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Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1895, p. 2

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STORIES FROM THE DIARY OF A DOCTOR. DILEMMA. I had taken an interest In Feveral atac h* wa* a lad, and had watched hit early medical career wuh plraanre. Hit brain* were decidedly above the avnrage, and he was IB all respect* a firti-rat* sort of fellow. A* a nitdi. al ttudent h* we* fond of coming to m* for advice, which I alway* gav* frankly. By-aud-by, be eecured the pott of house phyaioian at Uuy'i Hospital hit thort career there was marked by much promise, and when the death of a relative enabled him to buy a there in a good country practice, I told him thai I regarded hi* future at tecur*. H* married * ion afterward*, and at hiaipecial request I wa* preiect at th* wsdding. After this event I saw much lest of hinri, but hit letter*, which reache. i m* onoe or twice a year, ataure.i m* thai he was doing wall an t hip) i y in every tense of th* word. I had aot teen Feveral for nearly three yeert.whrn oae day, toward* ths end of the winter of 'M, h* celled at my hone*. I Was e)jt when he arrived, but when I opened my deor with my latchkey he came into tne hall to greet me. " Halloa !" I exclaimed, when I taw on the Continent. Have complete reit In tmh (urroundiBg*, and you will b* .iiil-rent matt when you return." "liod knowt I need to be different," said Feveral. "At ths present moment I don't recognise mynel'. ' Here he I.- -. .!. paused, and look* I away. " The fact u. ' he continued, suddenly, " I have not yet told you the '.rue reaioo which brought me to coaiult you." " Well, out with it, old man," I said, en ouragmgly . He tried to give me atteady glanoe, but hit eye* quickly fell. " The faot it thi*," he said, abruptly, and rising as he ipoke : "th* influenza hit left an extraoidmary aequel hehiod. 1 hav* an incxpreetible dread over me. By no mean* in my power can I drive it away." " Sit down and keep calm," I *a:d ; "tell m* your fear* a* fully a* poitible." Keveral tat down at my bidding. After a peute he began to ipeak. " Vou know," h* teid, " what an uphill thin? an ordinary doctor'i career it. I thought I had <ioue a very .ood tning when I bought a ahare of Ruitell practice. I found, however, that it wai nothing like M large a* I had been Liven to tuppote. I >!:d all that man could do to increate it I have heen popular a* ^ doctor, and freih now com* daily toconiuli me. In Crates for Handling Fruits an Vegetables Crate* that are md.epeotabl* are eao yr coming more and more in demand, fo either handling, ttoring or ihipping. Bar rel* oaui* harth ireatment and are no convenient for rapid work where a delicet touch i* required, while cratet pretent a more ihallow depth and lamer open eurface Flo 1. tt they can be i lied on each other, quauli lee of cralvt G'C:ipy no mar* space than arrelt and f: quently not at much. A rai* it eatily i andled by two peraont.tnd , ihort, I am likely to u'o well, and i! only I him. " How are you ? What ha* brought I ctn .,,-p niv health.tomakeafair provision yon t* town T I hope you are wU. How j for mv wifr. " ate 'h* wife and phild?" '. ")Vhy .hould you not keep your h.alth?" " My wife i* well," replied Feveral " tke baby died a mouth ago oh, the atutl thing influenta. " He pauted an.) looked me full in the face I glanced al him aud almoet utters. i a ehncke.1 exclamation. We have had au awful vuitauon o! the p ague," be continued ; " it it my belief that it hat been worie at Wett- field than in any other part of th* couu- try." " You don't look loo fit. Hsv* you had an attack your** f '" I (aid. " Ye*, and 1 am overdone in every way. Th* fact II, I ru*h*d up lo town on pur- pose in coutull you." I gave him another quick glance. When lasl I saw him hs wat a haudi.mie, well- set-up fe'low, full of tnuicl* and vigour, with the Kogliihmao's indomiiabl* piuck written all over him ; now ne looked like a man who had undergone a sort of coilapee. He had contracted a slight stoop between hi* thouldcn, hu abundant black hair WM snghliy streaked with gray, his eye* were snnkeu and luipicio jtly bright, there were them, and hi* at , I Mked. "lhat is ju*t th* point," h* replied ;' the prt-tent moment, for praclical, nieful purpose* my health i* gone my nerve lift deierted me." "Vou n.utt b* more explicit," I laid. "Whal ii up?" "I dri...| making a fearful proftetional utiake, and to ruining my proapect* a* a m^'lu'tl man " 'VVnl do you mean ?' "1 will try and explain myself. Since I have had influenza I hav* been subject to brief but ef.r. or liuary la|e* of memory. Vou know we diapente our own medicine*. Well, thi* i* the sort of thing that hapf em almoet daily : I ice a patient 1 diagnoM hit :ae wtlh my uiual car*. I then go to t he dupe us M j to prepare t h. right meil icins rut 2. . p. ATI* WITH HAyrtt.ES allow* air to circulate freely between ill content! (doing away with the need of bin*, i.arre t, tic, throuvh which air oan- aot readily pass), and tbs essential nquirement of iweatm..' u ot tamed. Tne crate* may be piled one ahora anolhsr in the cellar or storehouse and ths fruit moved from on. pia:e to another with great *<te. Mak.oratet to fit into th. wagon box, and an Mlonith.d quantity of Huff oan be handled at a load. But In*** rectangular crt*t will not "netf* into each other so well M when mads in ths ihape luggetted in fif 1, wnich is a dscided aclvsntags. These can be made larger and with handles, or bandies put on the uiual form (Fig 2), for quick carrying ahort dutancea. Handle* may he rigged with hooki so a* to b* inttanlly removable in Head ol being at- tached to the craie. The Care of Horses. The best feed for horse* of whatever claa*, noatt, corn, bran and hay. Whan for him-1 at. up a bottle, a. likely M . hor .. otf hu (t . d or ., t , u not of loinr crong ponoti, and tand thai ! . whole cat* hat vaiii.h.d from m> (rom DT C * UM not **>-fcwtW of viol.n leait know nilod ; 1 do not Iu the wnat I am holding the bottle for nor !.- I am in the ditpeneary ri.y pt'ieul and hit oaee, :n* diagnoili I have,- 1, r mrdi -in I want tumake up, . p ete blank to me. After a diteaae bran math** with good nuraing will bring him out all right in nine oaeee out of ten. Nothing it belter than an occasional feed of root* carrot*, potato** or turnip*. If a half peck of the** could be given daily heavy, black line* linger check* were hollow. " I iball be all right preeently, i.p.eo(.everfminutee my memory return.; M a morning or evening meal, th* stlect but ihiittatsof thing! i-om.ioo often.r and . -,. . and th. fe"ar of ,1 I'M mad. m. ' W0uld ^ qulckl * howB Th '*' noold I laid, ilh a laugh. " Will you hav* ih* good- Bee* to overhaul me, Halifai, an.i put me into the way of getting t>ack my old tone ? Can 1 *peak to you can you devote a little , thoroughly nervou* and unfit for work. 6 t *"nt to eat root* M toon a* pouible. You ae* yciunel', Halifax, that grave i For young colt*, oat* alone with grat* con**.|iien..i may ante from tuch a pecunar ; or hay, aocorling to the .eaton, ihould be f.a-e ut nervrt a* mm*. I may during a laps, of memory put tomethmg mlo Th. a ""* <1 - '' wlDUr ' hal( " u * nd rn - me.iicine wh..-n may kill my patienl. My > f round or whole, may be fed with benefit, terror -in thii point at lime* almost reache* i unleet th* young thingt are intended for mania I am nearly benide myelf. | racing and are in warm ttablee, when th* All working meal* a day. Th* of your time to me ?" " All the time \ou require," 1 answered, heartily. " Vou have arrived juat at a . oonveoient moment ; I havr com* back to "l>oei tour memory deeert you at any corn would be loo healing. dinner, and don't meaa to tee aay more | othe^r t m- '" I atk'd. | borae* ihould have three me patient* before nine or ten o'clock to i. . 1 have aeveral houra, ineief. re, at your lupoeal ; but before we toujh upon medical *ubj*cta, you mutt hav* corn* dinner. ' 1 *pok* 1 uthered leteral mro my dr.w up oar chain in from of a fir., and for a lim. smoked our pipes Vet, but th. curious thing it that it hour* of feeding ars of great importance, only fail* me in connection with my pro- ] Th**e ihould be, if poesibl., th* tame (!:.!.. \\i,.n lam alone with my wife I daily. feel at comparative CM, and almost Ilk* Watering 11 of fully M much importano* my uiual >*lf ; bul when I am driving to a* the feeding. A hone i* particular M to dmiog room, and, ringing a bel 1 , ordered * patienit, 1 ofien completely forget my ' the water he drink*, yet he may be accut- Harm 10 lay plans for two. Dinner WM "">- 1 importani vitita. I nsglsct ths ' tomed lo any water, i< fit for human ate. served a mo-t immediately, but I noticed patients who*, livei are IB danger, and Running water is heel; that of ponda with- to my dismay that my gnesl only played visit thoes who have comparatively little , out outlet or inlet is ths wont, and should with hi. food. Hs drank otf several glaatei the mailer with them. Of late 1 have never u* uted. Well water may be given ef good wine, however, and ths fact WM g'vsn my coachman a Hit of all th* patient* witboul lear. Water ihould alwayi be em.0 diicernlbl* in hi* increased animation, whom 1 withe.i to IT. He take. m. to glv.n, if ihe horse will drink before feed- "Cone into the ilady and have a smoke," the right Imutet.but when I teethe pati.nt ing. la hot weather water frequently; I taid, when th* meal had corns to au and. I forget the complaint under which bs j only a fsw quart* should b* given at a urn*, H* rot* at once and followed me. We ' labouring. Only yeiterday I in- , for a heated hone will take more than is heerful countered the rage ot a man who was , gocd for him. Upon Hooping, lei iht tiiffering from an acute attacn of double hone hav* two or three light up*, juit silence. It needed but a brief glance to pneumonia; by Mking him if hit rheumatic enough to mo.tten hit throat, and when tell me that Feveral was completely broken pain* were better. Of court*, thi* stat* starting givs him six quarts or mors M ths down I should never have rrcognired him of thinga can't goon. Don't tell me that occasion seemi to demand. Ur.der no oir- for ihe bright, energetic fellow whoai all my fear* are fanciful. I hav* ttudi.d ru instances allow a hasted horse to drink happy wedding I had attended three years di*eats of the brain, and know that my heartily, bark. I waited now for him to begin hit case it a Mnoui one. " confidence he did not say a word until he " It i* serious, but tempirary," lane- had finished his first pipe, then h. sprang wered. " Vou have just been down with to his feet, and *lood facing me. the complaint which leaves a moat extra- " I can't attempt to deiorib* what a lime ordinary teijuela behind a complaint n * T * nlm ' wonataal fear, aa thi* has we have had," h. said abruptly " that which nons of us with all our study hav* , made many ugly horse*. Many stablsmen awful iiifluenu has ragsd all over the yet fully gauge.) You are lired cut, mind place. Th* more I tee of that luinlini!*, and body vou want reit. You muat not attempt to make up your owu medicine* at I nan't hid* th. truth from The importance of ileadinets and car* in th* management in th* liable, and In the grooming of hone*. cannot he over eelimat- od. Alwayi b* kind to a horse, and act you ; f you do, th* o>inie<|iirn-ei may be ! imagine that the onrryoomb ie an inntru- meiu for cleaning the leg* and body of the horse ; its only nae ihonld be to clean the bruih and to looceu th* lourf OB th* flaihy " not bony part* of th* body. < "lean whsn lermui. You must get away at onoe, >h * norn ' dirty, alway* once a day when treai'herou* complaint, the more I dread iu It i* my firm conviction that influenta ha* canaed mor* Heath* and wrecked more live* than th. cholera ever did . You hav. teen Ru.teil, my partner well, he snd I Fevers). I told i you ."moment' ago that I [ * norM kept in to* stable. "Hones have been completely worked oil nur '*<< : can get a good man to take your work for tn " rnn 1D tn< paeturss ID summer re. pure Icao't tell you what domestic tiagedie <e a month or even iwo month*, if neceatary ; no grooming. Always clean the hones' legs hkvs been through." if you like. I will write to Russell on the "Well, you have not con a up to town tui.ject to-night. He will of course, see limply to tell me about then?" 1 Inter- the ne.-emty of your leaving." Kev*rl did not reply at all for a minute. After a pauie he tii.l : " I utler from other lymptomt of a dis- tressing character I am po*te*d by lhat very ordinarv of the that I rupted, abruptly. 41 Of ooiiree not yon I dsretay record just M ditinal a tale." "Worse, if po*sible," I replied ; "but BOW to turn to yourself : you say you have been attacked by the enemy ?" "Yes won* luck it WM after the rhileV. death Sh. WM a bright, healthy effort ,.,. , t h . Contr4ry Illtlo .soul, e.ghteen n.onlhs tO. _ P.rhep. (>o|l|<1 n()l rMJ<l t ,,/. (1 , Dlcion th(kt *1 you doo'i know whst a lint child n in a am followed. 1 walked to this hnuis tn-nighl, and, in spit* of all my , I iiit tne tutpicion that lomeon* t-ackd m* from the nation to thit house. L M 1 * J t I <-i ,IIW I1W.II 111V BlBl IIIU Ml nil* IIUUBV. i T'I i , I 1 "" Vn I ." lmply Th. only thing that oom'ort. meii lhat lived for the lull. on.. Well, she tuc- . . oiimbed to th. malady in a day or two. Poor Ingrid broke down completely the did not have inHuenra, bul her ttrength gave way. She loot appetite and *lMp. Nothing roiud h.r hut my unexpected illness. I tuppoee on* doei feel mrprlied when a doctor knocki up. Yet, I wai down with the complaint, and had a short. ws havs no insanity in our family. I cling to that, faat a< a drowning man does to a spar." " You ars not iniane," I you will be if you don't take' your present most distretting symptoms will dttappsar if you lake my advics. You had better not return loStatTVirdihira. You arr welcome to make my houte your head- . , . we. iuii. ... .!! my II.MISH your iivan* .harp .tuck. I we* up and aboul .gain rler . , ^ arranged in notim.. I thought my.elf all nghl, w , th K u...ll Meanwhile. telegraph to your wifs to join you here gst away to when brought ia from ths mud or snow ; if ihn it negl.cud it will cause scratch**, locked legi, sto. A horss should alwayi be blankitsd when Handing in a draft or in rain ; ute a cloth or a rubber blanket M the oate may be. In blanketing a horse see that the blanket it uftioiently large to cover the animal from the neck t*) the tail ; lee alto that the bread flap, protect thii seniitiv. part, and that the blanket is large enough lo cover lid., aad tlank* fully. Tb. feet are half the horse ; in fact, a hors* with bad fast is M nsarly a worlhlett animal ti n poeeible. Whsn the horss is brought in from ths road each loot should be examined with a pick to see that no i h -.1 "l i ' 8 ri>T *' or hard lubitano* ha* found lodg- i All I "'"" >*"""> "' fr K "d shoe. If th* | hoof ii inclined to b* hard and brittls, oil IU In all retpeots, and attenlion to a hone are both satisfactory and r*- munerativ*. I thought myi.lf all righl, "You e,ud vary unwise., In gomg about '^'^^ Ql?lZtt\Z 10 soon/ I rtpli.d , "you are not nt f. , , pro|nJM fou th . t , OMg U(or6 tha . n * j"'""tw vB*e>v IVIIBJ wiuiv imtj un*m4>r you will hav* returned to work Ilk* a giant "Ii it as bad M that ? Do I show that refreahsd " thing, are amits to plainly t" f , ,.,, fa , fc A( "Any doctor oan see that yon ars not ths tim . h . roi . (rom Bli thing. [ \ ou ar. bro.en against ths mantelpiece. ' down your nerve hat gone ; you want I rest. ()o horns to-night, or, better Hill, wait until morning, and thin taks ths first tram to Wetilield. Ae. Ruisell, and tell him plainly that you mutt have a monlh off (TO Bl OONTINUID.) In the Book Store. Have yon "A Pair of Klu* Kyet 1 " mqnir- work, I can **nd him down a nibititiite, I if you cnminiinon in* U) do to. lie' away, ed the gentleman of th* pretty girl clerk. my dear fellow, without delay. Tak* your new 10 the bniineit. wife with yeu the change will do her at Of conn* not, the replied promptly | much good M It will yon. (to *omawher* rsn't you n. they are brown ? Guineas. W* an glad to not* that the Quinaa f*w i* receiving more attention lately from brederi and farmer* generally. It itand on it* own merit*, whioh when known sn title it to eiteem. It ii especially ussfa there are enemiet to poultry lorkin around, niali as hawks, crows, rats, *lo Tney detect danger quickly, and give th alarm ID mob shrill and harsh notes aa thoroughly to frighten the enemy before the owner oan appear oa th* sosn*. Th Guinea fowl retain* itewild characteristic! in tplts of many yean of domestication prsferring to roost in trees rather t within ae enclosure, and alwayi hiding the n*tt in some ion*, far-away spot. A* egg- pro luoert they are uniur|>ataed, producing a large number in th* course of the year. In rearing, the young fowls sre very len- der, and require great care, but after their coat of down It replaced by on* of feathert they are perfectly hardy and require but lit lie care. Tht food for young Guineai mould be of moittened bread, table icrapt, minced onion tops, dandelion, etc. Fel hut little and often while the feathering i>roee*i i* taking place. The flcth of th* i'iuea fowl iidark and of a gamey flavor. Their eggi are of the lize of a pullet's epg, )ut are very rich and compensate in quali- y for their tmall ti/.e. Whit* Guiceai are eipecially attractive in appearance, while i croe* between th* old established fowl id the whits produce beautiful, heir white creits being etpecislly notice- able. PRINCE OP WALES' YACHT. ally Ike rrlerv It * Beerd lurii a Knee. Life on board a racing yacht ii not el' l.aiure either (or ihe owner or hie repre- sentative, or fir the captain and crew. As, aturaKy, hi* K'.yal Hiifhneti hat not the meat his diipotal for all the du'iet of wnenhip. he hat deputed thi charge of be yacht to Mr. W. G. Jameson, a member f the we'.l-knoH-n l> il.'m family <rhoe* tme it to cio:e y connected with yachting. Jr. Jameton ttej ped on board th* Krilan- ia in (iourock Bay on the morning of the ay that in* went on her trial cruiee, and has accompanied heron her voyages ever nee, having been on board of her every ace ehe has sailed. No titter man could have been found for nch a duty. Mr. Jamoeou, in bis early ay*, wa* a neted tailor in Dublin Bay, ad, being of a ilroug athletic tram*, h* WM ipecialiy tuccettful in th* single-hand- d matches for twenty louncri, winch at n* time wrr- very popular with the mem- of the Royal Alfred Yacht Club. In ater year* he saiisa with on brother, Mr. oho Jameion, in the Samoana, Irex. and verna, taking aa active part IB the man- gemenl of th* yacht*, for it mu*t aot b* rgotlen that racing a large yacht sucoeat- ully nowaday* is grin A KfSiNtai nd requires M much can and attention .voted to it aa many concern* by which a man .arm hu t rea i and butter. On all >coa*ion*, whan amateur helniimen were equirej, "Mr.," M Ihe men called mi, *teer*d hi* brother's boats, and with ucli skill at generally lo bring her IB first, ndeed it uttd lo be a common laying thai, Mr. William Jameson's handt, bis ratbags big cutten were every bit M kely to win u when tleered by th* famoni upper of all of them, Capt. William 1'Neil. \Vith such qualification*, wsll nown to all yachting men. It can easily be understood that th* Prince of Wales was ronii'Ured fortunate in securing Mr. ameion lo rtpretent him in the Britannia. But there I* another pcrtonags to whom or th* paat three yean tht Britannia hai >een even more of atiome and abiding place, hie it the famoui ikipper, Cept. Carter, o whom, probably, in juuctioa with Mr ameaou, tne Britannia owes, M much M the tkillful designing of Mr. Watson, he poaeeHion of many of ihoee racing ag*, iign* of past victories won, which lake eo brav* >cial occaiioot the tiuiir when on decked out with >em. A good-looking, thoroughly tailor- ke man of between 40 and SO.Capt. Carter aa familiar in the High ttreel or on the ar.le at Cowet a* any of the prominent >embere o( the tquadroo lUelf. The Hritannia carriat a orew of twenty- even hand* all told. Betide* the captain, lere are the tint and tecon.l mate*, sarpenleri, two ttewardt.cook, and twenty ' -.k-handa, Kach of the deck-hand* ha* ipecial job, and the oate of the more trtioular nation* he (JBCLEAMI8 AT, ITEMS OP INTEREST ABOUT TUB BUSY YANKEE, Icbborlv la'eraat I* Mr* e/ Womi-nt .! MI. u.n r I. n.'r... 1.1. Mink .allicr4 William Waldorf Aitor hat an income of eiaht million nine hundred thousand dollars a ysar. Colorvio hat 17,067 iraployes in its fac- tories, making annually a product valued ' S42,48<i, Th* factorial of Indianna furnith em- ployment to 124, 3-1 9 pertont, th* outpul being $228. 82.1.082. Some of the great tree* in Humbol.1l. oal., are laid by auiectiita to be nsarly thro* thousand years old. In the competitive drill of the cadets of the high school at Fort Smith, Ark., ths girls carried off th* prize*. A Syracut* inventor ii at present work- ng on a bicycle, th* framework of which is made of seMoned hickory. An Ogdentburg fisherman is exhibiting a sturgeon rscsnily caught ID ths St. Lawrence whion weight 145 pound*. If th* United Mala* had M great a population relatively M Japan it would have a population of 960,000,i*JU people. Durham, N. C., i* one of the greatest lobacco manufacturing point* in ihe .South. On* firm mere makee 300,000,000 cigar- ette* every year. Philadelphia ha* 3.0UC mile* of regularly laid out strsete, and 100 mil** of itrest car me*. It produce* *v*ry year $oOO,000, 000 of goods. Buffalo hit a city hall thatcoat f 1,530,000. Over 90,000,000 of grain hav* DM- *.d throngh Buffalo going *a*t in a tingl* SILarrtD n ecoounl of hi* fitn**s for it . Then an vo men who*, duty it l* to do all th* work oft, known M th* tint and Moond mast- ad men. All work in connection with hitting or tstting topsail* is don* by them, and it is perilous enough at times . For its position msn seem to be born, not made nd it isattonishing, in visw of ths nature f the work, how rarely an accident occurs. 'or bow-tprit-end work, principally in onnection with setting aad stowing jib- opsails, three men ar* especially detailed. 'he chief mate takes charge of the head aale* and all th. for. *cd of th* yacht, and h* second mat* looks after the Lack run- era, and generally lakes command of all hs hand* abaft ths mast. The second mate a* alao lo aot M lee helmsman that U, to elieve the skipper by taking the tiller when the VMM! is ranniug or reaching for a lee mark. On board the Britannia, how. ver, it i* seldom that the .leering n ntrutted to any on* *xo*pt Cap*. Carter and Mr. JamMoo, the latter acting a* ellef helnuman in almoet every rase The irew i* a wonderfully well drill*. i on*, aad many of the men have beta with her since he WM launched. When th* Prince ol WalM race* in the Britannia h* gensr leaps on board, occupying a state room aft adjoining the aaiooa. Forward is a state room for Oapt farter, and th* remainder of th* orew ar* b*rth*d in a roomy (or.- tie. Ample Apology. O.rmani are not given to doing things by halve*. Whsn thsy study they do It with thoroughness. Kven in their apologiet they go to th* root of the matter. Hen, for example, i* aoard published by a tailor ia th* "agony o*luma ' of a Berlin ncwipaper. Bvidsntly he b*liev** that aa open oaafe*- sion is good for t he body a* wall M for th* out i "I hsrswith declare that th* journeyman blaokimlth Hsrr Karl X. it a vary hoaor- able man most honorable ; and I taks thi* opportunity of withdrawing toe meet de- famatory charges I mad* again** him Herr Karl X. BM already given me a good thrashing for the said slandsrons words, but Hsrr Sehledemaan inform* mi that Hsrr Karl X. will not do 10 again if I ttate in a public newspsper that h* i* an honorable man snd put a thaler in the poor box." Cenlral Pacific hit an 80- ton locomotive. It U Mid thai the Nw Koglander makes the best mill hand. Chicago'! manufactured product* arc valued at $600.000,000. Cincinnati makes every year over flSOt 000.000 worth of good*. The number of i.ile outlon operative! IB Fall River u placet! at J3.-.MU. President Cleveland hai a new launch. which burn* either keroteoe or aloohol. AD orcharditt in Pomoroa, t'al., hat in hi* nnrtery uxty varietiee of olive tree*. Ex-Pretid.nt Harrieon'i (e in the Indiana will caae i* eaid to hay* beoa $15,000. Uelawart hat 21 ,906 pereon* engaged in iu fac'*, the annual output bring f >",- 571.848. The mtnufaotnre* of Illinois employ ". 1'J. Hil j>/rioD, the annuai output being A aumbir ef Engluk agent* are in thi* country looking over the financial utuation aad examining the) opportunities for good uveetmeut*. The eun whioh l>r. D. K. Pearaoni, of 'hioago, bat given to various college* and school* in the I set five y*ar* aggregate more than 11.000,000. The increaae of wealth ia the United State* amount* to $7,000,000a day, which, counting Sunday*, foot* up more tbaa J,500,000,000 annually. J. 8. tiill. a wealthy Vermont manufac- turer, ha* offered the Oddfellow* of that take property valued at 120,000, to be convert*.! into an O.ldfellowt 1 home. Mia* Frances Willard live* on the ume look principle of divUioo ef th* day eight hour* for work, eight hour* for tleep aad eight hour* for r**t aad recreation. Her. Dr. J. C. Morn*, paetor of th* Kirat Mcthodiat church %t Birmingham, Ala., ha* hit congregation " by th* ear* " for roughly denouncing card playing for prixea. Th* Rev. Father Sherman, th* ton of the late Gen. Sherman, will engage ia miaaiooary work in th* North- \Vett under th* direction of the JMUII order, ef which he i* a m*mber In leu tbaa two year* the Brotherhood of Andrew aad Philip ha* extended into 13 denomination*, aad u now h. chapter* in more than '26 State* of the Union and la Canada. Ore Ke** and Mollie Kee*, two yonu) girl*, hav* started a paper atUrayton, Ky. It ia called the Kaiiera Kentauky Kepab- lioan, and, at iu name implie*. u Republi- can to th* core . Mr*. Martb C. Fuher, of Waihicgtoa. i>. r., having ute for a baby carriage whoa living in Japan with her huiband in th* early deyi, IB vented what it now known ae the jiorikitha. The Chrittian Advocate not** that the town of Dwrhatn, Me., with a population of 1,293, hat furaiehed thirty Metbodiat min- i*t*>r*, and how many of other denomina- tion* it doe* not know. During th* la*t four yean there have boon erected in the city of Chicago forty new aitthodiet mietion ohurchet, valued at nearly I'M), 000. Of the** thirty- one have become It-tupporting. Th* recently elected police force of South Band, Wtih., i* probably th* imallest and biggeal in the country. It oontitt* of two men, on* of whom weigh* 29"> pound* aad the other 285 pound*. Georgia paper* are tellinv in apparent good faith ef a negro at Blakely, (.;., who wa* ttrnck en th* head by a bolt ol light- ning a lew day* ago. and who, though receiving a deep ga*h in hi* icalp, i* now a* tpry a* over. The enormous quantity of eilk ute<l dur' ing th* peat two yean, due to the fathioa for puffei tleeve*, ha* had th* effect of oauting aa inmate la the price of lilk. Dealer* tay it will not be felt on thi* aide of the water for several monthi to come. On* of the) deepett oil well* in Loe An- gelea, t'al., ha* tuddenly started gunning oil at inch a rate that it cannot be kepi under control. It ha* overrun th* neigh- borhood, and i* mil flowing. Th* output i* animated by eipert* to b* 800 barreli per day. A hig duck ranch at Oamaritcotta. Me., I* makiag oontidiraM* profit for it* pro- prietor. With twelve large mcuhator* he hat raited about 2.1,000 ilucki this eeaton, and marketed in Botton and New York city at price* ranging from 90 ta> 40 oenli a pound.

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