learning of my trouble, aent me a bottle of Ajrer'* Cherry Pectoral, which 1 began to tak*. and very soon'l w* greatly relii-vi-il By the linn- 1 had used the whole bottle, I was completely cured. I hare never had much of a cough since that time, and I armly hcllere that A VIM'S Cherry Pectoral eared my life." W. H. WAJU>, I Qutmby Are., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT iORU) S FAIR. Ayer'i fills thm Urtt Family rii) FARM FOR SALE. 100 acre* in Dm township of Arternaeia. fc_> n. lie* from thr village of Fleeherton. Oood buildings. witr IM >-vry Aeld. Biuall ore ard. Term* *ay. \--li to rieshertvn. -lull 1*,.'6. . D. FOR FRESrf Bananas, Orangres, Leinons, Flour, Feed and. ^ Potatoes, OIVE- W.BARNHOUSE A TRIAL. To Smokers To * ih wtekies ot their cmloaMra Tkw (too. E. Tswkatt * Co.. Ltd.. Haasilton. "" . A Combination Plug of B " SMOKING TOBACCO This supplies a long felt want, giv- ing tbe consumer one 20 cent plug, or a ten cent piece or a 5 cent piece of tin. Jsvoaoas --T * B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tui tag "T & B" is on mrj piece. PLRSONST^TRAVEL WANl ED 8eral faithful gentlemen and Mies t> travel fureslablUhed houae. SALARY I780.0Q AND EXPENSES. 1'iwitii -n permanent if nailed , alao in- creaae. State reference aud enclua aelf- addjmaed itauipeU envelope. TUB NATIONAL .-i6-Ji7-Ji(K>*Ml* Bldf CHICAO4. BICYCLE . . . REPAIRS..^. When your bicycle ia out uf orUer send it to the BICYCLE INFIRM ARY. OWE1M SOUiVD, Where you can hare it put in good ihapc. All kinds nf repair work attended to at reaaouable rates. JAM. M. WILNOX. W A VT P n * ood m<MI ln Tour district to * nli I M/ represent the Ponthill Nunier ies of Canada. Over TOO e**t* The laiiiust lu tbe Dominion Pueltlon periuanent. Salary or coiniuiMloii to riiflil man. With the increasing demand tor fruit a poei- liou with us a* nalesmau will pay ycu better than eugiglni; In farm work BenJ us your Application an- 1 we will show you how to *u I(IMH| uiouev. ><), <H>| teachin! It* Joel the thing for you luring the iumm0r. Write for particular* STfNK A WKLLINOTON. torouto. Ont. Flesherton' Planing ^i I* now in active operation and prepar- ed t,, turn out any quantity uf tint ctaaa work.auch a* duota, nniuldiiig*,fluoriuga, iher.tinga, etc. Bo 11 d srv w i r, n. R. & co - i i mi - Just Received AT 'M.RIGHARDSONdM'S A large consignment of British and Foreign Dress Goods Mantles, Linens Silks Carpets t BlankeUv 95 cents per pair, Linen Damask Tabling, 58 inchee, 25 cents pr yard. Linen Damask, haaTisr, 5G incites. 30 emits pet yard. Carpet Rugs. 2 yards square. 65 cents. Cratannaa, 3. cents .extra, 9 to W cents. 100 Paolcagess Fresh New Teas Choice May pickings at 26 ceuis per Ib. M. Richardson d Co. DIRECT IMPORTERS. Hardware J Dep i Done to order. Wo aim manufacture TWInves. Give ua.your order for any- in our line. Beecroft & Sloan. FLESaEITtl STEM I, IJtiy. I have "pe v .l nt> a complete steam laundry in V leabenea, and am |>ri- ed to take In auy qmaullty nf Isumli r work at loer price* than .-, clisryod uliu>Utire. I hare put in thalateat ml muKt luiprond uiaohluery to that end KtlHtly (|ivi- me s call. KnUre satistai-ilou guarautuoil. and p. ice* low. Mkk. UIKI. UOOKKROI'SB. pltUTCVILLB AND DURUAal KTaWK. .Durham stage leaTM Klesherton Station at MS a.m., return* 4 *5 p.m I'noeville siaoe leave* the same place at 1S.V. rotuiniag at 4 4 fare to Prleeville and retura. M eeats : Dm haul , Si V) fot return. 7 r ,o. single far*. Uv*ry it, eon' I aeetioa. Ordcn soar be left at either hotel. ' A . MoC AULg T. Prop Two Loads of Hardware^ JUST ARRIVED FOR Among it are to be found ncme of the celebrated JOS. RODOKilS J-. SON'S, and OECX WOBTBNHOLU & SON'S Peu, Pocket aud Table Kinvoa. The famons WArACUT Outclier Kuivdfl. A fnll line of Cart- iid,es, (iun Caps, Primers, Reloading Setta, aud Shoi Shells. A CASE OF Lexington Silverware Just opened, oaatajuing Tea Setts at $12 :-.qd $15 Raob. Latest style of Cake Stands at $4. Creaoa and Sugar Setta at $2 50 aud $5 each. Mo- ve You Seen Our 97 pieced Dinner Setts at $1 ., well worth t5. It it kb best valu ever shown.

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