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Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1895, p. 3

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CURRf&T NOT S3, We find In Nature & Nummary of the !ast health report issued by the medical officer of the London County Council. While the facts brought cut are on the whole creditable to the sanitary condition of th* British metropolis, they are fraught in some respects with warning and sugge*. tion to other cities of the tint class. What actuaries call " the expectation of life " bts undoubtedly impr >vsd in London. The statistics for ths period ef 1881-90, com- pared with those of 1861-70, shows that the expectation ot life of males at five year* of age has increased from 47.49 yearn to 50-77 that is to say, there has been during the interval a gain of 3.28 year*. A* regard* femal*s, the expecta- tion of life has risen from 50.87 to 54.43, a gain of 3.56 years. At subsequent ages, also, there is in all cases an improvement, though it is less marked. A comparison of these tables with thoss compiled in Manchester and Glasgow for 1S81-90 prove* that the expectation of life in London ex- ceed* tht enjoyed by th* inhabitant* of sither of those large cities. We note, further, that the death rate was lower in London than in Manchester, Liverpool, gham, Leeds, or Sheffield. More ever it was lower than that of New York or of the majority of the European capitals. While the death rate in London was 21.2 per 1,000, it was 23.8 m Nsw York, 21.8 in Paris, '22.3 in Rome, 24 in Vienna, and 10.8 in 3t. Petersburg. Yet, while the death rate, taken at a whole, red-els credit on the sanitary conditions of the British msiropohs, the THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. l*Her*silawllSM akesu r*)wai Ceeatrr, Oreel Britain. Ike 11*4 Males, aii-t All Paru ef th* Ulebe. Ceeteejie* aaut A**erte4 rr lacy atoaelliua. CANADA. The C.P.R. has reduosd rates on butter, cheese, and egg* from Winnipeg to Mon- treal. The contractor of a T., H. A B. Railway bridge in Hamilton ha* left that city and hi* workmen with e month'* pay in arrear*. The Queen'* bounty has been applied for by Mr. P. A. Choquette, M. P., for a French woman who gave birth to five ohildren within twelve mouth*. Out of forty thousand dollar* required for the Episcopal endowment for the new Diocese of Ottawa about thirty-two thou- "and dollars have now been secure 1. A fatal runaway accident occurred at Ridgeway, Out., on Thursday afternoon, when a bu* driver named Charie* Buck received injuries thatt proved fatal. A man named Kennedy fell from one of the Manitoba Harvest excursion ' runs an. i wa* killed. Another man named Saunder- son fell off and was severely injured. Joseph B*rcier ha* been arrested in Montreal for fraudulently drawing the life peneion ot hi* father from the Dominion Government after hi* lather'* death. Prof. Anderson, who ha* ju*t returned from an inipeotion of cattle in Nova Scotia, emphatically denies the statement that there is an outbreak of cattle disease there. The McCormick Harvesting Machinery Company, of Chicago, has begun litigation oldest judge on th* English bench, has been twenty-seven years a judge, nineteen yean a Justice of Appeal, and Master of the Rolls twelve years. In the House oi Commons,Mr. Chamber- lain, Secretary for the Colonies, said that Mfuen thousand pounds had been expended to relieve the distress in Newfoundland, and that guarantees had been given to the amount of seven thousand pound*. Sir Maurice Du:F Gordon, Kurt., whose mother translated rUnke into English, and whose grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Austin, was one of the tint translators oi standard German works, was fined for being drunk and disorderly in a London restaurant lately. In the Imperial House of Common* the President of the Board of Agriculture, in reply to a question, laid he could not see the necessity oi sending an expert to Can- ada to snquire into the existence of pleuro- pneumonia, as the disease had actually beeo detected in tome Canadian cattle I landed at Deptford. CN1TXD 8TATBS. Three thousand garment-tinker* in Bos- ton sre out on strike. The carpet weavers' strike at Philadel- phia ha* l>een successful. Keir Hardie, !ate English M. P., U in America on a lecturing tour. The list ef deal in the Denver hotel wreck stands at J. Of theie tnree bodies remain unclaimed. A Sre in Milwaukee on Thursday des- troyed property M the value of nearly half a million dollar*. Two thousand five hundred union vest makers, including seven hundred women and girls, are on itrike in New York. over the alleged infringement of a patent, mortality from lyinolio diseases attains in wh ioh companies el Oltaw and Woo 1- alarming proportions, and is in fact exceed- ed among capitals only by Stockholm and Vienna, During the period under review (18M-90) there wee an increase of fatal oasss of small-pox and scarlet fever, while innunnxa and pneumonia claimed a number ol victims greatly in excea* ef the average of the pre eding ten year*. The most serious problem, ho* ever, which the health authorities of London have to face, is the ssrious increase n the mortality from diphtheria. Some have attributed the augmentation of the number of deaths from tins cause to alterations in the classification of disease, deaths formerly registered a* cr.'up being now ascribed to diphtheria ; while others have found a cause in tower ventilator*, or have laid (tree* on the infection afforded by increased scnool attendance. Th* objection to the** ex- planation* is thst they are circumstance* shared by all th* other greet citie* and towns of (.real Britian; yet London alone stock are involved M defendants. Dr. Dawson rlirutcr of the Geological Survey, ha> left Ottawa for Athabaska Landing, N. W. T. , to inspect the progress recently made in boring for oil. A* yet oil ha* not been (truck in paying quantitiet, but the indications are hoptfu . President J.9. Bousijuet of the Canadian Trading & Shipping Company of Montreal, and formerly cashier of the Binque du Peupie,has been charged with an infraction of the criminal code i>y misrepresenting the capital stock of that company. I'rmcip*. Grant, of Queen'* University, Kingston, Out., has received from Judge (. wan another cheque for $400 to be pieced at the credit of the fund for the Sir John A. Macdonald chair of political science in Queen's University. Alfred Evans.s young English immigrant wa* on Tnursday *hot in the leg by a watchman of the Canada Atlantic railway, who wa* angered becau*e Evans persisted in crossing T ne )>rige at C'oteau after Hav- ing I >eeu warned otf. Reports received by theC. P. R. officials from a hundred ciirTersnt pom'* in Manitoba I and the N'orlh-Wesl state that the crops MUCH -RACKED NERVES, LONG LIST OF DISORDERS CAUSED BY SPECIAL OCCUPATIONS. ta Italian rroresoer s ssedv at I lie Bel lien r Labor l \er>i,a ii-r-r. fklldrrsi, tine'.* *. sad Lt>rer >r-EH>ri r ike tUerrle * <>" >rve. Prof. Leonardo Counetti di Martin of the University of Turin discourses in the Giornali degi Economist! the relation of labor to nervous diseases. The article is mainly directed to showing that each occupation, mechanical or intellectual, has it* peculiar nervous disease, and the enum- eration as a whole, with its illustrative examples, forms a harrowing picture ot the dangers attending modern industrial life, lie begins by . discussing the perils to the nerves of open-air workers. Lightning i* one of these. Not only does it kill twenty-two person* annually in England and seventy-one in France, but it leave* with shattered nerve* many who escape death from the stroke. So of elec- tricity uied in various industries. A severe shock from electricity is always liable to produce important nervous changes in the victim. The malarial fevers to which many open-air workers, especially agricul- tural laborers, are exposed are followed in : many cases by severe nervous disorders, By a recent treasury ruling made in Canada to locomotives and oar* of international railway* ar* not duti- able. Detective Powsra, who wa* shot last repair* and there i* a true rural paralysis reeulting from the*e fever*. Tetanus, which i* commoner among the agriculturist* than elsewhere, because the germ that produces Th7rtday"nigh7b7thyCnfcrgoTWe * he <! often found in swampy Michigan train robbers, died at Grand i ground is followed by shocking, nervous Rapids, Mich., yesterday. manifestations. Sunstroke eften leaves its On Wednesday morning Mr. Lewis victim a prey to painful nervous disorders. Swift, s-trouorner of the Echo Mountain ' ^j tna _.,, m tha op , n fi ,i di> Oneervaiory, Calif, discovered a new comet in the conxtollation Pisces. Fierce forest fires are raging in tha vicinity of Spokane, Washington. An immense quantity of valuable timber has Perion* accustomed to u*e th voice great deal are subject to I.AUYNOIUL trtmn. Watchmaker* and other* u*ing *tron( magnifying glasses become near-sighted. Worker* amid itrong odor*, plea*ant or otherwue, luee the sense of mneil, a* other* lo*e that of hearing m noi*y occupations. The mechanic worker* more subject M oervon* di*ease er carter*, coachmen, omnibu* and *tree'-oar conductors, fruit teller*, peripatetic vender*, tobacco dealen and worker*, chemist*. <irtiggi*te, tewing- machine worker*, itationen, booksellen, printer*, lit. ographers, and maiari of ore- work*. Th* Profea*or'i lid of employ meot in hich the raw material or the finished product w deleterious in health and especi- ally injurious to the nerve* of the worker include* gas making, coke burning, liynam- ite manufacturing, brandy making, tanning, 'ell digging, chemical work* of varioiu sort*, working in the mere volatile metal*, and a dozen other occupation*. Tb* nervou* injury extend* all the way from (light affection* of *ome single orgsi to Ion of ttie sasential power*, mental and pnysical. Some of the peculiar poisons thus absorbed into the iy*tm produoe in victim* a tendency to foolish gayety, in other* ileepine**, dullnee*, loss of memory, impairment of siant and Rearing, and convulsions. Men employed in some chemical work* lose *eu*itiven** of skin and arc consequently unable to do any delicate manual task. The vapor of petro- leum constantly inhaled ha* a narcotic) effect. Finally, men exposed to violent shock, sucn as often come to railway em- ployees, are likely to surfer from severe) nervous changes, attended at times with impairment of vision or with general nervou* breakdown, snpermdncexl in part, n. i doubt, by the constant nervous strain of their responsibility. The Protestor is not seeking remedies for ail this, bnt stating facts ; nevertheless, he seems to have hope that the shortening of the hour* of labor in perilous occupations migbt lessen the evil results to the employees. i. preeminent in its death rat. from ,lip- , , m g Hmtfttt i hat h .,, Ml jng isp.octed- tntria. Neither is it certain that dipntner la lends generally to increase in denseiy inhabited centres. The experience o G*rm*uy is to the contrary, th* result of an elaborate Inquiry in a number of Ger- oitie* during th* yeirt l"4H.'l-&i being toihuw a decrease in the death rate from this disease. Evidently the problem of diphtheria in London i* as yet unsolved, and what ic [ceded, according to Nature, is ths appointment of a commission com- posed of scientific men qualified to under- take a drastic investigation. The diminution of tho London death rate irom typhoid fever is manifestly due to the great pains teken in the matter of filtration by the water companies. Report* made by Dr. Percy Frank laud to the Local Uoverment Board demonstrate that by the filtering proceise* which the Thames water undergoe* before delivery, a* much a* 99 per cent, of the bacteria present are remov- ed. We add that the numerous mspe tiont of dairies and milk shops, as well as cow sheds, made by officers of the County Council, furnished convincing proof that zymotic diseases are disseminated broad- oast from suon centres of infection. The inference is that the practice of drinking cow's oi'lk raw, which is fast becoming obsolete ok the Continent of Europe, ought to be abandoned also in Great Britain and the United States. GOOD THINGS TO DO. Live a temperate) life; if u*ce**ary, be- come a total abstainer. Cultivate a spirit of faith, as it is the firmest foundation upon which to build character. ' upulously respect the right* of others and privileges of other*. Kefrain from insisting too strongly or too frequently upon his own rights and privilege*. Show his respect for the law* of the land by obeying them at all time* and under all circumstance*. Prevent by judicial counsel th* violation of the laws by others. If a parent, set a good example in all things to his ehildren. Do good in whenever and m whatever way he can legitimately. Cultivate a cheerful disposition and a spirit of kindness to all. Hold a close guard over that unruly member, the tongue, when other*) are the subject of conversation. Seek the divine approval, not the ap- plause of men, in the disci argo of duty. Cast his ballot in accordance with the dictate*) of his conscience, and for the candidate who will beet administer the law*. Take to active interest in alt matter* that have for their object the welfare of the oowimunrvy >> which he live*. ing everywhere, and that the crop* will probably D* greater than estimated. President Hs kley, of the Toronto, Ham- I i. ton and buifalo Railway Company, ha* addressed a letter to the ratepayer* in Hamilton, asking that the city vote them aiio-n*r $2-M>,<)00 before they undertake to build the road irom Toronto to Hamilton. Isadora Lanthier has entered an action for twenty thousand dollar* against the city of Ottawa, because sh* attribute* the death of her daughter Georgina to tb* fart that a health inspector entered the house and fumigated it while she was dangerous- ly ill. Part of the most valuable numismatic collection in America, owned by the late \V. !'. Kastam, was stolen from an unoc- cupied house in Montreal on Wednesday night. Some of the coin* were old Roman one*, sole remaining sample* of thsir kind. They are valued at $5,ix .". The Merry weather fir* engine, which ha* been built in Green wicb, Eng., ha* arrived in Toronto a* did also the J. B. Boustead engine, which has been practically re- mo lelled, and ihi, with the Ronald, give* that city three of the most powerful tire engines on the continent. Lieut. W. B. Leeslie, R. E., a graduate of the Royal Military College, Kingston, Out., has been appointed instructor of :oruricationa, military engineering, geo- metri'-al ilrawing, and descriptive geometry in the Royal Military College, in succesion to Capt. Twining, advanced to the pro- fesiioriate. Lieut. Lesslte is at present in England. At the coroner'* inquest in Hamilton on tht body of Mr. George Overend, who wa* thrown from hi* rig lad Tuesday, and died on Thursday night, several jurymen tegistored vigorous objection* to being celled away from their business to attend an inquest when the cause of death- was so apparently accidental. One juryman said it looked as though inquest* were regulated been destroyed, and it i* reported that four hvs wure lo*t. According to commercial reports received the intense light of the summer sky, often suffart from nervous atHiction* of the eye and more serious disturbances. Reflected light, te from snow, sometimes produce* the familiar fNOW BLINDNIM, a nervou* affection of the eye. It was once from the Un.ted States ths volume of busi- epldemic m Anthem Russia after a March ness continue, to ihrmk, as is usual during < now , torm- One form , th . dl . turbanoe the midsummer tsason, but the shrinkage m . ka the victim practically blind toward seems to be growing tomewhat lamer than iunMt Mli , (ler K nlgntfalL ' Foundrymen is customary, owing, no doubt to the fact mn lul ,j Mt ^ lhl , forln of lbe disease, that transaction during July were inflated | Mlaerl> from ^ opfotiu cauw> , haf . for the month. The prospect, the the fall ,, oerToo . atfeclions of the eye. ac- traue, however, seem to be food, although comp . med wlld itn , n g. ,llusions, inch as much depends on ths crept. Industrial troubles during the past wesk have not entirely ceaeed, but are much less threaten- ing. The settlement of wages in th* the apparent swaying hack and forth of objects in the Said of vision. Miners work ing in mountain snatt* have the to-called mountain sickness, accompanied by head- window. glaat workt foreihadowt higher writhing of the body, hesitancy of .*_....._ I'i... . ._~_. _4 fckuA.4_*..ra Wa K^*n . * prices. The erporl of breadstutf* has bean light. In iron the outlook is improving, and prices in some line* nave advanced. Cotton itoodi >r* in more active demand as th* price of raw material advances. Print clotns are a shade lower. Petroleum hae a downward tendency, as also have eight of the food products, flour, wheat, corn, oatt, pork, lard, sugar, and coffee. niMiiui.. movement, heart affection*, nausea and vomiting, sometimes ,'ollowed by insensibil- ity, delirium, and coma. All the** mani- festation! are to be ascribed, in part at least, to the rarefioation of oxygen. Aeronauts have the same trouble, Ev*n worse are th* nervou* disorders that attack ' men who continue under high atmospheric pressure. The voice becomes metallic, utterance is difficult, and in the case of some sounds impossible ; hearing is impair- There havo been 16,000 deaths from the !, muscles are knotted, and small and cholera plague m Japan. taste , re sometimee lost, while the laborer Chinas* soldisn at Tien Tsin are rioting handleehistoois withdiraculty. Seasickness and demanding back pay. is a nervous affection that has a remarkable Japan is said to be about te make large medical history and torwh.ohnosalislactory contracts in England for warships and arms. The Porte has declined te allow th* proposed reforms in Armenia to be under foreign control. The British expedition cent to punish the revolting tribes around Momba*e,m Africa, hat bad some denting. A Plltsburg .iespatch tayt : The Stan- dard OU Company has bought all th* interests of the W. L. Mellon pipe lines. The purchase price it taid to be f 1,'*R),000. The Brituh tnd American Consuls sre nottllowed to be present at the examination ot the prisoner! arrested for the Kuclieng miMion massacre. Serious difficulties are xpected. The largest stouk company of -he oeutury engaged in speculative occupations are will push ui invention tor the substitution (uo ject to neurasthenia, that manifests of electricity and compressed air for ltle |f , the loss of the power of mental waterpower, now in use in Australia gold application. Madness often follows. Bianohi, the Italian student of nervous diseases, finds as a result of the pressure of remedy has been found. Neurasthenia in many forms is ths enemy of intellectual workers. The modern school often bring! children to epilepsy and St. Vitus's dance. Stammering sometimes comes from mental overwork, and, while a large proportion of children enter school with sound eyes, near*ight is quickly developed and is found to increase regular- ly as ths child advances from class to class. With this comes an actual weaktning of the visual power at all di>t anoet. Headache, uncertainty of phyiioal movement, tuddtn alteration!, of hot and cold intomuia, and fleeting hallucination! ar* tome oi the results of too much mental labor in the MR.H fields. Paris has given up the idea of instruct ing i's school children in military drill modern nfe a tendency on the part of the Tne Municipal Council hat dubanded the young to imitate, accompanied by to a large extent by the interests of coroners and policemen. OBBAT BB'TAIS. Mr. William Kenney ha* been appointed Solicitor- 1 -anaral for Ireland. The jute worker*' strike in Dundee i* preading. Twenty thousand are out. The election of John Daly, who is serving a term in prison, was cancelled in the British House of Commons. The Lloyd committee are urging the Imperial Government to arrange with 'he United States jointly to destroy derelicts in tbs North Atlantic. A national oonferenee of the Liberal party in England ha* been summoned to meet on October 29 and 90, in order to dis- cuss the political situation. The passenger steamer Seaford was sunk by the steamer Lion in the English Chan* nel. Her passenger* among whom were a number of Canadians, were, with ths orew, all saved. Perhaps the new woman is responsible for the falling otf in marriages in rngland. For the fi'St quarter of this year only 10.6 person* '.n 1,000 married, which u the lowest rite on record. Lord Kshor, the Master of the Rolls, ha, just- at'fciced hi* 80th year ; ho i* now th, battalions, and ordered the gun* and equip- ments to be sold at auction. It ooits $11IU,CUO a year to keep up th* Bois do Boulogne, but from $40,000 to $50,- OUO is derived irom the park itself, and from the rent! ol the racecourses, restaur- ants, and privat* houses in it. Advioe* received from Majnnga, Island of Madagascar, dated the 5th inst., say that the Hovas sre entrencheJ at Kinajc and are prepared to offer a determined resistance to the advance of the French. Mail advice* from Hakodate estimate the combined catch of all pelagic sealers in Asiatic waters this season at forty-two intolerance of restraint and olh*r sigus of nervous degeneration. Labor-saving machinery has resulted in making workmen work harder than ever witu their nerve*, and in severe nervous disorder among thore that tend machine*. The speed of modern machinery seem* limited only by th* power of the human attendant, and a constant strain of atten- tion at a monotonous occupation tend* to mental breakdown. Pain and cramp of the muscles, accompanied by forms of nsn- ralgia, ar* some of the disturbances that effect the modern mechanical worker, driven by the prcuure of hi* inanimate fellow worker. The intense preoccupation thousand teal skins, Lsst season tb* and great manual speed of the piano player Canadians alone took forty-nine thousand, often produce* paresis. Clarionet player* Fresh outrages upon missionaries ar* reported from Chine. The American mis- sion neer Foo-Chow has been attacked by a mob, the chapel and school-house wrecked, and four of ths native scholars wounded. have spasm* of the tongue. Sewing- machine makers, telegrapners, oigsrmaken hnttonmakeri, and other* required to maintain high *peed at their work are subject to like nervous disturbances immediately affecting the part of the body Rome will hold a great gymnastic meeting ^SS^mSTSA, bit extending to irina the national fete* in September. TV... .-._ i . iT., other part*. Dentist's leg is a paralytic Sixty societies snd 1.50 lulian gymnasts ^^ of p.,,,. kept io n g under pressure. HONEST DEALING REWARDED. A raklr Wka Nude I..M.-V by Taklec Ike ruhlir late lit < iinilearr. "Gentlemen," said ths street fakir, as he arranged hi* bottle* on the table before him, "I did not come here to lie and deceive and rob yon ot your hard-earned dollars. I nave ttnok to the truth ail my life, and, though that is the reason I am a poor man, I thall continue to apeak the truth te the end ot my days." The crowd had been coldly surveying his preparation*, but began to warm op a little over hi* addrstt. "I might *ay to you," ne went on, as he held up one of the bottle! in a lovint; way between hi! eye and the sun. "that this medicine was discovered by a celebrated medicine man of the Sioux Tibe of Indians, but why deceive you % It is a remedy ntireiy unknown to the Indiana. It n my wu discovery, and I never saw an Indian in my life." The crowd increased in number* and began to press closer. "I could tell yon that tan compound would cure Brighi'i disease, and in ten minutes every bottle would be sold ; but could I sleep to-night with the weight of 10 -]iu,'h deception on my conscience. How couid 1 ever again look an hssmt man in the face after telling such a falsehood It will not cur* Bright'* disease) it would sven hasten the end of a victim of that baleful complaint." There were now 100 men in front of the fakir, and at least half of them had their land* in their pockets in search of money. I couid say that it was a pain iiiler," continued theiaan, at he brought out more jellies from an old satchel, "but an accusing voice would whispering in my ear orever more. You might rube barrel of it on you and it would not affect t pain. I miss the sales ol ai least fifty bottles because 1 tell yon th* truth, but it must be so." ' Gimme t bottle I" thouted a dozen men in ohorut, at they held up their (1 bills. * No, gentlemen not yet. I will neither deceive you nor allow you te de- ceive younelvee. You are an Honest, confiding people, and I might tell you that this discovery would stop a headache in five minutes and you would believe me and baud up your money. It will not cure a headache. I even declare that it would make one ten timet worse." Th* number of men wno now wanted a bottle was at least twenty, bnt ibs fakir waved them aside tad tai 1 : " Wait a minute. The discovery will not oure consumption after one lung is gone. It will not cure catarrh after the disease has a firm hold on the bronchial tubes. After both kidneys havs wasted away it is no ute to take lU It simply purities the blood, and thus' 1 " liimme a bottle ! Gimme a bottle !" yelled fifty men as they pressed forward, snd in less than ten minutes the last one had been sold and the fakir had ths money in his pocket. As we went down on the train to Montreal that afternoon together I asked : " After yon have mixed water.molatsea, and alcohol together do you add anything slse ?" " Yes, cayenne pepper to make it bite, and the solemn trutn to make it tell," be solemnly replied a* he took out his wad of billt tnd spread them on his k nee and ttar v ed eut to find the turn total. will take part in it, and many competitors are axpeoted from Berlin, Switzerland, and Belgium. The Marquise d* Galliffet ha* been med for maintenance by her mother, Madame Lafitte, widow ot the French horse- breeder, who i* 81, and has an income ef 40,000 francs a year which she has tied up by Pmralytit of the hammer come* to the man that ha* ons arm constantly plying a tool of tho itriking kind. It affects the right arni, and the right eye it often tympathe- tically affected . Even the speech i* im paired. The professional bicyclist is subject to shocking nervous maladies. Two phen omena are specially marked In hi* oase excessive weariness and a mental or per A Council Bluffs, Iowa, man told hie hap* moral deterioration that makes him sweetheart that he would give her half an easily subject to suggestion. There ie, hour to decide whether sh* would marry progrective loss of the power ef attention, him or be shot. She (creamed for help, of arittotJ seme, of judgment, and ef all and he earned her Into the house, and, the higher psyooio nenirestattons. Tke drawing nls revolver, held the police at professor tvidenfciy has tome deubt ai to bay to that she could reflect. At the end the adviaabilHy ( bioyoluig for wemen, of thirtv trilxniM she aoaepted him. ! save in veer mo4n>ete taehien. persistent litigation. bet New Eve. The serpent milled affably. Have an apple ? he insinuated. The mother of the raoe shrugged (boulder*. Not this Bve, (he rejoined. S'm'otber Eve, This, mused th* tempter, with a daied leek and a ilignt shiver, must be the woman's version. Ah, ye*. Not for Him. Huebend Thank goodness, there U M marrying in heaven. W Me What will that to yoe?

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